Phil Ivey goes for the TITLE! Final Table of 2020 MILLIONS Sochi SHR $50k SD Event #5

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[Music] hey what's up guys this is poker expressed and we are back with another episode of poker hands today we're gonna be taking a look over phil Ivy's best hands from the final table of the $50,000 super high roller event from the 2020 Saatchi millions before getting into it I would like to ask you guys to hit the like button and subscribe if you enjoy our videos as your support is allowing us to continue posting videos on a daily basis new Korea is finished you are gone gone gone let's jump straight into the action and super high roller sochi event number five short dec final table is set seven remain a couple short stacks a couple big stacks always a fan favorite just a favorite in poker well he is second in chips like just ahead of sam a griever but it is mccoy rudy leading the way a Russian up top Jeff it's only right I was Jax at the covering snacks he was still gonna be a nothing he's just trying to get him you know give him a little needle get him hot for the next dance well I'll tell you what that's bad news for the rest of the field first of all pay jump of course alright next off why can young 100k short deck main event at Triton with 100 and a lot of entries very tough player also last one in the field I mean just a lot of chips this is basically the same stack the others the short stacks very interesting dynamic and there's something I've been looking forward to seeing Jeff in in a game like short deck where the axes run so close and I see em even more of a consideration because you can't get it in as an overwhelming favorite in this game or like you can in regular Hold'em how these guys gonna adjust you think Harry would have caught he would have called the Queen's right a fearful of Jack's yeah look at this we have two King Jack's - Queen tens another queen like in ad in front of an ace and considerably out in front everyone's got each of us out tens feeling good a little bit with the quick queen turn yeah everyone in his heart in his hand screaming a cape our makeup just has that but nothing else going on somehow it's known in the lead okay that's taking a shot here stepping out off the short stack I like it he's got ten no one knows piped up with any hand preflop so anyhow he's really worried about it's Jack ten likes he's got a blocker gonna get some credit off the short stack I think Jeff I like it a lot Phil senses something but well he's got a blocker as well this is Phil completely honored today I mean he know I think he knows doesn't he yeah he just you know something ain't right wow that's close from carry cats Quintin when I can't count thirteen six often the cutting just doesn't play well does it Jeff mm-hmm yeah I can't see a lot of benefit for this pretty sick feeling for Rudy I hear who was short on the bubble held then knocked Paul out then was chip leader coming to final table to one river card two outs as we were told by Kerry and he knew and it wise you're sweating it he had to fade two outs to be run away chip leader and now he's in the middle of the pack with a bunch of short stack superstars in the fight yeah Royal Rumble hair big big swings for betting with his gut shot Sam had a position with the same gut shot look both have back doors stretcher as well here it comes seven I'll Jack now we'll give you the straight so obviously check calling here it's gonna try and rip some other streets should they come I think you're taking off on a seven does now go check check eight pairs up Sam certainly have some stronger Kings moment a bit like Kim Queen perhaps would have check called a second imagine as well if it limped in with nines he's getting pretty big see I suppose Jeff you know he has a tendency blocks he has Queen tens he blocked someone hands you want Phil to be bluffing with so this sizing is really going off to Phil's King acts yeah it's such a sneak the Queen ten on this board is pretty sneaky if you make your you know you hit the gut shot well it's not on the turn he's got the tax rate but it's just it sucks to be Phil here you know give like the worst hand you could have and Sam into game face here he's got pretty good and he's decides to you know the end of the Bennett the benefit of wow Ivy says no I see em here pal I've had enough he said I see what you're doing you got a big stack and hairy cats impressed Sam Greenwood probably the opposite see how it works out two-to-one favorite Ivy for the double up and to take the chip leave here in our 50k in short deck ace Queen ten well Greenwood just flops the joint well he's he rode it off and he's being punished needs a king unlucky flop for Phil oh wait a minute and release for the wind King for the chop have another final table we would being forced to sweat Oh the ten Wow the hard way holy holy IV right there back in the game Oh chip leader hand San Greenwood putting the pressure on the medium stacks Phil Ivey having none of it and gets ready for those 100k byun's coming up here six Aaron bottom tease but pretty close down the bottom a couple of stacks in the middle - Phil Ivey still the the leader here after that hero cook with ace jack let's have a quick look Jeff Anna and his hand Ahmad I'm not playing as many tournaments as perhaps he used to but checking his last win may 2018 could he get that sore today interesting continue to limp this time from the hi jack Ace King and here we go Mikal Jack's on the button sees two limped into him yeah it's also a little different with hi Jaclyn versus under the gun limp so I was gonna he's gonna get a look right and this may get Jax to bite here and it does white but it's also for Ivy you know it's like he's kind of trapping in a way but it's just such a big hand there's a fair fight say Ice King versus Jack's big moment here huge 7.3 million chip pop Jeff and all let's talk about ivy he loses this one just 500k behind yeah West meets East big moment King attend a looking good of course not many calls it don't give make all extra house it says currently but most likely on this turn we're gonna settle fly out it's gonna have something yeah pulled pears or it comes to six well it does come a six there we go the safest card in the deck for Phil just the two outs with one pool safe safe indeed and mixer whoa get a rollercoaster ride in this final table yeah Jack's really the hand that cost him both times your chip leader right now buddy my swatch nice hand like that shirt the PSD yes cool logo at the that's enough dude look how look how that works the Jordan and the hey do you see that yeah and he IV this is unlucky cuz I mean he's got a big hand he's not he's shoving super wide but he happens to have a really good hand right now he needs help all in these Queens like in with the ace king and if you're Gary is excited just for the opportunity 30% for a page um there it is oh yeah wait that's a huge flop the door cards have been been spicy carry rooting for a chop actually it doesn't want to see why I can't make a joke nuts in style mr. Ivey got the Aces glimpsing Sam checks back king at clubs rut wrote this could be a big one Jeff we've got top set against the nut flush draw repair action top said ivy no big deal what a what a board though I mean I guess for Greenwood you know it's a little unlucky he's got that pair of flush draw he's got to think against the set this is like the worst hand he could be against even like ace ace Queen as eight would be live but in a word you know he's Jack he's got the whole shilada but here he's really just drawn to that flush and for iView a bit unlucky oh well and actually now that is uh that's a sight you'd love to see if you're a Phil Ivey fan quotes for Ivey with that remember in this game flash pizza house C cream with 0% but he's gonna think still do okay and I love it slip some rope you know in case um I mean just pretty special stuff here this is uh I mean if it flush runs out if a club were to come oh my goodness gracious come on Wow we have quads versus not flushing short back wow this is honestly this is I mean is there any chance it doesn't go drained going in how could it not go in I'll have you bet Sam's gonna raise I was gonna jam this is insane and Sam is thinking about Vegas and Mirage and this is this is the one that you just you don't get there you're on your way and you don't get to the in the door somehow this is I mean there's just no other mean there's it's just none there's a hand combination one right all the other all the other ones are houses right but but at the same time yeah I guess you might think Phil could have a lower flush but a fourth right we know that a flush a full house doesn't beat but hey maybe feels like the same height or whatever another flush yeah I mean I don't think salon well I will see you lose 10 9 of clubs and you lose the aces there's the two hands you can lose two here and if you're Phil you loot in the King 10 of clubs I mean no King 10 of clubs right that's suppose one man you lose if you're Phil and yeah so it's the biggest cooler you'll see really Sam's gonna feel sick but he can't fold courts wow what a hey this is a sick of three handed one verse to stack in the biggest cooler you're gonna see possible unbelievable stuff I mean that's great what I run out what a hand ludicrous that is absolutely nuts Sam Greenwood one of the best players in the world really fun to watch my score for him and that is Phil Ivey huge lead 11.6 million up against wine king young and with quite a pedigree in short deck himself this could well be a good one I've never seen this logo it's honestly it's the sickest logo I think I've ever seen the fact that you're gonna show the Air Jordan sponsors PSG and the a is the Eiffel Tower in the Paris it's like it's it's gotta be the sickest it's perfect yeah I gotta get it is a six shirt like I wonder when they when they signed with PSG and Jordan I wonder if that was like that logo was like already there before the deal was done or if that like just came out and someone thought of it you know it just seems too obvious but it's like some things just work this one's gonna work I'm gonna stop with the back go straight rows I say you imagine it's gonna work you're up against Phil Ivey it's gonna stick on for another yeah this is a mic in now takes to leave with the pair of eights that's that's the trouble with Phil Ivy's hand here too because even against the handset weakest jacket off what you know there's not a ton of great just really no good cards other than a king or six in your mind now you'd imagine Phil gonna Bluff and he's gonna Bluff straight into it why can't have him hit run run or two pair it's just gonna get cold and yeah I think of any reason to race here but no there's no value in raising I think Phil can have some better hands and he has a little Bluffs yeah all right like in about 4 million it comes this time limping into much stronger head ace Queen IV chicken back King eight o'clock King six seven ace queen king 8 top hair IV 3 good flop for a modest king 8 yeah here's that ace queen again just doesn't seem to get a lot of great boards until it does you hate your dream turn straight goes check check queen on the end even better for why ken yeah that's a pretty good run out for these Queen 375 I think your specs why could the necessarily have hammer ace Queen when he bets flop checks turn bets river the can app certainly King Queen Phil's also got I mean eight nines a gutshot but he does have an e in there I mean he's frustrated he'd have part of that thick he's trying to think what Bobby's definitely take it off on the turn right he has eight nine and that would lay this way but check back turn so it's hard to Bluff now I think yeah nice yeah I think my kid has that many hands yeah I mean what king queen is one the only really one I guess you'd expect to see their so-called very understandable and you've got a king I mean were those bracelet events how many do they get for those in the two and half K when deep in that one again short deck a couple of short net cashes in the Bahamas at the millions world he's been busy a short day all right that's the one Leon won yeah and it wasn't it was a fourteen and fifteen it didn't qualify for a bracelet but I know that's when Leon I'll take two very high light of his career I mean I view heads-up I told Ivy spend informed four tournament here well I didn't realize he was a I didn't I forgot about that that's not too long ago and young is gonna be speeding here with not a lot of a path this is a hand he's not gonna get to fold this innocuous eight ends up making Phil a pretty strong hand and he is gonna need some serious help on the river I mean there's a couple cards like a six or an ace that could oh - well you just don't want to think that's in the pasta realm of possibility but this is a specially unfortunate runoff for Phil so it's all about sizing here Phil calls the turn you know Phil has like an ace jack race queen in his hand or a two pair calm combination how can you get away and he goes you don't block any pairs straight to the hands you can't think so he's definitely as alarm bells are going up dog off like he loses to a fair amount of hands fair amount anyways - pairs the straight which the straighter you kind of just have to shrug in like if your opponent really had a gut shot and gets it the rare time Bank for Phyllis he's got a pile them over there yeah so checking that button doesn't have that many strong hands and I think this money just has to put into the cool rage sure he does have something better but not many he doesn't make the cool I think it's the right cool bad news game on our hands 9 play six in the chip counts my kid a lot of clubs hello I'm just gonna say it's almost impossible to see clover club but this is a this is this is uh this is spelling a lot of trouble for potentially fill a really good card though lucky jumps into the lead now all of a sudden right good remember watch beautiful house in this game if this comes a club we're still gonna see carnage we're not seeing conjurus in a queen so why couldn't take the Marist of Leeds Queen intense filmmaking yeah and Phil's actually it's interesting enough - he's gonna bet this is not alright both don't like these run outs but with we need this is a this is a great bet and this is actually you know if you're watching at home you see the run on you go oh man it's bit unlucky or if Phil's gonna end up losing his hand but you know it's like if you're watching young right what are you gonna do you got a queen beat like nothing and it makes sense Phil can definitely hand have hands like kings and queens head ones a straight King jack yeah and he's been limping all the time so you can still have aces he could still have ace king here we go IV on the button why can't that limping in with the Aces unfortunately for him is gonna check it back and some potential top set for why can't he comes bedding out fill with a gut shot draw me seven gives him the wheel yeah it's gonna call I mean it's gonna be hard to get paid on a four liner anyway but against I mean top set though and there's a house that is gonna lock it up and if you like in yeah it's definitely reasonable hand here we go does go small and no reason to raise it this is just gonna be a check call check check situation right like for example Kerry cats got what fourth did he get third got fourth fourth so you know in this spot like that where you're short and there's seven left you end up game fourth you may actually be more like all right you could you like I did pretty well I for the situation if you get second though you're always just like oh especially if you're not like if it's like close if it's not a right dominating Lee when I can start this heads-up battle he was happy to be down two balls two now he's brought up his stack he's thinking about even starting the heads up right at 11 to 3 and look at this I mean this is uh this is barreling into where I can Young's top hair here and if you're whacking young this is a I mean look at that they're close and this is gonna be for the Chipley this pot and if filled Phil doesn't keep betting or improve he is gonna be an underdog and that was a bet he was looking to take down he gets called here and thinking about what what things he can do and this card in particular I would imagine favors waiking Young's runs a lot right if you're Phil you're not betting so many tens necessarily and why can young deaf we're gonna check call a lot of tens especially 10 with backup so if you're Phil you may shut down here realizing - well you may but then you may just reach for a big stack you know again why can't you I'm not gonna be thrilled to see this bet although take your hint it was too good to go away but look at the bluffs is Phil gonna be bluffing the king Jack Jack 9 you know you wouldn't maybe think just some six X's are going for Bluffs here and now if you're whacking Yann you kind of realize if you were behind queen king or ace queen maybe this opponent would just keep by here so it's sort of really polarizing - at ran or not but a jack here for for him as a key card - cuz he knows that you know the jack nine that's a straight or somehow East Jack if he I was betting barreling off a gut shot which may be like spades he has no Spain his hand like that would be one of the few you know it's it's less likely his opponent has a straight now with the jack so it's very interesting it's gonna work that looked like the full I mean how could it be such a sick call Wow I mean this is unbelievable stuff I mean just like that it was a river to follow through there we go man he's had enough he had a plan film years old of a queen Jack why Kim will call ace Jack here we go as you see 6235 2.0 chance to win it though Jeff right here right now yeah Queen Jack seems dangerous here you know he's Jack in the lead but not by a ton make a lot of straights and of course the clean around and a pretty good flop like right at 8 for chop for me Jack for chop Queen for the win for Phil Phil asking for hopeful cards and I can just shut it down said look how nice there it is back to a two to one lead oh these are two premiums in this game obviously aces and Jack 10 plays well and see what there's not many hands you have to say what you're doing yeah he said 6535 yeah there's maybe one hander you don't have to verbalize for sure what to do but all around my kid could take a 10 to 5 oh my word 10 10 9 the green appears all over why Kim's face why can you hung those are still still jumbled in there and no no strong options there for the wheel it's got to be an ace Ernest only or we're gonna be flip-flopping here dad Phil Ivey for the first time Jeff why kin-yuen has the lead in the heads-up well last one in the tournament currently first of two it's literally the same they're just there's the Box just changed with the upper left corner and as we have it it'll be someone you there why can y'all not a Malaysia or Phil Ivey is gonna grab this title in the 50k there's still more short deck tournaments one more at least this week and then 100k main event going on right now or the hunter K No Limit and not the main events 250 K is the main event that starts Friday but plenty more action will be covering also on PartyPoker TV on their YouTube channel if you are not able to watch the whole thing you want to go back and see some of the highlights they are producing highlights of each of these tournaments you guys can see the best of the best battle it out get to see who maneuvers through these action-packed high prize pool final tables hi well Paris is now ramping up it's gonna go for a Jeff looks that way that looks like the fold face nicely executed hands appears to me that he's got Wieck in believing he's not really bluffing in these spots hip-hip behind but the suited jack 10 still feels a lot of splits here it's gonna freak this one this time interesting though this is a hand that Viking young is probably gonna want to see some cards with see at least three top two for fill open indents second pair for like in this is a collision Wow snap call I mean he's still got someone else here just like before a dog is why kin can he run down the goat once more if he does he will be the 50k short deck champion like in wants to see this King on the turn like just a queen Oh Jack fulfill will be the winner it's my lucky deal with all the stops well not to be why kin came into this heads-up battle with just over three million and chips and leaves it with the title and first prize money Jeff Wow like to say unbelievable unbelievable stuff why can young first in last out there is getting Ivan Liao love right there [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PokerXpress
Views: 918,540
Rating: 4.7430425 out of 5
Keywords: poker, poker 2020, 2020 poker, phil ivey, phil ivey poker, phil ivey 2020, phil ivey poker 2020, phil ivey quads, phil ivey millions, phil ivey sochi, phil ivey highlights 2020, phil ivey best hands 2020, phil ivey final table, millions sochi 2020, millions sochi 2020 final table, phil ivey pokerxpress, phil ivey video, partypoker, poker cash game, poker vlog
Id: W_niMPwdsdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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