A.I. Magic with Remix and Clear presented by Greg Rostami

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well hello everybody its heath robinson with topaz labs always excited to be presenting again with this time we've got greg rest ami many of you may have run into greg at trade shows he represents topaz labs at a lot of our trade shows around the world actually he started working with topaz labs over ten years ago as a product evangelist an avid close-up musician he combined his love of technology and magic to create ross tommy magic which has become one of the most popular magic apps for iOS and Android he's also developed several technologies for film restoration 3d visual effects and other visual pipelines that spawned a new generation of post-production services Greg partnered with topaz years ago over a shared love of powerful visual arts technology and tools that empower users to create their art their way hello everybody it is really a pleasure to be presenting both the new Topaz AI remix and the new AI clear both of these products really showcase how unbelievably powerful the latest trend in deep learning is and what I'm gonna do today is essentially start out with some of the artistic applications with AI remix and how you can use AI remix and really artistic clever ways and mix it with some of the different topaz technologies for some pretty revolutionary kind of results now as Heath just told you I started out as a visual effects artist and so in visual effects we're always looking for the new aesthetic so hopefully these tools are going to show you the path and how you're gonna find your new aesthetic and to really set it some new ground for the new look that's gonna be your unique look so let's start out with this leopard photo right here and immediately since we're inside of topaz studio let's pull down to AI remix and the latest version of AI are a mix because it's so unbelievably fast because of the optimizations the moment you click on a preset poof suddenly the piece that pops up so right now I'm using the neon feathers preset and under the style strength you can see that you can choose either a low medium and every time switch to any of these other settings I'm going to zoom in a little bit closer so you can see how it affects the final image so as you go up in the style strength the speed of the program is gonna go down just a little bit but once again because of the latest advancements of AI remix it is unbelievably fast when it goes from one to the other okay so I like this particular style that I just applied to the leopard but we're gonna do something kind of unique to this leopard and let's first take a look at just a color I'm gonna completely shut out the color so it gives you this really beautiful kind of a sketch look that's there and let's also give it some brightness and contrast so it's gonna give us a lot more pop in this sketch and then finally the last thing that I want to do with this sketch is use the power of actually tool pass impression to make it look like somebody is actually taking you know brush strokes or pencil strokes across a canvas to create it now I can already see that there are some lines that are here across the nose or the mouth and one of my favorite features in AI remix is how you can play with the smoothing of the edges and watch what happens when I keep bringing up those smooth edges it tends to want to surround off these edges and in this particular example I want to create a much rougher kind of a sketch and that's why I'm gonna bring those smooth edges down and suppress artifacts that slider is great for taking sometimes these little curlicues that the AI might be drawing or rendering in your images and it loves to suppress those kinds of things so once you're satisfied with this general sketch look under the lower right hand corner of every adjustment into a pass there is this enhance button and we're gonna now enhance topaz ai remix with impression okay so once impressions been added in now impression essentially is being applied on a top of what ai remix was already doing we're gonna grab a brush that's gonna be a little bit more swirly which is this one right here we're going to for the number of strokes hi and so this is gonna allow a lot of strokes to be taken across the canvas for the paint opacity for this one I'm gonna crank it up all the way but I just want to show you some of the variations that will take place as we start playing around with it also for spill we want the spill to be all the way up here - so now you're noticing that as you start playing around with this especially when you start playing with brush size okay how the brush strokes that are being applied are right now as I manipulate brush size I getting bigger or smaller which is really really neat and it's helping take this somewhat more simple or I should say solidly colored kind of sketch and it really tends to want to break it up you know I'm gonna give you a little bit more of a brush size let's make that just a little bit smaller and I'm pretty happy with it let's actually zoom out and see what we got all right looks good all right I wanna do one more thing as far as like playing with the the general contrast of this and just under the brightness and contrast if I boost up that contrast and I bring down a brightness a bit we're gonna get some more details and then last but not least I want the leopard to be the center of this drawing I want the center of the attention to be right on the leopard and that's why if we go all the way to the top and choose a vignette I want this vignette to be instead of black let's choose white all right and let's bring up the vignette strength and so now you're gonna notice as I played with this vignette strength how the vignette starts coming in right away um just to exaggerate this effect I'm gonna play with the size so you can really really see what's happening with the vignette but in the moment we'll dial that down let's also Center the vignette right on the leopards face there we go that looks great and so now that I've centered it the way I like it I can take some of the perimeter and just slowly bring that back so it looks like the artist that was doing the sketch was essentially fading out their drawing as they got closer to the parameter of the canvas alright so the first example of how we can really play with AI remix and mix it up with some of the other tools that are into a pass but to show you some of the more interesting things that we could do that could be color related I love this photo of the dog and it is what Heath selected to be like the mascot for this AI magic webinar let's jump back into AI remix yeah let me grab the preset that I he used for the dog if I remember correctly I had used this really pretty blue and yellow one uh-huh that I've been playing with before listen I can find that here for you and if not I'll just grab any one of them that we've already got let's see how this one's gonna look now as a tool for experimentation what I highly recommend is when you are looking for the proper color theme for your final painting or your find for your final image start out with the style strength actually on low and what's great about using low is that it will allow you to just instantly click on a preset and quickly see what that image is gonna look like with that preset and once you find what you're looking for once you find a style that catches your eye then that's when you should switch over to doing the higher style strength so let me just go back to the previous one that I had which was this one right here there we go let's try to do the high one okay so now you're gonna see it's the AI is definitely working a lot harder to generate this final image and just exactly the same way as previously we used our topaz impression to work along with what we were doing with AI remix I'm gonna do the same thing here so let's just simply add let's go PA's impression to the bottom of this workflow okay there we are one other thing that I want to do is we go back into AI remix let's take some of these little curlicues or swirly patterns that are happening and try to suppress those a little bit because I want to see more of just the color theme of the dog and less of these swirls and the way you do that is as you come down AI remix it's a smooth edges let's bring up the edges just a little bit more um if you ever zoom in on anything that AI remix does and you notice that there is some aliasing going on it's really easy to reduce or completely eliminate the aliasing just by using your sharpness slider so as I bring that struck the slider down I'm gonna get to the point where that aliasing completely disappears and you get a very organic looking painting and then finally suppress artifacts as we bring that up it's gonna try to bring down any of these little swirlies that we've got as much as possible and then finally the last thing we're gonna throw in is going to be our impression let's go back to our impression that we have just introduced there we go we're gonna do a high number of brush strokes so it's gonna the AI upon me impression is gonna take a lot of brushstrokes here on the campus canvas brush size I want to get a lot of paint volume out of this just because I want to actually see all of these paint strokes that are being applied and also the paint opacity so we can actually see the individual brushstrokes like really really being applied one of my favorite features in impression is the spill slider if you bring the spill all the way up you're gonna notice how every brush stroke is going to spill past the edges that are natural to the image okay I like bringing spill all the way up because it always tends to produce a more of a natural kind of painting but you know as you play with it just kind of like tune it in until you get it the way you like and I usually have it more towards the right side of that spill slider then towards the left because I like having more of an abstract kind of a painting look where the the brushstrokes are truly spilling out of the edges okay now keep in mind if I was to show you the before version of this photo it's pretty amazing where we were just a few seconds ago where we are now so let's finish this off with as we zoom in a little bit further by applying just a tad of texture to the final painting and for those of you who have used impression you know how texture strength is here so I'm gonna try a little bit of asphalt and bring that up extra strength exercise and so now I should start seeing more and more of the original texture come on coming in and if the asphalt isn't strong enough let's try something even stronger than that let's try this can this one there we go canvas pretty cool so now I have a really really rough texture that's being applied as well so once again this is where we were a few seconds ago and this is where we are now and this is the endless amount of fun that's there when you start playing around with AI remix so one of the things that I was talking about as far as finding your particular look is when you start with AI remix I highly recommend that you start exploring what are the different kinds of styles that the different presets have and to highlight what I mean by that let's take one of these examples that I had done from before let me completely reset this one and turn on a REM X there we go so there's gonna be style so you're gonna notice that are unbelievably abstract you know I'll just show you a few of the abstract ones in fact the new AI remix has broken everything down into categories so it's easy for you to jump into let's say the abstract category and click on one of these crazy abstract ones and sure enough that is pretty abstract you know but once again this is an important way for you to experiment because it's so amazing to be able to start out with just a simple photograph and see what the artificial intelligence that has been trained with all of these different painting styles is going to render for your photo so familiarizing yourself with these different styles is really really important and allowing you to get exactly what you want when it comes time for you to take one of your photos and manipulate it okay so in contrast to being so amazingly abstract let's now go to the opposite side of the spectrum and try things that are going to be a lot more natural so let's say for example something like autumn dreams okay once the computer is done processing autumn dreams you can see them now in comparison to the original photograph it's not so crazy you know it's a lot more like a traditional photo would be and I think this really speaks volumes about the power of AI remix is that you can either do things that are over the top or you can do things that are a lot more subdued and because of this ability of just blending in and effect exactly to the right level that you want is how you're gonna get the final results that you want so let's start off with something actually just on this flower the way that it is right now so I like the way that this looks I like the color thing that we have and let's do something as simple as just choosing for the blend type color okay so you notice that just by doing something as simple as changing the color as take totally taken our original photo and it has recolored it now with this new effect with this new preset right and you can do that again and again so now every time I click on any of these other presets and now instead of the preset completely over taking your image it's now acting like a way for you to recolor your photo so you could actually think of AI remix as a playground of exploring the color themes that are in your photos too but we're gonna take this to another level we're gonna really really push it to its ultimate level and let's go back to our original outline that we had normal there we go and I'm gonna introduce you to a wonderful feature in topaz which is under the hamburger menu for every one of the adjustments and that option is called use original image as input okay now you're gonna notice that I'm gonna turn that on in just a moment when we apply another copy of AI remix so now remember there's two uses of AI remix one after the other and for the second one because keep in mind that everything in studio happens from the top to the bottom so first the image goes through the first day and it's going to come to the second one but for the second one we're gonna use that hamburger option of use regional image as input now for this second adjustment with a I remix I'm gonna choose this to be just first of all on normal but we're gonna do an outline so under abstract actually pardon me it's right here under high-impact baby blues I love all the lines that baby blues generates and so you can see that it kind of looks like a quick sketch with ink that has been done of the flowers but I'm gonna completely turn off the color by reducing the saturation down to zero and let's play with brightness and the contrast let's get the brightness really really high here there we go okay perfect so I like this quick ink sketch that we have now of the original drawing what I don't like is some of these extra lines that the AI is finding as part of the background or even on the table that the vase is resting on the way you remove these extra lines is by using the enhance option but that's no typical of every adjustment and we're gonna use a color overlay so what we essentially want to do is we want to paint in white so you can see that the default color is white we'll bring your opacity all the way up so we're gonna be painting with white and since we need to paint we need to use the mask for the color overlay I always start off by inverting the mask so now I'm gonna be painting actually with the brush with a white brush now watch what happens when we grab a big brush with almost no softness and we just simply start the paint so now you're noticing that this is a great way for me to just get rid of some of this extra gobbledygook that we don't need you know so just painting some of these out oh yeah okay now in a moment I'm gonna switch over to a smaller brush just to keep take care of some of the smaller little nooks and crannies like gets it before so this shouldn't take you any time at all like I'm usually doing these little paints here and it takes me less than a couple of minutes to get it all done and when I'm doing this usually I will even toggle the original image back and forth and this is helpful for me to be able to see if what I'm painting out is either a part of the original subject that I want or if it's part of the background so I know some of these lines are just simply a part of the background that we don't want and I am done all right I like it okay so once we're happy with this result what we've gotten now is just this outline right let's now show you how by using that mixture of two AI remixes is going to work so well together on the second one instead of being on normal simply changes to multiply look at how cool that is so now essentially we are almost looking at images or the things that we artistically play with in AI remix both as an outline almost like edge detection would be or sometimes you might think of it as like luminance or chrominance whereas there's a part of AI remix which is dealing with the edges that are in your image and there's another part of it in fact I'll turn those on and off for you just so you can see what we're talking about so the second AI remix is purely handling the edges gangrel it's great which we just what we made right now and then the first part of it I turn that off is just dealing with colors now the reason why I love this workflow is because it gives me this endless kind of canvas of creativity so let's say I go back to multiply and I'm gonna play with a different color theme altogether all I have to do is switch to something different so let's say switch to the autumn tone look what's gonna happen now so now the lines are still there but the color now in the background is completely changed so this separation is really really fun and it allows you to really quickly jump through just exploring everything that you can do with an image alright so the last example that I'm gonna show you here with AI remix is going to be with a portrait okay now she's really really beautiful and we just want to do something that's gonna artistically highlight her or make this portrait a little bit more exciting and the way we're gonna do that is jump into AI remix and one of the latest presets that was just added is this violet Knight which is really cool you know it looks like it puts these stars or constellations all over your image I'm gonna switch that over to high and again I can see that this isn't really attractive to her face or anything else so to tweak this to get it exactly the way that we want let's switch this over to screen so now it's gonna be adding to the image and notice that just by simply switching the screen how its made the effect so much more appealing now obviously we don't like the little dots all over her face and that's why it's so great in topaz that you always have in studio the add mask so let's go ahead and add a mask and grab a brush will make a nice soft brush should be pretty good right about there and we don't even really need edge aware for this one just kind of like brush right in the ear and see what we get there we go so we're just gonna brush out barriers that we don't need and there we are okay so we took an image that was just kind of ho-hum and we added all these little sparkles to her hair and if I feel that these colors that are over here are a little too much it's easy enough to be able to just jump in to the saturation slider here and hey I remix and just bring that down and we can tweak it in until we get it the way we like okay perfect so that's how sometimes I like to use our AI remix as a way of just adding some flavor you know or some accent to your photos so I can see as the time is going by I want to be able to definitely dedicate even more time to the AI clear but last example that I'm going to show you is a cosplay photo this is Lex Luthor hey guess we have people asking a bit about the blend modes could you explain kind of I know you're gonna do it in this instance or the difference between what the screen mode is doing what the multiply mode is doing absolutely yes thank you very much for the question okay let me go back to the example that i was just using here a moment ago let me zoom in on that alright so first i'm gonna turn off the first step here just so that you're looking only at the original image and i'm gonna first to simply go to normal normal means the image comes in and whatever this adjustment is doing is simply replacing that image so if the adjustment was let's say inverting your image it's just gonna simply be an inversion and that's it right whereas in contrast when we go to something like multiply what multiply does is that now it's taking the image and it's mathematically actually multiplying it to whatever was coming in on the previous step now all of these blending modes are analogous to the blending modes that you will find in photoshop so for those of you who have used photoshop and you are f have experience with blend modes does these are exactly the same that you have there so with multiply what you're noticing is happening is that anything that's white which is essentially a 1 you know because white is like a number 1 and black is a zero when you take one and you multiply it by anything it just becomes itself so if the background happened to be in this case like a blue blue times one just ends up being blue whereas in contrast any part of the image that is black those blacks when they get multiplied to the image zero times anything is zero so therefore it darkens the image there and that's exactly what's going on is the multiply option is what's creating this really lovely color outline that you see there and the last example that I had was of course with our portrait because let's take a look at that one more time as we zoom in in this particular case I'm using screen screen is once again analogous to the Photoshop screen which is an additive image meaning that whatever AI remixes creating is being added to your original image just to show you what the normal image looks like okay so this is the normal image with nothing else applied okay this is just straight-up what AI remix is doing to the image okay so you're noticing now it's replacing the image that's already there whereas in contrast when I went into here and I chose screen now that image is being added to the original initial I can choose full capacity to blend that in and out so you can see how I can kind of like make it be even more subtle and that's essentially screen so screen is additive whereas the previous example was multiplicative and every one of these different options gives you a different look and I love how in towpath Studio it's easy for me just to hover my mouse on every one of them and see exactly how that's gonna affect my image so I can you know really experiment and find something that I love I hope that answers the question yeah that's fantastic thank you yeah sure you're welcome all right so for the last example Lex Luthor so this is a great cosplay photo and we're gonna do something artistic with it yeah let's see here people messaging on Facebook adjustments AI remix and I'm gonna grab one of my favorite ways of doing a line art which is neon feathers and let's also choose hi and so immediately you can see how it gives you all these wonderful lines and even though these color palettes color palette is really beautiful and for this particular example once again I'm going to turn off the colors completely so no saturation on this one aha let's play with the brightness and the contrast until we just you know homing in on exactly what we want yes nice contrast e line art is really what we're looking for here okay and as we zoom in I'm also gonna pay attention to any of the aliasing that might be happening there so if you ever see the little jaggies once again make sure you just bring the sharpness down it's gonna get rid of all the little jaggies that are there and little suppressor artifacts it's gonna make the little swirls disappear as well and I like it okay now normally I would spend some time actually cleaning up some of the perimeter a bit I'll just do that for you really really quickly just to remind you of how that was done before but normally I would spend a lot more time and all you're gonna do is again in the lower right hand corner click on the enhance button you're gonna choose color overlay by default that color overlay is white which is perfect for what we need crank up the opacity and you're gonna be painting a mask and I always start out by inverting that mask so that I can actually now anything that I brush in with a white make sure you do choose white here because now as you brush you'll notice it's gonna be just brushing away two things you don't want so a nice big radius Lohse roughness and I'll quickly just get rid of some of these things around the perimeter but we won't spend too much time doing yet just because you guys already saw me do that with a previous example with the flowers alright okay that looks good alright so once you're happy with these results let's once again use this new trick that we just learned about mixing the results from AI clear with the results that come from other topaz products by doing something like this let me actually close this color overlay down I'm happy with that and I'm gonna bring in this time let's see something as crazy as hmm let's try impression okay so watch watch how cool this is going to be make sure that impression right now is gonna be the first thing that's gonna happen all I'm doing right now is dragging it up and also under AI remix I'm gonna use that use original image as input so what's happening when you use original image as input it means that the input to AI remix is no longer gonna be coming from the previous step it means it's it's doing exactly what you've told it to do right now is that it's using the original image which is of course this image right here as the put two AI remix so essentially it's going around that impression right now all right let me turn that off for just a moment and in this impression step I want this really severely kind of like colorful low brushstrokes and very very loud kind of a painting and what I mean by loud is I'm gonna exaggerate every brush stroke just make it as loud and as vibrant as I can you know so let's get the colors and bring up the saturation a little bit like that there we go it's kind of cool there should be good and the spill is up as well so I got all these edges that are essentially shooting out all over the place and I'll even bring up the overall lightness just a little bit okay awesome so this is now the way that I look at this right now as I'm doing it is that site I look at this as the underlying color that's gonna be in my image because now the moment that I turn this on and I switch this over to multiply look what's gonna happen here's multiply right there and boom so now those lines that we have just created from our AI remix step are being applied to this and I can see that the the paint now is just a little too much you know it's a little too crazy so if you do think that's just over-the-top crazy then it's easy enough to be able to go back into to a pass impression and bring that brush size down there we go so now the paint if you were to zoom in it's almost like the artist that was doing this the paint was literally spilling out of the corners of the image you know so as if the artist had used ink to ink in the details and then later on was using paint to really roughly paint in the character so again that's another great example of using AI remix in really clever interesting ways so I'm now gonna completely transition out of things that are so over-the-top artistic and fun and we're going to talk about AI clear here we go okay for those of you who have never seen me before this is what I look like right this photograph was taken using my Canon 5d Mark - I was holding the camera in my hands in front of my face and I intentionally maxed out every function of my 5d Mark to the the shutter speed is currently at 1/4 thousandths of a second which is the maximum shutter speed of a 5d mark ii and the ISO is 25600 for those of you who have had a canon mark ii you know that 25600 is the maximum ISO and hence noise lots and lots of noise so here is the real magic of AI clear so you noticing that the only thing I'm gonna do right now is just turn on AI clear I'm not gonna do anything else so the AI is analyzing oh my gosh it's already done okay then you AI clear is so fast that it's already finished doing what it's supposed to do and let me give you a little side-by-side comparison over here okay so uh immediately the if you were to compare the left side I want you to look at the corner of my eye it's filled with these greens and pinks and purple just chrominance noise all over the place whereas on the right hand side AI clear has gotten rid of all of it so right now we're using the remor noise option on auto I would say about ninety ninety-five percent of the time the auto function does a remarkable job of just figuring out how much noise is in your image and applying the right amount of Correction but just for this example I want to show you what happens if I switch over here too high okay so you'll notice that the AI with the blue line it's moving across the top is now reanalyzing the image it's actually going to be using a new neural network and now here's the final result so the other thing that I want to highlight for everyone is the very very important slider down here that says we cover details look what happens when I think that we cover detail slider and I put it all the way to the right you're noticing that now even though on the left side we had a noise on the right side it's be introducing some of the luminance noise so much the chrominance noise and that's why if there were any details that a iclear was removing from the photo just by using that recover detail slider you're bringing those details back but it just so happens I don't need to take it up that much because what it has done by default it is really really remarkable and let me outline for you really what you're looking at first of all if you look right to the center of the pupil in my eye the noise is so bad that I can't see the reflection of my arms holding the camera whereas on the right hand side I see that perfectly I can see my arms stretched out in front of me I'm holding the camera as I was looking at my forehead okay once again on the left side the noise is so bad that even the human eye can't really see the subtle wrinkles or the pores that are on my skin whereas on the right hand side all the little wrinkles all the details or the pores just perfectly comes through and then finally let's look at the background okay because this is where I started really freaking out mainly because usually backgrounds that are out of focus especially in really really high iso's are just filled with these rainbow colors of greens and pinks and purples and everything whereas on the right hand side it looks like you shot this thing with an ISO of 50 it's unbelievable I mean how many F stuffs you're gonna get just by using AI clear and of course for those of you who are noticing my hair you can see that how again all the chrominance noise is being removed but one of the things that I want to really highlight here for you as we get in really close we've actually to look at some really really subtle detail so I'm gonna zoom in quite a bit okay let's get really really really really close okay I want you to look over here at just this one little strand of hair okay you're noticing how the noise has a tendency of eating away at details how it's actually taking a straight line and it's converting it into just a dashed set of you know lines whereas the AI is smart enough to recognize that's a can you align and therefore it renders it as a continuous line and that really speaks volumes about why AI is so smart when it comes to noise reduction because the artificial intelligence has learned from millions of photos and therefore it knows how to correctly remove noise from photo so now that we've shown you an example of something with such a severe noise you're probably wondering what would happen if we gave it a photo that was absolutely perfect okay let's try this photo right here I love this photograph very dramatic the lava flowing and I've used it in a previous webinar and once again take a look at how straightforward this is all you do is just turn on AI clear okay now before I jump into ad clear as we go into the before-and-after it doesn't really seem to be anything wrong with the photo there's really no noise in the photo but the first thing you're gonna notice that is that all of the photos that you thought were sharp we're actually not that sharp after you put it through AI clear everything becomes tack sharp another side effect which is great of all the things that a I clear just naturally wants to fix for you is what happens if there is any chromatic aberration in your photos and you all know that as you get closer and closer to the perimeter of a photo the more and more chromatic aberration is going to be there and chromatic aberration are these purples or blues that you see around the perimeter or the edges of shapes whereas on the right hand side the AI has completely eliminated any of the chromatic aberration because the AI is smart enough to recognize that it shouldn't be there it's so it just automatically removes it all by itself so even though we had an image that we thought was perfectly good to start off with hey I clear made it more clear and it removed any subtle artifacts that could have been any image as well now finally the last image I'm going to use is a portrait photo that went wrong let me zoom in on this one in this particular photo you're noticing that the camera instead of focusing on her face is accidentally focusing on her hair and that's the reason why her face is soft and again the magic of AI clip just turn it on and let's see what happens so the artificial intelligence is gonna recognize that and so if i zoom in on this let me give you a little split screen so you can they've seen side by side okay immediately on the left side where we have the blurry eyes the blurry teeth the right side that the AI is now creating sharper eyes and sharper teeth and because we now can tweak the send until we get it the way we like it use recover details let's can make her more blurry if I wanted to I can actually go the other way so if I want to punch up the sharpness some more I could or even using enhance sharpness I switched out over to hi okay now in this particular case it makes just a little bit of a difference but in some of your other images yeah I can actually see the difference right now the high is definitely sharper I'm gonna keep it on low for this one mainly because if I look now over here at her hair okay we want to make sure that her hair is not gonna look like it's being over sharpened and that's exactly what AI has done essentially it's you know removing the blur from the parts of the image that needed to have it fixed and it's leaving the other parts just a the way that they were alright so I think that covers all of the examples that I had for AI clear I want to see if there's any others that I have and then finally for those of you who are customers of topaz denotes okay I love the noise and and there are several cases where the noise is preferred by photographers because you really want to go in there and take control of your images with D noise and tweak every variable to get exactly the right amount of noise reduction whereas in contrast when you look at AI clear hey I clears based on artificial intelligence which means that it's just gonna do what it's going to do right and it's not going to give you as much intricate control it's denoise would but this should be a nice comparison for you just so you can see the original image here's topaz denoise which is really really powerful and then finally our new AI clear and the kind of noise reduction that you can get from both of these applications in fact many times I will combine the applications together where I will have topaz D noise being used sometimes 2d band my really high ISO images that suffer from banding noise and then I'll use AI clear to finish off the D noise process and now I'm gonna hand it back over to Heath guys you're gonna learn more about our products you can always visit our website that's topaz labs comm it we've got a page on AI gigapixel we've got stuff on AI clear a remix plenty of examples on the Facebook page as well at facebook.com for slash topaz labs if you want to talk to other topaz users Facebook isn't really good for ongoing conversations because it works in like a what do they call it the feed stream so it's like the newest stuff and the older stuff kind of gets filtered out we have our own forums that's discussed opus labs calm yes can sign up there with your topaz account and share images discuss techniques and stuff with other users we got a lot of information there a lot of active people and guys if you have any problems you can always reach out on our help center that's help topaz labs calm we got system requirements things a ton of solutions to common issues that people run into if you're running the Installer and let's say you had Photoshop open well your plugins aren't going to necessarily install in the right place because you were using photoshop got solutions for all sorts of issues there if you have any questions you can always contact us at webinars at topaz labs comm you can sign up for upcoming webinars topaz labs comm forward slash webinars and then thanks again for taking time to come out and present with us I know it takes a lot of time to put a presentation like this together we had a ton of people watching I'm sure they all really enjoyed it according to Celeste we got a lot of really great feedback guys I know we went through a lot really fast don't worry if you miss something you want to go back and review it I'll have a follow-up email out to you in about an hour that has a link to the recording so you'll be able to watch the whole webinar again at your leisure and Greg again thank you so much for joining us thanks for coming out and oh thank you thank you so much he's cool and we will we'll look forward to seeing all you guys in the future if you have questions don't hesitate to reach out we'd love to hear from you so thanks for coming in we'll hope see you on a future webinar yeah take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Topaz Labs
Views: 8,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz Labs, A.I. Clear, A.I Remix
Id: 7MYrBKKxj4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 36sec (2556 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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