Summer garden tour 🌿 The best the garden has looked!

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how about a garden tour all right so i thought it'd be a great time to walk around the garden and just show you what's happening it has been a super busy month in my garden um we actually are in the middle right now of a pair of photos so just a quick note here um this is just me doing this one mr much more patient has been really busy working in the garden as well and he needs some time to do a few other things so it's just going to be be me sort of casually walking around the garden obviously we're looking here at the full front border which is where this is where all the color is this time of year you guys you can see just a couple of plants i'm not going to obviously point out everything but in the front you see the purple foliage that's wild magic basil that is a sterile variety of basil so you can't grow it from seed you have to buy it as plants i always get it from annie's annuals next to that flanking it you can see that i've got uh this is a new sweet potato vine from proven winters this year this is called sweet caroline medusa i have it everywhere and it's doing i love it i love it i will probably repeat that in the future the main dahlia that you're seeing here is this is creighton honey you guys know this is one of my favorites and i always love to show you sort of the difference you can have in color from really very yellow up to really quite salmon colored and behind here we've got just quickly we've got the tiny tough stuff hydrangeas right here now they're past their prime but they still look pretty beyond that right here is that's kinsley's ghost honeysuckle and i've just been kind of bending the branches around to create kind of a pleasing shape right there in the middle of the garden along the edge here i'll just point out a couple of things first of all there's a lot of agile agiratum here this year most of that actually self-seeded so if it'll keep self-seating like that that's great because that's one less thing i have to grow every year but i always love how that blue looks in there this is moonlight moonlight night labularia i have this in a lot of places around the garden this year too and that gomphrena this cute little red ball you see was all supposed to be pink that's there's a there's a theme there a lot of things aren't the colors they were supposed to be of course you can see the limelight is really in its prime you can see just now we're just starting to see this the lightest little tinge of pink but it's just looking just beautiful and we'll just take a moment here to take a look at the urn which is looking great so the coffee cups colocasia in the top is just growing really well what a beautiful plant that is the best part about it is how these veins are this dark purple veining in them it's just beautiful on there so of course we're seeing the bottom of it because it's up so high in the air everything else is doing pretty well in that urn i did lose some white plants that were in there so i was expecting a little bit more white flowers in the front but i'm still okay with it it just it doesn't take over the garden here which is nice since there's so much additional color going on here i thought we'd work our way around the patio here and uh so of course this is nicotiana lime green you guys know this is one of my favorite plants i will say not all of it has been great this year the best ones have been the ones that reseeded themselves i might change my thinking a little bit on what variety of that i grow i think we'll come we're going to do a full circle of this bed and then we'll come back and take a look at the left side so over here just to show you quickly this is linda's baby dahlia really similar to creighton honey except much more corally pink peaches this is wizard of oz one of the things that i did this year along the path was add in some lambs here now over here on the left right here this is salvia argentia which is one of my favorite annuals or actually it's a biennial to grow but um i am trying to start working in gradually some more perennials so i don't have to do quite as much planting and so along the edges i planted quite a bit of um the helen von von stein statues in there i also used a lot of gara in the garden this year i just love this ethereal feel of it i i can't that's one of my favorite things so as we come around this way i will just show you we're on the back side here and on the path and i'll just show you in this area so this is a new boxwood this year right here sorry for the finger there but underneath that i just did kind of ground covers so this is a carrix called beetle mania which is just like the best name for a plant next to that is european ginger this is almost all this is what you saw earlier this year i did a video where i got some plants from my sister-in-law those are mostly from her garden right there that's where most of them went so i just wanted something calm plus this area is not really sunny enough to grow a lot of annuals so i just wanted to tuck in something kind of calm and interesting especially around that boxwood so as we make our way around this garden this is always i've had these hostas here for ages now you guys this is blue angel i have never even divided these they've been here for 11 years i think then we'll just walk around the back side of this garden which i don't show you very often just so you can see the back side of the urn and this is where i did some scavola whirlwind white right here and there was one of those in the front that i lost and you can get a little glimpse of the window box from here and i tucked in some beacons and patience down here on the ground just to add some color in that nice little shady spot the grille is not usually there we just had to take it off the deck for photo shoot so normally this area has right here you see this is the electrum black stockings but you can tell that the foliage doesn't always look great and in fact the foliage on this one is starting to really decline so two of them i cut down and they're starting to bulk up again and look nice fresh green foliage but i did end up planting some more nicotiana in here just to fill this area in so that there would be something in this area so that that was always looking good so before i show you the front of the house i just want to back up a little bit here and show you the two pagoda dogwoods in pots which are looking really great um couldn't be happier with how these are looking it is definitely the last year that these are going to be okay in past this is year two there are some roots coming to the surface so i will move them out of here in fall and just buy new ones next year but they have all these beautiful berries on them they've got this great this one has more berries than this one over here but also looking great um so that is something i will repeat in the future okay ignore the uh the mess on the patio here here's the front garden so this is not looking as good as it has in other years it's looking in my eye it's looking okay it's a bit jungly it just is what it is this year and not every year is great usually i like to have more defined areas of planting and i put in some white enesta dahlias which you can see one right here and i was sort of counting on those to really really be the focal point along here that provides that repetition and they just have not done super well for me this year and it's been a very tough daily year so on the bottom layer down here i'll just show you this briefly one of the highlights here is this double deep salmon perfusion zinnia which i grew from seed and now that it's going it's looking really really great beautiful very happy with that just keeps blooming really doing well of course we've got more lime green and oceana in here and you'll see this silver plant this is plectranthus silver shield throughout the garden i've got it in all sorts of all sorts of containers this year and in the ground this is there's a few uh dinner plate deli's that are starting to look good here um i think that might be penn hill dark penn hill watermelon this is sear glow which is real hard to show you um a close-up of here but you get the idea this right here is a new clemonus i'm growing it's called seabreeze i planted it this year i did not anticipate uh seeing it bloom this year and here it is just looking gorgeous in there and we have a new fresh flower on the um autumn sunset rose and then as we come down here we've got more dinner plate dahlias now i like let me back up for you here i like the window box to sort of meld into what's happening below it i don't need any separation there so that's sort of my preference that this all becomes one planting and it certainly has because you can see that we've got some dahlia flowers breakout over here and up here is cafe au lait just nestled right in there and the window box i'm happy with with the exception of you can see on the left side the sweep this purple bell vine is not thriving it's it's up there but it's about half the size as the purple bell vine on the right which is a bit of a disappointment but you know it's all right um and we planted this one up in a video too which i'll link for you of course that's more that moonlight night labularia more of the medusa this is that whirlwind scaviola again and that's an easy wave petunia in there hey so right here is the lotus that i planted up in a video this year it's finally looking good it's been kind of rough summer for it it didn't do as well as the lotus in the vegetable garden but you can see there is big fat bud on it so i'm really excited to see it bloom and this seems like a great time to just remind you guys that if you want to catch updates of what's happening in the garden because i know i show you a lot of things in spring and then there's a lot of questions about what happened make sure you subscribe you can do that right down below um it's free it just lets you know when i have videos and then you will actually get a notification if you click the little bell so hit that subscribe button and uh you'll keep up with everything that's happening here good and bad before we leave this area i thought i'd show you the wild and crazy container so in the center what you see mostly this behemoth is cupping saucer vine which has not bloomed yet there are buds on it i don't think it's going to bloom in time for my next photo shoot which is a shame and you know this was wild and crazy when i planted it and it still is wild and crazy it's really i have to water it a lot because i've got so many plants packed in there i i will i think it would look great if that cup and sauce or vine would just hurry up and get blooming but this is not necessarily you can see right here maybe if you look right here see there's a little bud in there but i don't see that happening anytime soon anyway i think it will be very pretty at some point but this is definitely not for gardeners who like a very neat and orderly container because there's nothing neat or orderly about that as long as we're talking about containers just a couple updates here this is the senecio skyscraper that we planted up boy what a fabulous plant and that's corsican mint behind it this is a pepper called armageddon and it is flowering here i've got some mint in there with it and a kumquat behind it and over here we've just got a nice little combination of spanish lavender and kent beauty oregano and a couple of figs little miss figgy fig which we also planted in a video and then the chicago hearty fig is the taller one there so now we'll catch up with this side of the patio um i actually had a lot of issues in here a lot of the zinnias that i planted didn't do well so i threw in some nasturtium seeds and look they filled in great so nasturtiums to the rescue right here sorry for the shadow there this is the hardest plant in the garden to show you but this is verbena bampton uh it's an annual but it's self seated here and it has this great wiry texture with just the smallest little little flowers um on the ends here and um i i love it i love where it has self-seeded um i did not plant that one i did have it on here last year obviously a couple of dahlias um in here that's platinum blonde and this is um um another one whose name i can't remember right now so as we stroll down the path much of this is very similar to what you've seen in the past veronica white wands is doing its second bloom now i had cut that back after its first bloom that's a fabulous plant and not a lot like i said not a lot new in those beds that you haven't seen before now we'll check in on this container so you might remember when i planted this i did three of just the salmon begonias unfortunately i lost all but a small chunk of the middle one so i had to substitute i could not find a replacement so i put in this double delight primrose begonia i don't like this container as much with the yellow in there but it's still nice and it certainly draws your eye and i just love the combination of that plectranthus with the dichondra silver falls below it i also picked up that plectranthus in this area so this is just alternating gara and silver shield plectranthus um just this is a nice area for us we like to i like to plant annuals in this area because it takes a real beating in winter so perennials can have a tough time over wintering there so if i plant annuals and it's just six of them that i have to pop in there you i don't have to worry about what happens to them in winter so the nice thing with this plectranthus is that it roots very easily and in fact these two plectranthus that you see right here are just cuttings from just the container right over there that is climbing hydrangea of course growing along the walls of the garage there and we'll just move our way along this border um just just one thing to try to get my shadow out of the way for you here just thought i'd show you this this little planting is just heckler cloa all gold and then two beacons and patients and those are actually planted in the trunk of a tree that we cut down and they do really well there and it just really draws your eye to this kind of dimmer part of the garden so this is the other side of that part of the lawn this is an an incredible hydrangea and there's another one on the other side of the path over here and behind that is limelight the incredibles have been quite floppy this year entirely i believe due to how dry it was for a period of time i actually they are partly staked up because i needed to for photos i made this little corner kind of a little tropical corner so we've got lemon coral sedum in the bottom we've got some deep rose perfume nicotiana we've got tropicana canna we've got some beautiful dahlias in here including this purple one is thomas edison i've got some pink perfusion zinnias in there i'll tell you the story about those in a second and then here we've got a little a few cosmos which i just stuck in there this is the only place in my garden where the cosmos are doing well the main difference is that this is hot full sun and the rest of the places are not quite full sun so i will you'll see it in a little bit here what the other ones look like but i will never i will not plant cosmos in anything but the fullest of sun again just to show you another nicotine i'm planting this that grew this year this is the purple version of the pink one over there this is purple perfume nicotiana really pumping out the color on those i think i show you this little corner in almost every video but i always love the aurelia silver umbrella that's here and if you see the sort of frothy white bits that is actually the flowers just starting to open so very soon this thing will be absolutely humming with pollinators so this is a combination that i always just really love in the garden i always think it looks so pretty on this corner and i love how that aurelia kind of pops over the top of the railing at the deck so i had to just put it on wide angle here so you could see the two containers where we've got the purple bell vine growing up towards the pergola now show you this whole container here everything looking pretty good here this is terrenia i think this is gilded grape better color in the sun the one that gets less sun is generally growing better but not as good of color and you can see here this one comes up over the top and just kind of dangles down um such a such a pretty plant this purple belvine and i just love how it just sort of drapes like garlands here i just wanted to quickly show you the view from up on the deck where you can kind of overlook the top of these limelight hydrangeas here so you're right they're right up in your face you can look right into them which i kind of love and then over here is the aurelia silver umbrella and again here's the flowers and i just love how it sort of drapes over the railing but provides some interest up here on the deck as well as down below so this is the north um side of the house now and this garden did get quite a few changes this year um these hydrangeas i actually transplanted from a different area this year they seem to be doing pretty well as long as i make sure to keep up on the watering with them and the flocks here are all transplants from another person's garden and i sort of divided those and moved those around this year and they're just blooming now they're looking great just to give you an idea of how slowly our to move sometimes this is the a summerific hibiscus and you can see the very first flowers are just starting to think about coming out so a lot of people had their hibiscus blooming three weeks ago mine i'll do it hopefully sometime this week behind here i have planted a lot of shade plants sort of ground covery type things epi mediums heckling cloa all gold a few other things in there to hopefully just take over this area underneath this tree and just provide a lot of textural interest underneath there so as we come around to this side you'll see this hydrangea that we planted up in the video and again i used oh my gosh the mosquitoes are really bad and again i use the corsican mint i did redo this corner right here where you see this pow wow pink echinacea uh powwow wild berry excuse me um this is where i had a whole bunch of poppies growing i've taken out most of those and collected the seed i left a few seed heads here for interest but i needed to fill this in so i got some amethyst falls ornamental oregano and some danielle flocks the white flocks and that powwow wild berry echinacea to just kind of add a little interest there because this garden's a little lacking in color now i did plant some salvias millennium alliums and some grasses along this edge here which just don't look like much this year but they will i think in the future the tri-color beach is not very tricolor this year my understanding is that it's quite common for newly planted tricolor beaches to not have great variegation for a few years after they've been in the ground so hopefully it will come back and have good color because it's looking a lot like a copper beach these days over on the left is annabelle hydrangea which is quite floppy and um let's see if you can even see in there we have i have sort of strung up if you can see some of the strings in there the black twine i have sort of strung up some blooms this garden this year is sort of half held together with twine and stakes just had to do it because it was just such a rough year um as far as staking went because we just had no we just had no rain for a while here's the hot border looking hot rebecca hellenium more pink profusion zinnias a few other things in there there's where i do my flower my water arrangements very happy with how the hackling heckling all gold has filled in down there i did that in a video two or maybe three years ago now and i love the look of that along the path now this area is new you guys might remember i was talking about changing this border and i did and i actually started making a video about it if i can find the footage i'll try to drop it in but i did end up trying to essentially match the angle of this or the shape of this edge with the circle garden over there on the left which has led to this sort of new bump out which is kind of coming into its own now i've planted as sort of the center piece here wolf eyes i've wanted this plant for a long time the conclusion that i've come to here even though that's not really it gets very horizontal tiered so this is not a good indication what it will look like at maturity um what i've come to the conclusion here is that i don't like it in this spot and that what i think i'd really like to do is move that somewhere else and find a really beautiful container for this spot maybe one that i don't even plant with anything just to be a focal point container right there because there is a lot happening behind it including back here we have a whole bunch of caladiums which i have planted in just an old fire pit that we had it was a fire pot and i just drilled a whole bunch more holes in it and it really just draws your eye over here i think it's beautiful and i just love this look i do love popping a container in the middle of a garden and i think it works particularly well in this case so we'll continue with that shade border in a second but i just want to sort of circle around here and show you this border now the stakes that you see are just temporarily holding up the kelaminth montrose white so we can mow underneath it and then i will let them down these are new plants this year from two inch plugs so they're a little floppier than they normally are and they do overlap the grass a little bit behind that is just the tough stuff hydrangea and then we have the asian pear espalier there i did redo this bed this year and pull out almost all the plants except and then added in this calamint a sangosorba right here which is thinking about blooming soon and then i did put in um several big beauty alliums this is another perennial allium that's similar to summer beauty you can see it's obviously done blooming we just got seed heads there now similar to summer beauty but much taller so it stands up above the foliage of other plants in a garden much better so kind of a simpler look for this garden which which appeals to me so that brings us to the circle garden i'll say it was not the most successful year in the circle garden um you know this is where i sort of play with different plant combinations and i always change it up so we do have some dahlias here this is joey morella great dahlia over here this was supposed to be a combination of royal velvet petunias which you can see one just right down here and a superbeena and i thought they were the same color and i thought it'd be this really interesting play on texture the su every petunia i put in the ground this year has not done well the superbina is doing well but super beanie can only really do so much and i did not cut it back at all because i was very afraid that it wouldn't grow back in time so we do have some sort of holes in the middle here so i won't do that combination again in this part of the garden i just have the profusion white zinnias mostly grown from seed although half of the seed grown ones ended up being the pink zinnias that i've showed you around so i had to go to home depot and pick up some more and if i had known home depot would have them i wouldn't have grown them from seed to begin with and then i also had to redo this section of the bed this was planted with nicotiana it was way too messy for my taste so i replanted this only three or so weeks ago with some animal salvia play in the blues and unplugged so blue or something like that and then in between there the chartreuse is jewels of opar which has reseeded itself throughout the garden and i just transplanted some of that in there to get that great blue and i love that combination i might actually do that one again in the future the dahlia in this corner is zundert mystery fox over here i like this combination where it's doing well but it's not doing well everywhere uh so we've got pittolorus um this is a lamb's tail this one is called joey that's the pink flower and then with that i planted salvia argentia when you're close up it looks pretty good when you back up it looks a little sparse in some spots and then we get to just the cosmos disaster over here this is not super full sun this is definitely a part sun scenario and they just have flopped they haven't filled in well they're not blooming well big disappointment big lesson learned on the cosmos this year so now we can continue with the shade bed along here this is all mostly familiar to most of you i did plant these this is a native heuchera here this is hikara villanosa autumn bride so i hope those will really thrive along there that was a new planting there and i sort of changed the line of this bed over here too let me just take you around this way so you can see the bed line along here now because i think i showed you this view when i was talking about this so you can kind of see how things change with the bed line here before we get into the new garden let's just check out the end of the driveway so um this is where we removed the boxwood blight boxwoods i think you can see i don't need them the heckler cloa macra that's in there is clearly doing all that needs to be done here behind that are pagoda dogwoods that are really coming to their own and even the dwarf alberta spruce in the back even though it's been a really tough year um are doing really well and looking really good back there so this area was planted in 2018 and it's filled in really really well so here's a quick view of the new garden in general doing really really well um in the front here you see this is um stacky's summer crush which i've allowed the seed heads to remain on because i think they're quite pretty um and then back here you see um the sort of tall plant you see here uh this is verana castrum culver's root queen of diamonds if you guys remember the chelsea chop video some of these i chopped this one in front right here is one of them the ones in back i didn't so you can see the ones that i chelsea chopped have stayed really quite a bit more compact and they're blooming i would say they started blooming a week or two later than the ones in back i quite like the combination of both the tall and the short on those as we come down the driveway here this is a self-seeded bronze fennel which i cut back by half i sort of chelsea chopped this actually and ah gosh just look at those blooms i mean it's it's just gorgeous and it's perfect here along the driveway because it's just tough looks looks great and of course that's a big pollinator attractor this is um pynanthema muticum which has sort of flopped a little bit i had um somebody asked me if i was going to stake that up and i said no because this garden isn't about perfect and staking this garden is about natural and flowing and sort of to a certain extent letting to a certain extent letting nature sort of take care of itself and grow more naturally i've we've talked about all these plants a billion times but i just want to show you this grass this is carrick's flakka blue zinger this plant is of some interest because some places have stopped selling it because it can be a bit invasive in some places and i think you can see how much this has grown this is from a two inch plug last year i love what it's doing i love how it's filling in and i love how it sort of weaves its way through this garden here but i think you know people are being cautious for a reason with it this is new this year for me this um chartreuse color here this is golden arrow and i need to tell you the main name of it uh which i cannot think of right now but it'll be on the screen when you're watching this but you can see it's got these really pink flowers now this is a ton of them plant in here and this plant gets pretty big so i will have to move these around i just planted them very thickly this year so it would make a big show from the get-go the grass you see in front of you is millennia transparent and it is exactly that it is as you can see as we look through it here it is transparent which i like in this spot because it shields the driveway a little bit but you can see beyond it still the blue plant right here is um just a native lobelia that i bought in a native plant sale organized by our county last year and it's it's doing well um theoretically it likes really wet soil but i don't know if you can see our creek is completely dry and has been most of the year so it's not getting that wet of soil this year but it's hanging in there nonetheless you can see all the veronicaster and by the way these are the tall ones in the back here as we make our way down the path here just a quick note here's a it's kind of finished blooming now but this is a sangui-sorba called lilac squirrel with these fuzzy little heads and uh oh my gosh you know guys i just love sang with sorba but this one is so cute and this is and this is how they look when they're done they sort of turn brown but they're still sort of fuzzy and i don't know interesting so this garden of course is is only a year old and so you know i'm refining thing and changing things as a girl one of the things that i've noticed is that i feel like there's way too much liatris in this garden that's partly because i grew it from bulbs and it was cheap to fill in this garden so next year i'm going to come up with some more plants to add in here and move some of this liatris out of here it's still interesting it's just more of it than i feel is necessary in this garden and then of course i think you see here this gorgeous angelica gigas which um this is a course of biennial and i transplanted this one from where i grow it over by the garage i've showed you guys this plant before um i just think it's the coolest plant and i think it does really well here you can see um a lot of times there's these these type of wasps i don't know what they are i think they're some sort of wasp fight happening there anyway these type of wasps in particular like this but all pollinators love this plant and i think it adds a structure to a garden that few other plants can offer and by the way it is not invasive and it does look like a lot of other plants uh this is actually medicinal this is not um hogweed or pigweed i think it's hogweed it's not one of those i've had some comments about that before and it is a reseeder so there will be seeded plants i find it very easy to remove what i don't want and the first year plants from seeds next year will not flower and then the second year plants flower on both sides of the path as we come to the end here is more calamintha montrose white and i talk about this plant all the time so i'll just stop but um this year i did plant some gentian violet in there um which i'm hoping we'll see a blue bloom from that i'm hoping that we're gonna get this great show of the little white flowers with the big blue gentian violet in there as well we've got more hellenium in here um a shasta daisy actually doing really quite well here um this is uh this is not blooming yet although look at the actually it's the seed pods that we're really after but look at these beautiful flowers on this uh this is a milkweed that you guys will know as the family jules plant or the hairy balls plant and i grow it because i think it's funny and because it's actually really pretty in bouquets i'll just show you this part this is kind of shady part of the new garden this is really part that is not fully developed yet but i do have a lot of carrots planted in here pennsylvanica as well as um rosia i believe that's how that one's pronounced here's the carrots pennsylvanica sort of underneath this oak tree and then i also put in this year i planted here's some toad lilies right here and i planted quite a bit of anemones in here as well honoree joubert which is the white one so this is a shady part of the garden that i really look forward to developing more over the next few years in this same vein of a lot of carrots etc by the way uh that's a new garden sculpture that was a christmas present from mr much more patient so it finally found a home in the garden and then last but not least let's pop into the vegetable garden and see what's happening in there the little boss clematis that grows over the top is re-blooming a little bit so that's really fun those grow in these pots which i'll show you in a second so this is obviously looking back at the gate i just want to show you the pots because they have changed now i had that fighting temeraire rose in here they both died on me i think i over loved them it was operator error so i bought some albutelon to stick in here now this isn't a tropical annual i can try to bring it in if i want but i'm really happy with how it looks in here and of course i've got the double double diamond euphorbia down there but i just think that's really pretty there and then of course you can see the clemonus is growing in these two pots that overwintered with no problem and that is looking as looking really great up there now a few of the garden beds have just recently been replanted with some fall crops and some fresh things but some things are looking good we've got some good lettuce here the kale that i planted in spring is still looking and by the way tasting great and i'm very happy to report that we're actually having a really stellar tomato season so far they've been very good they're just starting to come into uh to ripen right now and uh so far we've been pretty lucky with disease which is kind of shocking considering how humid it's been but you can see if we look if we look at this side of the tomatoes you can see there's a whole bunch of in fact several that look like they need picking in there the only problem here is that i used a marker that basically wore off so i don't know what tomato is what out here but i have a lot of tomato picking to do out here now you guys have seen the um we've done a video on this this is i think going to be the last lotus flower oh i do see a new bud coming in so we might have another this one opened up the other day it's looking a little tired these are the lotus pods from previous flowers developing i'm not going to get into much into that because we did a video on it but it sure is still looking great the sweet potato sweet the sweet pea vines i had a great year but they are coming to the end of their run here these are probably the last flowers i'll have to cut these two back pretty dramatically and over here i think this one really just needs to go it looks pretty terrible and i've already removed the one from this other one now these are the cutting flower beds there's mostly zinnias in there now um this is a china aster which is the first time that i've grown this flower i will grow those again that was really fun again mostly zinnias here are some snapdragons just replanted this bed the squash bed is looking good lots of lots of great butternut squashes in there honey nut squashes all of those this bed we've got turmeric is the big leaf that you see right here and next to it over here is ginger growing it's the first time i'm growing those in raised beds and the bean harvest has been great those are the beans i'm still harvesting beans and they are delicious and over here is the herb bed the cucumbers obviously are i'm going nuts over there i'm actually seeing several that i need to pick again i have a hard time keeping up with picking the cucumbers and this is all the basil that we planted the minette basil growing along the edges in my sort of foxglove type oh cripes check out this slug right on my basil ugh gross it's been a rough year for basil japanese beetles i think actually some of these are starting to succumb to the mildew that they get so it's been a rough year for basil um but at least i've got the minette and it's looking great and i still like this bed i still think it looks really pretty full um here's some like there's some cucumbers that need some picking in there i did grow a few dahlias from seed this year for the first time and i planted those in the veggie garden and we're getting our first blooms this is my very first bloom on adelia i've grown from seed so kind of interesting and it's going to be fun i'm enjoying watching these to see sort of what develops and if any real gems come out of them okay so that's just a little tour of the garden i i didn't want him even though i didn't have somebody to walk around and film i didn't want to miss the chance to show you guys the garden when it's really looking pretty much in shape with a few things here and there that need to be just tidied up but for the most part it's looking about as good as it's going to look so anyway i hope you enjoyed it you got questions about something that you saw leave a timestamp and let me know what time you saw it i'm happy to identify anything i can if i didn't already call it out in the video and i'm happy to answer your questions as long as i'm able to and i hope you guys are having a great day in your garden it's sort of the glory days of summer i'm enjoying it i'm certainly enjoying the great harvest from the garden and the flowers from the garden and uh in a week or so i'll be enjoying sort of taking a slower pace in the garden too and i hope you are too all right we'll see you soon thanks for watching
Channel: The Impatient Gardener
Views: 358,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden tour, garden design, gardens, zone 5 garden, dahlias, colorful garden, natural garden, annuals, limelight hydrangea, tropical plants in garden, hostas, container design, aralia, gardening
Id: b8uQsqXyuPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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