Meta Quest 3 Productivity Apps & Tools

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[Music] what's up guys and welcome back to another video today we're going to take a look at the meta Quest free we're going to take a look at some of the unique features that this headset has to offer and some of the cool things that perhaps you're unaware of that you can do on this we're not going to be focused on the gaming side so much but more about the productivity and just how good this unit can be if you follow me over on Instagram you'll see that I've been sharing lots of story posts about how I've been using this and hopefully today after watching this video you'll have some unique ideas of your own of how you can incorporate this into your day-to-day life so thanks for clicking the video buckle up and let's take a look that's the unboxing section done now let's dive inside the headset and let's take a look at everything that this has to offer so upon putting your headset on you are now in the virtual world I assume most of you are familiar with meta quests or VR headsets in general and kind of get the general gist of the idea but it's not just the virtual world that is cool now this is some of the this is some of the cool stuff that the quest fre brings now there's a pass through mode which there was a pass through mode in Quest 2 however it has now been greatly increased so I'm just going to raise my hand up here and double tap the side of the headset which as you can see puts us into pass through which is now color and fantastic quality the quality in which we recalled is is slightly better than what we can see through the headset however what you can see through the headset is still fantastic so if we take a look at the phone here we can clearly read the time 69% charged 25 P two it's pretty it's pretty clear of course holding up to the face you do get that warped kind of effect but that is just part of VR so the upgraded quality now means that it's pretty easy to grab a drink take a sip and see everything that you're doing not only has the pass through been improved but the hand tracking is now amazing which actually means that you don't necessarily need the controllers you are able to touch and press everything just with your hands let's take a look so you can open your menu you're able to adjust where you want things so you want to move it there you can move it there you can move it up down wherever you want it is stuck with you so in here again now using your hands we're able to access everything just by touch which makes it a way more immersive experience the pass through quality is so good that you are now able to get up and walk around your environment this is what you saw earlier and here we are in the office with the with the workspace now again you have to drag things and bring them with you come over to the mirror what's up guys hopefully the audio quality is good some people have mic issues hopefully we do not so in here we are now able to access all of our settings so we'll load up the app library and in here you can scroll through all of your apps see what's occurring we do have some games in here and perhaps we'll take a look at some games potentially in another video CU this isn't just to explore games so we'll go through and what do we want see big screen is pretty cool maybe we should look at that let's get the browser up so we'll get the browser up and this is your usual browsers you can go to any different websites let's go to YouTube virtual keyboard you are able to use a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard to this but the virtual keyboard is way cooler so we'll search for spawn point in here and let's take a look at one of his videos funly enough we've watched all of these but we'll click on this limited edition PlayStation 5 so now we're watching YouTube on a massive screen but we're able to walk around and it will stay there so we can move around in your room you can come back over and you can adjust it you bring it back to yourself let's say I want to bring it back over to my setup over here and let's say I want to put it where my TV is we do this come into here and we go full screen oh we'll go back then we'll hit full screen then we've got the full screen so now I can sit down maybe crack them with some work and have it in a massive full screen video right there and then that is incredible the quality is amazing you need to see what it is in person I can't get across just quite how good it is how cool is this just chilling in your room with your absolute massive screen watching some YouTube so again we're using the controllers here but double tapping those hand tracking is now activated bring this down I'm going to show some soft space because I showed off this on my Instagram and it's very very cool so we're just going to hit so now we're inside this space as you can see we can just pull things along you use your hands to do everything so you pull things in towards you pull them away from you and this is an app that I believe is used to take notes and drop down ideas so as you can see in here when I was messing around with this on Instagram you can read here so you can hook up your Bluetooth keyboard and with your Bluetooth keyboard you're able to use the AI prompt so in here I put in guide on getting started with 3js and it's given me five or six simple steps in which their AI tool which is probably using chat GPT or something similar under the hood has given me so in here you can just do that now using your hands to move everything around is actually something else and as you can see we have the pass through activated so we're actually still in our setup now within this app you're able to connect a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard and in fact you do need the Bluetooth keyboard to get started so you're able to use some of the prompts and things but in here again you can use your hand so we'll just go to this we'll grab this we can move that around we'll put that there now again we are now in YouTube so what was we looking at in here a 3js crash course for beginners so now we're watching YouTube within this space where were able to take notes move everything around and it's just a space in which you can drop down your ideas and start working with everything so up here again we've had some dribble designs so if we'll just move this over here you can now see the dribble designs you pull these straight out the website so you're able to go to a website and then pull the images from the website straight into your into your space right so once we're in this app we're then able to hit the space bar and then here you can see what's on your mind create a new topic search web or ask AI so let's say we want to search the web so we want to get let's have a look of app design ideas let's say right and then if we hit control and enter I'm not sure actually if that was control that wasn't control that was command forgive me I'm using a different keyboard check a design you're then able to pull the image out and pop it onto the page like so so if we grab this this is the image you can pull it in drop it onto your bit here and now you've got this so in here you could then put some text on it or you could put it inside one of the ones that has lots of text you can make it part of that one let's pull this across like so we want this image to be inside here so this could be your note taking so you know you can have your images you could write your notes in here and take this out say we want it to go there I hope that the camera is doing its justice so you're in here you can then like I said you can come in here you're able to highlight all the text and then you can use your Bluetooth keyboard to type whatever you want so hello YouTube dot dot dot so simple note taking app which has tons of possibilities to just be your space and within your space you can do video ideas you can drop content ideas again you've got the web here that you're able to browse so if we come down here and we highlight all of this and we want to go to want to search for YouTube content ideas hit enter and then again we're in here and you can use this like a normal website you can browse whatever you need to browse view whatever you need to view and this is your space in which you're able to take notes keep ideas together browse the web and just be in a virtual space while still being able to see everything in front of you now the hand tracking the hand tracking is is is enabled and with this you're able to do certain options so like this if I raise my hand like so and turn it to me you have your options in here so web browser turn that on and off simple upload download things to the cloud so you can actually get Dropbox you can upload to Dropbox in here you can create a new workspace information about the app which is called softspace if I haven't already said in this video I might not have done and then look at this just have everything floating around and it's kind of mental it is kind of mental so s stick on some decent music and you're basically Iron Man at this point you are basically Iron Man Bluetooth keyboard granted I've got my setup here but let's just say you didn't have a setup you had your headset you had your Bluetooth keyboard you wanted to sit in a quiet space in your house and just get to work or jot down some ideas without all the distractions look what you're able to do now it is it is crazy crazy good and all controllable by your hands is what makes this so immersive so that's soft space which is a fantastic app however let's get into probably my most favorite app to use on The Meta Quest because I'm a developer it's super super handy let's check it out so the second app and what I was saying is probably my most favorite app to use as a developer is this app right here immersed this app is incredible I used this on the Quest 2 and it was totally viable and you usable within the Quest 2 however the upgraded pancake lenses and the slight increase in resolution between the two models has made this fully fully capable of being a realistic tool that you could use day in day out so first off we'll go to our M and I'm loading up the immersed app on my MacBook and then I'm going to come and you can see here it's up and active so I'm going to go and hit the immersed app in the quest and there is the Glorious Ultra wide as you can see um right in front of our face right there and then we have our actual MacBook screen sitting just to the left of me now again this isn't really something you'd use when you've got your 49in screen in front of you this is more for the fact that if you're out and about somewhere and you don't have your screens all you need is your laptop and your head headset and it is really that good I'm just going to confirm that there so in here again the menu is incredible this is a free app but you get credits in order to be in order to get additional screens and such things and different backgrounds I've not paid any credits this is totally free what I'm doing I've never spent any money or got any credits for this app but I'm still going to show you through it here so we're going to tap to open them so if we go to this and we highlight a portal as you can see I actually have a portal here so I made this Square which is a portal to the real world so you can move this portter when wherever you want you can resize it just by using your hands like so and you're able to place it into different zones like that to say if you want your you know I want my Star Wars prints to uh to remain there we go that is a portal you can have as many as you want so you can keep things in your perhaps you wanted um let's say like I wanted my Alexa on view so I can see if anyone's at the door and stuff then I can do that and you can pull it back up here because the artwork is something we want to see so anyway we'll just turn that off for now just to keep it more simple inside your room obviously this is where you can pick your environment So currently we're using a 360° photo we're at the beach let's say we want to change it to be the Milky Way let's select that now we are in the Milky Way okay this is pretty cool of course right so now let's get onto the laptop let's go to our code editor not sure what project this is this is okay this is the worker app that I was working on and I actually never finished however let's take a look just how good the screen the clarity the text and the resolution is again keyboard here you can see each key clear as day if you're not totally proficient at typing or even if you had a mouse that you wanted to be able to see you can extend this so you can see your mouse I'm a trackpad user so I use the trackpad but in here look I can read this all day long this is just this is just incredible absolutely incredible I mean look we can come into this function here at the top and we're just going to say console log hello everybody or hello everyone same thing right so in here we're able to see all of our text now again you have the ability to everything is touch so we have the ability to move so you can move it you pull it forward and say what does that say I want to pull it look how close that is it's too close but you can move it away move it forward move it away you also have the ability to do the curved so you're able to there you go it's flat but we want curved and you have the ability to adjust the angle of the curved so we come up here that's pretty flat okay let's have it let's have it like that let's wrap it right around now how immersive is this right so again we'll just put that back I like having it sort of similar to what my actual Curve screen is like something like that and again you can move this to be closer further away what whatever takes your fancy and as you can see also just next to the curve there is the ad screen which to add additional screens there is another screen so now we have three ver viral screens let's say we don't want that one there we want this want this one up here why do we want it out there cuz we do cuz we do and then this one again I don't know let's say we want it over here we'll have it over here no actually let's keep it over here okay so we've now got that over there this is your virtual working space which is incredible again you can have YouTube playing up here you your your code editor here or whatever it is that you do Excel or whatever now watch this mixed reality at a touch of a button we are now in our mixed reality environment let's say you didn't have a 49 in screen or you didn't have a screen you've now got this you don't even need the screen you can get rid of the screen simply pull this down in place of where the 49 in might be and now I've got a I don't know 70 inch screen in front of my face and my MacBook it is all you need YouTube playing over here uh I don't know you could have slack just up here let's say like that or Spotify even so there we go we got our Spotify playing playing we'll turn that down little just in case you cannot hear me the the the uh the sound doesn't seem to come through when you record so that's good so now we're in mixed reality this is incredible I cannot get across just how incredibly awesome and totally usable this is the final app I want to show you is fluid let's take a look this is fluid another virtual space as you can see we've able to touch things so you want to hide that touch that back so we want to see the keyboard you can connect the keyboard up currently I don't have a keyboard connected obviously cuz I'm not connected to my Mac you're able to go to Twitch gmouse slack so many more you can get a virtual keyboard as well of course this is fantastic this is the place to read your emails but not just that what do we have up on screen why do we have an Xbox controller connected but let's take a look shall we you can connect your Xbox controller up and play some cloud gaming so it says controller is not detected but we have one connected you just have to hit continue anyway this is obviously Xbox Cloud the uh beta version but this works great and again with everything being so awesome everything is is manageable just by like moving out the way with your hands incredible so one of the best things about this Fluid app is you're actually able to make your screen bigger you're actually able to make it a lot Night Football in the of manchest you can make it massive absolutely massive ready to bring you match comment and alongside that there so now we're playing on a I don't know 150 in TV this is Xbox gaming bearing in mind so you need decent enough internet to obviously make the uh connection decent and the resolution will be increased as up see if we can get go on video that be great Xbox without gaming means you can play any game you want in this space so again you don't have a screen you don't have your potentially PlayStation play or whatever it's called for PlayStation I don't have a PlayStation so I don't know but I assume it will work the same way so you're able to play your games remotely in your virtual space as long as you can go to the the website so this is all we're doing is is this is a browser and all we're doing is going to the the cloud gaming browser hopefully we can get a go on camera if I was good at FIFA then this would be a great demo for you boys sadly I'm not that great at the game Rod oh he looks threatening get down son hey there we go right there's a goal on camera so we've just gone to the Xbox cloud gaming web this is just a browser yeah so this is just a browser so that at this point you can do whatever you want like I was saying there's Gmail if you wanted to be able to check your emails and things you could just hit the Gmail tab it's going to load up another Tab and you can sign into Gmail check your Gmail say if you had slack installed and you wanted to check your messages there's slack so we're going to take a loss for you boys here but we're going to just go to we're just going to go to Google here and there you go this is just a working browser but the quality is fantastic I mean this this is pretty big you probably wouldn't want to use a screen that big just whilst browsing right so you're able to move shift you can bring it closer towards you bring it further away but look at that look look at that that is just incredible so let's do that we're going to hit backspace down here then we're going to put the controller down make sure we get hand tracking in because hand tracking is just way cooler and then let's go to YouTube you just sit in here you just watch films G we're not signed in so we can't see anything that I'm actually subbed to here uh Mr Beast do we like Mr Beast it's been a while and here we are now we're just watching it let's put the volume down slightly volume usually doesn't get captured by recording but it might be because I'm recording audio um there we go so now we're just sitting here watching YouTube now another cool thing to get the hand tracking enabled again so come over to here now we got come over to it and now we got pass through so now we're again we're mixed reality we've got our standard set up we can see everything you see the drink I'm all out of Red Bull sadly all out a Red Bull however we've now got the screen here so again you can move this wherever you want so we don't want it oh my goodness you get this besides let's say we don't want it there we want it above the setup we want to send it back a little go can have it there so then we want to hide the keyboard keyboard's gone I can crack them with some work in here whatever it is that you need to do and then I've got my you got your YouTube browser up there it's not only can you play games you watch YouTube sit in your virtual room check your slack your Gmail notion Discord rid remat it is just incredible so these are three great tools or three great apps that I seemingly find myself using most days they are incredible the minute where I have to go traveling or I'm away from an extended period of time and I don't have my setup the quest is coming with me and this is how I'm going to be productive and continue to work I want to show you guys one more thing so now we're down in the kitchen and clearly we're watching YouTube so we've got spawn point again we're just going to turn that down slightly just so you can hear what I'm saying so let's make a hot chocolate this is just how good this pass fruit really is it is actually incredible and it's incredible to use hazelnut pry line let's see how that is make sure so so this is the future now you are just standing in your kitchen you can be cooking you be over the stove put that up there making yourself a hot chocolate and just having this absolutely anywhere you want it bearing in mind you can have this screen bigger this is actually the smaller of the sizes so again if you hit full screen now you've got the full screen look at that that is actually incredible you can walk around you can move around your kitchen or your space that it's in and it's just there actually incredible and look at the quality of the uh video here as well we're actually playing this in 4k so this looks so incredible with these new upgraded lenses the detail of videos is is just unreal gaming has been increased the pass through has been increased quality of text has been increased you saw earlier that we're able to code in the headset we're able to be productive in the headset we're able to gain in the headset we haven't even checked out any games in this video this has just been ways that you can use your headset to be productive you could cook your dinner and watch your YouTube whilst you've got a floating virtual screen in front of your face I've actually been seeing lots of videos on Tik Tok of people doing that it's possible the future is here and this is the future and then as if by Magic we're back in the office hot chocolate at hand and I'm going to edit the rest of this video so you can watch it so guys I'm just going to say now thanks for watching it's been it's been a pleasure I hope that you've enjoyed this video there is so much more that that there is to cover and that I just cannot cover in the time that I have if there's any questions you have please ask them if there's anything specific you'd like to see drop a comment below and I'll get around to making some sort of content or video to answer your questions or to show you anything that you want to see I hope this has been helpful informative and I hope that you've enjoyed it thanks for watching and I'll see you soon
Channel: DeveloperAdam
Views: 9,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meta, quest, vr, headset, meta quest 3, three, oculus, immersed, softspace, pass through, virtual reality, desk setup, ultrawide, samgsung g0, samsung g9, macbook air m2, developer, coding, productivity, tools, apps, store, youtube
Id: x13Sir_jgrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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