Top 5 Common Beginner Mistakes Seen In The Gym - DON'T DO THESE!

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bonus tip number six watch coach Gregg's videos and you will be an expert at everything coach Gregg and today I'm going to be explaining the top five beginner training mistakes so in the gym what are you doing wrong how to make sure that you're training right and let's just start off by saying what is it beginner a beginner someone let's say under a year of training you're not fully comfortable with how to perform all the exercises you don't understand exactly the proper form you're still in that newbie phase where you can make gains really easy you're getting strong really quickly and basically looking a weight and you get stronger okay so if that's you this tip and where these tips are for you now remember I'm not a doctor I'm an exercise kinesiologist okay basically I give top five tips on how to train so listen the number one mistake that you will see is trying to follow an intermediate or an advanced level training program as a beginner so you're a beginner you're all excited you can't wait it's a new year yes let's get jacked and see you looking your bodybuilding magazine or online or you follow your famous YouTube friends person at whatever and you copy their workout you say well geez that guy's jack simian pana looks amazing I'm gonna do his program that's the worst thing you can do you're a beginner you don't start doing what advanced people do every sports the same you don't start running marathons on day one if you haven't ran before it you've got to step your way up so follow a beginner training program a beginner training program could be your doing your whole body three times a week your volume is lower your training intensity is lower you're saving reps in the tank you're not going to failure you're not using advanced drop set techniques forced reps and so on okay follow a beginner Pro you might even want to go to the gym and do your whole body five six seven days a week and just learn the actual form and not even push yourself at all just technique okay that's the number one thing stop trying to copy the Ronnie Coleman program or Dorian Yates or wherever your favorite bodybuilder is that happens all the time you're beginner treat yourself and your body like your reader there's gonna be plenty of time in the future to get into the more advanced things number two ego lifting so that's when you try to lift more weight than you should you're trying to show off to the girls to your gym buddy or you're just trying not to embarrass yourself you're everyone you see in the bench is putting on the big 45 pound plates to start and do it and you don't want to start with the bar so you put on the big weights and you struggle and you get hurt live ego lifting at the door don't matter what other people are doing it you're just starting out just learn to do it with proper form don't worry about being Superman on day one and just practice perfections okay it's not gonna happen right away you're not gonna be strong right away no matter how good your genetics the first thing you walk in the room you're not gonna be the strongest guy there it doesn't matter how it doesn't matter how strong you are learn how to do it properly and in time maybe down the road you could be that strong guy or that guy in the gym that people want to look like okay ego lifting at the door leave it out you're gonna get hurt number three changing programs too often see it all the time well I got a shock the muscle I got to do this workout today and that workout the next day and I can't do chest the same way I'm gonna reverse the order and do high reps they're low reps here strength day here D load here bug just train just train don't try to follow a new program all the time don't fix what ain't broke way too much changing way too much messing up and you haven't even mastered that exercise yet keep practicing what you're doing and become good at it there's like a million machines in that gym whatever your program is get good at doing it when you get good at one exercise it is going to transfer on to being good at another exercise later in the future if you get really good at the flat bench press and you don't have any coins and declines in there if you get really good at bench pressing and then your next training plan and whatever months down the road has incline you're gonna be good at it way better because you've already learnt the basic motion okay you learn to go down slow pause the way up a bit faster and that kind of a straight up-and-down motion so that when you do an incline you can do that seem slow on the way down and pause and press up it's gonna transfer very fast and you'll be able to pick up new exercise quickly but if you try to just overload your brain and do like 50 different exercises on day one it's just information overload you can't process it it's just like oh my god I'm lost it'll just be like you're just going through the motions every time and never learn anything on your own you don't want to be dependent on one of those personal trainers to stand there every single day and tell you what to do you got eventually learn how to do this on your own you can't pay somebody to code unless you're a millionaire can't pay somebody 50 70 150 dollars an hour to stand there and say yeah do two more do two more while they're looking at their phone they don't care well they might some might but like come on take this into your own hands do your own training number four overthinking the small stuff I hate this so many people clients people writing in all the questions are like 1% difference every single every single thing they're analyzing makes 1% difference they're spending 90% of their time thinking about 10% of the results instead of 90 percent of the time thinking about 90 percent of the results it just makes no sense so they're more worried about do i supinate and twist at the top of the bicep curls and do i isometrically hold this control option four 1.3 seconds and do I rest exactly 75 seconds after set and is my work rest ratio exactly 3 2 1 or is 4 2 1 better is my ATP returned to normal what is going on like they're overthinking everything it's like all these stupid little notions of what's going on in the exercises that don't matter lifts the freaking weight and put the freaking weight down stop thinking about every single minor detail you're a beginner if you're advanced sure when you get into these little tiny changes what should I think about what I'm doing should I squeeze the bar heart like little tiny things but don't think about that as a beginner now remember as part of this learn to like what you're doing if you absolutely hate and exercise there are a lot of exercises to choose from it's like vegetables people write it oh I only like these for vegetables so just eat those for vegetables you don't have to eat we don't like what's going on with that wear the clothes you like eat the food you like do the exercises you like now you're a beginner you don't know what you like yet you're doing it you're doing it and you hate it yeah I hate squats don't squat then there's about 50 exercises you can do for your quads and hamstrings and glutes do a different one if it's hurting your knees and your back just don't do it there's no reason to get injured there's no reason to do an exercise you hate eventually you're just gonna quit the gym and it's gonna be like another year go by and then you're like oh I really should join the gym again and then here and be like ah but the squats if you don't like it don't do it you don't want to do it dad let don't do a freaking deadlift unless you're a power lifter you have to do it other than that you don't so do stuff that you like learn to like it and enjoy it when you like the gym like me going there is not a chore liking cardio like me doing cardio is not a chore when I do a swift bike race I don't dread it if I'm walking on the treadmill ten minutes to warm up I don't dread it I like the way me you feel my hurry it's going up I get in the mood I'm loosening up I feel better okay and yeah and make sure you do a warm-up beginner cardio mistakes training mistakes just as a bonus warm-up first number five which we kind of touched on but it's follow your program and get good at it good at it don't just follow it and learn it and do it all wrong a lot of people will just our bicep curls ten okay and then they cheat the whole time do it properly follow it master it get good at it watch other people who are good at it not people that suck at it watch people are good at it if you need to hire a trainer at first to show you the robes to show you the motions that makes sense you're beginner you haven't let you haven't yet mastered all these training techniques get somebody to show you how to do it just going in there and arbitrarily following some program that's written down on a piece of paper and you don't have a clue how to do it I mean if you're intermediate or advanced you already know how to do exercise but if you don't ask and if you don't have a way to ask someone Google type in benchpress proper form it'll cult come up there's gonna be a YouTube video on everything deadlift conventional what is a conventional deadlift what is the sumo deadlift just type it in and google it you'll find it out lat pulldown what's the lat type it in and research if you really care you'll find out if you really really care you'll do the work to find out if you don't really care that much and you just hate the gym the gym is not for you do something else go for a walk take a basketball ballet dance swimming something else cycling listen any exercise is good exercise what you do is going to improve your health whether or not it makes you jacked and full of muscles really for ninety five percent of the world it doesn't matter again it doesn't matter [Applause] do we need to have big muscles no but do we need to be fit yes cardiovascular your heart that's the most important muscle not your biceps sure to look impressive muscles helps but what's on the inside really your fitness is more important so whether that means you're doing weights or some kind of cardiovascular karna vascular is more important overall this is the muscles is mostly cosmetic it's mostly to look cool or to look look good yeah sure it builds your self-esteem and motivates you and all that stuff but really cardiovascular fitness is more important than having a lot of strength okay I don't need to be able to deadlift 600 pounds to be healthy you don't even look 400 or 300 pounds to be healthy but it's important to have a heart that's good you know your blood pressure is good cholesterol these things are all important and a healthy diet will help with that okay so as a beginner make sure you eat healthy follow these five tips subscribe and like the bell button and watch all my videos that should be the bonus tip number six watch coach Gregg's videos and you will be an expert at everything you will not be a for very long of course you are right now eventually you will not be if you watch enough of my videos you will not be a you'll be educated and know what to do and you'll have that body that maybe not the body dreamed of but hell of a lot better than it is right now I'm gonna bloop up a video here watch this top 10 another top 10 gotta watch one of these two top tens Greg do set come for coaching Greg you said IP you Pro follow me on instagram and until next time I am out
Channel: Greg Doucette
Views: 396,975
Rating: 4.9647026 out of 5
Keywords: Greg Doucette, Muscle Building Mistakes, High Intensity Cardio, muscle gains, mistakes, Partying/Drinking, fasting, lifting with your EGO, losing weight too fast, weight loss, bulking, powerlifting, strength, fitness, fake natty, post show, healthy food, simple diet, lean bulk, hydration, olympia, ifbb, bodybuilding, health, exercise, fat, passion, IFBB Pro, Coach Greg
Id: Xkq6hZ-QPgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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