PART 2 - TOP 5 of my "Top 10 mistakes I made in my early bodybuilding career"

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let's do it the top five not eating enough protein hardly anyone has this problem but I did because I didn't know better I was formerly a triathlete where the focus was on carbs and carb loading for everything so I carb loaded for every event so when I when I dieted and my first bodybuilding show I was on the swim team the run team like cross-country running and I was cycling and playing floor hockey in badminton and doing three to five hours cardio a week and so I didn't have to eat that few of the calories but I didn't know what I was doing so for breakfast I ate three muffins blueberry muffins from school I thought that was a healthy diet I didn't know I didn't know for lunch it would eat like plain pasta he planned passed all the time and I talked to some like bodybuilders they're like so what do you eat um they stand there like what's wrong with you but I didn't know better and they're like you need to get a protein powder and I'm like what's that so I buy this milk and egg protein powder no I can eat detune on like a hate fish so mean plain - no but at least by then I'd learn I needed some protein right 60 grams is all I was eating and I won the show think about it so what don't listen to the RDI are sorry they already ate recommended daily allowed men to daily allowance for foods it basically is for two standard nations from the mean which is kind of like 97 98 percent of population and it's just the minimum to ward off diseases so you don't like get sick so 60 grams of protein it's it's enough to not die or have some kind of a problem but it's not enough to grow muscle optimally so you know don't just make the stupid mistakes like that and you know there's other things like you need to eat fiber don't kind of food groups don't be like I can't eat fruit and vegetables like I had once heard once I heard many times don't eat characters too much sugar too much sugar in a carrot it's a vegetable come on guys can't eat apples on a dot you're crazy it's an apple it keeps doctors away you keeps me away because I'm a doctor I'm just kidding next number for not hiring a coach I didn't have a coach but even think there was a coach there was coaches there's a coach I'm dining for show what do you mean coach how would I know this I'm in grade 12 so if you don't have a coach you don't know you're doing you're gonna make stupid mistakes like you're gonna think I can eat carrots I can't eat fruit I can't eat I can't have carbs I can't have carbs before bed I can't eat carbs in the morning I can't eat like have to do empty stomach car do you have to bawl you're gonna have all these myths that you think oh it's gonna affect everything you know and you just don't know better so you're guessing at everything you're leaving games at the table and you're gonna have to relearn and unlearn what you once thought it's just dumb it would be like saying to LeBron James don't have a basketball coach until you turn 18 because and then we'll teach you how to play and he's like okay I'll just practice on my own he gets pretty damn good he's so tall and then they're like yeah you're you're supposed to shoot over and he's like really I was doing it like this all the time you this way you didn't have a coach how would he know okay so that's the same thing get a coach don't eat muffins boom number three I did this so much competing too often I would enter so many shows every show I entered I would do the problem is when you're natural you don't hold on to muscle as well when you're shred it's easy when you're 10% and 12 people are like you can't get to 10% natural and have any muscle are you an idiot 10% is not lean it's low it's lean but it's not like hard to get to natural come on it's not 4% yeah if you're down to 5 and 6 percent or less and your natural chart to have muscle but at 10 easy so easy I competed all the time at like 7% or maybe a bit less natural and I kept muscle built muscle no problem but it's different when you're at 4 yeah I agree ok so what I recommend diet once a year and do three shows in a row type thing 2 or 3 the more experience on the on the stage you dieded for 4 months it took you a long time to get there you're already ready do your carb load for the show then go back to your peak week and do another show you're already ready come on just hold it together one more we can compete rather than you finish the show you did one then you start no I need balance I'm gonna start eating again and you eat all the doughnuts and the muffins and stuff and then all of a sudden you bulked up and two months go by and you're like oh time to do a diet again then you have four more months just to do one more show you have to die four months twice that's eight months of dieting to do shows when you could have died in four months and a week to do two shows makes sense I hope so so don't over diet and don't I mean don't overtrain too many times they have to die all the time I did that all the time when his younger when I got older I'm like I'm gonna pick one diet a year and also don't do shows like five or six weeks apart I did that my three years ago it's a nightmare you're shredded you're like 4% and then you got like four more weeks of dieting to maintain your physique for four weeks that's horrible you want that show in a week or two that's it okay empty stomach cardio 20 some years ago ways to do it we didn't know any better the research wasn't out we thought you needed it to burn fat so I'd drive to town 90 minutes of cardio drive back and eat my cardio suffered I felt hypo I didn't go hard I with no energy if I just ate breakfast and when did cardio I could have got a way harder pace and burnt way more calories and in the end it's a calorie deficit that matters not if he did it with an empty or full stomach No so you want some fuel some some kindling in your stomach or energy to build and promote muscle tissue and give you energy to actually have a decent workout when you're there at the gym okay so if you eat something you have more energy and then you can go a little bit harder and you govern even more calories the more calories you burn the more fat you're gonna burn in the end of the it's not just during that workout that matters next the number one reason thinking you have to eat every two hours you do not need to eat every two hours here's the main problem with eating two hours it's not that it's a problem because in the end of the day it's just how many calories did you eat this is the main problem every time you eat [Applause] eating you then have to stop eating the fork has to be put down that is very difficult to do when you're hungry it's very difficult to do when it's on your mind out of mind out of sight out of mind all that good stuff okay that's awesome to not have to be hungry all the time every time you eat it stimulates hunger so your eating of food and your body knows you're eating it it might say it's sugar whatever it knows foods coming in and want you to keep eating just think of a dog they start eating and they could eat like the entire bag of dog food they don't care they just see food and I just keep eating it it's horrible so if you started eating eight meals a day that's eight times a day you have to control yourself and use willpower to stop if you'll need five meals a day which is the maximum number of times that you need to be able to stimulate muscle protein synthesis optimally by eating 2040 grams of protein each time depending on body weight and size and so forth and type of protein then that's all you need those five meals any more than that it's just wasted it's not that it's bad if you can control yourself but it's gonna require more willpower we don't want to use willpower then a more often you can die it without willpower the better because eventually that willpower will fade and you'll create you'll you'll cave you'll you'll screw up in other words keep the junk food out of the house keep the peanut butter away throw it out keep the cereal gone because once you start eating cereal you can eat the whole box once you start eating a two liter ice cream you need the whole thing switch to healthier alternatives pb2 greek yogurt ice cream bar portion control let's haggle back shitty and i can't stuff I eat the whole box of Greek yogurt assume it's only 600 calories if ate the whole box I experienced 2,000 so just by a simple swab I'm able to save that much plus it's a lot better portion control because every time you open a wrapper you know okay I mean you know them so if you're allowed to eat one and you eat four and you're like oh man I'm already four and I should probably stop I need a fifth one but if it's ice cream just man [ __ ] it nah I'm just eating I don't care then the next day you write coach Greg Doucet and you say I just slipped I 2000 calories last night which I think three people did last night or something like so it's fresh on my mind I'm like oh well that sucks you just got to keep that [ __ ] out of the house don't have it there okay so avoid overeating and think you have to eat all the time and stop thinking you need a post-workout drink of protein don't there's no research to back that up either that's old myths I used to even think that one but now with the new research there's no anabolic window of 30-minute window you have to eat right after the gym it's not like you did a three hour triathlon you just burn off 2,000 calories trust me working out with weights in the gym is not a card a caloric energy dependent type of activity in other words working out with weights doesn't burn a lot of calories so you don't need to eat this friggin massive meal after before it's just training with weights is like grocery shopping it's not that strenuous it's hard for a minute and then you sit around and rest you only do like say 20 or 30 sets of thirty seconds or whatever you're doing it's not as it's not gonna burn as many calories it's hard while you're doing it but it just doesn't burn a lot of calories going for a hard walk for an hour and a half burns way more calories you know I don't see people scrambling for food after walking the dog they just don't alright so if you want to see top ten tips from me on how to train then loop it up right here and click one of those things loop it's gonna show up cuz edit editing skills are mad and coach Gregg do set go to my website Gregg Doucet dot-com follow me on IG Gregg Doucette I have BB Pro
Channel: Greg Doucette
Views: 238,008
Rating: 4.9640031 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, Top 5, Part 2, Natural bodybuilding, Mistakes, Natural athlete
Id: 24TY_3eVeiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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