Top Ten Worst Video Game Fathers (Part 2)

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get over here I should have killed you longer did everyone get some time to unwind after part one I hope so because I'm about to uncover the wickedness of a timeless Nintendo character I know what you're thinking Bowser right actually despite Bowser jr. being a bit of a spoiled brat the Koopa king is always supportive of his son teaching him how to be a villain but also giving him the freedom to take on Mario his own way what with all the gadgets plus they're the only parent-child pair to both make it into Smash Brothers oh sorry Lucena I guess chrome would rather be a final smash with his best friend than help out his own daughter but no the culprit here is Donkey Kong the first though different sources have disagreed on the matter it's widely accepted that cranky Kong from Donkey Kong Country is the original 8-bit Donkey Kong and that the DKC star is actually his grandson oh yes we're widening the scope on this list now grandfather's are just as susceptible as father's though as you'll see the patriarch of the Kong clan has some sins towards his own son to answer for as well as a middle aged Donkey Kong cranky was imprisoned as a sideshow attraction by junkman later known as Mario I can understand his need to escape and maybe kidnapping Colleen and throwing barrels at jump man was a little justified but eventually it gets DK recaptured in comes Donkey Kong jr. who has to travel all the way from the Congo jungle to break his Papa out and what does grant gorilla do with his newfound freedom he can't simply return to the jungle japes no he has to go picking fights with Stanley in the greenhouse in Donkey Kong 3 and even roping his son back in the blood war for Donkey Kong 94 on the Gameboy that's really only the tip of the coconut tree though it's as an old man drill that his corrupt sense of entitlement truly manifests fast-forward to junkie kong country 1 starring Donkey Kong the 3rd and his nephew Diddy Kong all cranky is now too old to leave his rocking chair so he gives advice to his grandson and great-grandnephew these hints are interspersed with the usual old man ramblings of how the new video games are too fancy and too easy how he could have done all of this better than you hitting his relatives with his cane well he's grouchy from the great banana shortage so let's give him a pass in Donkey Kong Country to kink a rule has made things personal and kidnap young Donkey Kong so it's up to Diddy and newcomer Dixie to get him back cranky Kong reacts to his grandsons kidnapping and is now charging Diddy for his services yeah you want advice go get some money chump I understand if you're too old and frail to get directly involved but you're actually going to resist helping us get your grandson back in Donkey Kong Country 3 kinky rule now has Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong so the extended family of Dixie and Kitty are now here to say the day it's rough depending on the c-team but a distant cousin swanky Kong has opened up a carnival game where you can try to win some extra lives your opponent cranky Kong you selfish old man you are now actually hindering me from rescuing your descendants there's constant other incidents where cranky shows his true colors how about when you first meet him in Donkey Kong 64 and he refers to DK as his disappointing son what son guys we get professor oka hard time for forgetting his grandson's name but cranky Kong has no idea who he's even talking to well there is a light at the end of this tunnel in Donkey Kong Country tropical freeze cranky Kong finally lends a hand as a partner and playable character he's pretty acrobatic too able to jump as well as Diddy and bounce on his cane it's almost as if he was never weighed cranky in country - you supported yourself with two canes in country one you couldn't even get out of your chair for a proper walking animation are you telling me you were faking it the whole time you could have been bouncing around like Yoda helping us out the whole time this has been a lot of circumstantial evidence I know but let's clinch this case the wigging reported the child services cranky if this is your grandson whatever happened to Donkey Kong jr. where's your son cranky Kong I guess after that last one you think I'm not taking this seriously well I am but how seriously can you take a man who eats stone axes yeah you all knew hi Hachi Mishima would make a list a man who's bad parenting is actually the inciting incident of the entire Tekken plotline funny thing is most of these bad fathers have had bad fathers or these fathers who weren't around or died young but heihachi's dad jinpachi was actually a great guy in really nurturing to both hi Hachi and his son Kazuya well hi Hachi wanted the company and was afraid grandpa genpachi was spoiling Kazuya so he staged a coup to have genpachi in prison hey Hachi fired his dad and then he tried to teach Kazuya in the school of hard knocks and when cassia couldn't meet his ridiculous standards hi Hachi threw him into a ravine saying that if he's strong enough to be a Mishima he'll be able to survive and climb his way out Kazuya was five when young Cascio was so desperate and angry he made a deal with the devil giving him the power to climb out and seek revenge in Tekken 1 if you win the tournament as Kazuya Kazuya will return the favor by throwing hi Hachi into the same ravine but hi Hachi don't need no stinkin devil gene to climb out of it hi Hachi enters the king of Iron Fist tournament and not to be outdone throws cassia into a volcano thus begins a sequence of increasingly cruel and increasingly ridiculous punishments inflicted on one another but I had G's domestic homicide doesn't stop at his son like cranky Kong hai had she proudly drinks from a world's worst grandfather mug thanks to his treatment of Jin Kazama when Jin introduces himself as Casias illegitimate son ah ha she takes him in and teaches in the Mishima fighting style nice right nope he only wishes to use him and his inherited devil gene to lure out the Aztec god named ogre in order to become all-powerful and for good measure in the ending of Tekken 3 he throws Jin out of a helicopter why are you so obsessed with throwing your descendants off of things but nothing tops is ending in Tekken 5 professing his son his grandson and his vengeful father hi Hachi blows millions of dollars to have the three of them chained to the outside of a rocket and launched into space that is some serious devotion to hating your family and it's not like a [ __ ] is any kind of saint otherwise he screws over pretty much every man and woman in the series at one point or another and he's so universally hated that the only person willing to tag-team with him in Street Fighter X Tekken was kuma one of his trained fighting bears but do you want to know something really wacky in there ending kuma gets blasted with a magical energy that gives him eternal youth and in the epilogue it states that hi Hachi planned to dissect kuma to learn the secret of this magic but gave up because he couldn't bring himself to kill kuma couldn't do it this man will throw his five-year-old son of a cliff and fire his innocent grandson into space but hurting a bear is just monstrous to him that is simply incredible I had to shoot him for going kids and just bought a puppy giulio Chong I didn't have a long introduction to this countdown as you might remember partly because I knew each entry would be long enough as is but also because I felt the rules for my countdown would become apparent as we went on but as we reach number three let's ask ourselves what makes someone a father from a biological standpoint it's the direct male ancestor to the child and from a symbolic standpoint it's a man who raises a child and shapes their development into adulthood all the entries thus far have passed the first definition even Big Boss whose children were cloned but most come up short in the second Department Cervantes in hate them were not around during their kids childhood and just became major obstacles later but for these next two entries maybe the father was around too much that brings us to gets us one of the most unapologetically evil villains in the entire Pokemon franchise and yes he is ends adopted father so biologically no he's not ends dad but is he actually lying about that because how common is mint green hair in any case though I thought that parents can be just as loving competent and supportive his birth parents and guesses made sure he was always a part of ends life good right now n was born into Team Plasma and while his foster sisters Anthea and Concordia taught him how to read and eat right Getz's instilled his foster son with the adamant belief that Pokemon were being enslaved by mankind and that Pokemon trainers by nature were wicked and cruel as a child and was left alone most of the time with injured and mistreated Pokemon so that he would learn to distrust trainers he forged a special bond with the woodland creatures and as an adult became a cap wearing Jesus figure who was completely in tune with all Pokemon getss then crowned him the King of Team Plasma it's weird meeting end in game because while most of team plasmas grunts are as stupid and cruel as the worst of team rocket and galactic and is respectful compassionate and expresses a very valid opinion here's the problem getss thinks the entire moral stance is a load of rubbish he doesn't care about the pokemon he doesn't care about whether they're better off freer growing alongside their trainers all he cares about is that n can be a charismatic Messiah that leads his cult to do gets his bidding through this army of well-intentioned zealots guesses is able to overtake the Elite Four and nearly enslave all of Unova compare this to hate them who for a large time didn't know he had a son or big boss who specifically didn't want children gets his one of the son just to further his own evil scheme so he has one bred and raised to his exact specifications in pokemon black and white and really thinks he's in control being the king and all and he trusts his father's council to the very last the only thing n does wrong by getss is letting the player have one of the legendary dragons since he's grown to recognize when a pokemon and a trainer have a connection but even to the last battle and fights for getss and only fully understands his folly when it's too late if it weren't for the player character guesses would have succeeded not that he ever thanks and for any of his hard work and trust when n loses to the trainer and shows the slightest bit of respect for his opponent gets his lashes out and decides that he will have his son banished from Unova during the new regime geez man if you're going to raise a puppet you can at least not punish him when he does his job well gets his fails and n goes off on a new spiritual journey but both return for the epic conclusion of black and white 2 gets is now almost completely insane and end running in on either Zekrom or Reshiram depending on which version of the game you play bonus points to gets is for actually trying to kill the player character like seriously he tells kiram to impale you on icicles Giovanni wouldn't have done that when n intervenes guesses does pretty much the most uncool thing ever he steals ends dragon to power up Keira gets us I don't know who the hell you think you are but you do not take another man's dragon a few smaller things before we wrap up gets us here ends full name is natural Harmonia Gropius way to name your kid green top also his son is severely lacking in social skills since his best role model was probably add our mana tan he would have been the weird kid at school like he's a good guy and everything but he keeps asking me to ride the ferris wheel and it's making me uncomfortable but the worst thing about get sis is that he takes an interesting character like n and steals a spotlight from him think about if you were n raised your whole life thinking the world was well black and white and from the day you were born you were told all of the great things you were going to do and how this day at the Univ of Pokemon League you were going to change the world for the better because you were the chosen one this is built up to the best day of your entire life and your father who you've worked so hard to honor pushes you out of the way insult you for being weak and threatens to have you thrown out of the country I think you'd be pretty upset so get this adopted his son to see world domination that's pretty bad but Manfred von Karma adopted a son just to make him miserable where do I start with this guy prosecutors in the Ace Attorney franchise can be pretty corrupt but von Karma takes it to a whole new level he intimidates judges he hides evidence he even wants Taser Phoenix in Maia just to protect his perfect record of courtroom victories enter Gregory Ed's work a defense attorney who loses a case to von Karma but during the trial actually proves that von Karma blackmailed the plaintiff to confess to his crime earning von Karma a penalty on his record as a lawyer this tip on Karma ruins everything he has ever worked for while storming about in the hallway von Karma happens to hear three men stuck in an elevator Gregory Edgeworth his boy miles and the bailiff named Jana yogi after being stuck for five hours yogi went into a panic and began attacking Gregory and young miles hoping to make yogi stop found his gun on the floor and threw it in his general direction the gun discharged passing through a wall and hitting von Karma in the shoulder already mad about the penalty this bullet sent von Karma over the edge and he would literally hold on to that paying 15 years later when the elevator finally opened all three inside were passed out from the shock of the situation Vaughn karma took Yogi's gun shot Gregory through the heart and left the crime scene not only was Gregory now dead Myles had to live the rest of his life thinking that he was the one who accidentally killed his own father so overall that's a bad man but is he a bad father well with the bullet wound marring his perfect skin manfred continued his vengeance by adopting the now orphaned Edgeworth and ensured that never again would he know a moment of love or positive reinforcement on the plus side he also mentored Edgeworth into a great prosecutor that sounds nice until you realize the endgame 15 years later 15 years later when Edgeworth is now possibly the second most renowned prosecutor around von Karma sets up the perfect crime framing Edgeworth for the murder of Robert Hammond the attorney who got Janna yogi acquitted for his involvement in Gregory Edwards death and it's the perfect setup - both on a boat in the middle of the lake seemingly no one else around Edgeworth holding the gun how he managed this is just too complex to describe and manfred himself serves as the prosecutor against Edgeworth okay I know the process of judicial review can be a little ethereal in this series but how is it legal to prosecute your own son von Karma takes every bit of pleasure in presenting the case against his son and protégé and if not for the desperate efforts of Phoenix right miles Edgeworth would spend the rest of his life in prison still thinking he killed his birth father so let's lay all this out manfred von Karma killed Edwards dad let's Edgeworth think he did it adopt him is mean and unloving helps him become a great attorney just so he can know great success waits 15 years for the big fall frames him for a murder and personally demeans him in the same courtroom where Edgeworth has seen so much triumph just because Edwards dad got him a tiny penalty that he completely deserved and yeah a bullet wound but that was a complete accident this isn't even considering Franziska von Karma yeah Manfred has a biological daughter of his own whom he completely shuns because he's too busy focusing on his 15 year revenge scheme so Francisca has to do all the work to follow in her father's footsteps which she actually is really good at and Manfred won't even give her a second glance Wow this guy just ruins life for everyone guys I really think adopting a child is a noble deed and incredibly rewarding but just don't do it like this the hardest part of this list was determining what order to put them in I think when it comes to raising a child all sins are essentially equal apathy manipulation extortion distance condescension brutality malevolence psychological abuse physical violence whichever ones you find more egregious is a matter of personal distaste so choosing a number one was tough but this patriarchy has a little bit of everything and manages to be the least responsible parent I can think of in video games or out I'll just let one of his sons introduce him sue your son has been turned the Greek god of thunder and sky the king of Olympus and all other gods the most powerful influence in the world of God of War now quick clarification I never use characters that do not originate from video games Zeus is a Greek mythological figure but like amethyst or the cast of dynasty Warriors I find that this game series creates its own interpretation and by extension its own unique character so I'm going to allow it but that does mean I can only consider evidence from the games not any Greek mythology that isn't incorporated into God of War believe me if I used all of the Greek literary canon this would get even worse but the games still give me a hell of a lot to work with Zeus was the God who ended the age of the Titans by defeating his father Cronos thus bringing on a new age where gods rule the planet he had a number of children with his wife and sister Hera to the gods incest is really a problem so try to ignore that Zeus is children amongst the gods include Athena hairy's Apollo Artemis efest as' Hermes and Persephone and that's just among the gods Zeus was a notorious player and had children with mortals that stretches his family tree into the hundreds these illegitimate demigods include Hercules Perseus Pyrrha --this damos and of course the Ghost of Sparta himself Kratos it should be noted that there was a Kratos in real Greek mythology but that Kratos has nothing to do with the protagonist of this game in God of War Ares has grown tired of Zeus favoring his sister Athena over himself and in a desperate attempt to impress his unloving father lays waste to Athens rather than talking it out Zeus and the other gods conspire to help Kratos kill the God of War at this point Kratos had a bone to pick with Ares already Ares had inflicted an uncontrollable rage on Kratos which caused him to inadvertently kill his own wife and daughter yeah Kratos isn't winning any world's best father competitions either so Zeus with the other God secretly helps his one son kill his other son while claiming to have no part in it and for helping to save Athens Zeus and the Olympians reward Kratos by forgiving him for the murder of his family for giving him well gee thanks but it's your own fault Kratos did anyway and Kratos still has nightmares and torment over it don't you have any way to do something about that Athena at least is a little nicer and lets him be the new god of war but there's a bit of a side effect to Kratos his campaign against Ares in order to slay Ares Kratos open Pandora's box which spread evils across the Pantheon specifically for Zeus he is afflicted with fear the fear that Kratos will eventually slay him and take the throne the same way Zeus took the throne from his own father Chronos and Chronos took it from his own father so to stop Kratos Zeus secretly stripped Kratos of his powers and gets him thrown into the underworld Zeus but Kratos doesn't want the throne he's going to kill you because you keep screwing him over so yeah maybe you could say that it's the evils of Pandora's box that makes you stew all these things everyone has an excuse oh and evil sword maybe do it I was possessed by an ancient God my friend cloned me I had nothing to do with it well that doesn't work for two reasons one Zeus was already manipulating and extorting Kratos before he opened Pandora's box and two while the boxes fear might possibly explain your treatment of Kratos that doesn't mean you were a better father to any of your other kings let's go down the list you Hermes brutally killed by Kratos while trying to distract him from destroying all of Olympus Ares killed by Kratos knowing that his father never loved him as much as a sister Athena Athena jumps in front of Kratos his blades and takes a lethal strike for Zeus and ironically its Kratos who was heartbroken about this Zeus barely even cares about his supposed favorite daughter Hercules he's killed his family due to a rage spell just like Kratos only Hercules was afflicted by Hera Zeus's own wife so in this case a squabble between Zeus and his wife gets taken out on Hercules and his family and did you ever stop to consider Zeus that these are your grandchildren that Kratos and Hercules were possessing the slaughtering maybe you want to get involved in that but I guess if Zeus started counting his grandchildren that would just be too complicated then Hercules has to perform 12 trials to be forgiven for something that wasn't his including cleaning out a giant poop built stable and then Zeus makes Hercules defend him from Kratos which of course means Hercules dies Zeus loves pitting brother against brother Persis is kind of a funny case because in traditional Greek myth he's famous for beheading Medusa but in God of War 1 kratos already did that so we're not entirely sure what Perseus does other than get trapped for eternity by the sisters of fate damos taken away by Thanatos Pier at this we find him trapped in the underworld also the work of Thanatos Zeus you are the king of Olympus is there really nothing you can say to the sisters and Thanatos to make them consider releasing your innocent kids Apollo we never see him in game but Pyrrha Thesz has his bow in the cell of the underworld so I'm guessing things didn't go well for the god of music Artemis she was sick of all this garbage gave Kratos a cool blade and bled Olympus entirely Hephaestus well Zeus was so worried about Hephaestus his daughter Pandora and he says ously beat him Festus until he looked like a Picasso painting and threw him into the underworld and Persephone Zeus is brother Hades kidnapped her and she becomes the antagonist in Chains of Olympus where she very nearly destroys the world before Kratos stops her another situation in which Zeus who's supposed to be in charge of this crap takes no part whatsoever they say that the morality of the gods is incomprehensible to us mere mortals and that it's the flaws of the Greek gods that make them so captivating to study millennia later well Zeus even compared to your mythological counterpart you are a monster your parenting is bad and you should feel bad and not only did you fail as a father to these countless offspring you failed as the patriarch of Olympus entirely if there's one possible saving grace if that Kratos even though he in turn was a monster and at least partially responsible for what happened to his daughter is still undeniably awesome and that's the interesting thing I find as I close out this countdown the relationship one has with their father can have a drastic impact on who someone grows up to be but some of the kids from these 10 fathers actually end up being truly great Solid Snake is one of the greatest video game heroes of all time Edgeworth is an investigator of unparalleled intellect heck I'll even admit Titus was pretty valiant when it came to saving Spira maybe you get a mass murderer like Kratos or a confused youth like n but many people can draw strength from their difficult upbringing or overcome it and find themselves somewhere else not everybody is lucky enough to have a father in the picture or might even have a pretty terrible one but that doesn't have to seal your fate the way it does for Kratos and if you happen to have a parent in your life who doesn't exhibit the qualities of these 10 maybe that might be a rare treasure then you give them credit for I'm the Green scorpion and I have a Papa scorpion who deserves a hug see you guys next time you you you
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 77,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: greenscorpion64, The Green Scorpion, Top Ten, Worst, Video Game, Fathers, Dads, parents, countdown, gameplay, commentary, review, playthrough, list
Id: oqk64Oyhx10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2016
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