My Top 10 Ways to Tie a Scarf

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hi how are you hope you've had a really nice week I don't know where you are but here in Houston it is bitterly cold it must be I don't know 35 degrees outside overcast we had snow and sleet in the area which is so unhu' stand like let me tell you it also has me wishing and longing for warmer temperatures and the sunshine to come out which really inspired my tutorial idea for this week and I mentioned last week that I had something new and different for you and I think it is and I'm going to step back and show you what it is I'm not seated today I'm actually standing in the bathroom and the reason for that is what I'm about to present is going to require some demonstrations so here we go in light of the fact that spring and summer are around the corner and then I'm just itching to break out this type of attire one of my personal favorite things to wear is a scarf I adore scarves I love the class I love the versatility I think they're elegant there are so many ways to wear a scarf and I've noticed that when I do sometimes I'll have women come up to me and they'll say hey I never thought to do that or where did you come up with that idea which led to today's tutorial I want to show you 10 different ways to wear a scarf during our spring and summer months this is I would say a medium sized scarf it measures 34 by 34 inches so I would recommend a medium size to be able to achieve all of these some of them are a little shorter and you may run into some problems and then some are very long you can wrap and make into skirts and dresses but you won't be able to achieve some of the looks I'm going for so again a medium sized scarf ten different ways to wear it are you ready okay let's go first of all I here in Texas we love a Western look so one of my favorite ways and I'll do this on air sometimes is you take your scarf into a triangle you may need to fold it over a few times just so it's not so big and take it and wrap it around your neck and then bring it back around like so and you tie it upfront makes nice like a a nice high collar this is perfect by the way if you're wearing a blazer I love that especially with a crisp white shirt and you take it and you tuck it into your shirt and then you've got this wonderful pop of color inside your shirt with a blazer on top in fact I think I even demonstrated this in my several ways to wear a suit video so again this is a really classic sort of a Ralph Lauren look it's one of my favorites I do it all the time the next thing is very very simple and you can do this practically I'd say over anything and it's just a very loose-fitting shawl so you take your scarf you put it in a large triangle you just drape it over your shoulders you tie it very loosely on the ends a little knot and you can either wear it like so just loosely hanging this way or twist it to the side so that you've got your knot on one shoulder pull it down a little bit and this is a beautiful look over a sundress as well and just to keep the shoulders warm so a really nice shawl speaking of keeping you warm let's say you're wearing something like during the day and you transition to evening and you're outside this is this can actually be a great jacket and here's what you do you go corner to corner so I'm going to take these two on one side and I'm going to tie them in a little tiny knot right here okay and then I'm going to do the same on the other side corner to corner same side you're not going on the diagonal okay so now you basically have are you ready for this you have made your own jacket out of your scarf hangs perfectly over the shoulders and look how decorative that is is that not super cool so again I mean you can literally tuck this in your purse pull it out at night if you don't want to carry a big jacket but you want to cut the wind or just that little bit of a chill this is a great way to do it so again your scarf becomes a jacket another thing that you can do and again this looks really nice with a high collared shirt is we will make this into a choker so I'm going to take it and do the diagonal like so and then I'm going to go again so I'm making a smaller triangle and I'm going to fold it because I like the color to show you've noticed the white is on the outside the color in the middle so I'm now going to fold it in and I'm going to make a band I'd say about two inches in diameter keep going so now it looks like this and then what you can do is you can take it and you can knot this in the middle so just tie it in a knot which gives kind of an interesting piece and then once you've done that you take this and you've created a choker necklace and then you tie it in the back behind your neck and again it's a wonderful decorative piece to bring some color and it makes it makes a necklace so I'll step in and you can see a little bit better but in that pretty so you have the knot in the middle which makes it interesting and again you've created a beautiful necklace out of a scarf all right let me step back and let's see easy-peasy okay so let's go back to our triangle the big one fold it in half you have a big triangle again I'm going to start folding it from the outside in because I like to see a lot of the color so I'm going to take our little corner here again that a two-inch diameter keep folding and folding and rolling until you get a very long thin scarf take that around your neck like so and you can either tie it in a very loose knot like that and let it hang you can double tie it you can just leave it like that inside a blazer but again this adds a really nice pop of color if you don't want something I on the neck this is just a very loose decorative way to wear a scarf okay oh and now but it's like this by the way let's say you don't have a belt or it's not the right color or you want something that's a little bit more colorful and interesting this becomes a belt so I'm going to step back you take it and you just string it through your belt loops I probably skip some belt loops here just to save some time okay and if you want you can sash do a little tie to the side as opposed to in the middle I like the side tie a little bit better but there you go you have now made a belt out of your scarf and I think that's just a very fun little sassy way to do it okay so you've got a purse and let's say you're wearing a very light flowy sundress or whatever and you just sort of want to keep that flow going take your scarf fold it up just the way we did but kind of loosen it up a little bit and then take a handle and then tie it around a handle on your purse so just a very loose tie and voila you have added a very pretty piece to your handbag and again kind of a preppy western traditional look I love this bag this bag looks like a very expensive handbag you know which one I'm thinking about but it's a Saint Nicholas that I found here in Houston and the price point was terrific so I think this just looks really regal and nice and I didn't have to break the bank for it okay moving on oh yeah this is fun too I love wearing hats I'm a huge huge hat fan and so during the summer time I will do kind of a straw fedora but let's just say I'm not really into the band around the Hat or I want I've got maybe an orange bathing suit and I want to tie in that color I will then take my scarf and I will tie it around the Hat so you just go like so see I'm going to set it down so I can tie it and cover the black perfect and again this is very fun and decorative and smell you have your scarf around your hat pretty snazzy you can also make a hat out of your scarf by the way this is great if you're in a car and the windows are down and you don't want your hair blowing in your face or you're on a boat or whatever the case may be and sometimes hats will blow off just take your scarf in the long triangle go like so over your head it totally mess up my hair but whatever for the purpose of the video it must be done and then I'm going to tie this behind all right there we go so this is kind of a hippie boho look going oh my gosh the hair scary whatever and then I absolutely love popping on some really cool shades with this these have a bit of a gold tint to them so anyway very very fun this is a really good beachy look and again it keeps the hair out of your face and last but not least you can make a top out of this so you have your big triangle to ends take it wrap it around your back bring it up you got your two ends here you can crisscross and you can make it a halter top you will need by the way a bigger scarf to do that's a little risque but you can do this with a larger scarf by the way I do it all the time and and it's a really really cool look but again you do a little halter in the back crisscross it around the front and you've made a little top that's a little scary let's see if I go like this oh yeah here's another way to do it with this size scarf just take it across the back and tie it here I'm preferring this with this scarf I really don't want you to be trashy so just just ignore the last demonstration not with this scarf with something bigger please I'm all about class there we go that's better so this is now a cute little halter top it ties in the back everything is covered accentuates the waist and I'm feeling much better about this look okay ten ways to wear a scarf I hope it inspired you I hope it got you excited for summertime and spring and you know most women do have at least one scarf in their closet I'm assuming that you do if not go out and treat yourself to a beautiful scarf find some colors that really make you happy and that go with the things that you have in your closet and just enjoy play around with it use your creativity and have fun because in the end isn't that what it's all about okay comments and suggestions below I have so many great ideas but I want you to keep them coming because I want to make sure that I tailor my videos to you remember follow me on social media of course KPRC channel two at five six and ten o'clock I appreciate you being with me you are such an amazing community and I thank you so very much remember go out there be bold be blessed and I will see you in a week Tata
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 4,835,374
Rating: 4.7718925 out of 5
Keywords: dominique sachse, scarf, tie a scarf, wear a scarf, spring, fashion, style, outfit, look, spring fashion, spring scarf
Id: MaKcwnoGCak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 26 2015
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