Checking Out a New Garden Center & Antiquing with My Mom! πŸ’šπŸ™Œ // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so i'm actually on my way down to the garden center right now to pick up my mom we're going to go do a little bit of shopping a little bit of antiquing but also there's a garden center over in the boise meridian area that just moved to a new location and we kind of want to go check them out it's a nursery that's been around forever but it's always fun to see what new setups look like and it's inspiring and maybe we'll find some things to put around the hartley it's the last day that's supposed to be over 100 and i was talking to my mom this morning and we were both kind of like it's just getting hard over a month and a half of 100 plus degree temperatures it gets to you after a little while so we thought this would be a great way to celebrate the last 100 degree day in an air-conditioned car and hopefully air-conditioned shops for the most part oh and there it is maybe we'll find some goodies for the hartley erin's grass is coming in all right let's go see if she's ready hey you ready to roll i'm ready to roll nice all right so i have a list remember that list i made of antique shops yep i have it right here oh i'm the navigator so maybe we could try a couple new ones too today oh of course all right yeah all right we have arrived this place is called franz witty i will show you a sign let's see the big pink like the pink flag here with the flamingo that's kind of their signature thing when they were in their old location they used to have like a hundred pink flamingos in their front lawn so you always knew where their place was it looks cool and they have some kind of a drink cart we better check yes we should it's called bobby jeans a sip of the south hello good how are you doing good okay we got our drinks and they are delicious i got a mocha and mom got a vanilla latte yeah perfection so this is what the garden center like from the outside looks like i love the old barn and the brick silo and then looks like those are new builds over there there's an office building and a garden center building they used fine line buckthorns here mom yes they did they do look pretty good i've always been a little bit on the fence about fine lines because for me they tend they tended to look a little bit on the dry side and we always like everything's so dry anyway i like them they do look funny and i do have to say that they have the best fall color ever yeah like neon yellow yeah they're really pretty oh i like this kind of grass it looks like like a praying mantis yes it does yeah do you know what kind that is um i do not oh here we go there's the name of it you guys it's a it's a unique name so that's how you spell it we've got some really pretty things how fun yeah oh look at the wall look at their wall oh yeah it's really pretty isn't that pretty i like those containers down there on the ground that have the pillows in them yeah those are pretty oh look at the miniature african violets little violets look at all of them look at this one oh that's a neat one that beautiful variegation i love anything with variegation that is really pretty but that's very pretty all those bird cages are neat right i like how they have everything just displayed it's very clean yeah it is it's kind of a modern feel to it it does very much a more minimalist feel those are really cool i like cutters oh i like those too but look at these ooh those are cool how cute these are we should have some of those with names of cocktails on them oh wouldn't that be fun yeah oh that'd be so fun we'll have a cocktail menu on those [Laughter] i like those coasters marble green white ones are pretty and the black i always those planters we have these at andrews yes you do in fact i think i bought one yeah only ours are larger or bigger yeah okay so check this out look at all the house plants i love it okay stepping outside into the garden center portion i guess it's all garden center right oh look at these coleus so awesome it's probably a good thing mom that we stopped here first because we're gonna be in the hot car all day so we're gonna have to limit ourselves yeah ooh that's neat yeah it really is xanadu philodendron yeah right yeah how you say it i don't know the prices seem to be really good like yeah not bad not bad at all oh look at this look at this okay we need to use lots of different adjectives today to describe things yeah because everybody does usually like a pretty count we're like no we're cute i see that yeah that happens to be one of my favorite words how pretty it is it is a good word it's a perfect yeah i could say gorgeous beautiful glorious glorious i like to say glorious outstanding stunning stupendous stupendous fantastic amazing i love it i'm drawing a blank now yummy oh yummy it's a good one yes this plant mom this plant over here is yummy that's a trailing watermelon begonia isn't that cool i have never seen anything like that i like it it's really nice you might need to get one each and try you love house plants [Laughter] i have a love hate with house plants i used to be in charge of house plants down at the garden center and i think it burned me out oh i think it did honestly i love such a lame excuse no it is not i um what was that now i lost the train of thought i was explaining something oh so i have a love hate because i love houseplants the way they look not in two about much abundance though i don't like it when it looks like a jungle in a house um but i don't like to take care of them not a fan i could come take care of them for you i'd like you to do that well i can do it for free oh well then i'll take you up isn't this great this is super cute that is such a a dainty and sweet little plant it's so cute and just so cute again it's not okay so it's pretty good job mom who would have branched out there okay oh these are 20 off perennials oh i like that melon colored bubba over there isn't that pretty that looked pretty in the hartley huh yes yes it would that might even winter over in the hartley you've got some big figs at andrews these go in your heart those are zone six so they need a cold period well you could put them outside the door i could yeah oh my gosh you guys there's such a good selection in here i just want to take me forever to look through all these things that's a really interesting creeping jenny right there it is it's called persian chocolate really interesting this is called olive martini mom right here olive martini what the heck is this it's an olive tree i love it isn't that just stunning it's just it is a stunner to the max lots of evergreens out here you know what i think is really nice are these concrete pathways because people that like are in wheelchairs or walkers or even elderly people that have troubles with gravel this is nice yeah yeah well you've kind of thought about it we have thought about it it's a huge investment but it's it's i think it's necessary we try to keep our pathways wide hard in the spring oh it's so hard yeah yeah can you see way out there you guys there's like a whole tree yard but france woody does a lot of commercial yeah they do so they really need to have a big grow yard yeah to where they have lots to choose from they've done a great job yeah um they are responsible for a ton of the commercial landscaping around the boise meridian and macaulay mccall area i think they have like a little satellite nursery in mccall yeah so they've got like they have to have a huge stock in order to yeah you know be able to do those things and everything looks so nice like everything looks like healthy and and weeded and groomed and watered what we like we like it to be clean yeah well it makes you feel like i don't know for me when i'm in a clean location and tidy area it makes me feel like if i bought things that that's how my yard would feel well and also you feel like they're not full of bugs and problems like they've they've they're taking care of their things look at these junipers are huge oh they've got a little lollipop spruce cute i like this this row feels all hedged in a whole bunch of ornamental grasses have you ever thought about doing things more like in lines like this because there's something about it that is a little bit nice yes and no we don't have a whole lot of space and we do do a lot now up on tables uh-huh um we do um she's laughing at me because i'm trying to hold in a sneeze right now good job i know to me like if i was in the market for an ornamental grass part of me wants like the organization like to be able to walk down one section where i'm like that's where the ornamental grasses are largely and i can see what you have and we do do like our roses all just lined up on tables we do find that people like things to be up on tables because they don't have to stoop over to pick them up right um and we have tables just like this those look very familiar yeah oh look at the big old hydrangea standards over here beautiful oh and clematis oh look at the beautiful house you can tell it's getting towards the end of the season some tables are empty but that's the way it should be i mean yeah the very first part of august yeah and this is the garden what it looks like it's amazing look at that really pretty display look at that massive topiary oh wouldn't aaron die if i ended up with that in our car i have to bomb around boise with that thing yeah that'd be difficult this is a really striking display up against the white isn't that pretty i like all the black pots yeah is this a sweet gum slender silhouette yes that's one of my favorite trees yeah those are neat you know ours is full grown at home and it is probably no whiter than that and they're yellow fall color right yeah like bright gold yeah they're really pretty super pretty well they look really this whole display looks very striking with the black the clean black with the clean white in the back and the chartreusey green that they chose looks like these hydrangea standards what kind is this this is so pretty this is a pinky winky yup really pretty i mean this is pretty impressive for their first year set up it really is yeah it's nice the way they've converted these old barns oh look in here look at this pottery section i love this right here these little urns it's funny like i i just my eye goes straight to that boom yes and for most people i think it would be drawn by the color the colors i don't know i could be wrong there i see most people go for color most people go and like blue and blue blue is what the cobalt blue is one of our number one sellers always has been somebody's getting ready to set up that fountain you think we should plumb it real quick for them yeah hey we've got two of them right there we know what to do yep i wonder what they're gonna if they're gonna landscape this area out here i bet they are that to have the you know the appeal although it does look like they're using it for trailers for some trailer like a little bit more like practical use of that space these are really neat like jar pots right here look at this yeah really fun and i think this is probably due to their commercial nature but it's nice to go somewhere where you have like multiples of everything because you know how it is late in the season that's hard to find if you have a project that you need like six of something exactly that's hard to come up yeah like we might have two right mm-hmm his buddle is these are really pretty the thing is too is i don't know how much wind they get when we get our big winds does this all want to tip over i don't know but i really like this yeah it's like the yeah that's pretty is that a um repeat gloomer yeah which variety is this one i don't see a variety tag the blue chip junior this is different though or is it the same yeah maybe it's just can yeah gosh i hope i haven't been uh moving the camera around too fast i haven't really been thinking about it i've been so excited to see everything look at this [Music] kind of spinner what is that cherry chocolata latte i love the foliage and i love that i think i have one in our greenhouse if you would like to have it in your yard seriously i would like that i i will do i will do an exchange for some of those for housewife care oh okay deal deal and a half i like this table this is a beauty this one look at this yeah the balloon like a balloon flower right yeah i love how they've color-coded stuff so that's really fun so the liatris isn't hardy here oh it is i have some in my garden that's come back for three years oh it's on the south side of our vegetable garden fence right underneath the limelight hydrangea standard comes back every year i've not known it to come back it takes forever it's like a hibiscus it you think it's dead and then all of a sudden you start seeing it pop through the ground now this is one of my favorite perennials right here the musician flower because even when the blooms are spent so there's a spent bloom right here the petals fall off well our other camera overheated and turned off i was right in the middle of explaining why i love the pincushion flower so much it's because of the aged blooms like this one right here you can see some of the old petals even after they fall off they're still really interesting looking so you never feel like you need to deadhead them and they always have blooms on them all through the whole summer and they attract pollinators well super easy care look at right here yeah look at this guy he's just busy he's just getting lots to eat how fun yeah okay well i'm starting to overheat yeah we should get back in the air conditioning yeah i'm really impressed though super fun first visit mom and i love to go look through other gardens yeah well we just know what it takes and so we you know can really appreciate for sure what this takes to keep it looking oh it's such a lot of hard work these are beauty look at these this color aren't those beautiful prima ginger look at that you guys that's really pretty dang it i don't think we could it's safe to put any plants in our car oh it's too hot yeah we may have to stop by today's i think supposed to be one of the last really hot days right well it's going from 102 today to 88 tomorrow so we're gonna have a whale of a wind storm tonight something to look forward to batting down the hatches yep yeah all the help was very pleasant is this for hooking your horses up to hook in your horse i don't think so you're good what kind of world do you live in mom [Laughter] i don't think it's called hooking the horses up i think it's called what is it called kitchen kitchen did you pitch in the horses see you know we are back in the truck the camera has cooled off so i was able to turn it back on i didn't think that it was actually feeling i mean it's hot outside but not like it's 91 91 is that really true and i checked my phone i never trust the trucks yeah this is 91 so it's only 91 right now which isn't compared to what it's going to get today um anyway i was really impressed with their first year in this new location everything like all the plants look groomed watered healthy organized nicely the staff was friendly they've got nice easy parking and a coffee truck outside that's what you're missing it's a coffee truck that's it you know we really need to do that yeah in the spring i think we're going to get a food truck you should do that we're going to do that yes that would be awesome yeah anyway so that was a fun first stop we kind of wanted to do this one first because one it's like geographically it was our first stop but also it was the only one where we're anticipating being outside for any amount of time and with it getting so hot you know we actually are expecting a huge storm um not i don't know what it's going to be like for us in ontario because the rain map says there's like flash flood warnings for this evening because it's we're going from 102 to 88 overnight but there's one circle on the map where there's no water warning no rain warning and ontario is straight smack in the middle of it which makes sense so we'll probably get a lot of wind and no rain we need rain we need rain badly we need to dust our plants off i know yeah yeah they're okay so now we have this list right here of all the other places we can stop we're gonna try some new places out today um rather than you know we always go to uh antique world mall and um enchanting objects which like it's kind of hard because they're such great places but which one were you thinking well i think we should do a beautiful mess there's one called the beautiful mess so we're going to head that direction sounds like us a mess that's definitely me and we'll see hopefully they're open today okay so we were driving to a place called the beautiful mess but it looks like there's a whole bunch of antique and kind of thrift stores in this area so it looks like we're gonna hit a whole bunch of them all at once yep this place is called utter clutter antiques collectibles and old junk that sounds like our cup of tea it does take a look at this stuff first there's some old windows i don't really have any projects calling for old windows at the moment now what is this is this a cole hod it looks like it's from the netherlands or something with that type of pattern on the handles well there's a silverware set mom i like these clutches mama look at these i think i might get these there's two of them yeah little cloches yes they are here let me take them for you i can get one okay you got it yep okay can i start a little pile yeah perfect awesome thank you i found something in the first like two minutes so that's promising you found anything yet not yet it's it's got an iron base yeah oh it's got four four uh chairs where would you put that if i got a little hartley wouldn't that be cute oh laura you know what this is for hot coals isn't it yes yes you need that for your feet i do yeah you got the glasses and i got this is called vintage cupboard i got let me show you some matchbox cars for benjamin and then some old vintage books do you mind holding this real quick so like the one in particular i had this when i was a kid yes she did like i don't know if you still have it somewhere i saw that and i was like dang yeah um and then there's a whole bunch of like sleeping beauty and disney stories that sort of thing rescuers down under was big when i was little oh and then thomas and friends after my time but benjamin will love that so fun oh here's here are oh yeah like the um orchid pattern yeah is that the orchid pattern i don't know it's pretty it is pretty much go toward the glassware i know we need more uh hutches and such look how cute these are those are cute oh they're super cute what would we what would we have in this what kind of cocktail you think a cocktail some kind of pudding [Laughter] oh those are super pretty they are pretty that's actually a really sweet little hutch right there yes it is beautiful it's a hutch for sale yes you should have it that's not a bad price no it's not a bad price we have the pickup we do have the pickup where would i put that hey mom found some jewels for you some beads yeah oh we need some beads in our lives i know you've been looking right outside the hartley oh shells nice this is actually really pretty 150 i would do that oh it's comfortable is it yeah it's really comfortable you still haven't placed your white set that you bought it's still on your basketball court yes but what i was thinking is that we needed to have those stone sealed which they are now and all i have to do is get it carted down and talk to your dad yeah i'll do that i this is a really cool looking table right here although it's glass isn't it on the top it is glass boy so that was so dirty a little bit of a nightmare yeah wouldn't that be pretty though with plants yes that would be a real pretty mm-hmm we could just take the glass top off yeah exactly wow shall we go into the basement yeah all right that is a key there's a key for royalty right there yes laura we really should start buying some pictures of people we really should collect people that could go in our family got some garden tools what is this what kind of tool is that oh that's a homemade number yeah i would say to clean ditches i know what corn no it's nice and cool down here oh wait looking at this mannequin head oh yeah that's kind of creepy i wouldn't want to come down here at night no not too much lots of peacock feathers there's some more thermoses yeah i think those match the ones up in that other one i think it does too we could make a variety of coffees look a bunch of garden books oh america's garden book mccall's garden book better homes and garden home repair landscaping planning decorating ideas house plants huh i saw somebody that had nailed these up to a board kind of like that they fixed them like that and then you can put your garden tools down in there and they're hangers for garden tools that's a good way to repurpose those i suppose i have found the tapers for you mom each of those have in them some kind of like gold leaf oh they'd be too fancy to burn found a few things so far well just there's a little something for everyone there is for everyone that's for sure that phone that's kind of cool i kind of miss those days i kind of want to go back to wednesday i really miss those days yeah pre-internet days with yeah oh no i was gonna say these plant stands are kind of pretty right here oh they're kind of flimsy though you bought it i did a little iron it's getting clear it's that very low broken brown log style bench yeah that's never been my favorite i'll be perfect yeah oh that windmill it's sold all right so laura you could probably get water with that now we're talking turkey this is more of my speed right oh look at this chandelier isn't that a pretty yeah whoa really beautiful oh look at that weird chair that is a weird chair yeah it's like i have a bunch of random pieces let's see how we can put it together there's a church pew mom oh yeah oh that's kind of a nice length it is i wonder what aaron would think if i brought that home [Laughter] oh my could you play that i i don't know if i could i don't think i'm that talented this is a prep press which is in really good shape that's really cool yeah and then this is like a grinder i'm at a point in my life though that i need stuff with a motor attached oh this is a better churn oh really laura we could make our own butter well we've done that before i know but look at how much butter we can make with this beef do we really need that much butter i love butter i've been looking at different fruit presses but i kind of want one that is motorized oh well look at the paddles oh that's intense serious buttermilk yeah it's in pretty good shape for samantha's doll table you get battery-operated papers would that be the cutest thing for the look for a little doll yes a doll table you never see them tiny like this no i find all kinds of good stuff yeah oh you set me loose i can find all kinds of good things i know you'll probably find something with teeth yep give me a minute something like this wilbur oh that's a cute picture though look at the pig with the chicken that is cute yeah whole little house in the prairie farmer boy he read all of these farmer boy was one of my favorites because i talked about food in that one an awful lot did they yeah and i liked that that's a lot of them i mean it's almost a complete set mom have you been looking for a celery shaped spoon risk is that what that is i think you could put celery in there with a peanut butter oh yes serve it as a snack look at all the hats i wonder if these will even fit on my head i'm sure they will oh yeah it's like a bucket hat my nope that's not okay let's try another one let's try this one yeah look at somebody with the watch you want me to look in the mirror with that on how about something like this this also looks small that's a that's a hard pass how about the purple one right here oh that's fun i like that i love that you should get that are you serious i am totally serious where would i wear such a thing the heart leaks oh that's tonight that's nice this one though doesn't it's super fly that is huge yeah but that would be good to protect your your ears and things from the sun well that's what my hair's for i know i let my hair down over my ears so that it's always protected false false i like the colors of this one that's really pretty honey oh i like this table this is a cool table it's really pretty it has the legs with the claw kind of looking feet but not the crisp the glass balls this is more of the size i'm thinking for hutch hut twice look at that hatch mom oh that's isn't that pretty yes i think that would be pretty in the studio actually yeah i actually like the color of it i do too this is the orchid pattern this is it you found one yep ooh i like this table this is a cool table um i like the feet on that table oh they're so sweet table the feet are really different yeah you don't see little metal feet like that i like that i think i want that and i think i don't know what do you think about that i think it's super pretty and you could put it in your studio right because it'd be a pretty backdrop a pretty backdrop and it's good storage yeah oh that's that's beautiful that match is kind of my buffet yeah that's super pretty yeah all right guys so i found two tables this one right here that has really interesting legs i love it i do think i might rub some danish oil on it just to make it a little darker and to cover over a couple of mars on the top and then this side table right here which i typically don't go for painted furniture but i really like the detail a lot and i like the color i think it's really pretty it's it's beautiful yeah yeah and it's not super heavy so you can move it around easier yeah exactly i mean you guys know i tend to go for like concrete what can i buy that's concrete and everything's so hard to move around so it's nice to have some pieces that are easier and here's a beautiful mess this is the one that we set out to come into it is we found it there's some really sweet things in here i love this isn't this pretty though but it's so pretty it's really heavy that's good for a workout yeah pretty with flowers yes yes it would be gorgeous laura this would go with your your champagne buckets yes it would yeah yeah big different texture we're always looking for different textures i like this table a lot i don't think it's for sale but i like that it is that is so pretty or gorgeous or amazing stunning yeah i love that look at that i'm so glad i don't know about this this looks a little creepy what is that from that angle oh no lions those are lions but it kind of looks like a monkey from the front oh it does i don't know but i really like the bottom here it's so pretty and this is a gorgeous hutch mom look at that one oh yeah i think you could have that in your studio okay that is cute and she could and we could go back and get those little candelabra holders that's pretty sweet isn't that sweet mom went in to grab her table and chairs and then i've got two dressers we're gonna have to fit in here and i have crates i forgot about and some mulch i expected it to be really heavy like it's not bad no it's not which is very nice yeah the last chair here i think that's going to be great for me because i think i'll be able to handle it yeah when we get it home it's not so heavy yeah it's iron but it's not like a really heavy iron these are from when we did cabbage still in the back of the truck well you don't want to haul off and clean it out too quick we've got tables that have to go in here and what's that we've got tables that have to go in here you do i love those yeah it's kind of necessary yes okay especially if you're on the short side now we have to go around the other side to get my stuff i think this one could go inside oh good oh get myself in the tooth did you see that oh you made it though good job you did it i think i'm going to use aaron's sweatshirt as a to put the other why not maybe yeah he won't care i think i could put on his back you sure had oh yeah let me just organize a little bit more well it would be nice if i could lay it flat but it probably doesn't matter right i probably no i don't think it does here's the restaurant here's the cocktail menu the basil lemon drop is looking pretty promising and then this is the view you guys it's really fun that it's up this far i love it all right guys here's what i ordered the blat always a good choice and these fries look delicious and they are yes and i have a rhubarb grilled rhubarb grilled cheese i might have to try a bite of that yes we just got out of chf i didn't even think about turning on the camera it's a furniture store where i just found some really beautiful dishes we went in there with the intention of looking for dining room table and chairs because erin and i need one for our house pretty bad yes you do we do like we had a set at one time and then we i think we gave it away we have a small set in our breakfast area but we can't host very easily um with you know i don't know people have to kind of stand at the counter and eat a lot so we really do need to get another dining room table and chairs i just haven't found one i liked but right when we stepped in the door and i'll show you the dishes once we get home and get all of our stuff spread out but they were getting rid of some of their staging stuff and so i found really pretty just dish set for forty dollars so pretty it is so pretty so pretty but i think we're kind of shopped out you guys like between the heat and um the amount we've had to drive around in traffic to get into certain parking lots like we just went to ethan allen and it we actually left because the customer service was horrible yeah we were looking at furniture there and it was just like not a not a nice feeling place anyway so we left there and came here and uh we're gonna go find somewhere to get something to drink for our drive home and then once we get home we'll kind of spread everything out and show you what we got okay so here's all the stuff i'm really excited about it starting with this table which i like the color a lot better now that i have at home as opposed to in the store in the store i thought well i'm going to put some danish oil on it for sure deepen up that color which i may still do but i like it because it's so unique you don't see a side table that looks like that every day especially with the twisty legs and then the gold on the bottom it's also not enormously heavy it's heavy but not so much that it's going to make it really hard to move around so i can try it in a lot of different spots on top of the table we have samantha grace's cute little tea set which benjamin actually really likes i think just because it's his size we ended up having a tea party last night like with real tea and cookies and everything he learned how to pour the tea like to hold the lid on so it doesn't fall off and he was having a great time so that was really fun and then the second table i'm surprised at myself with the color actually i love it i think it's really pretty and i think maybe i love it so much because the shape is nice it's not so big that it's going to be hard to fit anywhere and there's just a lot of pretty detail and i think it's going to look beautiful all you know dolled up with some flowers and things and then on the top of the table here i got this beautiful glass pitcher with the silver top this this top screws off so i could screw that off and use this as a vase or i could open it uses as a vase or i could you know use it for its intended purpose and put some sort of beverage in there but it's heavy like this is really thick glass i can't imagine wanting to use this to actually pour water at a table like that would be intense but i think it's really beautiful i got these two glass domes for eight dollars and fifty cents a piece the one i ordered which is quite a lot larger than these but it looks exactly the same i paid a lot more than 8.50 for it and i had to order it twice because it came broken the first time so i was thrilled to find these and this is the dish set that we found at that chf furniture store i didn't see any furniture that i really loved there but they had a table full of the clearanced stuff that they use for staging so i got all of these dishes for 40 which is an amazing deal and then the last thing were the couple of things i got for the kids so i got the kids these little golden book books i grew up with a lot of these so it's really fun actually for me to to show them these so there's just a whole bunch of them in here and then the last thing i got were some cars like emergency vehicles there was a fire truck and ambulance and things like that for benjamin he already opened those and he's playing with him so that is the hull from the day i'm back outside because it's a lot brighter out here no matter how many lights i turn on in the kitchen it always seems kind of dark so anyway i'm so happy with everything i ended up with it was a really fun day because it was completely last minute i think i text my mom at 9 30 in the morning and i was just like i can't do another day in the heat i just can't um do you want to go antiquing and she was kind of feeling the same as me so it went it was just a perfect thing and you know finding all of those things and all for a really good deal i actually didn't spend very much money today and you just never know when you're antiquing sometimes you know the antiques can be expensive depending on what you're buying and who you're buying them from and you kind of learn like at those big antique malls particularly you know what booths you're going to find things that are really neat for a lower price than you would find in another person's booth because everybody prices things differently so anyway it's just a really fun thing to do and the fun part for me is i still have so many rooms to fill um you know in terms of like side tables pictures just because i don't do it very fast i do little bits here and there which i think aaron if he were going to be decorating the house he would just go and buy everything all at once and then slowly replace stuff with things he really liked but i'm kind of the opposite i would rather take my time and have an empty wall and find something that i really love and then put it up i don't know i enjoy that part so it kind of even makes it more sweet once i have a spot set up finally it looks full and it looks the way i want it to look anyway at this point i'm rambling i hope you guys enjoyed the video something different change of pace today and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 347,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: jTuDCDFanK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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