Top Nineteen Worst Legend of Zelda Boss Battles

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[Music] bye [Music] time is a funny thing isn't it i mean you can't touch it you can't see or hear it but you can feel it creeping all around you i've been looking at my nine years of countdowns lately and well i can definitely see and hear the difference he'll chop them to pieces and play a wicked bass solo at the same time leaving those sorry wannabes into dust i've come a long way but even though things are all around better for me than they were for that undiscovered college kid who hadn't learned to edit his scripts yet part of me is always going to be a bit nostalgic for the heyday of youtube countdown artists when people just couldn't get enough of this garbage and any dumb thing you had to say had an audience of people eager to absorb it well if zelda has taught me anything about time it's that you can't live in the past but you can certainly visit it i plan to remake some of my earliest countdowns soon but before i do let's tackle a topic from another direction the second countdown i ever made and the one that first attracted people to my channel bosses from the legend of zelda series zelda was always my favorite series the topic just made sense but you know i'm feeling cynical lately so before we inevitably remake the best of the best let's provide some context and see just how bad things can get zelda bosses come in many shapes and sizes the series itself always innovating with new systems and mechanics but if you're going to reinvent the wheel every few years you're gonna end up with a few busted carts these are the bosses that fail to leave an impression that insult you with obvious weak points that mystify you with unclear strategies or punish you for the slightest misstep like the last time i'll be doing one entry from every mainline game and since 4 more games came out since 2011 that gives us a lot more ground to cover and i'm focusing on the main series here so no bosses from any spin-off games no mini bosses though in some cases i'll include battles from outside a dungeon if it feels significant enough and no final bosses though none of them would really be the worst in their game anyway except maybe breath of the wild you really let me down calamity ganon and i'll be ranking them based on well how much i hate them so i hope you have some bottled fairies and grandma's soup on hand it's gonna be a bumpy ride these are the top 19 worst legend of zelda bosses it's not hard to find the big losers for this list they sink right to the bottom the tough part of this list was choosing the worst bosses from games that all around had really good bosses for wind waker that meant it was less about finding faults and more about the process of elimination the boss roster here is lean but refined helmerock king is a revenge fantasy realized goma has a clever way of taking it down mulgara's got a real banger of a fight song so at the bottom of the ladder we have kali deimos there's really nothing wrong with it i can even give some positives here i love the lighting i love the sound your boomerang makes when it locks onto multiple targets it's even got this obscure way to insta-kill it using the water from the great deku tree that's really neat but i'm less enthusiastic about it than any of the other bosses in windwaker you can get swiped really easily when trying to line up your throws and while attacking the weak point it's easy to overstate your welcome and have the flower close in around you making you sit there for what feels like forever while your health drains is never fun still decent just the least he's into the bunch what do you even do you just you just plant shut up man [Music] similar to wind waker twilight princess has what i consider one of the best selections of bosses in the series none of them are what i call bad sure both of these games lean heavily on that zelda formula where you got to use the dungeon item to beat the dungeon boss hit the obvious weak point etc i know the big glowing eye trope is overdone but if you don't like it you probably haven't liked the last 15 years of zelda anyway i discussed twilight princesses bosses with some of my patrons and friends and they made a really good case for morefield and i almost listed it morphil never actually attacks you it's a fake threat and depending on how insulted that makes you i can really see you hating the sea anemone but i always loved how after impersonating a crappy ocarina of time boss we'll get to that later it erupts into the largest monster in the series making for a boss fight large in scope and really thrilling if you don't catch on to how harmless it is on the other hand you have virus a corrupted goron bound in chains and caked in flames that should be really cool and he'll at least attack you but fighting him by donning the iron boots and pulling on his manacles is just sorta awkward more feel has zero difficulty but it feels good fighting fire is feels a little less than good and for me at least i was never in danger of dying to either of these early game bosses anyway so it's hardly worth ranking on challenge like the boots used to defeat him fighting virus looks attractive at first but ultimately weighs the game down [Music] first boss syndrome is another trend in zelda games nintendo wants to throw you a soft pitch for your first big encounter to boost your confidence before moving on to bigger and better bosses and that means that in retrospect a lot of these beginner baddies don't look great compared to the complexity and challenge that follows i'm usually forgiving of first bosses for this as long as they're at least fun to fight but in a game like minish cap where all the bosses have something going for them the big green chuchu has to take a bullet i will say that the concept is amusing the choo choo isn't big at all you just happened to be minisized at the time making this garden variety goo a gargantuan threatened comparison but the fight is just hey you know that item you just got yeah use that now swing your sword a bunch do that three or four times and yeah you're done like virus it's a lot more exciting on paper than in the arena but hey minish cap's just getting started it's not easy being green following with another first boss stagnox is your preliminary dungeon keeper in spirit tracks and while i love how impressive this bug looks when filling up both screens of the ds fighting it is as mediocre is fighting most of this game's bosses not bad not good just middle of the road blandness it's not so much the fight itself that bothers me i actually think it plays pretty well i just always found stagnock's kind of contrived like stagnox it's a stag beetle and it's noxious there are very few species of poisonous beetles out there you'd think it'd get by with just its mandibles but if you have to do this whole poison gas thing does it have to come out of its butt it doesn't even use the gas offensively it's just there so you have to use your new fan item before you can attack the weak point you made a good first impression stagnox why'd you have to go and make it awkward [Music] you know i didn't mean to put the two ds games right next to each other it just sort of happened that way i actually do think that these games are underappreciated they don't have the highest of highs or the lowest of lows temple of the ocean king notwithstanding with phantom hourglass it was hard choosing a worst boss since most of them are just kind of forgettable but someone has to take the fall here and i ultimately had to go with cyclock mainly because it involves the most waiting you have to throw bombs into these tornadoes at the bottom screen so they can hit him on the top screen that's a neat idea utilizing the unique hardware and it's nifty that you can also fling the bombs up with cyclops projectiles it does mean it's a little tough lining everything up though so you have to be patient and if you throw the bombs into the projectiles there's a good chance you're going to get hit in the process i'm also not crazy about cyclops dumb idle animation like does it look like he's sitting in a tornado right now no it just looks like he's sitting lounging loafing even i know tornado travel is a good excuse to not make a walk cycle but at least dangle his tentacles down or something maybe have him swimming through the wind you know like an octopus but it's not really a big deal i'm just shooting the breeze at this point [Music] ah yes the gameboy games bosses in these games average out to being well quaint it's a neat little idea you figure out how to beat it and you move on and to capcom's credit none of the bosses in the oracle games have actually made me angry more often i just forget about them entirely octogon shows up in the sixth dungeon and considering there's another aquatic level right after it i can see why this sucker doesn't stick in my mind he circles around your island keeping his vulnerable face behind a shell until he wants to spit a projectile at you you can wait to hit him then or try to ricochet seeds off the walls and bank shot him if you're feeling fancy not much to it in that regard you either gotta be patient or have really good aim then occasionally he'll dive underwater prompting you to don your new mermaid suit and give chase for a mindless nautical swipe vest shifting from walking controls to the mermaid suit's controls is a little fishy but i think what really gets me is having to constantly reload screens from above water to below yeah it only takes a moment but i just don't like it with 3 ways to damage him there's a lot going on but it amounts to very little and quite frankly i thought enough octopods in the series thank you oh anglerfish my old friend if i made this list back when i made the best zelda bosses you would have been an easy target i mean you were always an easy target it was a clever attempt to change things up by using the flippers for a 2d water battle but it's over in seconds i could just leave it at that except for a shocking development link's awakening was remade for the switch and anglerfish is actually pretty good now it at least requires you to move around and avoid attacks for a bit making it the weird one-off fight that it was always meant to be so should i still rank the original like shooting fish in a barrel nope because the remake also made some revisions to other bosses including slime eyes a boss that i'd all but forgotten about and they actually made it worse credit where credit is due you can actually see its shadow from the beginning of the fight now clueing you into how to find him unlike in the original just bash the wall with your pegasus boots though arguably that just hands you a solution where you were originally supposed to figure it out then there's the fight proper you're supposed to hit the obvious weak spot eye with your sword causing it to split apart and then finish splitting it by charging through the middle with the boots again the problem is while the original kept both eyes towards the front so you could hit them then go right into your charge in the remake they separate much farther and with the more precise movement you'll have the smallest window of time to charge in there before they start converging again like seriously though i already figured out your puzzle just let me kill the boss already then after finally crossing the eyes you can take them out separately the last one bouncing around to crush you and if you don't jump when it hits the ground you'll be stunned but it's a good thing you'll recover before it can possibly hit you again it seems the developers didn't think this one all the way through making it two parts easy and one part weirdly hard sir are you sure that the best approach to this encounter is basically threading a needle with the kids like that ah who cares it's freaking slime eyes we have to make like 10 of these bosses let's move on while oracle of ages markets itself more around puzzle solving here read as diving underwater when the octopus does oracle of seasons focuses more on the reflex skills needed for 2d combat revamping a lot of bosses from the original zelda it also revamped the boss from a link to the past mafula or maybe d-vamp is a better description but i'm not here to pick on the game boy mathula lives up to season's challenge by flying around erratically spitting poison and spawning smaller moths forcing link to do some fancy footwork with the rogue's feather and the spin attack in a way that makes him look kinda ridiculous i'm not gonna lie it's a decent challenge that can be overcome with enough focus and dexterity the problem is this gap between the two platforms that you need to traverse to avoid attacks no this isn't one of those bottomless pits that takes away half a heart and lukitus you back to the top again this is a bottomed pit and the bottom is a room below where you'll have to climb back up to get back to the fight and the cartridge doesn't save the damage to mafula when you leave the room so you gotta start on over this is starting to sound like a more famous boss fight in the series don't worry we're getting to that so either the designers meant for modula to revive which is just cruel or it was a complete and utter accident and i'm about to sue for negligence i like the fight otherwise totally down for some arcade style jumping and slashing but for the love of din don't fall [Music] four swords is really a nothing game when you get right down to it it was a side mode for a remake on the game boy advance but it had its own story and a villain that got more important in the later games so i guess we'd better acknowledge it dara zoru is a big bouncy slug monster that waits for you at the end of the ice level trapped in a block of ice which makes me feel like it doesn't really belong here someone get this poor thing back to its natural habitat to break it out you need to bash it with the pegasus boots and then after that bash it with the pegasus boots again and then keep hitting it until it plows into the ice wall i can see how zelda's take on bumper balls could make for an exciting party boss but i've played this game with friends before and tolerating the mass of tangled link cables just to get it going is way more trouble than it's worth there's also the 3ds standalone release that lets you play the game solo and neither one was really fun single player makes the fight dull and multiplayer makes it one-sided then derozuru has the nerve to steal the different color vulnerability bit from big man handgula the boss from this game that i actually like but does it worse couldn't you do a better version of the bumper balls thing instead of giving up halfway through and copying from your friend's homework this worked for big man handela because it was spread out over the arena and you could see the attacks coming here it just moves into you while you're attacking and you just kind of have to accept it and keep swinging and wait if we have to freeze it to make it vulnerable why don't we just attack it when it was frozen at the start was it too frozen that doesn't even make sense and don't worry the prompt tells you exactly what you have to do so you won't pull a brain muscle this feels like it should be a mini boss in link's awakening not one of the only four bosses in this game when it comes to cooperative bosses triforce heroes is much better about keeping everyone involved in fact it's absolutely required with the totem system for links carrying links these bosses would be impossible with any less than three players and most of them are pretty darn good in design your experience may vary though not a ton of people bought this game so i was playing with randos online and considering you have a shared health pool and bosses require coordination expect a lot of failed missions that don't feel like your fault that stinks because it means waiting in another online lobby before you replay the whole level to try again i'm tempted to rank the lady because she's the most likely to kill your party but then again she is the final boss she's supposed to be hard next to her the biggest trouble i've had is leading a trio against prismantis oh god it's a fidget spinner this game really doesn't give a [ __ ] does it like the big man handler it has multiple colors and weak points that must be attacked by the corresponding link so if one of your team likes to hang in the back because they're not as good well they'll just have to man up it's not too bad in the first phase but then it just goes ape shucks in the second phase and starts rolling around forcing you to think colors and totem orders just to get it all right my team's died so often again all bosses and triforce heroes have this potential frustration but this is the fight that delivered the most i know it's dangerous to go alone but these two idiots aren't helping [Music] a bit unorthodox but i'm actually not ready to talk about my number nine pick yet mainly because to understand it i need to talk about a boss from another game which is even worse so keep that in the back of your mind here's some maya my dancing to tide you over breath of the wild's bosses are hit or miss there's some cool monsters in the overworld that you might consider a boss but the dungeon bosses themselves all follow a similar again in a template that is unless you count the divine beast encounters the actual dungeons themselves as bosses which i think you should three of them are high octane thrill rides varudania and not so much playing out more like a stealth mission crossed with an escort mission you know everybody's favorite kind of missions i detect sarcasm you gotta scout ahead and remove obstacles for yanobo the lamest goron in the series and i get that maybe they wanted to subvert expectations with a more soft-footed goron well expectation subverted because i thought this would be fun if you don't count rudonia as a boss and i wouldn't blame you for that just wait another hour for fire blight ganon honestly all of the dungeon bosses in this game are pretty mediocre in my opinion save for thunderblight and since this game doesn't have the traditional items they couldn't be as creative with the solutions in this case it's the classic sucking up bomb strategy but mostly i just think he's a pushover it depends on what order you go in of course wind liganon might actually be easier but at least the fight's fun but considering that death mountain has that whole heat death thing going on you probably waited until you had decent armor to attempt this dungeon and chances are you build up your weapons and health in that time too so by the time it took for you to craft the necessary outfit you've effectively over leveled for this encounter and after rudonia's battle in dungeon i'm just not in the mood for this either way you look at it things cool down when this game heats up i want to judge each boss by its own merits but as fire blight just demonstrated the path to a boss can corrode my willingness to be fair too bad for morpha who shows up at the end of ocarina of time's water temple though real talk this dungeon's not as bad as its reputation suggests but it's still a slog and a more kinetic boss fight would do a lot to alleviate that instead we get a jello mold morpha is an amoeba-like entity that controls the water around it and think about all of the time turning possibilities you can do with that concept but the n64 is just not ready for that kind of action instead you wait by the water's edge for morpha to try and grab you knowing that if you're hit you'll suffer a long throwing animation and an unfair amount of damage then morpha's nucleus moves up and down the tentacle for some reason and you can hook shot it out to clumsily chase after it with your sword before it bounces back to its soggy safe place even in the most reactionary zelda fights there's usually a point where the defenses are down and you can get to just wail on them with your sword very cathartic but this thing is just so damn slippery you might rinse and repeat it for 15 minutes or you might trap it in the corner and kill it in one cycle who's to say and why the heck can't i freeze it with my ice arrows i worked hard for these things screw you morpha go away and let dark lane be the boss here my expectations for 8-bit bosses aren't exactly high hell it's a blessing when they're humanly possible and before zelda latched onto the dungeon item boss formula things had a more arcade feel just hit them and don't get hit it's really that simple sometimes there was a particular way to hit them but other times it was just about maneuverability and there's some definite duds in there the dongle dislikes smoke well scorpion dislikes the dongo but the lamest duck with the stupidest name is the ever forgettable dig dogger first of all what even is this thing the other bosses aren't great but in the late 80s it was at least exciting to know that you killed a dragon or a giant spider what the [ __ ] is a dick dogger it looks like a beyblade okay according to the wiki it's a sea urchin yeah that's fun to fight wait till i tell our friends in the shire that we killed a sea urchin as for the fight itself well you see these turds in the corner that's about the only interesting thing here the dogger itself is completely invulnerable to your attacks invulnerable that is until you play the recorder those six notes will shrink dig dogger down and then the fight is over in one hit at least in the dungeon that this boss is actually a part of you see another later that splits into three enemies when you play the recorder but come on what's three times zero look i know we didn't really know how to make games back then but this design angers me on a fundamental level if you don't know what to do about this boss it's impossible and there's no clear way to find out its weakness just try everything i guess and once you know what to do gg do you get satisfaction out of that i certainly don't speaking of the dongos i was real close to listing them for that last entry instead they're kind of a staple in the series now but they've always annoyed me you gotta feed them bombs which in the early games can be real janky to line up and if you run out of bombs you're up a creek even when they do work it's just a wait and react enemy i don't know what cdi link was so excited about this is boring great i can't wait to bomb some da dongos i just thought the dogger was a little worse but the dongos will have their revenge four swords adventure has this late game encounter where you bomb some dongos and then the big the dongo shows up to hurt him you gotta feed him a level two bomb and to four swords adventure's credit it actually solves the ammunition problem in this game you either have bombs or you don't no need to collect any more and there's this big inhaling animation so it's far less cryptic than the original honestly i'd say it's even mindless since the item you need appears from nowhere when the battle starts but there's a new issue this is a co-op game right so while one player is laying down bombs for big dedongo to eat what are the other players doing nothing that's what i know this game has a lot of bosses and some of them are going to be throwaways but that's pretty dumb it's not like the boss is all that hard or all that frustrating it's just the principle of the thing if i was a dungeon master and i designed an encounter where one player fought a dinosaur while the other three waited in a bunker i'd be laughed off a roll 20. come on nintendo you're better than this [Music] i've been waiting for years to get this bug off my chest i like skyward sword more than most but i've always hated mulderak but green scorpion you say how could you of all people hate this boss it's a giant scorpion yes it is but it's a giant scorpion done badly standing around with its claws open for you to slash at different angles the same kind of thing that was a tutorial earlier in the game and you can even cheese it with a skyward strike and it doesn't even use its tail what kind of scorpion doesn't use its tail plus it's the boss of the la neru mining facility an awesome dungeon with an amazing gimmick localized time shifting surely they could have incorporated that into a boss fight make some sort of robot that you have to agent d age to get around its defenses or something but no instead we're leaf blowing through dust to find a scared giant scorpion this fight is so inconsequential the game just throws another at you later like it's no big deal because it is no big deal and somehow the imprisoned is still worse yeah i have a lot of personal beef with mulderak but i don't think i could get away without ranking one of the least popular bosses in the series mulderac is disappointing but this is actively bad i mean this is the vessel of demise trying to escape a thousand-year incarceration and what are you doing stabbing its toes it's dumb bulbous toes and don't get too close to the feet they give off shock waves except you have to otherwise you can't hit its toes skyward strike from a distance good luck charging up your shot this thing moves fast clearly nintendo thought this fight was a winner because you have to do it three times and when you play the boss rush to get the hylian shield they put all three versions in the boss rush why would you do that even if this fight was good i wouldn't want to do the same thing three times especially with how long and arduous this fight is and if it gets to the top of the pit you auto fail and have to do it again now credit where credit is due the team up with grues for the latter two fights is a great character moment but at what cost what happened with skyward swords development nintendo make more bosses or make the game shorter and why the [ __ ] is it in hyrule warriors now that we're at number three we can finally talk about number nine because both are moldorm retweet this to scary 90s gamer in both a link to the past and a link between worlds moldorm waits for you atop the tower of hera a dungeon in the game's first half it's centipedes around on a small platform with no guard rails and to kill it you only need to hit the end of its tail several times the rest of it is made of rubber vibranium and bounces you back whether you hit it with your sword or your face taking it down requires careful movement and timing knowing that one wrong step will send you plummeting to your doom and this isn't one of those instant pits that takes away half a heart and teleports you back this is like that mothula fight again you're going down to a previous floor and you're gonna have to climb back up to try it again sounds annoying right so why is there such a big gap in the rankings well in a link between worlds it's an annoying slap on the wrist to climb back up to the arena since thanks to the modern hardware it actually saves the damage that you've done before so you just pick right back up from where you left off but in the original muldorm recovers all of his health every time you fall come on and i do understand that it was probably unintentional they probably couldn't save the damage on a boss if you left the screen but even so alfred noble didn't know how dangerous dynamite would be and nintendo didn't realize that it made one of the worst bosses of all time this is in the early game too you don't have a lot of health so having to start over again and again while your supply of hearts dwindles who knew such a stupid looking monster would break a man's spirit there's some pods on the floor below that you can break to replenish your hearts but that just feels like an apology and those hearts are limited oh sure you remember how many pots i broke but not how many times i hit the stupid bug and don't think you're off the hook either mr between worlds did you think muldorm was such a memorable boss that you had to use him again most of link between world's bosses are taken from link to the past but they usually add some kind of twist to make it more interesting take stall blind for example that's really cool but for moldorm they just took away the worst feature of the original and made it look like a cheeseburger don't get me wrong that's better it's so much better but i'd rather not remember that this [ __ ] pool noodle ever existed so 3ds molddorm gets the 9th spot super nintendo moldorm gets the third and i get a mojito to help me forget that this ever happened [Music] these two versions of moldorms demonstrate a difference between tedious and frustrating it's all in how severely the player is punished for a mistake taking damage for getting hit that's expected having to climb two stories every time you get hit that's tedious having to start over that's frustrating so what if and stay with me now what if instead of restarting the fight when you fell you just died well then you'd have zelda 2. the adventure of link is a pretty novel game for its time and remains a conversation piece for how few of its mechanics were ever revisited in the series or in games at all for that matter a zelda game with sorcerer spells a side scroller with highly skilled based sword fights it's hard yeah but knocking the carrock off its horse with a perfectly timed down thrust then stabbing around his shield while also blocking his attacks it feels good if you can pull it off most of these bosses work in their own black sheep way as well but barba well barba doesn't play fair fun fact barbara was supposed to be called bolvagia which would tie him into ocarina of time if the translators hadn't dropped the ball a less fun fact this game has knockback and this fight has bottomless pits barba cranes his neck around these precarious platforms at different heights and only slices to the head can damage him so you'll be making some death-defying jumps to sneak in the damage he also spits fire at inconsistent intervals and by murphy's law if you get hit you'll probably fall off the platform no climbing up that one link's dead oh come on this game also has limited lives so not only do you need to do enough damage without getting hit once if you fail too many times you'll have to redo the palace do you have any idea how hard these palaces are like yeah i get it ringouts are insta kills it's an ancient rule of gaming but why set up the arena this way why make the only way to hurt him be right in the line of fire why is barbara's fire so much worse than any other attack that it should mean assured destruction if i'm even hit once that is some castlevania [ __ ] right there except at least belmont got a whip in sub weapons link's sword looks like a goddamn butter knife in this game take a stab at barba and you'll see why nintendo all but buried this sequel you've probably been waiting for this one to show up you know what game i didn't mention yet it's majora's mask it's tied for my favorite game of all time but i'll be the first to admit that not all of it is good in fact a lot of it is really bad it's got some annoying npcs some aggravating dungeons and of course some god-awful bosses say it with me now georg [Music] i mean okay maybe these bosses aren't all bad per se they're just kind of different they don't have solutions set in stone link has a lot of attack options in this game and main bosses just kind of have a hitbox that you can go for there's not one glaring weakness for odalwa you just gotta keep hitting him however you can goat and twin mold have more obvious illusions but you can still be a free spirit and take them out with arrows or something instead with gyorg well i've been fighting this boss for most of my life and i'm still not really sure what to do you'd think your new zora mask would be best for fighting an aquatic adversary which maybe it is you're just kind of ramming against him until your magic depletes which is really quickly mind you and probably taking as much damage as you dish out and there are a lot of angry piranhas down there okay let's try staying on the island now we gotta wait for him to charge us or he'll just ram the platform and knock us back into the water oh okay you can stun him with the arrows or the boomerang things did it really look like he was susceptible to that but okay oh yeah i also got these ice arrows are they useful for anything nope okay stun the fish now use zora link to try and hit him um is this working how many times have i hit him please i just want a little feedback am i winning or not someone give me a sign luckily the 3ds remake is here to dump things down all the bosses in majora's mask 3d have been revamped with big glowing weak points which means all the options that you used to have are now gone now it's just about following instructions i don't really care for that change personally but at least i'll finally have some clarity for fighting gjorg oh my god they made it worse it's no clear what you're supposed to do now it's just less things are going to work the arrows and boomerangs won't hurt him now until he reveals his mouth eye and swims around the water's surface for no particular reason and if you thought to try to dive in as a zora and use the electric barrier he'll just not do that so you gotta do the counter-intuitive thing and wait for him in majora's mask where everything is on a time limit eventually even george gets fed up with this and destroys the central platform so it's just a water battle now don't you love how they nerfed zora link's swimming controls in this version and how there are so many fish so many god damn fish oh okay he tries to eat you so trick him into eating one of the mines i certainly hope the mines don't blow up on you instead or the dozens of little fish that you can't kill now because your magic ran out five minutes ago but it's gonna be fine just be patient in majora's mask the game that's always timed it's not like the world's gonna end if i take too long it's not like i'll have to redo the entire goddamn great bay temple again but i'll gladly do all of that after all this is my favorite [ __ ] game of all time you know it's funny majora's mask is so unbelievably flawed all the remake wanted to do is make things easier for all the new players who wanted to experience it and for some reason i can't seem to like it this way maybe it's a nostalgia maybe i can't stand that other people will beat this game without suffering like i suffered or maybe the worst boss in the series somehow made this game better for me it exercised more than one emotion for me and made the playthrough a lot more memorable it made me feel like i triumphed over something made me feel accomplished the bosses on this list get so bad but they never make me hate the game they just give me more to share with other fans can a boss really be bad if it's brought you so much joy yes it absolutely can [ __ ] this fish i'm the green scorpion and i thank you for celebrating the worst of the best share with me some of the bosses that make your blood boil or tell me how wrong i am about georg and that i need to get good whether you enjoyed this list or hated it i hope it entertained you after all sometimes the worst experiences can help you highlight the best and until next time stay out of the water oh and aim for the ice [Music] you
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 160,679
Rating: 4.7064643 out of 5
Id: IlS7VUlF1a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 36sec (2256 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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