End of May Garden Tour! πŸŒΏπŸ’š// Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so I want to tour you around our garden today this is the end of May garden tour and it is a full Sun really hot day like it's supposed to be close to 100 but it's now or never because tomorrow we have 65 mile an hour winds come in and our roses look so good right now that I thought you know what after tomorrow I don't know what anything's gonna look like in fact one of my tours today is to stake all of our delphiniums I haven't done that yet and if I don't do that by tomorrow I'm gonna have delphiniums laying on the ground so anyway I think that everything's looking pretty good right now I did make a list of all the containers I still need to plant and all the annuals I still plan to put in the ground as well as all of the drip issues I need to either test or figure out and the list is long but it gives me lots of things to work on and lots of videos in the future for you guys to see the thing is I know a lot of you guys have had this same issue we had a really long cool spring so all of our spring stuff there's a branch hanging down all of our spring stuff looks amazing still I mean almost into June and our pansies are just in their prime making it extremely hard to want to pull anything out because usually by now they look incredibly tired they wilt down every afternoon and so it's easy to take them out and put something in that likes the heat but it's kind of we're getting to a point where I'm going to need to just start clearing stuff out and putting my summer stuff in so you will see a lot of spring plants still in their containers and that's just what it is this spring and it actually after this whole windstorm comes through its gonna drop our temperatures down over 20 degrees temperature drop in one evening and then it looks like it's gonna steadily climb down into the 60s in June which is nuts for our area usually we're close to a hundred and we stay that way for the rest of the summer so I'm not gonna complain about it at all it'll be very nice but it's just different every year you just never know what to expect I did tackle this brick circle area we did not film a video because we're we have so many projects in so many videos backing uphill to share with you guys that some of the stuff we just thought let's just get it done will show you in a tour so this is the before shot just got it planted I did put the fire light hydrangeas in last year I decided it would be fun to start adding more shrubs and perennials into some of our annual planting areas just to take up space because we have a lot of areas that we put annuals and it gets to be a lot when you're changing them out out all the time so I wanted some permanent planting and I think this is going to be beautiful to have like this crown of hydrangeas towards the end of the season I under plant it with plan the blue salvia this one right here there's a honeybee on it right now now I had this same salvia in here last year and I enjoyed it so much it did so well that I did want to repeat it and I do you like to do that sometimes if I really particularly liked something but the difference this year is I put truffle a paint gun free nough in here which is this really cute well round pink spheres this is a nice example here now if you were following us last year you saw how argon farina grew up front one plant it gets huge in fact I over planted really bad up there because I didn't realize how big they got so it really goes to show like I used almost 30 less plants in this area this year than I did last year because if you choose things that you know will get big and take up space you just don't have to plant as much now along the base here I have a angelonia called cascade white isn't that pretty this one has more of a cascading like sprawling sort of habit rather than strictly upright like the other angelonia that I've had experience growing anyway so anyway I think this is gonna be a really fun area to see fill in I'm kind of moving on toward this area more spring pansies now these are looking a little bit tired so I just I want them all to look like this though so I don't feel so guilty pulling them out but this will soon come I did pull the pansies out of the window box already so that when I just need to plant up but I just wanted to show you an update on this container right here purple fountain grass Dahlia I think it's is it Delina Cancun Erin do you remember does that sound familiar I think that might be the name lamb's ear which I've already cut back bloom stalks it shot up big bloom stalks cut it back to right here and then it shot out to brand new fuzzy little shoots superevil is called strawberry punch and a snow snow globe snowstorm is that two different plants I don't know this is a bacopa put the name on the screen it was in a video earlier on it's doing great everything looks like it's just bulking out which I love we've got a couple of herb planters here in fact the oregano and the rosemary and this one garlic plant wintered over in this container so I popped a clematis and some other things and here some chives then we've got a pot of spearmint right there I do want to go I think this direction because I've been loving this of you and I really want you guys to take this in Aaron I think you should stand like right here I'm I get out of the way I think it's so pretty like when you pan around and you can see like the pink salvia in the back flower but it just like draws your eye and then you can see the different layers I have planted nothing in this area yet this year so this is all stuff that's come back and I'm really loving how it's taking shape it takes a while for flower beds to kind of get that look and I mean I I do expect that over the years it'll develop even more but one thing I'm really happy about are these lemony laced elderberries these I was sure that I was kind of putting him in the wrong spot oftentimes not often sometimes I plant stuff and I'm like whoo I know it's not gonna like it here here but I'm gonna try it like this is the kind of light they get all day long and I think the tag says fold apart son I thought well we're just gonna give this a shot and they liked this spot they really have done well now they do get like a loose pinecone they get some a little bit of Morning Sun on this side very filtered like this all through the day through the canopy of the pines and at the very end of the day just the front side of these get a little bit of Sun it's just enough because they are really looking good and I think that they're a really great alternative almost to a Japanese maple don't you think they kind of have that Japanese maple look to him the very lace leaf but they're much tougher in our area anyway I did plant a Japanese maple in between the two pine trunks and it's doing okay I think it's got a few broken branches or not broken dead branches I need to go in and prune out just those little fussy things that we you know do throughout the season wild berry heuchera here and autumn frost hosta all the way around this bed Oh before we swing around you got to look at this here because I planted these apricot foxgloves last year and this is a variety that blooms Seki so I didn't get any blooms last year and this year we've got some glorious bloom stocks Japanese umbrella pine right here I planted last year and then I just transplanted this hopscotch who gorillas out of one of our containers from up front right in our parking area I had to use those pots yesterday that my hooker relatives were in so I had to take the girls out and get implanted and they're so big that you can just pop one in a flower bed and it gives you impact you don't need to have a big drift of those if you don't want or if you don't have the space for it I did pull out the calla karpas the beauty berries that I had planted here they just didn't like this spot I had transplanted or replanted two of them already so I had tried the first batch of three had to take two out replanted those two and then ended up just taking all three out they think they like more acidic soil than they get in our area and so that area I need to clean up the tulip leaves which are just now like looking like this this is typically we wait until they look like this to cut them back typically and so we'll clean all that up and then I'll figure out three really pretty things to put in here I'm thinking even like arctic firedog woods you know there's a lot of green in this area so I might choose something with some purple but the red branches might be beautiful in the winter time so anyway I've got some thinking to do on that salvia back here backed by a ton of iceburg roses the shrub type right here really beautiful I mean this whole area and then the Venus dogwood you can see it kind of towering up above I hope you're able to see everything it's so we usually wait for a part Sun or not part Sun overcast day so that everything is in the same light and we don't have harsh shadows but with the wind tomorrow it's just one of those things right here in front of the gazebo like I said I haven't planted a single thing in this bed we've got lamium not yet anyway this year obviously I've planted something in the past lollipop crabapple there is a diamond-like hosta the lamium serendipity alliums which will bloom middle to late summer and then the carding mill Rose so I did want to talk about this because I this is my my favorite color this is a David Austin rose and I do have a lot of outlast roses as well in my garden which are in the same color family they both have that peachy color a little bit different shaped blooms I mean you just this this you just really can't I don't know there's nothing like this except I do notice that the branches on mine are not as strong you can see right here see this right here they are plenty hydrated it is not a water issue I just have noticed that their stems aren't as strong as they at last so something to consider although I do like these for arranging because I can get them to easily cascade over the side of my vase in fact I just did an arrangement that I really love will pop a picture up on the screen utilizing these roses and they were very easy to manipulate instead of a really stiff stem so there's some pros and cons I guess for you I did plant some Veronica in here that I figured out in both sides that it does not like a ton of moisture I didn't realize that both of these beds are on drip and they were getting hit by sprinklers too and I didn't know that until the very end of the season and so some of them rotted out so I am planning on fixing that issue I haven't yet that's why I haven't replanted but I really did it's like the purple illusion I really would like that back here I also planted some Inc berry Hollies which like acidic soil and I thought well I'm going to try this they both they're an evergreen this one looked completely dead but it just started pushing new leaves so I gave him Holly tone I'm going to see what they do I mean I know them they don't look like much now but I will probably give them this season unless I figure out something different I want to do and let them kind of recuperate because it wouldn't that be amazing if I could actually get these to live something that likes acidic soil it makes me always feel accomplished when I can do that on this side well right here I guess I should point out these are pyracantha spirals that I have not shaped yet and I did really want to shape them until they bloomed so we've got blooms on them now and then when I shape them they will look more spiral esque spring plants still below that still look pretty good and then we've got a couple nine barks back here this is the copper Tina oh I can't remember is that the copper Tina do you remember yeah we'll put it on the screen we're gonna have awful lot of that Boscobel roses right here there's five of them look at how gorgeous the scent of this one is crazy amazing - I have a couple sunflowers I have had sunflowers planted nowhere near this area so there's this right here and this one right here that I'm just gonna I don't let him grow I know it's kind of weird right in the middle of the roses but bless their hearts they're just going for it and they look really healthy so I'm gonna let him go right over here North Pole arbor vitae spiral this is where the ash tree was removed was that last spring Erin I think it was wasn't it anyway this is where the trunk was so I need to cut these back and then I'll be using some brush and stump killer to kill out this because I can't have these keep coming up in here they're way too strong and aggressive we've got some more serendipity alliums see I've got lots of space here I need to fix the water issues first and then I will come in with some more perennial hopefully Veronica probably a few annuals in here but my linden tree looks a heck of a lot better than it did last year last year it fell over in our hailstorm that we had in May and then the leaves all got shredded every single one and so where every leaf was shredded there was brown around each one of the leaves in fact I think I took some pictures I'll look anyway it looked like that for the rest of the season it was a huge bummer because I had a brown tree back - bye-bye Brown gazebo everything just looked very Brown over here and it kind of bummed me out let's go look at this bed this is the only time it's really in the Sun oh I need to get those out hold on my hydrangeas are drooping this is really the only area of our yard that's inconvenient to have to water because I have to snake the hose all the way through our fireplace area and around but that's okay one of these days we'll get a faucet put somewhere over here be ideal if we had one like tucked in right by that you want a mess which is looking very healthy this year okay whoa shame shouldn't started the tour I looked around this bed we do not have our drip system on a grid system and we've noticed that this is our only bed that we really deal with flow issues and sometimes the drip system just doesn't cover things are very well so I deal with a little bit of this I just come in though this bed is just so much more full than it used to be I came in with these Bluebird name ECI right here usually they're like a cooler they like a cooler temperature which this is only in the Sun until no I don't know maybe like noonish or so and so I'm hoping that they it's an experiment to see how they do in the ground but I've really amped up this area with hostas I've got a bunch of white fox loves coming up like you can see a stock here there's one blooming there back in here there is a hydrangea this is a little quickfire no pinky-winky pinky-winky right here planted it a couple years ago in the dark after I got home from a garden tour in our local area and I was so inspired I just had to come home and plant something okay just a few more sorry but I did plant these are spearmint hookers right here give them a little bit of extra water every day till they're established but I just really wanted to keep this bed full of shorter things instead of tall because I love standing back right here and like looking through like right now it's a little bit harsh because of the Sun but usually like first thing in the morning and in the evening oh my word when the sun's going down behind the vegetable garden it is it is gorgeous it's one of my favorite views of our entire garden especially now that we've got more varied plantings now this sprinkler right here comes up and then it kind of sprinkles over the very front part of this bed last year I put inpatients in here just like the ones you combine the 4-pack and they did pretty well so I'll probably do that again but I've been kind of careful about what I put in this area one because we really do need to get the water system figured out over here before I add too much otherwise I'll spend you know 30 minutes a day standing here with the hose trying to make sure everything stays watered anyway I'll just leave this here for now I should probably go turn it off though because my hose this spring see that I need to repair this the weeping willow looks really beautiful right now we need to trim it a little bit so we can see again it's kind of a constant chore but we should head this direction flowerbed right here is looking awesome the hostas are just so pretty I could not wait to see the hostas looking in their prime again after last year's hailstorm and how they looked for the rest of the season I just craved seeing nice looking leaves the columbine in here is gorgeous if you look through the bed it's a huge patch itself seeds itself around which I don't even mind because I think it makes it look very kind of magical in this area unless structured which I think I like to have a good blend of that in a garden I like all my hedges but I like a jumble as well looking across the first side there the lettuce is huge looking awesome now our box wits are looking a little bit better we did a very very light trim on them they pushed some more green growth but do you remember what they look like just a month ago they were bad I mean they were like this right here like just dead tips but the whole thing even the sides so we aren't going to be shaping these up very hard probably for the next couple of years because I really want to let them have a chance to rebound will lightly shape them just so that there's some structure but we just have to let them just hang out for a while and rebound and over here this is a old like heirloom type rose I always have to ask you guys what the name of it is it's beautiful vivid pink and then this bed I hadn't really actually done a whole bunch - there is some bindweed in this bed it's really hard to get rid of do you guys have this in your area he climbs through everything it's just horrible stuff so I try to keep up on it if I can keep up on it early I feel like I get a better handle on it but some areas just it runs away and I don't have I don't know I can't keep on everything all the time so it's looking pretty good but this fills up with black eyed Susans so the whole area you won't even be able to see soil here as well I planted some echinacea is here last year there's a Russian sage there and then I planted these actually by our oak trees over there and they were getting ready to take those out last year and I really wanted to save these because they smell just like grapes they're an iris also smells like like grape I remember as a kid might when I was sick I would get grape dimetapp that medicine did you get that Erin I loved it with it so this reminds me of that smell exactly but the leaves are gorgeous the white and seiji green it's really pretty so I really want these to kind of establish and naturalize and fill in this space here a little bit of salvia and then this is the pink profusion salvia isn't that gorgeous it blooms forever a really long time then we share it back to about you know right here so and then it blooms again later in the season I have more of it now by the barn and I wanted more of it on purpose because I want to put some of this in other areas of our garden right behind it I have Morton blush roses so look at this look at how delicate I just the softest shell pink and I really actually leave all of these I don't deadhead many of these because they form the biggest rose hips and they're beautiful like orangish red huge rose hips and I like to use them for wreaths and arranging for a fall in wintertime right behind it there's a Hawthorne which I plant it was sick at the nursery I planted it here and this was the first year that I feel like it really like it's taking hold it was so full of bloom I think I took a picture of it but it was just beautiful and it will get I think like 20 feet tall maybe 15 foot wide was the size of this one so it's going to fill in this space right here and that's what I hope it does just kind of like this blue spruce which looks like it's struggling a little bit but it's putting on new growth so I'm not too worried about it this is a Fat Albert which will also be a 15 feet wide and I really wanted to create back here a screen a little bit to create more of a private feeling in here which will get there one day but this bed we've added quite a bit too wine craft black smoke bush doesn't that look awesome Aaron Joe you feel like this is the best year well every new year your plants get bigger and stuff but I feel like this once at all of last year and really didn't do much because I remember planting this when Russell was just a baby which means I was just I was just pregnant with Benjamin so it's like over two years old everything is in terms of when Benjamin was born and when we adopted Russell kind of like my timeline anyway yeah I feel like this is just now coming into its own and I planted a bunch of the Firefly peach is it peach sky anyway planted these last year and they've gotten huge and they've booked up and I don't deadhead these because I feel like the spent blooms on them are every bit as pretty as the fresh blooms and I like to use these and arranging they last forever I've got a Jubilee celebration Rose right here really pretty kind of like a I don't even know how to describe that like a tropical you look in pink but it'll fill in this area four by four and then the midnight masquerade Tennessee penstemon right here and then phlox this is pink a dot I can't remember it honestly it came back a little bit weak and it's because I think I'm not giving it enough Sun I think that I would need to stay on top of trimming this a little more often to keep those plants really full but I'm really wanting to fill in this area as a whole it's the shape is gonna change a little bit feels so magical doesn't it like all of this like I hate to term it because I just love the form of these trees it makes me feel like I'm in this house I've never been to the south really but this is like what I imagined anyway I've got some limelight hydrangea under here which honestly would perform better with more Sun as well they just kind of they bloom but they're not like a huge show under here so I'm learning a lot about you know how much light something truly needs and to perform really well I do have another diamond like hosta in here backed by an Oregon grape in their beautiful red fall color on that Oregon grape and it is evergreen so it maintains its foliage through the year we've got Brenna right in here planted these kind of late in the season last year and I thought they would get too much Sun but they look like they're thriving and then this area this area is kind of our major hole I guess right now because this is where the Oaks came out we would like to mirror a walkway that's pretty much as wide as the one in the corner garden there so like right in here big enough to get the Gator through which means you know where the previous pathway was that's now gonna be flowerbed and then we are going to be edging this whole thing with brick so the gravel is gonna be pushed out a little bit it'll all be edged with brick then at that point I think I'll feel better about planting the trees and clearly I mean I would love to have planted the trees earlier in this season before they broke dormancy but we just didn't get to that project and I really don't want to plant them until the brick edging is in because only then can I properly measure because I need everything to be pretty precise with this hedge of trees there are four of them and I want it to be equal equidistance so anyway they still sit there we water them every day and they should be okay but the rest of this flower bed is really pretty we just recently planted some phlox in here irises are still blooming which is really fun and then the centauri are right here is always a beautiful show so scent aria this is also called Jupiter's beard we will cut it back here in a few weeks after it's done blooming and it flushes back again I've got a beyond midnight Kerry opera tucked in right there we planted that in a video and that usually picks up midsummer and then blooms for the rest of the season we got some geraniums hardy geraniums here backed by a poet's wife Rose here and you should get close on that look at how beautiful those are kind of tucked in with all the other perennials oh and the mock orange is blooming I didn't see that yet look at this I think this is a mock gorge called Snow White I want to say planted it last year really late when it was hot and it kind of D foliated and I felt really bad for it because I didn't plant it at the proper time so I'm really happy to see it looking so good Benjamin's area is kind of blank right now we had like random planters in here last year that we've cleaned out I would like to do some more fun stuff for him in this spot that's why I've left it open I'm trying to find round concrete stepping stones nobody seems to care I carry them in our area and I need like ten of them I don't want to do squares I want to do round so that's kind of what I'm waiting for but I want to put in some fun stuff for him back here he actually loves to come in here even though there's nothing planted on it and he wants us to sit in there with him so I need to still plant something around it and then for some shade and then do some other things anyway those will be some fun projects for later and then going this way this is where the flag stones were Erin and I do plan on doing a project I kind of anticipate Erin when do you think that's gonna happen he just rolled his eyes away yeah we kind of got our head of ourselves so you might just see this looking like mulch for now which is totally fine with me it looks tidy blue fescue looks better than it ever has because we actually shared it back for the first time all the other years we didn't really bother to do that so it always had kind of a brown tint to it cat's pajamas nepeta right here backed by some daisies those are Daisy Mae they're full of buds I'm dealing with an iron issue in this bed you can see clearly on I've got some Mary Rose roses in here and like this one looks good that one looks good those are okay on the end but this one look at this I mean it's so iron deficient that it's starting to burn and I've put iron tone on it and I think there's just kind of a problem and here though because look at my hydrangea it's like this whole section right here there's something in the soil because hydrangea is chloros showing chlorosis and then so are the ladies mantle on this side the ladies mantle on the end are still nice and green the leaves are but the leaves here have this look to them right here see that that's weird green veining and yellow leaf tissue so I don't know what's going on in this spot it's always there's always some little thing like that but this here is very beautiful I think this Pennisetum gets about this taller so beautiful seed heads on it and then the lamium just maintains through the whole season if anybody knows what this is please tell me I planted this last year and I cannot remember what it is I have a tag so these are the blooms this is what the way the leaves look somebody let me know please because it's beautiful I'd like to have more honestly I did more Bluebird nimisha in this area because well as some wicked witch coleus we actually took a little bit of a break because the camera was overheating so anyway back to our tour this is I think where we stopped it but I wanted to point out the woolala hostas I planted these here last year and they're just so beautiful I planted the other who karela out of the containers that I just cleaned out right over there I think that's a really pretty blend along with this Japanese maple and then I've got a clematis right here that I cannot remember the name of at the moment anyway I just transplanted this I want to say this is a brother Stefan not sure but let's run through here I haven't done much of the gazebo area I mean I moved our Japanese maples from the greenhouse back in here and they're all doing really well but I do intend on doing some potted things on this rolling cart and on the table out here but it's just you know one thing at a time at least it's clean and tidy in here and yeah we actually don't use this gazebo very much at all okay let's go this way because the Empress Wu hostas in which we just showed you these in the hosta video again I'm not sure if that one's gonna come out first before this tour or not but these are looking amazing so these three one two three I planted a couple years ago and then these three back here I planted last year so you can kind of see the growth difference just adding one extra year of growth here and they are on drip they get consistent moisture and that's the thing with these big hostas that I didn't realize they really do need consistent moisture in order to get that big massive size we've got a beautiful Japanese maple in here and you can kind of see through to the cottage garden around the chicken coop area there right behind you ear in I just planted those double Winkie blue Columbine still have a few blooms on them and you might remember in that video I started spraying these with my Tech's because I usually get mites on these horribly bad and so I've done that a few times and they are clean like I have gone through so far this season with no Mike damage on those so I am I'm really happy about that so I wanted to let you no the update these are containers from last year pansies and all haven't even touched him this spring we've got a gem box Inc Barry Holly it's kind of short it didn't look like that when the ivy was little but this is glorious it's like big curtain of ivy so pretty this is a called gold child right here so I need to get around to I think I'll pull up pansies out clearly and I might pull the centerpiece out and do something a little bit taller here just for a different look that'll come in a while and I did not get around to trimming these these are the last box woods that didn't the last box woods on the place that didn't get shorn in time but with our decrease in temperature I think I'm gonna go ahead and give it a shot and I'll just trim them up lightly my intention is to have these be round spheres and clearly not right now they're just like wild wooly things but they're healthy so that's great haven't planted these up yet thought we would maybe like run through here quick we just did a tour of this area so we'll just walk through out in front of the chicken coop and then we'll go show you the formal garden with the baptisia is just starting to bloom and look beautiful the Zephyr een roses climbing roses I still haven't started to prune and train yet they're still just as they were but I just love this back here at the Japanese maple and the Brunner ah which is still blooming at the end of May we had a hedge of Care Act's and then this right here this hosta and heuchera that I planted in here last year is doing really great which surprises me because that container actually got in there the other day and noticed that it was somehow plugged on the bottom and the because the pot sitting straight on the soil and I so I took all the drippers out and I just left it alone and it looks like it's doing a lot better how did I not notice that I think I would have maybe lost those plants to rot but this is doing really great baptisia I might try to put a cage or something around this for tomorrow's windstorm because I would hate for something to happen to this plant and then this right here oh I was just noticing in fact I took a picture from right in here and posted it on Instagram this morning it was this view right here it was of this rose right here with the heuchera blooms and then the clematis in the background and that's a brother Stefan clematis right there these are lady Gardner roses which somebody commented and said boy those don't look as apricot as I think they are supposed to be and I do think soil chemistry can slightly alter the way your blooms look and that could be what's going on here because they definitely open up more pink but they aged out with a lot more apricot see how much more apricot there is in the center there but they're all doing great I did treat these with iron tone earlier this spring and they're all greening up beautifully cat's pajamas epital going for it and my yellow pansy is still going for it and the front of the chicken coop looks pretty much the same as the last time I showed you we do have an umbrella up in there that is my that is my quick fix for shade for the chickens in fact it's usually like it's pretty cool in their in their coop I have a fan running oscillating all day long with the door and the back window opens so there's a lot of air flow in there and they hang out in there a lot of the day but then in the afternoon that umbrella actually shades it really well and then there's an ash tree right in front of me that shades it from the hottest part of the day so so far we're getting through pretty good and the chickens seem to be okay with that these are the oh so easy peach cream peachy cream roses and that's about how tall they get I love the color of them so pretty and see this is really why I wanted to show you these plants because all of these will be gone after the windstorm all of those petals they'll be all over the ground all over everywhere all over the mulch but right now they look just perfect the Indiglo girl salvia so I did want to talk about this because if you want a perennial salvia that acts a little bit more like an annual salvia I love this one because I feel like it's got the biggest bloom stock of all the perennial salvias it gets really tall and it blooms for so much of this season and this is yellow last year was the first time I ever planted it and I've really enjoyed it a lot so I'm I'm a believer in that variety alright so let's go back here you can take a look at the firelight that's what we put back here right here in like hydrangea hedge we put in last year it's all looking really really good the interesting thing about this bed we've noticed every single year whether or not we put annuals and this was previously a bed we put just annuals in and about now we have transformed it a little bit into a lower maintenance like less planting sort of area but every year it starts off to where it like we get great growth great growth great growth and then it gets like fare and then it gets a little bit worse over here and I think what's going on is that the fruit system from this scarlet curls willow I think is just sucking all the moisture from the end of this bed so I did go in late last year and I put in extra emitters so that these two on the ends would receive a lot more water so far they look really good so I'm hoping that they eventually catch up and we don't have a hedge that looks like this in the end who knows but I did plant a few spearmint hookers under there this is kind of our like not junk area it's our supply area we've got our fertilizer tank back there as well as our lawn mower which we don't have room for in the barn anymore and sacks of bricks see his Erin got a bunch of them on sale and so he snagged there's like I don't know six pallets back there five-and-a-half pallets for whenever we tackle new projects and it's kind of nice if we want to do a brick pathway project and we want it to match all the rest of our bricks we know we've got extra back here I really never have we ever really gone through the beds back here much we've got a grapevine here it's actually on an arbor and it produces well you can see I usually post pictures of it when it's bearing its fruit but they're just everywhere loaded and I really don't do much for trimming on this thing at all I just let it go and do its thing and it does great every single year huge clusters of grapes and Benjamin loved it last year so I'm really looking forward to seeing him this year every year gets more fun because he like understands more and more about where things are and what things are meant for and that's really fun angelica right here that i planted if you want angelica just know that it's going to want to spread everywhere and it gets massive I planted I think wand one or two in this spot right here and it was just like this little tiny thing like you know like this big right here a couple leaves and it just looks so like bold and beautiful and I saw the picture of the blooms on the tag and I thought oh that would be interesting well it like creates a hedge and if that's what you want that's a great plant and it's totally fine back here except for it starts to block the sprinkler from the grass and that's kind of what's going on right here we've got some damage I need to come in and kind of shear all this off so that the sprinkler can can water properly here's another one this one I did not plant and it's here so that kind of shows you like it's gonna start spreading itself around I planted a couple of peonies from just roots last year in a video I planted three in the spot nothing came up last year and I thought oh that's great hi I did all of that and there's no plants there well two of them emerged this spring so I'm very excited there a white bloomer and then I did not get the third one which i think was right here which is fine you know I've got some ground cover Veronica going on right there and that's just great this whole area is like a lot of plants that were here when we moved in and just a few here and there that we've added throughout the last few years white iris is here right in here the alliums are just kind of starting to go for it back here this is the latest that they've ever done it so the taller ones are the ambassador's that we added in last fall I had previously planted globe masters which you can see are almost done so maybe they have a little bit of a different bloom season which is great I didn't know that I thought they'd be all blooming at one time globe masters ended up being too short which bummed me out because I was wanting this look I was wanting to look above the boxwoods and see this really fun little you know spear purple spheres coming up so that's why we added the ambassadors and now we were having water issues that we didn't know about earlier this spring so I think they came up a lot weaker especially on that corner over there they just didn't get enough water and I didn't realize it so I'm hoping that they all thrive and at least live through this season now that they are getting water and we have a really fantastic show next year although this is pretty fantastic I'm really happy with that now I did trim these I've been trimming a lot of my shake boxwoods with hedge shears like manual ones and as opposed to my hedge trimmers I did prune these a little bit late but I also think that on my electric hedge trimmer as well I'll still do that on my straight hedges like this because it's just faster I just don't have the time to manually prune all of our boxwood hedges there's just yards and yards and yards of them I do think that it bruises the leaves like it takes the plant and does this with the leaves and I think you have a higher likelihood of having yellow or burn tips because it's just raking those leaves and not making a really clean cut if that makes sense so with a lot of our shaped box woods I've been using those shears and having really excellent results with that and it's a little more controlled it makes me go slower so the shapes end up a little bit better too so anyway yeah usually they flush back though with a little new layer of green growth that kind of covers that anyway but I think it's looking pretty good I've got to show you the at last roses over here in the corner they're amazing everything we planted in this bed is coming back and doing great all the hydrangeas not much growth to him yet we'll show you later on serendipity alliums black lace elderberry this one I cut back to about here every single year and it gets massive there's one in full bloom I did not prune that one on purpose because I wanted to show you guys what it looks like if you don't prune it so because usually I like to keep them a little bit more in size control but that means oftentimes I cut off a lot of the blooms so I left this one which probably much to my neighbour's dismay I will go in and kind of shear that up a little bit they have a net up right here because they play a lot of tennis and so it catches all of the tennis balls which I appreciate so I will go in and probably clean that up for him but anyway I think this is pretty grand we're going to be showing you some of our neighbors just down the lane from us they've got this huge hedge of these and they're the most spectacular looking plants I've really nothing going on there because we have had water issues even with brand new drip that I write around to this area it hasn't been watering right there I don't know what the deal is but these are the six at last roses I planted last year I did not ded had these last year or prune them at all nothing like if you look in here you can probably find they're just like they berry last year's growth I can't even really see it anyway they look amazing and so you can see the difference between the carding mills which are a little bit softer peach they're fuller cupped but you can see the strength of these stems is a lot better so you kind of have pick and choose what you kind of want to the look of your plants and that what you want the function to be I like to have both so I can use them however but this is - cream right here which is a beautiful perennial along with this color of rose so this one will get sheared back you can see that it's about ready to be sheared back and once it starts to flop a little bit in this bed here we have the stand by me clematis is that right I always want to call it falling in love sweetly like the anemone I get these two mixed up still have them staked these up since the last time I showed you but they're looking awesome and they look like this all season they just bloom in bloom and bloom I think on their tag they say they bloom like late spring early summer and then maybe again later in the season but mine just go all season long that's what I've experienced and I just love this plant it's amazing I've got a climbing rose and some other things I want to plant in this area but the reason we planted our new blue spruce over here is that eventually when it's mature it will reach over here so I didn't really I didn't it looks weird not to have it like right here like this is where I would want to put it just like my initial reaction but I know in the future I'm gonna need more space for it and this is gonna be a really beautiful evergreen at the very end of our lane because this is our lane here which brings me to the containers which are just amazing like I have considered pulling the grass out of the center because of how beautiful just the geraniums look in it but Erin keeps telling me it'll be beautiful in different seasons like enjoy them right now looking the way they do with the geranium being the star and then enjoy it later on when the grass is the star which is really I love that being able to have multi season interest out of these containers the Bordeaux and the lob everything everything looks like it's just filling in gorgeous this container right here when I took this trailing Rose veined it was the third whoopsie it's this one right here is the third pot from the end I accidentally could broke the root ball more than half in half like it only had about this much root ball below its plant and I thought well I'll just pop it in there anyway and see what it does and it took hold and it's doing great these are all on drip I've never supplemented watered these except for the first day I watered them all in and then they've been on drip ever since and we are spraying the supertunias every week with BT to keep the bed warm Soph and then they get fertilizer once a week as well and that's the maintenance that they're gonna get all season and I just love them I think they're beautiful alright I think we should head to Versailles we missed the bloom time on these these are always really beautiful you can see like a couple like of the straggler blooms these are all purple and they're all just full of iris a little while ago but you might remember we had those pavers those gray pavers here this will also be lined with brick soon so our friends came and they pulled all the pavers up to the very end right to the fence here and then later on they're gonna come and get all the pavers from inside of Versailles so that we can replace it all with brick I really want to show you the alliums in this corner these are pots will still have hellebores and pant violas in I need to swap those out the lettuce is looking great about ready to pull those out and get ready for some annuals look at the alliums in this spot look at this this has been such a fun area here these are globe masters right here and I got to not touch honey bees they're usually just loaded with honey bees but look at how massive this is that is enormous they're amazing and we planted these in just little groups so I like a group of three group of five I think I have a group of so seven right there and I just really like the look I did plant let's see we've got three queen of Sweden roses in here so nice soft pink you might be I don't know which ones you can see better but they're really doing well my stand of poppies that I planted last year these were all in four inch containers look at this isn't that gorgeous and so those are filling in great I've got kodiak orange cervelas back there there's a totem pole grass that gets really tall my June snow dogwood was a late plant last year I put I had something else there what did I put there do you remember I think it was a pink flowering dogwood and it didn't do well I think it died so I took it out and put this in but it was pretty late in the season but it's doing well it bloomed white really pretty and then I did plant my Fox cloves I grew from seed you may have seen that video so that's how they're looking right now they're bulking up looking great alright go up here so this area is about to get very interesting which means I probably won't do an enormous amount of planting up here I'm not permanent planting anyway because if you saw our video where we talked about our new land up here and kind of our plans to join the two properties this whole gravel lane that's right here it will be removed as well as all of this all the fencing will take the boxwoods up everything will go and then our lawn is going to extend out into the new property with flowerbeds like this on the parameters and maybe some islands with flowerbeds but it will join the two properties together so that means I probably will cool it on permanent plantings up here because I don't want to have to move or give away plants that's what we're gonna do we're gonna have friends and family come over and just dig out what they want up here before we get ready to do that and we may relocate some of the plants ourselves if we there are certain ones we want to keep so that means I'll probably do some sort of quick growing annual for this area I had some credible sunflowers here last year that did great which I think I need to do a little pruning our ash tree canopy is kind of waiting down a little bit last year this was in much more son so anyway I don't know what I'm gonna do up here it's likely it may end up just looking like this all season which is okay to have areas like that this flower bed is looking really good I think the Gophers have been leaving it alone for the last little bit which isn't lovely I haven't had to deal with any gopher messes for a while I'm going to come in with some caladiums right here which we have loads of we just got them in and so I want to plant some right in here I am going to contact the company I might get around to it this year to get the proper setup to get her running right now she's collected some nice rainwater and some leaves and such I don't know it doesn't bother me I know it bothers some of you guys to see fountains that aren't running but it's just one of those things it's just another thing like I know when it's running it's something else I have to make sure it's filled every day which there isn't a really convenient hose to fill this one up and that's one of the factors I'm like oh this one does not have a very big reservoir I don't have to string the hose all the way around to get it over here to fill it every day right now it's so low maintenance it looks great all full of junk but I just planted the silver gumdrop hookahs here these were out of our heuchera planters up front there's coast to coast hostas there are some I think these are waterslide hostas some hardy geraniums which actually do really well in the shady spots and then I've got a bunch of this foliage left this is from our Luke Luca gym leucojum the summer snowflake bulb we planted in here so I'm guessing this will just stay for a little while longer and then we'll be cutting all of that back and it'll have a little bit more of a clean appearance in here now these next beds are in full Sun at last roses look at those now I don't know how it is but I have two here and three here and somehow this Rose is not planted right here this is how the the swoop should go like how did it get planted off I do that almost every time I plant something together I don't know if I just like I don't take into account like I should plant him where the root ball should go instead of what the plant is currently shaped like because I think that's what gets me good wrong what do you think Erin I don't know oh my attention to detail perhaps anyway so my suit it's looking very good the Globemaster alliums because they're in more Sun and heat up here these ones are just starting to go out of bloom there's a little bit of color left on them nine barks in here as well as a limelight hydrangea I had an evergreen planted right here which I'd like to replace with something it did not thrive the root ball broke when we planted it and it was a late plant too anyway I was planting it so that it looked good for a tour and I was in a hurry anyway so that one didn't thrive but that's okay I kind of want I don't know if I want and evergreen there I might want some really beautiful ornamental tree of some sort there so we'll see so you look at these pansies and the tulip leaves they're just starting to brown but they've lasted for so long so much longer than normal I do have plants in the greenhouse ready for these spots ready for the edge here ready for the edge up there and I just haven't had the heart to pull these out yet but their time is coming very soon I'm in this flower bed here we've got some hardy geraniums oh we should pop out quick here and show the climbing rose so really are looking pretty and these containers are looking really pretty as well and I'm really nervous as to what's gonna happen to these in the wind tomorrow but they're looking nice and full really starting to thicken up this is a climbing raw rose called the generous gardener right here really pretty like pale kind of pink these are a couple that I'll probably save I'll cut them way back I'll dig them up and put them somewhere else when we take all of this out yeah this is like coming from a root stock here this is like that dr. Huy parent Rose whatever I need to cut this out this should not happen in my garden dark red coming in amongst my really soft pink beautifully colored iris is I love this this is one of my favorites that really soft peach color we've got some wild rose who cries and then this spot right here I'm dealing with a gopher I don't know if it's the same one but there was a mound in our grass there's a mound right here and there's an actual hole underneath this hosta look at this like I can I can stick my hand in side this hole it just barreled through part of the routes super frustrating so anyway trying to keep up on that I tried to flush him out with some water the other day and the water just disappears I had my hose in that hole forever and I think the networks in this area of gopher runs are so extensive the water just goes I don't know some one day our ground caves in from the amount of water I put that's what happened I planted these ferns this spring and I'm really loving I can't remember the name off to see if I can find the tag but I think it's a really pretty structure in here and then this is our new area it's still in a little bit of shade since we're still morning but this is the best year for this Japanese maples so far I think it was looking really great we've got the Black Pearl who cries with the accros ogon accros you guess what it's called that grass some foxgloves blooming this is the Anna's red hellebore which I mean not only are the blooms beautiful but the leaves are really beautiful the design on the leaves I haven't got around to trying to mask the AC unit but I don't even really notice it there's so many beautiful things going on in this area I've got a climbing rose right here and then these are some of the delphiniums there are no gutters on this side of the house we had a rain storm like this is the only steak I had at the moment we had a rain storm and it was coming down and just beating the heck out of these delphiniums right here but I need to come in today and try to straighten these all up and get them all properly stakes so that they don't get ruined tomorrow in the wind but they're gorgeous aren't they look at this color I think they're just I mean Soho beautiful and they filled in this area wonderfully now I really need to get better about coming in earlier on in the season and properly stay heat stuff in our last garden it was so protected and something about our soil down there things just grew like crazy and I would have stalks this big on my delphiniums I never had to stake them because they were so strong they're not quite the same here we're a little more exposed and they just don't grow quite as robust this planter is doing really well we've got the osteo sperm a pink and then the bacopa and the Bluebird nummy CF everything's looking really good in it I still haven't hooked this one up on drip yet but it all the drip is in there the paprika rose is just going out of bloom and then we've got some salvia here foxgloves that I started from seed this winter kind of went in this area and then a walala hosta what else we've got the hostas here which we put in very early these are the seducer hostas and they've really gone through the wringer with wind it just barrels through here there's nothing to protect them so I'm hoping that one day when our Arba vytas are actually tall and creating their screen and the red point maples are big and this boxwood hedge is more established I'm hoping it creates more protection right here for these plants because you can see they're a little tattered of course they're brand new plants too so it's probably a little hard for their root system to bring up enough water to really feed the whole leaf so they tend to want to brown and Tedder a bit the first year anyway but I still think they're looking pretty good silver gumdrop heuchera is there and some ferns so let's just head toward the vegetable garden I'm trying to recoup these spheres I did trim these but one year they got trimmed not by me but they got trimmed to where the guy who turned him trimmed him in blocks right here instead of like leaving them circles and letting him touch they were like rounded on the top and the sides but then they were flat on the side so that it left air and you can imagine I was kind of like ah so it's okay I'm just letting him kind of be fluffy on the sides and we'll try to recoup their shape and they will eventually just one of those things the west side garden there's not an enormous amount that's different over here you know I planted up the urns planted the delphiniums which are shooting up brand new stocks I am getting ready to plant in here we have cut the foliage back of the tulips I have a lot of white blooming annuals in fact right here check this out this is say a little view preview of things to come look at this I'm hoping to do this today I was hoping to do it last night so I loaded up the cart they've been sitting here for the last little bit but I think these are gonna be gorgeous diamond mountain euphorbia so the last little area let's walk through the vegetable garden these right here are called Ambridge rose look at that they're just so delicate looking you can tell like I always go toward that color of Rose the Colette's on the arbors are looking amazing they're just about done with their first flush they've got a lot of buds on them but I'm gonna have to come through and clean up I'm sure the wind will do a lot of it for me though to clean up some of these spent blooms but you can see right here they're a little bit smaller than the traditional English roses the blooms are but they've got that same kind of full cup to parents they smell really good and they're just they're beastly they want to grow so quick you can see the ones on the other side one of them is almost reaching the top and then we recently did a vegetable garden tour so I won't spend a lot of time but everything is looking really good in here I've got garlic will be harvested in about a month a little over a month from now cabbage is starting to like this one's ready to harvest right now potatoes are looking excellent onions have a little bit more time on them but everything's looking very good like I can tell you can tell the land and see I added land and sea compost for the first time this fall or the spring and the bio tone fertilizer when I planted everything and everything is just like it's just enormous broccoli like this is my best broccoli your ever you can see it's starting to be eaten by some things so I have been I sprayed BT out here and that's the first time I've sprayed anything in this garden I noticed right here like I could see a little bit of damage and then I found a little green caterpillar right behind it anyway I came out and sprayed BT on all the cabbages all in the broccoli and the Brussels sprouts but you can see on the Brussels sprouts here look at they're starting to form those will be our brussel sprouts it's very exciting I've got to figure out how to make Brussels sprouts Erin I've never really liked them but they're interesting to grow here's a couple other beds of potatoes the peas these are organ sugar pod peas there looking amazing see like I said when I planted these they're not a technically a pulpy but they need support big-time so this wire a-frame trellis this is from Gardner supply it's perfect they just kind of cling to it and it keeps them upright and check this out first one of the season for me also little baby so it's really tender mm-hmm yeah Benjamin checks the strawberries every day he likes green strawberries as much as red ones I think we have to like really make sure we have our eye on them so that we actually get red strawberries cuz he would eat them all green and then the Colette's again alright guys so I think that's gonna be it for today's video that was a lot I did try to spend a little bit more time going over individual plant names in each area so I'm not sure how long this tour was so if you watched the whole thing thank you for sticking with it through the whole thing it really is a fun time of year and I really anticipate it just like starting to explode with growth I mean it to me a lot of the areas have but I know the potential of a lot of the stuff we planted especially in terms of annuals you'll really see a lot of activity with that coming up very soon so anyway hope you guys are all having a really great day and we will see you in the next video
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 1,418,470
Rating: 4.9329562 out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: 2o-hUDTR96w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 3sec (3543 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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