The Importance of Specialization in Coding

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[Music] hey what's going on guys so I've been doing this YouTube in teaching thing for a while and one thing I've noticed is a lot of people think that they need to learn absolutely everything when it comes to web development you know they'll watch Channels like this and and see that I have crash courses on react Vue Jango laravel newer stuff like HTM X and they think that they need to become an expert in all this stuff and I know part part of that might be my fault but every chance I get I try to explain that you don't have to learn everything that I teach my channel is there as a catalog for you to look for the things that you want or or need to learn it's not a linear guide and I think that a lot of people have a tough time understanding that not just with my channel but with with everything out there all the YouTube channels and courses and there's nobody on the planet that can learn and and Master every technology and in the real world what's what's going to benefit you most is to specialize and the only place where this might not be true is with someone like me that is a content creator you know I can be kind of a jack of all trades master of none that's what I refer to myself as I know a little about a lot and this allows me to expand my catalog but if you're not teaching or or creating content you you want to do a bit of research and testing to figure out what you what you want to specialize in and and then stick with that now there's going to be multiple technologies that you need to learn this this is going to include like a language a framework datab base om um this is called a tech stack and of course there's going to be all kinds of of you know smaller libraries and apis that you need to learn as well but there's no reason to waste your time learning and trying to master react View and spelt all at the same time they they pretty much do the same thing you know and I'm using frontend Frameworks as an example but you could it could be anything you know you could be learning both rust and golang or larl and D Jango which doesn't really make sense now it's good to experiment this is why I create crash courses they're they're relatively you know beginner based courses to get your feet wet and and see how these Technologies work and then after you experiment you choose a path and this is this is why I do that annual guide every year is to kind of show you the options now a lot of people think well you know if I learn four Frameworks then I can apply to a ton of jobs looking for developers that use those Frameworks and that's true you can apply but the chances are that you're you're not going to know enough of that one framework or language because you've been splitting your time into three or four different parts in the real world specializ specialization it really Reigns Supreme and that's what employers are looking for now let's address a a common misconception and that's the idea that that quantity equals quality in the tech learning sphere and it's not about racking up certificates or or boasting about how many language that you've you how many languages you've dabbled in instead it's about depth and understanding you know think of it like like building a house you wouldn't want a contractor who's laid a few bricks here and there to construct your dream home you'd want someone who's mastered the craft and and really knows the the ins and outs of every tool and can anticipate challenges before they actually arise and similarly uh employers seek developers who can tackle complex problems not someone who's stretched thin across multiple Technologies again that's not to say that you shouldn't explore different tools just watch the amount of time that you put into things that won't really benefit or contribute to your end goal also it's really important to mention that if you if you master react and again I'm just using front-end Frameworks as an example but if you master react picking up view or angular or spelt is going to be pretty simple so if at any point you do find an opportunity to work with something else that's similar you can switch over again just using JavaScript Frameworks as an example it could be absolutely anything lastly I I want to look at some steps that you can take to to learn how to specialize so first I would say identify your interests because specialization begins with introspection what aspects of web development are you passionate about are you drawn to front-end design um backend architecture or the intricacies of database management identifying your interests is is the first step towards specialization you don't want to specialize in something that you have no interest in you're not going to get that far next you want to do some some uh mark market research and once you've pinpointed your interests you research the current demand in the job market and in your area um this is really important because certain Technologies are more prevalent in certain areas so find out what's really popular and what kind of market trends are around where you're going to live and work so third I'd say choose your focus with your interests and um market demand in mind choose a focus area for specialization this could be a specific language JavaScript python uh a framework like react D Jango or a niche skill like cyber security e-commerce development um you know I think selecting a focus really allows you to direct your learning efforts effectively and then fourth Deep dive into your chosen field so immerse yourself into whatever it is that you're you're choosing as your field um and and find courses and tutorials documentation engage with online communities the goal is to become a a a subject matter expert in that area of specialization so fifth build a portfolio as you learn to build more uh showcase your skills through a portfolio of projects your portfolio serves as tangible evidence of your capabilities um to you know potential employers or clients and then six I'd say stay updated the tech landscape is is always evolving to a point where it's just obnoxious uh so it's essential to kind of stay updated on emerging Trends and advancements within your specialization and lastly Network and collaborate I think networking is a vital aspect of career growth in any field so connect with professionals um you know LinkedIn attend meetups and workshops and this can open up new you know doors to New Opportunities all right so I hope that this could give you guys some kind of guidance I know breaking into the industry is getting more difficult by the day um that's why it's it's really important to try to master and specialize but that's it guys thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 180,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ImSjJwzqAss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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