Top Ten Most Annoying Enemies

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who's a good little Adlard you are yes you are [Music] when it comes to games enemies exist for a reason they're an obstacle that actively stand between you and your objective on some occasions they can do a better job than even a boss sometimes by offering a genuine challenge with for example a clever pattern that you need to figure out unfortunately there are other occasions that enemies can do almost too good a job whether it's their unpredictability their placement or something else entirely some enemies feel like the developers are sticking two fingers up at you so now I'm about to stick two fingers back at ten enemies in particular that really got under my skin break out the popcorn people things are about to get salty it's game time [Music] yeah the original Mega Man has made very well-liked at all the score system was meaningless invincibility couldn't save you from friggin death spikes and pretty much everything else was done better in later games now this game and the classic series as a whole has its share of irritating mooks but I have a personal grudge against Wiley's personal bouncers but figuratively and very literally although the big guys do is jump towards you either low or high that's basically all you could expect from a machine consisting of an eye on a giant plunger the thing that makes these annoying is that they take a lot of damage can only be damaged while in the air and it's hard to tell when they'll jump at which height unless there's a way to fake them for all I know the pattern may be at the mercy of rnjesus considering their HP your best bet is to run under them when they jump high but the cost of guessing wrong is losing more than a third of your health it's bad enough that four of the six robot masters are guarded by these optic menaces but Wiley's front door is guarded by three of them in a row and the terrain isn't exactly conducive to getting under them and it seems that even the developers knew that this enemy was a pain given that in later games similar enemies are easier to defeat and avoid at least Capcom has shown that it can learn from past mistakes kind of sad though that it's taken them a while to remember that [Music] the wonderful 101 for the most part was one thrill right after another a lot of that was because of the gameplay specifically wielding the power of unite morphs as stupid as giant fists and swords made out of people sounds on paper actually using it feels so good it's even used rather well in puzzle solving like using blue sword as a giant people-powered lightning rod so imagine how I felt when I ran into an enemy that takes that power away from you spoilers it doesn't feel good in the slightest operation 0:06 introduces players to the Cussler one of the gaff jerks anti-infantry crafts it's equipped appropriately with guns a dropping attack which you can guard against and the ability to teleport which it uses occasionally to avoid your attacks but it has one particular attack that really gets on my nerves it often emits a red force field around it which interferes with the functions of your sheer agony drive as long as it's up it won't use other attacks but your your knight morphs are rendered useless those giant fists and colossal swords gone all you're left with is your tiny mortal hands which may as well be uh percussion massage in comparison so the minute that forcefield drops you're gonna want to wreck it as fast as possible before it brings the forest field back up and remember while it's up it won't do any other attacks so while it's alone all this attack does is waste your time it's even worse when there are other enemies in the area because they can attack you while you're essentially declawed ability loss is bad enough but when you put the ability to take away your power in the hands of an enemy that isn't even a boss that gets on my nerves I just want to give this thing one big Unite flip off [Music] metropolis zone the most infamous level in Sonic - aside from being the only zone in the game with three acts which wasn't originally intended by the way it's been known to make plenty of players rage not so much because of platforming [ __ ] but mainly due to what players have described as the unholy trinity of badniks asteroids and shell crackers are bad enough but then there's the slicers many badniks particularly in the 2d Sonic games tend to be minor obstacles at best place to bring your going fast to a screeching halt yeah some of them do attack you but often times their method of attack is where they're placed the slicers are decidedly more than that their main method of attack is throwing their Mantis claws at you like a boomerang true they're defenseless until the claws return but chances are you'll be ringless by that point that in itself is bad enough making things worse is the fact that they seem to be placed in just the right spots to achieve optimum annoyance probably the worst is that one slicer in act 3 at the top of this one shaft line with angled spring bumpers unless you know exactly where to start your ascent you won't see it coming in time to avoid it just like that boom you're taking the hit I want to add insulting insects to injury they came back in Sonic for episode 1 to add that little bit of salt to MADD gear zone which is just a watered-down metropolis zone at least in Sonic 4 you've got the homing attack satisfying as hell as amazing as Mario's 3d games are especially with a spectacular Super Mario Odyssey having been out for a few months now you got to appreciate the sometimes plumbers 2d routes all the bricks broken all the flagpoles sled down all the castles rated all the shrooms munched all the Koopa shells kicked and all the controllers thrown in frustration thanks to the goddamn hammer brothers these guys have been a total pain in the ass ins day 1 being the only standard enemies in the entirety of the original game with a projectile attack and they couldn't even be bothered to just throw their infinite hammers straight at you now that's too easy now an upward arc yeah now we're getting is something good there never seems to be a pattern as to when they throw their next tammer which can make approaching these guys a crapshoot one of these guys is bet enough but the thing is there's a reason they're called hammer brothers more often than not they come in pairs jumping between the ground and a couple of rows of bricks true this layout gives you an opportunity to bop it from below if one of them doesn't decide to introduce its boots to your skull and then there are the ones that walk toward you slowly which is especially dangerous in the original where you can't scroll back left as it slowly homes in on you limiting your space to maneuver and don't even get me started on 8/3 a gauntlet which includes a total of eight hammer brothers between you and Bowser's last castle oh if you brought a fire flower you're gonna need it hmm there I did to the frequency properly right this is a mega snake go ahead snake it's me AQG I'm about to head out on the mati you come in oh mama noogie sure let me just make sure my gears all set sure well mabinogi may not be the most popular MMO out there it has managed to maintain quite a following even nearly ten years after its initial release and why not not only does it still get updates but also has great stories tons of skills to learn fun dungeons to take on and even plenty of missions in the Shadow Realm no not that Shadow Realm calm down we're talking about the shadow missions you can take in the towns west of blue light and within these places you'll find an encyclopedias worth of monsters to fight both in and out of the standard dungeons and missions but just as you expect there are a few monsters and missions that can really increase your sodium levels like this one mission with so many sulfur spiders that it's a miracle you can breathe in there or how about these suicide enemies and harder dungeons that explode upon death and basically make you say Jesus Christ at heart but if you ask us we have our eyes on these ah kill with fire with pleasure thanks for that yeah if you're in a shadow mission with blinkers in it kill them on sight because if you're sighted first you're in trouble it's bad enough they can fly out of the range of most attacks including the normally incredibly useful chain sword but they can also summon more enemies while in flight to be fair though the muscles they summon aren't that bad the real problem and the main reason they're on this list is this mother [ __ ] beholder beam if you get caught in this attack not only will you be taking damage but you are completely helpless during it because you can't attack it all while Satan's spotlight is on you and to make things even worse that drain attack it completely ignores all defenses and armor even someone like me with high defence and the mana shield on still takes the same amount of damage as my partner here who is not as tanky meaning you'd better have a good stack of potions ready just in case and one more thing these things are resistant to knockdown in fact smash which normally knocks down enemies can even trigger their flight if they're not killed on the spot if someone in your party does never bow which is the only thing that can hit them while they're flying you'll want these things dead before your help starts dropping and your anger starts rising now if you'll excuse me I have some eyeballs to gouge ah so you want to be a volt hunter huh well kiddo the first thing you should know is that the wastes of Pandora are unforgiving as hell not only are you gonna be up to your neck taking on legions of bandits robots and the henchmen of twisted corporate masterminds some of which have a sadistic streak as what is their sense of humor but the native fauna are nothing to sneeze at either you've got the dive-bombing racks stalkers that turn invisible as long as their shields are up and the bully mons that prowl the tundra but if you ask me my main source of aggravation comes from a certain tentacle creature you don't even need to have seen any antenna know where this is going threshers of anytime can be a pain with the kinds of attacks they can do with their tentacles and their ability to move underground but in particular wormhole threshers drive me nuts for one thing not only are they durable but they're spiky high can cause damage to the touch which is bad enough when they get up close and personal but what makes it even worse is that it's easier done than said because there's a reason that they're called wormhole threshers they can make a wormhole that pulls you in and when they do not only an are you subject of painful skewering but you're a sitting duck for any other enemies that may be nearby I have been in situations where a wormhole thresher in a bad place has brought me from full health to fight for your life status in ten seconds flat there are two counters however either bring a spiked heel to trigger when they pull you in or have a shotgun handy for when you see the whites of their buggy eyes otherwise I hope you enjoy having professional pincushion on your resume [Music] thirty years of final fantasy 30 years of protagonists with stylish air 30 years of epic summons 30 years of classy airship and 30 years of hating these tentacle flakes Final Fantasy has had its share of recurring baddies from simple stuff like goblins the trademarks like tact Juarez and Tom berries but mobiles are notorious throughout the franchise despite being staples of the series that keep coming back with new installments I can't greet these things with any kind of enthusiasm and it's easy to see why with high HP and defenses they can take a while to kill as it is but these abominations have one ace up their grimy sleeves usually when an enemy and an RPG inflicts a status ailment on you and maybe one member or the entire party but it's almost always just one status effect Maul borrows make all those enemies hold its slimy beer the reason they have a nasty little signature move called bad breath depending on the game it could cause a multitude of effects on one ally or in many cases your entire party it varies from game to game but one thing is constant this single attack can [ __ ] an unprepared party in a single stroke some games take it even further by having more powerful variants that inflict even more status effects hell these things are so bad that not even other enemies like being around it since they're usually alone when you run into them kind of like how smokers have to go outside alone to avoid non-smokers when they smoke is it any wonder their names are one letter off from a brand of cigarettes I think the lesson is actually pretty clear if you look at it enough Square you clever evil bastards you [Music] as I've highlighted with some of these enemies one thing that can make enemies especially annoying is where and how they're placed incidentally one of the worst cases of this comes from one of my favorite franchises ever Castlevania is a great series when the classic games aren't liberally kicking me in the nuts whether it's the awkwardness of jumps the overabundance of stairs or some of the most irritating enemies known to man isn't that right Medusa heads these things are infamous for the number of lives they've taken away from players because despite an incredibly simple pattern they have an infuriating tendency to catch people off-guard on their own they can be taken out fairly easily when there's nothing but them in a continuous stretch of unbroken ground unfortunately such situations are few and far between more often than not they're in a place where there's more things to worry about one of their favorite places to hang out in is in towers where there is an abundance of small platforms which combined with the amount of space Medusa heads cover and the borderline unfair level of knock-back adds up to the likelihood of an early grave and Castlevania 3 a certain type of platform is introduced that spins when you jump on it sometimes with spikes on the underside guess what goes especially well with that yup [ __ ] Medusa heads you know what else goes swingley of medusa heads other enemies that are decidedly more resilient remember that hallway yeah I'm sure some of you do trying to dodge the axes of X Knights while trying to deal with Medusa heads and trying to kill the ax Knights has caused so many game overs that a lot of people have actually raged put at this part all because of these enemies being at the wrong place at the worst possible time and remember their pattern is a sine wave I am getting my ass handed to me by math okay smartass here's an equation for you simple movement less irritating placement times deadly knock back equals [ __ ] you [Music] well modern gamers may hear the name of ninja gaiden and think ballbusting li hard 3d hack and slash retro gamers may hear that name and think of the ballbusting Li hard 2d platformers on the NES ninja gaiden actually did quite a bit for the early days of gaming what was being one of the first NES games to feature detailed cutscenes to flesh out the story well-defined platforming mechanics and a level of difficulty that requires ninja like precision appropriately enough especially in the later levels of each game in the trilogy these games are unforgiving to put it absolutely lightly thanks in no small part to the games enemies but with all the demons soldiers and ninjas yet fight your way through you'll probably lose the most lives - god damn Birds anybody who's played these games are likely screaming and hateful rage of these [ __ ] Falcons they have some similarities to Medusa heads particularly in regards to being placed in proximity to other enemies for maximum pain and also being especially dangerous when in the general vicinity of bottomless pits where they can quickly make your life bar look like a fancy deception but what makes them even worse is that unlike Medusa heads the falcons come straight for you as if you're already a carcass waiting to be plucked clean and they will pursue you without fuss and without mercy until either you or they are dead and they are fast meaning if your timing is even the slightest bit off consider your ass grass but I haven't even gotten to the worst part yet because of how spawn points work in the Ninja Gaiden games if you have to watch even the slightest bit backwards when trying to deal with an enemy a new one will be waiting the second the spawn point Scrolls back on screen which means once you defeat a falcon there's a good chance that another one will be coming for you almost immediately and don't get me started on areas where there are multiple Falcons which can turn an already difficult area into a goddamn nightmare if you see these feathered fiends you'd better be properly equipped or you'd better get used to hearing that def giggle [Music] one thing I've noticed is that a lot of these enemies are from older games that's not because newer games don't have annoying enemies because they certainly do but last ability was an issue even in the 8-bit era a guy to even argue it was even more of an issue due to the limitations developers had they had to make a game feel long enough to make it worth the cost so hey what better way than to make a game mercilessly hard with enemies designed to make you tear your hair out isn't that right Capcom [Music] [Applause] [Music] look we can top religion all you want as long as you don't start advocating committing unspeakable horrors but I can tell you without doubt that hell is real I have seen it and it is crawling with a spawn of Satan's pixelated programming red arrow MERS our frustration incarnate the vanguard of salt and rage considering the effects that too much distress can have on people I wouldn't be surprised if these freaks alone have decreased the average life expectancy of gamers by about five years these literal Devils have been a menace ever since the first ghosts and goblins where they have the tendency to hover just out of reach of most of your weapons dodging them the second you fire only to dive-bomb your ass at a moment's notice the time that they're vulnerable is the time when you're most likely to get yourself rekt and in a game where you're never more than two it's away from a pile of bones is that a risk you want to take oh wait you pretty much have no choice if you try to run they'll follow you to the ends of the [ __ ] earth until someone dies oh and is it that weren't enough they have a hierarchy red armor kings red arrow more races later more jokers and each one is worse than the last helped by the time ultimate ghosts and goblins came around they've learned how to use seismic toss look there's frustration there's overkill and then there's everything these guys have cost you lost armor lost lives lost continues lost sanity lost will to live lost bucks to give all at the hands of these godforsaken flakes hope your precious princess is worth it I'm the quarter guy and everyone who's familiar with these games knows exactly how aggravating their inner rumors are in fact I can almost hear the screams of red from my apartment right now and how does Capcom finish this madness one of them gets his own spin-off series and a spot in Marvel vs. Capcom you can no longer convinced me that karma is real [Music] whenever you got adventuring the most important thing to remember is to make sure you're well prepared make sure you have the right clothes pack plenty of power-ups get to know the lands they'll be traveling and make sure you've trained yourself to smack the living [ __ ] out of whatever gets in the way of your good time next time top ten 3d mario world's it's game time [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Quarter Guy
Views: 66,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Quarter Guy, Quarter Guy, Quarter, Guy, Video Games, Video, Games, Gaming, Top, Ten, Most, Annoying, Enemies, Aggravating, Anger, Rage, Frustration, Rant, Mega, Man, Super, Mario, Bros, The, Wonderful, 101, Sonic, Hedgehog, Mabinogi, Final, Fantasy, Borderlands, Castlevania, Ninja, Gaiden, Ghosts, Goblins, Ghouls, Mooks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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