Top Fifteen Favorite Final Boss Battles

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and now natural progression [Music] boss battles I just love them and while last time I counted down my favorite boss battles this time it's time to count down my favorite final bosses while bosses can be compared to tests of your skills final bosses can be compared to semester exams testing all of the skills you've learned great final bosses also tend to have the best atmosphere the best music and are just the most exciting but most importantly a great final battle just has that something that screams it's time to end this you all know the rules so let's just get down to business but before I do and this goes without saying spoilers are everywhere and if you have your own favorite final bosses that I don't cover feel free to share them okay now that we've taken care of that little detail grab your best equipment stock up your items and make sure you drop a nice save it's game time sometimes creativity can show up when you least expect it case in point we're starting off with a plus from a fighting game Ragnarok from Arcana heart 3 this defines celestial weapon is set to sink Japan and the only thing standing in its way are a girl enter Arcana partner Hey no pressure right the goal of this fight is to destroy the celestial stone cores that serve as its weak points when I use the term weak points loosely because they'll be firing an e with bullet rain not only that via gonna deal with its two satellite bits that test are you as well sure you can knock those down but they get right back up after a while and that's not even counting the giant mechs super moves which include raising a staff to produce our rain of lasers and creating pores of plain across the floor Owens makings more tense there's a 60-second time limit and you have to beat it before time runs out if you want the good ending otherwise if you win by timeouts well let's just say something bad is going to have it this fight tests your mastery of the homing - as well as your defensive tactics and it shows a level of creativity not often seen in fighting games I mean this looks like something out of Touhou [Music] ever since his first defeat he's been waiting seeking his revenge he turned against his own creator to satisfy his revengeance he copied the data of our heroes and now he's become near invincible all for one purpose the utter destruction of his nemesis Metal Sonic was designed to be better than Sonic in every way possible and it was a complete success this is evident in this final battle in which you not only need the Chaos Emeralds but also no anyways while Sonic is powering up the other teams deal with Metal Sonic first evolution known as Metal madness during these phases Metal Sonic attacks with flamethrowers ice spikes and his tail as well as crystals that can capture your teammates he also forces you to avoid spamming the same attack because he can change his resistance after team rose team chaotix and team dark in that order do their job Metal Sonic transforms into the metal Overlord and flies off meanwhile sonic transforms as well and okay I have to call on this sonic gets a super forum but all Tails and Knuckles get our shields both Tails and Knuckles head soo performs in the Genesis games oh and don't try to tell me that only one person can use the Chaos Emeralds at a time Sonic Adventure 2 had two super-powered hedgehogs in the finale and those the game before so there's no excuse anyways this is the best part as team super sonic you have to counter the metal overlords attacks to build your team blast gauge each attack has a different counter so everyone gets a chance to shine and the ultimate team blast looks amazing best of all the boss beam what I'm made of is one of the best themes in the series I know CJ brought this up before but why wasn't this in brawl well let's hope it's in the next one I'm gonna have to smack a maybe Princesa leaves she deserves it one thing I get a lot of flack for is making top-15 castlevania boss battles without having played lords of shadow yes I know all about the fight with Satan in the first game and you know what I still prefer the final battle of portrait of ruin a crate final boss should take full advantage of a game's mechanics and what better way to finish off a game that relies on teamwork than a tag-team battle against the serious two most iconic antagonists I've covered this fight before in my castlevania list so I'll be brief here what makes the first phase of this fight work so well is how effectively Dracula and death work together in coordinating their attacks you'd be surprised at how well death's attacks interfere with your dodging Dracula's projectiles this is especially well shown during their team-up attacks the second phase true Dracula works because of how imposing Dracula's true form is and how powerful his attacks are also using your partner's skills is essential to surviving especially when he tries to crush you with his giant ass wings the teamwork between Jonathan and Charlotte is used extensively throughout the game and to see a final battle take full advantage of that aspect of the game really speaks volumes and consider this in the series chronology this is the final time Dracula appears as the final boss in a game if you're gonna make a stand you may as well make it memorable right now I know what you're thinking if this is my favorite fight in Castlevania why is it this low well I just like the other twelve better that's simple in a game with bosses that looked like the rejects from various movie genres a fight with a super-powered pimp doesn't seem that out of place the black baron is an interesting case it's not some corporate mastermind a political tyrants he's just out to introduce his backhand to your face because you're cramping his style despite having pretty much no build up whatsoever and this was a fight to remember this is mainly because the Baron fights you on your level it's a one-on-one no-holds-barred fight to the death considering this guy survives being used as a test dummy by his Co to demonstrate the bloodbath challenges which by the way she'll do to you if you get knocked out of the ring it stands to reason that this guy has built like a tank and hits like one two thankfully Jack can match him blow-for-blow effect which has taken literally during the power struggle but then something happens when he reaches half health you know how some bosses have a rage mode yeah this is taken to the extreme here he gained several supernatural attacks including a lightning dive a rocket punch and a black hole that's his instant kill if you don't keep backflipping on top of that the music changes from the laid-back tone of lips pimping to the outright rage of so cold this is a challenging fight but it's worth it for the satisfaction of the finisher this final battle was well worth enduring bosses like the shamans Frank delivering on the factors that made this game fun the killers will keep you on your toes the music's catchy as hell and the Baron himself is just plain memorable and let's be glad he was able to survive as much as he did after all he came back in energy rains did me you know for such a cute little guy Kirby has had to deal with some he's fought up a nightmare stopped a manipulative jester save the universe from dark matter on multiple occasions and even helped a friend the little alien named mag Elora built a spaceship and Matt Lohr what are you doing mega lore stop that this bastards going down as you pursue Mangalore aboard the land eeeh dragons you go through a suitor section in which you tear apart the very ship you helped her build it's a fun fight as you dodge its various attacks you strike back but the real battle starts when you ground the Laura star cutter but the power of the master crown Mangalore has a ton of attacks at his disposal including dark energy spikes fireballs lasers and even a black hole ultimately Mangalore puts up a shield which you need to brake using the amazing super abilities once the shield is down you need to attack Maggie one last time with your ultra sword leading to a power struggle when that and you cut the sorcerer to ribbons but even that isn't enough to finish him mangalore's malice fuses with his crown and he gains the ability to protect dark matter walls barrel roll through dimensions and use super abilities of his own in the upgrade to extra mode he'll throw in room filling lasers and screen flips absolutely free for a kirby boss this is tough mega Loris wide array of dangerous attacks will give you a handful if you're not prepared but that makes the fight that much more exciting throw in some awesome atmosphere and the absolutely godly music and you have a fight that nothing in Kirby can't aah and by the way I'm still waiting for someone to do a Kickstarter for dragon vs. spaceship just sayin you've hacked your way through countless mooks fought off ten powerful assassins taken down your murderous half-sister and just want to take a dump when who shows up mister Sir Henry ever since this Irish fancy pants to set it to be a kill stealer you've been wondering when you get the chance to teach this guy a lesson and while a motel parking lot is probably the last place you'd expect to have a lightsaber duel this fight is freaking awesome Henry is an absolute minutes with his beam katana IFS combos are insane his counters are powerful and he can even shoot energy balls he also has a crap ton of health so you can't afford to be careless here oh and he has a one-hit kill new pet actually worth seeing and at least you'll know when it's coming a mile away and of course let's not forget the boss theme we are finally cowboys it's just mind-blowing and in the end we have one of the most hilarious cutscenes in all of gaming in which Henry utterly annihilate the fourth wall here the protagonist I'm just a fool handsome spoiled who happens to be a twin brother geez Henry theatrics much it's no wonder this guy was made playable in the second game if only for one bizarre fight anyways this is one fight to remember hilarious setting an amazing challenge on inspiring music and a character that's memorable for all the right reasons and he's certainly a better final boss then no I don't want to talk about him again remember that little cliffhanger at the end of my last list yeah turns out that Dixon who is your ally for most of the game is actually a disciple of the real villain zanza who was hanging out and shultz body the entire time and now the megalomaniacal god has to monado's and wants to that's right destroy the world because you know that's so after shulk's somehow survives and after two awesome battles and one annoying one the heroes confront Sansa in space any portal references will be given the do treatments as you would expect Sansa has lots of crazy powerful attacks and a ton of resistances and immunities he also has the power to summon his Guardians to get in your way on top of that bear in mind here that your Minato is a replica meaning you have to perform a QuickTime event in order to receive a vision this fight relies on managing your talent gauge and knowing which arts to use and when especially in the second phase the atmosphere is awesome as well and the phosphene here is pretty unique as well combining electric guitar ominous chorus and jazz piano okay after the second phase you are treated to one of the most inspiring cutscenes in the game and are given the greatest gift possible you received the game's ultimate sword the Minato 3 with a 75% critical rate and utterly destroys zanza meanwhile the theme changes to a choral orchestral masterpiece heralding your inevitable victory fittingly titled the gods slaying sword just listen everything you've gone through in this masterpiece of a game has led to this moment and the payoff is just excellent and you know what else would be excellent footing Shulkin Super Smash Brothers for the final battle level coming against the Lord of everlasting darkness Yami is lawn but man is it epic as the fight begins Yami steals your powers and you only have your meager physical attacks to start with as you literally beat your powers out of him to get them back once you get your first power back and becomes an all-out struggle as you find an opening to counter his attacks and exposes core which happens to be up freakin dish throughout the fight Yami transforms several times from a mechanical ball to a bow on fire to a slow machine that doesn't rely on luck and finally into a two-legged walker with electric whips for arms along the way you get your powers back one by one and put them to use right away ultimately putting the Dark Lord in his place but just when you think it's over Yami springs back to life destroys the brush spirits and leaves Amaterasu for dead way to be a buzzkill Yami what follows is a moving scene in which Easton accepts his role as the celestial envoy and the people give Omni their prayers restoring her to full power and giving her the strength to take on Yanni's Final Four a giant hand but the power of sunrise restored you expose Yummy's weakness and finish him off not only is despite long and satisfying it's filled to the brim with symbolism Yami himself is a complete symbol of the dark side of humanity's nature the fish symbolizes that all evil starts small the first phase shows humanity's desire to crush phase two is man's desire to burn phase three is man's desire to gamble phase four is man's desire use machines for destruction finally phase 5 represents the fact that all evil is committed by mankind's own hands speaking of the final phase the FOSDEM Rising Sun has been used so often that some people say it's become overrated overused maybe overrated no and in case you missed the first time hell no it deserves every bit of praise it gets as does this fight the fight with Yanni has so much going for it great build up great atmosphere awesome gameplay and plenty of symbolism rendering his appearance in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom completely insulting and only there so Capcom could have a multi phase boss god damn it Cheska Palazzo seriously what can I say about this guy that hasn't been said already this nihilistic clown has made everyone's life a living hell just because he can he stolen the power of the warring triad brought the world to ruin and become the god of magic Joker ripoff ha the Joker could only dream of pulling off this trust me you will love to hate this guy by the finale of the game but before you even get to him you have to scale a final gauntlet that takes miles of symbolism that's both played straight and completely mocked both in the statues appearance and the movements of the epic theme known as dancing mad for starters the three tiers of the statue are believed to represent the three realms depicted in the Divine Comedy Inferno Purgatorio and Paradiso respectively the third phase of the statue as a matter of fact directly mocks Michelangelo's pietà as for dancing mad each movement reflects a part of kefka's personality phase one represents kefka's thirst for power and love of destruction phase two represents his insanity phase three represents kefka's god complex to the point where it lifts its main melody directly from Toccata and Fugue in D minor and then actively mocks it and then the final phase by this point kefka realizes that he just may be fighting a losing battle and at first he can't accept it and pretty much starts throwing a humungous temper tantrum as the music breaks into insane then at one point it changes to a somber and sorrowful tone as if to say that kefka knows that after all the chaos and destruction he's caused he's about to die and there's nothing he can do about it he doesn't even try to curse his final defeat that speaks volumes without a single word however with all of his symbolism but gameplay of this fight is in all honesty pretty standard sure kefka's attacks are powerful and sometimes cheap but that's pretty much it the only thing that changes is that you line up your entire party before the fights going down the list as a member goes down game playing that picks a side though this is a fight loved by many and for good reason and besides what can you really do it's a Super NES turn-based RPGs battle system right well except a little extra dialogue now what I meant okay there's really only one way to introduce this fight roll the clip [Music] [Music] but anyway oh hell yeah literally if you've played Kid Icarus Uprising you had to have seen this coming hades is one of the most memorable villains in recent memory and for all the right reasons even more than two years after the game's release people are still loving this guy if Hades rips is any indication but I'm getting a bit off-topic here the final battle is equal parts hilarious intense and epic this plays out like any other air battle in the game with the slight difference that you're piloting a mech suit meanwhile Hades is loaded to the teeth with weaponry from lasers to homing shots to face guns to his rainbow apocalypse okay whatever all the while throughout the fight you're great sacred treasure switches forms as it takes damage ultimately KT survives getting sawed clean in half and bounces right back to crush what's left of a great sacred treasure followed by Medusa of hearing and sucker punching Hades his head clean off and guess what that still isn't enough to finish him seriously what the heck yeah he's a god but in video games as in life losing your head typically means you're dead in the end it comes down to dodging Hades his final assault until you unleash a laser of DBZ proportions and finally finish him off for good this fight is one to remember simply because of how crazy it is not only in how it plays but what the dialogue that takes place as well I'm not a fan of trolls but Hades pulls it off so well because he's such a ham I mean he's so awesome that even a death he'll find a way to mess with you if there was a ground battle to go company of this it would have been a lot higher still with the sheer amount of insanity you go through this is a battle worthy of the heavens that will keep you coming back to Hell for more as you play through sin and Punishment star successor you face bosses that are more and more insane until natural progression leads to Flandre scarlet from touhou I mean a mutated military leader the battle against commander deco is unlike anything else in the game I mean you're fighting this guy in space as a mutated fusion of the game's protagonists also this goes without saying considering this game's overall challenge level but this guy is really friggin hard decos arsenal is loaded with attacks that cover most of the screen deadly Stardust laser walls lasers that shoot bullets tracking shots space daggers and even a wall of bullets that he can director the wave of his hand wow that looks familiar for draw towards his giant Lance thankfully you have full range of movement and considering the volume of his attacks you're gonna need it oh and good luck trying to get the medals here if you even care about those the music in this fight is also fitting as if to signify a fight against a bringer of divine punishment and punishment is an apt description of this fight because it can quickly turn into bullet hell believe me I've seen plenty of that trust me when I say you'll be giving that dodge button a bit of a workout here but that's only half the battle once you drain his health bar deco in a last-ditch effort tears cocky soul from your body and now you have to attack the endless waves of projectiles he sends away before they can head catchy keep in mind here you have infinite health in this face Tachi does not and if she loses her health it's game over thankfully there's a checkpoint here some of these projectiles take more effort to send back at deco so it's up to you to figure out whether shooting or slashing is the best course of action for each wave if you want a hard but satisfying fight look no further you're gonna be on the edge of your seat the entire time let's hope you've been working on your posture yeah I'm with you CJ more people need to play this game [Music] hmm Ganondorf power and cunning are a dangerous combination for a villain and that trumps any form of nostalgia when it comes to Ganondorf no matter how much you try to stay ahead of him he's such a skilled manipulator that you end up playing right into his hands and nowhere is this more apparent than in Ocarina of Time from the opening cutscene you knew this man was bad news even before you knew his name he weird for you to open the door to the Sacred Realm so that he could claim the Triforce he waited for seven years for Zelda to reveal her identity in order to capture her and now he's waiting for you so that he can reassemble the Triforce and claim the power he desires Wow talk about patient even the ascent to his chamber is for boarding with the organ building up as you get closer until you find him playing that very organ well here again Ganondorf proves how intelligent he is remember the phantom Ganon fights yeah that was practice for this fight but Ganondorf took notes on your z-targeting and puts Navi out of commission before the fight even starts then he'll take out part of the floor and thus begins the ultimate game of dead man's pong when you stun him you only have a short window to knock him down with a light arrow before he recovers giving you an opportunity to lay into him he also has a multi shut attack which can only be countered with a spin slash which will stun him instantly if it works once you take him down he decides to pull in andros and decides to bring down the castle with you and Zelda still in it now you have a short time to escape with Zelda before the castle explodes in spectacular fashion but just when you think it's over Ganondorf emerges from the rubble pissed as hell activates the Triforce of power and oh crap just got real in a drops the Dorf in favor of two massive blades and knocks the master sword out of your reach so now you have to shoot him in the face with your light arrows and strike his tail with whatever you have meanwhile again and tries to Massacre you with his giant blades which hurts so much that Zelda shrieks in terror if you get hit with them ultimately you knock him down then you make a break for the Master Sword after which again and gets back up even bigger than ever from here on it's just you and the Master Sword against the brute until you knock him down again at which point Silva summons her power to hold him down giving you the chance to finish the fight by the way not only does this fight play great but there is so much atmosphere here ominous lighting sinister and subtle music and the Ring of Fire contribute to an atmosphere of dread oh and those threats he makes as he sealed away those aren't empty threats he'll be back and we wouldn't have it any other way many people throw around the word complete when describing boss battles but if there's one boss that fits that description it's the leader of organization 13 xemnas seriously the word quit doesn't seem to be in this guy's lexicon because this fight is as long as it is exciting it starts with Sora and xemnas playing one-on-one on a skyscraper Keyblade - ethereal blades with reaction commands that reach sci-fi levels of crazy and that's just a start up the insanity it soon escalates into using reaction commands to cut buildings in half the dodging lasers once again of DBZ proportions - slicing through waves of nobodies to shut down the core so you can just reach the guy and apparently xemnas has something that resembles a heart because he attacks you using the weapons of his fallen comrades not to mention that he's so smug that he won't even move from his throne the entire time he just sits there looking badass while you desperately look for an opening to attack and then things get even crazier as xemnas calls forth a giant mechanical dragon sora and riku give chase aboard a strange aircraft as an amazing theme called darkness of the unknown begins to play here your gummi ship skills are footing the test as you shoot down waves of the nobodies with bullets and lasers and giant lasers as you damage the dragon and ultimately reach them this again whose still just sitting on his throne and looking bad acts similar to before xemnas uses the weapons of his comrades with the addition of frigging lasers and on occasion will knock you clear into space and this happens you need to glide back towards him while dodging lasers and using reaction commands to throw buildings right back at him to break the Dragons guard only then can you get back to having a win ultimately sora and riku are transported to this weird void where xemnas and his stylin zebra jacket engage them in fast-paced aerial combat which would make the ladies of our kena heart jealous between his lightning-fast combos dark tendrils and laser mirages saneness is fighting like he has nothing to lose you're going to need to be at the top of your game just to keep up there's even a moment where you play as Riku as you rush to save Sora when he gets captured it all leads up to the most epic final attack by a villain ever Sora and Riku frantically deflect a rain of lasers with reaction commands and ultimately deliver a keyblade beat down to land the final coup de Gras dude like I said this is a long fight but at no point are you going to get bored here fight tests everything you've learned the visuals are a feast for the eyes the music is awesome and the sheer spectacle of the finale will take your breath away this is a full course meal of gaming greatness and the amount of heart put into this fight is clear in every detail it's one of the most complete final battles I've ever seen and it's a complete masterpiece I'd like to see Star Wars bullets kind of the capture kept set their entire Armada against Earth in a desperate move the wonderful one double-o make a feline for the sheer ogonek comment a huge anti particle cannon and seemingly wipe out the entire fleet until a gigantic fortress appears in the distance the team joined by Prince porkin and his band of pirates plot a course for the Death Star wannabe so the final boss must be inside the fortress right no the supreme overlord of get jerk jerk Ginga is the fortress the entire game has been building up to this moment and it does not disappoint as you confront other brains bow you have to smash each energy or about its base each time running to the hats to open it and turn the knob for the next one all the while jerking attacks with an uncomfortable amount of tentacles not gonna forth I mean remember you also have broken in this gang with you giving you an extra hundred men not to mention mega overall unites more seriously those are friggin huge once the jar shatters you'll have to whittle down the rest of his health while dealing with his lasers putting that one either then jerking a destroys the floor beneath you and sends you tumbling into the chamber below he then proceeds to send his minions after you while he does the old backstory on motivation monologue the likes of which we've heard a death but at least his story has some originality to it in short your diga the head jerk brought his army of jerks into the past because the humans of the future were jerks wrap your head around that things get even more crazy when jerk Ginga Dante's own wonder mask and starts throwing punches that can't be countered stealing your teammates and using dark versions of your unite morphs even after a cutscene in which you blow the brain apart you still have to escape the fortress using not one but two ships all in a day's work except it's not over remember how I said your kingdom was the fortress [Music] jerk Ginga unleashes his planet destruction form which by the way is friggin huge and is one of the greatest boss themes in history starts playing you take control of the Platinum Robo and begin grand theft robot as you build your forces to 5,100 and finally 202 break his shields and ultimately damage him while dodging his arsenal of weaponry and then it's still not over now he confronts you with his mechanical martial arts and meteors as you go for the weak spots on his arms legs and finally his head but even after that and getting pummeled by o7u Knight morphs and an ultra platinum head but Dirk Ginga still has one ace up his sleeve you know what that means protect the earth okay anybody who's young was tired after that raise your hand wait I can't raise my hand it's Toth iured PlatinumGames went all out for this epic finale everything works here the setting the buildup the gameplay the music the QuickTime events the frigging QuickTime events this fight blew the roof off and what is truly the most epic display of what the Wii U can do which leaves one question what the hell could possibly top this final bosses in the Mega Man franchise are something of a mixed bag what I mean is that there are awesome ones like wily machine 9 the Sigma battle from x5 and the curve ball against lumen a from x8 at the same time there are disappointing ones like the wily machine stakes and the sigma battle from x6 but to find my favorite final battle of all time we have to look somewhere else so here it is the final battle of Megaman 0-3 throughout the game dr. Satan incarnate has been pulling the strings of strife with his trump card Omega someone say my name not a snake after a pre fight in the intro stage doctor file uses Omega to set his plan in motion culminating in taking control of neo Arcadia and every rep light on the planet with the power of the Dark Elf after cyber elf X saves the resistance zero pursues the evil reptoid into the depths of neo Arcadia it's time to fight Omega once again and it is glorious now I know what you're thinking here this looks just like the battle in the intro stage for the most part you're right the music is the same and he does have the same laser rings and laser orbs as the intro battle only they come out faster Omega has a new attack as well a sword which he stabs into the ground and can cause debris to fly outs these attacks are relatively easy to avoid and give you the opportunity to trim down his health quickly however this is where the bite gets interesting holy he's huge this second phase is nothing to sneeze at giant heads of X and zero aside Omega so big that the screen can't-can't in him and the music that plays appropriately named-- judgement day pretty much tells you that this is destruction incarnate which is pretty accurate because this forms packing a massive laser tracking shots giant buster rounds high beams and a homing energy ball that can drain your health yeah the basic strategy for this base is to keep moving between all those attacks you're gonna have to find time to cut him down to size again ultimately you land in the chamber where zero was awakened only to discover the biggest twist of all so wait Omega is the original zero no way [Music] this phase alone was enough to put this fight at the top you are essentially fighting yourself in a battle to the dead Omega zeroes attacks are faster and more powerful than your own this guy's packing saber combos Buster combos charge flashes that cause rocks to fall a rising slash and not one but two Giga attacks this battle may be potentially very short but since his attacks caused so much damage you're going to need to go beyond your again if you need to prevail also the boss theme cannon ball is sharp and fast-paced if at the action perfectly and if you consider the fact that zero was originally a maverick to begin with this battle becomes symbolic of what zero once was against the hero he's become just like the previous phase was sim fought the struggle of the else wars and in the end as baíal tries to revive omega cyber elf x and the remaining guardians arrived to set the record straight the truth is even though zeros buddy is a copy his heart and soul are the genuine article with that the dark elfs curse breaks and you are given control one last time to lay the final smackdown on Omega and finish him off for good all things considered this battle has it all it's challenging the atmosphere is excellent there's plenty of symbolism the music is amazing the fight plays excellently and a football there's the feeling of finality as you strike the final blow the only thing that could have made this boss battle even better in my opinion is if you are able to kill this bastard as well instead of having to wait another game to do it I'm the quarter guy and I hate dr. vile [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you only I have the braised to rule line out
Channel: The Quarter Guy
Views: 445,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final, Top Fifteen, The Quarter Guy, The Chaos Theatre, Favorite, yt:stretch=16:9, Video Games, Countdown, Boss Battles, MaverickHunterZero75, itionobo2, animalguy001, peanut3423, YouTube, joshscorcher, shohmyooh127, Like a BOSS, It's time to end this, VGCUtterSpartan, rabbidluigi
Id: 93Brqkqxn-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 29sec (2189 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 01 2014
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