The Ultimate Tier Programming Tier List | Prime Reacts

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another ultimate programming language tier list let's go that each is controlled by equally skilled players however since the rise of hey that's me hey that's godfried hey I didn't stream that I don't think I did types of lists within gaming communities they have been used as modes of parody criticism and jokes ranking non-v video game related subjects as well okay that's enough at the moment humans have created countless programming languages however very few of them have made it to the top and are not poor Lua I me you know it's impressive to think for a second that Lua even is ranking that high okay I mean it's beating hll it's beating objective see it's beating Elixir Pearl Scala okay people love Scala okay it's beating visual which is one of the highest ranked languages on the Toby index I believe it's number six or number seven a Elixir mentioned let's go now actually on duty I'm being used either by big tech companies or individuals some of them are good some of them are famous and others are before we dive into my ultimate program was that cobal by the way did we just see did we just see some cobal no this is Fortran isn't this is this for what the hell is this language it looks like Cobalt I would just assume that's Cobalt due to the english-like nature of cobalt and the Capal to my ultimate programming tier list I just want to turn your brain to critical mode because these tier lists in this matter can be very very subjective fun to watch bad to fully rely on all languages have strengths and weaknesses and dude preface culture needs to stop okay stop prefacing okay we all know that your tier list is the only one and true tier list okay so just just tell us the goods give us why what you doing is the way you do it just give it to us give us the meat and give it to us just as raw as possible okay language can be easily dropped to wherever buter is one trying to use it for something is not for the C list on YouTube may be a good starting point to discover some new languages and expand your knowledge they are easy to swallow information and definitely better than reading someone's blog post to tell you that go is TR as phps however theist in this matter over did someone just call go trash okay hey I think that if you call go trash can we be real for a second I think go would actually say yeah that's I mean facts we're trash but that's part of the design we don't have any features cuz we don't need no features features are for the weak features are for people who don't want to get things done okay I'm just saying go is like it's every time I use go I sit there and I grumble the whole time I'm like I can't believe I'm using go go it's just so simple it's just all this stuff and then like 5 minutes into it I'm like damn I got that done I guess I moving on with my day stupid go go is so stupid and lame it's just the stupidest thing in the universe crap I had to add another feature dang I got that done super fast this is stupid right it's just like it's just like such a trash language that I get everything done in so quickly and it just pisses me off okay I hate being so successful and go okay it just makes me angry there's no option type I might get a nil pointer their formatter puts addition with no spaces okay simplify complex information and can be misleading for beginners especially if they were posted by the folks on Tik Tok I think this is one of the reasons why people now treat these tools as Cults or even religions yes the Tail list you're seeing right now was created with with my friend who your cyber security the list is obviously not biased it had one rule llvm gets you up jvm gets you down why I don't know we were basically learning about languages right on the spot I mean what the hell is this I lost the footage I don't know what that is anyway you talkin and let us begin all right let us begin laa a lightweight general purpose language created in 1993 Hey where's my Brazilians at go ahead Brazil stand up I said Brazil stand up yeah let's go let's go Brazil by the way that's how Brazilians laugh if you don't know for those that are kind of new here just joining us Brazilians laugh in one of two ways which is h h h Hua Hua or G I don't know what that last one is but it it's somewhere between a a laugh and a war cry but we know that they love it okay I cannot wait to go to Brazil I'm going to Brazil by the way I don't know if you know this in May okay I'm going to Brazil going with turo I don't know if you know this I I don't know if you know this tao.te Prime Brazil like it's happening it's it's like right here okay un unironically going unironically going to Brazil simple flexible and one index it's all you have an object and methods hanging out of it I mean they call object Staples but you get the idea and before you ask yes it has a package manager it is single threaded but you can still use core routines it's been it it's it's single threaded is not is I don't I do not believe that is a a a fair statement it's single execution like JavaScript the engine underneath it can still be multi-threaded but in of itself you know what I mean it it it's single execution you can have uh you can have co- routines which will execute like promises or async code JavaScript off by one in Lua happens constantly I'm always off by one and yes if we fall short he's off to Argentina for some Tango lessons and empanadas yes this is literally what he said it's true where Roblox 5m wherever is this and it's used to configure to create mod for MTA it's only fault that no big tech company decided to throw money at it sit here why you bully me I I honestly don't think I honestly do not think that uh Lua deserves CER but no big tech company decided to throw money at it C I think the thing that he I mean I know I you know again these are everybody's own opinions so we can't take them seriously but real talk Lua is a highly embeddable language that is featured just all over the place anywhere where some um where some where pretty much all embedded applications are going to have Lua somewhere in there Lua is an it's it's an incredible language for what it does it's highly embeddable you like you have a rust application and you want to add a little bit of scripting to it you could throw in Lua in a couple hours and you'll be just running with Lua no problem you could raw dog the engine right into your rust code in like a couple hours or you could proa I'm sure there's a plugin at this point that you just like why you bully me Javas created in 1995 the core language of the worldwide web I have been coding in JavaScript for my entire life and the only thing I can't say about it is beautiful elegant a masterpiece of engineering human Ingenuity at its finest truly a stunning gorgeous what was that last one I don't even know how to read this okay that okay this has to be one I've never even heard of hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on okay hold on0 equal negative null oh I know what happened I know what happened I know what happened I I I know what happened okay so negative null is negative 0 yes classic and0 is equivalent to zero think about it think about it cast that string to a number Baby cast that string to a number Bab baby stunning Gorge by the way um I prefer this I prefer this one on Oh I thought it was in here wait am I doing this one wrong where where's that one dang it wait oh yeah you have to put in a number yeah there we go nailed it now that my friends now that's a beauty that's my my f that's my favorite that's my favorite one right there okay that's my favorite one everybody enjoy it you're welcome just jaw drop that last one this this last one though that they had right here uh right here that's just a number issue I had this one where I was looking up Accounts at Netflix for one of our internal tests and I kept getting wrong numbers in JavaScript I mean it's just two to the 53 minus one right classic it's just a classic 23 langage did here typescript or JavaScript with types or is it it was developed by Microsoft to be a superet of JavaScript now I want you to imagine how bad JavaScript is and double it the whole less error Point thing is just a straight line because in typescript types can be sometimes tricky it lets you type cast wherever the hell you want and each project requires you to buy another Drive which causes the LSP server and vs to crash every 5 minutes dude that's actually pretty funny Once you exceed a certain size like dude once you exceed a certain size of project typescript can be very annoying uh when I when I when I when I open up our multi-million line code base it's like 45 seconds before that thing's ready and then sometimes it just do it just don't even respond it don't even respond typescript is neither a programming language nor a JavaScript super it's vs extension B Anyway by I mean technically he's right it's not it's is there well I mean I guess it is a super set right because all valid javascripts valid typescript so therefore it is a it is a proper superet right is there any Su is there anything that you can do in JavaScript that you cannot do in typescript I don't think that's true so I think it is a proper subset but I do like it's a vs code plugin a general purpose progr progamming language created in 1991 easy to grasp and learn for beginners for its oversimplified syntax large community dynamically TI heavily used for machine learning and data analysis horrible performance no constants everyone HG numerous compilers and the tri catch now is try accept fascinating I don't know who thought the whites space identation was a good idea anyway still a solid language be [Music] here well moving on to PHP the loved I mean I do agree Python's a great language it's for me though python is neither is not a b tier though python would only be S tier or Windows tier in this there there is no in between I do not believe python to be a mid language I believe Python's either the best language for what it's doing or it is the worst language you've ever used there is like there is no in between I do not believe in the in between and the most hated it has no other use case other than we development which can be easily replaced with any other language PHP developers Drive lmos became a myth honestly it has my favorite keyword it still has large community explode was I do love explode I used explode for so long the fact that they went with explode they didn't even go with like talk or anything like that they just went with explode mother french fries despite being old and it recently got major update they had type class constants deep coloni of read only properties and just validate function did I just hear a Jon did I just hear a Jon Let's Go subscribed right there I'm already subscribed I I am so I am so subscribing right now I'm gisling right nowu features I appreciate the efforts but e here Java class-based objectoriented high level programming language that is fairly secure and has been the most adopted language through the years it is strictly typ language and oh was that its adoption curve that was kind of a sad adoption C secure I hate I hate scrolling text look at that adoption Cur look at that that ow ow that's that's an ow that that is not that's not a good trend line that is not a trend line you want to be a part of oh is this the Toby is this the Toby index if this is the Toby index I don't trust no this shed language through the years it is strictly typed language and criticized for B plate code it can be used in various Fields um yeah I tried it once in my entire life it was but de here another product we have for Microsoft is c d tier I don't know I learned data structures on Java so I kind of feel like it's a little bit higher for me taba tab taba dang it Java is like it has this place in my heart you know what I mean it has a place in my heart that's like special you know what I mean yeah I think everybody's first language is special it is basically a copy of java they even copied the public main class public static void mainst strings AR feature from java then they removed it it gives you control over memory despite being high level programming language it also allows programing and multi-threading it is crossplatform kind of to be honest I use it only once for the unity framework I would prefer over java CT matlb um Fair that's actually that's actually fair fair fair take C is better than Java I said it C is better than Java okay it just is I know people don't want to hear that it just is it just is but Microsoft is is is tier rust a memory safe language thanks to the Bor Checker strict rules that make your life easier no need for an entire book about pointers when you have books cell ref cell RC Arc mutex weak unique RC pin and and pin it has a strong typ I to this day still don't quite understand pin and unpin like I understand Pinn means that it can't move and unpinned means it can move but I'm all I know is sometimes you got to throw a pin on it and sometimes you want to unpin it I don't know why system and features that types developers it also made strings way easier you know we only have a string slice string cstr C string or s strr or a string yeah can be a little bit tricky plus technically you can get a u8 vector there's just a few things is the favorite for malware developers because yeah good luck reversing that also the rust Foundation is kind of gay all that rust has produced is literally already existing software with color the man is Brave the man is a brave man making that joke in today's day and age oh my goodness anyway I love it blazing fast yes blazingly fast let's go got him got him that was that was awesome that was so good I can't I I can't even believe it in the 70s the oldest language we have on the list it's been used to create most of the languages we have talked about so far and every existing piece of software out there minimal and simple but strong enough to build anything probably obsolete known for memory corruption it lets you do whatever the hell you want like the referencing a point that's more likely not pointer typ casting with no compiled time errors using an initialized variables or my favorite pointer oring it has one of the best features trolling code bases everyone wants the speed of C but no one wants to use c s tier C++ the first and the last I actually I fully agree with this one by the way I fully agree with that c is is is fantastic C is is is the is the tippity top it's the tippity top dlc4 C created in 198 C with classes it offers more features than C that work out of the boooks while maintaining performance it was criticized for being too featureful the no memory safety features by the way the too featureful thing is is true and I think I think rust is getting hurt from that as well rust just has so many effing features and they just won't stop making more features you know what I mean it's it's getting complicated but Al inherited from C with a little bit of spice templates are pain in the ass or most likely skill issue elegant error messages very comprehensive templates are literally death by by the way this is this is pretty straightforward right here okay this is pretty this is pretty straightforward what we're looking at this is this is normal C++ right here actually this is just normal C there's wait can you do a can you do a reference in C or is this C++ this is C++ right this would be because we have because we have the little reference right here this is this is C++ the con it's very easy so what you got to do whenever you see this this is a const pointer to a constant does that make sense const pointer to a constant so that means you can't change the pointer and the underlying value cannot be changed it's really simple like when you read it that way it makes it really easy syntic why though because this is called a real language one in which you get control over everything see in JavaScript land you don't have control over anything so so actually in fact in fact in JavaScript land you kind of do see watch this const a equals this array that is a const pointer to a mutable value let me explain a. Fu equals 5 I've just mutated a but I thought a was constant no the pointer to a is constant not the value of a is constant does that make sense now in typescript land if we go to typescript land and I go like this I go const a equals read is it where where does read only come in at uh read only is it like that no as const there we go I literally have as many constants as the other one did right same amount of const const pointer to a it's literally const pointer to a constant does that make it's the same thing it's literally the same thing so a. Fu equals 5 you can't do that but now here's the good part is I believe if you go like this though Fu uh Fu one okay good it's it's read only it's read only so you can't even change it so this would be a const pointer to a constant trust me on this don't you ever try to check the St declarations it's horrible no it's kind of like a pre-done for your union it's either a string or a Char I don't know what a variant [Music] is link errors I did try to check I just figured I could check I could check the definition of a variant that will be easy it was not easy dude TJ was none of us were ready for this look look at TJ like oh no we're not ready for this we're not ready for whatever this is can you believe someone wrote that code Lincoln errors will cost your soul Linus hates the language for some reason and its fans have serious deals with arations he by the way that that Linus uh that little Linus one that we just saw right there was actually him saying F you an Nvidia not to C++ here let's see H I have a place right here nice go a statically compiled hover programming language created by Google in 2007 it is simple and efficient it has blazingly fast compile time it has garbage collector great concurrency model screw your o op has the best package manager if error doesn't equals nail is a feature and it's the language I have no opinion on because I'm still learning it Power Note here react let's go let's go I actually really like that no I love that by the way I will have to say that people overestimate the uh if error equals nil by the way you know just for fun okay I know this is not a this is not a stream of that but you'll notice that I don't have like a ton of error equals nil right I mean this this error check is my own personal error check but like you you notice that there's not you don't see a lot of it and the reason why is that anytime you're doing code there's not a lot of if error equals nil but anytime you're interacting with something that's a sync or requesting from another service something that is could be flaky due to some sort of Hardware software whatever issue then you start getting it so it happens all the time when you're making like Network requests but it doesn't happen when you're just doing normal normal regular everyday things so if error equals n which by the way look at this leader e like I'm so ready I'm so ready for this you like I'm so ready for them okay I'm so ready but it's not nearly as it's not nearly as uh as bad as people say it is it's just not and yes if for those that are wondering what that was uh if we go here and we go to uh remaps I believe uh e there you go there's my key set you can see literally look at this create a new line go into in insert mode type if error does not equal nil brace enter brace escape shifo to put a new line in between those two return error Escape so that way I can end right there look how great that is it liter I just literally type it it's like the dumbest remap in the universe but it's so awesome all right we're now on to the my favorite language react obviously there is a hell L of language before we do that um I don't know did you guys see this by the way did you I don't know if you guys saw this I don't know if you saw this but look at that Dan enjoyed HTM X essays it's kind of cool huh I gave him the highy thingy anyway it's back to react which as I didn't mention because because either I never worked with them or they never made it to production now since we have finished ranking just give me a sec wait did we just miss react hold is a feature and it's the language I have on because I'm still learning it I don't know here react obviously there is a whole lot of languages I didn't mention because either I never work with them or they never made it to production now since we have finished ranking give me a sec yeah as I said these C lists are so subjective every language has its quirks and super powers although there is some that objectively suck yeah looking at your JavaScript but that doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't learn it or at least check on it whether C++ is better than rust is Javascript really obscure well it actually is but the point is I just write with whatever makes me happy and what makes sense to use if you were using JavaScript I really don't doubts apart if you think there is a single best gottier language that can do everything you're just being a fool and a sinner if you made it this far watching this 18 years old fool with cracked voice talk about stuff that are certainly older than him why don't you just hit the like And subscribe button h Huh um yeah that was awesome I subscribed and I like that video check out this hey go give this guy a subscribe that was great go give him a subscribe I want to see I I would like to see this thing move up by a substantial number please let's make his day that was awesome that was a great video the video was awesome okay the finished compiling at the end got me the react and then the busting in FBI for a second reaction not a language that was so good the name is I I do like tier list I do like tier list because they're fun they're fun I like them I like them a lot they're great a
Channel: ThePrimeTime
Views: 199,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, software engineer, software engineering, developer, web design, web development, programmer humor
Id: fIp-cWEHaCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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