Full July Garden Tour! 🌿// Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so we are finally doing a full garden tour today so end of july almost uh we had an overcast day which has been a total gift it's still really warm and kind of muggy out here but yesterday it was 102 and full sun so we thought we got to get out here it's like now or never and i do have to preface this whole thing by saying there is a ton of work going on around here both on our property and on the house being built next door you'll see we'll show you like it's the roof is up and the walls are up and it seems really close right now until we get used to it but i just wanted to say there's a lot of construction noise in the background we have gravel work being done on our new property and there's a landscape crew putting in some brick edging that we meant to have done earlier this spring which i've showed you we still haven't even planted the linden trees over there by the gazebo because we were waiting for that to be done so i'm really excited about it all but it's just bustling with activity but there's a lot of beautiful things to see we wanted to start right up here by our front entryway because i think this is my favorite planting we've just about ever done up here it's just very soft and very it feels full but it doesn't feel like too much in some in some way if that makes sense i also like like the gonforina last year was amazing but it got so monstrously huge and it was coming over the sidewalks which you know i like to find borders i like the tidy edges and so it was a little bit more wild than it looks this year but in these cutouts up here we've got the angelonia it's angelface steel blue and it's a beautiful lavender color they have just been blooming their heads off ever since we planted them and they have like really thickened up this is really my first real experience with planting these in the ground and i'm really happy with them we have planted supertunia mulberry charm which out here is actually showing some water stress these are watered by our grass sprinklers so we're going to have to modify that these are looking great and also like the lemon coral and the supertunia mulberry charm stay very compact as well they don't kind of sprawl out quite as much which gives things a little bit more of a tidy appearance the at last roses you guys i cannot say enough good things about this rose of course it's like my color i love this apricot peachy color i like multi-petaled roses like this but i love it when you can see the center and you can see just how beautiful the construction of this flower is and they have lulled once so they came out bloomed thickly and gorgeous for a long time then they lulled had a few just a few sporadic blooms and they were never without color but now they've come back into like beautiful i need to do some deadheading but even when i don't do deadheading i think they look beautiful so we've got i think one two three four five six in this swoop got a couple of nine barks back here which we planted last year you might remember before we did a tour last june i planted in evergreen and i couldn't find exactly what i needed ended up picking up one at a box store it was kind of sick and it scanned but i needed something there ended up pretty much dying so that's gone i'm thinking some kind of gorgeous really small ornamental tree like a beautiful crab apple or something like that would be really pretty right here but i haven't decided yet also this limelight hydrangea i transplanted this from the side of the house where the new ac unit went in and it was very small and very uh it had a little bit of a hard time because this is so full sun when the sun is out but it's looking so beautiful and almost just like the other ones on the other side but before we move over there the hollyhocks you guys and i don't know like i'll probably not go through each plant and every single flowerbed otherwise this would be like an all day long video but this makes me so happy i love hollyhocks these have lasted longer then it seems like my other ones are petering out faster i actually like this burgundy kind of color up here i think the depth is beautiful but they seated themselves here so we just went with it and left him alone and i just feel like it's very charming and it's very pretty for like this old farmhouse entry we get a lot of questions about this railing our previous owners of this house had this custom made by a local artisan so anyway i can't like link to somewhere where you can get it we've thought about having the same sort of thing built for our back sun porch i think that would be really beautiful to mirror it but because he's still here working doing his thing so i'm sure he could come up with something identical for the back right here we've got some boxwood topiaries typically i plant stuff below and i decided this year to keep it simple and i'm glad i did that because every year i always feel like it becomes a little bit too much and there's too much thing too many things going on and i just really wanted to pare it down this year and i think it looks really kind of like a uh i don't know a really simple weight for this whole area so i think i actually want to go this way to the versailles garden we'll just kind of look at a few things along the way um up there by the front arbor you can see the sedum just have to point this out because these are just like random perennial beds there's just there's lots of different things going on right here we just cut back hearty geraniums and unearthed a gopher mound that i need to take care of but typically like this is i think these were these are magnificum maybe johnson's blue anyway beautiful they fill up this whole area so that was really pretty and they are starting to come back the tree peony here is doing real well it bloomed beautifully this year um but you can see like the late summer early fall stuff is starting to come into its own we've got some beautiful lilies here and the sedum i love this clump of sedum right there i think that's so pretty the structure of it is beautiful and that's one plant which is always amazing to me there's day lilies and yarrow and lamb's ear just some really fun oh and a weed see look at this how do they get this big before you notice them sometimes they even get bigger than that just how it goes recently planted up this bed in order to incorporate this lung wart here i love how this is looking i think it's such a pretty area and there's like hardly any blooms and it's just still so interesting and full of color the spider work still has some blooms on it this big grass is called a miscanthus cabaret for those of you wanting to know this is one grass and they're one of my faves now i always say every year i'm going to preventatively stake up around it and i never do so it's always like really big and out onto the sidewalk which it's got a beautiful form let's go through this way we've recently done some cutting back in this bed this is typically full of salvia jupiter's beard there is a coral berry in here i planted last year that's looking really good like it'll be full of pink berries this is the is it proud berry anyway super healthy i love the leaves on this plant they look almost eucalyptus like and then that's where all the berries will be so it's got some really sweet blooms on it right now yeah so this bed just you know mid-summer when you go in and cut back a bunch of your perennials that's kind of what's going on here it just was recently cleaned out um the jubilee celebration roses are kind of in one of their lulls right now there are buds all over on them so we'll get more color here soon beautiful russian sage right here now i planted a red obelisk beech tree has it been two years now it's not doing well i think i'm going to take it out it just it gets nailed by our grass sprinklers and i've looked at it and i cannot figure out a way to not have the grass sprinklers hit this spot right here while still hitting the grass properly so it just gets crusted up with hard water and it doesn't i don't think it has a chance to breathe so i think i will probably remove that in the end and then in this area back here we just planted some flocks which very quickly i think we kind of shocked their poor little systems it was so hot when we planted them we're going to go in and kind of deadhead them up but they've got new buds all over so i'm sure we'll get more blooms on this spot we're just working on filling up i have a bunch of fox gloves in here some david austin roses there's this is the camelot mix fox glove right here we never mulched this bed in the spring so we can see drip tubing in here still and to one of those areas that you can't really see unless you come up like this on it because of the boxwood hedge in front this is a norway spruce right here which eventually will get like i think i said 10 to 12 feet something like that wide so i know eventually i'm gonna have to move this stuff but they're kind of a slow grower but it's a super cute evergreen and it looks beautiful in the winter we've got queen of sweden roses here there's three of them and then this is a plant that i don't think i've really even talked about much but i feel like it's underused this is a dervella oh i'm stuck on the rose hold on there we go it's a duvella called kodiak orange when it comes out in the spring the leaves like it almost looks like it's autumnal like it's just like kind of yellowy orange beautiful they've got these dark colored stems almost like a dogwood right there and they don't require as much water as a dog would which is awesome but they bloom too you can see some remnants look at that and they were just covered i mean you can see all of the spent blooms all over the top of this plant and i have three of them here around this june snow dogwood and i've really enjoyed them and i had never really had much experience with the develo shrub i have some kodiaq black that i want to plant somewhere in this garden as well and then we've got a totem pole panicum which these when they're mature they can get like up to seven feet tall like a super beautiful vertical accent of course right now it's like what it's topping out at maybe like five feet or something like that the very tips but the bulk of it is at about four feet at this point i just planted that one last year i am dealing with a little bit of chlorosis well i'm dealing with a lot of chlorosis in this whole garden but in this particular area my oak leaf hydrangeas like i treated them with iron tone um and then we are going to come along with soil acidifier oh aaron already did so they have been like double prong approach they've had a couple different treatments of iron tone then and so we should see some improvement next year they'll probably be a lot better than this the area around the urn is my favorite too this year that we've ever done you can see the denim and lace russian sage is looking amazing it's one of my favorite perennials it's a shorter growing russian sage so you know traditional russian sage i have some right there we just walk by wants to get pretty tall and they can tend to flop most of the time when they're flopping it means they're not getting enough sun or they've got too much fertilizer they're too rich of soil they don't want good treatment at all they're like a plant that wants abuse so if you have like really crummy soil really hot area in your garden this might be a good option for you and the fact that it doesn't get so big makes it easy to tuck in areas but just covered in honeybees right now covered they're just it's an amazing plant and then around the base we planted superbena almost said super bean yeah super venus sparkling amethyst and then the truffle of pink gomphrena and i think it's just a really sweet blend of flowers and then i also planted you can see back in here which i thought might be a waste when i initially planted it the meteor shower verbena there but i feel like it just amps up the display of purple it's a slightly different tone than the russian sage it will also last longer the color on these and the blooms will last longer than the russian sage so when this starts to kind of fade a bit this one will pick up or not pick up it'll just still look awesome and it will kind of carry us through the rest of the season also the sprinter boxwoods you guys so amazing do you remember when we planted these they were like this big and it's been is this their third year yeah this is their third we planted in the first fall we were here this is the fourth growing season we've been here so that yeah this is their third growing season okay i had to work that out anyway amazing not a single like the the winter after we planted these was the winter we got 52 inches of snow so like i think of where like a ton of snow and not a single broken branch on this these plants no winter damage they were like suffocated for a long time under that snow and they just have grown beautifully and they don't bronze out in the winter like winter gems which is what we have along the perimeter of this area so they stay a lot more green around persephone we planted the supertunia indigo charm vista indigo charm oh and look at this a big purslane this is actually an edible people eat the greens i don't i don't think it's they're very good i try to keep these out of the garden these will like take over if you let them go and this area is particularly prone to purslane but we've got the vista mini indigo i think it used to be a charm and has been moved to be a vista because of its growth habit and then the supertunia um help me mini vista pink star they're both doing really well i mean this area gets all overhead water from sprinklers it gets water every single day so not everything we've put up here has actually done really well they have to be able to handle that amount of water and these are holding up real well like i don't see any yellowing leaves or anything like that yet and like one year we tried limoncello and bordeaux those weren't as great and in ground and i think you just like we oh were you aaron said he was watering too much back then but i also feel like the vista series just can take more that could just be my experience but like vista bubblegum vista silverberry vista paradise just a snowdrift it feels like they can handle a little bit more adversity in the garden and these are both vistas so anyway i think we should hop out and take a look at the front of the gazebo uh you can see the landscaper that's where they're working so uh you see the pavers in here they were here when we were when we moved in we couldn't see them because there was privet hedging that was so overgrown they were all kind of buried so we unearthed those when the privets were taken out we are going to get rid of those we have friends that are actually they come and take little bits as they need them for projects so they're being reused and then we're going to do a brick border in here eventually but that's the kind of paver that was over there lining the road and we lifted all those up and they're putting in a brick border like i'll show you on our west side that lines our driveway just to keep a distinction between flower bed and driveway it's going to look really good and then we can plant our trees which will be fun i was waiting for that because i want to make sure my measurements are right and all that business and we did a little bit of shifting of the the border oh look at this benjamin must have been out here he's got his trucks all lined up he likes to usually fill up the the backs with rocks and drive him around on the bench when we're out here he actually was playing here while we were working on the tree this split locust tree which looks great it's been cabled now for several days and it still looks good we haven't killed it yet i'm really hoping it it survives um you know what before we run this way we should just take a quick look at the pots i feel like do you feel like this year has just been like all the combinations it feels like everything it's the best it's the best year it's probably because we have good help like we have you know we have chris out here who's been helping us with maintenance and so he's been helping by keeping things fertilized spraying bt for bud worms and he's been able to keep on it on more of a regular schedule than i ever was because we were too busy and it's just it works wonders when things are you know taken care of consistently i still haven't planted these pots this is what i planted last fall like everything i planted last fall is still in here i've got hellebores ivy some biolas still and i just whatever i kind of like them they're a little bit tonal there's not a lot of color or pop to them but it's kind of nice to have something peaceful because there's a lot of color within this garden and out here so we've got these containers looking awesome um the skyrocket penicidum since we trimmed the supertunias are showing a lot more growth like if you take a look down the line you can see grass showing up in most of the pots like they're starting to put on their seed heads and looking really good but i do need to get out here and deadhead the the geraniums i've only done it twice this whole season super easy i just need to spend some time doing that but i really like the colors i like the combination here we might need to back off on water a little bit they're looking a little bit yellow and i don't think it's chlorosis i think we have upped the water recently because it got so hot so fast and i think that they maybe didn't even need it need us to do that so anyway i'll pop those back in there super happy with this whole line of pops so we'll just peek at what they're doing see they're pushing pulling gravel back and then they're gonna start building the brick edging starting right here which is where you know all the pavers led right up to here so we'll have a nice brick border and they're actually widening the flower beds by about two feet all the way down to our pergola they do amazing work that's who came in and did all the brick pads for our pots they did the big brick pathway on the west side the one this spring with the circle and the big one on the other side that's an amazing crew of guys and they make jobs like that look easy i don't know how like i guess when you have the big machines and things like that and the right tools it's a lot easier but they're also very gifted i think it takes that aaron and i don't do projects like that very well the grass is looking good probably the best do you think because usually by this time we've got some brown patchiness we've got a little bit i am noticing some clover come up in some areas that i'll have to address but overall it's staying really nice and deep green this bed here i always love this it's always an abundance of hostas and columbine and lamium um there are some iris that always get whipped by the the mower and the wing winged weed or not winged weeder i want to call the trimmer i almost said whippersnipper some people call it that's funny anyway viburnum right there and then of course the huge big birch tree that's gorgeous we need to clean out the gutters though real bad it always drops a bunch of stuff in the gutters right there i particularly wanted to look at this space here because i think it's looking really nice so we repeated the supertunia mulberry charm in a lot of different areas it was kind of like my big color for the year i really wanted that because i've had such good luck with it in containers and things in the past um the basketball roses are coming back into bloom there are buds all over on them that's so pretty it's like a peachy pink color and this whole area just looks like it's filling in serendipity alliums right here wonderful perennial i showed you guys these when i planted the annuals in this spot and they were just butted up so now you can see them at this stage they're not even open like they're just starting to open barely so they're not even full bloom stage we've got an elm tree growing right here that's no good and echinacea's called yellow my darling meteor shower verbena purple fountain grass some super blue angelonia that's this one right in here i'm real happy with it i think it's real pretty this year and soft on this side we have this salvia rockin um is it blue suede shoes i think blue suede it's the one i planted here last year this came back from last year an annual salvia that's never happened to me before so i left it even though it doesn't go with my scheme this year and aaron hasn't pulled it out yet he pulled the sunflowers out that we're in this area which in all honesty probably looks better to not have those big kind of they looked a little bit weedy compared to everything else going on i do need to come in and trim back these carting mail they've shot up some random big shoots that i'd like canes that i don't want and you can see the main like the main foliage canopy here where the blooms are so i'll cut all of those back sweet romance lavender was a new addition a little hedge there leading in and i think that that was a good solution for this area i really just wasn't digging the i had some inkberry inkberry hollies right here that weren't doing great i didn't really like them in the beginning sometimes it takes a while to figure it out i like this view here that's always kind of a fun different look we've got the lemony lace elderberries here which have just like they're in a lot of shade so you can see new growth is a little lighter if they get more sun they are like lemon yellow and they are in the spring because in the spring somehow they get it seems like they get more sun even though they're under pine trees um it could just be their newly emote emerging leaves are brighter but they always kind of deepen out a bit and i like it i think it's a really soft look here we've got brunera under planting underplanted i need to do a little bit of canopy lifting so that these aren't as smothered you can see that right there and then around the front side we have hookers and autumn frost hostas now this area these poor plants i thought when we planted these um that they didn't get as much sun as they do and they get that brutal like the last part of the hot part of the day like six i would say like 6 p.m maybe on they get that hot afternoon sun and these poor hostas like they live every year but the poor things start doing this every year so i really should dig these up and move them in the interior somewhere where they're getting more shade because i'm not doing them any favors autumn frosts are beautiful plants when they're not put in full full full sun we'll just kind of pop back in here a little bit and take a look this bed is always beautiful to look through because i love looking through the canopy of the japanese maple that kind of red glow there are some hydrangeas in here a lot of hostas this was my hosta recovery bed last year after the bad hail storm i dug a lot of them out and brought them back here and kind of filled up this area just to i don't know why i did that just to kind of condense all the damage to one spot as best i could but it ended up being a real pretty thing i think the uh virginia creeper here has outdone itself this year it's just like i love it i don't want to i mean we've done a little trimming to keep it up a little bit but i love this i love having these hanging down a little bit it's going to be full of gorgeous berries for floral arranging later on i never got to trimming these boxwoods this spring so i want to keep these very tightly spherical and then it got too hot and i ran out of time so i just thought it's fine i'll do it early this fall when i come back through to tighten up all the boxwoods we'll come in and shape these up really nice and that way we have some nice sturdy structure right here and then we can have the more kind of fluffy plant plants these are the summerific hibiscus that we planted very awesome i think all butted up look at this that one's gonna open and they're huge like they've grown oh wait a minute hold on there's a bloom hold up sweet peas i planted these this winter as an experiment they were all supposed to be salmon pink i must have got a hold of a package that was mislabeled because they're like all colors and they look really beautiful and wild which is not something i usually do in containers but i kind of like it but this is what i saw first one open that looks awesome we won't go too far into this area just because they're working but you can see the red noodle beans on benjamin's teepee i hope you can see those they're like i don't know 18 inches tall already and looking great and all the perennials in this area like the nafophia that's the flashpoint red hot poker and they've gotten huge and beautiful and then this this is skylin's oriental spruce i think we're gonna take it out completely it just it the last two years it hasn't been doing really well this year the whole like top two thirds looked really bad it had completely browned so i lopped it off because the bottom looked pretty good still and i thought well i'll just let it stay for a little while and see what happens but i think whatever was wrong with it is happening to the rest of the plant too and i just think i'm going to put something different in that space that can maybe take more sun i think those oriental spruce that have the yellow coloring in our area need a little bit more protection from the afternoon sun and i think that that's that could be what was going on but you can see here this is what the guys they're going to bring the brick border those pavers came all the way up to this pergola so they are going to bring them all the way here i think it will look really awesome to have something like more permanent and tidy i did this side theirs will look much better than mine i think this is looking really beautiful though i love it we can walk through this way got a pinky winky hydrangea standard in bloom it's actually looking pretty good it was showing some chlorosis still a little bit but aaron and i have both treated most everything so that everything's had two treatments and a lot of things are starting to bounce and show a little bit of recovery this area has just become so full we've got brunnera down here look at that silvery pop it's so pretty the succulent arrangement is doing great put that together i don't know maybe two months ago or something like that just looking awesome this is borage that self-seeds itself every year i planted maybe like three four inch cans right in here a few years ago and it was before we even had the chicken coop actually it was when we still had the big mounded roof of the root cellar there and i just love that it comes back every year it's got the sweetest blooms the roses this is the zefferine roses look at how wild so i just showed this to you in the tour of the front of this area and mentioned that i had not touched these climbing roses all year and i still haven't so maybe maybe one day this week i'll get to it maybe maybe a trimming video euphorbia right here there's some hydrangeas that are actually blooming aaron ha aaron thought that there wouldn't be enough sun to get these to bloom there are buds on all of them well on two of them and we have some act bloom action here so i'm happy with that i still have several containers that i have not touched i have some impatiens and things in the greenhouse that i will probably pop in here but it's just been such a wild year and crazy spring that there's just some things that had to give and this is one of them right here this area though look at this minecraft black smoke bush i need to come in and trim this this cherry right here which is loving its life i've got some yellow yarrow this is the firefly oh for crying out loud anyway we'll put the name on the screen maybe and then the miss violet budlia it's looking awesome and then i'm not going to touch too much on this area just because we just did a kind of more complete tour of this whole like i mean you can pan over there and like take a look at how gorgeous that's looking right now i just love it it's so like free and so colorful and yet it doesn't look like i don't know it doesn't look like a mess to me sometimes things can look like that we also toured this for you as well in that same video but these containers here we didn't really touch on and they're doing well really full again i need to do deadheading and cutting back it's just that time of year look at this it's catmint and oregano right here just needs all be cut back i need to cut back the bloom stocks on the lambs here i need to deadhead the dahlias but they're all growing and doing great we actually ran drip like i ran drip for the first time this year to this window box so i tapped into a water line here and came up and over it's just just been so nice when there's little reservoirs like this like those are hard to keep happy especially when they get full sun for most the day which this one does and it gets the brutal sun in the afternoon and now i don't ever have to do anything except for it gets fertilized and sprayed for bud worms once a week but daily watering is a thing of the past which is great lavender wreath i just decided to leave it right there because i think it's cute and it's the perfect size that was a fun day so now let's head this direction kind of wanted to talk about this space here i tried those beauty berries pearl glam maybe i had three of them here and they just they were chlorotic they were kind of dying back i read that they prefer more acidic soil and so i think that's what they finally succumb to so we ended up taking those out and you can see whoa drip system went in this area already there's still kind of holes from where they came out so i haven't decided what to put here wondering what you guys would put here i kind of want something that maybe i don't know it can't be something that's huge because i want her to still be seen and maybe something that gets like this tall but it's real airy still so you can kind of still see the detail down below i don't know i have some real good opportunity here to do something really neat and it gets a little bit of morning sun and then it's pretty much filtered shade through the rest of the day so that's the requirements let me know what you would plant there i'm open for suggestions iceberg roses are all coming back into bloom they're looking really good as is this bed you know what i planted the osteospermums in the ground for the first time this year and they're kind of rolling out in the heat because they are a cool season lover but you should have seen them even just like a couple weeks ago you could hardly see leaves they were so full of pink flowers and they look super healthy you don't have to deadhead them but we have been deadheading them just to keep them looking tidy but they will probably in the next i'm guessing when it starts to cool off a little bit especially at night a little bit more they'll push a ton more buds and we'll have a beautiful fall display but i've been really happy with them poor harris has had no attention this year he still has dead semper vitamins on him i haven't even pulled him out of his spot i had planned on pulling him up and just tucking some new moss in him so he was at least just green but there he sits still looks cute we have the incredible or the invincibelle ruby hydrangeas they were they bloomed gorgeous they were not getting enough water in fact this whole area i don't know what the deal is i think one at some point during a winter we need to when everything's kind of died back we need to pull all the drip and do it again i did not know about doing a grid system when i did this bed and what it is is i've got an access on this side the drip tube comes in and this entire bed all the way over to the fireplace access path it's one big loop-de-loo all the way to center and it never connects back to itself so the amount of like the flow it just doesn't work and some areas don't get very much water like these two hydrangeas are happy the one on the ends happy these two wilt every single day even though i've got two two gallon per hour emitters running to them it's just the water is not getting to them and they looked really good like in fresh and beautiful color until the heat hit and the water issues started becoming a problem but the plant plants themselves are still healthy the leaves are looking good so i'm hopeful that we can get those issues worked out and it's just one of those things you know everything else in this area i'm really happy with like just i always want to walk through this way because like this is one of my favorite views of the whole garden i just love all the layering that's in this area all these beautiful hookers and hostas and then you see you know jump over you see this little boxwood hedge right here and the red coleus i just think it's so pretty these are north star boxwoods which have done really well i also planted these when they were really tiny i had one die right up here and maybe it's because they're being smothered but well it's not completely dead see that but it's not looking not looking awesome so i'll have to address that but the pink pink clematis are blooming uh this one not as like not at all this one doesn't get as much sun clearly it's tucked into the back when we planted these aaron was like these are not going to bloom they do not get enough sun and i told them like i think they'll bloom a little bit but i don't even really care i really want a very delicate looking vine on these trellises because i want to still see them i don't want it to be a such a thick vine that we can't see the beauty of the the the structure that's here and so this is like having blooms is a bonus to me um so clearly this one's maybe the happiest right there um and this one's like kicking it into gear this one i need to like get free the maple from it it's like starting to climb i think it would probably reach up a lot further if i got this out and trained it up which i need to do but i'm really happy happy happy with these how much sun do you think these get maybe a day an hour maybe an hour in the morning and that's it so anyway sometimes you can kind of stretch the limits of what you think a plant can do i planted limetas in here last year and they're doing great i usually plant annuals right in here and just haven't done it yet they're ridiculous i don't know what your guys's experience with coleus is this year but coleus is just not doing as well as it has in previous years a couple of factors we had a super long cold spring and i think that was the same for a lot of people and it just like it sat forever mine's also discoloring weird like it's getting green on the edges i don't know that it's supposed to do that and it's already blooming which is not typical so it's been like cold to all of a sudden really hot it's still beautiful i have not baited for earwigs i use the bug and slug killer for that and you can tell that's what actually damages arcoleus so i just picked up more at the garden center i ran out and that's why i hadn't baited yet so i'll just sprinkle some of that in here and then the damage will start clearing up but audrey white gomphrena there's some buried treasure red strawberries there and the incredible hydrangeas they are beautiful and they are not struggling like every year they have struggled in the past i think we have actually have the water figured out in this section and they were big beautiful well oh aaron said he has it running twice a day that's just what it takes for hydrangeas in our area i guess these are protected though like they are protected in the morning they get this little slice of sun and then they're product protected for the most part in the afternoon the ones on the end get a little bit more sun but they were just bright white for the longest time and then they kind of age a little bit to this green chartreusey color which i adore i think it's beautiful and then i mixed in some wicked witch coleus here i love this view right here you can look through see the incredibles the wicked witch the lemon zest roses and the meteor shower verbena i think it's so beautiful also the chinook caladiums are really starting to stool out and thicken up i'm really happy with that they were very small when we planted them and caladiums are really suited for southern climates and we talked to the the guy who actually was he the breeder or the the owner of classic canadians or something like that anyway we talked to him and he was like surprised when he found out we were at eastern oregon in high desert he was like i'm sending caladium bulbs where like are they even going to grow for you so i'm calling this a win i think they're looking really good hey cheddar the men's dead lavender still looks good and i haven't cut it back usually we do a mid-summer shear so that it can come back a little bit so we'll probably do in that prior pretty soon my japanese maple this winter it just didn't didn't survive that happens sometimes you can see that the first real viable branches here i might just lock the top off and try to create a new leader from that one that's still alive because the undergrowth is still really pretty and honestly i have nothing else to put in this space right now so i may as well give it a try anyway i left it for the longest time because i thought like maybe maybe it'll push new growth it just hasn't wanted to go down the west side here just to take another look at the new pathway so the bricks that were put in this spring looking really good i love this so much i think it's like the perfect scale the circle's a perfect size the urn's the perfect scale i love having the lavender right here and that was fairly new addition this past week and then we'll start filling in i'm not in too much of a hurry though i feel like like we've already done there's a lot of projects going on and so i feel like at this point especially when it's so hot we kind of like power down for a little bit in terms of planting and then we'll pick it back up when it cools off a little bit but i trimmed this container up a bit in that video and look at the osteo already like it's looking really good and it's it had like a few blooms on it but it's still full of buds and they're starting to open which is really exciting this gets full afternoon sun plus the reflective heat from the house it's pretty brutal and we are back up in this garden here this corner always makes me very happy especially this year i bought this maple at the garden center it was in one of those big wood boxes it had been there for a long time and it was unhappy it was not a happy camper it needed to be planted so i thought well i'll take it home and plant it and it looked bad for a lot of years like i think i planted that the first season we were here this is the first year it actually looks good i think it's very architectural i had to do some trimming to trim out some dead but i really i think it's a beautiful maple and then i have the black pearl hooker and the acaris called ogon the grassy texture down below i think it's real pretty this is my pink lemonade lemon the poor thing is having some struggles we just moved it out of the sun porch it got it dried down way too much and it's also had a bout of aphids and so between those two things i thought well let's just pop it out here i'm going to go get some feet for it so it sits up off of the dirt and i'm going to treat it trim it back and just let it sit out here for the rest of the season and then we'll move it back in later it still it has some lemons on it so one of those things this is a pretty little view right here with the bench which is totally unusable that's only there for decoration the previous owners of the house right before he moved in they had a yard sale and i bought it for 10 bucks from them and so it just stayed here and it lives on in the garden we've recently cut back perennials and that's why there's a whole bunch of empty space there's some there's some salvia there were jupiter's beard in here lemon balm that we've cut back but it's it's a very lush feeling area i think just because it's so shaded we don't have a lot of that not a lot of deep shade in our garden so just a couple more areas i want to take a look at the moon garden which i have decided is no longer going to be a moon garden i've learned something about myself this year i've learned that i only like all white gardens in like dusk or shade or not even an overcast it looks too dry to me we have so much bright sun and so much heat here and the white just looks dry and i don't like it so next year we'll be adding some color and it makes me really excited so i actually halted planting i'm like i'm not going to plant any more in this area i tried out enough white and i'll leave all the white perennials i haven't planted it so heavy that i need to take anything out so i can add color and that's the beauty you guys of trying something like this out with annuals because then i'm not i don't feel as committed i feel like i can try this out and get my feet wet see if it feels like it's me and if it's not then i can easily change it the next year and that might mean different things based on the area like this is a pretty large area to try something like that out in but you can see how much area i did not plant it's still very very open but everything's doing well i mean so that's good i haven't really planted we took the crab apple out here because it was not looking good and this fall we're going to have the driveway is going to go straight out through this area so all this stuff's going to move anyway um the fence will be gone this power pole will be gone it'll change pretty dramatically right on the end here but the superbina this is a white out amazing more skyrocket penicidum we have some alyssum in here and lambs here which was new uh the vertigo penicidum also my pin is a pinpoint blue cypress they are starting to come out of whatever happened to them i had to remove one because it just got so bad and they started to brown in the center and i thought for sure i could clean these out actually i thought for sure it's just too much water in this area but they are starting to push new growth that looks healthy so we might be out of the woods and they might survive which is exciting this is the firefly diamond yarrow i planted in a video for you guys earlier on look how beautiful that is look how beautiful this is with that they're just like the daisy mays are amazing these have been blooming since i planted them and they were forced to bloom early because they were for a show that got cancelled this spring like everything did so we got our hands on them got them planted and then we've just been keeping up on deadheading and when you deadhead this variety oftentimes it'll just keep throwing blooms all summer and you won't have a time where you have to shear the daisy all the way back which is not typical of traditional daisies so i'm super happy with this plant like if you have the time to deadhead it do it because it looks so good this is a the gomphocarpus the type of milkweed i planted this this spring in a video it's huge look at this it's taller than i am and it's got these little little bloom things whatever i don't know you guys can google the common name of this plant and you'll see what uh what it produces so gumpocarpus is the name um it makes me excited these are an annual though uh this is a calamagratis called avalanche maybe not overdumb i think that one has yellow anyway perennial grass and then the whirlwind white scavola this was a an experiment to see how scavola does in the ground and it apparently likes it so take note that's a great one for in-ground planting and then the limelight hydrangea standard was one that i transplanted from a an area where we had a new ac unit put in it wasn't liking its spot anyway it was covered in spider mites last year completely covered and then it so it never really bloomed it didn't get enough sun it wasn't happy where it was and when i dug it out it had a tiny root ball on it and i thought oh man i'm kind of putting it right out where it gets full on wind full sun all day long and look at it so happy it's happy i'm happy also the instant karma elderberries here it's a little wild i think i'm going to do some hard pruning on these next year because i want to try to keep them a little more a little more tidy but i feel like now that i'm not going to go for the whole moon garden thing it'll be okay i just yeah it just i wasn't nothing was jiving for me with the whole moon garden concept i have also learned that i don't like spider flowers not a fan i think they look messy and maybe it's just me but we all have those things right like we plant something we're like oh it's just i don't know and maybe i'm not like taking care of it properly i don't have a lot of experience but it's had color the whole time and so that's good but it just this right here just to me looks a little bit just not my taste you'd probably pair it with other things maybe underplant under plant it oh that was a delphinium i just stepped on excellent maybe if you under planted it to like kind of hide the bottom it would look better anyway just kind of learning a lot about myself this year i do love the look of the urns though even with all the white i think that's a beautiful look something for next year my takeaway from this year is to know that like i could go all out with white in containers or in small areas i think i will love it next year i think i will plant these to where i can still see the urn because i miss seeing the beauty of this urn these are the esplanade urns from unique stone and i just adore these pots i think these are my favorite pieces i always say that about every piece this these are one of my favorite pieces in our entire yard and it was a big decision for me it took me a long time to decide what base with what iron and i didn't know because i had ordered them separately i didn't know if they were going to look good together and when we got them put together i was like that's perfect i don't know how how that ended up being so perfect but i just love them and i want to see them a little bit more all right i planted pumpkins and acorn squash in between these the pumpkins came up the acorn squash did not the acorn squash seeds i had for like eight years so it might just be like maybe i didn't store them properly or maybe they were just too old the lumina pumpkins i don't think i'm going to actually get pumpkins from them but they actually sprouted so that's a good thing and then let's just head down to the end oh also our neighbors the house is like coming right along and i got to be honest like i thought it was going to make me more upset we knew we knew when we bought this house that this whole subdivision was going in so it's not it's not a surprise we knew it was going to happen so it's not something i can like get upset about because i knew about it i thought it would make me a little more bummed out to see houses going up it surprisingly hasn't bummed me out and the construction noise has been surprisingly like i think i'm getting used to it it used to bother me a lot and now it only bothers me a little bit and only like if i'm like extra annoyed that day or something it's like kid noises before when i would hear kids like being real wild and loud and stuff i'd be like oh you know like my piece outside is being ruined i was kind of like the old lady stay off my grass and now with benjamin i kind of like i don't even notice it and it's almost kind of a happy sound and i like to hear it so i'm also excited about who's moving in there and that makes a huge difference anyway so you'll be seeing that in the view for a while until these arborvitaes put on more growth which they should grow they get 10 to 15 feet tall i'm about 5'4 so they'll get significantly significantly bigger and we won't see any of that anymore so it won't be it won't be long okay so i need to stake this tree real bad i planted it out here it's a little bit too weak and i need to get a longer steak and stake it up and stake this whole branch up this is the leader and it's totally like trying to be a weeping tree and it's not supposed to be so that's on my list to do um you know what i think we will kind of hop out here i plan on doing a vegetable garden video here soon so we'll tour you through that here probably in the next week or so limelight hydrangea standard right here full sun all day on both sides of the vegetable garden just amazing the ambridge rose roses right down here there's liatris back there the daisy maze the colette roses are coming back into bloom you can almost not get into the vegetable garden i can almost i can't really bring myself to sheer them because they're still full of bloom on the ends of their branches right now but i'll take care of that soon so we can go in and out easier i just wanted to kind of maybe end right over here i wanted to show you the hosta garden because i think it's looking pretty good so we planted this up this spring lemon coral sedum around the exterior cascade white angelonia and then just a smattering of different kinds of hostas now they do need a little bit of grooming which i is easy to do and i knew that this was going to happen out here because these plants get full on west wind that's the way our wind comes and we have mentioned several times that like about once a week we get a massive wind storm we had one this spring where it did 60 mile an hour gusts and these are not protected by anything so they get a little bit tattered i'm hoping to they're less prone to that once they're a little bit more established but they also get quite a bit more sun than i thought the day we planted these i actually brought aaron out here and i'm like look at this bed like it's in full sun in the in the late part of the afternoon and i just didn't even realize it i need to pay more attention i usually get irritated at aaron for saying is that going to get enough sun or is that going to get too much sun but i really probably should listen a little bit closer i switched to two times a day oh okay aaron just told me he switched to watering twice a day in this area which probably has helped as well we were having to supplement water the angeloni is there because they were wilting a bit in the afternoon and i haven't had to do that i don't think chris has done it either for a while so i think they're getting enough water at this point so anyway that kind of looped us right back around oh we should look at the hydrangeas in the very back just real quick the firelight hydrangea hedge is looking really good like we are dealing with chlorosis i have showed you that or i've talked about it before but they're so full of color and so gorgeous it is funny everything we plant in this bed starts out tall tall tall medium medium tiny so it's like this graduation of size i think the reason for that is because we have a scarlet curls willow right here and i think the root system is maybe just sucking all the nutrients and moisture from this end area i did put extra emitters on here at the end of last year which you know i haven't really seen a whole lot of rebound and growth or anything but overall i'm really happy and it's nice to eliminate some annual planting areas i like that i don't feel compelled to fill this whole area with annuals now and that's something i kind of want to continue doing so that we don't have quite as much planting every single spring even though annuals are fun but we have a lot of areas where we plant them so anyway i'm really happy with these and then i'll just swing this way so you can just kind of see i'm not going to go through this whole area because i'm sure this video is just super super long we've not done really anything extra in this area but the fluffy arb is doing great everything is looking really happy right now which makes me makes me happy when it's so hot this time of year it's sometimes it's hard to look out and see things suffering i don't feel like we're seeing that quite as much i feel like we're dialing in the water we're dialing in the the issues if we always have different things that come up and crop up every year so we're always learning and trying to adjust but i think we're we're getting it so anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this tour i hope that you saw something that inspired you thank you for watching this video and we will see you in the next one [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 911,702
Rating: 4.9397421 out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: znGzmeGVQ7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 50sec (3230 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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