Top Fifteen Worst Mavericks

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shitty bosses bah humbug sanity is a requirement for our kind hey it's no secret I love me some mega man and I'm not just talk about the classic series I'm also talking about the various generations which brings us to Mega Man X here's the thing in the X series the story is darker the gameplay is expanded upon and the bosses or Mavericks are for the most part pretty damn awesome of course there are those stinkers that just piss me off for some reason whether it's their design stage boss fight weapon or whatever these are the rough boys that make my Gorge rise now let me lay down a few ground rules first no Mavericks from command mission that's an RPG and it doesn't feel right second I'm not counting Sigma file etc just the ones that give you weapons third for the sake of variety I'm including at least one boss from each of the main series X Games also word of warning I am about to get vicious in terms of my language if you're easily offended well that's your problem not mine enough stalling I've got a zombie to put down it's game time Mega Man x4 okay to be honest picking just one bad maverick and x4 was really torturous after all x4 had the best overall rogues gallery of Mavericks in the series since x4 is my absolute favorite Mega Man X game it'll be no surprise that I place it's representative for suck at the lowest spot on the list because in all seriousness the closest thing this game has to a bad maverick is cyber peacock McAfee ain't gonna help you here chief well this guy isn't exactly horrible he does carry a lot of missed potential the use of cyberspace is an element isn't exactly something that's explored often so it's not like there's much of a president but they could have done a lot more with it for one it's design doesn't exactly scream I'm a bad guy I'm gonna kill you his stage is pretty good and creative but can be very earth tuned to go through there are switches everywhere that flips it sideways Wood happy flying Bingham up bunkers and lumps of lemon jelly Oh goddamnit not as well rip out my controller while you're at it it doesn't help that his fight is even more basic than the other less creative element based Mavericks he performs several of the cool techniques you would expect a beam like this to do they'll teleport around the room generate cybernetic constructs and will attempt to confuse you as much as possible but that's just about it it's a pretty repetitive fight and annoying if you're not well-versed with the series at least the weapons are ok especially zeros cool new gig attack panting battle cry and all and if this is the worst export could do it really speaks volumes of the quality of the roster but enough praising x4 it's time to get down to the real [ __ ] and here we have the original stinker Oh Lord this is gonna get ugly the original Mega Man X is a case similar to x4 in that it too had a great lineup of killer Mavericks unfortunately there is one maverick that just doesn't do it for me yeah I'm not afraid to say it flame mammoth sucks and apparently he blows to this not so giant giant is a weird unsavory mixed bag there are a few deals he does surprisingly well in and fails to deliver and just about everything else just for the sake of ease let's cover those he does some good in the first one being his weapon the fire wave well somewhat practical in offense really doesn't supply any more uses than just a short-range line of fire think of the pyro from tf2 except two-dimensional literally not the best weapon in the game but far from terrible then there's his stage an abandoned Factory exactly the kind of thing you'd want to see in the midst of an Android war complete with ravage conveyor belts have mangled worker Reptoids pissed to see you and these guys who seem to never run out of thick access here I ask where they're getting those from it's well-paced it's cool to get the Buster upgrade the music is headbang worthy and it's funny how the lava freezes over after you beat the penguin does that even work too bad the guy himself is a complete derp first sign of flame his design which is huge yet unremarkable frame and his decidedly derpy expression this guy sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the to line up this panel is also extremely underwhelming takes place in a conveyor belt kind of like metal man from Mega Man 2 but without any of the thrill because the belt moves as slow as molasses flame mammoth will spit out fire in foil jump around the room causing earthquakes and occasionally reverse the belt one major problem with this fight is that the arena is wide and if play mammoth is off-screen you can't hurt him but he can still hurt you book is that bear on the plus side you can cut off his trunk with the boomerang cutter which is pretty funny that can't change the fact that play mammoth deserves to go extinct you don't have to spectacularly suck at one thing to be labeled as a dud being met in virtually every category is just about as bad and this is probably going to end up hurting me but neon tiger fits the description questionable pick for being the worst of x/3 I know but plug-in tiger looks more than he actually does so what's to actually like about him his design which is actually a trifle basic looks pretty cool he's a tiger for crying out loud unfortunately that's just about all I can say off this thing in a positive light everything else about this guy just bores me it's staged a total snoozefest a forest setting in spite of its simplicity doesn't make it automatically boring in design another point that explore shows off beautifully but this forest kind of is it's not too interesting a level to begin with but was the only memorable thing about it being the mini bots and how it looks really it's just a force without any sense of fitting atmosphere mystery or excitement the only things I remember from it are those dragon blades can stand on and the dirt monsters that eat up the floor leaving two spikes behind even the music which usually kicks as in Megaman X is a fairy repetitive tune that literally cycles through each of its bars four consecutive times if what I've been saying here stepped on the cat's tail this next bit out of outright neuter him sporting that vicious look would tell you right away that he puts up a good fight but net his federal standards border on the lines of lightweight stone man he jumps up on the wall stays there shoots massively avoidable rays splashes jumps down and goes to the other side that's pretty much it even without his weakness he's still one of the laziest bosses the x-series has ever seen repetitive simple hardly threatening you know the usual shitty floss recipe those cloths he has all of one attack where he uses them and his weapon is it at least worthwhile I guess but it's not very fun to use despite how effective it is against the late game bosses press the button and quite literally watch the fireworks useful but I'd rather take the frosted flakes to be honest give them to some poor starving child in Africa God knows they need food ok so we all know how iffy x5 is in some areas difficulty spikes alia the oversaturation of text alia but it's not one I personally can call terrible the Maverick roster was disappointing after seeing x4 but it does have its good eggs and then there's the ones that run in the fridge that nobody opens grizzly slashes one of them following what both nyan tiger and flame mammoth shout out on a plate this is another miserable SAP that just confuses me design-wise he looks ok I guess might seem like an understatement looking at the badass artwork but well this gives him a ferocious brutish visage his in-game sprite just looks stupid I don't know why but I just can't do anything but laugh at it and what is up with the design choices made here for all the locations to put a bear mavar again why a train you could have put them in the woods in a fishing stream even a circus would make more sense than a goddamn Express locomotive but no fairs on trains might as well give us card games on hippos forget it I'm done as for the stage itself it's just a crappy person of slashed beast stage from x4 I'll do the weapon he gives us the best aspect or least shitty I should say zero once again gets the better end of the stick being ordered with both a stronger spin technique and a double jump X basically gets the equivalent of quick man's quick boomerang which is still pretty good but the quote-unquote fight you have with this dysfunctional picnic basket case just rounds any decent praise me before in [ __ ] if you're going to flash a bold warning Sun in my face at least have the boss be competent next narration toad man people's he growls a stock rel leaves with the power of the force and occasionally digs down like drunken spin drill Mario yeah yeah I love it don't you if you even care to call them that his attacks are embarrassingly easy to dodge even on the hardest setting yeah yeah Guns and Roses reference yeah but at least I can fully grasp his Japanese name being Crescent grizzly he jumps like he's on the [ __ ] moon if you're jumping cycle takes three whole seconds to happen something is wrong oh yeah looks like he's gonna fight you finally nope I duck how did Sigma approve of you might as well wrap up this guy for zag yes from bad place with love yeah [ __ ] you know it really is a shame nearly from the run core of the Apple to preceded it not many people know of x8s good bearings yeah the arts Dale change and it still feels weird to have the characters sport a 3d look but it truly does feel like a genuine respectable member of the Megaman X family take it as a blunt suggestion from me if you haven't touched it or even look in its general direction take a shot of the Buster and take it for a spin it's not what x7 was guys it's maverick roster on the other hand not so much I mean bamboo pandemonium what the hell kind of name is that and who knew it would actually be big several Mavericks have some seriously awkward or father some dialects but panda boys seems to make the least amount of sense aka what the hell is with this guy's voice why does he sound like Ben Stein the design is pretty bland - I mean with something like a panda I guess you don't have much to work with in terms of ferocity but couldn't they at least give him some frigging pupils at least grizzly flash looked cool in concept art but this guy no no look at all he's a derp on all levels a derp robot can't get much more modest than that the only real good thing about him is his stage and well let's just say it's not one he deserves fellas own it's a within a forest oh you mean what a panda lives in LA but honestly it's a decent stage I mean yeah the main route can be a little repetitive with monotonous shootouts against 17 million enemy walkers and the path to get the upgrades can be a real pain in the ass with the clunky walker design probably the worst in the series but I do find some joy going through it I'll also admit the fight isn't horrible I mean it's boring don't get me wrong but I can stomach it fine although unlike flame mammoth it doesn't really feel satisfying to put the derp down feels like none of that really mattered maybe that's because the Webb Anil Eve's you with is mad slow and clunky just like him it's like I didn't even get something worthwhile for that below-average scuffle thanks [ __ ] truth be told pandemonium might be based on an endangered species but I feel no shame whatsoever in putting this thing down okay time to talk about my guilty pleasure of the series Megaman X 6 yeah it's not spectacular and it wasn't supposed to even exist in the first place but I can still find some good in it the gameplay is solid as ever zero is awesome as always once you defeat the zero nightmare and the music for the most part is the kick-ass norm however x6 still lousy job of handling it's Mavericks oh I'm sorry nightmare investigators how shall I put this I'll take 6 chromium donuts one medium corrosive purple Fanta one spicy jerk ass chicken and make it fresh as hell the place headaches combo will give you heartburn from a maverick wielding a fire element I would at least expect some kind of decent level design almost every other fire maverick has that even charred broiled tantor from the second you warp into the action you're immediately sucked out of the enjoyment drop down the cliff and what is that um it's a donut it's a donut alright can I walk it over it nope it got Kiwi goddamn Kiwis why can't you stop yeah okay that was a pain well guess what you fight this thing a total of six times this is the mechanical menaces bass or some [ __ ] Dunkin Donuts what is with the donuts it's clear that Capcom was trying to emulate the mini-boss gauntlet with this level I can appreciate the gesture guys but this is just brainless the aptly named red ring of [ __ ] but if the start is annoying and bland as it is but six times that's not even a joke the team behind x6 will just flat out asses he on top of being lazy how does one even do that the donuts last a big nasty wound at the Battle for silk arsenic battery acid moon dust and lemon juice into it by that I mean for being painfully easy this chicken McNuggets summons his deadly grape kool-aid then mad thing he faces back and forth like a dumbass slowly rises up can't you see was [ __ ] ly easy to avoid lava balls and leave it to ki has a different attack as far as the weapons go it's the exact opposite as grisly /ex gets an extremely useful slap that shoots fireballs all 0 just gets a basic upward fire slash that's hardly useful either way it's nowhere near what the trouble you go through just getting to this [ __ ] let alone shoveling yourself to this horrible battle seriously [ __ ] this bird so yeah x2 well it doesn't quite measure up to the original it's still a good game in its own right unfortunately for what it did right it did a few things wrong as well for example snails are not exactly known for being threatening so why the [ __ ] would Capcom think of making a maverick out of one crystal snail is lame this jerk combines a stupid design with a fight that's annoying as your average snail in the flower garden I mean seriously look at it I don't know about you but I just can't take this guy seriously let's give him some credit though his stage is pretty cool crystal mine with various multicolored surfaces pink Gemini man stage enhanced two 16-bit specifications layouts a bit odd and it's got a lame mini boss sure the shiny environmental look use of the walker the slick music track and the slippery slopes are all fun especially the slopes unfortunately the mollusk has a fight that's about as boring as watching your garden-variety snail dribble all over the new roses first of all it takes him ten full seconds to get down to the ground and shut that awkward face right out at us lovely first impression there dude where's this going to take us about half an hour's worth of tedium he spits at your face I'd like a big wuss and always hovers about in the air sometimes for as long as dirt tene seconds and whatever you do don't fight him without his weakness weapons he will dunk and cover from damage so much but the huge defense hitbox he has not using his weakness weapon is a free of charge route to 30 minutes down the [ __ ] the best way to put it this is like fighting on Naga and Mortal Kombat deception a lot of blocking even more yelling also he slows down time how the [ __ ] that works is beyond me but it just drags out the fight even longer everything about this fight runs at about a snail's pace okay it's that supposed to be your idea of grandiose inside jokes then go back to Clown College and that weapon is quit d-bag the crystal hunter is a slow-moving blue blob that come haunts down enemy targets and chasing them in Crystal and it turns the enemy into a platformer but you can only use it once per enemy and it doesn't kill anything except maybe overdrive ostrich also I didn't mention how useless the charged up for this weapon is it slows down time at all enemies within range but it slows down you to real useful there missed opportunity thy name is crystal nor says that right meet your match Sierra Club considering what they did to the poor defenseless snail what do you think they did to the cute little portal pretty much the same thing but worse whereas Crystal snail at least had a unique idea to him Rainie turtle oh it really has nothing remember folks size isn't everything this trite turtle Titan may as well be the evolved form of crystal snail because he's a step up from a pain in the ass tone even bigger pain in the ass well I will admit his design does look pretty awesome and they actually did make him look like a turtle this one point still gets piledrive down to whatever Mega Man China looks like yeah that's it did you expect more did that 50 bucks to expect more well too bad second end tip tub doesn't do returns for one thing his stage is up there with blaze he takes on the annoyance factor it takes place within a desolate region of e nami Japan it looks cool at first with a neat pagoda in the background tonight stay out there and then acid rain yes that's 100% what I meant to say [ __ ] acid rain the stage is constantly paraded with drops of this [ __ ] and it actually eats away at your health the idea here is to locate these random tiniest little course that power the acid rain generators it's bad enough that there's a size of one Buster lemon making them hard to hit but they get cluster next up packs of enemies god damn if it weren't for the healing capital I swear the stage would be darn near impossible can I at least get a good boss battle oh that's not pleasant that she'll if his dominates the fight he never even turns around that kill is facing you the entire time that you're facing him and it factors into all of his attacks for one he'll fire off a barrage of missiles and the only safe spot is in the upper corner of the room for two he'll withdraw into that shell which grows spikes and try to tackle you his desperation attack has him ramming the walls and throwing numerous globs of dangerous water this is extremely hard to avoid for two reasons one there's so many gloves to avoid and two when he hits the wall he shakes it so hard that you won't be able to stay on oh and you can't even damage him until you destroy his weak points which couldn't be more obvious if they had arrows pointing to them now and his weapon sucks to meteor rain neither Falls up people now let me just kick this guy over to Mario so I can move on okay this is primarily my experience but squid Adler frustrates me to absolutely no end why I'll explain it's the same situation as blaze he makes he looks cool but going through his stage was a pain in the ass it starts with the right taste or level that looks like it was designed to piss you off this is like trying to watch that [ __ ] succubus cut scene from DMC without laughing or cringing here I'll prepare you're gonna laugh it's disappointing to see the games one and only right say sir stage handled so carelessly look at that I'm already dead they expect us to react as quickly they throw the surprise pitch before the word ready even subsides that's not readying us up cuz I've jet stingray was bad you haven't seen [ __ ] well it's worse if you want the power up here you need to get all the blue orbs on the track which can lead to even more deaths that's just the first half of the level the second half of the stage is done on foot a lot of the enemies are shielded and rooms are separated by these doors that can only be opened by connecting switches problem is the switches take so long to close and if you can't get to the door in time the switch opens up closing the [ __ ] doors and making you do the whole [ __ ] process over again after that some arbitrary hanging bars poorly placed spikes and electric traps and you can see why this stage drives me to insanity and we haven't even gotten to Adler himself yet sure the fight starts out easy with you having to jump over the electric policy constantly throws not too much trouble until he loses 1/3 of his health then it gets hairy at this point Adler starts creating blocks in the middle of the arena making it tougher to dodge his attacks some of these blocks are even electrified which adds one more thing to dodge as if that weren't enough he'll start electrifying the floor meaning you're stuck on the wall all this [ __ ] going on at once means you'll have to keep moving neither of his weapons are worth the trip down ripoff he'll either ex get something useless and zero gets the only means of beating the shadow devil without wasting breath all right hex there is something worth all that misery but Megaman is kind of defined by its levels I'm not sure if I'm in the majority or the minority here but this isn't the kind of stage that tugs on my arm and says let's have some fun sounds like the kind I never want to play again [ __ ] [ __ ] back to the bottom of the idea has been in x2 seriously where the people at capcom high when they designed wire sponge they throw this horrific dumpster snowman in our face and expect us to think it's a sponge well that's a flat-out lie he looks like a pickle with pot leaves for Swords Dance be high on something when they conjured this up crack weed dope speed whatever it's far known one of the stupidest looking Mavericks ever drawn up he's a derp but the design already being both unappealing and misleading can you expect anything else to be better well you're gonna have some fun just by the look of that we're sponge was the Maverick the developers probably intended you to go after first his level tries to throw the gimmick of whether changing your way but it's still very basic why because the weather doesn't do anything does a good job at increasing the brightness level I guess but the Sun barely changes the environment or the enemies not to mention the rainstorm hinders you less than even a flea trying to block your path it just doesn't work well thankfully it's nothing atrocious or ballbusting but it still has little excuse for being this underwhelming Rainey Colonel Lloyd need a more threatening climate than this negatively dull and easy even if this was the first stage we'd enter I wouldn't call it excusable but then with sponge bong is exactly as his stage sets up boring he stands his ground from afar rips off Legend of Zelda jumps like he's a happy bunny with a blank expression flings onto the ceiling for no reason and starts making the battlefield his new special plantation come on for a pile of suck called wire sponge there's really nothing wire or sponge about this fight at all where's the electricity Zam minou oblivion already you're supposed to kill me Oh finally there's some Lightning come on really funny thing is being so big he probably thinks he's hurting us hey yeah it hurts all right hurts my sanity just like watching your plants shrivel up and die boring nothing happens and it's a said an enviable display of nature also the strike chains a letdown pick the hook shot only it doesn't work at all it doesn't strike down anything except maybe Sigma second form don't do drugs kids especially if you're getting into game design it's come to this hasn't it huh exhibits terrible and I hate it when teaming atrocious shifted perspective BOTS character portrayals gimmicks up the ass and decides forces that regularly make grown rep Lloyd's blow out their own goddamn CPU it's the absolute worst the series has gotten people who like it are few and far between and it's among one of my most hated games of all time you could say that this list was just one big reason to keep this [ __ ] in and nothing else and you may be entirely right this games gonna pay for what it did to Megaman X and I might as well start with a [ __ ] pig bite I mean with all the [ __ ] I've been shoveling my way through at least all the previous in seven machines I've torn apart could actually Casas actual Mavericks but with the festering heap of mecha pig [ __ ] that is fried borsky so many questions come to mind first off what the hell is this I'm even looking at this half-assed idea isn't even original let alone something I can stomach he's sadly a main series robot enemy that can shift into a vehicle gee that's fresh concept was fun when megaman 7 did it but it didn't carry well into the newer games at all his stage is a ride chaser stage that takes place on a highway circuit instead of simply driving towards the goal however you need to pick up bombs on the track this wouldn't be such a problem except that the right answers controls are so awkward that it's almost impossible to do the job in one go on top of that there's bomb during enemy's webinars traffic cones and exploding boxes if you think that's bad there's also red woods to rescue which in itself is a pain in the ass since one false move could cause one of them to die possibly costing you a powerup and as if that weren't bad enough there's a time limit as if I didn't have enough to worry about damn it and after all that [ __ ] behind you in those dirty lost lives you get to the fast road road hog himself just this is Randy material who wants to hear this hog talk anyway well I don't not to mention he brought his infinitely spawn and Posse with him but such an unpleasant sea of misery and embarrassment I had to drag my way through I'm gonna have a freak pigs head on my wall shitty design shitty stage shitty boss battle and all smushed together with a very undeserved music piece how the hell did he get this on did here this biker [ __ ] ransacks and crush 40 stalks what do we get to all that beyblades beyblades that's it I'm gonna go eat some bacon Wow Wow ah I can't believe this is real all my bitching about the designs of past Mavericks may have sounded irrelevant you know with the word [ __ ] being tossed around but here it's actually come to life let me tell you what ground Sierra [ __ ] is in case you didn't already know it's a dung beetle a dung beetle what is it about this design that bugs me well for those of you who don't carry up a thesaurus around in your pants let me put it to you bluntly it's [ __ ] but the inner machinations of this revolting Kizer don't stop at the design oh no his stage is also pretty [ __ ] up but this terrible idea if you'd expect something like its own habitat to be made into the stage but no it's another one of those what the [ __ ] am I even looking at levels a museum a random museum with nothing in it what are these totem poles you touch them and what the hell did someone hack my game all right Chewie I know you're watching this is what happens when crack is mixed up with a respectable job either that or just insane laziness and then for whatever reason someone thought it would be dynamite to litter a whole ass load of nightmares and heaps of [ __ ] to come subdue you all that with randomly generated rooms of tedium and boredom that's right they're random but all of them are both a chore to go through and just very unprofessional it just makes no sense anywhere in a serious moment okay not so serious I'm not thinking the whole jumbled [ __ ] in with this place it's shuttle II patched together with it's only impaired thoughts but towards [ __ ] out as much enemies as possible and not much more thought was put into the battle either the only thing he does is always turn around that's it that's we don't let it touch me she even know I'm here look he's just doing his business hello I'm here to kill you respect the art of fighting what's worse his weapons are crap the deceptively named ground - just creates a folder that's as slow as [ __ ] and has very limited range unless you charge it the technique zero gets is even worse it causes zero to dive at an enemy an awkward angle and the can't be interrupted allow me to reiterate do we have to take this [ __ ] back to x8 this is what happens when I call a game good it shrivels up and dies now I have to clean up the corpse but honestly that corpse smells better than this skunk we high OH how in the name of Luba dr. King can you make a decent game even have something like this even conceived optics sunflower is easily the worst maverick in Megaman X 8 where do I start with him maybe the fact that he's a sunflower you know with arms and legs and a face but that's not the whole deal this cold wearing patch of crabgrass wouldn't be this high if it was just for bad concept I don't think there's a single good thing about and for one thing his stage is uninspired and boring it's nothing but a series of tests like how fast you can destroy these enemies or how many you can kill within a certain time limit and the areas are connected by small yet annoying hallways what did Sigma make some demonic love with GLaDOS or something if I wanted to play minigames I'd place a [ __ ] Mario Party in fact this looks familiar cyberspace file rooms this is a cyber peacock ripoff his battle is annoying as well for most of the fight he'll dwarf around the room rearranging the blocks in his room and creating clones of himself while occasionally shooting off lasers that can be easily avoided because they don't go to the platforms and then there are these orbs which can trap you meaning you left a switch then when is backs against the wall he'll start bombarding you with what is with the lasers as far as the weapon you get zero gets his Giga attack which is lackluster to be honest excellent which is actually pretty good and it gets fireworks [ __ ] fireworks on a side note if you have data from command mission you actually can fight cut men in this stage flee with a bit spike cool Easter Egg but far from enough to redeem this [ __ ] stainable maverick and really sad when you think of how captain has made good plant-based Mavericks in the past split mushroom from x4 had a cool stage and an extremely useful weapon exil go red also had a cool stage and weapon and his design was pretty slick this weed on the other hand is a living question mark and the question mark here is obvious as hell why does this thing exist and to think he still have two more left you thought I was about to cry before this next guy is about to bring me to tears seriously Capcom what the [ __ ] were you thinking when you came up with tornado ton yin optics ton flare wasn't the first one of these stupid non-animal designs this punchline came first believe it or not great starting blueprint there Capcom the blue is from the tears of your consumers children teenagers adults anybody who spent money on this wad of sloppy mediocrity shares my sentiments so tweet even need a reason as to why this was a [ __ ] idea first let's dice the design he's [ __ ] onion and onion never mind that it's something maligned for making people cry you are fighting with something that you put in your soup help your sandwich your everyday cuisine this is the absolute bottom of the idea pinch our minds are made of vegetables Capcom your work is this isn't pokemon guys this is Megaman X I wouldn't expect a game series centered around a semi apocalyptic war between robots and deep moralities have a [ __ ] salsa ingredient as a major enemy use your heads guys you're grown adults for God's sake [ __ ] onion and he doesn't even look like an onion we're like clown man if he swallowed a pumpkin what pumpkin pumpkin what what what pumpkin what and the way this [ __ ] acts makes me want to rip his face off and drown him in a fan of searing plasma who in any existence behaves like this today I'm really just paid for this this is horseshit we haven't even gotten to a stage back when I was a boy remember when stages actually you know had things in them god I miss those days but seriously what is it with this place it's nothing but a spiraling walkway with sparse enemies and when I say sparse I mean basically nothing I'm dead serious you can do nothing but dash jump is any character and not get hit once without any resistance stay just forget then we like to be challenged why did this have to go and become a baby's crib this is nothing three levels one lousy mini boss and I'm still bored to tears and since this state capitalized on simply dashing around in a circle why not have a boss to the same I'm not kidding look he does absolutely nothing but spin that's gotta be a ballet record but why those are the two words to paraphrase this D student novel nothing and why we have a sentient vegetable who's also a fruit doing choreograph the hokey-pokey [ __ ] with a teeny tiny baby man pee-wee Herman boy in a Mega Man game this is beyond any [ __ ] I can't cope with the designs a joke it's characters retired Sonic X material the stage is empty a battle horrible repetitive the weapon blows and besides he's just an onion he's just an onion he's chosen Oh here's Justin onion who's Justin onion okay okay I'm cool uncle I'm hired by now I'm ready for just about anything great now I was wrong I was not I was I was down ridging yo I'm gonna [ __ ] die I'm not getting out of this mi sweet merciful a latina dis maverick this [ __ ] maverick X sevens crowning bastard easily one of the most maligned things ever put in Megaman flame high an art is a class below any and all Reptoid life now what kind of sense does this make I thought my gut for second onion in your face and then show this shouldn't the onion be number one well I get what you're saying in terms of blunt design tornado ton yin is worse much worse I tuner fight a hyena than something straight from the kitchen but oh man that is the least of our worries well the plan seemed laughs riots were a straight-up embarrassment this scaping flamer puss buck is an absolute insult everything from stage to battle to 11 years later the agony never goes away I mean hyena would make for a cool design but they completely blew it I mean look at his face it looks like he's in pain the expression that's me right there what else went wrong here oh where do I start how about that awesome dead oh god it hurts to even fake saying that of course since he's the lord of the flames he's gonna have the best of all the fire stages you're [ __ ] kidding right the only thing to note here is that there's lava yep that's it lava rocks and lots of sustained non-moving is ever the layout is such [ __ ] [ __ ] it feels like the same thing going on for hours even changing the near color of a background would have been an improvement you like this picture right here you like it just use to it because that's all you're gonna see combined with the bland seating of x7 and molasses speed this feels like every bland boring thing in the x-games puking all over you uncontrolled brainless clusters of the same enemies the pacing of a dead slacking on interesting environment of Anna music track and a grand feeling of dissatisfaction the 3d area is even worse when you consider the absolutely horrendous camera and the fact that enemies can just pop in from out of nowhere not to mention the annoying laser sweepers that can knock you into the lava killing you instantly you'll be pulling your hair out just trying to survive to the end let alone rescuing all the Reptoids but the worst part is fighting this [ __ ] at the beginning you see two of him running at you throwing fireballs while a giant mechana-logs gazelle sheeps missiles at you from the edge of the arena shooter it gets worse no matter how much you shoot either of these guys the health bar won't go down so which one's the real one well guess what they're both clothes and the real ones on top of the [ __ ] gazelle are you [ __ ] me it's just worse when you get on top of the [ __ ] thing it's a txt depend on where you stand if you are the gazelles shoulders he'll just throw fireballs while missiles rain down on your head but god help you if you're in the middle because he'll summit is close to circle you and tell you it's fire and if you try to escape they'll all tackle you your best hope is to switch to zero and spam the [ __ ] out of sweet wretches in the entire time not only that but they're still friction on the McKenna Lloyd which means you'll slide it all over the place when it turns a corner and then there's high NR from the moment the fight starts he'll make it perfectly clear that he wants to se you on fire and watch you smolder until you're nothing but a pile of ashes on the floor or as he so chooses to put it flame high on art is everything terrible about x7 finding bland design a foreing and frustrating stage a cheap and annoying battle painful voice acting a weapon that sucks oh and since there's a boss rush you have to fight him again it's [ __ ] like this ax kefka seem subtle for me in particular this is one of the most insufferable things i've ever seen this is nothing but a migraine there is no maverick worse than this moral of the story don't be a flamer and don't ever fight this boss is over it's finally over but Christmas finely minced old hard water guy and praise the Lord for 10:50 worse now that shell totally no more days everybody you Oh they also said cider Waku a you can't Oh I know but surely so let it up to me Toshi Oh you Oh
Channel: The Quarter Guy
Views: 446,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Quarter Guy, The Chaos Theatre, Top Fifteen Worst Mavericks, Countdown, Video Games, peanut3423, joshscorcher, itionobo2, VGCUtterSpartan, shohmyooh127, rabbidluigi, animalguy001, MaverickHunterZero75, BURN TO THE GROUND, yt:stretch=16:9, Mega Man X (Video Game Series), Video Game (Industry), Mega Man Series (Video Game Series), Puron Digital
Id: fZWkhmY3l-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 1sec (2461 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 06 2014
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