Top Ten Worst Video Game Fathers (Part 1)

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hello everyone the green scorpion here and Father's Day is June 19th this year and I hope you're prepared there are many kinds of families out there and not everyone has a loving male progenitor with whom to share this occasion with but I for one am blessed with a man whose name I share óscar Duarte senior he has not only been a father to me he's also been a mentor and one of my greatest friends it's also because of him that I have the opportunities I have today since he and my mother immigrated to the u.s. from Honduras all those years ago I can boast about my achievements all I want but it's safe to say that if it wasn't for my dad I wouldn't be the man I am today and so in honor of him I'm making a video that ironically I'm pretty sure he'll never watch but hey if you have a father figure in your life who enjoys pointless rumination on fictional electronic characters maybe share this video with him I think the rules here are self-explanatory so let's hop right in these are the top 10 worst fathers in videogames why not do the best fathers because I think this is funnier though if anyone is wondering the best father is octo dad let's get started it's really easy to come back to the Legend of Zelda for these lists with so many wacky quests giving NPCs I had quite a selection of faltering father's to consider how about talon whose narcolepsy leaves Lon Lon ranch in his daughter Malin to fall into the envious lustful hands of Ingo or Guerra from Skyward Sword who seems way too okay with his daughter Zelda being kidnapped by the forces of darkness but after really diving deep into the waters of Zelda pedia I finally fished out the biggest failure of fatherhood his highness king zora devon xiv king zora is the ruler of Zoras domain and a trusted ally of the Hylian royal family but look at this guy the only thing he rules is the refrigerator in the TV remote now I could get strung up on the little things like how after 16 generations he didn't pass on the zora title to his only offspring but the only real factor here is his refusal to move an inch for his daughter princess ruto has gone missing having last been seen feeding the Zoras patron deity Lord Jabba Jabba so naturally the first place I'll look will be jabu jabu's pool if you could just um sir your highness could you just scooch over a bit you're kind of blocking the only doorway would you would you move of course you keep talking to him and all he'll say is that he's utterly beside himself without his daughter well could you move beside yourself so I can get past as much as he acts like a caring parent his amphibian apathy for the entire situation is just move only when you found a letter from Rudo saying that she's been eaten by jabu jabu will he let you pass well that's so nice of you to let me save your daughter instead of your aquatic soldiers wait if you guard the only way to jabu jabu shouldn't you have noticed that she went to feed him and never came back and holy heylia does this guy take forever to move aside having saved Rudo you won't need to return to the domain until you're all grown up and find that Ganondorf has frozen the entire cave sure enough you find his Highness frozen solid still sitting off to the side of the entrance to the shrine I can only assume that this water flubber hasn't moved in 7 years I will say that in his defense princess Rudo grows up to be the sage of water and if you count Hyrule warriors kind of a badass and in the credits to ocarina of time when everyone else is celebrating king zora is actually sulking in the corner with Mito to upset to never be seeing his little girl again that's actually kind of touching but rude oh you're better off without him spread your fins and swim little fish bird when I first conceived this list I knew right away that I will have a place of dishonor project Tina's his father from final fantasy 10 however as I looked over the plot from Jack's perspective I discovered I couldn't put him as high as I originally planned to see when you play the game is tedious what you see is a drunk verbally abusive dad who ran out on his family causing teeta's his mother to fall into the depression that eventually took her life but from his side of the story well just strap in jetan Titus live in a neon City called Zanarkand actually they live in a magical recreation of Zanarkand being dreamt up by the spirits called the fate but neither of them know that so it's going to be a lot easier if you just say that they're from a different world jack is the greatest blitzball player zanarkand has ever known and he wants to pass that legacy on to his son he does this by ruining every moment he has with teeta's calling him a crybaby pushing him past his limits and overall just being a real malboro there is no excuse for this however Jack didn't run out on his family while training in the ocean Jack was suddenly transported by the fate to Spira the real world with no means of return it was during this time that Jack became the friend of a summoner called braska and protected him on his pilgrimage to defeat a world threatening Leviathan called sin when T de Slater comes to Spira he can find video diary entries from Jack that recount his adventures and Jack often talks about how much he misses his son and how he was never able to tell him he loved him remember you're my son and we'll never mind I'm no good at these things well that's pretty sweet I guess but jacked kids need to hear these things from their parents I know you didn't expect to be leaving your family but when you did all teeta's had to remember you by was the scorn and abuse just look at this dream sequence gonna cry again cry glad that's the only thing you're good for now this here is a dream not a flashback so it's possible that all of his father's insults are just exaggerated and he does his mind but regardless this is how he really thinks his father feels about him and it shaped him into a nervous wreck I mean at least Rudo is really cool in Hyrule warriors teenis well I guess he has fans anyway on his journey with Braska Jake is forced to become brassicas final Aeon to defeat sin meaning that eventually he'll become the new sin as part of a vicious ongoing cycle he does send his best friend Orin back to Zanarkand to watch over and train teenis who's pretty much the coolest Godfather you could ever hope for it's almost a good thing teeta's hates his father so much because it helps him to slay jecht and thanks to some forethought put in by Jack Oren and braska Titus and the party are guided not only to defeat sin but the forces that caused him to reincarnate ending the vicious cycle forever the unfortunate consequence here is that this makes Jack the first on our list to actually try to kill his son he'll eventually turn teeth as his girlfriend to stone and shatter her into a million pieces if he gets a chance but hey he's possessed by yu yevon so he can't really help it by dying to Titus jet undergoes self-sacrifice for the betterment of Spira so jets terrible parenting is actually kind of what makes him a hero to the realm high five Soul Calibur isn't the easiest continuity to follow so if I get something's wrong here do try to forgive me on the surface though Cervantes and Ivy's relationship can be summed up as this he's never there for her and when he is there for her he's trying to kill her well let's sit through the backstory and see if there's any redeemable qualities beneath the surface cervantes de leon lost his own father a Spanish privateer pretty early and Cervantes became a pirate shortly afterward he had already raised some notoriety when he came to possess a diamond blade Sol edge or should I say that the blade came to possess him so Cervantes was corrupted by the blade and forced to satiate its unending appetite for souls lest he lose his own for failing Cervantes took on the appearance of a ghost and was now bound to the blade in body mind and spirit so can we say Cervantes was never in control of his actions perhaps but then he seemed to like having such a powerful weapon and I don't think he ever put up much resistance he even went above and beyond the call of Sol edge by seeking out a new vessel for it in case he died that would be his daughter IV who was conceived when Cervantes captured a barmaid and okay no Cervantes I don't want to talk about that we're trying to have a good time here okay that's why I'm not bringing up Jean stat on here you know so anyway Cervantes his illegitimate daughter was born only as a backup host for Sol edge and as a baby was left on a family's doorstep while her mother died and her father continued carousing and soul-stealing so not only do you want to have a daughter just to offer her up to your demon patron you won't even put in the time to raise her what is this a 16th century oh I guess it is but still we'll keep cervantes solo is that he and Ivy don't interact as much as you would expect in Canon of course an absent father is a pretty bad kind of father but it doesn't give us that much to talk about and at least Cervantes and Ivy are usually paired up for destined battles but their banter doesn't usually go anywhere around Soul Calibur for Cervantes decides to cash in Ivy specifically seeking her out too as the wiki puts it devour her sweet soeul why specifically IV I guess the idea is that since she Cervantes's blood it will keep Solich from eating him longer or he's just picking on her for no reason well between Soul Calibur 4 and 5 they have a final confrontation and IV takes him out and destroys all the evil inside him Cervantes wakes up sometime later finally free of so lodges influence and immediately goes to Ivy and apologizes for his misdeeds no that's a lie he returns to the season continues is like a swashbuckling thievery oh and still has his destined battle against ivy yeah at this point we can't really blame Solich for his crappy parenting if he's just going to act the same way without it and no I'm not going to say that Ivy's wardrobe choices are result of daddy issues but if you want to go all Freud in on it be my guest what a useless dog big boss naked snake venom snake whatever you want to call him he's another case of a great hero turned terrible father I guess you could say that big boss was the hero long enough to see himself become the villain after losing his own parental figure and taking down shag Ahad big boss was asked by his friends major zero and revolver ocelot to help form the Patriots a secret coalition that came to control the US government and most of the world's military operations over time as an American commando and a freelance mercenary bosses battlefield prowess has become so great that it was written into his DNA and Xero planned one day to use his cells for the Human Genome Project unfortunately big boss was becoming disenchanted with the Patriots and fearing he would leave Xero initiated top priority project lays on film table cloning big boss without his Express Commission into two and eventually three sons unlike Cervantes big boss never wanted kids actually he had seen his fair share of radiation during his services so I don't think that was an option anyway when Big Boss found out about the lays on Fonterra evil project he left the Patriots confirming zeros worst fears in a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy so let's talk about those two kids the twin snakes is their call liquid snake was augmented in the womb given all of the dominant soldier traits of his father to be the perfect soldier while David who would come to be known as Solid Snake was used as a sink for all of the inferior traits yet even though liquid was genetically superior for some sick reason dr. Clarke told him that he was given all of the recessive traits so these two had their fates determined for them again Big Boss didn't do this himself or even want the clones but by leaving without even looking at them Big Boss basically allowed all of this to be done to them meanwhile his 70-plus military operations left and unable to relate to the real world anymore so while running his American mercenary band Foxhound boss secretly founded outer heaven envisioned as a country expressly for soldiers where they could live in Pleasant constant warfare and to protect it he commissioned the creation of Metal Gear a walking tank that can launch nuclear warheads does this sound like a good idea while living this double life between Foxhound and outer heaven big boss suddenly found that David his son had been assigned to his unit he wasn't a big fan of having to acknowledge one of his sons but he eventually trained him to be a great soldier an infiltrator gave him the codename Solid Snake and even told him the origin of his creation so besides a nasty smoking habit he passed on he's finally stepping up to be a good father right well that brings us to the first Metal Gear game the US government discovers outer heaven and Metal Gear and instructs Foxhound to take it down to stall for time big boss sends snake his least experienced recruit to take on Metal Gear single-handedly knowing that snakes inevitable failure would by outer heaven the time it needs to finish Metal Gear the only problem is snake turns out to be pretty good and succeeds in every turn in a difficult position big boss resorts to attempting to get snake killed first by instructing him to fall into traps then by stepping in and attempting to murder snake himself father-of-the-year ladies and gentlemen and this isn't the only time either in snakes revenge Big Boss returns to try and finish the job only this time he's a cyborg you have to consider the ramifications of choosing snake to infiltrate outer heaven not just as a suicide mission in a wild goose chase but a solo expedition to take down a dangerous nuclear mech Big Boss has actually forced his son to go through the same scenario that he had to go through to dismantle the Shagga high and he's actively trying to make him fail what's wrong with you so after the second 8-bit game Big Boss is dead well he's not but just go with it how did liquid turn out raised with an extreme inferiority complex liquid takes to hating his father and trying to outdo him by driving his old team Foxhound to build their own Metal Gear and try to succeed where his father failed all this only to be taken down by Solid Snake well now one of boss's sons is dead and boss never even sent him a birthday card and what about the third one solidus snake is created to be a true clone of Big Boss under the thumb of the Patriots he grows up to be the president under the name of George Sears so that's good but then he revolted against the Patriots started a criminal organization and had his spine severed by riding so not a great life yva then used some of his body parts to restore Big Boss from his mechanical body and then when Big Boss awoke from what was actually a comatose state solid as his body was used as a decoy while boss flee now granted a lot of big bosses negative influence on his sons wasn't directly his doing but his legacy and his lack of direct involvement doomed his sons to a world even more corrupt and unforgiving than his own even Naomi hunter a girl boss once rescued infected snake with the virus Fox died to avenge Big Boss this deadly virus made snake age rapidly caused him a possible life with Merrill and almost forced him to take out his own life to keep the virus from spreading big boss reamer jizz one final time and Metal Gear Solid 4 where he and snake bury the hatchet and share probably the most touching scene in the entire series but dude that's only one out of three kids who aren't even remotely happy that's an F for fatherhood a long time you want to know what the worst thing about Haytham Kenway is he's actually more interesting than his son if Connor didn't have the cool tomahawks and Native American fighting techniques I'd say hate them should have been the star of Assassin's Creed 3 without going too much into plot detail again Assassin's Creed is a saga about a war between the assassins and the Templars a rivalry spanning millennia circling the goal of understanding in the ancient civilization called the precursors and unless you play all the games and read seven novels worth of war none of these factions ever make any freaking sense so whatever it is that are trying to do hate them was the sunnat' of an assassin who after his father's murder was raised as an agent of the Templars he's sent by his order to the British colonies of America in order to better establish the Templars in a new world as well as search for a possible precursors vault during his time here he gets involved with a Native American woman who later unbeknownst to hate them gives birth to his son Connor Connor grows up in the tribe until it's ransacked by Colonials and meets Achilles an old rival of havens who trains him in the way of the assassin so you have a father and a son who through a strange twist of fate end up on opposite sides of an ongoing battle for whatever Assassin's and Templars do well that's unfortunate but hate them sinks to some pretty impressive lows and is sure to make this personal the first time Haytham realizes Connors parentage is when the young man is incarcerated in Bridewell prison after stopping one of Haytham men from assassinating George Washington and what is the first thing Haytham does upon learning this knowledge he pushes for Conor to be executed without a trial what a guy when Haytham Zechs Ally Benjamin Church steals supplies from the colonial army Connor and Haytham become unlikely allies Haytham wants to make Church pay for betraying him and besides the states getting independence from the British would actually make it easier for the Templars to take over and Connor just wants to help the colonial freedom so father and son put aside their differences or at least they would if Haven wasn't a horrible team player he callously murders people that Connor wants to protect he runs ahead and leaves you stranded he never explains what he's doing he endlessly degrades you while you're trying to drive your ship and he keeps ordering you around saying that you have to listen to him because you're his son as if they have any kind of normal father-son relationship then eventually Haytham reveals that it was George Washington who ordered the attacks on Conners tribe does it benefit his plans at all to tell him now No could he have told him this earlier yes he waited until this moment to tell him just to hurt Connor that's the only thing this action could ever have accomplished and this line really ticks me off you oppose tyranny injustice these are just symptoms they're true cause is human weakness why do you think I keep on trying to show you the error of your way no you don't you haven't shown Connor anything Haytham all you do is act snarky and give vague explanations about freedom and philosophy if you want to show Connor why you believe in the way of the Templar then start by explaining what the Templars actually do specifically and while you're at it explain to me because this game isn't doing it so in the end Connor goes after Charles Lee and hate them steps in to defend him Connor has to fight hate them while drugged and daddy doesn't pull any punches here he gives probably the most comprehensive explanation of his goals you'll ever get which would be nice if you weren't busy trying to defend yourself he doesn't even have the decency to die in a cool way he's straggling Haytham then a quick time event pops up and boom day you'd think he'd know not to leave Connors concealed blades free that's kind of the main thing he does so I'm proud of your way your film great conviction strength courage all other qualities I should have killed you long ago well that just says it all doesn't it rotten hell hate them he was a Templar first and a father dead last patriot warrior arrogant douchebag wow I'm getting mad now I'm gonna need a break I'll be back soon with the bottom five guys thanks for watching and while you're at it call your dad's and tell them you love them
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 71,540
Rating: 4.9449539 out of 5
Keywords: greenscorpion64, The Green Scorpion, Top Ten, Worst, Video Game, Fathers, Father's Day, gameplay, commentary, review, playthrough, countdown, list
Id: 6SG1kdrT57w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2016
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