My Hero Academia Quirks Explained - Quirkology 101 | Get In The Robot

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over my hero academia's run horikoshi has dreamed up some pretty wild quirks some abilities seem like they really could be a part of a natural evolution but others look like something out of video drone if you know that reference how do quirks work well we're still figuring it out and sometimes it feels like horikoshi is too but let's look into what we know so far [Music] we gotta start with the origins that precious glowing baby also known as the luminous baby was the first quirk user born in china the baby heralded a new phase in humanity's evolution fast forward to present day and about 80 percent of the population has quirks but in the grand scheme of things quirks haven't been around that long just a few generations deku's mom inco is a fourth generation quirk user from that we can assume it's probably only been 100 to 200 years since the luminescent baby rolled up to the scene so there's still a ton of stuff that humanity and we humble viewers don't know about quirks i mean to start things off i'm wondering how being able to spit tape out of your elbow counters humanity's next evolution or like meatball what environmental factors make it necessary for humanity to evolve to be able to turn each other into horrifying lumps of flesh like that was really gross humans are already the dominant species and we wrecked the earth if anything we need to chill not suddenly have super-powered abilities that allow us to wreck more completely and efficiently maple quirks are going to eventually help us survive our self-made apocalypse or maybe they'll just make the apocalypse extra wild who knows it's all the fun either way it's the missing joint in quirk user's pinky toe that solidifies the case about evolution all quirk users have only one joint in their pinky toe i'm not sure why losing a joint in the most useless toe on our whole foot means i can shoot cement on my mouth or pull my eyes out of my head but i'll accept it humans that are born quirkless like deku have two joints in their pinky toe fun fact the term quirk is nowhere to be found in their original release of my hero academia in japan instead of quirk they say cosec which roughly translates to individuality court came into vogue because before viz my hero academia's american publisher picked up the series a scandalation group called fallen angel scans translated every chapter and their translator glib lord used quirk as a flowery way to say individuality viz initially used individuality in the translation but the fandom was very attached to quirk so they pushed back quirk has since become the canon term to describe abilities in my hero academia for most countries outside of japan never forget the my hero pioneers quirk users often manifest their quirk by age four however users can manifest their quirks as early as birth for example when present mike was born he famously damaged the eardrums of the doctor and his parents with his uncontrolled quirk powered cry after you discover your quirk the next step is to develop your quirk through training and knowing your quirk type is a huge boon what exactly is a quirk type so glad you asked quirk types are the three classifications that every quirk falls under emitter transformation and mutant when i first learned about query types i was pretty pumped because to be honest i've spent many many sleepless hours trying to figure out if tokayami has a bird head because dark shadow is a bird beast or if dark shadow is a bird beast because tokyomi has a bird head seriously it's like the chicken or the egg thing but the short answer is it all comes down to quirk types and inheritance let's start by looking at the emitter type this is by far the most common type of quark and you might be surprised by some emitter users but that just goes to show how wide the variety of emitter quirks is urarka has an emitter-type quark sodusato mina shinso totoroki and eraserhead 13's black holes emitter type emitter-type quirks can alter the state of things around them like sugar rocky's decay or eraserheads erasure they can also cause their users to produce substances from their bodies like amino's acid or todoroki's icy hot sometimes they're able to produce the same effect within their body as long as it doesn't physically alter the user many emitter users can suffer from overuse backlash though if todoroki uses either one of his temperature controlling abilities for too long he's susceptible to either burning his body or getting hypothermia when urarka makes her body weightless it's almost impossible for her to avoid getting nauseous when aoyama fires his quirk he's prone to stomachaches neither of the more body integrated quirk types transformation and munit have this issue you might be surprised by what qualifies as an emitter quirk i mean one for all is considered an emitter type there's nothing else like it anywhere in the world and it might be the only emitter quirk capable of physically altering its user gotta love all mice muscle form ah is it hot you know i'm just gonna flex and yet it's in the same class as the quirk that forces other people to laugh really hard uh yep miss joke and all might are in the exact same category emitter up next is the rarest quirk type transformation folks with a transformation quirk have to activate their quirks through concentration and can usually only use their quirks for a limited amount of time they can transform their own bodies like class 1a and 1b horror bodies hiroshima and tatsutsu or enhance them like mountain lady we can thank transformation quirks for horrifying villains like moon fish with his bladetooth quirk and how about the pinnacle of human evolution shiketsu hai's own seiji shishikura his quirk lets him turn people into a dish of granny kurt's meatball delight which sounds gross and also tastes like that seiji by the way is a huge outlier when it comes to transformation quirks his quirk meatball is the only known transformation quirk that transforms somebody else rather than the user wacky transformation quirks like meatball demonstrate what a unique superhero story my hero academia is a lot of emitter quirks remind us of traditional superpowers todoroki isn't the only dude who throws ice at people but transformation quirks leave me with some questions i have no idea where ed shot's body goes when he uses photobody let alone to tommy's turtle-like body she was straight up disturbing now transformation quirks are definitely cool but if you're looking for the most striking quark type that's got to be mutant this one might be the easiest to describe and identify because these quirks permanently alter the way their user looks froppy the invisible girl hagakure sero and ita all have mutant quirks then there's selkie the cute seal man and we can't forget shoji with his duplo arms their bodies are altered by their quirks meaning that their quirks are passively active and don't require activation it's just like having another limb or two literally as a bonus mutant quirks are immune to erasure's quark nullification sorry eraser had all the eye drops in the world won't get rid of those extra arms but there are drawbacks too like trying to find pants that will fit your tail mutants are the best and i have a lot of respect for horror coaching making a society where some people look like cousin it and that's just how it is i mean gang orga gotta love his big sleek toothy face mutant quirks are where horikoshi really goes all in but they might just be an excuse for horikoshi to use characters designs from his first series omakagoki zoo and i can't handle him for blurring the lines a little bit to make the occasional birdman right but let's talk a little about how quirks are inherited and of course the singularity unfortunately for me in 20 percent of the population quirks are inherented genetically for the most part at least parents with compatible quirks have the potential to produce a child with a combo quirk like bakugo's explosion and todoroki's icy hot ability but seeing as todoroki is the fourth child in his family and the first to strike a good balance between the fire and ice quirks perfect combinations seem to be somewhat rare and if you want to see some fantasy ships come to life plug check out our my hero babies series it's really good i almost dropped that because of combo quirk possibilities the new generation of quirk users have more powerful and versatile abilities than their parents quirks also seem to operate under the same principles as dominant and recessive genes all right let me throw it back to your middle school science class real quick in real life dominant in recessive genes determine the likelihood you'll inherit certain traits from your parents as the name implies dominant genes will always overpower recessive genes quirks seem to also fall under dominant and recessive categories when determining the probability that an offspring will inherit a quirk the edith family's engine quirk seems to be a dominant gene despite having multiple generations of quark users and likely at least one parent with a different quirk the engine quirk persists on the other hand recessive genes are less likely to be inherited although he is two parents with quirks deku was born without a quirk this could be because both deku's parents have dominant no quark genes somewhere that overpower their recessive quark jeans so despite being quirkless deku still carries his parents quirk genes so if deku had a kid his kid could have either one of deku's parents as quirks new generations of quirk users have started showing something we can call many mutations and here is where we loop back to that burning question i posed earlier what's the deal with tokiyami's design he is completely human body but a bird like head it's totally a mutation but his quirk is dark shadow it looks like aspects of the mutation can be passed down genetically without passing down the actual powers associated with the original mutation let's call these mini mutations the same thing occurs with koji he definitely inherited that rocky head from his mom but doesn't seem to have anything to do with his quirk he'd still be able to use his anna voice even if he didn't look like the unfinished fifth mount rushmore head similarly tokiyami must have inherited his bird head from one of his relatives who likely had the full bird mutation quirk his emitter type quirk dark shadow is his actual quirk as for mena her pink skin apparently is a result of her acid but the horns are from an inherited mini mutation the inherited mini mutation quirk likely comes from the fact that quirks can combine and grow in strength over generations this leads to my hero academia's looming natural quirk disaster a phenomenon called the quark singularity the theory is that quirks will eventually become so hybridized that quark users are no longer able to control them in a worst case scenario everyone would be like mutant kevin from ben 10 not fun i get the feeling we'll see this touched on closer to the series final chapters we've already seen certain quirks get out of hand in my hero academia's main cast tokiyami struggles to control dark shadow strength in poorly lit locations and there are plenty of quirks that could accidentally create a friendly fire situation i'm looking at you present mike i don't think tokiyami will be the last confusing quirk user will see because we just don't know that much about quirks yet give it another 100 years besides that horikoshi can and should take creative liberties me personally i'd rather live in a world with cementos and his teeny tiny ponytail than one without him and for those of you who still want more answers well i'm with you alright this is just the beginning this introductory course only scratches the surface of quirks we'll know more as things progress class dismissed i'm kurt and if you like this video let us know and we might make a quirkology 201 it'd probably be 102 because it's an introductory course you know it's okay thank you for watching in the robot your anime explainer [Music] you
Channel: Get In The Robot
Views: 2,329,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My Hero Academia, Boku No Hero Academia, My Hero Academia Anime, My Hero Academia Quirks, My Hero, Deku, Bakugo, All Might, One for All, All for One, HeroAca, My Hero Academia Quirks Explained, Support Items Explained, My Hero Academia Explained, MHA Support Items, MHA Costumes Explained, endeavor, midnight, Present Mic, Get in the Robot, Tokoyami Quirk Explained, One for All Explained, My Hero Academia Theme, my hero academia season 4, my hero season 4, mha season 4
Id: iCma2KprwVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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