TK7 GO PANEL: Make Your Images POP (Luminosity Masking)

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on today's episode i'm going to show you how to take an image that looks like this and turn it into an image looks like this and a few easy steps using the tony kuiper tk7 go panel hello everyone welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly it's the tk7 go panel i'm going to show you three basic little uh things that we can do to this image to really make it uh pop using the tk7 go panel now i just want to say up front i am not affiliated with tony kuiper i just love his panels and his actions and i'm going to link you uh to his website where you can see his panel is only 29 you can even get his panel with a video guide for 49 so it's not expensive but it's worth every penny in the description below this video i'll leave a download link so you can download this image in case you want to try out tony's panel and also again a link to go to tony's website if you want to pick up the panel when you purchase tony's panels you get the tk7 rapid mask panel which i'm not showing today today we're looking at this new panel the tk7 go panel so that's what i want to really show you today i've been using it a lot and i really like it there are so many things this panel can do for you and i would overwhelm you if i showed you everything it would take me hours to show you everything but today i just want to show you a few basic things you can do to make this image really pop and it's very simple and easy to do the first thing i want to do is darken the darker areas of these clouds just to make that sky pop a little bit now if we come up here to the tk7 go panel you'll notice we have number one choose a source to view your mask options number two you modify your mask and number three you output your mask the tk7 go panel was working with luminosity masks layer masking and i've used luminosity masks before in my videos if you watch them using uh topaz studio 2 and like luminar but tony kuiper's masks are masks on steroids his luminosity mask in my opinion he basically wrote the book on luminosity masking tony builds a really nice help system into his panels and to access it what you do is hold down your option or alt key depending if you're on a mac mac or a pc hold that down and hover over icons and you'll see it's going to give you uh information about what this particular icon when you click it does for you this one opens an interface to select predefined light starks and mid-tones masks based on pixel luminance the next one deals with zone mask and that's one we're going to use today and i'll explain that in a second and then we have another one here we're going to use today also and this one creates infinity color mass okay and again any time you hover over any of these icons you're going to get some really helpful information to help you out and i really appreciate the fact that tony built this into his panels and actions so not only in the panels you get all this helpful information but when you go to his action panel which is very valuable you get help information when you hover over anything there so you're gonna really love and enjoy that it's gonna be a big help to you we're gonna start out with this icon right here and let's look at the help on this create zone masks the color picker opens first use it to select a tone from the image click ok and then the zone mask interface opens to further refine the mask so it tells you exactly what to do let's go ahead and do that but before i do that remember i want to darken up the darker areas of these clouds right so let's click this icon right here and this color picker comes up and so what we want to do is choose an area we want to affect now i want to affect these darker clouds and so all i need to do is click right here and then i'm simply going to say ok and just like that i've created a luminosity mask now remember your masking principles white reveals and black conceals that's very important i don't want to get too technical today but these are your different zones and if you remember ansel adams he came up with the zone system this is a one being a very dark zone this is 09 being a very light zone and then you have all these different zones in between and then you have the slider that you can slide between all the different zones this is just zone number one zone number two but you can slide in between those zones with that slider i hope that makes sense and if i option or i'll click over the slider it tells me use this slider to choose the tone that will appear brightest in the zone mass now i don't have to adjust these things if i don't want to because when i pick that area right there i i actually got what i wanted but if i need to alter it i can change these things around i can slide these sliders this particular slider it uh use the slider to adjust the brightness of the zone mask so if i want my mask to be a little lighter to reveal more i can move this to the right a little bit and you see how it gets a little bit lighter okay so and i may just do that in this particular one here it deals this slider deals with the width of the selected zone like how wide to the left or right of that zone will get picked up it defaults at the widest but if i move it to the left i can narrow it and next up we have this modify section now this adjustment right here works as a levels adjustment so you can lighten or darken certain areas of the mask here the luminosity mask you can invert it with this icon right here you can paint on your mask with black paint or white paint you can do different things and at different times you're going to use different methods in here but you don't have to use any of these methods if you don't need them and right now on this particular adjustment i don't need these adjustments here so i'm just going to bypass step number two and i'm going to go right to step number three which is my output how do i want to output my luminosity mask now when i output my luminosity mask generally i'm using curves levels or hue and saturation but you can do things like photo filters you can dodge and burn through luminosity mass but i want to use a curves adjustment just to add some pop to that sky all we need to do is click this uh icon right here i'll hold the option key down so you can see creates a curves adjustment layer with the mask preview as the layer mask so let's go ahead and click it and there we go and now you'll notice we have a curves adjustment layer with that luminosity mask attached to it now if you want to see what that luminosity mask looks like you can hold down your option or alt key and click on that mask and we can see the mask we generated the luminosity mask and i'll just option click that or i'll click it and you'll see your image come back and now we're ready for the fun now we need to uh get our curves adjustment up so we don't want to have the uh mask selected click on the uh icon here to bring your curves up now your screen may look different than mine depends how you have it set up this is just the way i have my photoshop set up but my curve sits right here so all i need to do is click a point on my curve click and drag down now the whole image the whole image will change but i'm just looking at the sky and i think that sky looks really good right there now i don't want that adjustment down here but i'm going to show you a really cool little trick and i'm going to use a tony kuiper action to do that let's shut this layer off this curves one layer off so we can see it before there's a before and there's after okay but again i don't want that adjustment in the foreground here but i want it up in the sky so here's my little tip i'm going to use this action this guy right here and if i hold my option key down and hover over this you notice it says group put selected layers into a new group with a black hide all layer mask now i'm going to click this and notice what happens here it puts this curves adjustment only in a group and puts a hide all layer mask on it and you're going to see the power of this in one second this technique i'm going to be showing you right now is a technique called masking the mask now i need to get a paint brush i'm just typing my b key for a paint brush now i have a really soft brush here you can see it it's uh hardness is at zero percent and i'm gonna make it fairly large now i want to paint with white paint and i have my opacity and flow at 100 i'm just going to simply with white paint let that adjustment be painted on to the sky just like this with this very soft brush now when i get close to the horizon here i'm just going to skim that horizon with that feather edge like so and voila just like that i've masked my mask but look what i've done i've only added that luminosity mask to the sky portion so there's the before and there's after my foreground stays intact so that's a really cool technique and remember that one you'll be using it a lot the next thing i want to do to make this image pop is to take some of these darker areas here and make them a little bit darker just to add a little bit of extra contrast to the foreground to really make it pop okay so what i'm going to do is use that same zone mask and click right here and select a dark area like say right in here give that a click and click ok and it's going to create my luminosity mask all right and then of course i can go in here and adjust it now remember this slider here adjust the brightness of the zone mass so i can lighten the lighter areas up by moving this to right a little bit okay and i can narrow those areas by moving this to the left so i just want to target those really dark areas see how i'm narrowing that out maybe somewhere around in there now if i need these light areas to go a little lighter i can take in the modify section take the right side of this levels adjustment move it a little bit to the left and see those areas that get a little bit lighter and something like that looks good now i'm not worried about the sky here because i can do that mask and mask technique again alright and now to output it i'm going to output it to a curves adjustment again because remember like i said i use that one a lot especially for lightening and darkening things okay so i'm going to click that and it's going to apply that luminosity mass to a curves adjustment right here now let's make our adjustment now this histogram here in the levels represents the area that i selected that particular zone so i'm going to click right here on the edge of this histogram click here and drag down now it's only going to be affecting those darker colors you see that now i don't want to go too far and block them all up turn them black but i just want to come down just a little bit just add that little bit of a contrast pop now here's the before and here's the after isn't that cool but it's also affecting my sky up there a little bit so i can use that mask a mask technique or masking the mask or i could come right over to this layer mask right here let me option click this layer mask and i could just get black paint and paint this out here i don't usually like to do that but you could any of these light areas in sky you could paint out with black paint let me option click this layer mask again to get my image back or i could use the mask a mask technique instead of using a black mask let's use a white mask this guy if i hold the option or all key down it tells me group puts selected layers into a new group with a white reveal all layer mask so let's go ahead and do that click that and we have a white reveal all layer mask so nothing happens to my image so now i have to do is get a brush get some black paint okay so black paint i have a hundred percent here adjusted and all i have to do is simply paint on the areas that got affected like over here and here just like that and i'm just painting on the mass right there so now let's see here's my before and here's my after it's only affecting that foreground but look how wonderful a job that's doing now if i felt i went too much i can take this opacity and pull it the whole way off and then just build it up slowly and put the right amount in there maybe around like 75 so here's the before and here's the after same with this sky group right here click us on and off if that's too strong i could come to this group and maybe ease off in it a little bit as well maybe somewhere right around there you know around 86 here's the before and after and if i option click the background layer here's the before and here's the after so already we've got some nice uh pop to this image now i just want to effect some color next i just want to affect these greens in the foreground and i'll show you how i do that with a luminosity mask this time instead of the zone mask i'm going to use this infinity color mask and it's really cool so i'm going to click it and when i do i'm going to select the color that i want to affect so i'm going to effect like these green tones in here and make them a little bit more saturated so i'm going to click right here and click ok and it creates a mask now i can alter that mask by making some adjustments here now these sliders here i'll just hold the option key down so you can see what they do this slider sets the brightness of the infinity color mask so if i need need a little stronger adjustment i can take this and move it to the right and watch see how these areas lighten up here i don't want to go too crazy but i just want to lighten them up a little bit and this other guy will affect this slider sets the color feathering of the infinity color mask so it'll feather that mask a little bit give it softer transitions on the edges now of course i can use this modify i can make these areas even lighter by moving this level slider to the left make them a little bit lighter i can make the darker tones a little darker by moving this to the right you see that so i only want to affect selected areas now it's not going to touch anything in the sky it's only working with the foreground isn't that cool but now for the output what i want to do is choose this icon right here which is i'll pull my help screen up creates a hue saturation adjustment layer so let me click this and here is my hue saturation adjustment layer and again if i option click this layer mask you can see the mask i've created option click it again we come back to the image right now my mask is selected so i need to click this icon right here to get my hue saturation adjustment to come up now watch how cool this is when i take the saturation adjustment move it to the right it's only going to affect those colors that i selected isn't that cool how it just targets just the exact colors there through that luminosity mask so i can adjust that and i can even come here and adjust the hue of it you know do i want to warm them up a little bit maybe just slide them out like that and i can even adjust their lightness make them lighter or darker but i think i'm just going to leave it right where it is there but i can give it more or less okay i think that looks really nice now let's click this eye here's the before and here's the after but you notice it's only affecting those greens it's not affecting these tones back in here but just these foreground tones the ones that i selected and again if i went too strong i can either pull the saturation back here or i could take the opacity and just pull back on that a little bit maybe like 75 here's the before and here's after now let's look at the overall before and after i'm going to option click this background layer so here's the overall before and the after but look at all that pop i was able to get in with three simple adjustments now to be honest with you the video took me a while to explain everything to you but when i actually do this in real time this honestly takes i would roughly say anywhere between three to five minutes it actually goes pretty quick takes me a while to explain it but again it's really fast and very effective well there you go everyone we were able to take this image started out looking like this and turn it into this an image with a lot more pop all with the help of the tony kuiper tk7 go panel if you'd like to see more videos on luminosity masking please let me know in the comments section below and also i'd love to hear from you please leave me comments and questions if you enjoyed my tutorial today please give it a like share it with your friends if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click the bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly and i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 9,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TK7 Go Panel, TK7, Luminosity Mask, Layer Masks, Photoshop, Tutorial, Photo Tutorial, Photo Editing, Image Pop, Creative Editing
Id: nf389wBXxX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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