Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

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what's up everybody welcome back to another video today what I want to do is talk about the top programming languages you should learn in 20204 I'm also going to add on some libraries and Frameworks because when you're working with most of these languages you're going to end up having to use a library or framework especially if you're working on a larger project but instead of doing a video that's about the top 10 languages or the top five languages what I'm going to do is break it down in terms of the top 10 fields of development and the reason is because when you're thinking about learning a program mean language you want to make sure you choose a language that's the best fit for the type of job you're looking to get or the type of project you're looking to work on now one thing I want to make very clear is that the language I'm choosing here are based on my own opinion but they're backup by data and trust me I'm going to mention a few libraries of Frameworks or languages in here that people going to say really in 2024 and the answer is yes again backing everything up with data all right so to start the list off let's talk about artificial intelligence it makes sense to start here because obviously it's been all over the news over the past year and a half there's been a lot of excitement because there's been a lot of commercialization of AI products and people just fall in love with artificial intelligence so let's talk about what languages you should learn for AI well the first one is python python is considered one of the best languages to learn when you want to get into artificial intelligence it's also the language they teach in universities and you going to see a bunch of tutorials and a bunch of lists are going to mention python on top now python is a general purpose programming language which means you could use it in various ecosystems now Beyond python you could also use R you could use Java and some of the Frameworks and libraries would be pytorch tensorflow Caris and psychic learn now one thing to mention is that some of the jobs within the AI field pay really well and just as an example Netflix was offering to pay up to $900,000 for an AI specialist yeah so that's a lot of money and what you're going to see is that the job growth and the AI demand is going to continuously grow over the years to come all right so what if you want to be a game developer well there's two engines you're going to work with either Unreal Engine or Unity engine now Unreal Engine uses C++ and if you're looking to create high performance games then C++ is the way to go but the unity engine is really popular as well and that one uses C now what's the job prospects for game developers and game development in general well let's face it people like to be entertained so yeah getting into game development is a really good idea idea I don't know why I never got into that all right so the next area to talk about is mobile development I mean think about it everybody has a phone in their pocket so if you're going to get into development or get into programming then you really can't go wrong with mobile development Now for iOS you're going to be using Swift it's a language that was created by Apple and they did it to replace Objective C but if you want to get into developing for Android you're going to use Colin now back in the day Java was used for Android development but Colin became the deao programming language anguage for Android development but the issue is if you want to create an app that works on both Android and iOS then you might have to learn both programming languages and companies will probably have to hire two different developers or two different developer teams if they want to get the same functionality but of course there's a workaround you could use either react native or flutter now react is a very popular choice but if performance and optimization is important to you then flutter is the way to go now react native uses JavaScript and flutter uses Dart all right so now let's talk about web development and I'm going to talk about backend development and front end development now this is the area that's probably going to turn some heads but again I'm backing everything up with data and facts of course there going to be the most popular options in terms of what people want to talk about but then if you look at the data if you look at the facts it paints a different picture all right so let's just jump right into it when we're talking about backend web development there's a number one language to use and it's PHP now looking at the data PHP is the server side language used on the majority of websites 76% of websites use PHP so yeah people love to talk against PHP and say ah you should use something different and you can use other languages but when we're talking about billions of websites online and 76% of the websites they use a service side language used PHP yeah I think the job opportunities out there are going to continuously grow now some people would say well what about JavaScript because you can use JavaScript on the front end and the back back end and yes you can yes you can and in some situations you probably should node.js is a very popular option if you want to have server side functionality but again PHP dominates then of course you could also use something like python again python is a general purpose programming language and that means you could use it for a lot of different purposes but that also means that it's not necessarily the most optimized for one particular use case and that's important because if you want a performance website then it's ideal deal to use a language that's been optimized for that purpose and again it's PHP and then the final one in this category is going to be SQL or SQL however you want to pronounce it now the reason why SQL or SQL is important is because most websites the majority of websites online in some way shape or form connect to a database and SQL or SQL is that language all right so now let's go from the back end to the front end and obviously HTML CSS JavaScript are going to be the primary l languages you use but there's also a bunch of Frameworks and libraries that you could use as well obviously react is a big one then we have angular we have View and wait for it wait for it we have jQuery yes jQuery is still being used by the vast majority of websites so it may not be the most popular one to talk about but if it's still in use by so many sites online then it might make sense to understand how it works and then of course you have bootstrap and bootstrap is a front-end framework in terms of providing the CSS and and the JavaScript for a lot of functionality that you're going to need on a site all right what if you want to get into data science data science is a very good field as well and for that we have python again is going to be one of the top languages you can learn for data science and then we have R and SQL and for libraries you're going to have pandas numpy and scipi now next is devops and devops focuses on tools and processes needed to manage and automate software deployment and infrastructure and again we're going to say python but then you also have go Lang which is a popular option and another one I'll put in this field or in this area is Bash scripting and now bash scripting could also fit well in other areas as well like backend web development but it's an important thing to know if you want to be able to get involved in devops and a bunch of other fields all right so now let's move on to software development what other the languages you should learn if you want to get into this field well the top four are going to be Java C python yeah you knew that one was coming right and C++ another one could be rust which is really popular and has been coming up over the past couple of years now for Frameworks and libraries you could use the Net Framework which is C you could use spring which is for Java and here you could also use express which is for JavaScript because JavaScript can be used in this area as well it's not going to be the most performance but it can be used and then from here we can go on to embedded systems and the languages in this field are going to be C C++ and of course Python and what's really cool is you could start using some tools like Arduino and Raspberry Pi and just like soft for development rust is a good language for embedded systems as well yeah rust is probably a language people should get to know and now the next one is going to be cyber security and this is a very important one because it covers every single area of our digital lives now the languages you're going to want to learn here are probably going to be some of the ones we mentioned earlier pretty much every single one of them because you're going to want to make sure that they are coded and programmed in a way that's secure so basically every language that I mentioned is in this list but there's a few that stand out and one of them of course is python python is the general purpose programming language it's not the fastest it's not the most optimized not the most performant but if you want to learn just one language that could do pretty much anything Python's the way to go and in cyber security it's one of the top languages and finally on this list is going to be blockchain development yes blockchain is still a thing I know it's been off the radar for the past year especially since AI has taken off big time and since the value of cryptocurrencies has tanked over the past year and a half but you've seen them start creeping back up and when the market gets better you're going to see people getting back into blockchain development and honestly with so many different types of use cases and purposes for blockchain technology it kind of makes sense if you want to get into that type of work and the main one here is going to be solidity and solidity is a statically typed curly braces programming language designed for developing smart contracts that run on ethereum but you could also use C++ in blockchain technology all right so those are the top programming languages for the particular fields that you might be interested in getting in 2024 is going to be an awesome year when it comes to programming I know people are kind of nervous because of artificial intelligence but programmers are going to be around for a while and I mean a long while so don't hang up your hat when it comes to learning how to code and learning how to program go all in dive in head first choose one of these languages and make sure it fits based on the type of work you want to do all right so sound off down below which language and which field of work are you going to get into all right hopefully you enjoyed the video know what you got to do give it a thumbs up if you liked it share the video with others and I'll see you in the next one happy coding
Channel: PixemWeb
Views: 11,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top programming languages 2024, best programming languages, programming 2024, code 2024, coding 2024, coding languages, learn to code 2024, learn to program 2024, web development 2024, game development 2024, mobile development 2024, devops 2024, ai development 2024
Id: Yrw1rb1ABLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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