How To Properly Warm-Up For Your Hard Training Sessions - Weight - Sets - Reps

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and then I would pick kids in the class you're the leader you're the warm-up instructor you're gonna jog slow and everyone's gonna follow you you know not to pass johnny simms here can't pass him [Music] coach Craig and today I'm going to explain how to properly warm up for that hard training session and I don't mean the cardial warmup that's easy anyone can do that go and do warm up cardio for 10 minutes whatever simple how do you warm up with the weights so if you're starting with your bench press or your squats then look bicep court whatever how do you properly warm up for this the reason I'm bringing this up is because I've had a number of clients even my own who have no idea what a warm-up should look like in general people are treating warm-up sets as working sets a warm-up set is to prepare you for the actual sets that you're going to do I don't even count warm-up sets as sets so a lot of people are like well how many sets should you do in a workout for a body part well I say like five to ten hard sets in a workout twice a week that's the most that you could handle people are writing me and calling me and they're doing 30 plus hard sets in a week for a body part and unnatural I'm like are you crazy it's too much is more than I could do okay and I've been broke okay so what should you actually do before you get into that I'm a kinesiologist master's degree I can actually explain this I'm not a doctorate this is nothing to do with doctors just make sure you have medical clearance to train from your doctor before cuz you never know you don't get a heart attack or something okay so this is what you do you've warmed up and you go in the gym and you're ready to train do you need to stretch no you actually don't need to stretch before you train if you were to go into the science we don't need it all I'll just describe it for you science shows that if you in fact stretch a lot before you workout it can in fact impede strength as in diminish it as in lower it as in less power and strength so you would not see me go in in the gym doing my 10-minute walk or my bicycle ride for 15 minutes or whatever and then stand like this and be like okay yep and do the whole stretching you don't see that I don't do it the best time to stretch so you know is after your muscles are warm after you workout a lot of client consults are they call me up and they've pulled a hamstring they've torn their Achilles they've injured an ankle whatever they've overdone a workout and they've injured themselves and nobody seems to stretch there's hardly anyone that stretches when you're a kid everyone's flexible I used to teach elementary school the great primary key they can touch your toes with their elbows they're like going nuts and then you get older and all of a sudden you can't even tie your shoes and it's not because they're obese they just can't tie their shoes they can't bend it over so if you have no flexibility I can put my hands in the floor I'm flexible I don't look it but I am okay so flexibility is important do that after your workout so let's take the benchpress for the example okay so what do you do so just so that I can explain how bad it could be this the worst case scenario had a client call and I'm like dude I'm gonna do 50 on this it's not a client it was a consult so I don't actually coach him so I say well how do you do it I watch all your videos it's awesome you're a good coach and I'm gonna do what you do okay okay cool let's examine your training its training its entire body twice a week three days split he's doing awesome six days weeks he's like yeah and I'm training hard cuz I'm having a hard time training harder than last time though because this is what I do and every single said he does was to failure drop sets every set I'm like okay well at least explain to me how you do your warmup okay so I put a hundred and sixty pounds on the bar and I do six reps and then I strip weights off and then I do six more in the nice strip weights off and get six more because I'm making sure that my time under tension the Tut is over 40 seconds I'm like yeah but before that your warmup like the bar for 20 or 95 pounds 450 what do you mean my warm-up was like the first set I did to failure do not train without warming up the muscle first do not walk in and I mean at least you did a warm-up cardio for example but even if you did your chest is not ready to benchpress to failure so that would be like me when I was at my strongest say and I'll do in 4 place for 15 reps and I do the treadmill and then I walk in and I put 4 plates on and I try to get 15 reps that is a horrible idea do not ever do that warm-up I warm up extra because I didn't want to Peck tear I would warm up with a plate like 135 okay and would you like 20 30 reps very cautious and I do a lot of warm-up sets to be extra safe ok like 4 or 5 before I go for my heart set you don't have to do that that's for more for advanced you're really going heavy the average person you just started you need 2 or 3 warm-up sets before eagle hardened okay so let's pick two warm-up sets so you're going to be bench pressing 200 pounds for 10 to 12 reps on your heart set ok could be a squad it could be a deadlift it doesn't matter it doesn't matter so I would just pick at random say 50 percent of the weight you're going to use to be simple math simple math so if you're gonna use 200 pounds 50% not lessen half of 200 is a hundred you put a hundred pounds on ok and you do a lot of reps with it how much is a lot like 15 to 20 ok with a hundred pounds that is not going to be hard but what RP is that what is this how reps from failure unscientific I need to know it's a negative RPE think of it this way you should be able to do at least double the reps that you did on your warmup set so if you did a set of 20 on the bench press it should have felt like you could have got 40 if you did 15 reps on your first says she feel like he could get 30 so whatever weight you're picking it should be easy I literally have lots as in dozens of people that don't know what ez means I don't know where the school systems failed us because I used to be a school teacher and I taught people may knew what easy was when I was a phys ed teacher and I'd say jog a couple laps easy pace and then they started spreading weight the whistle blew I said to go easy that is a sprint it's a not a race we'll race after the warmups we did lots of racing in my class it was fun times so they would go easy and if they didn't get it I would lead the group nobody's allowed to pass me I'm the leader and I would do it and then I would pick kids in the class you're the leader you're the warm-up instructor you're gonna jog slow and everyone's gonna follow you you're not to pass johnny simms here you can't pass him okay can't he's in charge they loved it they were in charge and they got to be the leader and it was cool I picked different leaders all the time anyway back to this so you pick a lightweight and you did your first set and it's easy okay you know what easy is it's not moderate it's not hard simple then you rest a bit huh huh twelve seconds no you need to rest enough so that you don't feel what you just did like it shouldn't be like your pre fatigue so if you put a hundred pounds on and you do 20 reps and then you stop and in one second later you add more weight you do it again that's a drop set or a super cetera it's an advanced training set you need a break between because if not the training stimulus that just occurred is being added to the next one it's becoming this long time under tension set okay hopefully that needs it so in the second set I'd say use about 75% which is 3/4 and if you know what 3/4 is it's this money and you put it in a machine it's like a circle they're quarters three of them three quarters okay it's three out of four three out of four okay seventy-five percent so if it's two hundred pounds three quarters of that is 150 it's fifty percent more than a hundred so 150 pounds how many reps should we do on this set less then the first set well how many is that less then as in least amount compared to that one so if you did 20 on the first set you can do less 19 that's less I would recommend 12 to 15 reps but it depends on your on your goals if you're a high rep trainer you might have done 40 reps on your first set and then maybe you did 30 on your next set and then your heart set was 20 reps at the end depents 15 to 20 on the first set 12 to 15 on the second set it's still quite a bit of reps cuz you're warming up it's still easy how easy is it though I don't understand what easy is it's harder than the first set because it's more weight it's harder but it's still easy RP what there coach you don't understand because we're too scientific okay an RPM like say aziz as in you could do 10 more reps i have a lot of clients who have been writing me and there's doing the warm-ups that's really hard like within 5 reps of failure or 3 reps of failure or two and some are doing the warm-up sets all out so they're walking in and doing say said 20 hard and then 15 I'm like how do you go up and weight cuz if I did a hard set of 20 and I added weight and then it's set to do 15 I wouldn't physically be able to do it if I did 20 reps on my first set and only rested a minute and then did the same weight I'd probably struggle to get to 15 okay so that's just you need to to go easy okay so the first set super easy what's call it super easy the second set is easy because it's like 10 reps from failure at the absolute most 5 reps from failure I'm absolutely okay that set is a warm-up set it should be preparing you for the hard set if it's 3 reps of failure oh but it was pretty easy who's 3 reps of failure traction failure is actually in that zone that's actually building muscle it's like a working set we don't want a working set ok so it's easy RP like 0 to 5 so you got 5 reps in the tank 6 7 8 9 10 reps in the tank I like to warm up and have quite a bit of reps in the 10 okay and your rest time is gradually getting longer so after the first say you don't really need to wrestle I'm so easy you might arrested 30 seconds or a minute the next set it's a bit harder you might need an arrest a whole minute maybe a minute and a half you're resting a bit longer enough to feel good and if you happen to do a really hard warmup set well you probably need to rest a little bit longer okay then the last set the one the number you pick 200 pounds rep range say it's 8 to 12 whatever your goals are maybe it's time and attention strength maybe it's a 1 rep max but if it's a 1 rep max you're gonna do way more warm-up sets but if you're doing high reps you don't need to warm up as much there's a not as much injury risk if you're doing sets time under tension 30 seconds 46 50 60 seconds then if you're doing one rep heart you do wonder apart you should warm up like 5 sets but if you're doing mmm hypertrophy training for growth of the muscle you don't need to do as many warm ups because the body's not gonna get hurt the chance of injury is much lower it's a smart individual you just want to look good you know you want the pump look the big muscles you don't care about strength and you can leave your ego at the door you can go down slow on the bench pause the wait for a second press it up under control you don't need to bounce and swing and arch and do all the fancy stuff to lift the most weight you're just trying to work that chest muscle okay so that's what I recommend right there okay next point after the first set of chests so whatever you walk into the gym the first set you probably want three warm-up sets just to be safe really see you can get up way with two if you're not training really hard if you're new to the gym and you're not training to failure like I'm trained to failure I need to warm up really good like I'm probably gonna warm up three sets on my first exercise of the day to make sure I'm not gonna get injured on my set of 12 se but if you're not training hard and your last set is only you're holding back to 3 reps in the tank so you know you're going a little bit not pushing too hard you know you're holding back some two sets is fun but if you're going all out there maybe three sets to be careful okay on the next exercise so say you did squats you did three warm-up sets of squats and then you did two pretty hard sets of squats after that maybe went all out on two sets of squad then next exercise up the coach designed he's has you doing leg press you don't need to warm up the entire time as much as on the squats cuz your legs are now already warmed up they're already set it's the same muscle that's working kind of mostly okay so the first set you don't have to go so easy and go at half the weight you're gonna use you might go three-quarters of the weight you're gonna use and you'd hold back you maybe do a set of fifteen to twenty but you have maybe five reps ten reps in the tank on this it's pretty easy it's not a joke like you walked in and the first set was super easy it's a little easy you're getting used to it it's a new motion you're trying to get the brain involved ok mind muscle its leg press here I want to do this ease into it you don't need three sets to warm up for this again you can of course do this don't need to depends on your train stuff my style works other styles also work if you want to do several warm-up sets and go into it and work on volume that's why I'm talking about mosy for like just hard training not a million things not crazy volume ok so you do one warm-up set maybe two maybe and then you can go pretty hard right away and you're so you're already into that training zone okay so that's the difference between walking into gym and you do two or three warm-up sets fifteen to twenty twelve fifteen then you do your set eight to twelve and if you're going to heavier like five i'd suggest you do another warm-up set then you're doing the next muscle the same muscle on another exercise you don't need as much warm-up the weight doesn't have to be as light it can be a bit heavier and you're not going to like risk as much injury okay one more example say you're doing bicep curls with the barbell you did four or five sets you did too hard sets there you're done with that next up is the preacher curls you've got your arms in there you can do one warm-up set maybe - you don't need to warm up a lot again the I suppose already warmed up from curls like look this motion like this it's very similar to this motion like this see this motion like this very similar to this motion like this one with a barbell and one is kind of with a direct path of the machine that's guiding you along the way but they're very similar they're not the same but they're similar not the seen so then the next set happens in the same thing of hers again you just need to do like one set get the brain into it then you can go hard again and in total five to ten of these hard sets in all if you did to heart sets of squats you did to heart sets the leg press if you do to hard set to leg extension you're already at 6 you could be done at this point depends how hard you train depends your experience level more advanced could do more you might wanting to get 10 sets in there you make you 5 exercises with two hard sets on each or you might just do two exercises with five hard sets of each it's up to you to decide what you want to do okay subscribe and click on to the bell button because I do various videos I go from training to nutrition to if you're natural or advanced or if you're a or not I do all kinds of cool stuff okay so subscribe click on the bell button do it now I cover various topics training nutrition how to do this how to not do that why you should be smart why you should all kinds of cool stuff subscribe click the bell button greg new sitcom for coaching greg Doucet ifbb pro follow me on instagram bloopin up a training video over here and a nutrition video over here they're both top 10 type of stuff because it's so easy to just follow along watch these videos subscribe click the belly button greg your sitcom coaching greg you said i pu pro instagram until next time I am out
Channel: Greg Doucette
Views: 433,840
Rating: 4.9637241 out of 5
Keywords: Greg Doucette, Coach Greg, Warm up sets, weights, sets, reps, counting macros, bodybuilding, Mr Olympia, coaching, weight loss, fasting, powerlifting, strength, fake natty, natty or not, Squat, Deadlift, Leg training, Leg Day, Off season
Id: _73Sg6Xu8Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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