TOPAZ SHARPEN AI: New Ai Engine (New Update V3.0) FIRST LOOK

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topaz labs have done it again sharpen ai gets an update this is version 3.0 now with a completely new ai engine hopefully the performances will be sped up this is a first look we're gonna find out hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly i'm excited about this uh tutorial today or this first look i should say of the new sharpen ai now there was just recently a sharpen ai update but this is a big update this has an all new ai engine and some different features inside of uh sharpen ai and we're gonna look at those features and we'll be working on this soft image today i'm only interested in this one flower right here all these other flowers are out of focus due to the focal length of my lens but this flower is soft and i want him in focus let me go ahead and zoom into that flower so you can actually see it you can see it's really out of focus now i'm zoomed in to 200 percent let's even go into 300 and see what we got but you can see it's really out of focus i'm going to uh run this into sharpen ai we're gonna do some masking inside of sharpen ai i haven't really done much of that and i'm gonna show you how we can mask right in sharpen ai but you're gonna see all the new features and we'll see if the performance has sped up for us on the final output of the image i think you might be surprised well hang in there we're gonna check it out right now let me give you a little background before i launch sharpen ai uh this image originally was shot at iso 2500 so it's very noisy so you can see what the image looks like right here very noisy i ran it into topaz the noise ai which also had an update with a completely new ai engine as well and i'll be doing another video on that but i'm going to do sharpen ai first anyway after i ran uh this image into topaz denoise ai i went ahead and duplicated that layer and renamed it topaz sharpen ai because now we're going to send it into topaz sharpen ai and we will get to work i'm going to set this back to fit screen here and we're going to come up to filter and now let's uh launch topaz sharpen ai and we'll get started and check out the new splash screen it's really cool with this little bird here and it loads up pretty quick now i'm in the uh side by side view which was the last uh view i use and it remembers your last view i'll show you how to get to the other views you get to those other views right up here see where it says view you have single view split view side side by side view and the comparison view now some like to use the comparison view i generally like to use the side by side view because when you're in the side by side view you can put on the image quality auto selector and it'll determine what it thinks that your sharpness problem is uh was it in focus from the camera but it just needs some capture sharpening because it was a camera raw file and it always comes in a little soft or was it out of focus because you missed the focus on your camera lens or did you have some motion blur due to image stabilization a little bit of camera movement well in this auto mode it'll determine what it thinks is the proper one to use and you'll notice sharpen ai's picked motion blur for me because it thinks i have a stabilization problem where i had some camera shake i'm going to go ahead and move this flower into the center of the preview window it'll update itself here and i'm going to let this happen in real time so you can see how long it takes to generate this preview it's it's relatively quick now let's take a look at some changes to the interface motion blur this used to be called stabilize and then we have out of focus this used to be called focus and the next one is called too soft which used to be called sharp and that was just the basic sharpening and so the names have been changed but the functions are just what they used to be they're identical but now we come to some new buttons we have a normal button a very noisy button and a very blurry button when the normal button is selected it is just like using the previous versions of a sharpen ai the very noisy button is designed to help you with images that have that little extra noise that you just can't get rid of it's going to help you out with those type of images and lastly we have the very blurry button now if your image just needs that little extra something that little extra sharpening that's what the very blurry button is for and i'll show you that here shortly because we're going to need it on this image these three buttons can be used with any one of these uh different types of blur correction motion blur out of focus or too soft you can combine these other buttons with those so that's kind of nice and this is all new stuff so i like the way uh sharpen ai is going i like this new direction i'm going to go ahead and zoom into 200 so we can get up close and personal with this image here we'll give it a second to update here okay so that's what it looks like now it has chosen motion blur so let me pull the suppressed noise back now just because sharpening ai suggests something doesn't mean i'm going to use it and i won't the only reason i'm pulling suppressed noise back is because i've already denoised this so let me take the blur i don't think it's uh correct yet so i'm going to take the remove blur and move it the whole way up to the right and see if this thing gets any better and give it a second update this is all real time yeah now that looks a lot better so it needs more or needed more sharpening and it's okay let me pull this down now the top portion of this flower is going to be the sharpest like these three petals up here these guys down here were just out of the focal focal plane here so they're going to be a little out but that's not bad with the blur up the whole way let's try uh let's try out of focus let's see what it does here it's in the auto settings mode here give it a second to update you can see it down here updating right now look that's getting wonky that's doing some weird things in here so i don't like that let's try too soft i wouldn't think too soft would be the issue because i usually get camera shake issues okay and yeah that's not doing very well here but let's try something here let's take uh the remove blur and let's pull it up more and let's pull that suppress noise back because we don't need to uh suppress noise because we've already taken care of that problem now i don't see any difference here right it may look a little sharper than the image on the left but let's try something let's try this very blurry button i'm going to go ahead and click it and we'll let it update itself and check it out look at that that's pretty darn good i think that is a really really uh great uh change in the image couldn't find the words there let me move over here so let's let it update but look how sharp it is this area here up in here and as i said down here this area is out of focus and it is uh it is out of focus here but you know what i don't like how a chardonnay eye is handling this edge here so we're going to use the masking tool to correct that problem and down here so now i want to come down to the bottom right hand side of the interface and click mask selectively sharpen your image all right and if you'll recall also i said the only part i want in focus on this image is the fl top three petals of this flower right in here a little bit and maybe this portion of the stem area right in here but i don't want any focus on here or here so this pedal this pedal this pedal and right in the center here i'm going to change my zoom from 200 percent back to a hundred percent here all right and so now i can see more for when i want to paint on here now i want to be in the add mode i just want to add it to certain areas like this pedal this pedal and this pedal okay it was doing a little update there and uh we can change our radius size down here of our brush and we can change the softness amount here and the opacity i want full opacity on this brush and we have different options down here we have fill invert clear and delete and i'm just going to leave it the way it is and basically what i what i want to do is add this area this area so i'm just painting over this i can be really loose here it doesn't really matter because i've already denoised this image so maybe right up into here like so make sure i get all the edges here get this edge and that little spill out there doesn't matter because everything is blurry there anyway and let's see let me get out this overlay mode here so we can actually see what has happened see now it's only added the focus there now i'm going to make my brush a little bit smaller so i'm just going to pull back on my radius and i just want to paint right on this little section right in here see what we get yeah so i just want to bring that back in focus and that's really all i need so now i have to do is click apply the mask and that'll apply the mask and we'll give it a second here to update and now it's updated and you'll see that this area is in focus here and here right here and right down there and i am good to go now all i need to do is click apply and this will send us back into photoshop i'm not speeding up the recording and i normally do that because it would take so long it would take about a minute 10 to 15 seconds to do it i'm timing this so i'll let you know the actual elapsed time it takes and so far it looks like it's going pretty quick and i'm really happy with it so far we're almost there and we're back in photoshop and we got here in 20.36 seconds as the as opposed to my normal one minute in about 15 to 20 seconds i have an imac machine and let me just show you here uh the specs on my machine it's an i9 processor um eight core i have 32 gigs of ram in here um radeon pro vega 48 8 gigabyte uh graphics and so that's basically it so but you saw that in real time so 20.36 seconds pretty amazing and all i have in focus is this flower these three leaves right here or petals i should say not leaves and a bit of this stem right here now let me go ahead and zoom in so we can really see it here so let me zoom into i'm at 200 percent right here and i'll show you the before and after so you can really see now remember i use masking in sharpen ai to not apply it to these petals down here but i just have it applied to this petal this petal this petal this center section and on this uh stem area back in here or the back of the flower right here and here is the before and as you can see it is extremely out of focus now remember i used the new too soft mode which used to be called sharpen and i used that new very blurry button and ended up with this i'm really happy with this so i really highly recommend try all the different modes try those new buttons out experiment and i'm sure you're going to be happy with this new version well there it is everyone sharpen ai gets a big update this is version 3.0 a new ai engine it's a lot faster we have some new features in there like the very blurry feature that i showed you today the very noisy feature which gets rid of extra noise in your image if you need it but it's really cool stuff i hope you enjoyed this tutorial today if you did please give it a like share it with your friends if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing you
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 19,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz Labs, Topaz Sharpen Ai, Sharpen Ai, First Look, Tutorial, Photography, Photo Editing, Sharpen, Joy of Editing, Promo Code davidkelly
Id: oBnfCMJEi-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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