Top 5 Favorite Accessories for Summer 2020 | Dominique Sachse

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you have been asking about an accessories video and I am happy to oblige hi welcome to this week's tutorial it's really a list of my top 5 favorite accessory ideas for 2020 there are many I've had a lot of you ask me questions based on some things that I've worn in recent posts and I figure a lot of it was accessory based so I thought this might be a ripe opportunity to compile a list of what I feel are very wearable designs things that you can either make things that you might actually have in your own closet or if you do have to make a purchase it is affordable and as always I will list everything for you in the description portion of the video just click show more it expands or the little down arrow to the right of your phone or tablet to be able to see and I'm going to incorporate some photos as well that are on trend with the season but the first one that I want to start with is layering gold necklaces I find this to be number one so easy because odds are you probably have a variety of gold necklaces in different lengths that if you were just to spend some time in your jewelry closet and just start mixing and matching and layering because it's really all about length and from shortest to longest so in my opinion that's the best place to start it doesn't have to be all matchy-matchy doesn't have to be let's say a shiny type of of gold it could be a matte gold it could be matte and shiny you could incorporate a different type of a tone or a texture we even do a combination of gold and silver but this I find to be a very youthful look I love it for summer especially with a nice kind of white tea or a button-down shirt the idea here is if you're going to layer you really need to have a canvas for the jewelry to lay against which is nothing to compete so your skin is everything deep rounded necks or v-necks are ideal for this and if you feel comfortable buttoning just a little bit lower maybe unbuttoning that one button by the bra and using a safety pin below just to get some length in the chest area first of all it's incredibly long gating but it also gives you more room to be able to play with this gold layered look so that's what I've got going on here with a scooped out white t-shirt you invest in anything get yourself a little bar piece kind of a mid-range really really popular right now I love my heart I wear my I wear my heart on my sleeve and in this case on my neck I love my heart by melinda maria jewelry and then the longer piece here by Madison McKinley designs and gore Jana for everything else those three are sort of my top two top three hello math when it comes to layering jewelry same thing applies also for rings you can take things and do big cuffs you can stack little pieces you can mix larger size with smaller size it's up to you but a gold looks so beautiful if you have a little bit of color in your skin too so I really want you to have fun with this ideally see what you've got see what you can make work and if you have to invest in a couple of pieces well I'll provide links for you to some of my favorites to possibly help you out with that the next thing that's super huge and on-trend literally huge and that would be the big bag now mind you when you look at runway trends in style things always tend to be grossly over exaggerated on the runway so I've pulled a couple of photos for you to see here these bags are massive you could fit a small child in one of these bags okay I'm not encouraging you to go that far but get yourself a big bag my husband bought this for me years ago to use when we travel in the summertime to a beach resort or destination and it's perfect because I use this as my bag for the airplane so literally it's a it's a ginormous gaping hole and there's nothing in there big gaping hole and you can put you can put your whole life in something like this and then it's great when you're on vacation you just kind of throw it around it's casual don't get anything crazy expensive you just want a good versatile utility big big bag so that will kind of accompany this look and in the end I'll pull this all together so you see how it works and the key is is to get some pieces that are not so trendy that you'll only wear them one season but you may act we carried them over and over and over just so happens that this is in so Nick way to go you're a prognosticator next thing that is super on trend this season that I think is just adorable and that is a square toed sandal I love these and as you can see I got mine at Zara so I clearly did not break the bank in making that purchase but square toed sandals and shoes are just amazingly stinking ly cute for 2020 what's so fun about them is for the most part the heel isn't all that high I've seen a range from an inch to maybe two two and a half that's about it so it's a practical shoe for walking around it's also incredibly versatile I have seen these paired with you know how long shorts are really big this summer with Blazers I've seen this with longer shorts and Blazers I have seen this with denim and I have seen it with skirts and dresses so this is the kind of shoe that even though it's a trendy shoe and a trendy look it actually can be worn with a lot in your closet and so that's what I always aim for if I'm gonna shop a trend I don't want it to just work for one thing or one way to where it needs to have versatility or I'm not gonna spend the money even Zara money I'm not gonna do it this is really really big for 2020 and they're incredibly comfortable and they can be worn with something like knees so I'm gonna talk a little bit about denim and who would have thought jeans would be an accessory but they are based on the adornment that's going on and so let's say you're not a ripped jeans kind of gal and I'm talking with the holes and the thighs and the knees and all of that you know that's for your twenty year old daughter but you just don't feel so comfortable doing that this is a way to be current and have your rip in a very conservative area and so the fraying is taking place at the end of jeans now a popular style is these are by Reformation and it's a it's a fitted flare flares out above the ankle and I love that because it really plays off on the shoe because you're not covering this so when you have such a really cute shoe like the square-toed shoe you can actually see it underneath your jeans because they're not covering it you can purchase these I mean these types of jeans are everywhere many of them are done on a skinny jean with the flare and the shredding at the end many of them can go at an angle you could even do this to a pair of your own jeans let's say you have an old pair of jeans maybe some old fit-and-flare at the end take them cut them cut across and wash them see how they look you can also take them and you can not only go across but you can cut in and you can create sort of a fringe look with the scissors and then wash it and allow that to fray too but I mean in the end you were gonna toss those jeans anyway you're not wearing them you may as well play around and do a little DIY fringe and see how it works and then everybody say where'd you get those jeans and you're like yeah they've been in my closet for 10 years and I just cut them myself so there you go then last but not least on my favorite accessory list to me sunglasses are such a defining part of a look and if you've noticed glasses this season they are massive they sort of bring me back to the 1970s a little bit and the trend is geometric so let's talk about different geometric ideas for glasses I've worn these before in a lot of Instagram posts these are my Matsuda's and they're round round glasses are really neat if you have very sharp and angular features a round lens can really soften that and then of course the gold detail in these plays off of the gold detail in the jewelry so it all starts to tie together when you put the eyewear on so a round shape is really in hexagons different types of angles will actually make a rounder face more angular looking so that's something that you can look for but again all different kinds square glasses huge square glasses are so big plastic glasses are super big too I found these things actually at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts my mom was doing some volunteer work there they've got a store in the museum where they sell things and they were selling these glasses among other things jewelry scarves books and and whatnot these were something like twelve dollars I mean it was ridiculous but they're super cute and on trend and you know how wonderful if you're if you're wanting to stay in a trend when you can spend twelve I like to save money that's just how I roll so anyway round out your look with a pair of nice big geometric glasses and this way you can pull together all of these wonderful accessory trends of 2020 and chances are you can do it with what you have or if you're going out to shop your at least not spending a lot of money you know I think that we are all very much in a pairing down minimalistic type mode right now for instance as we sit in my closet and I've been selling on Poshmark as you know I did a video on how to do that and if you haven't seen it go check it out because you might be able to get some cash out of your closet for every piece that I buy I get rid of too so that's my goal and modality for bringing things in and cutting waste and getting real with what I want and making sure I really want it and I really am going to wear it because if I'm buying it I'm getting rid of two things that already exist so that's a great way to help incorporate trend and not collect so much stuff that you're sitting in a sea of clothes and accessories and it's a bunch of waste so maybe it's a good idea to start looking for ways to pare it down looking for ways to either give away donate or sell some of your things and then seeing areas where it's wise to bring in something new so with your accessories go out be bold and be blessed and I look forward to seeing you next Thursday at 1 o'clock hi [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 283,380
Rating: 4.9044342 out of 5
Keywords: Dominique Sachse, Dominique Sache, Dominiquie Sashe, Dominique Sachse tutorials, short hairstyles, makeup tips, Dominique Sachse hair, Dominique Sachse Makeup, Channel 2 news, Dominique Sachse 2019, over 40, over 50, dominique sachse, dominique sachse youtube, youtube dominique sachse, women's summer style, summer fashion accessories, dominique sachse style, trendy sunglasses summer 2020, summer 2020 looks, Zara black sandals, Reformation jeans, women's stylish necklaces
Id: w8EjIzZLnfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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