Eye Splice a Rope - How to Eye Splice a 3 Strand Rope - Easy to Follow Splicing (Revisited)

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the eye splice hello everybody welcome back and in today's little exercise what I'm going to show you how to do is put an eye splice in the end of the rope and to be honest an eye splice is stronger than putting a loop knot in the end of the row if you say for example a bowline or something like that an eye splice is far stronger and for those of you are interested in the description below I will put a link to a chart to show you the different strengths of different knots and splices so anyway in today's little exercise what I'm going to do is show you how to tie a nice place and as you can see here at this end here I've just cut it off it's just a demonstration piece to show you and so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna create the eye splice I have put whipping on the end of my three strands there that is not part of the video but what I will do once again in the description below I will put a link in to how to put in common whipping and on the end of this rope I've put sailmakers whipping and there'll be a link in the description there so anyway today's little exercise is we are going to put a nice splice in a rub so anyway let's get nothing so as you can see I've got my rope laid out in front of me and the other thing that I've got that I may or may not use it all depends on the lay of your rope if you can actually untwist your rope and get your fingers between the lay of the Rope there so as you can see there poking my thumb through I don't need to use the Swedish fit which is this one here but what I will do in the process of making our eye splice I will show you how to use that this Swedish fit or just a poke a hole in we can use our Marlinspike as well so anyway let's see how we get on in actually making this so as you can see here I've got my rope laid out in front of me and in this end of the rope I've put some masking tape on to prevent it unraveling and the next thing that we need to do is we need to actually form an approximate size of the eye that we want to create in our rope so and this is this is what we now need to know let me just make that a little bit smaller so when we're actually thinking about creating the eye of our rope the first thing that we need to do is consider what size we want the eye to be now the next thing you Sneed to consider is that this piece here has to be long enough to actually weave its way down the upper rope for the following this is that this is the rules this is a sort of standard rules for when you're actually splicing the eye of a rope if you're using natural cordage you want a minimum of three tugs and you'll see what I mean by tux etc as we go along with this so you want to for natural cordage you want a minimum of three tux if you using a synthetic cords which are usually slippery ER you would then need a little bit more because you want a minimum of five tux going down this piece of your rope and you'll see how that all this comes together in a little bit so anyway if your eye splice is for critical weights for example the minimum for natural cordage is three for synthetic is five tux but if it's like I said if it's for critical loading etc give yourself a bit more and put some more tucks in and it just makes it that little bit more secure and like I said earlier on in the description below is a link to a strength of knots charts which also includes the eye splice right so looking at my work here list we're just we're only going to use a smallish piece I want the nice splice approximately let's see so we want an eye about that size perhaps let's give me a little bit more and then I need enough here for three tucks and so what I'm gonna just give myself a little bit more so there we go that's the approximate size that I'm going to use so now that I've done that the next thing I need to do is at this point here where our so we've got our I like that I need to mark off this point here with some masking tape and so just at that point there I'm gonna get hold of some masking tape and you you don't necessarily need masking tape you can just throw yourself a constrictor knot around this section here but I'm gonna use masking tape and so here we go just wrap my masking tape around pull it nice and tight there we go nice and tight and then I've masked that area off so now if we look at our rope here the top end is masked off and then at the point where we're gonna put our iron is also got a piece of masking tape on it now the next thing that I do is at this end here I need to unravel my strands so where I've got my masking tape I'm just gonna take that off and then just unravel my strands but what I want to try and do is just don't let them come unraveled so I'm just going to unravel them gently like so so that one's already got a bit of masking round and then just put a little bit of masking tape around the other two just to prevent them unraveling so take that one put the maskers round bring it round there we go just make it nice and tight so it doesn't catch so that one's done and then just that little one there and go and just work it round so it's nice and tight it doesn't matter if it's messy because there we go okay so now we've got our three strands have now been masked up and the next thing I can do is just unravel them so I'm just gonna unravel them and we're gonna run rapidly all the way to that point there so just quickly do that and just be gentle with it because what you don't want to do is have your three strands unravel as well so now this is the point now where we have our three strands unraveled up to the masking tape at this point here and the next thing we're looking for is the following what we're looking for is that the center strand is the top strand at this point so in other words if the center of strand is at the bottom make it so that your Center strand is at the top and then you'll up a strand here is to the left of that or to fifth let's hold it that way so the central strand is at the top and the other two on either side are going off left right okay so that's what we're looking for that's the key to this is the top strand is in the middle the next thing is we bring our ropes up together now you can if you want to also mask at this part of your loop so you know where your starting point is but I know where I want to come in so I'm not too worried about that so here we go that is the size loop that I want to create in my rope so the next thing that I'm going to do is just get hold of my middle one the middle one is the one we're going to be working with first and what I want to do is open up the rope so the middle ones here and I want to open up this strand here the top strand here I want to open that so just show you how a Swedish food works I passed my Swedish fear underneath that strand and open up let's just open it up a bit there we go open it up and pass my Swedish fit through and because it's tapered and hollowed what's happening is it is opening up that strand there more and more the harder I push it in the more it is opening it up and what it allows me then to do is get hold of this strand here which is my top middle strand and pass it down through that Hollow that's been created there just push it through and you can see there now I can just easily push it through and what I'm doing now as I'm pulling it through I'm just making sure that the twist in that strand is remaining because I want it just to look nice and neat and tidy and then just pull that strand through until it comes up nice and tight and butts up nicely there and you just want to twist it a bit and twiddle it so that it just comes up nicely and now you can see here I've put my first strand through that rope or that strand has gone underneath that strand if you see what I mean the next thing I do is I get hold of my left hand one and I can see here now that what I'm going to do is I'm going to come over this one here that we've just passed this one under and I want to make a gap on the next strand along at that point so I'm just gonna open up a hole there with my Marlinspike and take my left hand strand and pass it through that gap there and so now that I've passed it through and you can see there because my Grob isn't very hard lay I can get my fingers through there and my cord is through quite easily and once again pull it through and as I pull it through pull them both through now and get the twists get it twisted again pull it up nice and tight so there's a nice twist in it because we just want it to look neat and tidy as it comes in and you can see here now that my rope or my second strand has now gone through at that point there now the next thing I want to do is those so that's the middle one that was the middle one that was the left-hand one and so the right-hand one or so sorry the Bott middle top bottom so the bottom one here now what I do is I turn my rope over and what I'm looking for now is the one point so I can see here now that it wants to go round the back of this one here so what I'm doing is I'm going to open up my rope at that point there open it up and then pass that end through the hole I've just created pull it through and there we go and keep the twist on it as you're pulling it through just make sure you pull it through nice and neatly okay and there you go we've now pulled that one through and that was that was basically the hardest bit and now what we're looking for is the following what I want to do now is have an imaginary line at this point here just that this is only to check that we've done it correctly so if I have an imaginary line at this point here and as I turn my rope I can see that each of the three strands are coming out level to that imaginary line and then when you look at it actually if you just look down on it you can see whether or not your imaginary line is running sweat and that's what you're looking for the rope these these three strands exit this rope here at exactly the same place around the rope so we now know they're exiting exactly the same place around the rope and that was the hardest bit done we've done the hard bit and all we need to do now is just we these three strands are down our rope like so so the next thing I grab the first strand nearest to me so the first strand is this one here it's coming out at this point here and there is a strand running underneath it diagonally and what we want to do is we want to go over that diagonal strand and come out at the one underneath it so take it over the first one and under the second one and then once again there we go pulling it through twisting as I'm going along because we want to keep that nice twist in the row it does sometimes depending on what rope you're using it does sometimes untwist and look a little bit ugly but don't worry too much about it the idea is you put in a working eye into our rope so there is that's the first one we've just done so we've gone over that one under that one and come out at that point there so if we move around to the next one we can see now that the next one is coming out above this strand here running that way so we want to go over that one underneath that one so all I do now is get my porky little fingers in there open it up and pass it through and so there we go another one's been opened up get the twists in it make it look nice and neat and tidy and there we have it that's the second one done and you can see now those two are coming out at exactly the same point around the rope itself and so we get to the final one and I can see here now that the final one is coming out at this point here it wants to go over the first one underneath the second string there so I just make a hole in there with my Marlinspike or a Swedish fit if you've got one and then pass the end through twist it as I'm doing it because I want to try and keep a nice regular pattern you know I'm fanatical about things being neat and tidy so anyway and then what can do now is just go around all of them and pull them up nice and tight pull them up nice and tight give it a roll under your hand roll it up again and you can see here now we've got a lovely eye but for me that's gonna stay for me but we've got a lovely eye in our row and we've now done two tucks in our rope here so I take it down a little bit more again and we just do exactly the same as we did before it's really really simple really really easy so this rope or this strand is coming out here it wants to go over one under one so take it over and then open up the eye from the one underneath pass the working of that strand through not the working end but working into that strand pull it through twist it to keep that rope blade the same and there we go we've pulled it through so that's one done go round to the next one here's my next one coming out so it's coming out there it wants to go over that one there underneath that one there so just make again bear with my spike post the end and throw twist and then pull up nice and tight and then we can see now here the final one here it's coming out at this point here so over under that one there so just let me get my spike through try not to catch the fibers of the other ones as you're doing it so take it over that one there pass it through and then we have it okay and so there we have it on this one natural fibers three tucks is the minimum but I have now got myself a really strong I splice in my robot and you can see there now that's quite good yeah you will find you know if you really are a perfectionist like me you do find that these fibers here do spread slightly however don't worry about that too much and the next thing you would do just to tiddly this rope work up is because this one is a natural one I've only used three tucks the next thing I can do is just cut my fibers or cut my strands shorter here and put some whipping around it to make it look nice or if you're using a synthetic rope you can then cut it with a hot knife which melts the ends and that should be enough to secure it or if you want to cut it and put some whipping on the ends as well so anyway that is quick simple and easy to tie I splice in a rope so once again thanks for watching if you enjoyed it if you hated it yeah do the usual thumbs down but please do tell me why you hate something okay and I can always try and improve it later so once again thanks very much for watching see you again next time bye bye
Channel: Johnny Debt
Views: 934,585
Rating: 4.7598691 out of 5
Keywords: #Splicing, Easy to Follow Splicing, Putting an Eye Splice in a Rope, WhyKnot, #LetsGetKnotting, rope splice instructions, #EyeSplice, 3 Strand Eye Splice, Making an Eye Splice, rope splicing videos, How to Splice a Rope, How to Eye Splice a 3 Strand Rope, Eye Splicing a Rope, Eye Splice a Rope, Johnny Debt, eye-splice, splicing rope eye
Id: 9Ceg1-KAPpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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