The NEXT GEN Sports Festival - My Hero Academia

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the you a sports festival was one of the highlights of my year academia so far it gave us a ton of amazing moments including the evolution of Todoroki the one for messages and of course deku general craziness every year there are a series of preliminary events that are randomly generated by a computer and the students who managed to get through them then go on to the main event which is always a 1v1 matchup of some kind now a couple of weeks ago I made one of my most popular videos to date which hypothesize what a next-gen sequel to Maya academia could look like if you didn't see that then I strongly recommend watching it first as today we're doing a part two but we'll discuss some crazy potential upgrades to the sports festival as well as who would compete and what the best potential matchups could be just before we get into it though we are still on that road to 100k so every single subscription is very much appreciated okay so I figured we'd start the video with perhaps the biggest change that would differentiate the next generation sports festival from the one that we already saw as I always said the event has become even more popular than the Olympics in Japan but that wording kind of gives away the fact that maybe outside Japan it might not be as popular as we think I mean what reason were people outside of the country have to watch a bunch of Japanese school kids compete when we know that quote is kind of like a worldwide thing so yeah I don't really think there's a reason for people outside to watch it however what if in the next generation the US sports festival isn't just an opportunity for students to show off their quirks and their skills to the professionals but instead it serves as a qualifier for an international sports festival with all the top schools from around the world so think of it like the Triwizard Tournament or something like that in this system the final four contestants of the UA festival they would be selected as part of an elite squad to represent UA at these annual global games what's more the winner of the festival is automatically appointed team captain of their year group this means that they get to lead the others and kind of make core tactical decisions during the international event but if you're a bit confused I'll use a quick comparison so if we apply these rules to the first sports festival that would mean that back ago Todoroki Tokyo me and tenure would have represented us first years in the international competition we have catch on being the team captain although he would only be team captain for the first year group so each year group from UA has their own team this would be a great honor for pretty much any student as all hero agencies across the planet would want a piece of you after something like this now as we all know arrey would be the main protagonist of this sequel series and given her humble personality I don't really think she'd be hell-bent on winning the you a sports festival that said as one of the members of the all my blue group which I spoke about in the last video she certainly be one of the favorites to make it into this elite squad Tami sure is another one who would also have high expectations although in his case I don't even think he'd be nervous for him it's more of a question of how soon until I win this thing there are other students that I'd like to explain before we get into the one view on matchups but for now the last person I want to mention is Kat Zoomer and his epic quote evolution this is a character who was first introduced to us in the heroes rising movie and his quirk is known as cell activation which in practice acts like a regeneration quirk and it heals the injuries of the people that he touches and gets them back into top physical condition but I know what you're thinking how could an ability like this actually win when it's paid up against the powerful offensive quirks that he'd no doubt come up against in the main event well what I'm about to say is kind of inspired by something that I read in the black global manga but what if consumer could activate this quirk on himself for a period of time and during that period let's say it's about a minute his whole body glows as his cells are consistently regenerating and activating this would make him temporarily invincible meaning that he can't pierce his skin you can't burn him he can't freeze him the downside is that once the time is up he can actually get very very exhausted so pretty much like a choco when she throws up something similar to that but with that out the way let's get into how everything would go down in the next-gen Sports Festival like I said before the preliminary events changed each year and being the uncultured swine that I am I actually had no idea that cavalry battles were a real-life thing like I thought they made it up for the show but when I was looking into it know this is very very real the two events that I'd like to see replace the cavalry battle and the obstacle course would be a tug of war and a relay race in the next generation team events are more important than ever because the winners of the festival will have to work in a team together and represent you on the global stage I imagine that a quark powered relay race and a quiet power tug-of-war I mean it would be so epic and it would obviously require a lot of you know teamwork and coordination so yeah I personally those are my favorites but do let me know if you have any other good ideas down below once those events are done only 16 students will be remaining for the final event which is a fighting tournament in my opinion this is the one thing that shouldn't change from the first sports festival just a one on one you know all-out battle with your quirks that is way more entertaining than any other kind of gimmick you can think of of all the kids we've seen so far which to be honest isn't that many we would have tamashiro definitely there arrey for sure Kazuma the tongue tank kid the assault dust kid the hula-hoop kid and then 9 more kids who we don't know about yet because let's be honest not everyone's gonna be from that same elementary school and the final remaining place would go to Kota who's another character who would have had a crazy quirk evolution by this point and I'll explained why he would have had this in a second as we know it now Kurtis quirk enables him to emit water from his hands but as we know his parents were the pro heroes known as water hose that hero name is important because it implies that they could both emit water at a high pressure and this is supported by the fact that they messed up musculars face leaving him with a scar and also missing an eye so that means at a minimum teenage Kota would be able to emit water from his hands at a very high pressure if he was to apply this correctly and you know with the right training then he could use this high pressured water to give himself the power of flight think of it like this jetpack video only instead of the water coming out a jetpack is coming out of his hands instead last thing I want to mention on his quark upgrade was that similar to how gettin' can manipulate the temperature of his eyes Kota should be able to alter be temperature of his water that would come in super handy I mean imagine if he was able to admit boiling hot water that would be pretty damn lethal the reason why I think Kota would have to have an amazing quad evolution similar to this is because as I mentioned in part one he's a full year younger than arey and a few of you in the commets mentioned how we could maybe join the school year early but I was thinking like obviously in order to do that you need to demonstrate some kind of exceptional skill that shows that you're capable of joining japan's top year of school a year earlier than you should now when the matchups begin a battle that we'd have to see is kota against Kazuma or as i like to call it the deku derby unlike Kazuma curses quirk gives him long range capabilities meaning that he can fire a quick attack right from the jump similar to what we saw from Todoroki for example he could blast two fountains of hot water from each of his hands which come crashing towards his classmate because cat Zoomer doesn't have an attack based quirk he would have likely trained his body to be more agile and compensate for his lack of offensive power on that basis as soon as the match begins he'd have to activate that super move that I was talking about earlier and then immediately attempt to dodge the water remember that although he can't be physically hurt for about 60 seconds the sheer force and pressure of the water can still physically push him out the ring if Kazuma was successful in dodging that attack his superior physical strength could enable him to quite quickly reach Kota and begin to push him out of the ring however thanks to the immense amount of water pressure that Kota is now able to harness he can use his hands to propel himself into the air and kind of like flip over Kazuma and he could do this to quickly readjust himself so that he's facing consumers back and once he's in position he can deliver his strongest possible blast of water to force consumer out of the ring Kota would likely be the victor of this matchup although in theory maybe consumers cell activation quirk could perhaps maybe enable him to reach a level of speed and strength that's beyond the level of what can be achieved by normal training if something like that was the case then maybe he would be able to take Kota by surprise and also react quicker to the attempts to push him out the ring the next battle is one that I think should and would be the final of the entire US sports festival and that is of course arrey against tamashiro as I said in part one he would have been training with Aizawa for almost a decade at this point so while quark would have evolved far beyond what we know of it currently a cool idea that I had is that she would be able to invert the use of her quirk rather than rewinding things she can also fast-forward things and if applied in a spatial way she can fast-forward herself into different positions this is another black level reference but I feel that Julius his movements in this scene best represent what I'm trying to explain on top of that he would now have her power pretty much under control for example if tamashiro was to send a bingeing ball directly at arey she could swipe her hand and make it evaporate and just disappear out of existence obviously super overpowered but I mean that's that's what I quark is anyway so how would this fight go down much like back ago tamashiro loves equality and would show an equal level of mercilessness whether he's up against male or female contestants his army of bingeing balls would charge full speed of arey and due to the sheer volume of them there's no way that a few balls aren't making a little bit of contact that being said Ares fastforward ability would be enough to get past the initial wave of bingeing balls and it would put her just a couple of meters away from where tamashiro is standing when thinking about potential upgrades for his quark naturally the speed of the balls and the biasing ability those would be enhanced but it would also make sense if he could manipulate the size to create these massive chain chomps to defend him with those two massive balls both standing in his way I mean you wouldn't even be able to see him let alone touch him so airy wouldn't be able to actually get to tamashiro until she realized those two big balls out of existence but in the time it takes her to swipe them away it can leave an opening for tamashiro to send her flying backwards with a bingeing ball straight to the chest he could then run towards arey and as she's a bit confused from being taken by surprise he could then try to throw out the ring like back ago did two Todoroki one thing that's important to remember is that Ares quark is an accumulation type accumulation types need to build up an element or substance over a period of time in order for them to work in the case of fat gum he needs to build up his fat so that he can use his quark but in Ares case we still have no idea what the element or substance that she needs to build up actually is but whatever it is throughout the entire sports festival she would have been using it up you know in the relay race in a tug-of-war and in the first three rounds of the fighting tournament she would have been using up she's accumulated because of this area is at a massive disadvantage in the final and she would need to expend the last of her rerun quark to stop herself getting thrown out of the ring she's effectively fighting Quercus at this point if he's quick which I'm sure he is tamashiro could materialize a bingeing ball and then grab on to it if the ball could propel itself forwards towards arey and pull tamashiro along for the ride given that he'd likely have more momentum than airy not to mention the fact that he probably be heavier than she is once they clash in the middle of the arena he'd be able to pin her to the ground which would render him the winner of the sports festival although a lot of that is obviously a bit lucky due to the fact that area has a quirk that needs to accumulate something and then progressively runs out as the day goes on remember that you don't actually need to knock your opponent out the ring you can also immobilize them or just get them to say they give up or just make them pass out whichever works naturally Airy would never give up but given her quirk at this point would have all but run out once she's pinned to the ground it's basically game over all the matchups that I'd like to see would be the assault dust kid versus Kota and also the tongue tank kid versus Airy one match in particular that I think would be really messy would be tamashiro up against the who hoop kid I mean you just have a bunch of people throwing stuff across the stage there would be a mess by the time those two have finished when everything said and done I think the four students to represent us first years on the global stage would be tamashiro as Captain every the assault dust kid and you know likely someone that we don't already know but if we have to pick someone that we do know I'm gonna say Kota all I'm saying is there are many kids in the world of my academia that we just do not know anything about yet just before we finish the video I like to say thank you to this commenter for giving me the initial inspiration for the idea of an international sports festival I kind of took the idea and ran with it but thank you for the initial concept also shout-out to Tristan who sent me this awesome art of Deku that he drew after I did the first part of this video much appreciated thanks for watching as always and peace out
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 756,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My hero academia, sports festival, time skip, next generation, bnha, boku no hero, rewind, eri, kota, todoroki, UA sports festival, quirk evolution, deku, water quirk, bakugo, adult deku, one for all, binging ball, chain chomp, quirk, eri one for all, time skip eri, tamashiro, ua entrance exam, katsuma, cavalry battle, all might, endeavour, heroes rising, nine, nine quirks, all for one, turtle quirk, training eri, shoto todoroki, class 1A, geten, black clover, Julius, obstacle race
Id: nM-tKjCyMKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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