Topaz Studio 2 - The Impression Filter

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to the new way of editing colleague on today's show I thought I would dedicate this show to Bob Ross he's the guy who really inspired me to become a creative person you know to believe in myself to know that if I believed in who I was I could become anything that I wanted to be and I started out actually doing some oil type paintings in the Bob Roth style and I really enjoyed it later on I got into photography and now I got into photo art and I love it in topaz studio let's just be able to really bring this side of us out so again I want to dedicate this episode to Bob Ross and he has a YouTube channel which I'll link in the description below this particular YouTube channel and it has tons of Bob Ross shows on there and I think you'll like them if you're having a hard day and you just want to mellow out put on a Bob Ross it'll help you out well today we're looking at topaz studio 2 we're looking at impression the nice plug-in from topaz which enables us to turn our photographs into beautiful digital paintings and I think you're gonna like this episode we're gonna really dig into this impression filter and hopefully when we're done you'll understand it a lot better and you'll be able to make your own happy little paintings so let's get started well let's dig into this impression filter one of my all-time favorite topaz filters when they came out with this filter I was a very excited and happy person so now I can take my photos and turn them into works of art so let's get started here we're in the fall season so I thought let's make a nice little fall painting and I really like this image that I got off of it was and let's get started here so let's come over here come up here to add filter come down to impression I couldn't wait to get started on this one so in impression when we click it on already we can see we have a happy little painting so notice here of course we have the opacity slider the blend modes we have the presets down here let's click on the presets and see and we used to have a lot more presets in topaz studio 1 and hope we will get more back into topaz studio too and I'm sure the topes guys are working on that and gals now we can also click this little icon here and see more presets at once I want to see less more details and this shows you what these particular presets will do to your image let's just click on one here like let's click on this ones this photo painting and see what it does okay there's photo painting so you can click on these different presets to get rid of them just click right here sometimes I'll start with the preset but I usually like to just go and do my own thing so let's get started and I'm gonna show you how all this works so we have the strokes here and you notice we have tons of different strokes in here we can do pencil type sketches watercolors whatever we want to do all by using the different strokes here alright and let's come down here now we have number of strokes we have a low amount of strokes now let me click that and you'll see the difference there's a low there's a medium more detail and there's a high so we're getting a lot more paint strokes alright so let's start out by let's leave this on and usually I'm sitting around medium and low but sometimes I'll go too high as well but let's start out in medium let's take our brush size and let's move it to the right and see what happens here you notice how those strokes are getting larger let me just pull in a little bit so you can actually see what's happening here so move it the whole way to the right you see those paint strokes are really getting big now if I start to drag it to the left they're getting smaller and smaller and smaller now here this is something really cool and I want to point this out as you make your brush smaller you'll notice the image is going all white here you got a lot of white areas showing through the reason that is is because and this serves a lot of people cuz they may say I like these small brush strokes but I don't want my canvas Myr my picture looking all white like this so what you want to do is drag down on the adjustments over here and come down to where it says texture and keep dragging down till you come to where it says background type we're gonna get go into all these textures and things a little bit but first things first so you notice we have groans I solve it or original watch what happens when I click original your picture comes back alright the reason being there is where the paint strokes aren't covering you're gonna see the canvas show through now this is really cool because and I like the Topaz did this because traditional panels the painters will start with a with a color to their canvas in other words let me just click on color here and we get our little color world so the usually they'll start out with something like a we're like a sepia type color and then of course you can come to this luminous slider here and you can drag this and make that color darker or lighter so it's nice to start out with a canvas color in case you want to show some of the canvas coming through the image okay so you would do something like that and click OK but if you don't want anything to show through just click original so it's so very important a lot of times I do just leave it on original so let's come back to the top and start working through these sliders again okay so there's our brush size so let's move our brush size up and let's usually what I'll do is I'll start with the first stroke here and then I'll just kind of work on my brush get my brush adjusted the way I like it so let's play with our brush size I'm gonna leave it on medium for now let's take our paint volume and move this to the right notice how the image is starting to get lighter so that's lightening up the actual paint of the image and then we have a large brush brush volume and that'll adjust how much of that paint is showing through so if I move the whole way up to the right we're getting a lot through I don't know if you can see that but it's altering it and think of these again is a fine-tune adjustment like I told you in past filters these are more like fine tuning and tweaking and then we have paint opacity how much paint do you want to see see the difference there now I'm zoomed in so let me zoom back out so you can actually see what's happening when I take this paint opacity back see how we can get a different look there and this is the fun of this filter it's just playing with all these sliders and getting that look and you get excited you know when you start moving these around safe looks cool let's keep playing now we have stroke rotation so let me zoom in a little bit and see if you can see those strokes changing their rotation and see them turning so you can turn them any direction you want them or you can bring them back to the default position a lot of times I like to default position I might just move that stroke rotation a little bit just to spice things up a bit and now we have rotation variation so if you want those strokes to be have some variation to them not always going one direction you can add some variation to them by adjusting the rotation variation so just play with this you get a lookalike I'm just gonna leave mine off and let me just revisit the stroke or rotation I'm just gonna leave it off for now and then I'm gonna come to this stroke color variation and stroke width here in a second but first let's come back oh no you know what I take that back we'll come to the color variation a second but let's go let's bypass color variation go to stroke width let's zoom in a little bit here now watch when I take the stroke width to the left see I'm getting more of that sketch look isn't that cool isn't it neat so we can adjust how wide those strokes are can you see those strokes widening out as I move it up okay and a lot of times it helps to just to back up and see the whole image here and just adjust your stroke do you say to that little little hint of aw hits you and you say yes this is it that's the look I want right maybe right there okay and now we have stroke length and this will lengthen the strokes out so we can make the strokes longer or we can make the stroke shorter depending on what kind of a look you want and you display and I'm gonna try to make a happy little painting today so I'm just gonna adjust it as I go along now let's zoom in here the next one down is called spill and what it'll do is it'll take these paints and they'll spill out over the edges which can be really cool so let me start to move it to the right can you see them starting to spill out see down here on this cloth area here they're spilling out over so we can play with that and get it to look just the way we'd like it so let's pull this back okay so I'm liking a little bit of that spill so maybe right around in there I'm gonna come back up and revisit all the brush strokes by the way and smudge this is cool and I'm sure you've seen these on the Topaz users group a lot of people like to make the smudge type paintings and you just pull the smudge up and you get that smudgy look into your image that's your really cool or if you just want to tone your image down a little bit take some of the edge off the paint strokes just maybe move that slightly to the right a little bit and just ease up on those edges of the paint strokes a little bit so that's cool we're gonna get into the coverage here in a second and the painting process progress that's a really cool one so let's come back up to our strokes all right to the very top and right now we're on this stroke typo for let me click typo one and you'll notice when I do that look at the different looks we get so there's Type O one here's Type O two you can just play through these now if you get one that you kind of like you can go back and readjust the strokes on it in fact I'm actually able I can type one and type two so I'm just gonna go through them all so you can see them but you notice they're all unique type strokes and of course you can adjust all the adjustments like the brush width and the length of the strokes now we're getting more into the sketchy type strokes like this you can do like charcoal drawings and things like that you know all you would do is remove the color from the image and adjust your strokes to taste there's another type of a stroke here's another just go through all these real quick so you can see what they're doing and they're all interacting differently okay let's go through them real quick so you can see I like that one this is more of that I believe the painters name is Seurat and he painted with little dots on his screen and these are more of those type of brushes here these guys down here and you can adjust these sizes for instance let's just play with this and right here and take this brush size down see that we can make those dots smaller so that looks really cool and I kind of like that but I digress let me come back up to the top because I was like in that sketchy type look somewhere in there and I'm going to come here and look at low let's see what low' looks like there's low more of a whimsical look medium little more definition there in the strokes and then high a lot more definition so depending what you like and it's all up to you it's your world you can do like Barbara said you can do anything you want in your world you want big brushstrokes you want it small brushstrokes you want dots like Seurat painted with you can do that as well I'm gonna go with low cuz I just like the look it's giving me more of a painterly type look now let me just come down and maybe adjust my stroke width and length a little bit so though I want it more sketchy like this or and that looks really cool where do I want it a little more painterly so I can come here and adjust it so maybe I like it right around there now let's go with the length don't want a longer length no do I want a shorter length I might want maybe right around there I think that's looking good for my vision right now I do have my glasses on all right and again there's the smudge we can smudge it a little bit or the spill let's play with that spill and see how much spill we want in there maybe just a little bit I like that right there I think I love what's happening these potatoes over here in this watermelon and some apples what a beautiful fall scene I love this time of the year all right so now let me show you this one here called painting progress this is the coolest thing in the original impression piece of software they didn't have painting progress they added it to topaz Studio One and they brought it into topaz studio too but watch what happens when I move this little see it's like when you're starting the painting you're just starting to lay down paint like that starting to lay down your strokes and you move it to the right you're building your building you're building your building you're building some more and this is nice too if you have your solid color background on like if you wanted to have one of these styles of paintings where you want that background canvas to show through see that isn't that cool you know you can just do what you like and actually like it's kind of fun with that little background canvas showing through so I might do that now let me just come and click on the background color here I'm just playing as I go here and maybe just darken that up just a little bit maybe somewhere in there and how to like that and let's click okay so let's come back up and the one there's a couple sliders I didn't show you yet and that's the coverage slider now this is really cool let me just move this coverage to the left and you'll see what happens here see how the canvas is starting to show through in the background and that's a nice look that's a nice painterly type look when you do stuff like that and so if you move it the whole way to the left and this is where I like to start move it the whole way to the left take the coverage transition move the holy left and you see that little circle right there now come here which this coverage Center and when I opened when I adjusted this coverage this little coverage center magically appeared here but you can take this dot and you can drag it all around to any place or click on here anywhere you like it or you can get this targeted tool right here and click anywhere you want the canvas if you want to come back to the center just give that a click right in the center and I think in the center looks really nice alright so then what I like to do is take the coverage and start to open it up and you notice it's using the edge technology that topaz is so famous for and move that up it's grabbing the edges of things and that's looking kind of cool now take the the coverage transition will kind of just start to transition and smooth that out with a gradiation so you can get a nice looking something like something like that looks really nice and I'd like that I don't usually use the coverage so much so for me today I wanted to show it to you because you may like that and I do like it and I might do some paintings with it but for now I'm just gonna take the coverage to move it the whole way to the right did I forget anything in here I don't think I did so I'm pretty happy with the way the painting looks so far don't forget you always have this opacity slider so you can take it and you can pull it back and reveal some of the original painting through if you want to too so don't forget about that that's a really cool feature but for now I just want a full blown painting so I'm going to leave it up alright next we're gonna move on to the next three sections we're gonna start with color move to lighting and then move to texture you can add a really nice canvas texture background to your image which is really really cool and of course my painting progress is right here so let me see do I want it see the more I move it to right and more defined it gets again right so but I love this sup play with this painting progress cuz you can get some really cool looks your image and I kind of just finding a spot that I like and sometimes you just have to decide and say that's it don't touch it alright right there I'm gonna leave it right there next we go to color before I move on to the color there was one adjustment I forgot to show you and that is this stroke color variation watch what happens when I start to drag this slider to the right see the little color variations coming into the image now if I take it away to the right a lot more will get in there and that if that's the look you're looking for great but I don't want quite that much but I would just want a little bit of color variation I think that looks really nice and I just wanted to show that to you alright so we come to color here let's give that a click and this is just like the HSL filter it's in fact it's identical so we have the overall saturation here so we can adjust the hue we can adjust the saturation double-click these to set them back and we can adjust the overall lightness alright so that's the overall overall and I'm happy with that but then we have these different colors here so if we hover over these colors can you see these lines and the image that appear over the colors kind of helps you to find out where those colors are hitting at and you can just see where all the colors sit on your image so there's not much blue in here or purple or magenta but there is red so let's click on red first and let me see what happens if I darken my red so I'm gonna do my red lightness first and just darken that up just a little bit what happens if I add a little more saturation to it maybe just a little extra saturation there and let's play with the hue a little bit and I might just play with that hue because I'm getting a few little extra colors or popping out in that pomegranate there when I adjust that hue a little bit let's pull the saturation up a little bit there and not too much right around there let's go to the next color like the oranges and our carrots might do nice with this so let's give us a little extra orange in there it's also affecting our pomegranate and some of the other colors too let's check the lightness let's make it darker or lighter maybe just the just a smidge lighter and I think the hue is good but let me just check it yeah I'm gonna double click to you I think that's good and yellows the last color I want to look at here so let's take our yellows up let's take our yellows back we may want to pull them back but you can get a lot of nice cool looks to your image here let me see I think the elsgood where they're at let's try their lightness here now I think that looks good too I think I'm gonna leave them let's play with their hue I might just alter the hue a little bit more to the orange side maybe right there I think that looks good okay now let's move on to the lighting section so let's click on color and close that up and click on lighting all right and of course we have just brightness we can brighten up the overall image or darken it up a little bit depending what mood we're looking for I'm gonna make it a little bit darker I think I like the way that looks we can add some more contrast to it or take some contrast out I think I might just leave it there I'm going to double click to get it back to the center position and let's see the highlights don't pull the highlights back if we get our lights looking a little bit too blown out we can pull that back a little bit now the shadows we can either open these shadows up or I might just darken them just a little bit maybe somewhere in there and let me go back to my brightness here and just maybe just bring that back up a little bit maybe right about there now this lighting position you see right here this deals with the actual textures that really won't affect the picture here and of course we have a vignette here now when I move this vignette to the right look we got a whole bunch more sliders just popped up here vignette so it's defaulted it the black vignette color and of course like on the vignette filter I showed you it's the same thing where you can add color to the edges and things like that I'm not gonna go there because this video is getting a little bit long so but if we just want to add a little bit of vignetting to it we can do that but this works just like the vignette filter so you already know how to do that so I just want a little bit of vignette around the edge just something like that of course we can adjust the strength to make it darker or lighter but I think maybe right around there and looks good and that's the lighting section ok now we're moving on to the texture section so let's just close up the lighting section by clicking this here and we already had our texture section open so this is a really cool thing here we can add canvas textures and different types of textures concrete or whatever to our image all right which is really nice and let me zoom in here a little bit so you can actually see the texture so let's take the texture strength and pull it up and we do we get another slider called texture size I like I'll topaz do that so let's pull this texture up right here so you can see a texture on there right now I have the this canvas 5 texture on which I think looks really good with this image and that's the one I want to use but let me show you some others there's like an angled weave and you can adjust the strength here you can adjust the size of it make it larger or smaller depending what you want double click to get them back to the center position detent position or default position and of course the strength okay so we can adjust that but there's all kind of textures in here there's paper textures there's marble there's even metal holes so I mean you got all kinds to play with so but the one I liked was I think it was canvas 5 right here so I'm gonna go with that one because I think that gives us a really nice painterly look now here's a little point for you if you're gonna print this on like a canvas print I would not apply a texture to it I would leave it alone but for presenting it online and you want it to look like a painting then by all means put a texture on it but if you're gonna print it on a canvas print I don't think I would do it if you're printing it on just a on paper it's fine it's gonna give you that textured look so looks really nice so I would maybe pull it back right around there now let me just zoom out you probably won't see it as much but when i zoom in you can really see it but even myself here on my screen I can see it but sometimes the recording doesn't show it through as much but it gives you a really nice interesting authentic painter look so and we want to over everything else there well that's basically it that's the impression filter and hats off to Bob Ross for inspiring me to get into this kind of artistic expression thank you Bob and someday we'll see you again there is one thing I forgot to show you now let me slide back up here and it was under lighting and remember I told you and you probably thought well are you gonna come back to that Dave and that is this light position now let's zoom in here now look at our texture here this is the lighting source it's coming from the right if I come and move it over to the left by clicking over here can you see the texture looks a little different and if I come down to the bottom it's it it'll change the appearance of the texture so you may want to play around with this and you can just slide this around if you'd like and if you come to the center it's basically Bay basically going to hide the texture but if you take it to the corners it's gonna show the strongest and I think it shows the most strongest up here in the right-hand upper corner now I can take it and start to drag it into the center and if I just click anywhere on here and is wherever you click it's gonna get a little weaker the closer you come to the center so I just wanted to point that out it's a really good little tip but for now I just want to see all that glorious texture so there it is so let's look at the before and after let's come up to this eyeball up here here's our before and here's our after big difference right we got ourselves a nice fall autumn painting well there you have it the impression filter inside of topaz studio - I love it please give it a try it's really awesome I hope this video has helped you if it has helped you please give it a like and share it with your friends and also if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please do so and click that Bell notification icon this way you'll be informed of all the new training videos that I have coming out well thanks again for joining me on the joy of editing with Dave Kelly and I'll see everyone right here [Music] you
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 12,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz Labs, Topaz, Topaz Studio, Topaz Studio 2, Photography, Photo Editing, Tutorial, Training, Photography Tutorial, Photography Training, Painting, Painterly, Photo Painting, Impression
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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