The Life Of Dabi (My Hero Academia)

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the life of dabi toya todoroki my hero academia dobby real name toyotaroki is a major supporting antagonist in the series he's a villain affiliated with the league of villains and formerly a member of the organization's vanguard action squad he and the rest of his team serve as the primary antagonist of the forest training camp arc he also serves as the antagonist for the pro-hero arc he later becomes one of the nine lieutenants of the paranormal liberation front in organization forms from the remnants of the league and the meta liberation army dobby currently serves as a commander for the vanguard action guerrilla warfare regiment violent along with gettin welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of dobby before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video background seeking to have a child capable of surpassing all might ng todoroki agreed to a quirk marriage with rey himura when he was 22 years old his first child toyotaroki was born prematurely although he didn't inherit the quirks from both of his parents toyah was born with a fire quirk more powerful than ng's own health flame so when the time came his father would train him later that year his sister fuyumi todoroki was born from presumably quite a young age toyo was constantly trained by his father and the young boy was actually quite eager to learn all of his father's moves so that he could one day become a great hero although none of his children bore the ideal quirk he was hoping for angie was satisfied with toyah and saw him capable of surpassing allmight with his powerful fire quirk alone so he placed his ambitions on his shoulders the situation changed drastically as toyah's red hair began to turn white and his body suffered burns every time he used his quirk andrey and rey went to see a court doctor to find out what was wrong with him the doctor explains that while toyah has inherited a powerful firebase quirk from his father he also inherited his mother's resistance to freezing cold rather than his father's resistance to scorching heat meaning that he would burn himself whenever he used his flames because of this toyo was limited in how far he could safely push himself with his quirk engie deemed him a failure and suddenly stopped training him toya despite the dangerous flaw in his quirk still longed to be a pro hero when he grew up he began to beg his father to continue training him but ng refused saying that it was for the sake of his well-being but toya wasn't pleased later he talked with his sister fuyumi and told her that he can tolerate the pain and burns but little fuyumi told toya that she was also worried about him getting hurt her words offended toya who yelled that she doesn't understand him because she's a girl and walked off saying that his father was the only one who lit the fire under him to surpass all might toyah began training on his own despite his father and sister trying to convince him to stop ng lamented that his son also inherited his stubbornness and decided to have more children until conceiving a suitable successor to his ambitions rey said that his idea was too cruel especially considering toya has finally realized what he wants to achieve through their children but angie considered that this plan would finally make toya give up on his obsession the years passed and enji and rey had more children this would ultimately lead to natsuo's conception which made toya start falling into despair while endeavour's desire to surpass all might continued to grow eventually shoto todoroki was born having inherited a perfect combination of both his parents quirks ng had finally conceived the much desired air he was seeking but toya despaired even more as shoto's birth implied that his entire purpose and his father's awareness and attention had just been taken from him however toya was still determined to fulfill his father's dream and refused to abandon it he continued training on his own eventually he started going to sekato peak where his father used to train angie told toya to stop training in secret because he was covered in burns and told him to look beyond the world of being just a hero and do things like play with his siblings or make friends at school saying he can understand that and one day it will all be a distant memory toya however with tears flowing from his eyes told his father that everyone at school wants to be heroes themselves and he couldn't understand what it was like to give up because he has him as a father ng lit the fire in him to surpass all might and it wasn't going out just as he calls him by his hero name rather than father their argument draws rey and the rest of his children to where they are broken down toyah told his father to look at him as he violently lashed out with his flames activated at his mother carrying an infant choto attempting to harm his youngest brother he was stopped before he could hurt anyone but after toya's outburst ng decided to ban the other siblings from interacting with shoto so he can focus on his training and entrust ray to look after toyah when rey said that altoya wants is for his father to acknowledge him and you replied that all he can show anyone is the world of heroes to which rey scathingly replied that he's just running away from his problems during the following years toya developed what appeared to be an excellent relationship with his siblings they were always together and they always played together this is especially true regarding his brother natsuo however they were raised separately from their youngest brother shoto likewise his father's traumatic abuse and then abandonment had a strong emotional and mental impact on toya and many times he used to go to his brother natsuo with tears in his eyes questioning why he even existed five years had passed since the incident and enji decided to train shoto preventing him from playing with his older siblings despite his begging a thirteen-year-old toyah witnessed them and glared at the two of them hatefully later that night he confided in natsu his inner doubts acknowledging it was his fault for attacking shoto who did nothing wrong but rants about his feelings towards their father and how he considers the rest of his children as failed creations wondering whether the only thing heroes did was make children and discard them when they didn't need them natsu however just wanted to sleep and suggested toyah talked to fuyumi once in a while toyo was hurt by the implication that nato was brushing him off as well explaining he was the only one who toyo could talk to one day when he was preparing to go train at sekoto peak rey tried to dissuade him and make him consider whether or not he really wanted to be a hero assuring him that there are more options than the hero world toya was infuriated by her mother's words yelling at her and asking if she had been reading any self-help books lately his statements left rey's surprise as he continued his rant saying that he already know she only married angie because her family was poor and that was the only reason he was born putting responsibility for his problems on her shoulders as well toyah continued to train at sekotopeek and during the winter season around the time he had a growth spurt his quirk developed and his flame's colors changed from red to blue toya discovered that his flames are linked to his emotional state and would get stronger if he was riled up he started crying saying he doesn't know why he does when he gets worked up shortly afterwards excited to show his father how he had developed toyah asked him to come to sekuto peak the next time he had a day off angie however lifted up his shirt and saw his burn scars angry that toya had been training again but his son was adamant that he was destined for greatness and determined to make his father proud of him frustrated angie ignored his eldest son's pleas and took his anger out on rey for not stopping toya some time later toya waited at sekato peak for his father to meet him but endeavour never showed up much to toya's disappointment and anguish the emotional turmoil he felt caused him to lose control of his flames resulting in a massive wildfire toya tried to save himself but he didn't know how to quell his flames as his father only ever taught him how to increase the heat he was scorched with flames exceeding 2000 degrees celsius his body was believed to have been incinerated and the only thing that was found was a part of his jawbone his death affected his family especially his mother ray whose mental state had already been harshly affected by her husband's past abuses and his brother natsuro who still considers his father responsible for toyah's demise toya's family installed a batsurn buddhist altar in his former room after his passing and still send their prayers to him even angie is seen praying at it saying that he regrets the loss of his eldest son however toya didn't die but was left with severe burns and grew up without his family knowing the truth the traumatizing abuse toyah experienced throughout his childhood drove him to become a villain renaming himself dabi and dying his hair black to hide his true identity as the years passed by dobby secretly observed his father's actions from afar accepting his newfound life as a villain dabi slowly plotted a plan to ruin enji's life by destroying his hero career vs hero killer arc dabi watches a public broadcast about the news of the hero killer's escape inspired by stain's ideology dabi decides to move towards the organization that was widely believed to harbor stain's cause the league of villains final exams arc giron brings dobby and himiko toga to the league of villains hideout dobby comments that the group's leader tomorrow shigaraki is gross looking which he is honestly tomorrow is displeased with the recruits and immediately asks kudagiri to remove them kurogiri refuses and giron introduces davi as a criminal who has not done any flashy crimes but follows stain's ideology dabi says he is unsure about the league's motivations and asks if they would really let a crazy girl like kimiko join tomorrow remarks that she introduced herself and asked dabi for his name but he says he will only reveal it at a later time dabi goes on to say he will make the hero killer's will a reality tomorrow becomes widely irritated by dapi and himiko's comments about staying enough so to attack them dobby and himiko prepare to defend themselves but kurogiri steps in and uses his quirk to stop them from coming to blows tomorrow storms off as dabi complains about his attitude kurogiri asks kiran and the recruits to wait for a proper answer at a later date forrest training camp arc dobby is eventually recruited into the league of villains and assigned to lead a team of elite villains called the vanguard action squad tomorrow acquires equipment for the team and has them pick it up at an unknown warehouse location himiko announces there is enough gear for everyone and they bring it along on their mission muscular adds that they need to hurry up but muster disagrees because the team has been ordered not to rush or do anything too flashy dabi agrees and says that tomorrow acted like a brat and as hacked when they first met but now he's suddenly taking charge dabi proclaims that their mission will be a warning shot that will tear down false heroes from their shining pedestals and drag them back to earth in order to create a new future for the world the next day dobby and six other villains secretly arrive on the wild wild pussycats forest reserve where ua high school students are training the vanguard action squad observes the campsite from a high vantage point the members of the group start to argue about their next move so dobby tells them all to shut up he goes on to say that tomorrow was foolish for trying to attack the usj with a band of low-level thugs and that it's much better to use a small group of elites tabi announces the league of villains first task is to strip away the student's sense of security the vanguard action squad begins their assault the next evening dobby uses his quirk to set the beast's forest ablaze in blue fire dobby keeps the fire going while the other villains search for katsuki bakugo who's their target twice makes clones of dobby so he can distract the ua teachers dobby waits outside of the base camp and surprise attacks erase her head on his way out he blasts eraserhead with an explosion of blue flames but the hero evades and erases dobby's quirk by looking at him he overpowers the villain and pins him to the ground before interrogating him for information about his allies dobby refuses to comply and gets free once a few of the students arrive eraserhead goes to restrain dobby again but the clone disappears as dabi taunts the latter leaving eraserhead shocked dabi tells twice the clone was defeated too fast twice rebuffs dobby's claim he comically argues until dobby orders him to make another clone to keep the pro heroes at bay the clone attacks the base camp again he blasts one of the classrooms and is quickly restrained by the blood hero vlad king the clone goads vlad king until eraserhead arrives and destroys it mr compress is able to successfully capture kotsuki compressing him into a marble along with fumikage tokuyami and radios the team to rendezvous twice complains and dobby argues that mr compressed did a fine job dabi seems to notice yuga ayama hiding behind a bush but before he's able to act twice reminds him to call back nomu twice had to remind dobby to unleash nomu on the students earlier dabi remembers the nomu was designed for him and will only react to his voice he then signals the nomu while he and twice walk to the meeting spot dobby and twice meet himiko first he asks how her mission went and himiko replies that she was only able to collect one sample of blood as twice and himiko begin to banter back and forth dabi tells them both to shut up and notices a trio of students tackling mr compress out of midair dobby unfazed by this entrance orders mr compressed to move aside and he does so by using his compressing quirk on himself tabi throws a fireball that burns mezzo shoji and deku the other villains attack the students and mr compress motions to give the captured students to dobby he meant to keep their compressed marble bodies inside his pocket but mezzo shoji stole them kurogiri arrives to evacuate the villains as their goal is achieved dabi refuses to leave without katsuki bakugo but mr compress reassures him he was hiding the real marbles the entire time hiding from the shadows yuga ayama shoots mr compress in the face and he drops the marbles out of his mouth mezzo is able to retrieve fumikage but dabi secures katsuki's marble before shoto reaches it dobby taunts shoto's attempt as he commands mr compressed to confirm kotsuki's body kotsuki reverts to his normal body with dobby's hand around his neck dabi calls checkmate and the villains disappear within the warp gate hideout radarc having completed their mission dobby and the vanguard action squad return to the hideout they restrain kotsuki and bring him before tomorrow tomorrow tells katsuki about the league of villains goal to reform hero society then he asks dabi to remove his restraints dobby argues that kotsuki will fight but tomorrow asks him to do it anyway dabi then orders twice to remove the bonds and then kotsuki immediately blasts tomorrow in the face with an explosion kotsuki tells the league that he'll never join them because he wants to be a hero like all might tomorrow asks all for one to lend him his power and then orders compressed to restrain katsuki the league of villains is interrupted by the unexpected arrival of what sounds to be a pizza delivery then all might suddenly bursts through the opposite wall with kamui woods and the latter restrains all of the villains with his lacquered chain prison technique dobby attempts to free himself from the wooden binds by igniting his flames however gran torino flies in and stops dobby by knocking him unconscious with a swift kick to the head dobby and the other villains are saved when all for one warps them to the destroyed nomu factory all for one activates the quirk of the unconscious kurigiri and orders the league of villains to capture kotsuki in a retreat all of the villains are forced to flee the battlefield when all for one uses magni's quirk to force them into the warp gate shie hisaikai arc three weeks following the battle in kamino ward the league of villains members separate in order to conceal themselves and recruit like-minded individuals to their cause dobby enters an alleyway hoping to find recruits there the lowlife thugs threaten to kill dobby and he recognizes that they're nothing but weak thugs he tells them to get out of his way and then burns them all to death with his quirk dobby mocks them by stating their garbage and the least they can do is become kindling for his flames dabi is present at the meeting in which tomorrow informs them that they will form an alliance with shie hasaikai dabi says nothing but twice and himiko are unhappy with the decision but tomara assures them that it's for the good of the league and the time when they can avenge magnay and mr compress will come a few days later the shia hisaikai compound is assaulted by heroes and with the help of twice and himiko they managed to defeat the entire organization and arrest its members during the aftermath of the shihei saikai raid dabi accompanies tomorrow spinner and mr compress on their mission to confront the defeated overhaul tomorrow claims that his plan is as simple as a game of shogi dabi argues that shogi isn't that simple the league of villains engages a police convoy carrying overhaul inside one of the trucks while he's restrained and strapped to a medical bed dobby tells spinner to stop driving erratically because it's making him carsick he maintains his composure and attacks the convoy with a large flamethrower stream prompting the sand hero snatch to appear from within one of the trucks dobby recognizes snatch as a powerful pro hero while tomorrow fights him he also notes that tomorrow's infamy has gotten him way too famous tomorrow crashes several of the trucks into each other while dobby confronts snatch himself snatch attacks dobby with a sand tiger move and dobby counters with a large blast of fire while snatch is distracted mr compress uses his quirk to trap him inside a marble with toby's flames mr compress accidentally burns himself and then asks dobby if snatch's sand will burn dobby believes snatch can only transform his upper body into sand and will likely die while compressed tomorrow exacts his revenge on overhaul by destroying his arms spinner on the other hand warns his allies that police reinforcements will arrive soon dabi mr compress and tomorrow walk back towards the truck as the flames from their destruction burn in the background pro hero arc prior to the hero billboard jp the league of villains has seen better days they're barely scraping with no funds and have resorted to stealing from other criminal groups and living in a rundown building rather than partaking in theft dobby spends his time trying to recruit new members he returns to the filthy hideout and berates his allies for sitting around doing nothing twice replies that dobby just burns everyone he meets dobby claims he burns them because they're ambitiously trashed and himiko taunts him for being a poor judge of character spinner confronts tomorrow over the state of the league and admits he's only here to fill his empty heart with a new purpose dobby taunts him by saying he's just a hollow cosplayer of stain they're interrupted by an intense rumbling that brings the villains outside the league of villains comes face to face with a giant claiming it's searching for all for one successor dobby questions the identity of this titan and tomorrow claims he's the secret weapon kurigiri got captured trying to retrieve the giant quickly overpowers the league while the voice of all for one's doctor plays from the beast's radio which hangs from his neck the doctor explains that the giant is named giganto machia and he's all for one's ex-bodyguard gigantomachia went into hiding before all for one's defeat and the doctor claims this meeting was all a part of the plan dobby replies that the big guy isn't exactly a generous gift and lights up his flames he blasts gigantomaki on blue flames shocked tabi watches as the giant brushes off the fire as himiko tells dobby his attack didn't work a recording of all for one's voice soothes giganto machia and calms him down the doctor warps the league to his lair using the warping quirk from kamino dabi immediately notices the nomu housed in the lab the doctor commands dobby's sharp eye and introduces himself as daruma ujiko annoyed dabi asks why the league is at the lair and the doctor replies that they must prove themselves if they desire his support in response tomara explains his past and why he desires to destroy everything bored dobby stands by with the others who don't appear to quite understand tomorrow's distortion the doctor accepts tomorrow but he will not fully support the league until they defeat gigantomachia dobby refuses to help because he wants to put more time into recruiting a potential ally tomorrow says he's excited to see who he brings and the doctor tells dabi he can help test a high-end nomu for him dabi is assigned to test one of dr ujiko's high-end nomu at hidamari kindergarten on the same day as the hero billboard chart jp release dobby tells the high-end hood that it is the first intelligent nomu and he expects good results hood attacks the number one and two pro heroes endeavor and hawks dobby watches from within the city limits when endeavour narrowly wins their fight with the two pro heroes injured from the fight and before they can request for help he confronts the two heroes and traps them within a wall of fire endeavour recognizes dobby as the villain who murdered snatch and dobby claims he has no idea who he's talking about dobby tells endeavor he wants a talk while they have the opportunity hawks stands up to dobby and the latter claims he wouldn't try and defeat the two top heroes alone then dobby says that they're both on death's doorstep and decides to attack that's when mirko interrupts the ladder and attacks dobby from above her fearsome stomps keeps him at bay making tabi realize his disadvantage dobby then calls uchiko to use the warping quirk to warp him away before he leaves dabi calls endeavour by his real name and tells him not to die afterward dobby meets with hawks to discuss hood's attack hawks is upset with dobby for not keeping to their original plan and holds a blade to his neck unphased dobby replies that hawks wasn't supposed to bring someone as powerful as endeavour he questions the lack of casualties from the battle insisting that a villain sympathizer wouldn't have acted in such a heroic way hawks explains he has to keep a heroic appearance to the public to make himself more useful to the league of villains understanding the situation dobby walks away and tells hawks he can't meet their leader yet but he'll contact him again in the future while walking towards the harbor dobby recalls snatch and is seemingly moved by the hero's last words to him dobby says thinking about all the families he's affected has nearly driven him crazy he wiped some blood from the patch underneath his eye as if he was crying metal liberation army arc almost a month and a half later dobby contacts hawks by phone call and gives the number two hero one last job to prove himself to the league a few days after this while dobby hides out on the border between iwa and shiga ri destro leader and great commander of the metal liberation army contacts tomorrow redestro informs him that they captured and tortured his broker giron in order to find them as the mla considers tomara and his allies a threat to their plans for this reason he declares war on the league and informs them that if they don't go to take a city to confront them they will use their influence so that they have to face a force of heroes tomorrow accepts the challenge and orders the doctor to warp everyone to take a city where the confrontation must take place dabi is also warped to take a city and regroups with the others for a war against the metal liberation army dobby's annoyed they dragged him into their mission to rescue giron and this angers twice himiko notices someone approaching the group and dobby readies his flames it turns out to be an escort the pro hero slide and go slide and go leads the villains through the seemingly abandoned city where they eventually meet with koku hanabata and chitose kizuki two top executives of the army koku begins the liberation army's revival celebration and dozens of citizens suddenly ambush the villains dobby appears to avoid direct combat while dodging various quirks aimed toward the leak dabu realizes it's about time he got serious about fighting when suddenly a hooded man tries to crush him using two giant ice gauntlets dobby avoids it and admits that he's gotten stronger and now he can tell at a glance this new bruiser is tough too gettin asks dobby why he hasn't used his wide range of flames to attack yet suggesting something might be wrong with his abilities dobby smirks and counter attacks with a wave of flames that melt his opponent's ice the ice warrior collects ice from all the nearby buildings and collects it into one massive frozen figure he claims to have been perfecting his quirk without school his entire life dobby taunts him for living such a sad life and the elements of their quirks collide splitting the battlefield the blue flames prove more ferocious and hold the advantage against getting zeiss dobby taunts his opponent calling him outmatched since his ice is all gone compressed struggles nearby against some of the other warriors and asks for help dobby asks why he should help when an army of twice clones is headed their way the doubles fight to protect dobby and compress from the other warriors many of them decide they should try and double dobby but compress urges them to save some fodder for when giganto machia awakens getting takes out much of twice's sad man's parade with a barrage of ice confused dobby asks if this town specially manufactures ice the iceman explains that he can lower the temperature of the town's water supply in order to generate more ice dobby calls him obnoxious for not leading with that in the fight and getting responds by claiming the liberation army will create a world where status is attained by the strength of one's meta ability dabi believes that gaetan's words of sheer strength sounds miserable and rudely asks him to keel over and die the ice warrior claims that dabi will be the one who dies as he can smell his burning body from here getting has been observing dobby's quirk and believes his body is not compatible with it dabi's blue flames start to eat away at his body meaning it's difficult for him to fight prolonged battles mr compressed wishes they could stick gantomachia on the iceman and worries about dobby's fate dr ujiko notices the league is in peril and awakens the giant early the giant proves far more powerful than the army can contend with and mr compress realizes they were foolish for underestimating him mr compress asks dabi to finish up this battle so they can save tomorrow before the giant reaches him worried for his own leader getting flees the area and tries to stop the giant on his own only to be easily cast aside annoyed and smoking from his wounds dabi claims he was close to burning that icy freak up before he fled tomorrow achieves victory against the meta liberation army's leader and obliterates half of the city with his quirk redestro concedes and hands the liberation army over to him the league of villains all survive the revival party and recover for a week in a new mansion dobby meets back with hawks and confirms he killed a man as asked he isn't sure it's actually best genius but invites him to the next meeting anyway while dining on sushi compress claims that this is the calm after the storm dobby replies that compressed didn't do a single thing in the battle spinner asks dobby for his sushi and dobby lets him have it because he hates fish dabi and all of his allies are led underground by skeptic and trumpet of the liberation army with tomra as its new leader the league of villains and the meta liberation army merged to become the paranormal liberation front dabi is one of the nine lieutenants appointed to tomorrow and will receive a team tailored to him dobby then meets up with hawks some time after the ceremony and greets the number two pro hero wondering about the latter's sudden change of mood hawks decides to not tell dobby about his actual mood towards the new formation of the paranormal liberation front my hero academia heroes rising at some point after the clash tomara and his allies gain information about one of ujiko's projects involving quirk and body enhancement upon getting requested to transfer important cargo to an unknown location the league questions fujiko what's inside the cargo to which the doctor simply tells them it has nothing to do with them with that being said dobby spinner and mr compress are assigned to do the task although they dislike being treated like regular delivery men the three agreed to do ujjuko's request on one late winter night the league uses an armored truck to transfer the cargo while fleeing from a group of pursuing pro heroes on night duty it turns out that the information about ujico's project was leaked out the heroes have apparently formed a trap to prevent the league from escaping when roklock and his partner try to get closer dobby emerges from one of the truck's windows and unleashes a blast of fire straight at them this forces rocklock to use deadbolt to protect him and his partner preventing them to continue their pursuit the other two also fend off the heroes but one of them manages to board the truck dobby acts quickly and brutally cremates the hero to death before he could do anything although they successfully blocked off their pursuers spinner wonders who alerted the heroes of their escape route to which dobby replies it must have been an info leak endeavour and his small team revealed themselves at the end of the road surprising both spinner and mr compress dobby on the other hand expresses delight at endeavour's arrival and launches another large fire blast at him endeavour counters this by using flash fire fist causing both attacks to cancel each other out spinner decides to accelerate the truck while dobby readies himself to release a more powerful blast of his flames both intending to kill endeavour right on spot unfazed by this sudden move endeavour tells his allies to leave the scene as he retaliates with prominence burn which ultimately breaks through dobby's attack and consumes the truck in a burst of flames the villains melt into sludge as they turn out to be clones created by twice the burning truck rolls off the road and crashes at a nearby forest which was later revealed to be exactly where ujico wanted them to drop off the cargo a few days later the league relocates to an abandoned shack they discuss who is inside the convoy to which dobby believes that it wasn't that important just as ujico mentioned before despite their discussion all members excluding tomorrow are still unaware of what truly was inside the convoy endeavor agency arc as the paranormal liberation front prepare themselves for the next coming months dobby sends star servant to cause havoc at a nearby city later dobby and his allies excluding tomorrow and getting are present at a meeting in which hawks informs them of endeavour's decision to take on two new interns other than shoto dabi comments that he feels like the students haven't changed ever since the training camp incident the lieutenants are also informed of tomorrow's ultimate scheme to destroy everything in about four months once the latter finishes his upgrades afterwards dabi would soon send ending to attack endeavour and his new trainees paranormal liberation war arc once four months have passed dobby is assigned as a commander for the vanguard action guerrilla warfare regiment violet along with getting when the heroes launch their attack on the paranormal liberation front dobby and the other lieutenants are first unaware of the raid that is until noticing the gungah mountain villa mansion splitting apart by cementos quirk the paranormal liberation front lieutenants decide to evacuate their subordinates and instead send their lower ranked advisors to fight the oncoming storm while everyone else evacuates dobby moves towards somewhere else in mind upon hearing twice screaming dobby heads straight to the scene knowing that hawks has betrayed the organization dobby eventually reaches where twice and hawks are fighting he takes time to hear what hawks has to say about his role dobby then makes his move by firing off a large flamethrower to save twice from harm dobby enters the room and approaches an injured hawks who is badly scorched by his flames the villain steps on hawks's face while emitting flames from his souls mocking the hero for making excuses for his hero-like behavior however hawks reveals that he survived dobby's assault thanks to his wings carrying him and twice the safety dobby tells hawks that he lost most of his feathers for combat hawks calls out dobby for nearly burning his friend to death but dobby admits that it's expected of heroes to put their lives on the line dobby smugly reveals that he never considered trusting hux from the start of his cooperation with the league with that said dobby launches another barrage of flames straight at the winged hero causing a large explosion outside the crumbling mansion twice manages to escape hawks's grasp and tells dobby to continue assaulting hawks dobby then encourages twice to go wild and fight at full power high-fiving his comrade while holding backhawks with his flames unfortunately hawks flew outside of dobby's range shocking the flame villain once more dobby proceeds to call hawks by his real name to catch the hero off guard while unleashing another flamethrower this gives twice barely enough time to escape only for hawks to land a fatal blow on the villain killing him in the process upon realizing that twice has died dobby completely goes berserk on hawks sarcastically mocking the hero for killing his comrade dabi continues to beat down hawks with every bit of rage and anger stored inside him hawks wonders why dobby's smiling despite witnessing twice's death dobby reveals that he can't cry due to burning his tear glands in the past and he's upset by twice's death since he was necessary for his own dreams to come true hawks then questions dobby's true identity to which the villain responds with a sinister tone dabi opens up that he never cared about shigeraki nor the league all he ever cared about was carrying out stains ideology and spreading it to the world just as the villain readies himself to burn hawks to death dobby gets pushed back by the timely arrival of tsukiomi dabi tells fumikage it's pathetic that ua forced their students on the battlefield and cruelly points out that hawks murdered twice when the latter was trying to protect his friends this shocks fumikage hard to the heart dabi then questions fumikage why he's here and mocks him for looking up to a hero that's far dirtier than the villains however fumikanke refuses to falter at dobby's words which makes the latter realize the situation dobby readies his flames just as fumikage prepares dark shadow to try to get him and hawks to safety the villain shoots out a large flamethrower to burn the two heroes nearly scorching fumikage to death in the process a barely conscious hawks tells fumikagi that dobby will keep talking as his taunting serves as a way for him to recharge his flames telling his intern to leave fumikage sends dark shadow to attack dobby but the attack misses dabi then jumps down and uses his flames on his feet to hover downward to chase after fumikage and hawks however their skirmish is interrupted by getting sudden ice attack allowing fumikage and hawks to escape after gigantomachia begins to make his move under tomorrow's orders dobby is among the other plf lieutenants riding on the behemoth's back as gigantomachia tries breaking through mount lady who tries to hold him back the villains discuss what happened when he suddenly grabbed all of them dobby deduces that tomorrow has awoken otherwise giganto machia wouldn't even be moving gigantomachia decides to take a shortcut to reach tomorrow quicker so he throws aside mount lady by her foot and charges forward to his destination with the pursuing pros out of the way gigantomachia and the league continue to escape as giganto makia finally arrives to tomorrow's location and protects him from the combined attacks of negede and shoto dabi appears from the back of the giant villain to announce his arrival to the heroes on the ground pleasantly realizing that both endeavour and shoto are there endeavour angrily calls out dobby's name but the villain retorts by telling endeavor to call him out by another name toya endeavor and shoto are frozen in shock as dabi removes his hair dye to reveal his white hair and his identity as endeavour's oldest son dobby continues by saying that he's been watching endeavor all this time and has started broadcasting his past to the entire world all to discredit his father while telling endeavor of the terrible pain he endured as a child asking himself why he even existed his original plan was to kill shoto when he became a hero but after endeavour took the number one spot dabi decided to send multiple threats such as hood star servant and ending his father's way he then asks endeavour if he feels good now that he's the number one hero and he can now look at his children with pride he yells that it's wrong for endeavour to assume he can just keep moving forward and that the past never dies while taunting his father and telling them to dance together in this hell endeavour refuses to believe this stating that dobby is telling a despicable lie but the villain replies that it's the despicable truth at the same time dabi reveals his blood tests on his broadcast to confirm his identity as the son of endeavor while continuing to deride his father as a man who completely lacks empathy the broadcast then shows doctored footage of hawks killing twice to make it seem as though the number two hero ruthlessly killed a man who was trying to save his friends and paint him as a murderer while also revealing that hawks killed best genus the number three hero dobby also reveals more of hawks's past how the father of hawks was a serial robber and a murderer who was ironically arrested by endeavour the villain derides heroes as individuals who only care about themselves and use others to promote themselves dobby thanks endeavor for going strong until now then jumps down preparing to eliminate his father and the others with his prominence burn but before he can do this he's immobilized by wires he looks up dobby's surprised by the hero's arrival having believed him to be dead best genius tells him that he's overreached with his ambitions and now he will come apart like inferior denim dabi however says that even if best genius is alive that won't sweep under the rug the todoroki family's hard truth negedo meanwhile tries to strike tomra but unfortunately gets blasted by dobby's flames as he's burning through the wires much to shoto and the other's horror as she falls out of the sky dobby tells endeavor that once again another child with a bright future has been burnt up by his flames as he breaks free of his restraints shoto desperately begs dobby to stop ashoto clashes with his brother he reveals to dabi that one of the villains he sent endeavour's way nearly killed natsuo the one who he claimed he cried to every day dabi however merely says it was a shame he didn't die because then endeavour would have suffered more an incredulous shoto asks his brother if he's insane and dobby confirms he doesn't feel anything anymore in one file clash as shoto attempts to use flash fire fist jetburn on dobby the latter responds with a larger more powerful version of the same attack that overwhelms and knocks out his younger brother he sarcastically apologizes to him and leaves the battlefield since killing shoto now would be pointless to dobby if endeavour is about to pass out and not completely break yet he then meets up with mr compress who uses his quirk on him and puts him in spinner's scarf so he can escape with the rest of the league the heroes attempt to stop the remaining league members sans can go to makia himiko and compress from escaping with the surviving near high ends but all is in vain as they proceed to escape the battlefield after the league successfully escapes to one of their layers dabi is later seen sitting beside all for one possessing shigeraki who is rejoicing from the series of jailbreaks he caused all over japan he then asks dabi and spinner to keep watch while he let shigaraki's body rest two days later dabi is lying on a sofa in the former creature rejection clan mansion contemplating his own burn scars and commenting on how they've gotten worse even though he doesn't feel any different knowing that endeavour is probably still alive and recuperating he deduces that not only does his position not allow him to die even if he wanted to but he would also have to make a public statement soon something he joyfully awaits as he expects a pathetic display he then tells his former family to take a good look at him in the depths of hell while shedding a tear of blood he then reminisces about the tragic night he lost control of his flames commenting that this was to be expected since his father only ever taught him how to turn up the heat did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos thanks for watching i'm out
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 1,816,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dabi, Toya, Todoroki, Shoto, My Hero Academia, MHA, Pro Hero, All Might, Rei, Endeavor, Inasa, Eraserhead, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Eri, Katsuki Bakugo, Fumikage Tokoyami, Denki Kaminari, Tamaki Amajiki, Kyoka Jiro, Tsuyu Asui, Momo Yaoyorozu, Hitoshi Shinso, Ochaco Uraraka, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, vs, fight, Izuku, Deku, Quirk, Katsuki Bakugou, Ochako, Melissa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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