Beach Fishing BASICS That I Practice - Catch Dinner in ONE HOUR!

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Beach fishing Basics that I practice hi my name's Roger Osborne welcome to this new video I've come down for a fish down at the beach and I'm just like you I'm sure I have lots of responsibilities I'm married my wife and I have two businesses we have all sorts of stuff going on and so sometimes finding time to go fishing is not that easy and this week I've got a busy week so when I looked at my calendar this week tonight was the night to go for a fish so I've actually come down I'm just going to have a one hour session and I'm going to teach you in this video just basic things that I do and what my thinking is why I've chosen this spot the method I'm using now and I fully expect to catch some fish for dinner [Music] so first of all I've actually already got my lines ready I made some rigs at home just to save time when I got down here obviously I made some simple rigs so that when I got down here I only needed to tie one knot which is really good if you want to kind of minimize time so I've got two rods I'm going to Chuck one out and leave it there and hold one and I actually I don't have any Beach worms so although typically as I usually do I'll probably have a look and see if there's any worms there and if I can catch some I will but I just brought down some pilchards and I've got a little bit of squid so I'm going to start fishing with pilchards and I'm also just going to use a half pilchard because I want to use a a bait that will fly through the air easily and I can cast a long way if I want to so I'm going to rig up one of these first and we'll just walk down to the water's edge and I'll explain the terrain to you and what my thoughts are so on this Rod this is just my light Beach Rod you've probably seen it in other videos and I'm using the world's deadliest rig I'm using a stinger rig two hooks I've got one which is floating on the line which sorry one which is just running loose that's my Stinger I mean I call it a stinger because it really does Sting the fish and although traditionally in old times I used to call it a keeper hook so I've already prepped a couple of pilchards here I'm just going to come over here down to my little cutting board just going to pick one of these babies up now this is actually probably they're not they're not huge pilchards so this is about three quarters of a pilchard I've trimmed the tail and I've cut it on a slight angle so all I'm going to do is just down from the tail I'm going to put this hook all the way through like so and then pin it through the middle part of the flesh and hold it against the side pull up that little bit of slack line I just got a lift this up so I can get this the Stinger and then so I've got my Stinger hook here which I'm going to pin through the tail part I'll put it in there and just hide it in there and then I'm going to do that half hitch which is just a loop that you'll double over and pull that half hitch tight which will hold that all neatly together and in this instance I've got a Barb from the Stinger coming out that side actually both barbs are coming out that side the other Barb's just hidden in the flesh there so this will be the rod that I hold on to I'm only using one bait one single hook I'm just going to whack that there then this might this one's pretty much rigged up the same exactly the same thing so my first two initial baits are identical so you see I'm doing the same thing I'll put that through I'm going to hook him through like so I'm gonna reach down and get my Stinger this thing is just a little bit bigger I need to buy some more smaller hooks I've run out so this thing is just slightly larger but that's okay that'll work well then I'm going to do that Loop over the tail now I'm going to Chuck this one I'm going to Chuck this one out first and then I'm going to come back and hold that one but if we just go up a little walk down here now when you have limited time to go fishing you don't always get a choice of the tide or whatever so um it was high tide at 4 30 and it's now seven o'clock so it's two and a half hours out although today there was almost no difference between the high tide and the low tide low tide was 0.7 of a meter and high tide was one meter so that's almost that's pretty rare when you've got a high tide and a low tide almost the same so it doesn't really make much difference now where I'm fishing here on the beach there's a few waves out the back but there's a sand bar at the back here that runs right along and directly in front of the SandBar here there's you can probably see it quite easily there's a channel that runs parallel to the beach it actually runs a Fair Way along and it looks like it's pretty deep that to me looks like it'll be at least two to three meters deep and then you've got this shallow Sandbar with the waves crashing on it I've chosen this spot here because down the beach a bit this channel actually turns around and starts heading out to sea just a little bit south of where I am the channel actually it goes there's a gap between the waves where the deep water goes out so if I was to fish down there there would be a lot of current but I doubt that there'll be hardly it'll probably be hardly any current here because I'm in the middle of this trough which is great you know so I won't have my bait moving around so that's why I've picked this particular spot right in the middle of this channel and um there's certainly enough enough depth of water for you know just pretty much any fish could get in there even sharks would be able to get in there so looks pretty good so I'm going to Chuck this one out first and then I'll come back and grab the other rod I'll probably I'll probably aim to get pretty close to that sandbar out the back just because that's where all the turbulence is and uh just waiting for this wave to gush up here and I'm going to walk down a little bit and then I'm going to help this guy out Okay so all right I landed I landed right just inside the edge of that sandbar which is pretty good it doesn't look like there's much weight around so I'll be hoping that the fish just hook themselves on this rod now we'll go and get the other one so I'm going to hold on to this one and keep my eye on that one it's great to be down here I just love looking at the ocean I'm just going to wind up a little bit of slack on that line there is um there's a northwest wind blowing not too strong not enough to put you off want to get this out there and get away before this plant hits okay well that'll do the water's not cold I'm just going to walk that way a little bit because my my Line's on a little bit of an angle going that way I'd rather be a little bit more straight and level with the line especially with the wind blowing this way so I'm just going to come down this way a little bit so the water here looks really good and at the moment I only have that one bait just to pilch it out there so I'm going to have a fish and just see what happens and then I may have a very quick look see if there's any Beach worms here with a soft bait like the filtered I really think and things need to go my way I could see that Rod getting a bite I was just getting you know like a bang bang bang bang it didn't really Buckle over this is where patience is a good thing to learn that's not really the right tide for Beach worming but I'm gonna have a little look because you know quite often there's some worms here so I've just grabbed a few pilchards have a Wander over here looks a little bit flatter just there it's quite a steep Edge I'm just watching those rods I want to try and see if there's any worms higher up the beach because with this kind of shore dump it'll be hard to catch them down there there's actually a couple of beach ones here but I need a break in the waves oh here comes the one [Music] a little bit wet gotta keep my eye on those rods man I was try I tried to get that other worm when really I didn't have time to get it there's a little one here starting to get a little bit dark I've got to watch the waves like he's big enough to use for bait here's another way of coming now I really just need a small Gap in between the waves if I can get one maybe I can get one now just lead him to grab it oh I had the worm oh well there you go I do miss the odd one try again go away waves go away if I can get a couple of worms it might just vary my baits a little bit come on bite the field chip there you go that's not a bad sized little worm so I'm actually going to trade up already I'm just going to use this one worm and throw it on one of those lines so it's not the tide is only two and a half hours out but as I mentioned earlier there's not a huge difference between the high and the low so that's why I can probably access a few worms so I'll just put him there put that guy there it's pretty strange my Rod's my Line's gone off in One Direction but through this line straight out but it's it's way over there so I think it's probably got something on it ah it's a weed fish so even though I'm not even though I'm not rigged up with a long shank hook I'm going to um take this pilly bait off and bait up with loom anyway on this Hook when I'd normally use a long shank but you can improvise when you're fishing that's for sure so I've just coated this worm in some sand make it easier to put on the hook I'm just going to expose your head look you can see the worms fangs I don't know if you can it doesn't you can see his head is here I'm gonna um yeah that's it that's where his um see those black fangs just come out look at that near the Barb of the hook it's got these black fangs in there I can't see okay all right so I've got him on the hook you can see that it's a slightly thicker hook this is this is a suicide style hook but you can see I can still get the worm on it see if I can pull him up over the eye of the hook but it's a bit thick so what I'm going to do is just leave that worm there and leave a bit of a tag I'm actually going to put worms separately on this little hook so I'm going to put a separate worm bait so in effect I really I'm going to have two worm baits I'm going to have one a bit Wrigley and fiddly it's threading this little bit of worm on there because it's running free on the line I can't really run the worm up to hook it all so just going to break that off like that as well and basically I've got I've got two worm baits with that stinger sort of setup that should be attractive to a fish see if that makes much of a difference the pilchards have been a little bit quiet I did have a couple of bites but I expect that you know our typical salmon should be patrolling up and down this gutter so we'll see how we go here we go just a little flick now I'm actually going to catch two or three more worms because with this type of bait they generally hook themselves the fish so I can leave this in the rod holder and we'll let the fish hook themselves oh hang on what's going on there man that that just goes to show I was fishing down here in another video it's taking line I was fishing in another video with pilchards and worms and I put all the fish on the pilches but this is that worm that I just caught okay oh look at that he just did a big aerial man he's just taking off down he's just heading south oh man because this is the lighter line I can't really push him too hard he's a good fighter now I want to get this guy in as quick as I can because I told my wife I'd be home at a certain time and I don't really want to stay down here for too long and he's got a lot of guts this guy but he's getting closer to shore now whoa that was a big jump try and get him to come in with this wave whoa man this guy is very active where is he oh come here I might have to go in for a swim no not really oh he doesn't want to come in maybe I can get him with this way hopefully yeah look he's surfing yay oh what a cracker what a cracker now you know what like he's a he's a fat he's big fat fish look what's caught him look at the hook that's got him look it's that little baby you know I want to get this guy in because I want to check out again he fought so hard and really a challenge on these these light rods how much longer have I got not much enough time to catch another fish I'm on a mission I like to keep my word when I give people my word so if I say I'm going to be somewhere at a certain time I like to stick to it here's another really nice fat fish really beautiful so um that's motivated me to catch a couple more worms and it actually does show you if you learn the skill of beach worming what a great what a valuable asset it is and honestly it really I mean it is hard but it's not hard if you have a good teacher normally when I give people lessons I get them catching worms in one lesson and then they've got it for the rest of their life which is pretty cool so if you've been trying to catch beachworms don't give up it's really worth once you've got it you've got it once you get over that hump of catching the first couple of worms you're good after that so one minute you've got plenty of water the next minute you've got no water it's almost dark the light's so dim but you only need a couple of worms to catch fish so there you go Gotta adapt put this guy up here x marks the spot oh this one's got a fish so this is that last tail bit of worm from that first worm that I caught looks like we're heading down this way again it's not as big as the last one look at that actually that's a tailor good sized tailor would you believe the tailor is caught on the little baby Stinger hook again oh that's cute and if you can see just there the hook in his mouth that's that little tiny hook actually where's the big hook the big Hook was hanging loose it's got caught in the side of his head but the Little Hook has got him in the edge of the mouth so that's a good size tailor for eating just hold him tight he's quite thick I'm gonna have a look at him he's quite thick through there look at that is not a massive tailor but just I guess you'd call him a Greenback now I've got to just I'm mindful that there are sharp hooks flailing around you know about 10 minutes ago there was something big out in the waves not that far from the shore about as big as me so I think it was a shark right no bait left on this one I'm going to put that last worm worm on see I've got the worm here I just um crumb him again it's not a huge worm so he's not very thick so it's not going to handle going on this fat hook all that well but it will still fit on the hook enough if I'm careful to thread it on it will still fit on the hook enough to do the job on this suicide hook and I'll leave a little bit of a tag hanging and then I'll do the same thing I'll bait up the Stinger hook with worm as well and this will indeed be my last cast but I've actually got two nice eating fish which is pretty awesome now I'm going to just toss this out and there's something I want to tell you so I'll come back so my other line my other line is in because I've just caught that tailor and I'm not going to Chuck it back out again because it's almost knock off time but I mentioned at the beginning about I said Beach fishing Basics that I actually do so I just want to do a few of those in point form so I had a look at a couple of beaches today I had to go into town for work so I want to be productive with my time so while I was in there I drove past the beach had a look and saw how big the surf was had a look at a beach in town and it had an okay spot to fish I checked the tide and though even though it wasn't it was pretty much of a nothing tied really me coming fishing was based on having an hour to spare to go fishing and also wanting to put up some more good information for you guys who watch these videos so I did my little bit of research I kept things pretty simple I did bring two fishing rods with me because you know it's not hard to have two rods makes it a bit more exciting when you're getting more bites I came down with the pilchards I had a couple of bites on pilchard then I had a look to see if there was any worms I chose this spot because of the structure on the beach I chose the middle of the gutter because there would be less movement in the water and there was a nice depth of water with The Sandbar out the back these are just things that I do every time I go fishing I always look at the conditions I look at the tide I look at a couple of beaches pick somewhere that's got reasonable looking water and then because I didn't have a lot of time tonight I just kept it pretty basic so while this line is out and hopefully a fish hooks itself I'm actually going to pack up my gear so that I'm ready to go my goal in this session was actually to just catch some fish for dinner because I only had a short window actually I've actually only been fishing for less than an hour maybe maybe 45 50 minutes I've got quite a large salmon and a good sized tailor had a couple of other bites so I've totally achieved my goal had lots of fun and I'll be home on time before dark so if this content is helping you with your fishing make sure that you like and subscribe and hit that notification Bell because it really does help my channel and enables me to get out here and devote time to making more fishing teaching videos for you guys I look forward to seeing you very soon as soon as I can I keep my eye on the weather and I'll be back down here for another session so I'll see you in the next video [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Roger Osborne
Views: 652,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mulloway Fishing, Mulloway, Mulloway Rig, Mulloway Beach Fishing, Mulloway Rigs For Beach Fishing, How To Catch Mulloway, Roger Osborne, Beach Fishing Rigs, Rigs For Beach Fishing, Beach Fishing, Beach Fishing Tips, Beach Fishing Australia, Fishing, Beach, Beach Fishing NSW, Beach Fishing Rigs Australia, Beach Fishing Basics, Surf Fishing, Surf Fishing Rigs, Surf Fishing Tips, Surf Fishing Australia
Id: CCobt1Yrmtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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