End of Season Garden Tour (The Elm Tree is Gone) 🌳// Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so today I want to take you on a walk through our garden there's a lot of fun and pretty things I want to show you and we are getting toward the end of September so it's likely that this is going to be the last garden tour where we see a bunch of beautiful annual color so this is our hay rack project for this year I've been super happy with it and the goal of this project this year was to show you what kind of plants to choose for huge impact while using less plants we have a window basket there like hay rack type planters along this fence there are 44 of them altogether no 40 of them all together that are 44 inches wide last year I put 11 plants in each hay rack which is an overreaction no matter what kind of plant you choose this year I only use five plants per hayrack which honestly I could have just used four so I went with supertunia Vista bubblegum Vista silver berry and then one sweet potato vine I could have gone without the sweet potato vine to be honest with you just in the last few weeks it's shown up we didn't see it all summer it just was kind of swallowed up by the supertunias and I just thought well you know I just learned something there I guess I just don't need it I mean it is a pretty bright accent here and there along the hair acts but I think it was kind of unnecessary maybe so I mean just four plants per hey Rack is an enormous ly amazing change from using 11:00 last year and I'm just so happy with the glorious color we didn't do any trimming on them at all the only maintenance we have done is spray them routinely with BT to keep on top of bud worms which we did have a couple of outbreaks and they did go without flowers or very few flowers for a few weeks a couple of different times and we did try to fertilize once a week with the water soluble plant food but they're all on drip systems so we don't have to even come out and water them it's just been a really low maintenance project really this right here I was very excited about so this is vertigo Pennisetum this is an annual graphs I started from a four inch can four inch little grass I think maybe it was like this big when I planted it and it grew fast they grow super super fast super big very huge impact and I really like the form they take I'll show you what this grass looks like in the landscape over by the gazebo it's amazing it almost looks like it's gonna come alive and come crawling across the grass toward you it's so big but I did put supertunia bubble gum in these containers along with some diamond mountain euphorbia which held its own i man I am pretty impressed with this euphorbia it did kind of sit there for a little while and I couldn't see it and I thought ah dang it maybe that one can't keep up with these two because these are beast annuals this one and the grass but this one eventually made its way out and it looks very pretty so anyway I just wanted to start the tour up here just because of how glorious this has turned out and then if we swing around and look at the backside it's equally as amazing and we had a lot of questions from you guys asking why we faced the hay racks toward the outside of our property rather than toward the inside where we could enjoy them if you plant stuff like this you get beauty on both sides but the goal was to make the entrance really pretty so as you're driving down our lane right here you could see these baskets and all that color that's kind of this big beautiful welcome so now we're going to go into the garden I think we'll go through Versailles first there's some gorgeous annuals I did want to point out this view I really enjoy this view as we come in you can kind of see across the plants they've got some queen of Sweden roses there's some oak leaf hydrangeas in there and this grass and I'm really excited about this one's called totem pole and it grows like it's got blue like a blue colored leaf but it grows very upright and bold and this is just its first year it's a perennial grass so I'm really excited about this one it's a type of panicum but I love to be able to see accross the Versailles garden which I don't know why like we didn't name this garden Versailles and we're actually thinking about renaming it it was called that by the previous owners I think maybe they had it even more formal than we do now like with more containers and stuff anyway the name just kind of stuck so we'll go in through this entrance the containers over here we recently did an update video most of them look fairly similar but real quick I'll take you to a few that I think are looking pretty good of course I think this one looks about the same but the lemoncello and the sky rocket Pennisetum have been amazing plants it almost looks like that's the only thing I planted in there but lots of color my cousin it pot is looking pretty bright you know with this as weird as this one kind of grew I've really enjoyed kind of watching the progress and also I just kind of skipped over this one but Aaron's container has rebounded since we showed you last really beautifully and there's a lot more blooms now really happy with that this one has a little bit more color but I did notice that we've got a foot on this one so that's something I don't even know at this point if we will treat them just because we're so close to freezing temperatures this one's still wild but full of color the alyssum is amazing now don't you think it would be so pretty just to use one playing the Blues in the middle so that it didn't kind of separate like the three have and just this around the outside wouldn't that be striking it's really fun to learn which things do really well together and then maybe do some like variations of the plantings we did this year but kind of make them better next year Aaron's container right here has really been a great performer for as funny as it was in the beginning when he planted it it looked very scant compared to the rest of both my pots and his you know you only put one canna in the center and then I can't remember maybe five lemon quarrel around the outside I might be wrong there may have been a few more than that but it really has grown beautifully it's been really colorful it almost has a more modern feel to it and it looks a little more clean less messy and then this is the last one I wanted to show you guys just because I think that looked about like this when we showed you in the update but this Alisa and the blushing princess has just been such an amazing performer and I just think this whole container looks so delicate I love the color choice okay now let's head into the garden so there's a few things that I want to show you and here starting with these containers that we planted up a little while ago and I used fall colors on purpose in these because I real wanted them to be kind of a bright spot right here I previously didn't have any containers right here and putting these here has made me really want to change these pavers out and we do want to do like some kind of stacked rock or brick or something like that so that may be on the docket for next spring these were here when we moved in they were hidden underneath the big giant privet hedges that were in place right here and they got unearthed when we pulled all the pivots out and we just left him because it's a good way to keep the mulch from getting into the rocks and vice versa and they're just kind of a placeholder until we're ready to do that step so anyway putting these containers here they'll really made it glaring to me but these plants have done so beautifully this one right here in particular this is called campfire flame Biden's look at that that's one plant this whole thing I mean it's like half the pot now it has just filled in and it's full of buds full of color perfect for fall supertunia honey and I don't really know what this is like what's going on right here it doesn't have bad worms I've thoroughly checked there's no better worm damage but there is a lot of pretty color there's dichondra silver Falls which started in a 4-inch sized container and it's just grown like crazy already super bells tangerine punch and then I think you can see this flambe a little bit better flambe yellow really beautiful with the icy blue foliage and then a toffee twist Care Act's which definitely looks false and then up here I just recently and I hope you saw the video where we decorated this area for fall planted up these containers in fact if you didn't have a chance to see it I'll put the link down below I'm really happy with it and kind of proud of how it came out because I gathered a lot of things from my own garden and it just looks so festive but I wanted to talk about a couple of things over here so first off this area there are a lot of things in my garden that need to be cut back at this point including this denim and lace Russian sage it is a type of Russian stage that stays a lot smaller like two and a half ish feet tall and wide and it was just beautiful staying nice and upright it does not get very much water here and a lot of Sun but we had a monster rain storm come through here not that long ago and it just laid my plants out some of them so that's what happened to these these don't normally flop here because typically when a Russian sage flops it's because it's getting too much water not enough light or it just might be an older variety that's really huge and sometimes I just get heavy and flop so anyway this one will come through and cut back here pretty quick but I think that now that these Sprinter boxwoods are getting so big and they're starting to fill in so beautifully I want to do something in terms of annual color that's a little taller next year and I'm thinking maybe comfrey 'no the truffula pink because it'll be a nice layer of the purple Russian sage the paint gun Farina and then my box woods and then I won't have this thing going on either which every year I've had my annuals kind of spill out you know past the box which hasn't been a problem up until now it's not a problem except that now that the boxes are trying to create more of a hedge I would rather have be like have a clean line be a little bit cleaner right there supertunia Vista Paradise this plant was a new Vista I think this year and it's got more of like a neon pink quality to it and this plant has done amazing everything that we put up here up to this point has suffered a little bit because this whole area these aren't watered by drip they're watered from our overhead sprinklers so we have to water this area quite a bit because the coverage is weird because this whole area is shaped weird so whatever we put here has to be able to endure lots of water overhead water hard water and these plants have done it without any maintenance I've done no trimming they've been sprayed like our hay racks with BT on a routine basis to keep bud worms out and then weekly fertilizer and that is it and I didn't have to plant as many I don't think of these as I did with other plants so you know if you choose a supertunia Vista for a container or for your landscape you know you might have an area where you usually plant 10 things 10 annuals you may only need 2 or 3 of avista supertunia to fill up that space as opposed to the other things maybe you're used to planting so just something to kind of log away and think about there's also a new supertunia coming out next year called snow drift and I'll show you that on the west side house it's glorious we planted it at my parents house as well and I've just really loved it and it's white so it's nice to have a Vista supertunia that's white this flower bed is still in deep construction I feel like next year I mean we've got some big holes we're gonna show you it in a little bit but I really want to work on like cultivating my flower beds and putting in some more perennials and some other things to create a lot of diversity in a lot of areas like this one was brand new last year just starting to fill it in and there's you know there's lots of holes and lots of gaps that I want to fill and create a really like really pretty borders all the way around our house um this right here I just wanted to give you a little update this is the statue that I stained in a recent video she's doing really well right here I thought maybe she would get hit with sprinkler water and then I'd have like a hard water issue but so far I don't think she's getting hit with anything and she looks really good she almost has like a bronze quality to her now as opposed to looking kind of like chippy pink it was kind of weird the patina she was taking on so really enjoyed her here with the sedum and the Russian sage was just as an older variety Russian sage right here wants to get a lot bigger I planted a red obelisk beech kind of forgot about it I wouldn't get too close heron it's not looking super hot it still has life in all of its branches so I'm thinking maybe it just needs to lose its leaves we'll see what happens next year here's an ash tree that I absolutely love we're just starting to see a little bit of fall color come out there's not a lot of fall color on our trees yet I'm seeing like tinges of orange and tinges of yellow I'm so I'm hoping to do another walkthrough like late October or maybe mid October once we get some really cold nights and hopefully we'll get to show you a lot of fun color I didn't want to talk about this area underneath our crabapple tree so we applied mole max which is a gopher repellant to this whole area because I was having such a bad problem with Gophers coming through for the past 3 years and they would eat the roots out of my out from under my plants and my plants kept dying and so I didn't really do a lot of work in this area and tell rly this year I started planting a little bit more after we applied that repellent and I haven't noticed any gopher activity here or anywhere around here so I'm thinking and hopeful that it worked and so that I can really focus on this area next year without worrying about my plants perishing at the hands of a gopher and then right up here and the sun's starting to come out and I see it looks like we might have a storm later on today but um it does highlight this gomphrena quite well so I didn't know gomphrena grew this big like you know I can read tags but you see this little tiny plant and even I like question the tags sometimes and I'm like you know oh look at this we've got a nice weed growing up right here little sneaker yeah so I just over planted my gomphrena because I just didn't believe it was gonna get as big as the tag said it would so I have six at last roses plant it in here as well and a limelight hydrangea I want to ginger wine nine barks which you can kind of see and then you can kind of see my evergreen and the king tut's behind and the grass that I never staked up that I should have over there so if you have a sunny area that you need a lot of color all season long that gets really big that you don't want to plant a whole lot of do the truffle of pink comfrey now also it does better with under water like drip irrigation as opposed to overhead water like if you look at them from this direction you can see how much bigger these have gotten than these right here this hole like this cut out here and this one right here are both overhead watered with the grass and so everything we put in here kind of you know suffers a little bit and we're thinking about retooling this whole area because you can see right here that we've got a lot of different things going on I mean I've got great stares and pink concrete and great concrete and pavers and our sidewalk here doesn't meet our sidewalk here and this pathway oops sorry cheddar this pathway isn't straight to our door it goes off like I think to the right a little bit so if you're standing up there it doesn't look exactly straight which a bug is air and I think a little bit more than it does me but I think both of us would like to have this look a little bit more unified and I don't know that it's going to be on the docket for next year because now that the Elm is gone by the chicken coop and all the Oaks we've got huge projects to do back there so this may remain another year but I'm really looking forward to making this a little bit more balanced right here and maybe having you know the cut out to be the same shape and and that sort of thing but it's been kind of fun to experiment with different kind of plants and it's also I mean it's good to know what plants will do give in different situations lime light hydrangeas have really done well in this spot I actually been cutting a few they were just completely loaded but I have a couple bouquets around the house that I wanted to enjoy some of those blooms but I've really enjoyed those being right here because you can see them from inside the house and I kind of toyed with like doing little limes or should I do lie mites because lime lights will sometimes get I mean really good size and I cut these back fairly hard in the early spring when they start to bud and they've stayed a very nice size so I'm even like for next year I'm hoping they're even thicker because I think this is year what year is this Erin is this 3 or 3 for these yeah so this is the third year they've been in this spot and they've done really well ok so now I kind of want to go this direction and go out and look at the west side Oh while we're here I will mention that well you can see the lime meta hedge we've had a lot of questions about how the lime meta hydrangeas are doing because they really look quite similar to the way they looked last year when I planted it and it was really late in the season I discovered early on that they are getting overhead water from our grass sprinklers so they're covered in hard water but that will be different because everything in this area other than a few key plants and the lime Etta's and boxes or will be torn out next year and we're going to do something new on this side which I'm very excited about and it should be a lot I think a more cohesive to the feel of our property so as we come out you can see like the corner here will go in through that but I wanted to point out this supertunia vista snowdrift like you can see it in all of the swoops the red point maples they have just put on kind of this new flush of blooms and I only planted six of them per area so you can kind of see there's one two three four five six it was perfect and it looked so like weak when I put all six in there and I thought I could plant like three times that amount in this area so that it looked more full and Erin goes no give it time let's see what it does and that was just perfect and the fact that they're bright white I mean it's just given such a beautiful pop to this area because I just shine and then with the boxwood you know that really shiny green and then the white tones that's kind of made us feel like maybe we should keep this more of a white and green garden because of the formality because of all the boxwoods and I really like that look we don't have any other area in our garden where we stay strict with color or any of that so it might be kind of a fun challenge for me just to learn how to restrain myself and work with a lot of different bloom types bloom seasons and lots of different foliage color and texture so there should be a fun project if that's how we decide to go with it this little corner right here actually planted from things I had in my greenhouse really late in the season they actually didn't look good when I planted them the grasses looked good but the annuals did not I cut them back really hard and they immediately burned when I put him out because it was like close to 100 degrees and I thought well that was a waste I just dug a bunch of holes for nothing but they all rebounded almost there's one two three I think I lost three of the Marguerite daisies is all and all of them have just performed beautifully and this has become one of my favorite little spots there are seven purple fountain grass is in here yes seven and they just like you can see them moving in the breeze it's just such a peaceful look and then of course these two colors together are kind of perfection to me so this might be something we do in like the brick circle area or somewhere else in our garden because of how beautifully they have done together we've got the Sun credible sunflowers here with just a bunch of other stuff so there's hot and cold in the fovea we planted early on they're actually putting on new buds right now here's a fresh one right here I think that color is just beautiful it's got the hint of apricot with kind of the creamy yellow I have this is a black cat pussy-willow there is a gopher mound in here I just saw this yesterday see that that's a gopher mound so I got to come out here and take care of that but there's blue Hubbard squash in here I planted a lot of squash and random things in this area butternut squash here I had a butternut in here that got kind of decimated by squash bugs so you can see what it looks like I came out with a mixture of spinosa and neem and sprayed the entire plant and area down and actually took care of the squash bugs but they had already pretty much taken care of my plant for me I just haven't come out here to do any cleanup and I'll probably wait to clean it all up until everything else is done most of these I planted really late on July 1st actually from seed look at this so even though some of my squash are gonna be really small it's still really fun and they provide such a beautiful kind of ground cover oh look at that there's a neat one you see one over there very fun um three king tut's right here also planted really late so they didn't get quite as big and I'm kind of glad they didn't they look so pretty right here did you think that's a beautiful structure and this is something like I saw this little grouping of three grasses and I thought ooh wouldn't that be pretty to do like a bunch of the King Tut's like maybe in between each one of the urns I don't know might see these again in this spot again a whole bunch of squash in here the urns did fairly well the fountain grass did great that condor silver falls super bells didn't do as well as I hoped they were going to do and it's mainly because they suffered from budworm so bad look at this like there's just we recently sprayed so hopefully the bud worms that created this damage are no longer on the plant but they really don't have a ton of time to rebound so we'll see what happens you've been just a nice little white accent the arbor vitae is you guys have been amazing so and I've said this before but when we planted them they were only just right above that middle beam on the fence and they've grown like this much and they've grown so wide if this is their third year in the ground second third two and a half years because we planted him in the middle of summer it was 104 degrees outside and so they only got like half a season in the ground and they've been in the ground for two full seasons after that and that's how fast they've grown and they the winter after we planted these was the winter I got negative 17 and we got 52 inches of snow and I was so worried about him cuz we didn't wrap anything we typically don't here because we don't have that kind of winter but none of them suffered from any kind of breakage or splitting or anything so I'm really sold on this variety we do have them on their own drip system so they are not connected to anything else in this area because I feel like that's where you have to dial it in and Aaron actually controls all of the water on these that's like his his pet project so he has the drip running on these every other day for about 30 minutes just to give you kind of an idea and that's how they look okay so Noah will head down to the vegetable garden you can see the rogue marigold plant I have no idea where that came from but it's so glorious and healthy totally messing up my scheme over here but it doesn't matter I kind of like when that's that kind of thing happens it's like serendipitous gardening still have to come out in trim it boxwoods we started box with trimming this week because it's like we stay high 90s and then all of a sudden we get cool so I don't trim boxes and tell us below 90 degrees out so hopefully they have enough time to acclimate before it starts getting you know more hard frost my sunflowers are just now starting to like I seeded the oh there they're forming some seeds that's exciting i seeded these on July 1st as well along with the squash and they came up and bloomed beautifully there's some color in here still some little like wee ones um that was kind of a fun little pocket of color I did not quail up the hose because I didn't think about it but the vegetable garden is still going like crazy this is the tomato that I hacked back brutally and it's perform like I can't been able to keep up I really need to come out and pick stuff still we've got zinnias here these are the giant salmon Banaras been arees giant salmon zinnias and then there's queen line red right here oh this look at this color they are so beautiful and so huge I recently harvested all of our corn which is perfect I'm gonna plant garlic back in this spot and probably in the next couple of weeks and I'm only gonna plant one bed of garlic this year because we just didn't go through it like I thought we were gonna go through it this year we've got some dahlias I'm kind of like going back and forth here I've got dahlias here that are bloomin and some Blue Lake pole beans in this bed I have well all four of these I have the obelisk in the corner with the lemon appeals and bersia this is a garden gem tomato with buried treasure red strawberries all the way look at all these strawberries starting to ripen Benjamin usually keeps these pretty cleaned up he knows where to come out here I've got some basil that seated itself and some lettuce and spinach coming up little seedlings here and this bed I have parsnips this is the first time I've ever grown them and you're supposed to see them we seeded them in this spring you're supposed to leave them through the winter and harvest them the next like February because the sugars start to form when it gets cold this winter so this has been an experimental planting it's been a nice looking crop and we'll see what happens you know when I harvest I have no idea what to expect a basil basil smelling amazing I've got a bunch of bell peppers and hot peppers in this area and they are producing so whoa I guess we're eating those tonight shoot I've got tons ludus they're just like they're producing like beasts this whole plant is so weighted down you think I could properly stake something around here staking is just like something that I I have a weakness I just don't stake things like grasses this type of thing until it's so late I don't know why that is I just cannot get myself to wrap my brain around staking stuff early on in the season but another beautiful stem of bell peppers so I put that there Erin you have to remind me ah beautiful dahlias right here look at these I do not know what variety they are I found a bag I bought those like in February and I found the bag in the barn in July he totally forgot about him same with the white ones I showed you down there and there's a gorgeous one in bloom here so I planted them because I thought well I may as well pop them in somewhere where I have some space and see what they do I mean it's never a waste usually you usually can learn something got some more zinnias here some polar bears this is called Envy right here we've got purple prints there's isabel lena which is that kind of paleis yellow right here and then we've got Queen lime orange so I think this is my favorite Queen lime orange and then this is in Durrell a peach right here I already bought a bunch of these seeds for next year I've got Tomatoes in this bed more pull beans look at this Dahlia right here it's perfection right there and then I planted a cantaloupe fairly late in the season on a a frame trellis that gardeners supply sent out and it's got cantaloupe all over on it so I'm just waiting I don't think I just checked this one yesterday but they're not slipping the vine yet so they're not quite ripe and they need to hurry they've only got a few days to do their thing okay so now let's go back into the garden you know I really should talk about these really quick I planted these containers beginning of April before Easter and I thought you know I had bunny silhouettes that was kind of my thriller and I moved him out here just to give him a son and thought that I was going to be replacing him the swapping some stuff out and I never ended up doing it because the plants just looked so good so there's white knight alyssum look at this look at how huge that's I think one plant I think I only put one alyssum in each one that's amazing there's a osteo sperm um called double bright lights double Moonglow it's got gorgeous pale yellow and with dark yellow in the center there's a pen test in here Egyptian star flower and there's an Amazon twist Carrick's in this one this one didn't do so well it's in there but it's small and then there's a Picasso in purple supertunia anyway I just meant to use like really light kind of pastel II colors something bright for Easter and they ended up being really pretty containers throughout the whole season out here so like if you play your cards right and pick the right annuals you can have them from very early in this season all the way till it mean frost pretty hard so these are probably keep going for the next several weeks sweet romance lavender is looking great too I never cut it back midsummer and so that first flush of blooms are still in there but it flushed out again and it's looking really pretty so we did a video dot long ago planting up these containers for fall we use the autumn colors rudbeckia Goldie creeping Jenny and some cherry truffles heuchera and then I used some corn tassels or corn stalks I should say from my own garden and they've done really well lots of color really beautiful and simple and then I do want to take off this direction but I wanted to point out our brick circle there lemon coral around the bottom Diamond Mountain euphorbia in fact we can get a little closer play in the blue is the salvia king tut's so this has been a learning experience and and I kind of knew Aaron really wanted to use King Tut's either here or in the front estate planters talked him out of the front estate planters because that whole area up there gets just nailed with wind but so does this area and you can tell the wind comes from this direction right here it totally laid things flat right here to where there is playing the blues planted here but now there growing this way because the wind just keeps on hitting these plants so I think next year we'll try to do something that's either a little stronger because the king tut's just did not hold up and it's not the plant's fault and we could have staked them to begin with had we thought of doing that and they probably would have stayed a little bit more put and then they would have been a little bit more filled in up here but I would have really had to stick to playing the blues as well now the bottom two plants though they've kind of held their own this is the diamond mountain and that's just such a beautiful example of what it looks like this is kind of more of a landscape planting situation I mean it looks like kind of a big giant container but it is you know planted straight in soil so these have done really well and I mean this playing the blues I've said it a million times this is one of my favorite annuals because you don't have to deadhead them ever they always look like this they're always full of honeybees and you just feel like you're doing something good when you put these in the ground for all that they provide and all they really give back without having to maintain them I just love them so this is a view that I've been really happy with this year as you look toward our back kitchen door this is our main entrance for us anyway we go in and out this way so we're constantly walking down this sidewalk and this looks dramatically different than it did when we moved in when we moved in there was the big privet hedge and there were roses in this area that made this pathway even more narrow than it currently is and they would snag your clothes or snag your grocery bags or whatever so and they didn't get enough Sun right here they got plenty of Sun but not on this side and this side was full of them as well so we had all the roses removed they actually went to a friend's house and I think all but maybe two survived and they were big old mature established roses so that was a pretty good ratio but we've just been slowly working on this area I've got a hedge of incredible hydrangeas that I planted last year that got smashed down at the garden center so there was a big red point maple like this is only the second year in the ground and so it was a huge tree like this sitting in a big like cage they come in metal cages with plastic around them so it's sitting in the nursery and in a windstorm it fell over on top of five incredible hydrangeas and I knew how tough the plant was and how quickly they grow so I just decided to bring them home and just thought well we'll see what happens I'll plant him here and then hopefully in a couple of years we'll have a nice full hedge and they've really rebounded nicely because last year they were they were pretty bad and pretty misshapen and they still are correcting it'll take probably another couple seasons from to really fill in this area especially like this one was the most smashed but it bloomed and it has leaves and um you know it's it's doing it so we'll just see what happens there but we've got Munstead lavender on both sides I love that you can look through and you see the new trellises we installed those in a video this summer and I love them like I don't even care if the clematis grow or not I just love because we've planted three pink meat clematis on the bottom I just love to look at them they're like perfect for that wall that the right height and they are the right look like they're the right style I just love it these containers right here have been especially wonderful so these are a megawatt pink with bronze leaf I think is what they're called begonia diamond frost euphorbia in dichondra silver Falls they're all very drought tolerant annuals which means they don't need a lot of water so we water them every couple of days and they just bloom their heads off and do really well even though they get nailed with wind in this little corner here it's been kind of fun now I do need to water we had a lot of winds last night and I haven't watered yet today but we planted some white wonder caladiums white pansies ferns in this area and there are some foxgloves that come up earlier in this season but I'm hoping next year this area is just like full and those ferns get bigger and I'm gonna dig these white Wonders up in the next week store them and then hopefully plant them back right here so I can have a huge show of caladiums right here this is a coleus called ridiculous which I will plant again so there was that huge patch around the red point maple there and then this patch here and they've done really well they just now started to flower they did not flower all season which is perfect I don't want my coleus to flower and I think they've been bred to either flower very very sporadically like not very much or not at all or very late in the season and that's what I found this is a new one this year so I was you know I didn't know what to expect but they've just been pretty clean from blooms and just a really good performer just planted these limited hydrangeas in here which I love those and this whole area is just feeling I don't know it's just feeling more full the Northstar box was here just formed a hedge this year I planted him in a tiny little I mean they were about like this big when I planted them so and I want to keep them like a really short tight hedge we've got some hellebores in back or you know back planted and so I think that's been a really fun look right here this whole area has been really fun we planted some caladiums in here there are a lot of hostas and there's quite a bit of a development I still want to do but oh my goodness if you come this way and look back it's like through this flowerbed I love that look at all the layers and all the colors you can see the coleus and the boxwood hedge and the incredibles in our truck parked there which it's just life but you can just see all the different colors and textures and that's how I want my whole garden to feel but when you go this way I think this is equally as important to have an expanse of something that's unobstructed who green peaceful a place for your Ida rest if it was just my whole garden was just full of all kinds of different plants and flower beds and stuff I don't think I would feel as at ease as I do with having a nice green area like this and this is our biggest section of grass right here and it probably will reduce a little bit we are going to deepen some of these flowerbeds around here eventually but I think we will keep kind of the core of grass going right here invincible ruby hide Rhonda's in this spot right here they're doing well just hanging hanging out we just planted and not that long ago but I guess the first thing I should have mentioned is that the Oaks are gone so the view is very different it's been an interesting year for us for trees I knew the Oaks were gonna come out and I was I was excited I can't lie to you I mean they have had something viral going on that was starting to spread and all that but and I didn't like that they held their leaves all winter and I just had a leaf mess all year long but more than that I just wanted to redo this space and I feel like I couldn't really visualize what I wanted to do over here without with them there because they were such an enormous part of this section so it did open up the view to the kind of corner garden area out there the triangle-shaped garden I don't even know what to call it but you can see our fountain now this whole flowerbeds have been really fun you can really see the lemon Jade sedum just shining right there there's more supertunia vista snowdrifts fact we can get a little closer I do need to come in and trim up the willow just a little bit but there's some Velveteen coleus and then lime type our lime light excuse me hydrangeas there and then I do have some plants in here that I have kind of purposely let kind of do their own thing these right here are called Morton blush roses they usually bloom a lighter softer pink but when the colors or when the temperature goes down the color intensifies but I never deadhead these roses like in the spring after their first or the summer early summer after their first flush because they create the most gorgeous rose hips to use in arrangements so I just let them do their thing back here and then I've got a gorgeous Hawthorne tree right here that's full of red berries so it's just a really fun area especially when stuff starts to lose their leaves I mean we'll be left with all of those beautiful berries to look at so this area is a big giant hole right now I've actually enjoy looking at this flower bed right now it feels almost more it feels lighter and it feels like I can see what's here and it doesn't feel shrouded by this huge hedge of Oaks it just it feels lighter I don't know because I never really enjoyed this area very much and I really haven't done like a ton to redo anything you know we took out the little pond that was there Benjamin's a little tepee it's almost filled in in fact let's get a little closer it's almost filled in to the top it's taken all year but oh my word I mean this lemon appeals from bersia it's all way out here like that but it that plant is a beast but it just didn't grow up very very quickly and it would probably if I would have trained it a little bit better but I don't think Benjamin cares that much this year anyway I still have some pumpkins to harvest check this out I counted the other day and I think there's xx some what was at 23 of these little pumpkins left on the vine I've already harvested some out so I guess I need to address the fact that we have a huge hole right here and you can see to the barn the elm tree is gone and I have to say that of all the trees we've had removed in our garden that actually made me want to cry I never all the other trees like I knew that their time was up they were diseased they were damaged they were dropping big branches and all that sort of thing and I never felt bad about removing anything because I know that we always are replacing things and planting more stuff this was an elm tree that I didn't really like the fact that it was an elm tree because it dropped those little white elm seeds everywhere and then I'd end up with millions of elm seedlings everywhere and it was dropping it dropped that big branch if you guys remember like during when we were filming a video and then the other day like last week I was standing right out here on the brick pathway by that grass and one of the big trunks fell over right in front of me so I was so nervous I called natural tree as the service we use here who are amazing by the way I called Carol right away and she had the guys out here the next morning to clean up that one big branch and then they came within the week to remove the rest of it and I knew I was going to have to remove that tree probably next year but once it started to fall apart I knew it had to be done right away and I think that stuff like that even though it's sad it does I think there's some life lessons to learn in it because I feel like in order to grow we have to change and sometimes we're forced into that by nature or by whatever the circumstances are it makes us more flexible and makes us I don't know I think it's good it's good for the garden that tree was done it was telling us it was done now we should probably go take a closer look so this is where the elm tree lived this was its little spot right here in fact I was just noticing this I wonder where this belongs I wonder if we're gonna have a leak somewhere around here when the water turns back on but so it took up this whole section right here the three trunks did and it just graced the corner of our chicken coop so beautifully and just it hurt my heart a little bit just to see it come down because it was so huge and it provided the perfect amount of shade for this area but the guys that come in here and do this job like they do it so clean and so tidy like a huge tree like that and there's barely any damage just a little bit that I would show you that I would show you it's right here there was a huge branch that came over and these are all annuals so it doesn't matter so these sustained a little bit of damage here if it was early enough in this season I'd probably cut the coleus back and they would flush back but I would probably be pulling these out next week after they hit a frost anyway so it's really not a big a deal same over here I did notice that there were several branches there was one because it was coming over the pergola there was a big branch that came over the pergola a big one that went over the chicken coop run and there's just no way that you can remove a tree that huge and not like break a single branch of a plant around it right here the wicked-hot coleus was filling in this whole thing and that got broken off here so exposed all this chocolate drop that was not exposed before and then same right here but like I said these are kind of probably coleus is really susceptible to frost so these are gonna probably get nipped in the next probably week so I'd be pulling them out anyway so I'm just gonna enjoy their color for the amount of time that they have left I still love this view you know through the pergola you can see into the back garden you can see the iceberg roses are in bloom right now in fact I don't even know which way we should walk I feel like it's really pretty let's walk this way I love this this is Virginia Creeper and I like to let some of the vines grow down it feels really magical to me I planted some mulberry shades pansies in with my gem box ilex in here and we've got gold child ivy and this little spots been really nice so we've got some mahogany monster heuchera who grows who Karelas I remember who Gris and some all-gold Hakan a Chloe which I planted these from plugs they haven't grown much but they're doing okay we've got some empress wu hostas there are six in here and it takes about four or five years for a hosta to reach its a full mature size so I am excited to see this whole area just like decked out in that really bold texture and then you can just see you know the Brunner rot in here we planted this brenner this year along with the wild berry hookers around the front and it is a little messy because it's fall we had a windstorm last night so we have some pine needles and some leaves and stuff around but that's just how fall gardens look okay I wanted to show you this view come this way do you guys do that like in your own gardens there's a specific route you want to take because you enjoy a view from a specific angle like I mean we walk this way you can see sorry I'm like pinging all over the place here you can see the pallet walkway we're going on here how come I can't remember any of the years this is two years old now yeah second year on this pallet walkway no rot and you guys have to understand that we don't live in an area that gets very much rain typically we've had two very mild winters so we've gotten really lucky now I did expect that in a couple years I'd have to come in and replace some of the slats but I haven't had to yet we don't have termites here that I know about or we don't have a bad problem and I just noticed those were some of the very common questions like is it gonna rot or how quickly is that going to you know deteriorate and then is it gonna get eaten up by termites or attract termites but it's done neither of those things so anyway I really like how it meanders through here I think it's really pretty I have a crabapple tree that actually will be more happy now that the elm tree is gone it's gonna get more Sun in fact I think most everything in this flower beds gonna be happier there were a lot of comments I noticed about the elm tree because a lot of you guys can commiserate with me you've been there you've lost big trees but you wondered about the plants around it like oh are you gonna have to transition a lot of your plants we're liking shade and now they're going to be in full Sun most of the plants in here will either just get Morning Sun or they will be happy to be in full Sun because I hibiscus and baptisia I've got Veronica in here and Fox Club that wants Sun the hookers can take Sun or shade so I don't think I'm gonna have to transition a single thing I think this whole bed is actually gonna do better than it did before so there is a silver lining there and then everything in here will do much better as well real quick I wanted to talk about two different plants the Helen bond Stein lamb's ear that seems to be a common question as to what variety this is because it's just so glorious and bold and beautiful color so Helen bond Stein is the variety and that's my preferred dusty decimal err lambs dear variety and I just planted a Gatsby gal hydrangea in here this is an oak leaf hydrangea that's showing some fall color and on its some of its leaves but I just think it's gonna do real well right here because it'll get a little protection in the afternoon just right in this particular spot but it'll get some Morning Sun and kind of midday Sun so I think it's gonna be beautiful and this variety gets about five to six feet tall and wide there's the girls a few of them other ones are probably in the coop and it's surprising to me how much I still love this view even with the Oaks being gone because thanks so much of the structure in this area it's just a big massive hole with no mulch covering the drip tubes I still love to look down here I still love all of the layers that are in here I've got Mary Rose David Austin's in here some dahlias that volunteered and came up I've got my little hedge of blue fescue which I know some of you really really love some of you love it some of you don't like it Erin is one in the camp of not liking it but I think it looks good for now Pennisetum in here but look at this right here in particular so you can see the lemon appeal the Pennisetum the lamium the gomphrena the white gum Brina wicked hot coleus then you can see through the gazebo you can see the patio lights in the patio table and then the grass texture on the other side of the gazebo is just so pretty there's just certain little pockets and I think you need to celebrate those little pockets in your garden that feel complete and that feel like oh I caught the colors and textures right in that area and I just like I enjoy looking at that and so right that view and try not to look at the other views so just a couple other things I realized that this tour is getting really long when the tree fell over it broke our fence right here didn't damage very much other than the fence which we got lucky like this is the proud berry coral berry it's looking gorgeous and full of blooms fluffy arbor vitae there did not wreck our arbors or our pots so we got extremely lucky and we had talked about Aaron and I were toying with the idea of removing this whole entire fence and doing something different so this might be nature's way of just telling us to just go ahead and do that so I just feel like this is gonna be a huge project for next year we have all winter to think about it and you guys know that I've kind of struggled with what to do with this area it always has felt like kind of like sequestered off like not really part of our property and why do I even go back here what's the reason for this garden so maybe removing the fence and creating something new will give this space more life back here so I'd love to know what you guys would do at this spot I mean we've talked about stacked Rock fences like dry stacked rock fences rock walls you know making our land feel a little more contoured maybe bringing in some soil and creating some berms with some rock wall kind of Terrace look so we've got a lot of different ideas floating around I think we need to have some time though to really think about a time when we're not you know working on other stuff so I think this winter will be a really fun time to think about all the things that we can do because you know right now there's just not a ton going on I did want to show you the firelight hydron just though before you get too far this is the hedge that we planted this spring they're just beautiful they are so pretty and you can see clearly that they're like big big big big smaller smaller smallest and I think what's happening is that this one is not getting like the willow is stealing all the water because that's right at the drip line of the willow so I added an extra emitter but it was a little late in the season so I'm thinking next year I think I added extra on these three so these all get normal usually I do two to gallon per hour emitters per each hydrangea we run the drips everyday and then these have to two gallon and one one gallon per hour emitter to each one of these so I'm thinking that will help these rebound but these bloomed white and now they're turning this glorious color and I actually harvested some of these and used them in that little swag I made above our door in our fault fall display so they'll get even darker than this I'm really happy with them I think that they look great and for being a first year like they didn't really shock or anything they just bloom their heads off and have turned color and been really happy okay so I want to end the tour right here this is the front of the chicken coop of course I wanted to show you the view of the front of the chicken coop without the elm tree this is the saddest thing of all to me I don't mind the view from behind because there's a lot of pretty things going on back there but we'll go ahead and throw a picture of what it looks like with elm tree right behind it I almost don't want to do that because then you'll see how glorious it looked just like it just hugged the corner of that chicken coop and it was just so majestic I mean especially in the wintertime just so pretty and so now I mean we've got a lot of open opportunity to put in some trees that do better here that don't have to be you know you don't have to dump chemicals on them to keep them nicer to keep the bores out I'm gonna have to figure out something for the chickens though and I will so it's either gonna be I will be putting shade cloth on there run and I might even be installing an AC unit in there coop we will keep them cool though no matter what it takes I will keep them cool next summer because they will get nailed with heat if I don't so well get something figured out if you guys have any suggestions for those of you who keep chickens on what I can do because this area like I can't move that I mean it's it's there I either need to have some years where I don't keep chickens and I let something grow and create shade or I go to plan B I do have a fan installed in there that keeps air moving but I'm thinking like a little window AC unit or something like that might work for the next few years until we get a tree big enough to create some shade so anyway that was probably a super long tour I'm so sorry I hope you enjoyed seeing everything I think it's been a really good year it's been kind of a hard year in some ways but I think it's going to create lots of fun projects and we'll have lots and lots to show you guys next year so anyway thank you guys so much for watching this tour and we will see you in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 1,146,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: _zx-zOBbRsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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