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what's happening everybody jeff anderson here with one fish two fish this is the top five beach fishing mistakes and how to catch more fish we're gonna talk about the mistakes that i see people making and then i'm gonna talk to y'all about the things that you need to do to catch more fish so we don't want to just focus on the negative we're going to focus on the positive how you guys can catch more fish maximize your time right here on the beach so let's get right to it mistake number one i'm going to start with more of like the locations and where people spend their time fishing in the great wide open the atlantic ocean is right behind me so how the heck do you dial down a specific area to target where these fish are the number one mistake that i see people making is i'm a really big surfer and a lot of times you see surfers all stacked up around the pier i don't know what it is you guys like if someone asks me where i want to go surfing i want to go surfing where there's decent waves but not a lot of people i don't like being in a crowd i like having waves all by myself well fishing it's no different actually i like fishing where there's not crowds and a lot of times fishermen especially saltwater anglers and people who either have been fishing their entire life or if you're new to saltwater fishing people like to fish where other people are fishing because they think that that's where fish are you guys that's the number one mistake that i see people making right here is a pier that's right behind me and kristy shout out to my wife she catches more fish than i do right here next to the pier we will be fishing right here in the surf zone and you have all these people who pay like ten dollars a pop to get out on the pier you buy bait on the pier uh you buy your ticket to get onto the pier and then you go fish where you go to the end of the pier where everybody else is or you go midway down the pier why because that's just where everybody is and that's where you think all the fish are that is a big mistake here is a great area we're going to talk about pier fishing in this video but up here is a great area to fish in and around because there's structure there's depth changes but around piers because you have that abrupt change in the topography and everything it's going to naturally attract life and it's going to attract fish but that doesn't mean that all the fish are going to be stacked up around the pier no way a lot of times chrissy and i you will see us fishing right in and around the pier but we'll be in the same zone that these fish are going to be in so we'll be i don't know about like 300 yards 400 yards you know away from the pier and we're fishing that next deeper slew that next deep spot or just that next sandbar right in and around the pier so guys that's mistake number one is people fish where they think everybody's fishing is where they think that all the fish are in the ocean just because you see people fishing in a certain area maybe that's a giveaway that there's okay there's a lot of life around there but that doesn't mean that you need to fish right there in that specific area you know hopefully you guys watch our videos watch videos on youtube read articles you can self-educate yourself because again a lot of people they just go to the tackle shop and they follow fishing reports which is fine and dandy but they just go to the pier they go to the main quote-unquote fishing spots they're not finding their own spots or you're just not like out there you know again you guys a lot of times even if there's people fishing in a certain area on a pier maybe try a different area of that fear if there's a lot of people on the end of it maybe try right in the breakers but if you're just catching redfish flounder sheep's head speckled trout things like that a lot of times you guys it's not going to be off the end it's going to be right here in the surf center um so anyways that's my long-winded spiel for mistake number one which leads me to kind of like mistake number two and it is another surf analogy there's the hunters and there's the hunted the hunted those people who are not really um actively seeking fish they're they're the hunted they're just kind of you know whatever they're like oh i was bad luck today the fish weren't biting honestly it could have been like 100 yards down the beach it could have been a submerged structure off of the beach or like a drop off a slew that they didn't know about that you know they're just thinking oh there's bad luck when i get to the beach i'm always looking i'm hunting i like to consider myself as the hunter so i'm always looking i'm always observing you know if there's birds in a certain area there's pelicans flying over a certain area if i see life or dolphins for that matter you know in a certain area that's going to pinpoint certain things so i was actually reviewing some footage and i wanted to show y'all this exact example we started in one area we kept moving we didn't see any life nothing then this next spot look you'll hear me say i just saw a corner we got a cormorant and we just kept moving and you guys first cast you know we were yeah driving around finding fish and then we got on one of the best bites yeah good one this is an example of finding your fish and being the hunter so you guys mistake number two is i see people being the hun tid not the hunter so there's just kind of like a different mindset there that even if you don't really fish off the beach that often or ever doesn't mean you're the hunted doesn't mean you can't be the hunter it's just a change of confidence is a big part of that be the hunter be the hunter and you guys will catch more fish mistake number three that i see people make beach fishing is they're just using the wrong type of bait and again these are kind of like the hunted people they go to the tackle shop they buy frozen squid frozen mullet you know just frozen bait i almost will never use frozen mullet uh frozen squid or really like any of those frozen baits the only thing that i will use frozen from the tackle shop is sand fleece so i don't know what it is about like sheep's head and sea mullet and even redfish red drum um in flounder there's a lot of fish that eat sand fleas but something about sand fleas it honestly if you catch them right here in the sand and the surf zone or use of frozen uh of course the fresh ones are going to give you a slight advantage but the frozen ones work too so it's mistake number three is people they're not really using the best bait um and that's another thing too like we'll be fishing right next to some of the pier and they're just not really catching they're using squid or they're using like frozen uh mullet or whatever frozen frozen bait that they got from the tackle shop if you're fishing on a pier and there's people using like frozen squid or frozen mullet and i'm using fresh blue crab chances are i'm probably gonna out fish those people nine times out of ten who are using this frozen bait guys because saltwater fish scent is really really important so when you're fishing off the beach you definitely want to be using a better bait than the person fishing next to you because it really does make a difference so bait is really really really important so that's the mistake number three is people they're not using the best bait all right so mistake number four for people fishing off the beach that i see people making is they're using hooks and gear that are too big so here's some footage of christy and i two weeks ago and we were catching some pretty nice sized fish um that day like i think it was like a mid 20-inch redfish red drum really nice fish that we caught off the beach you guys that was with like super tiny hooks i think those were like barely one odd hooks i don't even know if they were one on they're like either one or two hot hooks and so that's the common so that's a common mistake that i see people making when they're beach fishing is they're using hooks they're using gear that's too big and that's why i'm a firm believer if you're using those high low rigs the bottom rigs um in the tackle shop you're using gear that's like big it's clunky it doesn't look natural then that's going to significantly decrease your chances of catching fish so anything that looks natural smaller hooks you guys we've caught big old sharks um off the beach and just big game fish off the beach with like the smallest hook that you could think tarpon fishing when people are tarpon fishing down in florida and they're fishing the tarpon run sometimes tarpon the bite is so finicky that they're using one ott hooks for tarpon and that's like 150 plus pound fish that's like the pinnacle fish of the ocean for near shore fishing is tarpon and people are using small small hooks from tarpon so if they can catch tarpon you can pretty much catch anything that you want to off the beach so the last mistake mistake number five that i see people making that's related to bait and tackle is that people um they're not using the proper gear they're not using the proper weights there's a lot of different options and christie and i we're going to have some tutorials on videos about the best gear the best weights to use but a lot of people they're not so in order to catch fish number one there has to be fish for you to catch so you have to be in the right spot number two you have to present that bait whatever you use it live or artificial correctly so that fish is gonna eat it well if you're using a weight that is too small in the ocean then you're not gonna hold you're not gonna hold bottom therefore you're not gonna be allowing your bait to sit in the water for the appropriate amount of time you're always gonna have to recast you're gonna you know it's gonna drift into the pier or whatever so when it comes to gear and tackle i like to use the lightest possible gear that i can get away with that's going to hold and best position that bait or that lure to the fish so one of the more common baits that we use off of the beach is going to be sand fleas or cut crab quarter chunks of blue crab quarter chunks of blue crab is a great bait fresh blue crab from the tackle shop live crab pop the shell off cut it into four pieces put it on a hook make sure it holds bottom there's fish around there you're gonna catch those fish because blue crab just has such a great scent to it but if you're casting it out and again the tide moving here in the outer banks behind me there's a lot of moving water down here there's rip currents there's you know things like that there's a lot of current so a lot of people i see them they're using like one ounce weights and their line has a big bow in it and they're not able to really even detect a bite so that's why if you're using gear that's too light then typically you're not going to be able to effectively fish that bait you're not going to allow that bait to sit where it needs to sit for the amount of time for that fish to eat it so you want to use typically i'm using about three ounces when it's like a normal day in the ocean like this you know it's not super big waves um it's not super flat about a two to three ounce weight is what i'm used to and you guys we got plenty of videos out there we're gonna leave a link in the description below for different uh videos that we have to you know best rigs to use the best weights to use how to choose all those things that's the mistake number five that i see again just to kind of put all this together to wrap this all up is make sure that you guys are putting yourself in the right position to catch these fishies if that means you gotta move around the pier you know you're fishing off the end of the pier you're fishing off you know just right here right in the breakers right in the surf zone move around don't be afraid to move around don't be afraid to break away from the crowd and also don't be afraid to make your own decision about where you want to fish so you guys that's all i got for today hopefully this video helps y'all out catch more fish here at the beach you guys keep watching our videos winter time we're gonna be making a lot more tutorials so when it's summertime you guys are here i'll be catching more fish all right peace out
Channel: 1Fish2Fish
Views: 226,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beach fishing tips, beach fishing, surf fishing, surf fishing tips, how to catch fish in surf, how to catch fish, saltwater fishing, fishing, surf fishing setup, surf fishing mistakes, surf fishing tutorial, beach fishing rigs, surf fishing texas, fishing rigs, fishing how to, fishing rig, surf fishing how to, florida surf fishing, surf fishing lures, how to fishing, surf fishing tips and techniques, pier fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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