TOP 5 MUSIC VIDEO TRANSITIONS (No Plugins) - Final Cut Pro X

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[Music] what's going on everyone its King Tut's Peron welcome back to another Final Cut Pro 10 tutorial thank you so much for stopping by to watch another video of mine in today's video I'm going to show you the top 5 music video transitions for Final Cut Pro 10 no plugins no special software required and no packs are needed for this tutorial pretty much so this is the effect that I've done and this is going to be the frame shake so coming from Deutsche Valley so if I push play you're gonna see what it looks like looks really cool it's very clean and simple and it works so you're going from one scene like this to another scene like outside which is kind of nice alright so first things first you want to have your first clip so I'm going to use the blade tool before you actually start cutting you want to make sure that you increase the scale a little bit to about 10% mine's at usually yours will be at 100% when it's filmed and edited trim this so I'm going to press the B key to trim that clip so now we're gonna have this clip here and just move these different seeing of that clip and move it below this one so once you are here you'll want to trim the next clip which is gonna be here so trim that if you want to move that back next to this one so once you are at this point all you have to do is go to the top clip which is this one that you want to use is the transition use the Blade tool to trim it around halfway so once you're at this point you want to select the first clip and we were going to scale this down so go to the transform tool in the inspector window go to the scale and we're gonna scale this down around here to about 70% so it's gonna go like this there and then we're gonna make this a bit smaller than that 2nd clip for that first clip so around here it's gonna be like this perfect now you want to select it right click go to new compounds clip to create a grouped clip and I'm going to name this shake shake effect or transition whatever you want to call it once you have done this you want to go and find where the second clip goes smaller so we're out here when I use a blade tool to trim that make sure it's correct perfect so once we're there we're gonna move the time head which is this to the beginning of that first clip select the first clip you want to then go to the transform tool go to the position and a keyframe right over here then you want to go one frame to the right press the right arrow key on your keyboard then you want to go and change this I would make this very minor so move this to the left clicking and dragging and making the y-axis up like that then click off of it and go one frame to the right again and do the opposite so I would just go like this and now when we maybe move this down so you can see what it looks like then click off of a go one frame to the right again and just do the same thing go on like that you can make this really random if you want and then after that last adjustment which is this one go one frame to the right we're gonna add a zero in the y-axis so type in zero press ENTER and the x-axis type in zero and it should go back to how it was so I push play looks like this then do the same thing so we can press command-c so we don't have to repeat all of that select the second one press shift command V click paste so now if I push play looks like this as well and we can do this manually again so select the new scene which is this one go to the transform tool add a new keyframe to the position then go one frame to the right and just do this again however you want it to look like so I'm gonna go like that one frame again to the right I'm gonna move this up where it kind of was perfect and then for the last one after that last adjustment we're gonna type in zero and then type in zero there so now if we go out and we push play looks just like that really smooth and really clean if it's a little bit complicated I'm sorry just go back and slow it down if I went a little too fast all you're doing is really just adding a keyframe go in one frame to the right and just changing these and then just changing it after you're done on that last one just go add a keyframe and type in zero to Center that and you should have this effect which is really really cool so let's jump into the number two for the music video transitions all right so this next transition I named it the freeze-frame zoom in or drop in and it's very very easy to do let me show you what I created with this video and as you've already probably seen from the demo I'm just gonna push play and this is the one that I've created it's that simple it's really that easy and let me show you how to do it alright so what you want to do is you want to start with your two different scenes so I have this one here and then I have this separate clip which is entirely different another scene so what I want to do is I want to mask out the cat and use that as the transition so you're going to see that cat here and then it's gonna smoothly zoom in into this next scene so very simple movie time head which is this to the very beginning or anywhere where you want that seem to start just make sure that you have it there I personally like to trim the the the next clip to where I want it to start which is here and where I want the freeze-frame to start as well so I'm gonna go to the top and go to edit then you want to go to the bottom where it says add a freeze-frame or option app for the shortcut this will then create a little snapshot or a picture of wherever you left the time head at trim this right over here around there maybe a couple of seconds I would say here and then drag this to the left on top of this so it'll look like this so you can try this out just by pushing play and it should look like this alright so what we're gonna do from this point is mask out the cat so go to the effects go to masks go to draw mask and that direct me onto that freeze frame clip then you just want to mask out VCAT so I'm going to do that really quickly so I'm going to just make a selection here it doesn't matter if you're you know careful with this I think if you want it to look the best you would want to of course take your time I however am NOT going to take that much time with this so bear with me so once you are here you're going to click on that to finish off the masking now what you want to do from this point is go to the drama ask over here in the inspector tab go to the feather and we're going to drag this to the right to increase the feather a little bit you don't have to if you want to once you're at this point what you want to do is trim this a little bit it's just a picture so it doesn't really matter it's just gonna what really matters is that it continues off exactly where it left off like this so it's a seamless transition now once you're at this point we're going to go to the transform tool right over here click on this or you can go into the transform option in the transform tab and go to the position you're gonna have X&Y click and drag the x-axis off like that so move it to the right I want it to come in from the right to left I think that will look the best you can do from left to right it really doesn't matter as long as we leave off with the same exact spot as this next clip so right now it's off there's no keyframes now we're gonna add our first keyframe and I'm gonna start it at the very beginning so now what I'm going to do is go back to this right over here click on this click on the little keyframe button now we're going to move the time head to the a couple of frames in maybe like bats now I'm going to instead of moving it like this I'm going to go to the position and do it that way so I'm going to type in 0 press enter and this will be the exact spot where we created our frame or our freeze frame so that way we can continue the video seamlessly like this if it's off let's say it's like over here and I play it's going to look like this that's not seamless and it doesn't look that good so just like you know just a little FYI so now when I push play it's gonna look like that we can then just end it like this however we can make it look a little nicer so once we're done with that just click done go to the effects tab and we're gonna go to the blur right over there and I'm gonna add a directional blur so drag that onto that freeze-frame zoom in a little bit so you can see the individual frames I'm going to move the time head at the beginning go to the directional blur right over here in the inspector tab and I'm going to move this to let's see what it looks like so I'm going to increase this to here and the angle I'm going to do 180 so 180 degrees so the directions coming from right to left so now I'm going to increase the amount which I go like that make it a little bit dramatic right there looks good so move it now back to the beginning at a keyframe or over here then what you want to do is move it around here so a couple frames before it actually settles like there maybe here I'm then going to click on this and type in 0 so it will kind of ease you know fade off a little bit perfect so that's pretty much the freeze-frame drop in transition it's really clean and simple to do and it doesn't require any plugins let's move on to number three this third transition music video transition is probably one of the easiest ones out of the five here in this video and that's going to be a speed ramp transition and I've seen this a lot in a lot of music videos this is one of the very most popular transitions just because it's very simple and it doesn't really require actual like zoom in and zoom out transitions I think those are kind of overrated and this one's very subtle and it works so this is the one that I've created and you've probably already seen the demo and just how it works and this is exactly how it's done so if I push play it goes from normal speed to super fast it's continuing super fast and it slows down to normal speed again so I push play it's gonna look like this and it looks so so clean and I'm going to show you how to do it you need for this effects or transition is the actual video here so this is the demo so I push play it's roughly a second long and then the next one is about two seconds long as well or maybe a second a half so let's look like it looks like this now I would suggest having similar lighting as well as similar you know of a scene even though it's more of a transition it still works I think it just looks a lot cleaner if it's around the same scene if that makes sense if it's two completely different scenes it might look a little odd but you can you can try it out and see what it looks like but I'm gonna show you how to do it so this is the normal speed here looks okay what I want to do is I want to zoom this up so press command R for the first clip as well as the second clip by pressing command R on both then what you want to do is you want to go to a place where you want it to speed up very fast I want it to be around here keep in mind that the length of the video doesn't matter so if it's like a second long or even half a second long maybe 30 frames you're not gonna have that much room to play with with the speed ramp so I would suggest a max of five seconds so you really can control the speed of this so once you're here press shift B to create that splits in the speed ramping or the retiming option then go to the end of the first clip right over here and click and drag this all the way to the left to around I don't know seven hundred percent or something so it speeds up very fast so if I push play looks like this normal and then it goes super fast I mean this doesn't really matter right and then here also doesn't really matter maybe around here shift B then click and drag this point here all the way to the left as far as you can go so I think this one goes to roughly like six hundred percent or something so now if I go back and I push play looks like that and it's so so clean and I can also click and drag this to make it longer as well so you really don't sacrifice any of the actual length of the clip so if I push play looks like that and it looks very very clean sorry for the jitteriness I am recording this so it's it may be a little bit slow but that's what it looks like and that's a transition so jumping into number four [Music] all right so this next transition is going to be the RGB glow glitch which is a really simple transition I think in my opinion but let me show you how the transition looks like so this is the one that I've applied so when I push play you're gonna see what the what it looks like so this is the one that I've done and it looks really clean it still looks simple and pretty close to the actual music video itself so let me show you how it's done now I did use an actual transition for this which is just a cross dissolve it's pretty simple but it's just to smooth out the effects that I've applied so I'm gonna show you how to do it things first have two different clips with two different scenes as you can see here select the first clip and we're gonna increase the scale to 110 percent so this is the normal clip if I reset everything so this is what it looks like I'm gonna go to the scale right over here and type in 110 percent to scale the full clip so we have some space around the edges do the same thing for the second clip so I'm gonna reset this and go to the scale all and type in 110 percent and hit enter now what I want to do is I want to go roughly a couple frames here so if I push to play it's gonna look like this and I'm gonna do the same thing over here so once we're at this point we're going to move the time head towards the ending I'm going to zoom in and I'm gonna go actually a couple frames around halfway because there's not that much frames there so this may vary however going to the transform and go to position you're gonna have X&Y again click on the x-axis to as your first keyframe and hits right on the arrow key and we're gonna start moving this again so we're gonna go left and just make this random I'm going to do something like this okay and maybe here so if I go one frame to the left I'm gonna look like that then go again one frame to the right again and I'm gonna go something like this maybe something like up so it should look like this and then this next one I'm going to go left a little bit more and I'm going to go down something like this so if I push play and looks like it shakes and on the x-axis right over here I'm gonna go down whoops y-axis actually go here and I'm gonna move it to the right again go one frame and just do the same thing a couple of times and something like this so if I push play so it look like that's perfect so now once we're at this point we're gonna do the same thing for the second clip so before you do that we're gonna move this here there add a keyframe now and then go one frame to the right and then start moving your points around so just do something like this move this up and go one frame to it right again and just do the same thing so I'm gonna go down like that one frame to the left a little bit left go up again perfect so now if I push play it looks like that kind of cool kind of good jittery effect now we're gonna go back to the first clip and we're gonna go one frame to the left here and we're gonna go into the over here to the color option to the no Corrections here we're gonna click the down arrow go to the color board click on this you're gonna have exposure you're gonna have now a keyframe option so I'm going to move this the second to the last frame go to the top hit the keyframe button then move the time head to the end maybe one frame to the left's here I guess that would work and then we're gonna increase this all the way up to white so it looks like this it's gonna go whoosh and then from here we're gonna select the second clip and do the same exact thing except in the beginning so we're gonna start with whites so we're going to go to the no Corrections tab click on this go to the color board and now we're gonna have the keyframe options so I'm going to hits the keyframe and to move the exposure all the way up and now I'm going to go one frame to the right and I'm going to then move its yeah exposure all the way back to where it was so it looks like this perfect so now once we're at we're at this point we're going to add in effect so go to the effects tab and go to the prison blur and drag that on here and do the same thing for here as well so if I push play it's gonna look like this so I push play perfect it's gonna look like this super super cool and we can use the cross dissolve now for this last clip there and make it super short we should play now it fades off as super smooth like that so now let's jump into the last Final Cut Pro 10 music video transition last but not least this is going to be the strobe kind of flicker transition this one's really easy to do it's more of like a little bit of a spinoff from this last one that I showed you and that's just going to be on one clip and we're mostly affecting the highlights so if I push play this you've probably already seen the demo but let me show it to you again just just for reference so I'm gonna push play and you can see a system very simple like a flicker transition so this is the normal video looks I mean it looks great but I mean if you wanted to do a better of a transition like this you can you can spice it up by doing something as simple as this so all you gotta do is move the time head which this right at the end of that first clip so make sure you have two different scenes and what I want to do is go into the color option over here for the color inspector if you're over here just click on this right here if you're on the new one just click add color board right over here to add our first color correction now what we're gonna do from this point is we're gonna go a couple of frames you know back so we can count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I'm gonna do about 6 frames is ok you can do 7 now what you're gonna do from this point is add a keyframe so we're going to add a keyframe there now what we're going to do is want to go one frame to the right and we're gonna increase the highlights all the way up I'm going to go one frame to the right again and move the two highlights all the way back to where it was do the same thing movie highlights all the way up again and then what you're gonna do from this point is go one frame to the right again and then we're now going to slowly but surely go and move the looks like these shadows all the way up and then do the same thing one keyframe over to the right and just do the same thing all the way until you don't see it again and do the same thing so now if we go back and I push play it looks like this and it's like a strobe kind of flicker effect and it looks very very good for a transition it's a lot cleaner and what it would look like before so this is without it I mean it still looks good however it I think adding a little bit of finesse would look a lot better so now this is with our transition that we made you can see it's a lot better and a lot more dynamic in my opinion so those are the five music video transitions for Final Cut Pro 10 no plugins are required if you guys found it helpful and useful please let me know down below let me know what I need to improve on if you guys found this video helpful a like will be much appreciated guys subscribe turn on the bail notification so you guys don't miss out on a video like this one and I have a lot of other videos coming soon so let me know what you want to watch in the comment section below until then take care
Channel: KingTutsPro
Views: 50,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final cut pro x, final cut pro x effects, editing music video, final cut pro x music effects, easy music video effects, best trap music video editing effects, final cut pro x no plugins, top 5 music video transitions, top 5 video transitions, top 5 music videos 2020, best music video transitions, final cut pro x transitions, music video editing final cut pro x, final cut pro transitions, final cut pro x tutorial 2020, editing music video transition, editing video transition
Id: NxAJ61p0hEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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