Top 6 Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

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in this extremely competitive market of 2024 you cannot simply expect to learn HTML CSS and JavaScript and land the sixf figure job at Google these times are gone nowadays you need to have more than one programming language under your belt I've done my research by looking at us job openings on indeed and by looking at the average salary data for each language coming from the stack Overflow developer survey which surveyed over 50,000 Engineers so without further Ado here are the five best programming languages that you should learn in 2024 before getting into the five main ones let's give out some honorable mentions Ruby Ruby is a dynamically typed programming language that is known for maximizing developer happiness because its syntax is very simple and very elegant it's also a productive language with it's highly popular framework called Ruby on Rails absolutely massive companies have been built using it including Airbnb GitHub and Shopify there are also countless startups that have been built using it because rails is what we call a battery included framework it has pretty much everything you need straight out of the box so you don't need to spend time configuring or coding stuff from scratch Ruby developers are amongst the highest paid in the industry with an average salary of $98,000 but there are only 2,000 job openings in the United States and most of these jobs are looking for senior Engineers so it's harder at the entry level which is why Ruby didn't make it on the main list but it's a really cool language and it has a great community of Freelancers and solo developers using it the next honorable mention goes to C++ which is a statically typed systems language that is known for its very high learning curve because you basically have to manage memory manually there is a lot of demand for C++ developers and they're paid an average of $75,000 a year which is pretty good but there is one language that has a brighter future and that even has the potential of replacing C++ as you can probably guess that language is rust rust is another low-level language that has a high learning curve it's very new it was only released in 2015 but it's been the most loved programming language for many years in a row at the moment it has pretty low Demand with only 1100 job openings in the United States but that number is expected to grow very fast because many companies and even government agencies are trying to change their C++ and C code to rust and it's not only random government agencies but the White House wants to make that transition because rust is safer and poses less of a security risk rust developers are also extremely high paid with an average of $87,000 a year it's a very hard language to learn but if you want to get into lowlevel systems and embedded programming rust is going to be your best friend if you're a complete beginner please don't start with rust because learning it can be very discouraging you should start with one of the next programming languages on the list and then go back to rust if you're filling up for a challenge you know what language you should probably started with python it's the programming language that can do absolutely everything web development AI machine learning robotics you name it python can do it it's probably why it's the most in demand language in the world with over 22,000 job openings in the United States alone python devs are also pretty well paid with an average salary of $78,000 so why is python not higher up on the list well even though it has huge demand Landing python specific jobs is very hard because these positions are most often Ai and machine learning positions which are extremely hard to get into as a self-taught programmer in fact most of these positions do not only require a bachelor's degree but most often a master's or even a PhD nonetheless I think it's the first programming language that you should learn as a beginner you know python was my first language and I still use it very often be it at work for writing quick scripts or in smaller personal projects in addition it's also a great language to use for programming interviews because its syntax is so simple and so close to English that you can spend more time thinking about a solution to the problem instead of thinking about how to write that solution now for programming language with not so simple of a syntax we've got Java and C so why did I put them together well both are statically typed programming languages that are verbals and their syntax is also very similar because CP was inspired by Java there is huge demand for these languages especially in Enterprise software with over 21,000 job openings for Java and 17,000 for C in the United States so the demand is clearly here and these languages are here to stay they are performant they have a great ecosystems and many many companies all over the world are using it especially finance companies they do love their Java looking at the salaries they're a bit lower than the other programming languages on the list Java has an average salary of $73,000 a year while C is at 75,000 an important thing to note is that Java and even C are widely thought in college campuses all over the world so if you're a self-thought developer and you want to learn those languages keep in mind that you'll probably be competing with college graduates which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage the disadvantage is that obviously you'll be competing with people that have degrees but the advantage is that there are a lot of jobs available and generally less self- thought developers choose to learn Java or C in fact the next language on the list is the de facto boot camper and self-taught developer programming language as you can probably guess it's JavaScript it's the dynamically type programming language that rules the web it's the third most in demand just behind Python and Java with over 20,000 job openings in the United States JavaScript developers are paid $74,000 a year which is around the Java and C area JavaScript is the language of the front end and it has an absolutely crazy ecosystem I mean we have the three major front end Frameworks react angular view there's node and bun for the server and then you've got the newest Kids on the Block nextjs remix and spel it's a bit insane honestly it seems like there's a new JavaScript framework coming out every single day but it's also why working on the front end can be so fun and challenging because Innovation happens constantly JavaScript is the language most often thought in boot camps because you can do a lot with it it can be used both on the front end and on the back end this means that there's a lot of competition so if you want to get into web development or front end in particular you should learn HTML CSS and JavaScript but the basics won't cut it anymore go learn typescript because once you go typescript you never go back go learn react go learn xjs if you want to land the job in the front end World you'll have to become really really good and even specialize in a certain text stack finally last but not least we've got a programming language that's been on my radar for a while and it's called go or goang originally created by Google and first released in 2012 goang is a statically typed language that is known for its Simplicity and its performance it's used on the back end and it's almost as performant as rust while being extremely simple to write in the US there are 5,000 job openings for go developers which are the highest paid on the list with an average salary of $93,000 developers seem to love go and it has a great future which is why it's the next programming language that I'll be learning because right now if you want to develop a web application let's say you can go with JavaScript or typescript for the full stack if you don't care about performance but if performance is of any concern you need to go with a statically typed programming language on the back end of course if you need maximum performance you should go lower level like with Rost or C++ but that's not needed for most applications so what are the remaining options you could certainly go with Java or C but why would you go with them when you have goang which is simpler to write and more performant plus it has a cute mascot at the end of the day the language that you use doesn't matter but if I can summarize it quickly if it's your first programming language or you want to get into AI Learn Python if you want to get into front-end or full stack web development learn JavaScript if you want to build highly performance embedded systems go with frost if you want to get into backend development learn Java or c for enterprise software or learn goang for more Tech focused companies personally goang is going to be my choice but please note that I already have experience with python Java and JavaScript so go is not going to be my first programming language so now that I've told you my opinion I want to hear yours in the comments below what prog pring language are you going to learn and why thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Vlad Arama
Views: 25,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hgcjDn-X1VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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