Tour of My Parent’s Garden May 2020! 🌿πŸ₯°// Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so we're out of my parents house to give you a tour of their garden and we've done a couple other tour videos before but I don't think ever this early in the season it's the last day of April it's starting to rain right now in fact we got a storm warning saying that there was heavy thunderstorms rain hail and 50 mile an hour winds heading our direction so hopefully we'll get the tour done in time my parents are at work today so we thought we'd sneak out it is beautiful right now I love gray rainy days because we hardly ever get those here in Eastern Oregon but this is for those of you who didn't see either one of those tours this is the house that I grew up in primarily we moved here when I was six years old and I learned a lot in this space the garden looked nothing like this when we moved in it was waist-high weeds there are only a handful of things like trees that were here when we moved in that are still here everything else has been built so this is where I did a lot of my learning a lot of work it wasn't necessarily fun work when I was a little kid but now I'm thankful for it so this is the entrance to their property and it's very different from ours so I do need to explain their garden is on a hill so it's terraced there's rock walls like little garden rooms all over the place while our garden is completely flat so anyway they have totally different feels also theirs is 30-plus years old and ours we have been tearing a lot of things out and so we're starting new areas so it's just kind of fun to see two different gardens in two very different stages of their life so anyway right here in this flowerbed they've tried out several different things and have just landed on boxwoods because this is kind of an interesting area it's kind of Sun and shade but it varies based on what shrub happens to be hanging over the fence at any given time I'm so boxwoods can handle both Sun and shades so they're a great option plus they give that a little bit of a formal feel and then there's the four season statues along here winter fall spring and summer my mom has always really loved the Four Seasons statues and then this is a beautiful view so you can see this right here is our first level and goes down a couple of stairs but right here this is called a Twombly's red Sentinel Japanese maple I had one of the in our old garden and I just feel like that's the most beautiful glowing color and it's the most beautiful right when the Sun is going down and you can see cuz the Sun comes through here when it's going down and if you're down in the yard there it just glows through the red foliage and then this here used to be my mom's moon garden so she attempted to do that in this space and she planted a hedge of white peonies right here and they all came up pink and so at the time she was like well that's what I put in we don't really have I mean they've done so much work to this house and the interior of the house needed a ton of work as well that she was like I don't really have the budget to allocate to changing them so we'll just do something else in this space and it has evolved from there so there are Bobo hydrangeas that Erin and I came out here and planted a couple years ago and they're just coming back now ahead to delphiniums there's some beautiful iris and here variegated iris blooms purple and then this is a slender silhouette sweet gum tree pick it like 70 ish feet tall and they only stay I think they grow like five or six feet wide like an incredibly thin tall tree and they get these beautiful big leaves like these as they mature the leaves get nice and big so I think they've got a couple of these trees in their garden the rain is picking up how you doing Erin with the camera good okay but I also love like they've got a lilac that looks an awful lot like ours do now after I trimmed him up I kind of trimmed up as a tree this was here when we moved in so that's kind of a fun thing there it has dark purple blooms on this one and then right on the other side of this concrete step which was here when we moved in there was a fence and all of this behind me was pasture so the fence went right up to the parking area and it was just like all of this was weeds all of it I just wish that I had more pictures and things of what it looked like because it's an incredible transformation but there's some beautiful plants in here sweet woodruff they're there ground cover game is strong in this garden and that's something that I'm missing in ours that I'd like to kind of fix a little bit tricolor beach right here that's just leafing out and these have the beautiful pink tinged leaves and it'll get even more glow as it wakes up even further and this one is old like really old in our area like the tag says that they get 25 feet tall by about that wide in our area maybe not with how harsh it is we kind of treat them as an accent tree that's why it's in such close quarters because they grow about I think this is its new growth they grow about this much every year they're really really slow let's go up this way so when you come in the main entrance you can take a right and you can go up to the entrance to their house you can see that my mom is just gathering things for containers I asked her can we come to our your garden she said why don't have any of my plot pots planted and I told her not to worry about it because then a miner planted either and probably a lot of yours aren't either at this stage of the game we're just starting to gather things in fact I'm still waiting on a lot of things that really can't handle our temps yet until it gets a little bit warmer but we should look at some of this stuff so there's red spikes these are the rock apoco orange impatiens these will be beautiful and then Sweet Caroline Red Hawk Eye blue Mia this is CS right here that stands for cinnamon spot she has a cinnamon color spot on her head super Belle's over easy so they've got the big white flower with the yellow throat these are a begonia called apricot illumination apricot isn't this right here like if I had to choose a color to assign to my mom this would be it right here this right here that kind of peachy pink and then a beautiful coleus that kind of mimics or draws that kind of pink tone out of this so pretty right here we planted these tulips last year for them these are the browny tulips and then there are some LaBella pox left over from a previous year but it's kind of a really interesting look having them mixed in together and those brownies are just intensely colored guacamole hostas there's a hedge of them that come up right in here these have not been trimmed yet these are called Mount Bruno boxwoods and these are their mature size they stay very small and round but my mom does come in usually and trims them up into a little bit of a tighter form but we just like I haven't trimmed any of mine either I think I'm gonna take after him this weekend because we've got perfect forecasts for it we're past the point of freezing and we're not super super hot yet and the rain is starting to come down pretty heavy so I think we're gonna hop inside for a few minutes and hopefully we'll be able to come back out okay so we're just gonna pick up where we left off it didn't last for very long maybe like 3040 minutes or so and I got a lot cooler out here but this right here is a ghost Japanese maple and this one I remember planting in the dark my dad Aron my mom and I were out here I think my dad had a headlamp on and they were getting ready for some kind of tour and this was years ago and we thought we just got to get this tree in the ground so he came out here and did it and it's difficult to plant here because the ivy that you see right behind the tulips that's actually the top of a rock wall so the rock wall is just right there right where we were planting and we were just all worried we were gonna collapse it was so dark we couldn't really see what we were doing but as we move further down this way there are some oak leaf hydrangeas that are just starting to break dormancy and starting to leaf out this right here when we moved in there was no rock face chef and there was ivy that had coca crawled up the entire side of this house I mean on the chimney on the side of the house and everything and it was a really good way for mice to get in the house because they would climb up and find ways in and eventually the whole thing had to be taken down and it had ruined the side of the house so this is much better than it was and if you come up here a little Japanese maple tucked in right down in there we've got the balcony here which there's a beaut what is that sound is that a pump oh and the fountain down there yeah we need to fill the fountain when we go down there hear that sound but it's really beautiful when you look from up here you might remember the video when Erin and I came and I set up all of their contain not all of them but most of their containers up on a drip system and it's still here like it's still our original how we had it set up and everything has worked really well and then these are some of the containers that they still have yet to plant but isn't it beautiful you can the blue spruce the Persian parotia there's a weeping birch down there which will look at all these when we head down there but the royalty crabapple which is straight in front of us here that was another original tree that was here when they moved in when we moved in I should say okay let's head down this is a beautiful view as well when you look down in and you can see the box with hedging and you have a better view of the plants inside when you're up at this level and this right here is kind of the front yard I guess you could call it just because it's right up here by the front door the house is situated kind of oddly I guess when we moved in this was a mudroom and so there was a tiny little door and there was one little staircase I'm trying to remember what it was like around it I think it was just dirt but it had started to separate from the house and sink so we lived with that for a lot of years I remember racing kittens in the mud room because it wasn't attached like it was a definite mud room where you could shed all of your your boots and your coats and all of that kind of thing which was a kind of nice area to have but they eventually had it rebuilt on as kind of more of a formal entryway but you might remember this a view from our clean-out video this spring we came out here and we just helped him clean out flowerbeds and it was fun it's fun to get away from your own space for a little bit and I've put in you know a lot of hours working in this garden in the past and it's fun to come back and work in it again but boxwood hedging on the left here we came and planted these LaBella pop tulips and the autumn frost hostas that's been a couple years ago and you can see the white tree peony is just about ready to burst beautiful big buds oh I'm excited to get one of the I popped one of these this spring and I have it in our greenhouse ready to plant out in the moon garden cranberry bush viburnum right in here delphiniums ladies mantle which is probably the most beautiful plant with water droplets ever because they had these kind of cupped leaves where the water just collects in there it's so pretty they just added this larch in this spring there was some sort of evergreen I think it was a blue evergreen and it was struggling it's a little shady in this spot so I think the larch is gonna do really well we've got some really pretty elderberry in here a variegated elderberry which is surprising it's doing so well when it's so shrouded this right here is a dumb 5 which blooms pink blooms very early and it's very fragrant there's a weeping blue spruce boy I probably shouldn't go plant by plant should I take all day in this area here there's some eupatorium chocolate vine and those are beautiful they grow up about this tall they beautiful chocolate colored stems and then kind of that bicolor purple green leaf and then this whole area is full of Tuscan Sun roses there's some David phlox that's beautiful hardy geraniums yarrow back in there there's some dogwood this whole patches the David phlox right here that's been there since I was little it's always been a favorite we don't deal with powdery mildew and some other problems that the older varieties of phlox typically suffer from because we are typically a very dry here this is a very odd day but it's so pretty out here when it rains this is kind of the perfect day to be out here lambs ear here and then there's some Japanese anemones which are and always it's been a battle to keep them in check they're the type that wants to just go everywhere they're beautiful in the fall I'm just looking right in front of me Erin you should spin around and just look at the Japanese maple from this angle look how beautiful that is see this garden right here it just there's so many beautiful layers because there's so many mature trees and it's so fun to come out here and show some of the things that maybe we've even planted but they're so little and they're babies and it's hard to imagine what they will look like once they actually get to their full size like for example right here there's a Corinthian London we just bought five Corinthian Lynne Linden's this spring haven't even put them in the ground yet but I can see this and this is where I get a lot of my inspiration both in this garden any mature garden that we visit it's so fun to see the specimens at a bigger size because it helps you imagine what they would look like in your own space this is actually a golden smoke bush that is glorious they have to cut it way back every year because it grows so big and then the whole rest of the area is full of centauri 'or mountain Blewett it's also kind of a thug it gets really Budds and then kind of disc-shaped blue blooms but it wants to spread itself around for sure these are flower carpet roses in a coral color probably should have filled up the fountain before we started the tour I have a hose going in the fountain tone below but that's usually on and creating a really nice noise but you might be able to hear the we're in the back there is a ditch that they had piped and so the but the wierdest still open and then right through this Arbor is the vegetable garden it's kind of a sunken garden it's really beautiful in here very charming these raised beds they put in years and years and years ago and they've just started planting some things there's some beets up that I'm seeing there's some zinnias pepper plants and these caps it looks like radishes we've got marigolds in here tomatoes that are wanting to bust out of their caps potatoes let's see I think there's more potatoes in this bed green onions shallots garlic this is a cantaloupe right there and this straw is really nice so they do this draw top dress once a year and it stays too fluffy for just not very long because you know you get a rain like this and it starts breaking it down a little bit and it does help suppress weeds except for the wheat itself which will come up a little bit but it's fairly easy to control it's easy to pull out and then back in here are the raspberry beds these are all I think heritage raspberries these were here so there were four rows of raspberries which is kind of hard to imagine that now the space has been like this for a long time but there was another row in here and then a fourth row right beyond that and you know how big raspberries get they were so huge we could hardly walk between the rows and they're so thorny that they decided to take it take two rows out to give us some more space which has been so so nice so there are some fall gold raspberries on that and on the second row there which are my favorite then I just came out and planted some strawberries for them not long ago because we we did a trade I told them that I would plant strawberries if they would let me have an old stack of tea post that had been here probably since I was a little girl and they hadn't been used so we did a little swap their potting shed so my mom had this built by a guy that that we know out of all recycled materials and it's just a really fun place in here if we get the door opened so there's just all kinds of supplies in here she's probably gonna be like oh my gosh you showed the inside of the potting shed that I love this I love the shelf full of pots like any gardener that I know would love this site it's just like brimming with possibilities you know all their steaks there's some extra spots and containers and things in here there's our croquet set that we use all the time and they actually went and they bought a tiller we let them borrow ours after we got it and they liked it a lot so they went and got their own okay so yes we got to go out of here I don't want to lock you in on accident right down here there's a big drift of comfrey and it's in its glory right now isn't that beautiful this is a birch beech not a birch beech tree can't remember a Black Swan maybe really deep purple leaves it's beautiful so right in here this of course this is all sweet woodruff and then calendula is there's some traditional varieties of calendula in here that seed themselves every year so this will fill up with coal Angelus and be full of like apricot orange and yellow colored flowers later on in the season but this is kind of a fun unexpected area back here so just a couple more raised beds because we like to utilize as much space as we can kind of like how we have the raised beds behind our greenhouse it's fun just to tuck in areas like this because it just seems a little bit magical to me to come back to this spot that could just be like tomato frames and junk and tools you know and bags of stuff be really easy to use space like this but if you're very intentional with it you can get more food production or more flour production out of it and it makes it beautiful which feeds me and it also feeds my parents really like that kind of thing as well so this was made out of an old door right here it's really heavy but it's on a pulley system right over here which I should probably not mess with I don't want it to come crashing down but my parents grow greens in here in the wintertime it stays fairly warm this is the south side of the potting shed and then this bed here has been built up although I need to talk to him about their soil level in here look at this it is very it's quite low but it is a lot higher than traditional raised beds so it's still easy to garden in you might recognize these so I feel like my parents garden is like I love their style of gardening and their garden is just like 20 years ahead of mine the little snapshot except for theirs has a very cozy feel I just love the terrorists nature and I like the way that it creates very specific rooms and pockets and makes it feel really homey let's head down this direction this is the fountain that used to belong in the front yard and I think the bowl is cracked or something but anyway they usually they've got some flower carpet roses in there and then they pop some supertunias and other things in there through the season it's really fun way to use it and some great vines right here and a wall of honeysuckle oh look at that that mountain blue it is blooming here we go I wonder why this one's so much more ahead than the other ones look at those blooms first of all I think those are really interesting like those looks so artistic and then the blooms are just they're beautiful and there's white varieties of those too this area has changed a little bit in the past few years because if you take a look right there you can see the stump of a crabapple that they lost last year so that crabapple created a huge canopy and you know how sad it is to lose those sorts of things it has opened this area up to a lot more Sun which will be nice in a way because there are roses this was formerly a cutting garden and I think that's what they still call it but I think they'll be able to do more cut type flowers in this area now that it's got more Sun it just kind of evolved into almost more of a shady spot except for right kind of right in the middle because of that crabapple so you just have to kind of learn to roll with things in the garden look at these those are I think those are lollypop crabs right there they grow ten by ten so they're about at max they get beautiful red berries which are persistent which means they hang on so they don't usually make a mess usually like the birds come and clean them up they don't fall all over the ground and then we've got a contorted filbert that is supposed to be red and it looks like we're getting a little bit it's reverting a tiny bit but it's really interesting bark nice and dark and then the leaves are beautiful as well a bunch of bleeding hearts look at this doesn't that look magical let me let me walk through here so you can see like I just love it I just planted my first bleeding hearts in our garden this spring I planted some white ones Alba is the variety name I think these are the same right here I planted five of them they're kind of near our backs on porch area right in here there's echinacea and a hedge of burggarten sage and it looks like it snowed in here because of the crabapple blooms that are starting to fall and the Mount Green Green Mountain Bucks woods aren't these enormous like you read on the tag that they'll get five to six feet tall and white or something like that and it's hard to imagine boxwoods that big because typically they're kept shorn in such tight shapes and such like smaller these have you know obviously been topped they would be more cone shaped but they're just huge I mean I'm 5'4 so I mean this gives you a very good snapshot of how big they'll get which was kind of not considered when they planted him so near the opening here down to this next garden oh I need to turn the hose off hold on hold that thought flood in their garden the fountain was sucking air so I ran down here to fix it Oh quick I gave those roses a deep watering there okay so let's just head back down this way this is the other thing that's changed in this garden right here where the angel statue is you can kind of even see some of it growing back and then the same right here there were some willow leaf pears which are so beautiful and they were here forever for years and years and something it was I think it was the spring or the fall that we had that we had a really bad cold snap it killed a lot of mature trees and those were seriously wounded in that winter and then they just kind of limped by and finally they had to take him out and that was just a couple of years ago but it really didn't take long to get used to this area without them because there is another linden tree right here that's gotten huge really big beautiful down here bruh Nora right below it isn't that gorgeous Brenna is just in its prime right now and you can see right behind it to the lemonade lace elderberries and this area is very hard to plant in I remember before a tour a few years back I helped plant like some little 4-inch annuals and it was so hard like I do not know how they did it because I see surface roots just coming up all over in this area but these plants are just loving it they're doing great this is a hydrangea standard right here under planted with some Hakata chloe aureola and it's just as beautiful japanese forest grass that gets thick and lush and it just is so graceful looking and soft I really really like that this is a hedge of chokecherries choke choke cherries right yeah it's called Pawnee Pawnee buttes Western sansan cherry not choke cherry so Pawnee buttes Western San cherry that are just now going out of bloom there's a gold nine bark right here this is a number another Twombly's red Sentinel Japanese maple so you can kind of see it in its younger form versus the older form up up top is we're gonna get the Sun now another hydrangea standard right here a place to sit and watch the fountain which is beautiful they originally tried to plant some things around the base but this film just bladders so dang bad that they ended up just digging out the whole area and having gravel installed so that there was no water issues and no mud or anything like that and I think it's kind of nice to have it be clear right here sometimes you just need that breathing space in a garden down here was where we used to have our gardens as kids so my garden was the one on the bottom right there and my brother's garden was right here and right here was a dog kennel this changed quite a bit we had black labs mostly growing up and so we had the dog kennel here and then Joe my brother usually grew vine crops he still grows really good pumpkins he grows them every year like big pumpkins and he gets a ton of them and then I would grow like tulips and greens and things like that I would try out to make different Tomatoes but this area has become so much more shrouded with evergreen growths and just canopies of trees it's really changed into quite a nice shade garden and then I'm just gonna walk through the back of this flower bed there's a sensation lilac so this is kind of a common one to find but they're gorgeous dark purple and every one of their blooms has a white margin so it really gives it that kind of pop another lemony lace elderberry these are lemon Jade sedum that I gave to my parents a couple of years ago and we love them I love mine in fact I ordered more this year so I could put another drift in somewhere else in our garden I don't know what variety of Japanese maple this is I'm guessing it's either a Bloodgood or an emperor one really pretty isn't that beautiful it's just so mmm the layers are so gorgeous and it looks so different when you're down here versus when you're on the balcony when you're on the balcony you can kind of see each individual plant but you look down this way and you'll see all the layering so Erin if you stand like right here you can see the green of the parotia right here backed by the blue spruce backed by the yellow it's a Katsura Japanese maple the white of the lamium on the ground and the pink or red of that royalty crabapple all of those layers all of those colors are just so beautiful and it's amazing to think - how full our flowerbeds get I mean you guys know how it is this time of year things are just like they're starting to roll but some of the later perennials are yet to really kind of emerge and kind of come into their own like this area fills up with mums and there's I think bronze and kind of deep red mums down in this area in the fall this is one of my favorite textures down here this is a type of iris that I just think it's just gorgeous that super-strict upright form is beautiful this is a what is this is this a cat or a tree I'm gonna have to ask my mom I can't remember it's really pretty and it's nice and thin the parotia though here they grow very very slowly but they are probably one of the best ones for fall color ever they're so beautiful kind of this iridescent neon kind of combination of colors with orange and red and purple and just beautiful paper bark maple right here so kind of utilizing some really beautiful bark for winter interest coursers winter interest all over the place with the rock walls and the boxwood this area here we came in and planted some who Karelas a while ago there's a hedge of munchkin oak leaf hydrangeas this area you can see had lamium in it and I think they're just kind of like oh we got to get the Lamia out of here because it just it does want to take over it's not hard to remove but they put in I think Blue lobelia last year in here it was beautiful and there is a conic chloe in here as well and you can kind of see little little bits of it coming up this is kind of a newer hedge so it looks like maybe one needs to be replaced right here which is super typical I need to do that in my hedge as well I've a hedge by our gazebo but there's a beautiful lavender e blue ish clematis back there and Patriot hostas that kind of line around the fountain there more Patriot hostas underneath this blue spruce and this area too it looks like they're kind of starting to Peter a little bit but this used to be thick with poppies like salmon paint colored poppies except for the occasional bright orange it was like there was one bright orange poppy that would come up every we always used to kind of laugh about it there's a total eyesore when you have it in with salmon pink and this area here this is a wayfaring tree I have got one in our yard kind of by the big Berks tree and they're really beautiful right now so they've got their blooms going on and then they're followed by dark blueberries and the leaves the leaves are amazing the viburnum and so we get another view this is a gorgeous view from down here another view of a Brunner ah there's a conic Louis I'll point them all out here this is I Burris candy tuft spring bloomer and then we've got the Hakata core there these are flower carpet roses in the color amber so they're beautiful apricot pink yellowish kind of blend the Brunner ah even when it's not in bloom is gorgeous because the foliage is so beautiful I mean you can see right here how beautiful that is awesome to get double duty out of plants and then the ivy hedge now a lot of people ask my parents like how do you keep your Ivy in check it just like wants to take over it so noxious the only place like right here it's not a problem it's planted up above and kind of spills down and it kind of roots in if it can touch some soil in between rocks but right here it hasn't been a problem nothing like how it was by the house it just we don't have as much of a rampant problem with it taking over here because we just don't have the conditions for it bleeding hearts tucked in this is what I love about mature gardens I love this I love the full look here I mean you can have your tight structure but I love to have the fluffy beautiful overflowing look kind of that juxtaposition I think is important to me anyway I know we all have kind of our own style and opinions when it comes to that but isn't this just gorgeous they're still hellebores and bloom here there's some darker colored ones and some pinkish ones here and then our little angel little birdbath Ivy Brenner a Japanese maple you can see the tulip layer and then the layers beyond up there so I think really the last area to kind of go around is maybe let's go this way this is a row of spring snow crab apples and they're just now you can see losing there blooms and beyond that so this is a bishops weed oh my word it's been here forever and bishops weed if you have an area that you want something to fill in this is the plant for you you can get it in green you can also get it in a variegated and this was always like the dreaded chore as kids to go up have to go out and cut back the bishops weed because it's always so thick and it wants to spread everywhere but they've kept it in check really well it is beautiful and lush looking right back behind that on the first level of the rock wall those are Annabelle hydrangeas and they actually do pretty well given the fact that this area is pretty much shade all the time they always have big white blooms on them all summer long and then beyond that the upper lab level is ivory halo dogwoods so they provide a nice red branch color in the wintertime and then down through here now there's going to be some interesting changes down here because these junipers they're called Spartan junipers they're only supposed to grow five to six feet wide and they've clearly outgrown that they must really love it but look what they're doing they're growing so big that they're starting to push the rock wall down so there are Concord bar berries up top I think those are Conchords anyway and then down in the next layer there's lavender which they're gonna I think take all the lavender out and replace it with fresh but I think they're gonna have to replace these or figure something different out which is so sad to me because I'll show you the view from up top they're gorgeous they back the swimming pool and you know stuff like this it just happens like sometimes you'll get a plant that just does not behave the way it's supposed to or stay within the size it's supposed to and you just have to you just have to address those things as they come along and this area down here has been a kind of a sick bay for the nursery like the blue spruces both of these and this one here were all thick plants down at the garden center like they came in broken like had broken leaders or they were kind of like head blight or some kind of weird thing going on with them and so my parents will just bring stuff like that here and just pop it down below the pool is what they call it and it's just kind of this area where things can just try and oftentimes they become spectacular plants if you give them enough time we've got a pair here and an alder which I love so look at this the alder creates alders are great for really wet areas which this is right here and they create these beautiful Oh beautiful cones that we like to use to make wreaths and we work them into holiday projects mostly but they're just the sweetest little cones and they're all over like I could just get buckets full of them right now good time there are more flower carpet roses here that are coral colored and then up above I think we're gonna come and maybe pull a couple of big weeds I think we're gonna come plant some caladiums in here this year I think that this spot right here is like the perfect area because they will get some Sun but they're mostly protected and right above there that's the pool deck and the pool up there so I think that'll be a really pretty low-maintenance no mess sort of plant to try out in this space and then beyond here there's the pasture of course the oak tree is just starting to leaf out is this tzimmes if you got is that how you say it look at this the color of the leaves and the style of the blooms I really want some of this in my cut flower garden and then this swimming pool which you know can't say a lot about it right now because it's not open the guys were supposed to come out and open it today but I think the weather probably held people back and then it kind of just shoots you right back out oh look at the lilac see when we were under it you can't see how beautiful it is those blooms are just so pretty so it just kind of shoots you right back out to the parking area which we planted with tulips earlier on there's some Pury cyma blonde tulips in there and some really beautiful pink oh it's a pink mix pansy one last thing I want to show you before we are done are the pots just because we showed you them last year and I just want to show you what they put in after we were done so if you take a look at all the pots you might remember last year we did purple fountain grass and supertunia Vista snowdrift they were gorgeous and so after they were done faul they put in these blue spruce lollipops and those were in here for the whole course the whole winter and they stuck evergreens down in here to make them look really Christmassy and then they followed up with more pansies this spring and I think that that is it you guys I mean we could spend hours and hours and hours going through every bed and showing you all the layers and talking about all the plants but that just gives you kind of a kind of broad look at what their garden is like in kind of a place where I learned a lot about gardening and it's just it's we're the only places on this earth where I can actually nap like this there's something about this house that makes me feel super relaxed and it's just a haven so I am just I feel super blessed to have been able to grow up here and still learn from the stuff that's in here and spend a lot of time out here with my family so anyway thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today and walking through my parents garden with me and we will see you in the next video bye kildeer is trying to lure us away she lock like she has a broken wing look at I think her nest is right over here somewhere hope there it is oh there's three eggs now so kill here you guys I don't know if you have those type of birds in your area but they lay nests right in the middle of gravel driveways or right off the side of the road and then the mama she'll take off and she acts like she has a broken wing and she tries to lure you away from her nest that's what they do their strange little strange little birds but they are fun to watch and when they're the little birds hatch they're pretty much up and running the same day they're pretty neat bird
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 1,139,732
Rating: 4.9304519 out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: GyM2njSbH00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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