I Played The Worst Wii Games Ever Made

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the Nintendo Wii the favorite console of kids with divorced parents I remember my first Wii playing New Super Mario Bros on that Mario Galaxy 2 great games but it's almost been two decades since the Wii came out and man my thoughts on the console have changed drastically what used to be a favorite platform of mine has honestly become something I absolutely dread and anytime I know I have to play a Wii game for a video these days I just remember that I'll have to be dealing with the god awful motion controls sure the Wii has a bunch of great games Skyward Sword Mario Kart weave punch out but what about the games that we've all chosen to forget about and what about the G games that no one ever bought I decided to do a deep dive on the worst reviewed Wii games of all time and you wouldn't believe how awful it gets even featuring a game with a rating of 8 out of 100 usually I look forward to playing these games but I can assure you while recording this footage there was no fun to be had these games are more of a torture method than anything else and I was absolutely miserable through the making of this video but everyone please enjoy watching me play the worst Wii games ever made now step one for this video was deciding which games to feature and thus I had to do some digging on review sites to find something but a major issue I ran into was that bad games generally don't sell well at all and thus don't get reviewed quite as often as say a major AAA title so these games weren't exactly easy to find and naturally when I have a ridiculously obscure question that a Google search wouldn't find I turn to the internet cesspit Reddit and man the thread I found here is just [ __ ] diabolical so we're just going to read it start to finish my 8-year-old cousin is a little [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate him he's going to be getting a Wei for his birthday and I've agreed to pre-load the games thought about taking the high road getting him some great games like Mario Galaxy 2 Super Smash Brother 's brawl but nah [ __ ] that I want this [ __ ] kid to suffer he's an entitled [ __ ] so it's not like he'd be thankful anyway might as well give him garbage this we will be his first game console if there's one thing that redditors love it's suffering and so now the most diabolical terrible games Hidden Away from the public are now quite easily found in a nice list this dude's pure unbridled hatred for a [ __ ] infant child is the single best compendium of bad we games on the internet and now we're at step two where I had to take my list of about 15 games and figure out exactly how awful these games truly are [Music] but it's also here I ran into a little bit of trouble the vast majority of these games are extremely obscure and had horrible sales the amount of available reviews for these games ranged anywhere from 10 to Zer I'm serious there is a game on here that did not receive a single reveal and thankfully this is where Metacritic came in clutch providing a meta score for six of the 10 games we're going to go over the rest on the other hand Metacritic Reed so few reviews that they didn't even get a Metascore so for those I just dug up an IGN review because apparently those guys just anything but like I said there was one game on here that no matter how much digging I did was reviewed by absolutely no one so how bad could it possibly be right and so now I have an ordered list of the worst Wii games ever made and part three to this was to find buy play and record the games so I got in my car and headed through the hellish Wasteland known as Ohio towards my local GameStop and handed them a list only for them to tell me they had four of the games leaving me $50 Po and six games to go so after making a few phone calls to various places I went to eBay to Source a used copy of all the games and um let me show you the total bill yeah this [ __ ] is not cheap and usually this is where I'd scrap the idea in general but then something you wouldn't believe happened somehow when I got home the other six games magically appeared on a folder on my PC wouldn't you believe that don't question how they got there it was definitely magic and probably legal but on the topic of legality Nintendo's being a bit of a prick to the emulation world and I highly speculate they'll be cracking down on any form of illegal game pirating soon so let me show you guys how to legally dump your discs in case you want to play any of these games but don't want Nintendo to come and break your [ __ ] kneecaps so all you'll need is a functioning PC a Wii a Wii game of your choice and the Wii SD card now it is worth saying that you can potentially do this with a USB storage device I'm pretty sure but I've never really bothered with that also make sure you've already installed the Wii Homebrew Channel to your Wii I'd show you how to do it but I already have it and I'm scared of Nintendo at this point and I know the game dumping part is legal but I I don't know about the Homebrew part now what you'll need to do is download two different programs to your PC the first is called clean rep a simple Google search should bring you to it just download that and throw it onto your SD card now the second program I use is called HJ that one you just keep on your PC for later on and people when using the internet and downloading softwares like this please be careful don't just click any download button make sure it's the legit one make sure you use an ad block just be safe okay even on reputable sites you will find all kinds of stuff now take your SD card with a clean rip on it and throw it in the Wii and open up the home brew channel from here the software should pop right up in which case start it and just answer the questions it throws at you if you're using a USB device select that if you're using an SD card like I am choose that one then just click yes through the next couple questions then it'll ask you you to insert the disc you need to extract so do that and you'll actually start the main process once it asks you for all the file information don't overthink it just set the chunk size to Max set the bottom setting to no and start The Ripping process this takes a minute usually but once it finishes up just take the SD card put it back in the PC and open up the main folder here you'll probably see a lot of things but you're looking for a file labeled with a code and then Parts one through something this is the actual game file that little code there is actually the official name that we uses for each game but the problem with these files is that it's one big file that's been fragmented so we take that other cool software and then we just stitch them together and voila you have a fully legal Nintendo lawsuit free copy of any game you own or you click the funny button on the completely adree safe website that's been in operation since 1997 which will save you I don't know half an hour just saying so now we have all our games ready to play and we're going to be going down through these games from best to worst and um get ready cuz we are starting with an absolute Abomination Family Feud 2012 coming in with a 47 out of 100 we have a genuinely good idea exec with the same level of skill as Ricky Berwick playing the guitar Family Feud's been around for forever now and it's even so popular in the US that the British just like straight up stole the idea Michael typical British [ __ ] Family Feud games have actually been done all the way back on the PS1 so why don't we take a look at the first two Family Feud games just to get a quick reference here so the first game in the series released in 2000 for the PS1 and um Jesus Christ this is worse than I ever could have imagined for starters the game is Just obscenely dark and I don't mean In Like A Silent Hill story kind of way but just in terms of brightness did someone accidentally turn the opacity down or something and I mean I already made the Silent Hill joke but I mean come on right so a theme with these games is that we get to create a family keep your brain out of the gutter you freak and oh God what is this you know what maybe we'll just try again with the PS2 game right seems reasonable that they could do a much better job 6 years later so let's try that game so off rip somehow the graphics went from too dark to now just having this thick layer of Bloom and gaj and blur why does this keep happening how do you keep messing up the visuals for a game show let's just play the game name an accessory that kids put on their bikes okay 10 10 seconds hold on man hold on okay here we go lights easy money there are three answers okay so these games are horrible and have literally never been good so exactly how bad is this Wii game going to be well let's dig into it so have you ever watched Family Feud it's the exact same thing except you can bring your Miis into the game and get to stare into the soul of The Uncanny Valley eldrich hor of a mi that you made in the Mi maker but gameplay-wise to be honest this is more or less the same concept as every other Family Feud game ever the host comes up and asks you a question and you need to fill in the answer and pray to God the game isn't going to be a dick and only accept the scientific answer to these questions but also while the host is voiced reading the questions for some reason they didn't bother making lines for any of the answers and I understand since you can put anything into the answer box it would be impossible to cover everything but when the board is cleared at the end of the round he just yells the number and the Mi say nothing and it's just a really awkward silence number four number five [Music] was but realistically all of that can be forgiven we haven't even gotten into what makes this game so bad and to be completely honest it's not entirely the game's fault my issue with this game is that the Wii is a piece of [ __ ] console motion controls are genuinely the worst thing to happen to gaming and it makes this game infuriating see this time rep here this counts down how long you have to type in your answer however you're forced to use the [ __ ] motion controls and you better pray the IR register is working and you don't lose that cursor because if you do you will learn what a panic attack feels like very quickly overall this game isn't entirely awful hence why it's the highest rate of game on the list and I guess if played with a group of friends it could be a ton of fun but in execution the game just kind of sucks so let's see what we got next cling in a 40 out of 100 we have a staple of Wii games with everyone's favorite monkey Mischief now already this game sets itself up for success with this being a miname collection or a party game what could go wrong right well let's just start with the opening cut scene because honestly this doesn't even look that bad at all everything is is animated and sure it's a little corny but it gets the idea across a group of monkeys break out of wherever the [ __ ] they were being held and now they just want to wreck havoc on the area makes sense to me and oh God the [ __ ] is this loading screen there are five frames to this animation and uh man it just seems like all the budget went into that intro cut scene what the hell happened with these menus why are the colors so dry this this doesn't bode well for what we're about to get into does it so we have a collection of monkey themed mini games and unfortunately all of them are based on motion controls to some degree so the first game is just trying to to get fruit at the bottom but um how the [ __ ] do I get down so the instructions for this are and I quote crank up and down to raise and lower the platform um why was this phrasing chosen for a kids game did [ __ ] Dan Schneider write this tutorial I legitimately couldn't get this to function I can get down there but it seems like no matter what you just get hit by the Rhinos before you can get anything so what the [ __ ] is the point no one expects party games to do anything other than be functional at a base level okay you know what let's check out game number two where you need to spin around a hippo and throw him into the pond and of course furth the distance wins well would you be shocked to know that the hardest part of the entire mini game is praying the motion controls work look I can get this relatively consistent but even so every once in a while my character just gets hit with like a [ __ ] the bottomy midswing and stops what he's doing actually I found this out after I had researched the video but JL actually did a full video on this game and I haven't watched it but I'm sure anything that dude made is infinitely funnier than anything you'll find here get back up on the platform get back up on the platform there's one [ __ ] coming and can we talk about steak steel for a second please this is just a fishing game that was so poorly coated it is effectively a game of chicken see these Lions here they're guarding their meat stash and if they catch you well they can literally pull your ass off a tree and rip you to shreds and here's the kicker the Lions can kill you well before you get the meat meaning you have to wait for two people to kill themselves before anyone gets a chance to play okay I'm I'm getting heated I need to take my mind off things a bit here how about we talk about a Beloved movie franchise Alvin and the Chipmunks now I'm not going to sit here here and lie to you and say that I like Alvin and the Chipmunks even though as a kid I can vaguely remember being shown the movie where they're stuck on an island at least 10 different times in school for some reason but they decided to make a few video games for Alvin and the Chipmunks and um wow they put nearly zero effort into this so for starters this is a rhythm game which I guess makes a lot of sense actually but I'm not even messing with you there isn't even a tutorial when you start the game it just assumes you know what you're doing so I had to go into the in-game settings to discover a tutorial that appears to have been made in about 20 minutes so I'm going to show you very quickly how the game decided to try and teach me to play this and then it translate it to English this graphic here was supposed to be the perfect explanation for how the game is played now I don't know if this makes sense to anyone watching but I had to actually go and find a manual for this game essentially moving the Wiimote up or down activates the bottom right timing thingy and moving the nunchuck up or down activates one on the left now for the top two you need to hold down a on the Wiimote or Z on the nunchuk and then do the same thing now let me pose an interesting question if you need to swing the Wiimote down to hit a note what motion returns it to neutral obviously it's up but then also activates the trigger again meaning once you go down for a note You better lock your wrist in place until you need to use it again and even then sometimes it just chooses not to work I'll say it again forced motion controls are the worst thing to happen to the gaming industry you know what's funny about this to me the second I saw this I got major PTSD to that one mission in Jack 3 but even that game got this right three [ __ ] years earlier man it's just crazy but even assuming the controls work decently well for this game it's effectively just [ __ ] Guitar Hero because Jesus Christ look at Alvin here also the game menu makes you choose between easy medium and hard and for some reason the Chipmunks get highlighted blue instead of their unique colors and that alone loses points with me but now that I'm thinking about it I only ever watched Alvin and the Chipmunks Chipwrecked I've never seen any of the other films I heard theyve made a Wii game for that movie too what the [ __ ] is that game like well thankfully it's not a note hitting game instead it's a dancing game I mean [ __ ] I'll bust it down real quick nothing makes me want to dance quite like anthropomorphic creatures dancing in strangely robotic ways was this what the movie was like I mean it's been a long time since I've seen it but I don't remember this at all maybe I'll go watch those movies I bet they age poorly uh guys what's this about you got me fired Alvin my my [ __ ] the next game rated at a 30 out of 100 Eminem cart racing this is the first game I straight up just couldn't play at all now unfortunately I don't have a capture card which is typically used to record retro consoles using a PC but since they aren't upscaled they just kind of look like [ __ ] so what I usually do is just legally dump my copy onto my PC like I showed you earlier but let me show you exactly what this game looked like on emulation for warning there are ton of flashing lights so look away if you're sensitive to it I'm sure you get exactly why I didn't want to play this so unfortunately all of this footage isn't mine I've never played the game a day in my life so for starters it's a pretty typical cart racer but you get to play as the M&M's with weirdly cool looking carts but if you watch the gameplay play the collision with other car drivers seems like stupidly punishing and would you believe me if I told you there were forc motion controls and look with the success of Mario Kart Wii it made a ton of sense for other game companies to try and replicate those controls but I don't get why it's M&M's because they do nothing with the license I mean sure there are iconic characters like red and yellow and of course they still have the sexy green Eminem making Tucker Carlson proud is that the brown Eminem has quote transitioned from high stilettos to lower block heels also less sexy and oh my God the dialogue in this game is uh just incredible look a nut the controls in this game are just so genuinely terrible I struggle to find any footage of people staring these cards without crashing [Music] approaching I mean instead of people playing Mario Kart 8 this looks more like people playing Mario Kart off an eth now just on account of the fact that I've never played it I won't be too harsh on the game but it is worth saying I found a mini documentary about a $100 Bounty that resulted in the game being bizarrely optimized it's worth a watch if you're interested in it every game before this point definitely at a base level was a video game but from here onwards they barely even function starting with the first game coming in with a 30 out of 100 called rock and roll Adventures a game where we play as a fake Elvis Presley and it's more or less a collectathon but this is the first of a few games from a Development Group known as data design interactive or DDI for sure DDI made around 20 games from the late '90s to early 2000s officially closing in 2012 and in their tenure in the gaming industry never once did they make one decent game a few different times through this video you'll hear me talk about this particular launch screen the main menu and it's distinct lack of Music until you hit a button and that's because through every one of their Wii games I [ __ ] you not they never bothered to change it just a color swap logo Swap and that's it same music Same everything but let's talk about this game this is a third person platformer where you control yourself with a nunchuk joystick and jump by shaking the remote upwards but in a platformer jumping is 90% of what you're doing so very quickly you just look like you're giving a ghost a very wild hand job so I figured out that the game is lying to you and you can also Jump by hitting Z thank Christ this isn't even mentioned in the manual what the [ __ ] there are controls that the game just expects you to figure out but now watch this labotomy gameplay just walk in the direction of the giant arrow in the sky and hit the objectives no real animations or quality sound effects [ __ ] banjo kazui was better than this in 1998 and don't even get me started on the combat we get access to the worst godamn swing ever made look at this it doesn't even work half the time but okay the game apparently has a shooting function and in a shocking turn of events it requires Force motion controls now surprisingly though the shooting is the only part of this that works even somewhat close to how it was intended I mean the auto lock is pretty janky but it's at least workable uh but here's but here's the kicker um it's completely optional the in-game tutorial once again doesn't mention it but you can just jump on the enemies and one-hot them why this wasn't brought to my attention is just beyond me but if that's not your cup of tea you can also just run past all the enemies anyway no required combat no boss fights nothing but if all of that doesn't bother you there's one final nail in the coffin and at the end of all of that work the game's opening level is just bugged and I can't even enter the portal for the next level after collecting everything the base level expectation for a game is that it can be completed and somehow the dev failed at that I'm done with this one I I can't even stand it all of that work for nothing but we got to keep the ball rolling let's move on coming in with a 20 out of 100 the ninjab bread man you know clever title I actually like this one and oh God not already not them again who was this made by so let's compare the tutorials oh God it's the same [ __ ] everything's the same it's the same game this is literally where my recording started and ended uh 40 seconds of total recording I know exactly what this game was going to be and I [ __ ] refused to play it so let's take a look at game number seven Balls of Fury yes based off of that Christopher wkan movie scoring a 19 out of 100 this is a Wii pingpong game which I actually didn't find to be that entirely awful at least compared to everything else thus far I mean think about it we Sports has a tennis game and that's an absolute Banger so surely this is pretty similar right and I mean it sort of is for starters there are multiple different characters from the movie you can pick from with unique abilities in the form of special shots now I assume all of these shots are based on what the characters do in the movie Randy has a crazy Power Shot thing has a useless teleport shot that the AI always gets anyway it really is a great well fleshed out system you need to swing the weote in the direction you want to hit the ball towards and unfortunately there's no point in actually doing techniques like a backhand since it doesn't make any impact obviously the game isn't amazing but I couldn't figure out what could possibly justify a rating of 19 out of 100 apparently this game got grilled by critics for lacking any form of quality motion controls which I do agree with there isn't any way to add strength to your Shots by swinging harder it's just swinging forward or backwards and holding a button if you want to add spin it's less like motion controls and more like selecting one of four options making the game kind of dry but let's talk more about the special shots at serve you can choose to spend a bar of meter on a unique serve that has a low likelihood of working or you can choose to spend meter on the more powerful shots that varies to each character I [ __ ] you not though half the characters don't do anything crazy they just shake your screen a little bit and that's the whole shot it might sound kind of weird but a lot of tennis and pingpong games actually really resemble finding games and how their Reliance on characters Mix-Ups and mind games but this doesn't quite reach the potential that it has the story mode is literally just the movie but they chose to have a narrator talk over 2 40 piece screenshots of the film and more than that the actual matches in game take [ __ ] forever with games being first to 11 points winning by two meaning you can be in the same level for upwards of 20 rounds which can take quite a while well to be honest this game isn't exactly good but I'll go out on a limit and say it definitely doesn't deserve to be the fourth worst game on the list I mean come on compare this to [ __ ] ninjab bread man this is at least like a 27 out of 100 but let's move on on to our next game oh okay okay I'll play this one but if there are any gamebreaking bugs I swear to God there's a pipe bomb with data designed interactives name written on it so okay just going through the tutorial again this game is [ __ ] identical the music that controls the tutorial that just blatantly lies to you the gates the only difference is a very minor pallet swap it was at this point I really started to question this video are people even going to enjoy this I hope this is slightly more fun to watch than it was for me to play because seriously these games are miles worse than anything else I think I've ever touched but before we tackle this game this is Anubis 2 so what the [ __ ] is Anubis one well an in-depth search revealed to me that this game doesn't have an original this is Anubis 2 but there isn't an Anubis one it just doesn't exist they wrote a sequel without making the original first you just can't make this up folks the people at data design interactive are just brilliant truly and you know what's even better I tried to play this game I tried I really did I play through the entire first level which by the way there are only three of and at the end of it the game bugged out and didn't spawn the final thing I needed causing the arrows to just loot me in circles in the final area of the level I don't even know why I'm upset by this at this point I mean it gave me an excuse not to finish the game but I am just in awe at how data design interactive have failed to do anything even slightly playable this British company which don't even get me started on that they have failed in three different attempts at reskinning the same game how Ju Just how really at this point it's gone from frustrating to just kind of impressive but at this point we're finally out of the weeds no more of their reskin games because our very next game is a cart racer talking in a score of eight out of 100 we have action girls racing with a z wait are are you [ __ ] serious right now there is no way they made a cart racer you no way you know what maybe the cart racer is a little bit better right I mean why the [ __ ] am I even pretending of course a game with an eight out of 100 is going to [ __ ] suck so for starters we get to pick our character and I guess I'm going to choose her I guess she looks slightly less uncanny valley I suppose so apparently you have to manually unlock all the tracks by playing through this game but let's at least start off with a small race on the opening stage to get a feel for it once again you have to use motion controls which okay at this point I have fully adjusted to the utter and complete horseshit these games throw at me and just off rip I mean I actually don't hate the controls I mean it's a little weird not going to lie it's like each driver took 12 shots Before the Race but with a lot of breaking it's at least functional but you know what I look for in a cart racer I look for two simple things map variety and a high skill ceiling that's it that's all you need for me to be happy you know how many courses this game has in total four four tracks a cart racer has four tracks that's it there are four layouts with slight reskins what the [ __ ] man and you know what the skill mechanics are for this game figuring out which walls are real and which walls you will just clip through because because why not man and you know the best part of motion controls when you inevitably [ __ ] up and slam into a wall the game never tells you how to reverse and when you do figure it out you have to remember to tilt the remote in the opposite direction you'd think to use it's just so impressively bad and here's the other thing I used every single available button and I swear to God I couldn't get any of the items to activate not that I think the items were actually coded into the game I'm convinced half of these are fake but then randomly while I was driving just using the accelerator it just activates without me knowing I don't know what I did or if it was real to begin with but it's yet another simple thing the game managed to [ __ ] up up and you know what can instantly fix half the game's problems just letting me use the [ __ ] d-pad to steer and adding a drift that alone fixes the overly sharp corners and annoying motion controls and the lack of skill expression there are no cons to this why DDI why do you keep doing this to me why you could have made a good game here pretty easily and it seems like you put more effort into not making it good why have you done this is there some sort of hidden message I can't see probably not and now folks for the final game that legitimately has an amazing story behind it ladies and gentlemen sucab ban shiao Raina a Japanese exclusive title that sold such a minuscule amount of copies it's been regarded as one of the most Niche games ever made this game sold 100 copies in its first week before being pulled off the shelves for good meeing to my knowledge this game got reviewed One Singular time and to be fair it got a five out of 10 but One reviewer isn't enough in my opinion and in my eyes this game is so obscure that it never got reviewed so this game roughly translates to president Raina and the game subtitle there is cat president is looking for helpful employees now remember that Japanese translates to English uh very poorly and being a skilled translator is not an easy task and unfortunately for most people you'll have to continually run all the dialogue through a translator I've heard rumors of a translation mod being out there for the game but the wiki doesn't show any mod for it so I'm not going to recommend anything but thankfully for me I can actually read a decent amount of Japanese and this was my first real world application for my skills however if you watch my gameplay it's um really [ __ ] slow and that's because I'm not good at it and more so I'm just kind of slow um just in general you know how in class the teacher would like cold call a stupid kid with a second grade reading level and you'd have to listen to him sound each word out that was effectively me deciphering each and every line of this game now let me hit you with a little mini Japanese lesson Japanese is separated into three different writing languages first there's hiragana used for natively Japanese words it's probably over half of the writing you'll end up doing then there's Katakana which is used for adapting non-japanese words into Japanese and it's necessary because certain sounds like L's just simply don't exist in the language then there's kanji which is actually natively Chinese to my knowledge and it might be the single worst writing system ever made essentially kanji or pictures meant to illustrate certain things names General ideas Concepts whatever they felt like to be honest the problem is there are tens of thousands of kanji out there and they aren't particularly intuitive a good portion of them need to be learned beforehand so when kanji I don't knows are being used in names and sentences I have no idea what the [ __ ] it means and I have to look it up but here's the plot that I could figure out this is Raina the cat here she's the mascot of a Blog company and she's in need of an assistant and you happen to be be the candidate and the way you prove it by participating in various mini games to entertain Raina and thus become her assistant and honestly the game's pretty funny so let's hop into the mini games themselves so the first mini game is playing the piano which is pretty fun it's a basic rhythm game but essentially if you miss a note on the scale Reena starts getting increasingly pissed even fully turning ready to beat the [ __ ] out of you or there's the other Min game where a bunch of fake cats and then Raina all jump at you and I think you need to dodge them all I'm not really sure how to play this one to be honest and then finally some sort of trivia game which is unfortunately timing based meaning I couldn't read everything in time and asra result I just guessed but look at this outstanding luck there are four different options meaning it should logically take four-ish guesses and I got so many in a row wrong I mean it's actually just kind of incredible but this was as far as I got with the game it was a bit taxing to play a game that wasn't in my native language and a quick look on YouTube shows me that there wasn't a whole lot more to be had with this game but that is officially the 10 worst rated Wii games ever made folks so let's review what we've learned don't ever buy games with M&M'S in it party games with monkeys or any product Under the Sun labeled data design Ina oh yeah remember that [ __ ] I said like what was it 5 minutes ago but if there are any gamebreaking bugs I swear to God there's a pipe bomb with data designed interactives name written on it you thought I was joking huh working with chemicals folks make sure you got on a rebreather might sound a little funny better that than dying right oh [ __ ] how do you put this [ __ ] on again next up safety goggles if you're blind like me and you wear glasses just accept that you ain't going to see [ __ ] for the next like I don't know 20 minutes here we go now you're starting to look like a real chemist now let's talk about the chemicals we are working with here we have some banic acid I don't really know what this is to be honest um we'll figure it out sodium chloride glucose some theob bromi some major alkalide careful with this [ __ ] and then finally some polymer which we are just using some allpurpose flour now first thing you want to do is mix a little bit of your glue close here in with your polymer don't use it all though how much you ask you don't measure [ __ ] around here a little bit of salt she what you want to do is you want to mix all this [ __ ] up really second thing you want to do little bit of your glucose actually the rest of it tanic acid mix it now dealing with chemicals heat is a major Catalyst Heat this [ __ ] up it's going to take a minute to get it boiling now over here now take a little bit of your fub bromine remember this is the potent ship makes it a little pop you know what I'm saying makes that [ __ ] right in beautiful people'll be like dagger why don't you measure your extremely reactive chemicals that could kill you potentially like what you think I got room for a scale here you [ __ ] nerd you think I'm a real chemist [ __ ] nerd [ __ ] welcome back to dagger's kitchen and [ __ ] we [ __ ] [ __ ] exploded so you want to mix in of your banic acid and glue toast Mi thing Mi I don't know see this [ __ ] shit's beautiful wow the feel M there Mr ingredients have to use all of it make it a batch next week for someone else remember this [ __ ] doesn't have to look too good you know it's no big deal if it looks like [ __ ] as long as it works it doesn't explode it's the big part oh [ __ ] [Applause] scrap this [ __ ] in stir that right [Applause] around can't use the spoon for all of it some point you just got to Raw Dog it you know what I'm saying so you got your beautiful mixture you don't want to oh [ __ ] you want to put it in the microwave for 4 days but I'd be a shitty host if I made you wait that long wouldn't I so I already made us another batch it should be ready right about now oh my God smell that from here look at this beautiful thing oh my God I got to bur myself at this one E I have S it to the friends and family you know people telling you man terrorism really has never tasted so [ __ ] good all we got to do is ship it off it's going to do it isn't it what am I even doing right now I know they made some bad games but a pipe bomb man that's just that's just too far I'd never do this what's wrong with me maybe these games have been a bad influence on me I'm starting to feel like those monkeys from early are rubbing off on me just wrecking havoc on anyone I see but I can't just get rid of these games can I I mean I spend money on them what am I going to do dagger up here the US Constitution of course the right to bear arms how could I have forgotten about that now I know what I got to do thanks founding for BS [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music]
Channel: Dagger
Views: 274,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wii, nintendo wii, wii games, the worst wii game ever made, worst wii games ever made, the worst games ever made, worst wii games, i found the worst wii games ever, my quest for the worst wii game ever made, worst games ever made, i played the worst nintendo games, bad games, worst game ever, video games, games, worst games, bad wii games, worst games ever, worst ever, the worst games, Caddicarus, completionist, jontron, review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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