Python Vs. Ruby - Which Is Better?!

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python or Ruby which is better let's talk about it hey guys John aler here from and if you're a brand new coder looking to get started which programming language should you pick python or Ruby luckily I wrote the book on each of these languages and both were Amazon number one best sellers so I have some thoughts let's break it down to these six things one how easy are they to learn two how easy are they to code three what web platforms do they have four what kind of communities and resources do they have five what's the job outlook for each of them and six what are the pros and cons of each number one ease of learning both Python and Ruby are notoriously easy to learn with either my books or my intro courses on each of them at you could easily pick up the basics through the intermediate uses of each one in an afternoon data types are straightforward for loops and while Loops are simple to follow logic is a breeze with each of them and functions are a piece of cake even more advanced class-based programming is pretty simple with both Python and Ruby compared to some of the more complicated programming languages like C or Java Python and Ruby are both super easy to learn so I'd call this one a tie between them number two ease of coding Ruby was almost designed to be easy to code in fact I think they built coder happiness into their mission statement but so did python especially if you're coming from a more old school coding background with like C+ or Java both Python and Ruby are a joy to code with not only are they both easy to code they're also easy to read maintaining Legacy code could be a pain but not so with either of these languages their syntax is simple and intuitive they're no weird semi colons or other special characters like endless brackets to drive you crazy they're both just clean so again tie number three web platforms you may or may not want to become a coder to work on websites but if you do which is better python has D Jango and flask as their major web platforms for building websites among others Ruby has Ruby on Rails as the main web platform I have a ton of courses on all of those web Frameworks over at but which is right for you historically there was a real movement 15 to 20 years ago towards Ruby on Rails many major websites went that route and some still use it the idea of having an all-in-one web framework was very novel back then but since then Python and Django have really overtaken rails as a more dominant web framework mostly in my opinion it's just because of Simplicity rails has continued to get more and more complicated whereas D Jango is easy to use and much more lightweight and Python and flask is fun for smaller projects again I literally wrote a number one best-selling book on Ruby on Rails and I'm sitting here telling you D Jango is better so in this category I'm going to have to call this one for python number four community and resources python has been the number one programming language in the world for years the community is arguably the most developed and vibrant there are zillions of third-party packages to do almost anything you can dream of have a problem with your code Google it and you'll probably find 20 answers always now Ruby has a decent community and many third-party packages in the form of ruby gems but it's simply nowhere as extensive as the python Community you'll usually find the help you need but it may take you just a little longer to find find it so in this category I'm definitely giving the win to python number five job outlook python is easily more in demand from a job point of view Ruby is more nichy where python works for so many different things from web development to guey development to data science machine learning AI which python just crushes Ruby in just head over to and search python jobs in your area versus Ruby jobs in your area there likely won't even be a competition unless a company in your area is working with a legacy Ruby on Rails website which there are many of those out there you'll likely be hardpressed to find jobs because of this there are likely many more jobs in Python and the salaries will be much higher compared to Ruby programmers it's a supply and demand thing so in this category I've got to give the overwhelming clear win to python finally pros and cons of each let's start with python well the pros are ease of learning and use wide range of applications Vibrant Community and Rich ecosystem lots of jobs and data science and AI the cons are well there's a little bit of a performance limitation because it's an interpreted language and it's not super strong in Mobile development but that's pretty much all I have for cons for Ruby the pros are ease of learning and use just like Python and Ruby on reals still is used by many major companies so if that's your thing you can find work there the cons are Ruby on Rails is just hard to learn and sometimes frustrating the community is not as vibrant as Python and Ruby's just not a leader in data science or AI so there's less job opportunities and lower salaries so it's probably no surprise if I had to pick a programming language today to focus on I'd go with python every single time the opportunities are just much greater the scope of things you can do with python seems almost Limitless and it's just fun and Ruby is a fine programming language and it's a joy to code it really is but it's much more of a niche language these days with limited opportunities that being said if you just love Ruby you can find work as a rails developer but it'll likely be focused on teex centers of the world your Silicon Valley companies whereas python has broad use all over the world so my name is John Elder from and if you like this video stay tuned for the next one comparing python to JavaScript and check out to learn all these things I'll see you guys in the next video
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Keywords: Python vs Ruby, python programming vs ruby programming, which programming language to learn first, which programming language is best for getting job, which programming language to learn, which programming language should i learn, which programming language to learn first for beginners, which programming language is best,, John Elder, John Elder Python, John Elder Ruby, ruby or python, python or ruby, ruby vs python comparison, python or ruby?
Id: 7asBrx1F7Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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