Top 30 Times Penny Was a Savage on The Big Bang Theory

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yeah well your Ken can kiss my Barbie welcome to Miz Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for Penny's best disses comebacks and just those times she went beast mode going to show you how we finish a quest in Nebraska number 30 when Sheldon cleaned her apartment okay so the intention is certainly nice who doesn't love a clean apartment right especially when you're not the one doing the cleaning I just want you to know that you don't have to live like this I'm here for you what's he talking about it's a joke I don't get it yeah he didn't tell it right the problem of course comes from the fact that Sheldon broke into her place at night and did it while she was sleeping in the other room it's pretty creepy particularly because this was only the second episode of the series and the strong bond Penny and Shelton would eventually form was year away you sick geeky bastards how did she know it was us I may have left a suggested organizational schematic for her bedroom closet when she woke up the next morning the only Bond she was considering was as she told Sheldon bonding her shoe and his rear end and what kind of doctor removes shoes from asses depending on the depth that's either a proctologist or a general surgeon number 29 FaceTime the Big Bang guys might be Geniuses but their High IQs don't always equate to Street smarts or understanding about relationships so RI and I decided to keep things casual what I can handle casual for those matters penny is often their go-to person for advice however if you ask penny for advice you need to be prepared for the hard truth which is something Raj learned when he tried to convince her that he could handle a casual relationship okay put a rubber band around your wrist and anytime you start planning your wedding or naming your children I want you to stab yourself in the hand with a fork now to be fair no one in the group would have bought that line from Raj but Penny's response to his claims was particularly direct and funny what do you keep doing that with your face because you keep saying stupid things with yours number 28 sends Leonard on walks few people can go from sweet to Savage the way Penny can he didn't mention that Alex was a girl maybe he didn't notice you're right I don't have to worry about Sheldon no you do not there are tons of instances and onliners to Showcase this but one of our favorites comes during the episode the military miniaturization she and bernardet are talking about how uneasy Howard has been since the guy from the military showed up at their house worried about Howard ever since that guy from the Air Force showed up he's been a nervous wreck all right we work at a giant pharmaceutical company get him some anti-anxiety meds in response Penny offers up her own guidance for when she sees Leonard is feeling anxious while taking a long walk sounds like very genuine and wholesome advice one simple question quickly clarifies that it's for her benefit more than it is ards you know when Leonard's feeling anxious I make him take a long walk does that help for a while then he comes back number 27 Penny from Nebraska Penny being from Nebraska comes up on multiple occasions throughout the series how was Nebraska oh better than North Dakota guess that joke's only funny in Nebraska sometimes it's used as a way to poke fun at her and and her Corn Husker Roots other times it comes out in her toughness and take no prisoners attitude towards life that her genius friends just don't have remember when Leonard and Sheldon had a break- in at their apartment well unlike the guys Penny's First Response isn't fear but rather frustration that she wasn't home at the time I can't believe it if I hadn't been working the dinner shift I would have run right into the robbers hey there's no reason for you to be scared I'm not scared I would have gone all Nebraska on their asses then there was her declining paintball because in Nebraska there are only two reasons they shoot things and neither one is paint related ooh is this one of those paintball guns yeah you ought to come with us sometime oh no thanks I'm from Nebraska when we shoot things it's because we want to eat them or make them leave our boyfriends Alone number 26 everyone's a doctor except Howard while Sheldon is usually the one picking on Howard for not having his PhD he isn't the only one who has some fun pointing it out even Dr gablehauser the head of the physics department at the California Institute of Technology make sure Howard knows that he knows he isn't a doctor Boys DR Gable Houser Dr cpy Dr gablehauser Dr Hofer Dr gher Dr Cooper Dr gablehauser Mr Wolowitz Penny gets in on the shade throwing when bernardet announces to the gang that she's going to get her PhD so what's your news bernardette the visis committee accepted my Dr Al dissertation I'm getting my PhD oh congratulation Penny points out that pretty much everyone at the table is a doctor except for Howard although she takes a slightly longer and savagely funnier route getting to that point you're a doctor you're a doctor you're a doctor you're a doctor and Howard you know a lot of doctors number 25 Penny's puzzles what would you do if you found out your best friend was testing you with with small puzzles and comparing your results to those of chimpanzees what if I told you that over the past few months Amy has secretly been giving you little puzzles to test your intelligence against chimpanzees in her lab you'd be pretty miffed right well so was Penny when she found out Amy was doing as much to her first she confronted her friend and gave her a piece of her mind in her typical Penny way I I figured out how to open the door all by myself maybe I'll fling some feces around my cage to celebrate what are you talking about I know you've been giving me secret puzzle tests then a little later on in the episode when Amy hoped to make it up to her Penny flung back with a puzzle of her own though it didn't take much solving to figure out how can I make this up to you the answer's in this puzzle box let's see if you can open it number 24 forever 63 when it comes to Amy's fashion penny has some rather strong opinions you're smart you you've got great friends you've got a boyfriend you're pretty you have zero fashion sense but sure there was the whole hating Amy's wedding dress thing but Penny's thoughts on her clothing didn't start there do love it do you I do in season 6 the girls put on a little fashion show for the guys who have chosen a boys only game of DnD D instead of spending spending time with their Partners Penny first announces Bernadette's sexy outfit and mentions it being from Forever 21 then as Amy shows off her conservative Garb Penny takes a stab at where this particular Ensemble might be from and there's Amy showing all kinds of ankle and an outfit I'm assuming is from Forever 63 number 23 pop culture call out we can all agree that Sheldon knows a lot about a lot of things things but as we've seen on multiple occasions pop culture is the glaring outlier in his knowledge all right singer who sang Oops I did it again okay Penny takes the opportunity to keep her genius friends in check whenever she can and this scene is a perfect example when Sheldon tells her she could create a viable business with her Penny blossoms he follows up by being just a little too high and mighty about his smarts and Penny has the perfect response you took advantage of modern marketing techniques and you optimized your manufacturing process you might be able to make this a viable business and you know about that stuff Penny oh we Marvel at how such a simple question can make him fall so far I'm a physicist I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains who's radio head number 22 speaking on behalf of all women Howard's aggressive and slimy flirtations towards penny in the early seasons of the show brought out her savageness both verbally and physically this brashness would come up again when Howard was hesitating about signing a prenuptual agreement prior to his marriage to bernad debt my dad cuz I make a lot more money than Howe he's putting a lot of pressure on me to get a prenup ouch yeah how he's going to freak out penny made her thoughts on the matter very clear and advised Howard with about as much grace as a reversing dump truck hey what are you guys doing here we're grown men we drink at bars no and no everything okay with you and bernardette she even went as far to say that she wasn't just speaking for herself but for all womankind how Howard ever looked himself in the mirror after that is beyond us all right wtz listen up you sign anything she puts in front of you because you are the luckiest man alive if you let her go there is no way you can find anyone else speaking on behalf of all women it is not going to happen we had a meeting number 21 calling out Amy's mom Amy's mother is a woman with some very hardh held opinions about pretty much everything and she is certainly used to getting her way I'm surprised Amy didn't pick us up oh well you know she's pretty busy the day before her wedding too busy for her mother she used to be such a devoted daughter for the most part she does until she meets Penny well not just regular Penny we're talking Made of Honor Penny what are you lunatics doing Sheldon had a breakthrough well actually Amy and I had a breakthrough oh science a shocking on Amy's wedding day Mrs Fowler gets up out of her seat announcing that things are taking too long and that Sheldon must have stood her daughter up well Penny's not having any of that she was admittedly a lot nicer than she could have been probably as a function of the special occasion but she was strong and direct and put Mrs Fowler in her place beautifully Sheldon loves Amy and he would never hurt her on her wedding day or any other day so park it oh you sit down too number 20 Penny's magic potion when the L's trip to Vegas is derailed Penny Amy and bernardet join the guys for a game of Dungeons and Dragons Penny's first Zinger of the night follows Sheldon's apprehensions over playing the game with women what's the big deal Raj bailed so we could use some extra players well I've just never played Dungeons and Dragons with girls before oh don't worry sweetie no one has we could almost hear the collective gasp of D and D fans everywhere who felt personally targeted by her cutting remark Mark still Penny realizes that if she's going to spend the evening with Shelton Cooper she's going to need some help and luckily she knows just the rather on theme magic potion to do the trick we don't consume alcohol during Dungeons and Dragons but it impairs our judgment oh this isn't alcohol it's a magic potion that makes me like you harsh maybe but we'd be lying if we said we hadn't thought about quoting her when dealing with difficult people in our own lives number 19 what up MoonPie when Sheldon forgets his flash drive at home it's Penny to the rescue unfortunately he hasn't quite grasped the concept of asking politely which prompts Penny to have a little fun pushing all his buttons arguably the most Savage moment is when she goes through Sheldon's private correspondence with his Mima Sheldon are these letters from your grandmother don't read those letters oh look she calls you MoonPie that is so cute put down the letter if he was ever going to EXP explode with rage this would be the moment although she admits she went too far she still can't help one more dig I kind of crossed a line put him back on thank you I'm back what up MoonPie we wonder how Sheldon reacted when he got home and saw the fate of his novelty puzzle box did you hear the click not yet there it is in Penny's defense this might have all been avoided if Sheldon had just started with please number 18 no robot is a match for Penny in the first episode of Season 4 Howard finds a multitude of uses for the robot arm he built including using it to serve up dinner luckily he did so before well surely you remember what he used it for after that everyone's super impressed by this new technology perhaps none more than Sheldon who informs penny that she might one day lose her waitressing job to a similar machine you realize penny that the technology that went into this arm will one day make unskilled food servers such as yourself obsolete most robots might be quick and efficient but they don't have Penny's lovable charm and unparalleled customer service as she so quickly reminds shelden really they're going to make a robot that spits on your hamburger we don't condone contaminating other people's food but if Penny got around to it a few times well we're also not saying Sheldon didn't deserve it number 17 directing Sheldon to the right person Sheldon's a creature of habit and he values a rigid routine we don't eat here I don't know what's good well it's all good statistically unlikely just get a hamburger you like hamburgers I like the hamburgers where we usually have hamburgers in this episode he's finally become accustomed to the burgers at the Cheesecake Factory and considers making the establishment his permanent Tuesday eery since this is still pretty early in their friendship Penny hasn't yet warmed up to Sheldon or grown a accustomed to his jibber jabber interesting do you know where the phrase jibber jabber comes from oh my God you're about to jibber jabber about jber jabber so when he asks her about the possibility of reserving their table every week for the foreseeable future she dismisses his query with a snarky retort really oh yay who do I speak to about permanently reserving this table um I don't know a psychiatrist Leonard's amused but he's the only one laughing at their table poor Sheldon always misunderstood still no one could fault penny for beating around the bush number 16 messing with Raj as you likely recall in the earlier seasons of The Big Bang Theory Raj struggled with speaking to most women unless he was intoxicated haven't you been listening to me I cannot talk to women um Raj no no let's see how long it takes him uh r Henny you say you can't talk to women but you've been talking to me we're told he suffers from selective mutism a very real and severe anxiety disorder unfortunately on the show it's often played for Laughs so wait wait wait Howard lives with his mother and Raj can't speak to women unless he's drunk go oh that's fascinating selective mutism is quite rare it was perhaps best encapsulated by this exchange between Penny and Raj penny walks into the apartment and immediately addresses kraal yo Raj talk to me I'm sorry just screw him with you he freezes up and looks Crest Fallen as the pressure builds what was she expecting that somehow the element of surprise would free him from his disorder she then reveals she's just messing with him and everyone laughs but you have to admit that was pretty brutal number 15 Penny gets the breast of Leonard Leonard's initially dismayed when his mom's book is on Penny's class reading list recommended reading list for my psychology Class A come on not that book it it's got like every horrible story from my childhood in it however he soon realizes what a powerful tool it can be and uses it to manipulate her it's Howard's failure to replicate Leonard's success later on that causes the truth to come out Penny sets quite the trap for her devious boyfriend we can't imagine a more brutal punishment than getting him all riled up before unleashing his cold straight talking psychiatrist mother on him Mom I understand you have been whining about my parenting in order to emotionally manipulate your girlfriend I uh Bernadette told me everything now you don't get the left or the right and as we all know Beverly Hoff satter can barely open her mouth without letting loose a tire raid of biting quips let's discuss why you continue to involve me in your sex life oh please Mommy no mommy we imagine Leonard learned his lesson in the same way one has a bucket of ice water dumped on them number 14 Penny was a jerk as a teenager when Leonard gets an unwelcome Blast from the Past penny is forced to re-evaluate her own youth with some help from bernardette and Amy she soon realizes that she was not a nice person as a teen and that's putting it mildly what she calls a harmless prank is actually super cruel Kathy gerer got really good grades so we blindfolded her tighter up and left her in a cord field overnight God that's awful no it was funny everyone laughed she tries to make amends but it's too little too late so her friends suggest she'll feel better by performing Good Deeds while she's initially on board this glimmer of altruism quickly Fades away usually we're all for Penny's savageness but stealing clothes from a donation bin is all kinds of low look at these cute jeans someone just threw away donated yes to a poor waitress who loves a boot cut we're glad she ultimately had a change of heart number 13 Penny's not into Howard and Raj's new look before meeting Bernadet Howard went to disturbing lengths to meet women often dragging Raj along in his crazy schemes in one of their most outlandish attempts the duo dresses up in Goth style tattoo sleeves and all penny wastes no time informing the guys exactly what she thinks of their new look what's going on day dwellers oh man did the KISS Army repeal don't ask don't tell after they leave Leonard can't help but make a jive of his own too they're going to get beaten up at that club this provides the perfect setup for Penny who knocks it out of the park with these piffy last words they're going to get beaten up at Walgreens Penny's delivery may be cruel but her advice is usually sound something Howard and Raj come to learn by the end of the night number 12 Penny's got no time for toys penny is understandably mad when the guy's new movie memorabilia costs her a day's pay at work in her Fury she ruthlessly berates them taking aim at their likes hobbies and collectibles my God you are grown men how could you waste your lives with these stupid toys and costumes and comic books and we can understand why she's angry but jeez did she have to make it so personal it doesn't help when Sheldon seemingly misreads her frustration or just chooses to ignore it inciting this fiery takedown of the time machine please it's not a time machine if anything it looks like something nelton John would drive through the Everglades we have to admit our hearts sank a little when she called them all pathetic pathetic all of you completely pathetic the impact her berating Le leaves on Leonard in particular is heartbreaking true she later apologizes but she ultimately can never unsay her harsh words number 11 fighting for her friends whether she's warding off Howard's advances or tormenting Sheldon Penny gets her fair share of Snappy comebacks in this episode anyone could rent that apartment now an opera singer the cast of Stomp yeah a tap dancing pirate with a wooden leg however perhaps the most memorable of them all is incited by her rivalry with new neighbor Alicia Penny feels threatened when there's a new Queen be in the hive and tries her hardest to get back on top although she's jealous of all the attention the guys give their new neighbor she also recognizes that she's just using them things turn caddy fast during their confrontation and Penny demonstrates just how far she'll go to defend her friends please don't take advantage of them who says I'm taking advantage of them come on they're doing everything for you because you're leading them on we don't know what the guys would do without penny in their Corner number 10 no time for Raj's shaming yes Penny's a fierce defender of her friends but she's also not above using Leonard's infatuation with her to her advantage in fact we imagined she'd have to sell a whole lot of cheesecakes to even make a dent in the tab she amassed for all that takeout still we don't approve of the way Raj assisted by Howard shames her for scoring a free meal what he said if he had woman parts he'd eat for free the rest of his life but this is Penny we're talking about and she won't take that kind of talk from anyone as raj soon finds out yeah but she wouldn't be able to talk to yourself if she were paying in Savage takedowns Penny would have repaid her debt several times over and still had plenty to spare number nine keeping her libido in check Sheldon has a habit of speaking out of line however penny is never afraid to put him back in his placee so do you find the weather satisfying are you currently sharing the Triumph of some local sports team what's wrong with you you're freaking me out in season 2 Leonard starts dating Dr Stephanie Barnett much to Sheldon's Delight he tells penny that out of all of Leonard's girlfriends she's the only one that he finds tolerable yes Penny included of the handful of women Leonard's been involved with she's the only one I have ever found tolerable well what about me the statement stands for itself then in a very Sheldon esque way he asks his neighbor to refrain from acting upon her urges so as not to come between Leonard and his Sheldon approved Paramore Penny's unimpressed and responds with a biting remark I would ask you to find some way to suppress your libido I could think about you fine whatever works unfortunately her fiery comeback is lost on Sheldon however we all got it and collectively oo and gasped at our televisions number eight Sheldon's an alien throughout the show it's been implied that Sheldon's either a robot or not of this planet based on that ring on your finger I'd say you're pretty good at controlling robots careful that's my fiance you're talking about and I can program him to hurt you Penny seems to buy into the ladder based on a couple of cutting remarks she's thrown his way over the years for instance after their apartment gets robbed Sheldon decides to leave Pasadena forever leading Penny to ask him how the mothership will find him if he keeps moving around I'm leaving Pasadena forever tell me how that's overreacting come on Sheldon you can't move don't you need to stay in one place so the Mother Ship can find you when it returns a few episodes later Sheldon Corners her in the laundry room to convince her to let him take her place on Leonard's Switzerland trip she knows what's coming and responds with a suitably disparaging clapback all right let's dispense with the friendly banter I believe you know why I'm here well I always figured it was to study us discover our weaknesses and report back to your alien overlords we don't know if aliens exist but Penny makes some pretty compelling albeit sarcastic arguments number seven helping Leonard get his tuition refunded Leonard agrees to walk a mile in Sheldon's metaphorical shoes until he resolves the problem of a long overdue DVD the idea is that a sweater will represent Sheldon's figuratively itchy brain when it comes to unresolved issues if this sweater shuts you up I'm going to make a fortune selling them to everyone we know now all I need to do is head down to the video store and return the DVD however things quickly spiral out of hand when what was seemingly an easy task soon becomes an impossible mission Leonard spends much more time in the uncomfortable garment than expected and it starts taking a physical and emotional toll it's called proving a point is the point you're an idiot Gentlemen please Leonard is trying to walk a mile in my metaphorical shoes Penny urges him to take it off when Sheldon isn't around but he refuses so she tries another more direct approach to highlight his stupidity smile what is that what is that for so you can send it to Princeton and get your money back we wonder what stung more that sweater or Penny's sharp tongue number six the importance of 21 seconds in this episode the guys enthusiastically get ready to go watch a version of Raiders of the Lost Arc that contains 21 extra seconds of footage that's never been released Howard extends the invitation to Penny but but she's not exactly grabbing her Fedora and whip and jumping for joy what 21 seconds that'll be like seeing a whole new movie exactly they say it finally solves the submarine controversy she even pokes a little fun at the guys over their excitement Leonard comments that they'd still be a couple if she understood the value of an extra 21 seconds but Penny disagrees yeah I think I'll pass but you guys enjoy your extra 21 seconds but if I could make you understand why this is such a cool thing we'd still be together yeah no we wouldn't it's rather harsh especially in front of all of his friends but it's still incredibly funny Howard and rajer on hand to help bring it home uhhuh I'm guessing 21 seconds had something to do with that too Leonard might want some ice for that double burn number five poking fun at Howard's dating record until Penny introduced him to bernardet Howard's dating record wasn't exactly something to write home about look Howard this is our third date and we both know what that means we do we're told that his dates usually required payment or inflating and his handful of flings never lasted long so when he gets a phone call during dinner and happily declares that he's going to get busy that night Penny's understandably confused ooh looks like I'm going to have sex tonight hey baby what she doesn't know is that Howard and Leslie Winkle have recently started a Friends with Benefits relationship so when he gleefully shares his evening plans she jumps straight to the most logical explanation his right hand is calling him no it's Leslie Winkle it's a long story Penny's a master of throwing shade at the guys but this has to be one of her finest and funniest moments of savagery number four quick draw in one of the show's most surprising moments we learn that Penny and Raj spent the night together really still can't talk to me following this it becomes clear that both parties have very different takeaways from the night's events leading Raj to make a confession I had trouble putting it on and you tried to help and uh that was all she wrote Penny lets him down gently but that doesn't stop him from trying to show off to his friends later on when Penny stops by to tell the guys she's decided to move home Raj tries to make it all about him if only he'd seen the look on her face he probably would have stopped talking sooner but with just a few short sharp words Penny's able to render him silent be just one of those memories you have and can call to mind when you're feeling blue or you're in the shower hey what you doing Quick Draw number three fighting with Sheldon in arguably one of the most iconic episodes Penny and Sheldon engage in battle after he banishes her from the apartment all right that's it strike three ooh strike three I'm banished what the hell kind of crap is that don't worry I'll talk to him the escalating Feud sees both pull out all the stops to come out on top and some of it is plain vicious however it also gives us some of our favorite aurbic quotes courtesy of this Nebraska native Penny delivers the first blow when she refuses to take Sheldon's order at the Cheesecake Factory oh I didn't tell you you're banished from the Cheesecake Factory why well you have three strikes one coming in two sitting down and three I don't like your attitude later during their heated Exchange in the laundry room she fires back at Sheldon with the ultimate comeback woman you are playing with forces beyond your Ken yeah well your Ken can kiss my Barbie perhaps she has no idea what Sheldon's talking about but that doesn't stop her from getting the last stinging word Number Two Penny takes down Howard being a Savage isn't necessarily A Bad Thing and sometimes it's even warranted well that may be a slight exaggeration you'd be the only doable girl you're a pig Howard case in point Penny reaches her Breaking Point with Howard's incessant lwd remarks and lets him have it she doesn't hold back and her harsh words leave everyone stunned in silence flirting you think I'm flirting with you I am not flirting with you no woman is ever going to flirt with you you're just going to grow old and die alone in her defense Penny had been warding off Howard's crudeness for ages while he showed no consideration for her feelings yes Howard's feelings got hurt by her scathing remarks but at least he finally got the message many fans belied this was a turning point for Howard walowitz and he was better off for it yes now he knows what bathtubs are capable of doing when you don't treat them with respect and we have and her Barbed words to thank for that before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one avenging Sheldon and Glenn the battle ostrich while the guys are often the primary targets of Penny's costic tongue they've also benefited from it they took my battle ostrich oh no not Glenn yes Glenn only bird I ever loved when Sheldon's World of Warcraft game gets hacked they Venture on an unsuccessful mission to retrieve the stolen virtual Goods I'm sheldor of Azeroth I want my things back I don't think so let me see that careful that's a collectible I know I've always wanted one to add insult to injury Leonard's car breaks down on the way home so they call Penny to pick them up she decides to show them how to get revenge Nebraska style and confronts Sheldon's online Nemesis Todd Zari was mean all right hang on what are you doing going to show you how we finish a quest in Nebraska if Penny's words didn't sting then her sharp kick most certainly did we're not condoning violence of course say what you will about Penny but she knows how to get a job done well then good news today the day a girl is finally going to touch you in your little special place now give him his stuff back and when she goes into Savage beast mode it's usually a bonus which of Penny's Savage moments is your favorite let us know in the comments yeah no there's a new policy no shoes no shirt no Sheldon do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Miz Mojo and be sure to subscribe and bring the Bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 758,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, TV, big bang theory indiana jones, big bang theory world of warcraft, kaley cuoco, list, mojo, penny and howard, penny and leonard, penny and raj, penny and sheldon fight, savage penny moments big bang theory, sheldon is an alien, tbbt, the big bang theory, the big bang theory penny, the big bang theory robot, times penny was a savage on the big bang theory, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: GSUbwiIpGbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 12sec (2052 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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