Beach Fishing Tutorial - Surf Fishing the Easiest Way Tips and 101

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what's up you guys Jeff Anderson here one fish two fish I'm here at arguably one of the surf fishing capitals of the world and that is the point right here in Buxton North Carolina in the Outer Banks and this is like the confluence of the upper Atlantic and the lower Atlantic and it is an awesome surf fishing place so today I'm actually gonna do a tutorial for y'all on just how to catch fish off of the beach fur just very very basic very simple for all of y'all who maybe you don't fish the beach a lot and you just are you know maybe you're maybe you're coming down for vacation and you just want to catch fish friends family you know anybody so today what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you guys the easiest way to catch fish from the beach all right here we go alright so I'm gonna show you guys step-by-step everything so what you need is okay so the first thing that you're going to need is a bottom ring just normal about them breaking so all that you're gonna do is for the bottom rig you've got two sides of it you've got this clip right here that just simply Clips your weight in so when you're fishing the beach I typically go with a three ounce weight that's assuming that the wind is not horrible there's not huge waves three ounce pyramid sinkers your best all you're gonna do is you're just going to take it clip it on just like that and that's so this is just your standard high-low rig all you're gonna do is tie your mainline onto the top of the high-low rig and today I'm just going to be using an improved clinch knot it's very easy so you have your line right here pull it through and all I'm gonna do is take my line and see how I just formed a simple kind of loop right there or a simple all I did was just wrap my line around itself and then all you do is you do that five times so one two three four five then all I'm gonna do is take the tag end right here and I'm going to take it through this loop that my finger right here just like so and then I'm gonna pull it tight and you right here you want to make sure that you pull it tight and watch this it'll cinch down on itself so that right there is just your simple improved clinch knot and then you just want to bite off your tag end or cut it off all right so these are the hooks that I'm using these are all-purpose bottom fishing hooks sighs - actually I would prefer to even go with size one a lot of people make mistake one with a hook it's too big so this hook right here will pretty much catch everything so I'm just gonna go ahead and get my bottom break and as you can see it's got these two kinds of things that come off so it's got these two like loops right here and you're just gonna do a simple slip knot just like that and then we're gonna do our lower rig so you just put the loop through and then it's simple Slipknot just like that the bait that you're gonna be using is heat and these are bloodworms these are sold at really any bait shop they're pretty expensive $10 bag but they weren't they're pretty gross it's all you're gonna do is just all you need is a piece of the bloodworm without that big right there there you go that's how you bait it up just like that right there see all that blood that's what you want but you don't want to do is you do not want to just bait up one part of your blood worm like that the fish is just gonna bite that in salt so you have to make sure that you get as much bait on the hook and that's it where's your line at right there I saw it sweet alright y'all so again this is our high-low rig we've got our weight on the bottom three ounce pyramid sinker we've got our bait we've got our hooks tied on and all you're going to do is you're just going to cash this thing out so as soon as you cast it out you want to reel in your slack make sure that your line is tight and do that by having a good thing in your hold that three ounce weight should really up there's a few bites right there there we go fish on with that see where the first fish is and this is a little similar waiting sea mullet yeah that's what we normally call a lot of people Outer Banks videos like it's not a sea melon I know yeah that's right didn't use this guy for bait that's a good size just cut them up too yeah we're just really any other oh cool no all right y'all so that was my first fish right there these are the blood worms and whoa they are squirting blood everywhere if you're a girl or you just don't like blood then maybe wear some gloves see when you hook this thing up just want to wrap it around the hook that's what I do just like that right there just yeah there you go you just cast it out and then you're gonna walk back and flip your bail over tighten your line make sure your line is tight that's probably one of the biggest things when you're surf fishing so that way you can detect a bite fish that's we have birds are typically going to be eating on the same type of bait that the fish are see what we got here nice black drum the cool thing about fishing off of the beach is you never know what you're going to catch you can really you can catch anything you can catch you know drum trout flounder croaker spot anything and the other cool thing is if the fish is not regulated it's like a bait fish like a spy or a croaker that's a fish areas official yes the other cool thing is you can actually use those fish as bait to catch bigger fish probably a spot or a quicker and another sea mullet sea mullet are a blast as soon as your lure hits the irzu's your stuff hits the water you do want to reel it in as fast as you can because a lot of times they're gonna light it like so you want to get your line nice and tight as soon as you can you really don't want a lot of slack right now I've got to win kinda pushing so you're gonna get like a whole bit of bow in your line so you want to also eliminate that that's a fish hey bullets rang yeah what is this could be like a ray or a skate or something down the bloodworm kind of feels like a ray maybe it's a flounder does not want to come up on the beach yeah little skate next time yeah this come back alright Joe that's a little skate trash fish but it's fun little skate going back so the other thing that you can do if blood worms are too disgusting for you or you want to change it up use some shrimp frozen shrimp can also work cut it up into little chunks and put it on your hook to and cast it out and every fish loves shrimp see what it is let's see if it's still on I think it's still on oh yeah cool on the blood work yes they actually get what about the size of like a little small jack for bail you can hear them like kind of croaking just like a jack crevalle okay really good for their size he hit a budworm too hey there we go okay that's what I'm talking about that's one fish two fish right there that's hilarious didn't wanting to get away that's right dude big feels like it's got some size yes look at that head shakes what it is that right there shoutout to FishHawk right there yeah that'd be ass if the hook sent all right y'all black drum see you later all right so the other cool thing with fishing from the beach in salt water is you can just keep up sizing what I mean by that is as long as your fish is not regulated to where it's like a bait fish like a spot or a croaker or a sea mullet you can cut it up and use it for chunk bait and just catch bigger fish so all you do super easy just cut it up like I'm going here and throw it out a little bit further if you can and see what you catch all right y'all we got something on the cut bait looks pretty small saw it jumping I saw bluefish that right there people is uh that's why when you're fishing for small stuff and you know ocean fishing is awesome because you can always just up size and I could even turn around and use this guy for bait - and bluefish make excellent bait all right dude see you later
Channel: 1Fish2Fish
Views: 1,080,462
Rating: 4.6862211 out of 5
Keywords: Beach Fishing Tutorial, Surf Fishing, Surf Fishing Tips, surf fishing tips and techniques, Surf Fishing the Easiest Way, Easiest, Fishing, Easiest Fishing, Beach Fishing, Fishing From Shore Tutorial, Tutorial, Tips, 101, Fishing Tips, Fishing 101, Saltwater Fishing Tutorial, Saltwater Fishing, The Easiest Way to Catch fish From Shore, Texas Fishing, Florida Fishing, bloodworms, Fishing with bloodworms, Fishing with Shrimp, Shrimp rig, Rig, Fishing Techniques
Id: OnF26PsqZkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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