Goodwill Games #10 | (TEN GAME SPECIAL!) - PBG

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The kink artists got the Brightly Twins, oh crap 😨

SOMEBODY SAVE PAJAMA SAM, the war has begun anew.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ParkBarrington360 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody thanks for coming into my 10th episode of google game special video i'd like to thank my mom if she had never give birth to me i could never have made as moderately successful is youtube series on the internet thank you thank you thanks mom you did it you did it thanks [Music] hey everybody welcome back to another video and thank you so much for watching my 10th episode of goodwill games these goodwill games episodes have always been some of my favorites to make going to thrift stores is actually one of my favorite pastimes and i love finding random games i know nothing about and sharing whatever happens with you guys in fact i love going to the thrift store so much that i decided that i'm going to do a brand new goodwill series on this channel something that's not good wall games or goodwill garbage so keep a lookout for that very soon and hey maybe even subscribe if you don't want to miss those videos and maybe like the video while you're at it i hate to do this but this video took absolutely forever to make normally i would do three games for these videos but considering this is the 10th episode i figured we could play 10 games so needless to say it's going to take a while so go grab some popcorn and then eat it and then come back to watch this insanely long episode let's go back in the early days of my channel i covered all the games in the putt-putt series well all of them except for a couple of the spin-off games one of them being putt-putt and pep's balloon-o-rama these games usually panned out in a very similar format something's gone wrong but putt-putt steps up to save the day by finding some lost animals or buying some party supplies or something like that they were pretty simple but there was obviously a lot of love and effort put into them and i'm sure the story for putt-putt and pep's balloon-o-rama will be just as good right hang on tight to those balloons come on pep we've gotta go get those balloons [Music] nope pep i gave you one simple task and yet you still disappoint me so you can probably see why i never bothered covering this one ready to do something really fun okay why not [Music] well i'm ready when you are come on roy let's have some more fun oh i see we already were having fun i didn't notice so you bounce pep off of putt and then you hit a balloon i don't really recommend it it's like that old game breakout where you hit the ball and break the things except in this case it doesn't even make sense you're supposed to be collecting the lost balloons but you're not collecting them you're just blowing them up also in the intro pep loses like 10 balloons but there are a lot more than 10 balloons in this game there's like a billion there's tons of levels that go from putt-putt ville to the zoo to a cave to the beach to freaking outer space there's alien balloons how did pep have and or lose alien balloons now that i think about it this is actually a potential disaster i saw a documentary one time about the cleveland balloon fast and that did not go well two people even died because of it and no i am not making that up put-putt pip you need to listen to me this is important unless you want the death of innocents on your hands because of your complete incompetence we have to pop all of these balloons everyone is counting on us to do it actually i don't wanna this game's boring i wanted to see if anything interesting happened at the end but there was no way i was gonna play all the way through this game when i could be doing something more interesting like my taxes or dying so i looked it up on youtube instead believe it or not there exists some long play videos out there this one by ly203 productions that is three hours and 12 minutes long three hours and 12 minutes of mind numbing pp and pep action now that is some serious dedication you're a real trooper ly 203 productions and if it takes three plus hours to beat i'm sure you get a really interesting cutscene right pep you're the greatest balloon poppin pup i know [Music] guys i gotta be honest while editing this really long video for the past week i've gotten a little bit uh disgusting and no not just in the facial area tmi too bad because this video is sponsored by manscaped the premium global brand for men's grooming and hygiene products manscaped just launched their fourth generation trimmer the lawnmower 4.0 wow the perfect tool for trimming the three bees body butt and balls the latter of which i'll be giving you a demonstration right now wait we can't do that no you're a loss manscaping is important things are opening back up you never know when you might need to be uh trimmed and luckily the lawnmower 4.0 has ceramic blades with skin safe technology for even the most sensitive areas and it's even waterproof so you can use it in the shower if you want and when you're done just place it right in the wireless charging dock simple as that and you get up to 90 minutes on a full charge so what are you waiting for join the two million men who trust manscaped for all their modern grooming needs and you can even get 20 off plus free international shipping with my link in the description below manscape.compbg and thank you again to manscape for sponsoring up next i have a game that i'm sure is going to be a gym my little pony pinkie pies party my little pony my little pony why did i buy these toys on ebay for 25 bucks hi there sweetie belle you look very sweet today i went over all of taboni villain hidden 20 of pinkie pie's presents just like you ass oh dear those presents should have been hidden in party cake place we need to help find thems before weekend party can start here comes pinkie pie i know she can't help us find all 20 missing presents okay so i a pinkie pie nice to meet you have to find all the presents for my own party because these absolute morons screwed up this simple task so badly oh look at all those pretty presents my friends are so wonderful to me i better get started finding the 20 presents so we bell hid this will be so much fun i mean it sure looks like we've got a lot of presents right here already but whatever it's our birthday and we've gotta work sweet to find them you walk around ponyville and click on whatever presents you see hidden in the background [Music] but some presents you can only get by playing mini games with the other ponies many games like creepily carry a bucket on two legs creepily dancing on two legs or scooter race yeah oh well done well done pretty soon and i mean pretty soon because it only takes about 15 to 20 minutes to beat this you get all the presents and it's time for the party to begin all right well pinkie pie's party was pretty sweet i guess but let's move on to something completely different specifically police quest [Music] swat welcome to deep platoon officer formed in 1967 the special weapons and tactics team of the los angeles police department has held a preeminence within the field of law enforcement and has been the standard bearer for domestic specialized tactical units throughout the world we are an organization steeped in tradition and pride where individuals are frequently called upon to perform at levels far above the norm [Music] welcome to deep platoon officer i'm sergeant rooker this is officer packmeyer and he's your element leader hello hello i trust you will opponent i trust you will assault me or sergeant sir your heart your proficiency moving your hand in an up and down motion in your underwear affects the entire team you will cover your rear with reefs if your element leader tells you to probe your fellow officers i would ask you to curb that temptation and behave professionally any questions um i wore boxer briefs today is that okay today you acted alone and without regard to your element you let your fellow officers down that's all dismissed my bad everybody there's an absolutely insane amount of tutorial in this game they just go on and on and on and when did we get to the part where we start messing people up i mean uh protecting and serving or whatever our job is i don't know admittedly i probably should have paid more attention but i just don't have the brain capacity to listen to these guys for one more second so let's just get into the action i'm sure i can figure it out so our first case is to stop a literal grandma who's been mixed up a lot lately taking down a crazy grandma wasn't exactly the exciting case i was hoping for but oh well popo peebs is on the case ready go wait so how do you move pop get moving uh i don't know what i'm doing get that idiot out of there dude i couldn't figure out how to move until they literally sent an officer they'd just be like come on come on oh okay my bad charge look i had to pull you out of there your behavior threatened to compromise the situation check the briefing room chalkboard for specific topics of study are we clear officer yes sir go on move it how to move all right i now know how to move so attempt number two and move holy crap crazy grandma has a gun [Applause] like an independent officer spunk whatever his name was okay crazy grandma attempt number three let's take her out for real this time [Music] we got the crazy gram we took her out and put her in cuffs and in jail she will never see the we are an organization steeped in tradition and pride where individuals are frequently called upon to perform at levels far above the norm police quest swat is okay i guess but it's way too complicated for its own good so let's go ahead and move on to whatever we've got next i'd never heard of the company purple moon before but a few years ago my wife found a stack of purple moon games at a thrift store and bought them for me well they apparently made friendship adventures for girls deep friendship love of nature the confidence to be cool the courage to dream it's what girls are all about is that true i wouldn't know i guess girls let me know in the comments are you cool the main series seems to be about a girl named rocket who has everyday normal schoolgirl problems i guess but watching grandma get brutally murdered a minute ago is leaving me with some serious feelings and i'm not sure rocket can relate to that so i think i should share those feelings with some friends and we might as well explore puzzle-filled paths and source for secret stones also while we're doing doing that other stuff i said secret paths to the sea we start off by meeting all of our friends that apparently we keep broaches of inside of a little treasure chest here they each have some problem largely relating to their parents school or something like that things at school were going great at least until this girl started totally copying me uh just let her do it there problem solves what can i say i'm pretty good with kids what them how long have you guys been sitting here for geez they're freaking me out especially the ginger people tease me about how much i love to talk um feel free to elaborate i really didn't study you let me see your answers right oh now we're late come on ginger didn't know what to do because the froze being so she decided to take a trip down the secret path she found some mushrooms on the secret path she saw many things she saw puzzles that she had to do in order to solve whatever you do in this game i don't really know she looked at different kinds of birds and there's even a horse but things didn't stay pleasant for long eventually turning sinister [Music] this is this is kind of creepy actually like what is that [Applause] in order to win each girl's level you listen to their problem walk down their secret path to the sea and collect all the secret stones in the process that al had a secret stone holy sh hey don't just drop it that's important stupid fairy and once you do you get to watch an animated story with a moral related to the issue the girl is having well i'm clearly not the target demographic being neither ages 8 to 12 or a girl purple moon is made specifically just for girls by the way please don't tell on me it is a perfectly pleasant game that is not it's not it's not bad it's not bad better than police quest swot anyway my only real problem with secret paths to the sea is that the lessons it teaches aren't exactly consistent for example this girl's story is listen to your parents they know what's best even if you don't want to do what they want you to do you should just do it anyway but with this girl it's if you don't want to do what your parents want you to do then tell them you don't want to do it because you shouldn't have to do it cut it out with the mixed messages game i'm depending on you to tell me what to do throughout my adolescent female life i've never been a young girl before okay oh yeah and sometimes it glitches but honestly that adds more to the experience than it subtracts if you ask me may i help you plant the fields again leloy strong [Laughter] all right let's go from a game that i'm too old to be playing to a game that i'm way too old to be playing cheerio yes cheerios cheerios is a game cheerios i guess to be specific it is cheerios playtime let's go welcome to the cheerios playtime there's lots to do use this main menu to get around visit the animals at the barn make cereal at the factory paint pictures at the workshop make breakfast in the kitchen go to the farm and grow the grains used to make cereal ready to have some fun yes click here for help click here for help click here for help click here for help click here for help click here for them i wasn't able to pick up one of those new fancy graphics cards and my pc is chugging trying to run this game so we're gonna have to get through this pretty quick let's make some cheerios first you have to unload the oats from the truck okay this is this how cranes work it's like oh wait no we do we don't need it over here dude you're dropping the wrong place oh my bad uh let's just go ahead and uh there we go so are these crane physics part of the abstract reasoning the back of the box promises to teach us i mean it is pretty abstract so we go step by step through the process of making cheerios and i'll give the game one thing i've learned a lot i've learned that cheerios come from the cheerios queen and are burst out one at a time very slowly in fact making cheerios is a slow process just in general did you know that only 12 cheerios can be baked in the cheerio oven at a time yes and only five whole cheerios are put into each box back in the good old days they were a little more generous but times are tough for cereal companies now and when making one individual cheerio takes this long you gotta cut costs wherever you can and i learned that they hire zero employees in their factory preferring to let children ages three to five pull the levers and activate the grabby hands that close up the boxes you don't have to pay children ages three to five because hiring children ages three to five is illegal find out how they get away with this practice in the upcoming sequel cheerios corporate legal loopholes time coming soon for the nintendo switch if you go to the thrift store a lot there's a few different kind of games you're gonna see there's sports games there's games made for kids there's sports games made for kids and of course there's game show games and for the next game we have a game show game specifically a deal or no deal game show game how many times did i just say the word game games games games games game game game game game game hello and welcome to deal or no deal i'm howie mandel and this evening you could walk away with a huge cash prize now i think it's time i introduce you to my better half actually 26 of my better halves ladies please wait a second is he married to all of them if you don't know how deal or no deal works basically you pick a case and then you pick a bunch of other cases until you're eventually done picking cases and then you pick another case i probably don't even need to explain this anyway everybody knows how this stupid game works i'll take case number eight now this is your number eight five minutes later all right let's see case number one number one yes you know it's not good right yes yes yes yes i don't think he knows how this game works yes yes yes i don't really have that much to say about deal or no deal other than whatever that was that i just did i guess sometimes uh what you see is what you get all right next game i'm always finding humongous entertainment games at the thrift store stuff like backyard sports freddy fish putt-putt etc i even found a couple big box putt-putt games at the thrift store which are pretty cool and i also found the next game on the list a humongous entertainment game that stands out very specifically because i had legit never heard about it before big thinkers kindergarten hello there how are you it's great to see you here this seems pretty typical for humongous entertainment there's colorful graphics catchy music it's kid-friendly but big thinkers kindergarten has something that all the other he games don't oh missions all powerful gods and inflation fetish can't forget about that one yes ben and becky brightly two characters with apparently unlimited power capable of doing seemingly anything they can imagine with ease they're supposed to be fun but i can't help but find them to be a little bit unsettling [Music] and fill your brain with life i mean how are they doing all this stuff it's never explained what's what's the source of their powers i have absolutely no idea all i do know is that i'm definitely going to stay on their good side [Music] kindergarten pick your name pick which decapitated animal head you want to be and we're ready to learn if we get enough smart stars we'll be ready for the superstar of smarts challenge uh i don't know what that means but i have played enough humongous entertainment games to know that we're supposed to um what was it uh click on things are you winning sean i don't know really our teachers ben and becky brightly can turn into clock head which i'm assuming is a boss in the next silent hill game they can turn into any animal i can't get around this pile of food unless you can help me figure out which of these animals i should turn into then i could eat up all the food and keep on moving i can't get past this pile of food unless i can which i can ah cool they can stretch their arms out and they can turn into trash cans put that litter in me uh becky i'm married i'd appreciate it if we could maintain a strictly professional relationship from here on out again how did they get all these powers you might find yourself asking well it's beyond our feeble human brains to understand so don't bother mentioning it ben and becky brightly work in mysterious ways i just love that they have these absolutely insane powers they can do literally anything that they want and all they do is teach kindergarten i guess i kind of forgot to mention what you actually do in this game well you go from area to area and collect stars it's basically mario 64 except there's no this or this or this or mario and you do kindergarten other than that it's basically the same game unlike something like putt-putt or pajama sam big thinkers seems like it is a straight-up educational game while playing you'll learn things that i definitely remember to write down like counting and computation and art creativity and of course i can't forget the best one thinking skill slash spatial perception it has all the classic humongous entertainment charm it's got really slick graphics nice music and all that stuff it's just not that fun so that's unfortunate maybe again the problem is i'm just not the target demographic i mean um i passed the kindergarten raid levels like forever gum at least it's at the second grade now it's more like small thinkers more like not really that big of thinkers because you're stupid kindergarten idiots all right it's time for the next game number how many freaking games have we played so far for game number whatever this is i have a game that could be pretty cool lego creator create your own 3d lego world all your favorite lego system town theme items are available i didn't know that i had any favorite lego system town theme items but apparently i do and apparently they're in this game let's give it a try he's juggling i can do that too i learned this for the for the princess maker video it's been a while i haven't been practicing so let me get to just give me a second hi welcome to lego creator okay hold up hold up why do they make this character a wizard but give him just the most normal guy voice of all time hey click on something to find out what it does the game starts you off with a default world and boy what a world it is between the cars driving in circles and the guy just sitting there doing nothing the excitement never ends oh i wonder what this button does oh nothing oh wait what about this one oh god i'm sorry i'm sorry it looks like it's just a sandbox game that lets you build little lego worlds and then you hit the play button and watch them go i mean i guess that makes sense it is called lego creator i don't really know what else i was expecting it may look simple but in the hands of a mastermind like myself you can create something truly special and i did i proudly present you with please prepare yourself a bunch of naked guys i've never seen someone so happy to be blown up i thought this game would be fun i mean it's a lego game and i know there's a lot of good lego games out there but unfortunately this one's really not worth talking that much about i have found a bunch of other lego games at the thrift store though so maybe we'll talk about some of those in the future we'll see all right everybody shut the heck up we got it next to the next game and it's a big one are you ready for this we cheer too this is almost as big of a deal as cheerio but not quite no it is it is get hype we cheer too from the creators of some of my unironic favorite wii games we ski and snowboard and go vacation but this is no vacation this time we're serious this is cheerleading normally cheerleading is thought of more as a sport for girls but our boy greg here is very forward thinking he's on his way to not just join the cheer team but to take over you gotta show up to your cheerleading audition with your wiimotes by the way that's how they know you're serious screw mathematics and william shakespeare the time for cheering is here grab your remote make sure your space is clear greg is and now he is dead so he's coming for your place on the cheer team so he's coming for your place on the cheer team every year the charity never wins and takes it on their chance so he'll replace all these pathetic hasdans with his five identical twins school forever yeah i wish greg would stop staring at me i wish craig would please [Music] he's coming even though i obviously don't care about cheerleading at all i was a little bit optimistic about this game but unfortunately it's no go vacation there's a lot of stuff you can do in those games exploring and finding secrets mini games stuff like that but in which year 2 all you do is cheer cheer again and then cheer some more until you eventually unlock karen i had a lot of fun back in the day when i did the original goodwill games episode but i didn't know at the time if it was really going to be something i would continue doing in the future but eventually while out thrifting i found this and i knew it was just something i had to talk about oh goody a poop spider is singing to me just what i always wanted once that was done i began to grow attached to the series and as i kept finding more of these mia games i felt like it was something i had to keep talking about i guess what i'm getting at is that if i had never found mia the search for grandma's remedy back in the day who knows if i would have ever made another goodwill games video much less 10. so i figured it was only right that we end this very special 40 minutes and 14 seconds long episode with another mia game mia's language adventure hi i'm the poop spider given that this is mia's language adventure we're gonna be learning a new language and we can choose between either french or spanish considering i've taken a lot of spanish classes in the past i'm gonna go ahead and pick that one and hope i can remember at least a little bit of it and of course we're gonna go with advanced mode i mean this is a kids game how hard could it be right there's an art show going on in miaville and the whole gang is here there's grandma kid with glasses the let's play frog the poop spider the guy and unfortunately romaine who despite constantly doing evil things like stealing and beating up children is not locked away in prison and is instead running free enjoying the art show this art show is also apparently a contest and what do you know grandma mimi wins but who could have guessed it romaine is at it again with his dirty tricks i don't know if this is a little harsh but a repeat offender's uh death penalty i mean i'm just i'm just throwing it out there [Music] attention everyone grandma mimi has disappeared there is no need to panic oh no who could have taken grandma mimi uh it was probably that lady you know from from the cut scene and you know romaine who does literally every bad thing in in this game it's just a guess will you help me find her i mean sure why not i don't have anything better to do so this bat lady character stole grandma because she won the art show i guess you think she would just take the prize money but whatever let's go savor and how do we save her well if you've seen the other goodwill games episodes you probably already know the answer to this you play games i mean do quizzes lots and lots of quizzes specifically in the case of this game we do spanish we save grandma by the power of spanish don't question it first thing on the agenda is saving this guy whose name is literally dingbat pretty epic troll on his mother's part i have to say and once we do he gives us a scribbled note in spanish that mia can't read so we take it to let's play frog who says there's a device in his camera that can decipher foreign languages also he does this so somehow this guy was smart enough to invent a camera with google translate on it see the letters floating around listen to the camera grab the letters it tells you and then drag them to the little spaces at the bottom of the screen good luck okay more like google translate that doesn't work very well even worse it seems like this game is freaking broken because all the letters automatically slide up to the top left corner which makes it completely impossible to pick the one i want here's my tutorial on how to beat this king slide the letters randomly into the spaces below as fast as humanly possible that and only that is the way you beat the game oh my god i'm going insane and it's only the first mini game this stupid frog's voice is gonna haunt me while i try to sleep tonight there is your translation jingbat wrote i heard someone speaking spanish during the blackout wait how did words like and computador help us translate that exactly so mia goes through a door very normally helps glasses kid who has a mustache now our glasses kid has grown into a glasses man i'm so proud she helps dingbat get out of a cassette player that he got stuck in somehow and she does that by clicking on some animals don't know how that really does anything but oh well and she meets up with a poop spider who [Music] he's dead help me i don't want to stay this way rest in peace to the poop spider oh god at least he was happy in his final moment oh well let's just leave him i wonder what this strange calculator is for let me guess it's for learning spanish input the following number oh how do you know i was right so we meet up with blue ball robot guy from one of the quizzes in a previous game who apparently is a character now and he says that he needs a spring for his machine and conveniently we can just take one from the let's play frog's camera that somehow translates spanish i'm sure he won't mind it's not like it works very well anyway and with that robot guy is finished making his whatever this is so this is the new transport system everyone is talking about how does this new transport system work exactly well it's simple really it runs on espanol what's not easy is this mini game three two one if you answer correctly the transport system takes you closer to where you want to go if you answer incorrectly this is about where i started to regret picking the hard mode the questions in this game vary in difficulty quite a bit some of them are as easy as it is dancing i know this one while some of them are try to remember what onse mil ochientos is from my high school spanish class that let's be real i slept through most of and since i didn't look anything up by principle this children's game was a little bit harder to beat than i would like to admit in her travels to rescue grandma mia does some honestly pretty spectacular things like fix the color in the entire world by learning spanish adjectives i don't know how exactly all the color in the entire world got messed up but mia is clearly very concerned about it just like a vacuum cleaner it sucked out all the colors she also does a lot of other mini games that were very sick and tight and she even get ready for this inserts disc 2. that was my favorite part personally until she eventually comes face to face once again with the evil devil ants six six six i knew it we gotta get out of here quick their devil adds me a devil ants just grab the thing and get out and as we've been over before mia ants eat mice uh i'm just saying you gotta be careful they will kill you they will eat you alive you don't seem nearly concerned enough about this conveniently these ants are very susceptible to lullabies as this off-brand poop spider lets us know so she sings to them for a bit and fantastic that's great sheesh this brand poop spider is trying way too hard i wonder what this strange grit is for spanish everything is for spanish i don't know how you haven't realized that by now mia s stupido yeah stop we have stuff to do this video is long enough already i was having fun well that makes one of us at least eventually we find romaine who tells us that the mastermind behind the grandma kidnapping is none other than mata wait who is that just one more time please so either matarat or matarata or rattata or whatever her name is is the person we're after fine so mia pays off romaine and his henchmen with sparklies to turn on ratata which is definitely not gonna backfire probably they eventually make it to her hideout get past her weird nipple bat and big surprise romaine is gonna turn on us because he has a huge crush on ratata lady but it turns out that ratata is actually short and therefore according to this game not attractive i'm sure that's a great lesson for kids there kutoka so romaine doesn't help her and then we saved grandma you were great i couldn't have made it without you i can't help but wonder though how are they gonna get back i mean they're kind of far away from their home they took some pretty drastic measures to get over here and so mia grandma and romaine made the dangerous trek back to the inside of the house they quickly came across the devil ants mia had put to sleep 30 minutes earlier but unfortunately for them devil ants are very efficient nappers and woke up just as they were attempting to sneak past them grandma and romaine were quickly overtaken by the ant army and mia could hear their screams as she skateboarded away as fast as she could she managed to hide in a clay pot for a brief moment but it was no use the ants surrounded her [Music] the end bye i originally thought that this was the last mia game but apparently there was another mia game in 2007 called mia's reading adventure but i've never actually seen that one before so maybe one day i'll find it and we can talk about it in another video who knows we'll see so that is the 10th episode of goodwill games thank you so much for watching i hope you liked it and if you did please like the video this took a long time to make and subscribe to see the new goodwill series that i'm going to come out with soon i'm really excited about it check out another goodwill games or you can watch me play a few of these games live on this video on the peeps channel see you guys next time
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 1,247,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goodwill games, goodwill, games, video games, video game hunting, pbg, peanutbuttergamer, peebs, gaming, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, lego, lego games, mario, zelda, best, worst, review, music, gameplay, pc, pc gaming, retro, top 10, hacking, xbox one, xbox, ps4, playstation 4, sony, microsoft, video, funny, weird, thrifts, flea market, garage sale, computer, thrift store, haul, gaming music
Id: LfMqTZKS36g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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