NECRONS - Mechanical Warriors from the Emperor of Mankind [1] | Warhammer 40k lore

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greetings my glorious adeptus custodes today I will tell you the truth and it is alas not the truth that is known in every corner of the Imperium for our dark past is full of bitterness and [Music] suffering well necrons understanding the necrons is no easier than killing them despite numerous contacts with this Force the Imperium has never been able to obtain enough information to seriously confront them however one thing is certain their attacks are becoming more frequent and unless the situation improves The imperium's Defenders will be completely unprepared for this new threat the necrons are a nightmare from another age their ancient empire existed Millions ions of years before I forged a coherent Imperium out of irreconcilable human worlds they were once mortal creatures of Flesh and Blood called necron but they have long since replaced their diseased bodies with sturdy forms of living metal through a process of biotransference not all nekron bodies are created equal however high-ranking Nobles have been reborn in Mighty shells elaborate and with complex engram schemes the commoners on the other hand were given comparatively crude bodies during the transformation many not of their own volition and their Consciousness and reactions were dulled the history of the necron here is filled with hatred fear pain Despair and betrayal millions of years before Humanity arrived on holy Tera a race of sickly cursed creatures known as necron struggled to cling to life under the mercilessly scorching race of the bliding sun on their home planet the star emitted massive amounts of radiation drawn fing and scorching the surface their world was uninhabitable the necron were constantly suffering from radiation contamination their lives were a living hell of disease and fear of imminent death as a consequence their cities were vast complexes of tombs with few temporary shelters for the living the necron tier tried to overcome their mortality through science but after a thousand years they realized that their bodies could not change enough to live on their own planet the only thing left was to seek out new worlds to inhabit for the sake of simple survival despite the fact that necron Society was feudal their race was still able to achieve some success in interstellar travel they developed their own technology for space travel which was slow and primitive unlike that of the Ancients who could travel between stars in seconds because of the long flights the ships were equipped with stasis Crypts in which the necron tier fell into a long sleep in order for the ships to withstand the vicissitudes of space travel they were covered in living metal many years later as their empire expanded the necron tier finally met those who would become their sworn enemies the Ancients a race of nearly Immortal beings Superior in every way to the necron tier race to this day few people know what the Ancients looked like and yet according to some speculation all of the races created by the ancients namely the jokero Eldar and slan bear a resemblance to their creators in one way or another their immortality and Splendor ignited rage in the hearts of the entire necron people they could not accept such Injustice for they lived in fear of their own son while the Ancients celebrated basking in the Rays of a grateful Universe there was no limit to the hatred of the necron here and that hatred would leave a bloody Mark not only on both races but on the entire galaxy however it's not all that simple the triarchy the ruling Council of the necron led by the silent King sarak faced a huge problem as the Empire expanded the necron race gradually lost the cohesion that made them stronger this led to massive civil uprisings later called the first war of secession the rebellions were so massive that entire worlds fought for their independence then the triarchs realized that only the presence of an external enemy could once again unite the people and unite The Divided Empire as it is not hard to guess the Ancients were the ideal Target for this and the necron were ready to unleash on them all their hatred accumulated by thousands of years of suffering and torment thus began one of the bloodiest wars in the history of the Galaxy it ended the Ancients gave birth to the Eldar and changed necron forever the war in the skies had begun this devastating Feud devastated entire star systems killing luminaries and despite their great numerical and technological superiority the necron triarchy realized that they could not defeat the Ancients who had mastered the warp So skillfully eventually the Ancients drove the necron into the Halo stars and they became only a small problem on the edge of the ancient civilization failures in battle again shook the necron unity leading to new schism Wars and eventually they were driven to the edge of the galaxy to the Far Corners of the Halo Stars the triarchs were terrified the war was almost lost the people were divided it was a catastrophe that nearly drove the necron to Total extermination in a thousand years their rage had cooled but it had been replaced by an intense a hatred not only for the Ancients but for all life pressed to the edge of the Galaxy the Empire had fallen there was no end to the despair of the necron and their triarchs the necron tier were on the verge of defeat but the Ancients saw no need to get their hands dirty and did not strike the final blow for at the same time the dynasties turned against each other again unleashing the second secessionist war alreet at the Fate to which the triak had condemned them the dynasties rebelled against the silent King and some were even prepared to ask the ancients for peace if the opportunity arose and when the death of an entire race seemed inevitable salvation came from an unexpected Direction they studied the Stars to understand their nature in an attempt to find something to defeat their enemies and he who searches long enough always finds it the necron's Gaze fell upon their own Sun around it they saw a horrible creature that fed on the star it was older than the Ancients themselves but had little interest in the material world the creature had but one purpose to satisfy its endless hunger the Necro Frontier decided that this immaterial something would help them in their fight against the Ancients since it was immune to Conventional Weapons Under the guidance of Sark the silent King the necron managed to contact the creature they named it Katan which in their language meant star gods or Star vampires these powerful beings were attracted to their hatred of the Ancients and answered the call the Katon are said to have emerged just after the universe born swirling gases and unimaginable flows of energy and were therefore rather immaterial creatures of the ether in their natural form they are huge and can cover the surface of an entire star with their bodies feeding on its energy over time they learned to use transparent Wings to travel between stars and continue to consume them the necron tier realized that the Katan could not perceive their world without physical and material bodies so they created them out of necrodermis also known as living metal this metal gave the Katan the ability to change the shape and size of their bodies at will the Katan then traveled across the bridge of Starlight into new bodies incredibly huge energy beings shrunk to the size of relatively small bodies the Katan used the necron's hatred of the Ancients to wage war and consume living bodies which they enjoyed far more than their past food of Star Energy they also enjoyed the fact that the necron tier worshiped them as gods which they took advantage of by making them their slaves over time the necron tier began to regain their former power and gradually prepared for new battles with the Ancients then the Katan known as meeton The Deceiver appeared before sarak head of the triarchs the silent King was not yet aware of the true nature of the star gods and so granted an audience the deceiver spoke of a war between the Katan and the ancients played out long before necron was born the Katan deceiver made the offer each of them had been waiting for necron so long ago immortality and victory in the war in the heavens sarak and triarchy quickly agreed which later doomed their race to more suffering meeton deceived them by not telling them the true cost of such a gift when the silent King saw what had happened he finally realized the true nature of the Katan and the Fate to which they had condemned all in his name thus began the great biotransference the weak flesh of the necron tier was replaced by the same living metal as their gods the Katan feasted amidst the flow of rejected life gaining great energy and becoming stronger it was unclear if there had been a rebellion of dissenters to the biotransference only that the upper classes had accepted the transformation gladly while the merchants Artisans and peasants were reluctant the only thing that was clear was that the necron race no longer existed it was completely extinct in its place were soulless cohesive machines these are what we know as necrons there was no life or soul in the burning dead Green Eyes Only hatred for all living things they had suffered and now they made their enemies suffer only a few of them retained reason and memory the lower classes had become nothing more than automatons clad in new metallic forms and stripped of the weakness of mortal flesh the necrons continued the war against the Ancients in the process of biotransference each of the silent King's subordinates had been implanted with command protocols with which to rule with an iron hand and now that s had gained power over all the inhabitants of his Empire it was the nekron's turn to fulfill their part of the terrible pact given that having absorbed The Souls of an entire race the Katan were now Unstoppable and with Legions of NE Rons marching behind them the Ancients were doomed composed of metal backed by the katan's might and outmatched in technology by the Ancients whose slow Minds were unable to adapt quickly to the new enemy they began to win the Ancients warp based technology to teleport troops through the warp web was balanced by the katan's incredible energies the nekron's ability to regenerate and the dry science of the necrons themselves now the Galaxy would blade with green flames and no one could Escape their wrath the war in the heavens flared up with renewed Vigor the nekron armies supported by their powerful star Gods won Victory after Victory it seemed that the necrons were Unstoppable having absorbed vital necron energy and gained new powers the Katan were virtually Unstoppable and Unleashed forces of unfathomable power planets were wiped to dust stars were extinguished and entire systems were swallowed by black holes created by the reality changing powers of the star Gods the necrons were able to move into the web and now pursued the Ancients across the Galaxy they destroyed the Ancients greatest fortresses and overcame their magic and Technology this is what caused the Ancients to begin repopulating the planets with life such as Orcs And Eldar who could Aid in the Katan War however in the end the desperate ancients were destroyed by the warborn Horrors known as the enslavers that they themselves had mistakenly given free reign to after the defeat and complete destruction of the Ancients the necrons won the war in the heavens but their bloody Harvest did not end there the feud left the Galaxy nearly devastated Stars extinguished and World scorched the casualties numbered in the many many billions but life continued to exist in other parts of the Galaxy and so the bloody Harvest of the Katan would would continue still the silent King saw where this was going and he was not okay with it the extermination of all life in the Galaxy would deny his people the opportunity to reclaim their souls and flesh terrified of such a future he devised a plan to overthrow The Arrogant Katan but s realized that confronting the Katan here at the height of their power was a suicide mission the star Gods had created weapons so powerful that they could not stand against them so after waiting a moment the silent king led a rebellion against his Gods turning the Katan weapons against themselves even so despite the power of the necrons the Katan by their very nature are almost impossible to completely destroy they have been broken into shards fragments of sorts each trapped in a tesseract Labyrinth each Shackled an enslaved Katan fragment possessed monstrous power but was unaware of the great creature it had once been the necrons subsequently used these shards during battles summoning the vast powers of their former gods to the battlefields the devastating war with the Katan the rise of the Eldar the silent King saw the time of the necrons coming to an end dominance over the Galaxy is slowly passing to the Eldar you can read more about this and the fall of the Eldar in the chapter of my diary dedicated to their history in the meantime the necrons drained of Blood by several wars were incapable of standing up to the lar but sarz knew that the eldar's time would end someday as the time of All Flesh dos so he ordered the remaining necron cities to be rebuilt into hug stasis bonded tomb complexes following laws of physics and geometry unknown to other races the crypts created vast Crypts that could house their entire people for a Thousand-Year sleep countless interdimensional Halls housed millions of necrons and spacious armories with the most powerful instruments of death though to an outside Observer it would seem impossible to fit it all in there having completed this part of the work the Crypt Keepers installed temporal stabilizers to protect the tombs and everything inside from the ravages of time in the event that a large settlement of a minor race gets too close to a tomb World a coded program to protect the buried necrons triggered instructing them to react with extreme aggression the necrons were ordered to sleep for 60 million years and upon Awakening to rebuild the entire Empire that was once lost and restore glory to their dynasties the king himself did not follow them he destroyed all the control protocols he used to command his subordinates and left the Galaxy hoping to find something to redeem himself to his people for all of 60 million years the nekron slept in their tombs this period was called the great sleep during this time many tomb worlds were damaged or destroyed failures or unfortunate circumstances were to blame some tomb worlds were found and destroyed by the Eldar Millions if not billions of necrons were destroyed as a result but in any case it is time to awaken to bring death and destruction to the worlds but the Awakening does not happen all at once some awakened during the Great Crusade others during the age of Discord whatever the case most awakened in the later years of the 41st Millennium and billions of necrons still sleep when the last seal Falls the last star takes its position and the last drop of blood Falls then those who slept the dead sleep will rise and death will shroud the void
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Keywords: warhammer 40k lore, warhammer, warhammer 40000, warhammer 40k lore to sleep to, warhammer 40k, horus heresy, 40k, Lore, 40k lore, warhammer 40k story, emperor diary, emperor diary lore, lore 40k, story, lore, lore 40k sleep, 40k lore reaction, necrons, necrons 40k, necrons lore, necrons warhammer, necrons warhammer 40k, necrons lore 40k, necrons story, necron 40k, necron lore, necron 40k lore
Id: 14hj0bJ8F1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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