Top Fifteen Favorite Normal Boss Battles

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delivering the goods de vikke do you like a box boss battles I just love them boss battles can be great for a number of reasons whether they're challenging our great tests of what you've learned have sterling atmosphere music or just plain fun so today I'm doing a cliche topic and counting down my favorite boss battles ever I was going to make this a top 10 but there are so many bosses that I love that I just had to expand the list also keep in mind that these are my favorite boss battles not necessarily the best that's a debate that would never be settled as for the rules these are only bosses that I faced only one per franchise and no final bosses that's for another list also a boss doesn't have to be hard for it to be on here I just have to have enjoyed the fight finally there will be spoilers for certain games so I'll give you a warning if it's particularly significant anyways preparations are complete and that means it's game time when people talk about silver the Hedgehog it's usually with contempt mostly due to his shitty boss fights in Sonic oh six so how do you make up for such horrible fight then with a better one that's how the rival battle looks silver in the console version of Sonic Generations is everything that the fight from Sonic Oh sticks weren't it was challenging it played well and most of all it was fun it features modern sonic racing along a ruined highway while silver attacks you whether it's by trying to smash you a road debris launching psycho cut or creating a psychic battering ram throughout the fight you need to respond to each of his attacks in order to find an opening or uses own attacks against him thankfully you don't have to deal with glitches or annoying one-liners it all leads up to meteors ladies and gentlemen it's bowling that at crisis City as silver tries to pick up the spare using you as the pin you have to frantically dodge slippers attacks until you can land the final hit leaving silver to be crushed by the weight of the world I mean his attack on a solders this fight is a colossal improvement on the embarrassment silver was a no 6 the sitting is well designed the music is intense and it's just fun to play though it is a bit on the short side and while you can say that there are other buses that should be here instead I say it's no use so I really just write that the world ends with you is in my opinion one of the best games in the DS library it's story setting and characters not to mention its unique combat system we're a breath of fresh air in the RPG genre so minima moto is probably the boss that puts this system to the test most effectively as the game master of the second week of the Reapers game show makes no secret of the fact that he's a math nerd so what he's a bookworm with nerdy glasses and a pocket protector nope try a murderous Punk with a megaphone not to mention at this point that goes under the impression that this factoring hectopascals the reason he's in the game in the first place so this battle has a lot of emotion behind it as well aside from the set up this fight tests your mastery of the game's combat system this is because show only appears on one screen but the taboo noisy summons attacking you on the other and only the person with the light puck can do significant damage to either what this amounts to is that multitasking is essential to winning this fight as well as maintaining your combos oh and about those taboo noise show summons them throughout the fight and won't even attack you himself until you've taken out four of them not to mention you're having neck who dodges attacks which do a zetas crap ton of damage and in the end instead of your typical villains lament which you've seen more times than a lowest-common-denominator show tries to balance the equation by subtracting you with a level I flare which damages anyone whose level is a multiple of one so yeah shows not only is that a powerful but his personality and battle are a prime factor as to why he's on here still don't get it do the math when I first saw John Francois and Rhythm Thief in the Emperor's treasure he seemed like a good enough man I mean he seemed to really care for the orphans in his charge which included Marie definitely seemed trustworthy perhaps a bit too trustworthy which means I should have seen this coming a mile away Sun tomorrow jean-francois you bastard yeah ever since that moment I couldn't wait to trial that backstabbing snake and wouldn't you know it when I got the kids it was some of the most fun I've had in a genre that lets you challenge the devil himself in a guitar battle and proofs that Bowser actually has moves the gameplay pretty much amounts to a musical game of Simon Says but everything else makes the fight that much more fun the magma chamber setting for the music which combines Bach's fugue and G minor with beef and guitar riffs of all things and come on don't tell me that the interludes don't put a smile on your face it was invincible sorry but it's very visible Oh phantom our never stop being awesome yeah this fights a bit on the easy side but seriously you can't say that it doesn't feel get started to give that power-hungry jerk what's coming to him head really what would you expect from one of the best rhythm games in recent years now what we need is a sequel or dare I said Layton crossover is MadWorld a game that fits you against sci-fi rejects horror rejects samurai movie rejects and a walking wind generator who clearly forgot that World War two ended decades ago yeah fun swirling chiller is literally an embodiment of nature's fury he's got wind turbines for arms that can generate tornadoes and deliver punches that strangely feel more damage than the tornadoes themselves no seriously take more damage from a punch than the tornado and this is why unquestioned video games even after you take out one of his turbines and get the chance to use it against him hair cyclone proves that he's still a threat with a turbine powered spin kick yeah that cluster nads would equal instant sterilization that is unless you're a badass like Jack and once you've taken out his other arm you're treated to one of the most awesome finishers in the entire game in which the gestapo rejects gets shredded in his own turbine not only is this boss fun but his design is so original that it's downright brilliant also I have to give credit to our increase their commentary is hilarious why seriously how do they come up with the stuff and if they don't and who the [ __ ] do they hire still if a boss this original is only number 12 the rest of these guys must have really blown me away and you facepalm what I haven't done that in a while having burned up with Nintendo I missed out on a lot of classics on the original PlayStation in fact it was only thanks to maverick hunter zero 75 that I even gave the crash bandicoot franchise a shot and if you know about maverick which I'm guessing most of you do then you can probably figure out where I'm going with this three - you're just trying me right seriously get that [ __ ] out of here this is dr. n trophy from crash bandicoot warps now you're on my time you little skunk give me the crystal okay this fight is fun his projectiles and lasers require well-timed jumps and dodges to avoid and they become faster and more numerous as the fight goes on the platforming becomes trickier as well requiring more precision in order to actually reach him and land ahead but what really sells this fight is the setting throughout the fight entropy will change the environment two different time periods you've encountered in levels throughout the game this makes perfect sense because he's the guy who invented this time machine in the first place wait if he made this time machine doesn't he have to maintain it uh-oh you insolent King significant [ __ ] like a potentially new apprentice all agree risk left yeah less Coco you must realize that this time twister machine is very delicate with a doctor enter B's Compton air control who knows what well that escalated rather quickly and never if you're watching this no haven't been the game yet I'll get that in due time I can understand some of the flaws with Okami but it's still a game I can appreciate for what it is it's art style and roots in Japanese mythology made for a mythos that pulled me in and I really liked the gameplay as well as most of the boss fights Orochi for example took pretty much every last detail from Shinto myths the problem here was that you had to fight him three separate times up look I enjoy boss rushes I play Mega Man for crying out loud but even I can admit this is overkill besides in terms of gameplay let's do an edge to have old Snake Eyes beat hands down unlike in Twin Peaks these owls are exactly what they seem these clockwork phantoms are responsible for sending calmly into endless winter forcing you to fight Orochi again and nearly killing Shiranui so a fight like this is when you'd expect to be satisfying and is it ever on the gameplay front this fight is pretty straightforward however instead of relying primarily on one skill this battle requires you to use several depending on which trick let's go and execute aside to pull these attacks are taken from previous bosses and enemies which should give you a hint as to what you need to do the right counter will stun me howl using it leading to my favorite part of the fights here your fighting buddy Oki will form a bow on his back and you have to launch him at your stunned prey like an arrow giving you the chance to knock him down from there you unleash your primal fury until the storm owl knockoffs are nothing but scrap this is a fight that delivers both in its gameplay and its atmosphere and it's a true testament to the power of teamwork not to mention they're the only bosses that you only have to face once a fighting buddy if you don't have one get one one of my favorite parts of the story of tales of the abyss was the rivalry between the protagonist Luke and his rival Ashe the bloody as it turns out to make a really long story short Ashe is actually the real Luke who was kidnapped by the main antagonist fan who desired his power of hyperresonant in order to overturn the prophecy known as the score fan then created a replica to take his place and while Luke did escape the replica had already assumed his identity burning with hatred Loup returned to fan service under the name of ash the bloody butt began secretly plotting against him upon learning of his plan to replace everyone on Aldred with replicas ash crosses paths with a new Luke and his party but even though they're essentially on the same side they're never on good terms considering that his life was essentially stolen by this inferior copy yeah he'd have every reason to be pissed this comes to a head near the game's finale by this time the fan is about to bring his plans to fruition and both Luke and ash are desperately trying to stop him sadly they both fall into the same trap from which only one can escape naturally there's only one way to settle this I don't even have a pass to lose but I've still decided that I'm me it doesn't matter what you think here I am if that's the source of the strength you're talking about then I won't lose well said I will make those words your last replica I'm sorry I thought this would be short okay the setup alone is enough to give this fight merit but it's helped even more about how it plays out like an actual fight ash doesn't follow any set pattern instead fighting like an actual person would well as close to an actual person as someone who has access to magic what this amounts to is that instead of having a set strategy you need to respond to him and strike back when you have a chance the clash of equals is further emphasized by the boss theme a remix of the opening entitled the meaning of bursts even still this is a memorable clash of cloned versus original and it really feels like you're facing yourself I'm sorry I have to do this if you were to ask me who is best Belmont what do you think I would say no no no for crying out loud it's Julius you know the guy who destroyed Dracula for good the guy who still hasn't gotten his own game I covered this guy before in the most viewed video on my channel for God's sakes since I've covered this fight before I'll be brief about the build-up mm-hmm so mustache discovered that he's the reincarnation of Dracula mikado tells him that there's a source of chaos he needs to destroy so that he doesn't become a flan bloodsucker and kill his fights soma because its history to destroy Dracula at all costs okay was that short enough for you Julius is a formidable opponent bringing not only his whip but his martial arts skills both of which can seriously hurt you he also brings his back - complete with invincibility frames but those are nothing compared to his super-powered cross of immense destruction I mean how does that attack Rex a background for crying out loud even if you escape that this is the point where Julius takes off the kid gloves and breaks out the sub-weapons creepy cool crosses holy water of burning divinity and dat axe this is a tough fight and it will keep you on your toes throughout also I love the boss theme here but if you've seen my castlevania list you know that already and keep in mind at this point in the series chronology Julius is 55 years old up forget Chuck Norris this is a man you know what never mind so yeah Skyward Sword I can't think of a single Zelda game that has divided the fan base as much as this one except maybe zelda two people are divided about the motion controls people are divided about the game's world people are divided about this particular incarnation of Zelda but regardless on your thoughts on the game one thing that most people agree on is that the ancient cistern was the best dungeon in the game not to mention the best water dungeon in the franchise aside from taking advantage of Link's newfound ability to actually swim this dungeon was not only gorgeous but also based on a Buddhist legend so it should come as no surprise that the big Bettie guarding the precious heart container happens to be a giant robotic Asherah Rajeshwari and what is with my image grabber today so yeah qalaat dose is friggin awesome I mean he's a giant six-armed machine of death and his design is amazing the fight starts with him rooted to the ground as he throws our giant friggin axes followed by slamming him into the ground long enough for you to tear him apart piece by piece with your whip what is link secretly a belmont to after you break his garden hack at the beasts core for a bit he pulls himself out of the ground and holy [ __ ] those swords are huge from their co-op dose goes berserk with his blades and even summons pecans to pester you once again you wait for him to get stuck tear his arms apart and you've got to be kidding me yes yes yes hahaha you actually get to pick up one of his giant swords and chop him to pieces with it this is an excellent battle that combines awesome design intense challenge and an amazing boss theme it's no wonder this fight is loved so much hey what can I say I like my bosses how I like my music heavy and metal you know those villains that just won't stay dead yeah Ridley is so connected with the Metroid franchise that the writers will find any reason to resurrect him I actually have a justice of those let's see mechanical clone check infuse them with Faison check position of corpse by ex parasite check actual clone that gives Samus a close encounter with post-traumatic stress disorder check literally crawling out of the depths of hell actually that's the one thing they haven't done with him yet we'll see how long that lasts mechanically enhanced buddy yeah they did that twice which brings us to the meta-ridley battle from Metroid Prime by this point in the game you may have forgotten about this bastard space pirate until he destroys her only means of reaching your final battle so now it's time to show off the fruits of your planet-wide training regimen to make a long story short this guy is claws down okay claws down ferocious in the air he's a threat thanks to his plasma breath and homing missiles and on the ground he's even more of a threat because of his breath razor-sharp claws high speed charging and oh yeah that freaking tail of his seriously how many whips are we packing into this video oh and Ridley proves that he's smart here by actually protecting his weak point until you stun in this is a fight that puts all your skills to the test with incredible atmosphere awesome music and intensity that hasn't been seen before or since in Metroid not to mention that it's so satisfying when the temple reactivates and sends ridley plummeting to his doom this fights at a high bar for future battles with a beast it's also why I look forward to these fights no matter how many [ __ ] excuses the writers find to bring him back if it isn't the heir to the throne of the roaming rule o leader of the space pirate band known across the universe as the guys och Prince workin in a game like the wonderful 101 where the boss fights consist of stuff like giant squids snakes and three-headed dragons Prince for whom was probably the only antagonist in the game who actually fought you on your level that's probably why I find his boss fight so satisfying that and his character was actually pretty interesting he's cunning and ruthless yeah but at the same time he carries a certain charm and sophistication about him also he's voiced by Quinton Flynn yes that Quinton Flynn these fights test your skills with knowing when to dodge and when to counter not to mention their fierce frantic and chaotic as all hell they're also accompanied by one of the best boss teams in the entire game however the final encounter takes everything about these fights up to 101 after that sexy space kappa Mordor reveals the surprisingly tragic story behind the Magnificent bastard you find him at the top of the final goddess statue only to find out that he's already keelhauled one of his alleged allies allies this is New York fat Ally with the DS bomb after some more intimidating and humorous banter the fight kicks into high gear right away on the downside you can't recruit allies before or during the fight so you're probably outnumbered here thankfully you have that sexy space Kappa morta to help you out and she's powerful enough to make a French Dip look redundant and if you thought the regular fights were intense ho-ho jealous wait'll do you drop his health bar for the first time after one of the game's well-done QuickTime events for Ken unveils his trump card yeah he has his own unlimited form and everything just takes a level in badass the music is more dramatic the combat is even more frantic and everything feels so much more satisfying and the end result makes you feel like the game story has taken a turn for the darker I would say more but I don't want to spoil any more of the game because Mark Baber negev lagged oh well at least there aren't any oh come on anybody who says that the we was a kiddie system clearly hasn't played the No More Heroes games these games delivered over-the-top bloody violence offbeat humor and adult innuendos aplenty Dawood [ __ ] dog not to mention some surprising character development especially in the second game as Travis climbs the ranks in his search for revenge he begins to realize that the UAA's fights are more than just a game this development is displayed in the fights against Margaret and Captain Vladimir but it truly comes to a head in his battle against the UAA's rank - and my rank for Alice Twilight Alice excels not only as a boss but as a character as well unlike most of the other assassins in the game Alice has become weary of her life as an assassin and has long since come to realize the futility of this bloodsport bunny Travis has been beginning to realize the same thing now we get to the fight and apparently Alice's travels have taken her to Skywalker Ranch because she comes packing six bean katanas strangely even though her blades outnumber your own she has pretty much the same moves as your own oh well except for the lasers not only is this a challenging fight but the atmosphere is incredible the battle takes place on the roof at sunset wait the fight is at Twilight just like the fight with Margaret took place during a full moon mine also the music is surprisingly subdued and actually kind of somber seemingly echoing the mindset of a combatants at this point but what feels it though is the aftermath as Travis deals the killing blow he finds himself screaming in agony over the death of the greatest opponent he's faced his battles with Little Miss Reaper and Madame Russia's space program may have given him insight as to the nature of his battles but seeing Alice's blood on his hands pushes him over the edge seriously this fight has so much going for it not only in terms of its atmosphere and gameplay but also in hammering home the message of the futility of violence and revenge certainly does a better job than Windows mix sidequest over here that jokes been done I'm not doing it again number three entry now nostalgia is a dangerous thing yeah in some cases it works but in others it backfires horribly if you want to do a boss that capitalizes on nostalgia do it right like the weapons archive in Mega Man 10 probably the most retro style boss on this whole list this boss is a loving tribute to the history of the series yeah the three phases of this fight are spaced throughout wily stage 1 but the game still counts them as one fight each phase consists of three capsules who mimicking the attacks of robot masters of the past the robot master pictured corresponds to the attack being used phase one features elec man wood man and Gemini man Phase two highlights ring man napalm man and flame man the final phase brings back tornado man and we finally get to see what slash man and frost man looked like an 8-bit form I meant officially perhaps what impresses me the most about these flights are the little details that go into them most prominently shown is the fact the weakness of each capsule is in some way related to the corresponding robot masters original weakness but there's more in the background there are a series of blocks with three lit up during each phase the blocks that are lit up correspond to the serial numbers of the robot masters featured in each phase mine load again wow Capcom you really sweated the small stuff on this one when it comes down to it this is a boss that takes the nostalgia bomb and uses it to create an explosion of Awesomeness it's bosses like this that make me want Capcom to stop whoring out Street Fighter and give Megaman a new lease on life or at the very least sell the franchise to Nintendo at least they seem to give a [ __ ] in sin and Punishment star successor things start crazy and just get crazier the first boss is consisted of a mutant Hoth and a giant turtle monster among other things but when I reach the end of the second stage I just ran out of even's the fight against Arman Ritter is pure insanity and I love it for that after a brief chase in which you dodges beams of darkness he decides to sighs what I look at the guy just transformed into a giant stingray and now he's assaulting you with slimeballs missiles bullets and electricity obviously here you have to take on his Hellfire by blasting him and deflecting ten missiles at which point he explodes into a mass of slime balls that you have to destroy for some odd reason of course you won't destroy them all before time runs out so at that point he transforms again this time into a giant sea horse who seems to have studied dr.wily because his arsenal now contains Gemini lasers and black hole bombs and he'll also unleash bullets and spinning lasers as he protects his weak point enough damage now and he'll attack with water walls and bouncing bombs until you causing a split up into those slime balls again finally he'll transform again this time into a dolphin no wait avid opened five of den these dolphins start by firing bullets and energy rings then attack you by bouncing exploding Cleaves balls your way and finally throwing their weight around until you finish off Arman for good this time unlike previous bosses in which build up our atmosphere contribute to the fight Arman gets this high merely for the sheer insanity and excitement despite brings in a game that relies on challenge and gameplay above all else you expect bosses to be fun and satisfying in that respect this boss nails it big time and proves that this game is one that is just begging to be played more SeaWorld ain't got [ __ ] on this guy as I've said before Xenoblade Chronicles has become one of my favorite games of all time and unfortunately I have to spoil a lot of it here for most of the game the primary villain of the story is the leader of mechanis Eagle as it turns out Eagle is actually a tragic villain motivated by the devastation of his home at the hands of a Gaddafi bionis zanza so when you face him in the core of the mechanist you don't want to kill him you just want to stop him I'm not gonna lie to you this fight is awesome Bar None my favorite non final boss ever and really can you blame me as the fight begins against eagle and his massive golden Gundam XP you can immediately see how imposing he is not only do his attacks have a wide attack range but they can also inflict statuses on you such as toplin art seal not to mention that they caused significant knock-back not only that but for every status ailment and debuff in the game easy the resistant or completely immune so you'll have to rely solely on your power and skills also being the ruler of the mech on he'll occasionally some in smaller mech on to get in your way it does play out mostly like other fights in the game that is until shulk receives a certain vision now most visions show an attack that will either crippled or KO your teammates but this one oh crap he just went there at this point it becomes a race against time to destroy the three control towers before Makana stairs by on us a new one the size of Yosemite thankfully two minutes should be more than enough time to do so and once you do Edgar will be stunned his guard will be down and your tension will be at max giving you the perfect opportunity to finish him off what follows is proof of how much shulk has developed throughout the game he has the perfect opportunity to kill a kill right there but he ultimately stops himself from doing so instead he tells Eagle that he shares the same pain that he has and that instead of killing Eagle he makes about to stop his blade for as long as it takes for the people of bionis and mechonis to find peace again this fight has so many qualities I admire in a boss fight excellent gameplay a true sense of tension great music sweet atmosphere and even a display of character development this is a showcase of many reasons why i love xenoblade chronicles so damn much I'm the quarter guy and Dixon you shouldn't have done that little brat you son of a [ __ ] hello you taste the rainbow [ __ ]
Channel: The Quarter Guy
Views: 204,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boss Battles, animalguy001, The Chaos Theatre, peanut3423, Video Games, Like a BOSS, yt:stretch=16:9, VGCUtterSpartan, Favorite, joshscorcher, The Quarter Guy, MaverickHunterZero75, YouTube, Top Fifteen, rabbidluigi, shohmyooh127, Countdown, itionobo2, Normal
Id: NeqcVH-sWiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Fri May 02 2014
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