Python or JavaScript - Which One Should YOU Learn?

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python or JavaScript which should you learn let me break it down for you as simply as possible ultimately what's going to determine the language you pick comes down to what you want to build or what area of development you want to specialize in both languages are great choices but what they're best at differs quite a bit so let's start with what's the same for both languages they're both beginner friendly relatively easy to learn in extreme demand and can lead you quite quickly into a career in Tech either is a great choice to start with and if you're already learning one I'd recommend stick it out get the basics down and then you can easily switch to another language afterwards in fact most developers I know including myself will learn one of these languages first then very quickly after learn the other one they're great compliments to each other so if you're already learning JavaScript stick it out if you're already learning python stick it out and then later on you can very quickly pick up the other language now another thing you need to know is that both of these languages are dynamically typed now to put it simp simply what that means is they're a little bit more flexible to write code in but they may not be the best choice for really large applications or anything that's performance critical but what that does mean is that learning one of these languages is not going to teach you a drastically different set of features than the other one so rest assured if you pick JavaScript almost everything you know is probably going to apply to python same with python most of what you learn there is going to apply to JavaScript the main difference will be some specific syntax features that you can pick up pretty quick quickly so picking the wrong language is not a massive mistake and at the end of the day you just want to get started but I'll give you some information that can help you make that decision so now let's get into the main differences keeping in mind what I said before that you want to focus on the outcomes and the type of projects you can build so with JavaScript you're going to be working a lot more on the front end it's going to be a lot more Visual and you're going to be able to create user interfaces make websites and immediately just make more Visual and interactable applications compared to a language like python if you're someone who wants to land a job and you're looking at frontend developer positions or full stack developer positions JavaScript is 100% the language that you should be learning it very quickly allows you to interact with HTML and CSS and by learning JavaScript as a product of that you're probably going to learn a bit more about HTML CSS and front-end web development in general now to compare that with python Python's a lot more focused on the back end and with data it's really big for data analysis so if you're someone who's interested in AI automation machine learning backend web development automation tasks or scripting Python's going to be your go-to it's definitely not as easy to create front-end or visual applications with python however the tasks that I listed it's really really good at and you'll find it a little bit easier to make those type of applications with a language like python compared to something like JavaScript now at this point we definitely need to discuss Frameworks and libraries which kind of go hand inand with the language what you're learning when you're just starting out picking either python or JavaScript isn't going to make a huge difference the curriculum is going to be very similar you're going to be learning pretty much the same topics and the main thing that's going to differ is the syntax and really the way in which you write code but that's something you can learn pretty quickly and going between different languages you'll very easily pick up the differences in syntax the major differences are going to come when you want to actually start building out large applications and you'll realize you need to use some external tools now these are typically your referred to as Frameworks libraries or packages they all have kind of a slightly different meaning but in this case we'll group them together now each language that I mentioned here Python and JavaScript have a different set of very popular Frameworks and libraries that are used to create applications for example with JavaScript we have things like react view uh angular right these are really popular front-end web Frameworks that make it really easy to build large scalable applications and they're typically in demand as their own skill alongside ins JavaScript so if you want to be a front-end web developer you're probably going to need to know something like react and that means well you would have had to know JavaScript right to be able to work with react now with python we have popular Frameworks specifically for data science or for automation tasks so things like pandas numpy scikit learn we have uh natural language toolkits all of these types of things are really more ingrained in Python and they don't necessarily exist for JavaScript or if they do they're not quite as Specialized or as in demand so what this leads me to recommend is that if you already know the type of projects you want to build or the jobs you might be interested in go and look at the languages Frameworks Packages Etc that are being used for those projects or that are required for that job and then see the base language that's required to use those specific tools a lot of times you'll need to know JavaScript as a prerequisite to learn this framework or you'll need to know python to learn this package so that's where I would go and that's really what's going to be the major difference for you the tooling you have access to and the type of things that you can build now with all of that said both of these languages are still very general purpose knowing one of these languages allows you to build so many different types of applications and just because it's not the best at it doesn't mean you can't do it for example you can make an entire website using purely python and a little bit of HTML and CSS Now is it going to be the best way to do that probably not you're likely going to want to know some JavaScript and use that in your project however you can still do it with python it's possible to create user interfaces it is even possible to make things like mobile apps using python you're just not recommended or what it's really meant for now with JavaScript same thing you can go and build machine learning applications you can do data analysis you can graph all kinds of numbers but it's not going to be the best with JavaScript compared to something like python where python is more designed for that type of task at the end of the day all programming languages are are tools to help you achieve something so you need to pick the best tool for the job and that's why it's difficult when you're starting out to make this decision because you might not even know the type of jobs that you want to perform now what will mostly end up happening is you'll learn JavaScript and then you'll realize hey there's this thing I want to do that's kind of better in Python you might try to do it in JavaScript but at this point you're probably good enough of a programmer that you can go and learn a bit of python and you can achieve that task same thing other way around you might be really good at python but you want to implement some frontend user interfaces in your application in that case you may just go and decide to learn a little bit of JavaScript exactly what you need to achieve that goal and this goes for all different types of programming languages that's why my advice is figure out the type of things you want to build or the type of jobs you want start learning that first language that's most suited towards kind of what you think you want to do and as you start learning it you'll realize it's relatively easy to transition into other languages and you'll pick up the different tools that you need for the type of jobs that you're doing now at this point if you're still unsure what I would encourage you to do is simply pick one of the languages get started learn the basics and then you can easily change to the other language if you decide that it's not right for you if you're looking for some resources to learn these languages I have all kinds of videos on my channel that you can check out completely for free but if you want a more premium resource you're a bit more serious and you're really committed then I do actually have a software development course with course careers we've already had some people graduate that course and land jobs quite quickly and what we do in there is teach you the fundamentals of programming and then allow you to pick your specialization track once you've gone through that so if you're not sure you go through you learn all the fundamentals then you can pick whether you want to specialize in front end backend or devops and there's an additional course taught by an industry expert free of charge you simply pick it once you graduate the fundamentals which is taught by me anyways you guys can check that out from the link in the description if you enjoyed the video make sure you leave a like subscribe to the channel and I will see you in the next [Music] one [Music]
Channel: Tech With Tim
Views: 166,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech with tim, Python vs JavaScript, Programming Languages, Tech Comparison, Coding Debate, Python Programming, JavaScript Development, Tech with Tim, Programming Tips, Coding Advice, python vs javascript, python, javascript, should you learn python or javascript, python or javacript, javascript or python, what is the best programming language, learn python, learn javascript
Id: t9CAFYn7YgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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