THE ART OF TEXTURE: Topaz Studio 2 & Photoshop

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly on today's episode we're going to make this image right here today a lot of textures on it i use topaz studio 2 i use topaz mask ai denoise sharpen ai and also photoshop this image was quite a ride now this image comes to me from daniel charnitsky i'm going to link his website in the description below click on that link and go to his website and look at his images his iceland images are amazing and this image came from his iceland collection really cool image okay so it was a lot of fun uh you're gonna learn a lot in this tutorial uh so stay tuned the whole way till the end uh this was quite a ride for me and i enjoyed it there were some frustrating moments in it but it was a lot of fun so hey without any further ado let's make this image we're starting out here in lightroom isn't this a really cool old abandoned building this is really neat looking so let's go ahead and i always start out by clicking basic and clicking auto and see what lightroom can give me here all right that looks pretty good and then i'll just kind of adjust from here maybe i'll open up these shadows slightly more yeah maybe pull my whites back just a tiny little bit because i don't like my whites getting clipped but everything's good on the histogram here let's try the blacks yeah maybe right there i'm not going to do anything with texture here i'll wait till i get inside of topaz studio 2 for that and let's check the vibrance one if we give it more man not too much it was pretty good where it was uh in fact i might even just pull it back a little bit and that looks pretty good now as far as detail i'm going to pull back my sharpening the whole way off because i'll use topaz sharpen ai to sharpen i'll keep my noise reduction off because i'll use d noise ai this just part of my workflow let's open up lens corrections and i always have checked on remove chromatic aberrations and also enable profile corrections that's just something i do on every image and i think we're good to go i'm going to go ahead and right click this and send it into photoshop and we'll get started the first thing we'll do in photoshop is i'm going to duplicate the background layer and send this up into topaz denoise ai i really love topaz noise ai it is a fantastic noise reduction software okay and i start out here i'll shut off the auto update preview that the reason i do that because every time you move a slider it's going to try to update itself again so i'm going to remove noise and remove sharpening i'm going to save sharpening for topaz sharpen ai okay so we're going to zoom into uh 200 so we can really see the noise now i have that split screen view on there on the left will be the original and the right will be the denoise side okay so we're going to start by moving the noise up i usually like to start around 10 and see what kind of results we get whoops i get a check on auto update preview so it will update okay so that looks like it might be a little too much to look over here and here let me just start to back it off let's try it let's try it about an eight and see what we get that looks better i think that's looking good let me drag drag this around it's going to update every time i move it let's look down here on these grasses here let's drag this over yeah that looks good noise is gone i might just bump it up to a nine we'll give it a second to update yeah that looks good now all i need to do is click apply and we'll send it right back into photoshop i'm just gonna run this uh denoised layer into sharpen ai i'm coming up with the filter and now launch sharpen ai and we'll go ahead and sharpen this guy up see what we need to do here i'm going to shut off the auto update just like i did in d noise ai we're going to try sharpen first i'm going to shut the suppressed noise off because i've already uh denoised it with denoise ai there's no need to do it twice okay let's turn auto update back on and sharpness is at 50 right now see what kind of results we get that looks pretty good let's take it up even higher see what that looks like okay looks pretty good i'm going to double click it get it back to 50. now i'm going to try stabilize and see i always like to try all three modes to see which one does the best because if there was a little bit of camera shaking there uh stabilize will correct any issues like that okay yeah and it'll look artificial and funny if it doesn't need it and it really doesn't need it so now i'm going to try focus and i've had questions people ask me how do you know which one to use and i always say just try it if it's not right it won't look good if it's right it will improve it and you'll say yeah that looks really awesome now i'm trying the focus mode this takes care of soft focus images and and uh not really i don't think that's helping either so i think the actual sharpen model will do fine with this one let me go ahead and bump up the sharpness to uh 82 i think daniel has a more steadier hand than i do okay so maybe just a little bit more right around there and i have the split screen mode on here so you can see there's the the sharpened side is on the right and the original side is on the left so yeah it's definitely improved it right there let's go ahead and click apply and we'll get right back into photoshop okay here we are in photoshop and i'm thinking hey this image looks like something that might look nice with a texture in the sky might give it a really cool look so originally i was thinking maybe just replacing the sky but i thought let's go a little artistic with it so i'm going to duplicate the background layer i'm going to come up to filter and let's go to topaz labs mask ai and let's cut out that sky and and then we'll add a texture back inside of photoshop so let's go ahead and click on auto detect sky and see what it does here now there's some water here and i think i'm going to get rid of that water so what i'm going to do is just come right along here paint across here get the red brush and paint down in here because i want to get rid of that i think i'm going to put a compute on these windows here so blue is compute red is cut and green is keep this area right in here and let's go ahead and i'm going to leave it on a i and click compute mask and see what kind of results we get and here are the results uh on the left is the tri-map image i'm going to shut off the tri-map by clicking see where it says show try map just click right there so we can see the original image now i got rid of the water let's zoom in here and let's just examine the edges of the image here and then we can do a little bit of cleanup on here i'm going to get a red cut brush and just paint right across this little section right here clean this up right here and maybe right there i know that's a little hill back there but for what i want to do i don't really need that so i want to take that out i'm going to come across everything looks good i missed a little spot right here see if we can clean that up right there that looks good let's come around to the edge yeah everything looks good so all we need to do now is click apply and that sends us back into photoshop with the layer mask on right here here we are back in photoshop here's our layer mask that mask ai is outputted for us if i option or i'll click this you can see the actual layer mask itself so what i'm going to do is come to layer one here and i'm going to come up here to file and come down to place embedded and what i'm going to do is find the texture that's going to work in there i'm going to hunt the texture up and then i'll get right back to you and it'll be sitting right above layer one okay so here we are i picked this texture out and it's right here and the only thing i don't like is this little deal right here so i'm going to come up to this layer mask and i'm going to get a nice soft brush here and what i'm going to do is make sure i'm painting with black paint i'm going to click right here and then i'm going to come over to here and i'm going to hold the shift key down and click and then i'm going to come back and i'm just going to what i want to do is just clean this up a little bit just so it blends in nicely just like that and maybe over here too i might click here once and then come over here and shift click yeah just to clean that up i just think it looks better and these are the things you have to do when you're editing you have to make decisions do you want to change something do you want to fix it and i think that looks good and then the only other thing i want to do is zoom in and make sure i didn't cut out any of my building there and there and i might have messed up right here so i'm gonna make my brush a little bit smaller and just clean this up right here okay and that's looking good and i and i like that so far and the next thing i want to do is just to pull this image all together is take the same layer right here i'm going to duplicate it command or control j but then what i want to do is pop it above everything okay right now all you see is the texture but i'm going to change that blend mode to overlay and isn't that looking cool already and i want to pull its opacity back a good bet here because i just want to marry these two images together i want that same texture it's also going to go over the original texture and it's going to you know make it a little darker and i'm just looking for a certain mood here so i'm just adjusting this opacity so i get it to look kind of how i like it and i think right there is looking kind of nice i like that i went ahead and pulled all these layers together and stamped it up here into this layer two so now i'm going to send it into a topaz studio too i'm going to add some more texture inside of topaz studio too before i add a texture you see this little white piece of paper here it's probably pasted to this building i'm going to get rid of that so i'm going to go to the healing brush it's right down here click on healing and make my brush a little bit smaller somewhere right around there and just let's just paint right over here there is a nice healing brush inside the top studio too and voila that takes care of that just click apply now for the texture i found the texture i liked and i added the texture filter it's this texture called washed and worn it comes uh loaded with your topaz studio too and i put it in the overlay blend mode and try different blend modes out because a lot of times they'll really affect how the texture is working now i'm just going to start to pull the opacity up and you see that texture start to pop through and just stop when you get the point that you like and then we could come down here and we can adjust the different controls like the contrast and different things like that if we wanted to pop it up more but i think it looked good i'm going to double click contrast i might just pull its detail back a little bit just to soften up the details a little bit and it's a warm texture so if i take the saturation to the right it'll make my image even warmer but that's too warm i might just ease off in the saturation just a little bit maybe somewhere right around there now i think i might ease the texture off the building a little bit so let's come up to the layer mask here and let's get a brush and i'm going to pull the transparency about halfway up to like a gray color somewhere around there and edgy where i have shut off and my radius size is probably good i'm just going to paint on the building here and i love how you get the red overlay here which is really nice so you can see where you've actually painted i might make my brush a little smaller and maybe get this little section up in here just grab the radius slider and pull it a little bit smaller and we'll just paint off up here a little bit and yeah this this chimney here looks pretty good i'm just going to leave it the way it is okay so that's looking really nice now let me left click the canvas here's the before that texture and there's the after let me see if i can find another texture that may work maybe a border or something like that i found another texture that i like so i went ahead and added another texture filter now let me go ahead and turn it on and show you show it to you isn't that cool the border around here let's open up this texture filter it's called border fade three now the borders automatically come in a multiply blend mode because they're light in the center and the darker edges are the parts that are going to show through on the texture okay the light parts will not show through in the multiply blend mode and the other thing i did to it was i took its detail let me set it back to the to the default position right here see how the edges don't show through as much and there's some texture in here when i start to pull the detail up watch how this texture comes through here and the edges really start to pop so that's where these beautiful controls are great when you're working with textures inside of topaz studio too after studying this image a little bit i'm thinking i want this detail in this building to really pop through so our eyes go right to this building here so i added a precision detail filter let me turn it on and show you what i did now you notice that a lot more detail popped up in the entire image i'm only concerned with this building here okay so let's go ahead and open this up and i'll show you what i did overall small detail i just pulled it up to 0.27 overall medium up to 0.19 and now i'm coming to the layer mask itself and what i want to do is invert the layer mask and now i want to get a brush and make sure my transparency is the whole way to the right so i have white paint so i'll be revealing the detail through adjust my radius to a proper size and i have edge of wear turned on and my softness is around 50 percent and i love that overlay right because it lets you see where you're painting and that's really nice i'll paint this section here and then i'll go and paint the rest but i'll lift off but watch that see that detail pop through here there i'm going to paint right down that chimney that edge of wear is nice it's grabbing the edges really nicely paint down here get over these steps i don't care if i go over that window it's not going to be a big deal see that detail pop out and i gotta paint this area in here make my radius a little bit smaller and let's just paint up through here across here and there you go our building is complete all right let's go ahead and click this eyeball there's the before and here's the after and now our eye is drawn right to that building and i think that really worked out nice and let's go ahead and click accept and that'll send us right back into photoshop we're almost done but i thought this image it's an abandoned building here and i love the textures and everything but what would make it look really cool i think is some birds birds in abandoned buildings go well so i just want to get a got a stock image and i'll show you right here it's on this layer right here and i'll turn it on and it's just some dark birds against the white background now all i have to do here is change my blend mode from either to either darken see how the white drops away or multiply whoops sorry multiply i'm going to leave it on dark and if i put it on multiply it gets a little darker so i'm going to leave it on darken and uh that's cool now i got birds everywhere so we can come i'm gonna get my move tool v is a shortcut for that and then we could uh we can move this around we could transform this or whatever we need to do but i might just do something like let's get those birds off of there maybe something like like this right here i think that looks pretty good now i'm going to do a little trick i'm going to steal this mask on this layer right here the mask i made mask ai originally i'm going to option or i'll click the mask and drag it up to this bird layer right here now it's the mask is doing the opposite of what i want it's uh it's hiding the birds from the sky so i'm just going to invert it click on the layer mask and it's commander control i to invert it and see it'll hide it off the foreground and off the building itself and then if there were some birds you didn't want in here you could just click on the layer mask and paint with black paint any birds you didn't want like i don't want this bird here so i'm going to get my brush tool make sure my opacity and flows at 100 make sure i got black paint and i'm just gonna paint that bird away so any bird you don't want just paint it off like this bird here he doesn't look like he belongs let's just have one bird out there maybe this bird can go away this bird here i'll take off and yeah that bird's okay there so here it is without the birds and with the birds you know it just it just adds a little bit and i can even take the opacity and pull those back a little bit if i didn't want them to be quite as strong in there and i think i might just do that take them back to about well i don't know like 75 percent or how about 84 i think that looks really good and i think i might get rid of this bird right here i think he doesn't look like he belongs and maybe this bird over here decisions decisions and there it is let me make this a little bit larger okay so there you go so we came from this image right here which is a really cool image from iceland and we ended up with this i'm happy with it i think it turned out really nice well it is complete this image took me on a ride i gotta tell you hey daniel thank you for your image beautiful abandoned building in uh from iceland and hey some birds some textures i just threw a digital frame on from topaz 2 studio 2 at the end just to add to the artistic quality of the image i hope you guys enjoyed this one if you did please give it a like and share it with your friends if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe and click that bell notification icon and then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified hey thanks each and everyone for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing [Music] you
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 4,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz, Topaz Labs, Topaz Studio, Topaz Studio 2, Topaz Mask Ai, Mask Ai, Photoshop, Photoshop Tutorial, Photography, Tutorial, Photography Tutorial, Layer Mask, Layer Masking, Texture, Add Texture, Creative Photography, Creative Editing, Creative Edit, 15% Off Topaz Software, Topaz Coupon, The Joy of Editing, The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Id: rN4lLdjk5P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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