Best Poker "QUADS" - A Poker Four Of A Kind Video!

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he'll tynin with King 10 off suit he'll fold it now to Negreanu with pocket nines Daniel raises to 14,000 Brandon Adams holds 10 Trey chip leader John jawanda ace 10 of Hearts jawanda like his friend Alan Cunningham can be silent for hours at a time and then you look up and he's got all the chips Shawanda with the suited ace does call for the 14,000 connection until all shakur chi with pocket fours shocker chi a hedge fund manager from London he calls and five deuce or SONET and he gives it up so three players to the flop Negreanu with the lead right now holding the pocket nines and the flop is six six for shakur chi hits a full house jawanda with a flush draw mcgraw nough with two pair nines and sixes Daniel likes the look of that flop no surprise he's gonna bet he does bed 32,000 she wanted now on a draw you see JaJuan does watch but besides telling time it also has up-to-date hand percentages so if he just looked at his wrist he'd see his nut flush draw is no good and see he's looking he sees the 2% next to his name he does make the call oh if he's calling he needs glasses action to Shakur Chi now with that full boat Sarkar Chi looking a little uneasy searching just what the call the amateur with the smooth call just like the pros do so all three will see the turn two seasoned pros and the amateur turn card is a deuce no help to Daniel jawanda now drawing dead he better check that watch Negreanu still thinks he's got the best hands and he bets 90,000 now to John jawanda oh he saw the writing on the watch he folds well Juwanna gets off cheap lucky that he didn't make his flush on the turn shakur key now again just with a call sir Curt she keeps the lid on very nice Daniel doesn't know it but he needs a nine or six on the river to make the best hand river card another four shakur she improves the quads wait a minute we're gonna actually Negreanu acting weirdly there suddenly Daniel doesn't seem real comfortable or he's acting as if he's uncomfortable Daniel bets a hundred twenty thousand it's a relatively small River bet one third of the size of the pot sugar gee now how much more can I get from Daniel for curtsy feigning indecisiveness I'll be honest with you I never liked seeing a hedge fund manager with quads woman what Olli he flopped four sixes it took so much time it was like Oh Daniel's got the right idea would you have called with two hearts in your hand here this is the question no nope don't think so 4/6 right Church wrong quads figure out if Shakur cheat possibly could have a busted flush draw on his bluff tall in remember Daniel says he's really good at reading people from other nations six okay hang on I swear one more minute I promise and I'm good I just want to make sure I don't screw this up with an important hand let's figure out if he can have the hand I can be just a second Paul nope right and then turned a lot of allah call me this would be a world-class high-risk bluff if it were one Wow all right I have to figure you have four sixes yeah and you'll lays it down took a while to get to the right spot so quad pores work as well as four sixes Shakur Chi the amateur takes a big pot off the pro but you've really heard you talk much about poker before are you looking forward to being on this side of the table yeah I am you know I'm particularly curious about these match house because you have so many really really excellent players that play at a very high level at this table and the third match of course you know it starts to get exciting because the points come into effect so I'm very curious to see how things go this group different than your group group a in the early levels has featured a lot more 3betting and even for betting even in the first two levels although right now here we have a an open from Scott Seiver this could be really dangerous yeah because I think Tom played this very quietly he it's very possible this this could get very big I mean you also I think in your third match sort of regarded the tens in the first level more as a set mining sort of pair that have been a big pair and because willin off ski has just two points you know you kind of think he's gonna be taking chances early yeah well I mean that that's the problem for Tom here is that I think that he has to suspect that then maybe making a play just because of the situation so this could be a very troublesome situation for him the rear a three-bet size is quite large at the 20 mm I mean we've already got a big pot here and with Tom being in position if it comes to low flow kind of the end of will in ASCII art alright I mean do you think if you're willing offski you're actually not feeling bad about getting this is such a difficult spot for a being because they've got the two clubs there so that's it's really hard for him to you know not to lose a lot of chips on this one and he's you think he's taking this a check call line here or a a check raise line I think he's looking to check raise tell me what you know about the way Tom Dwan plays what's his strengths I mean well I mean he doesn't miss anything he's very aggressive you know he's really one of the standouts of the young guns been willin Oski so pressive in the qualifiers in many ways the unlucky man in this group D so far and he's just gone for a call here I mean this is the kind of when you're doing this are you sort of looking to reevaluate the turn like if it comes you know big club or something you can give it up and you can't give it up now can you he's in a very interesting spot yeah I mean it's he's taking a funny line here because if he bets out if he bet out originally there's a chance he can get off it at this point I you know I think it's very difficult for him if he can you know if he can get away from this it would really be it would really be great lay down at this stage tom is just pretty much going for stacks I mean it if you're Tom you're not even thinking to yourself well if he has ace king I want to check back and try and get a bet on the river you just you just go for it yeah I mean this is really the critical spot for Ben he's got to figure out he's beat throws it away you know it would really be a nice lay down we were talking several times throughout the heats in this group that tom has this reputation where he just gets action all the time but that said in the two heats so far he hasn't really pulled off any monster Bluffs he hasn't made these big three barrel things with no hand essentially he's played he's played rather tight all right which doesn't mean that he's not capable like this right right well that's that's one of the things that makes him so difficult to play against because he is capable of playing so fast and it's hard really this is a bad card for Ben because it just makes it it makes him think it's less likely that that tom has the Tom's Loftis at now will an auskey has about a hundred and seventy thousand back obviously it's the first hand so the all-in bet is is probably the bet do you ever call the turn and fold this kind of blank river oh yeah that does happen for sure I mean you know then certainly seems to have a sense that he's and he's in some trouble here but the spot that is it is very difficult because he's playing against a guy who has a reputation for being super aggressive and and certainly might Bluff in this spot it's hard not to be the sympathetic to Ben's situation here it really is I mean he's just he's just really caught in a bad spot he's had a miserable Premier League so far Wilin off ski I'm sure he came in here thinking just put a couple points on the board put yourself in a position where he ere he goes it's so hard all right so now he's in a position where he's had a chance to be super 18 kid 18 million boy and prove to the world he has actually picked up terrible cards not just bad cards yeah the best poker on this tape yeah some good stuff with these many lines are so hard to predict and hard to sort out but I'm gonna go and do almost a tad better oh my god this is this hand is going to tumble in every way really jinx it's like oh my god I didn't see this asset of force this is this is all the money's going in that's what I mean to say really these are two huge stacks these are absolutely has to go all in this is you can't look at a jack of spades and not raise your it's it's important to get the value out of your flush draw on your job is a guy's up man agronomy Asian bet so it's standard for doing I'm not a flat here right maybe they're not going to go crazy jungle I don't mind this so much but I personally would have just you a little your little jammed in there if you want with a jam but it would've been wrong look at this because the set is out there and you know you know you're not batting good against the set so all right now it's very important that force checks he's guns action out there he wants a spade drawn to get there or a two pair of things Daniel right back 0% is what it is and it would show that he's way off his game if he gets involved show he has heart Wow do Hummel checks his full house hoping like that check in a way he's trying to have people catch up something with ace-queen or a flush draw to catch up to the Queen or Spade I like his check and also means that in the river if a blank comes off some people might try and go for an orphan bet or in the ACE might bet for value so I don't mind this play at all don't bet jungle what's wrong don't do it even from a long-range perspective it has to be wrong now Phil obviously you know do what I was gonna go back and think to himself did I miss play this could I have gotten more money in the pot on the flop in turn I mean well he's just hoping that his opponent has to deuces in his hand which is never gonna be the case but or pocket aces now he kept quiet these hands aren't really out there he's the he knows he's against an ace she's just trying to get a value so he's thinking I'm gonna raise like 65 or something how little can I raise he's gonna put in from from gentleman's point of view to hell now could easily have 1/4 here right yeah for just before it the storage the story checks out in a sense every way in every absolute way this is a he could have had four five four three [Music] two mishchenko all of their starting stack yeah kind of state you know as intense as he looks sometimes jungle man I mean he's he's having that like a great time like thing among these guys it's kind of for him this is like this is like party time yeah he's lovable I know I spoke to and I know he's a little frustrated with with his live result doesn't really good live results he feels like he he's been hard on buying a lot of events so I think he's frustrated over that so he's really looking to do well in this event raised by Patrick Seaver why is it not a good spot for him I mean he's not really a big for better so if he does you're in a really gross spot because he doesn't pour that lie too much and there's no reason to you're in position with a go down you can light I mean you can still win the oh wow it's gonna be hard from tonight money here p'nay Sora King pops off severs definitely gonna value love his hand just don't do it the bursar although does it have a good spot for her I think he's a good spot to go ahead and bet yeah but I don't think she looked looks like she could have a lot of fares a few Jackson arranging what have you it looks like Patrick could just be check folding and you'd think Siva would have spent with something so I probably would have took a staffer bro bet and hope for the fall fall yeah it's not a hard time to play just bet a lot of the time it just goes bald Paul Patrick would probably just fold my Ace King tour there if you check because he's got stops got behind him as well I think Cena would've check it always gets so weird when a guy's swap squads or full house or something because they have to plate in a weird way yeah yeah yeah you just need to get I don't love this call by Scott just because I'd expect you know Patrick to a bet ladies Bluffs on the flopping oh wow is this another chance for someone to make a sick quads check raise allow Deaver I don't think he'll check raise here I just I feel bad for him I just feel like it's got has a 10 so much that would just burn or like some a site so I just felt like well the deck has not been his friend today finally I've got it any judge yet no it's a nice line by Patrick that's a good group b for this premier league poker v sam tricking in the box and you talk about the high-stakes cash players you know between duan jungle men and antonius they're like they're like a group among two themselves and then elke Scott Seiver these guys it's for winning everything yeah they just play more tournaments and I think they just prefer play in tournaments and that's why they've been successful so they kind of stick to it and now here officially are still off the plane really from Hong Kong but he's looking good yeah he I have been blaming me for his like late arrival I was like kind of gobsmacked but I'll take it on the chin even though I wasn't my fault and I didn't tell him when he was I mean a guy like Tom Dwan yourself I guess no problem for Tom to stay up two days and play a matter of things yeah you should be used to be playing tired by now we play some long sessions I Macau obviously and I don't think it affects the game to your nose be running in the group a match the second heat I think it went over three levels without losing a player is there this idea that that that first bubble you know getting zero points is so bad people play kind of tight early on I think it's just like there's not as much steel in the blinds because they're not really worth stealing I don't increase that too much and ruined your image for later as well if you're like playing every hand like people are much more likely to re-raise you later on with marginal holdings because you've been playing so aggressive this was originally raised by Antonius Seaver had called with the jacks have brought the blinds in will and off skis now after checking the flop turned a full house yeah there's no way Steve is gonna fold one bet with the jacks be pretty happy with this Queen card thinks he's less likely someone has the Queen so I imagine you're just gonna go out and for me you just kind of handcuffed you call then you have to see what happens on the river yeah and just like depending on bet sizing is whether you call on it on the river interesting to see what will enough to be bets on the river I would probably go for like a 32,000 representing that could be valuable in ascent let's change things slightly I mean it's actually Sieber looks at it as a good card this is a great card to see but he's loving it now and if I was willing off to go I would love to check here because sieve over has a ten and you will always value about that or he has an over pair and so he's gonna call the check race too so I would love to check here but yes he has yeah I love that mark check this is gonna be a really tough spot for Seether once he gets check raised because the problem is he reps like a 10 or Jack's pretty so well that like it wouldn't be too often that will enough she was gonna Bluff raise but he's still gonna be a tough spot because at the end of the day has a really good to handle well enough ski for me I think he's obviously gonna check raise I've interesting to see what sizing is it's either like spotted it again like he said and also Steve as potted it for like school thought like I don't think he would ever come over that bear what's he made it I think it's 130 yeah I think it's a really good race eyes yeah look he hates it now he's gone from loving derivative like loving the spot loving the check to him he's bear he's like praying for a call and I guess raced and he just hates it nothing quite like having a second you know I mean whether or not the leek format and League standings come in but I guess the chips in your stack if your guy like cedar right now who had a good first heat and doesn't want to end up with a bagel I mean that would be a reason to fold yeah I find myself not taking it into consideration too much I don't really know what Scott's like I think I don't think he's thinking about that right now whatsoever I think he's just thinking whether he has the best hand or not and will not ski really blocky erecting one hand and I think he's gonna make a good fold yeah sure that's a great point I can call ya Tom would never hold that like Thomas not a big fan of holding anyone like he doesn't think that deeply into the hand I Sun believe well he erased my blind like literally 25 times in a row every raised him once an eagle we all know you're too good of a player to me what's the find out and this is interesting that train raised two crazy at its it's early you don't want to be reasoning with hands like especially hands like pockets oh my god what if he hits the flush you think it's gonna get away like you did against Tom and the first teeth okay I really have a feeling the Spade is gonna hit see holy this baby's gonna hit now Hellmuth remember he made an unbelievable pull the very first hand of his Premier League times making love as watch against Tom when he had a full house it is Hellmuth going broke here was the pot too small for hell what the go broke I really think it's gonna be hard for help me to fold here because this time he has a king high flush not a jack high flush and you know there is well I he might not go broke now since there was no bet on the turn and even if he bets the river in someone races it's not gonna be all his tips has Roland played this well so far I think you should have bet the turn definitely about the turn I mean you need to fill the pot while you still can there's only one card left and if nobody if nobody bets through ever you might not even get more than five dollars not a better time I think that's a good race on this part if people would help me is all in there I think there's a much better chance that he's gonna fold them as he just raised 37 just now Phil is gonna think yes chips left still you can still play if he really is and I mean is he capable of we know he's capable of making big holes but the way the action has gone in that is he capable of folding it looks a lot like Rowland has pocket fives here is he capable of we know he's capable making big holes but the way the action has gone to that is he capable of holding this I don't know it looks a lot like roland has pockets 5-series the way they played out is I think if had a blush you what about the turns and I think if he had an eighty what about the turn as well so I like either he has a boat this was okay nothing I want to point out I mean in the car coming over here on the way this evening I he'll listen to what we're talking about a hand at the wolf play where he made it a monster Bluff on the river last primarily with do six against the in Fraser and and Phil was saying it was this stupid if he thinks that Roland it's gonna make a move on him or if he thinks they're rolling is gonna be really tight again every time they build fill up the cards drag them down and the hell does this keep happening and searching like some believable then I'll play everybody in the last six along with myself and Luke Roland de wolf unlucky bagel Roland what a bagel dude fourteen points through three it's gonna give you some work to do isn't it I don't know how many times I can like keep gang get my money and so good and right oh you got a good the F Kelly yesterday when he had a system ula stern yeah and the feel like one as well with it over peg all those different he'd have like faith this I discover hey that was genius though small blind a bit blind and the two chip two chip leaders who has who is more scared of getting their stack in light right now it should be Timoshenko we don't know I got position maybe I'll do something that well yeah sure doesn't one of you mess up his knee he's already had a really good spot here with the points he's had its the Daniel he wants fast he's not too bothered if he does get knocked out now so wow wow Lunken at least if Timoshenko bets he's obviously in a schoolbook if demper shankar checks you can't fold so it's gonna be 300 k at some point it's actually quite hard feet you have getting to give Daniel a 10 here and the ham place I mean it sunlight leaves by the turn right yeah he's got trips both hands like we'd turn turn kick turn 10 9 8 10 8 so it those are all has si was like if he doesn't have a 10 and it's hard for him to carry on with the hand because Timoshenko could have the time yeah there's a lot of hands that can gonna hate it if you put pressure on look as I said the post 300k we're going to a table let's see if the super Sonico hits the 600 obviously we can see the cards we want to see Daniel check behind here he has to think he will yeah great chair six is the busto card six let's see the six six for El busto Wow cords only quads now Timoshenko then no I think Timoshenko asked about her but it's such a risky Bluff because if if it goes bust now he kills himself in the week no he's not gonna go boss he's just gonna bet a little 120 the granny's gonna reread either all thing is that Daniel could easily have a queen kind of feel both it's likely as each other to have a queen you like to bet one fitty yeah I think so I think Daniels gonna raise her because I know he's got nothing to lose yeah just the beer courts raise all in well that's the end of that Timoshenko why does what a machine Kyle it--wait because he wants to pretend that he's gonna clean unfold the Queen he wasted like four seconds with what is taught Thank You second pick a card either card left one left one Queen no that's a ten among the men the limpet I mean first level you're not a big fan of limping and really end it with anything are you no not at all but I mean I'm the term they use on the internet all the young kids these days it's called mind setting where they're trying to like trapper set and my heater set and there you go but oh my goodness me look at this how big could this get set flush straight Wow quick call from Achilles I mean he's not really to know right now how much action they could get by fast playing this is he no but he's made it absolutely the correct move because the last thing he wants to do we see is another spied on the turn what should happen now well quite rightly Timmy's obviously of the opinion that he's betting so alone I saw repair he's got a big hand here he's made a big bet yeah I mean I can't see colic he's putting his hand down I think those two are gonna go to war but I can see none of your being clever enough to pass but it is a real tight spot Lise can you pass a set here I mean and I mean how many options Astana cab is raising option right now for no now now comes the move because if calacas can push share if you can find it within himself to push is that is that it what kind of call is that I mean is he actually what is he trying to see worried I think he knows he's winning but he's just hoping a spade doesn't come in the end oh my goodness me and he still looks like he's asleep chem this pot get bigger I can only see a call I think if you bet say it's the bed size what should the best size be he's gonna bet 32,000 in my book here and there you go bit sporty he's gonna get called bike lacus and that allows team Flanders to fold because team can not be winning in this coup we've already seen achilles has kind of on his a game tonight I mean obviously the flush is good a good hand but the information he has got is is in a three white coat and a three way cool will open itself up to a full house being out there as opposed to if he heads up you just can't believe that got it in his mind he's betting with the flush he's playing a hand that's got a bigger flush draw and maybe someone who's got two pair or a set if somebody had a bigger flush out there I mean I think the hand would be implied faster right so I mean that that's probably gonna mess up his thought process yeah and tea master pass there it's kind of amazing that no one's gonna go broke here well you see what Calaca sees floor she's just sort of mid-range and he was scared of another Spade coming out because when he gets to opponents he's thinking I'm never gonna make somebody with the ice is about to pass so he needs to see no spades physical torture pain but 40,000 is nearly all his stack can he beat a Batna call no no and I'm sure he's gonna be clever enough to understand that he's just mad that it's paired up at the end but he doesn't know the pair up at the end is actually saved him he's not gonna be thinking that but that's there it is he's looking at Achilles he's looking at Donecker I mean in his wildest dreams could he say to himself Achilles his best chance was then found a friend [Music]
Channel: FuryTV
Views: 869,173
Rating: 4.2248759 out of 5
Keywords: poker, poker quads, poker four of a kind, four of a kind, poker sick hands, best poker hands, amazing poker hands, best poker quads, poker hands, top 5 poker quads, top 5 poker hands, poker compilation, poker videos, poker youtube, poker channel, furytv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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