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get over here hello everyone the green scorpion here and we're trying something a little different / fun today so Ignace and I were hanging out the other day and we watch this one youtuber called PMC more on a relatively regular basis and he did this one video a little while ago called guess that cartoon I watched it it was funny it was entertaining and I felt inspired so I decided to do something similar to my followers on Twitter you guys saw that I posted a tweet a little while ago asking for you guys to describe a video game to me in the worst / vaguest way possible and then I would try to guess what video game you're describing to me so I have a lot of the responses right here I'm going to go ahead and read them aloud and can you guys guess the video game before I announce it well that's pretty much what we're playing today I'm quick shout out to PM Seymour you do awesome work dude your voice work is amazing and thank you for doing what you do man go check them out guys I will put a link to his channel in the description below and without further ado let's play guess that video game sentient plants have to defend some lazy prick and a crazy man from the walking dead oh that's an easy one that is plants vs. zombies good game and I'm crazy effeminate cyborg fights roided a politician using the world's most powerful vibrator that is the best description for Metal Gear Rising revengeance how is it the world's most powerful vibrator some poor sap with a mask and a cape swings a nail around while going underground and dealing with tons of toxic shrooms and zombie insects yeah that pretty much nails it on the head this is hollow Knight mushroom zombies overrun the earth and we get daddy-daughter issues with a girl from Ballston and a guy from Texas yeah this is the last of us oh god Joel I love you but I hate you but I love you but I hate you kill everyone around you to a drug trip and psychedelic music over and over because you will die very often I'm going to take a wild guess that this is hotline Miami it kinda has to be so during a chaotic war front a few chicks a dude and his rabbit try to take on an upcoming apocalypse that had all of the signs of it coming but started anyways because of power-hungry parents yes they had to fight each other every now and then but guess what has foretold in the prophecies this Armageddon can't be stopped just as long as they fight the right final bosses mess up and the world ends there if I didn't have a friend who played this recently I wouldn't have known this this is zero escape virtues last reward all right let's do this you're a dead being risen back by a weird Nolan bot to fight against alien enemies and alien God and then it's dad until another alien race nukes your home that was a terrible Deadpool impression I am so sorry this is destiny yeah you guys were basically being guided around by Deadpool did you know that a very hairy girl uses sexual favors to summon demon dogs and other nefarious demons to eat and murder angels yeah Bayonetta is a very hairy girl isn't she I don't know if it's sexual favors it's more just a striptease uart raped trapped in a maze-like hospital and you are hallucinating you feel that ghost ghosts are after you and the only way to fight back is to take some pills hiding hidden in the hospital but the hallways are full of fake pill pills that won't do anything once you take the pills the ghost ran away runs away I need to take some pills to not be such a grammar nazi this is Fran though some dude in his underwear tries to figure out what the hell happened I want to say that this is Catherine that's the first thing that comes to mind when I read this nine guys go to war with clones of themselves over some dirt two old men walk oh snap now that I think about it that's a really good description of Team Fortress 2 a dead kid has seven days to fulfill a series of challenges or else he'll die does that mean that he'll die again because he's already dead but I know the context of this game because I have played it this is the world ends with you nine people are forced to be together and not die gruesome deaths if it wasn't for the nine part I would have guessed that this was danganronpa but no this is in fact nine hours nine persons nine doors wait hang on a second teenagers discover the power of friendship believing in yourself and hating bears dangling right by angsty teen with magic hands saves the world from religious rejects and other ungodly abominations [Music] yeah the angsty teen part pretty much gives it away this is Devil May Cry 4 a lackluster teen disobeys his higher authority which puts him in a circumstance to where his friend horrifically morphs into a farid bipedal creature and as the steel artifacts in hopes to change it back this is jak and daxter a kid somehow develops a taste for Japanese delicacies then uses it to fight an evil empire oh I am so sorry for real bone I'm going to game yet but I'm guessing this is sushi Stryker many warriors won points for unrequited love one seeks a soul one drowns and arrogance as he wields his weapon another just obsesses with boobs all of this and more engage in a battle outside time will you be the judge I had a few candidates for this one at first I thought it was blaze blue and then I thought maybe it's Soul Calibur but that Soul Calibur bid tipped me off this is Castlevania judgment oh god yeah the cast of that game was a bunch of friends pick up a girl and get caught in more shenanigans than they imagined picking up a colorful cast of characters along the way making memories and fighting off a fabulous arms dealer with a really big ego and a short lifespan you know if it wasn't for that last description your profile picture would have given it away this is Final Fantasy 9 pretty anime boys and girls fight a dragon while it's dragging around a pink haired prissy Menace Benjamin Walton you know me too well don't you this is Fire Emblem blazing sword man solves his ambidexterity issues two fists god I'm not gonna think too hard about that one this is a Shores wrath strong people use strange weapons to fill animals of increasing size and strength there are also elemental ultra dragons Oh monster hunter such a fun game that I really really need to play more of centaurs dwarves and other mythical creatures band together to defeat an evil dragon this could be a lot of things but I'm guessing that this is Shining Force that's my guess boy loses clothes and gets cool tattoos that let him make friends with gods and beat up his old now crazy friends the devil and the legendary demon hunter occasionally show up along the way when you put it like that the concept sounds stupid but in fact it is really really cool this is Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne a man goes to the Shadow Realm to save his girlfriend from mucus the one thing that tipped me off was the fact that the main villain of the game is called flem this is Shadows of the Damned a teenage girl travels back in time to win a photo contest and bring about the apocalypse it's so rad I never want to do that again this is life is strange a twenty-something emotional wreck must team up with his hot and dead employer and her family of spirit mediums in order to save his perfectionist boyfriend from himself and then he adopts a magician because another perfectionist decided to ruin his life someone watches brentalfloss this is Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney one anime boy can see all the demons in his head at a certain time of day while it's trying to get laid by all the girls at school persona 3 I don't know about that last part I mean you can do that just be ready for some consequences on Valentine's Day woman's brother gets killed and vows vengeance traveling with her band of misfits if I didn't know you personally you me I probably wouldn't have gotten this one but this is tales of burrs aria on a sidenote velvet crow is awesome a kid becomes a dragon in order to fight God who is actually a demon I admit that I needed help with this one corner guy only because I only played the first game this is specifically Breath of Fire 2 okay just letting you guys know this one's gonna look a little different because it was sent to me via Skype travel around the world on family business with a foxy lady and crazy old bird in hot pursuit see the trick here is that you got to take foxy a lady and crazy old bird literally this is Sly Cooper you're a beautiful lady Carmelita but you are in fact a fox so a guy with a red scarf that rides robo cats tries to defeat a space of Wizard ah yes this is none other than a Strider man those games were awesome I gotta play them again village boy turns into an animal teams up with a black and white skinned little girl then dresses up like Robin Hood to save a kingdom from being covered in a dark glowy veil by a crazy lizard headed man and his evil red haired God oh wow you're right his head looks like a chameleon doesn't it this is Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and finally oh wow pmc more sent me one all right let's see blue haired girl gets her revenge for the death of her loved one by recruiting dead people I confess I had a lot of trouble with this one until I was eventually tipped off that this is totally Fire Emblem awakening and Shelby's like her little first thought was Hatsune Miku but then she read the rest of it and was very wrong yeah Hatsune Miku didn't travel back in time to fight the hell dragon Rima sorry
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 10,537
Rating: 4.9528022 out of 5
Keywords: greenscorpion64, The Green Scorpion, Guess That Video Game, Voice Acting, PM Seymour
Id: i0IQgO9p670
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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