Top Ten Worst Monster Hunter Monsters (Ft. Regnilla)

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Yello yo qg you ready to do this I just need a few minutes get ready I just got home just now dude where the hell were you well I was at the DNR I was gonna look at hunting license but I wasn't quite sure what category dragons fell under so what I was curious okay [Music] [Music] in recent years Monster Hunter has grown from a series that many Americans didn't quite get to a worldwide hit and one of Capcom's most popular series well the reason Monster Hunter World is the company's fastest selling title ever nowadays Monster Hunter has become immensely popular in the West but many players remain unaware of just how brutal the older installments of the series were if it wasn't for the game mechanics at the time it was certainly by the monsters themselves my experience dates back to the first Monster Hunter game on the ps2 in 2004 and needless to say that I've seen my fair share of screaming at a game that was considered the Dark Souls before dark souls with a thing yeah it's no surprise that Monster Hunter has an acquired taste and sometimes that taste can be pretty salty even today with all the awesome monsters the series provides there are also plenty that are either boring annoying or someone please kill me now sword Nilla and i are gonna tear into the ten that piss us off the most this is coming from our combined experiences with the series so we've got plenty of virtual scars to show while we weren't excluding monster hunter world specifically none of the monsters introduced in said game are quite bad enough for this list though a couple did come close they were nothing compared to these eldritch abominations you better stock up on potions and antidotes and have a good meal but canteen this ain't gonna be pretty lead the way partner it's going to be a rough journey through today's countdown so you better strap your ass in for the ride consider my ass strapped it's game time [Music] so starting off this horror fest is a monster that could be considered the og horror movie villain of the franchise players of the original game might remember the swamp which seems like a place where stabbings could happen so it shouldn't be surprising that we have a monster that likes to go steady stab with a giant beak the chips arose or the rubber chicken as I call it is a bird wavern that closely resembles the appearance and fighting style as a yian kut-ku only with a sturdy rubber hide and a flashlight in its head that said though it's not as simple as taking on a fad or kut-ku as it spits out a generous dose of poison when you try to smack it in the face just like it is in any game poison to be a serious annoyance unless you have armor that resists it or a full stack of antidotes but if you keep a safe distance that won't be the big issue here that flashlight on its head on the other hand will be the reason you want to smack it in the face in the first place when you hear the clack of that hammer crest you'd better do something or you will likely end up blinded and stunned getting stunned in the world of Monster Hunter is truly one of the worst things that can happen to you in the older games you would need to mash buttons to get rid of the stun element but that wouldn't do you much good when the other smaller monsters around you want a piece of that sexy Hunter ass namely the bow Fang goes and while it does borrow some of its physical attacks from the cuckoo two of its attacks can be pretty annoying as well when I could do picks at you the worst that can happen is simple damage the chip sorrows however can be a real pet pocket and then there's it's rubber dick tail which has more range than it looks like and as if it weren't enough of a trawl when it takes enough damage it tries to play dead which to be honest isn't exactly effective especially when it's the main target in a quest the reason that we have the chips Rose so low on this list is that while it is a troll and not a whole lot of fun to fight it's still a lower level large monster with a maliciously exploitable weak point it mainly just serves as a test of patience to those I thought the yank aku wasn't stupid enough [Music] Monster Hunter generations was essentially a greatest hits of the franchise many of the hunting areas were revamped versions of areas from previous games villages from previous games made a comeback and of course a multitude of monsters made a comeback to get beat down from your brand spanking new styles and hunter arts among the newcomers and generations we have the faded for which all have their own elemental abilities to beat down with the most notable of the fated for is to Glavine Asst which is what you get when you stitch a great sword to a monster's tail and give it PCP strength but it doesn't stop there with the glottis nor does it hurt any less another reason that the Glavine this is the most irritating of the fated for the fight is because it's faster than a t-rex on steroids as any right to be many times when a brute wyvern shows any sense of speed it's usually in a short burst in the case of the glam bonus it will chase you down from the other side of the arena like you saying [ __ ] bolt and we haven't gotten to talking about that great sword tale yet the tale on the globe Ernest is not just in the shape of a great sword but the tale is the same size as a devil Jose and moves at the speed of a long sword that's bulk length and speed working against you and not only will I cut you up like a butcher to a fine cut of meat it'll do its damnedest to roast you well-done not only does it have fire breath but it can even launch fireballs from that tail which means if you're anywhere near it and you aren't protecting yourself you're gonna be putting your grade school lessons to good use and another thing about that tail you can let me cut off when it's red hot and glowing which leads to the biggest days of its non-existence slaves you may notice turning clavinets fight that it will bite down on its tail and start making a loud grinding sound now if your head is on a swivel and expect bad things to happen then you would rightfully be as far back from the monster as you possibly can if you're not paying attention then you will be sent flying by a super powerful tail attack that would cut any normal person in half it's like pulling back on a tree branch and letting it go so it can hit your friend only the branch has a knife duct-taped to it and when we see as far back as possible we mean it that attack has disgusting range and special mention of a help like Glavine is a living killed whose throat and tail are always at maximum temperature give me any other of the pated for over this the gannets ice and bulk the asta lows and it's lightning speed that meets at Simeon it's bubbles next monster on the countdown is the conga Lala the second-generation monster and one voted most likely to still smell rancid even after a 10 day bath in the ocean while the other monsters are here on this shitshow due to being annoying or frustrating this thing is here because it's too stupid to take seriously even when you're supposed to seriously this is supposed to be a threat it's more like a vulgar stand-up routine than anything else by vulgar stand-up routine he means that the only people that would find the conga wall a funny are the 12 year olds laughing at fart jokes which conveniently explains most of the conga Lala's attacks in addition to attacks that would either leave the monster out of breath or make it twice as fat it has a nasty habit of throwing poo and launching explosive farts with a really nasty side effect both of these attacks can cause the rare soiled status which is another of the nastiest things that can happen to you when you're tainted by the stench nearly all of your items are too rotten to consume the only cure is to wait up the stink or to throw down a deodorant how one deodorant is enough to cure a stink like that is beyond me and just because you know how to stay away from the sphincter of this monster doesn't mean you're home free from the nasty business the mushroom that's often seen wrapped in the conga Lola's tail isn't just for show but rather it's a useful tool for the giant pink monkey to use against you by consuming one of several varieties of mushroom the Koala gains a breath attack that contains just about every status ailment including you guessed it more soiled status and then there is its subspecies the emerald tangle Allah for one thing it's more powerful and aggressive than its base counterparts a key rank one of these things can do as much as 70% damage or more to a hunter and G rank armor and one swipe also it can store more gas than big old pinky which means that in rage mode most of its attacks end n y up more farting and even as a super fart would continue skyward if it connects it's like a bad episode of South Park Philly just thinking about it yo where you going we're in the middle of the video hello a little privacy please [Music] hey there much better so what's nits why do I get the feeling that my shower was just wasted ye and googa I mean the bastard love child of the Ratheon and the yang cuckoo er er a time to dig into the antidotes again don't kid yourself you're gonna run out oh boy now the piss is starting to come to a simmer if you thought that the end cuckoo is stupid it's bully of a cousin is gonna come knockin by which I mean directly on your skull let me tell you it's ain't no lightsaber buddy it's a [ __ ] battering ram take everything you know about a Yank aku then throw most of its attacks out the window replace some of its attacks with or at the end and then make it listen to three days grace for five years that's basically what you're looking at with the Jaeger ooga it has a nasty temper but the front of the monster is not the thing you should be worried about it's that God forsaken tale just like the wrath the end this Punk's tail is venomous and boy howdy does it know how to use it back flips helicopter spins though works and if it so much as scratches you it's back to the antidote beg for another round and considering how often it puts that tale the task you may end up with a chemical dependency by the time you're done but just wouldn't you think you've avoided a decent tail swipe it's not over you may need to worry less about the monsters head but that still doesn't mean it can be ignored along with a single and triple fireball attack that would certainly turn on any nearby Ratheon it also has a war that can leave you stunned if you don't have the earplug skill combined with its propensity to go into rage mode and that tail the carrucha can land hit after hit before you realize what the [ __ ] and unlike its dizzy cousin the Garuda is immune to sonic bombs which you think would be effective against it since it shares the same trait of big ears thing is it's managed to adapt because its roar is basically the same effect natural selection can be a bit if that's the case then we just may need to wait for natural selection to turn us in the Super Saiyan sea until then however we need to deal with this hell spawn the same way we would with any monster cut it into pieces like the little psychopath you are and with a multitude of breakable parts on the yingu rouga it's oddly cathartic once one part breaks after another the monsters giveth as the monsters taketh away so it is written in the Bible of Monster Hunter geez and I thought summers in Arizona and California were bad enough isn't that right buddy Arizona may be hot all year round and California is on fire every six months but that doesn't mean a damn thing to a monster that can take a casual stroll through lava ever had a day where it was hotter than hell and you had to do some kind of physical labor outside ever feel like your strength was being sapped and you just didn't feel like moving now picture yourself at the base of an active volcano and you're tasked with digging your weapon into a monster with skin but it's quite literally made out of rock making you sweat yet because now it's time for the gravy oh s--- I swear if jumping attacks weren't so effective at cutting into this thing it would have taken me twice as long to count the first time I fought it that's because save for a few weak points only the sharpest of blades will be able to saw through that bony carapace normally everything else will just bounce off I hate to think of the hundreds ahead to face this thing back in the early days yeah I was spoiled with jumping and mounting and all that newfangled crap Graviola is a first generation monster and the adult form of the boss aureus and much like the adult counterpart finding this juvenile delinquent is like pulling teeth the gravity of sports many attacks similar to the bass Oreos but instead of it being able to poison hunters it can put hunters to sleep when not in rage mode and believe me you don't want to be caught napping around this tank for any reason especially when it has firepower to match yep unlike its troublesome youngster counterpart the grandiose packs literally heat in the form of the goddamn lava laser when you neither other it indicates that it's coming find cover that thing does serious damage and even if you have high enough guard skill to block it you'll still get chipped like a rotten tooth oh and it has two ways of firing it there's really no easy way of fighting a gravy os-- at long range it will fire it's lava beams and at short range it can still unleash fire plumes from its stomach in a similar fashion to the sleep gas but that's not all if you call in the next 10 minutes the gravitas will also add in a body slam attack complete with a wide earthquake effect doing some considerable damage to nearby attackers and if you subscribe to the gravity on channel right now we'll throw on the black gravy Osen no extra charge this damage sponge comes with 20% more lava lasers and 50% extra aggression guaranteed to frustrate you within one hunter you're actually noticed guaranteed to frustrate you there's only two things that could maybe make a grab us hunt less irritating the stomach can be broken twice leaving the internal muscle exposed like a first callus and allowing a ton of damage to be dealt the drawback is that you need to be close to the behemoth the other thing is that blunt weapons work better on the grab use but it also requires you to get close to its face and we all know what comes out of that thing when the phrase Elder Dragons is mentioned images often come to mind of majestic beasts of incredible size and power the heinous that disturb the very fabric of nature Titans that transcend human comprehension beings of unparalleled disaster and yes some of the greatest monsters in the series are part of this exclusive club nerd egg on tape Shigure uma gala dog Mazzio's faked Alice when the cure innocent over two things come to mind a it's not an elder dragon and B it needs to go right back to my little pony where it belongs to this I say an elder dragon is a category of monsters that does not fit any current classification of monster and when the Kieran's involved friendship is not on this monsters to-do list but magical [ __ ] lightning is and it is out to kill you consider this revenge for all the innocent Toby you brutally slaughter for horns as securin is their God and revenge will be dealt by its horn well it does end some points for its majestic appearance and that it does bear a good resemblance to its mythological namesake that still doesn't change how aggravating it is to keep up with this beef fight it bearing an equine frame comes with all the running speed thereof meaning it will dart around the hunting area like it's running the [ __ ] Kentucky Derby and when it's running fast it can run you over fast speed and a small frame isn't the only thing that Kieran has going for it the lightning it wields Jesus Christ that lightning it secures best offensive weapon as not only it can be chained for some pretty nasty combos but also because of the fact that it's lightning you need to have great reaction time to avoid getting badly hurt and because I'm a guy that's really easily distracted by shiny objects as soon as I see the reflection of the Lightning on the ground odds are I'm rolling into the Lightning instead of away from it and not only is that lightning an offensive threat it's just as effective as a defensive threat as well it scales yes scales not coat are hard enough as it is but the quirian also has a special armored mode where it charges up with thunder power remember that thunder armor seen from the Pokemon anime imagine that on a thunder powered unicorn with dragon scales when that armor is up virtually nothing will be able to scratch it say for its head when that happens you'll want to stay the [ __ ] away until it wears off so let's do a rundown of what exactly we're dealing with here the smallest of large monsters with elder dragon status sporting high mobility health grade offensive and defense abilities at both the long and short range and a small weak point on its head yeah newbie hunters beware or not your funeral from this tiny unicorn from hell I don't even think bronies would like this thing oh yeah almost forgot an arc tempered version of this was recently added to Monster Hunter World and yeah that didn't work yeah [Music] you know there are a few things funnier and multiplayer gaming than getting overly greedy and accidentally causing your friend have a drunken freak out oh god I need to drink more also [ __ ] the Diablos the Diablos is one of the best examples of a badass design being completely overshadowed by a maddening fight if the idea of a horned dinosaur with wings and a mace for our tail sounds scary you'd have no idea how right you are because this freak of the desert will not let up on you once it has you in its sights so unless you have a powered up shield or you've been training under a bridge series piccolo you're in for trouble the Diablos has no special beams or powers to speak of unless you count the unique skill of digging so what edie could dig holes to what the Diablos does have is an anger-management problem that would put my teenage self to shame and bear in mind this is when the Diablos is in its normal state with no elemental powers to speak of the Diablos relies on its significant fiscal strength to mow you down from charging you with its giant ass horns to smacking with the mace tail to popping up from underground to commute a to dig light and the tail and face can be difficult to swipe at given the giant hitboxes of the horns and the speed power and height of the tail but things stay even worse when the Diablos really gets angry you won't like it when it's angry monsters can typically go into a rage mode when dealt enough damage or with enough fatigue which we brought up before the Diablos on the other hand may as well be Bruce Banner with extra gamma rays because in a nurse rage mode almost whenever at wants when the Diablos gets angry it acts like it got a steroid and redbull enema this means you better be light on your toes or else your ass is getting mowed over another thing to look out for with the Diablos is its ear piercing roar which requires high grade earplugs to block and it also attracts death metal bands at a distance of about 25 miles or so and when it's in rage mode it won't show signs of weakness like limping meaning unless you have the proper skill or a high enough research level in world you'll have trouble knowing when it's ready for capture so do you run around wayward outfielder to wait out the rage or do you just kill it and end the fight either way pick your poison and that's not even coming to Black Diablos a female subspecies that's literally horny on Maine this [ __ ] is even more aggressive than its male counterparts meaning you're really gonna have to be on point or you'll be on her points in no time god help you of it's mating season and guys take it from me there's nothing more challenging and more exhausting for a man out there than having to deal with a female that wants a lot of sex you've had to deal with turns out I didn't like getting laid nearly as much as I thought I did Oh No another horror movie monster you uh you all right over there got some months or PTSD it's not even Halloween come on oh man it the piss was at a simmer before now it's come to a rolling [ __ ] boil and stirring the pot here is everyone's least favorite sack of flabby [ __ ] if you want a monster that runs contrary to nearly everything that makes monsters great the keys who is the monster to do it one of the most universally hated monsters in the whole franchise this thing provides almost no sense of excitement people have called the Giga Knox horrifying or troublesome and well they're not necessarily wrong but the ki zoo is on a whole nother level a cousin of the Knox the key to is a first generation monster that's totally blind and hunts by way of smell the game even acknowledges this by the total absence of music during the fight hell there isn't even a monster icon that typically accompanies a large monster fight this might not mean much at first glance but it makes a world of difference on how your hunter behaves in combat you see when a monster normally spots you your hunter behaves differently from when he or she is trying to track it down for example the running animation is different when you're trying to run from a monster that has you in its sights and when an attack approaches you and you hit the dodge button with just the right timing you do your best impression of Superman to get out of but since the keys who can't see you you have your normal run and you lose your Kryptonian acting abilities this hurts you more than you think given the Keyser's abilities the keys whose greatest weapon is its ability to wield electricity generated from its body this might not seem like much since the keys whose attacks are pretty easy to read while under estimating the devastation of a key Zeus Thunder attack will quickly make you fail the quest there are two main ways that the key zoo uses its attacks an electric field that will quickly send you flying and a breath attack that will guarantee to paralyze you if you get touched by it not to mention that and it's returning for ultimate it gets even worse thanks to the addition of the elemental blights the generation before in the key Zeus case that means thunder blights which increases your chances of getting stunned combine that with the attacks that can cause paralysis and you have a recipe for the ultimate death sentence in Monster Hunter stunlock under normal circumstances you could quickly recover from akiza's electric field attack even after being stunned but once the keys you gets in a rage mode it will make you go into rage mode with how quickly it can combo you with attacks in addition to its two main Thunder attacks the keys you can use this electric field attack while jumping for extra damage and will even use it while casually walking forward to add injury to well injury that neck doesn't just look like a dick it also stretches like a dick effectively making the keys ooh an even bigger dick and that's even before it decides to tow you by climbing on the walls and ceilings even with for usability and a knife at monsters on the walls its hell trying to get this bastard down and of course it has a subspecies the red keys who has even stronger electrical attacks and a new attack with its dick neck I think I'll take my chances on the escaped psychos [Music] Monster Hunter Tri was the first game in the series to introduce underwater combat unsurprisingly Monster Hunter 3 ultimate was the last game in the series to feature underwater combat granted they could have done some fine-tuning with the underwater controls but all the tweaking and adjusting in the world couldn't fix the biggest issue with underwater combat at its core the idea was fundamentally flawed because aquatic monsters had a huge mobility advantage in their home elements and the pleaseö pernilla dude where are you going getting my sword you have no idea how much of a pain in the ass this one is I still have PTSD from it from Friday night yeah I can't blame my partner for having war flashbacks of the plessy awesome this thing is the poster boy for horrible water monsters whether you're fighting on land or under water you will not have a fun time with this thing this disgusting chicken fish wyvern hybrid is a pain from start to finish from its movements to its attacks for starters because of its long legs it can be a pain to reach its main body with many melee weapons meaning you're typically stuck slashing in its legs unless you manage to not get over the only other times it lowers its main body are to slither at you like a Cobra on crack or start flopping around on the shore like well a fish out of water it also has the most annoying hip check of any monster in the series and it will spam the [ __ ] out of this attack underwater it's a pain because the civility far outpaces anything you can muster meaning you can swim at you from across the frickin area smack you around like a [ __ ] and swim to the other side all in one smooth motion where you have to put yourself in the danger zone just to hit the faster unless you have a ranged weapon and on top of that there's another attack that expands underwater because it's high pressure water cannon breath is bad news on this thing with the perquisite range of other similar attacks and it's propensity to bust it out whenever at once and your lack of mobility underwater this attack will make you wish you weren't so damn sluggish underwater hey at least you can actually fight the damn thing underwater in 3 ultimate let me give you kids a little history on the plus y'all one filled with the nightmarish screams of all of whom that have fought died and raged against this monstrosity originally from the first generation the pleasure could only be found in one area on the desert map it was found in a cave that was cold as balls and would SAP your stamina meter if you didn't use a hot drink the [ __ ] oath was typically out of reach and it would not come out of the water unless it felt like it or you tried to provoke it out with a sonic bomb which only made the Beast angry and let's say the [ __ ] on emerges from its freezing depths the attacks that it has out of the water have remained largely unchanged so guess what hip checks for everybody but again let's say that you've got a few good hits in with your den limited selection of weapons at any time the Plus y'all could hop right back into the water where you can't reach it the only thing that can prevent these sort of moments from dragging on is by fishing it out of the water with a frog for some goddamn reason then we get to monster hunter freedom unite and holy [ __ ] as much as I love the game one massive complaint I will always have about it is how disgustingly broken every single hitbox was and no hitbox was more broken than the Plessy off and it's hip check that can level a four-story building you think it's bad now you have no idea how good you new gen hunters have it the hitbox for the Plessy oz hip check was so broken that you could be out of range and still be hit near the tail which isn't the source of the attack or on the other side of the monster and still be hit and not just for a little damage either without proper armor the pussy-ass hit check could deal a ton of damage The Legend of the [ __ ] off and it's hip check was so well known that there are tales of a man that was once hip check out of the shower when he wasn't even playing the game I'll be right back [Music] how you okay there buddy I will be doesn't see me any permanent damage but I tell ya if this were 2013 I probably have gone super sand by now from all the rage what's with that oh oh oh incarnate thy name is Raj Aang if you thought taking on grotesque abominations monsters with hides of steel and stone and wyverns with huge mobility advantages was insane this primate will send you over the edge with a [ __ ] trebuchet the might and the ferocity has been with the regime ever since its first appearance in generation 2 you know the generation with the brokenness hell hitboxes Raj Aang is considered to be one of the most powerful monsters in all of Monster Hunter in fact a standoff between a Raj Aang deviljho and the basal cues from world it would be very likely that the Reg aang would come out on top without it even going into rage mode yeah considering how crazy the fights with those nomads can be if the Ratan can beat the [ __ ] out of those two you'd have to be crazy prepared just to stand a chance for starters with guerrilla speed it can cover a ludicrous amount of ground in a very short time meaning putting distance between it and any Gunners in your party basically comes down to the melee fighters drawing aggro to it and getting close to it means running the risk of being pulverized by its punishing physical attacks a word of advice your bones will not break when you fight the regime you know they said the regime's attacks all do considerable to high damage and the amount of chip damage it can cause builds up really fast to top off the physical brutality of the regime it also uses an attack that has an earthquake effect to it and if you're caught up in it the amount of time that you have to avoid the next attack is a merely a split second because by then the regime will already be on top of you and not in a sexy kind of way and bear in mind we're only talking about physical attacks this bastard also has breath attacks for some godforsaken reason oh yeah that's right the Rohtang is an electric monster to boot Lisa said thunder in its breath attacks and as two of them the first is a ball of electricity which comes at you fast and can cause thunder blight which means yup increased chances of stun which in a fight like this can rapidly result in a swift trip back to base in a cart the other is its infamous thunder beam which has it's insane reach and even more insane damage output and we still haven't even gotten into the rage mode yet after dealing some damage to the regime it will and I [ __ ] you not go super saiyan golden spiky fur will stand on end and it will become an even greater beast in combat the regime is in fact based off of Dragon Balls son Goku in more ways than one in addition to the Super Saiyan state and Monster Hunter frontiers the Raj Aang has an electric attack that's based off of Goku spirit bomb attack and cutting off a regime's tail is in direct reference to cutting off a sans tail and then losing the Rose ro state with its tail cut off the regime can no longer enter rage mode but this is only for a standard regime oh and it gets better people it [ __ ] gets better in G rank it gains a new attack where flip kicks you repeatedly meaning more bones pummel the dust and then there's a variant known as the furious regime which is ironic because unless you're under the roots of your teeth the one who will be furious may well be you if the idea of a nose ro in permanent super sand mode doesn't make you [ __ ] yourself that you must have nerves of steel and finally the regime can be affected by the apex virus and Monster Hunter 4 ultimate and it shares many traits with the Furious regime in fact both the furious and apex Raj Aang have armor modes for their arms which takes the sharpest of weapons to get a clean hit what else can you say about a monster that has a roar that will literally send you flying good [ __ ] luck and the corner guy and I'm reg Nullah and I could really use a max cushion right now after all that and while you do that I'll be drinking because it's gonna take a lot of booze to make me forget the memories I have to relive ah hell no you know the middle of tunas like debate season in politics Microsoft shows off lots of exclusives that are actually also coming to PC Sony shows off games with a lot of pretty graphics and Nintendo well Nintendo just does whatever the hell it wants and then a bunch of fanboys argue constantly over who won and you wonder why politics in America makes me so angry next time top ten games of III 2018 it's game time [Music]
Channel: The Quarter Guy
Views: 221,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Quarter Guy, Quarter Guy, Quarter, Guy, Video Games, Video, Games, Gaming, Top, Ten, Worst, Monster, Hunter, Monsters, Capcom, Freedom, Unite, WOrld, Ultimate, Generations, Cross, Double, Playstation, PS2, Nintendo, 3DS, WiiU, Wii, PS4, Gypceros, Glavenus, Congalala, Yian, Garuga, Gravios, Black, Emerald, Kirin, Arch, Tempered, Diablos, Khezu, Red, Plesioth, Rajang, Furious, Apex, Regnilla, #monsterhunter, #topten
Id: Iy1XKKxBf84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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