Aviation Moments You Won't Believe If Not Caught On Camera | Best of 2024 so Far !

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I hope you can handle nose Dives and barrel rolls because today you're about to see things that 99% of Pilots have never encounter we're going to show you the most exciting Aviation moments ever captured on camera while we prepare for takeoff subscribe to the channel and turn on the notification Bell ready let's fly you might not know much about the Swiss Air Force but in a few seconds you'll remember their air shows forever did you know that a plane and an iPhone is all you need to make action camera manufacturers nervous landing gear malfunctions are a pilot's Nightmare and this cargo Boeing Captain had to face one headon luckily his skills prevented any casualties if drifting had a final boss it would be the pilot of this helicopter I don't think a fire of any size could withstand the watery onslaught of this firefighting airplane ever seen a Business Jet land without a wheel on special foam to avoid a fire luckily this Pilot's skills were stronger than his bad luck this helicopter pilot couldn't resist showing off his skills to a passing car Penny lower and he'd be subject to traffic laws here's why your flight might be delayed due to bad weather fortunately no one except the airlines insurance company was heard even a toy plane Rescue Mission can look cool when real Aviation gets involved to now looks like someone decided to host the coolest air show on the planet is it fair to say they nailed it these plane spotters wanted to see a landing up close and chose the perfect place to do so but don't worry no one got hurt here's why even the most experienced Pilots don't perform complex Maneuvers at low altitude thankfully no one was hurt this time how can a Swiss mountain landscape be even more stunning add a little jet thrust of course imagine how much precious time this pilot Saves by scooping up precious water to fight fires while on the move it's hard hard to imagine how much power it takes to lift a 20 ton CV 22b Osprey into the air just watch this pilot doesn't care what his helicopter is capable of his skills decide what's possible one in 10 people can become a pilot but only one in 100 Pilots can reach this guy's skill level these Medics figured out a way to land on the highway to reach someone in need using a helicopter and nailed it the kids on this tour had no idea that Santa would be showing up in a Blackhawk helicopter instead of with his reindeer but don't worry this Santa is a pro you don't need to go to space to feel weightless these girls didn't know that either if a forest fire breaks out far from a water source be prepared for your backyard pool to become a magnet for local firefighting helicopters yes that's a helicopter carrying a plane and if you're not impressed consider this the helicopter alone weighs 28 tons don't worry if your planes Eng engine cuts out but you're allowed to panic if it's your only one the most spectacular Landing isn't one without a landing gear but one where the runway is being repaired now that takes some serious guts can you believe that back in the 1950s the US had already created the first experimental plane with vertical takeoff and Landing capability did anyone tell this pilot he's flying a helicopter not a jet either way he knows how to impress the crowd I bet you've never seen this method of planting in hard-to-reach places before the F-117 Nighthawk might be invisible to enemy radar but it couldn't hide from these PL spotters it gave them an unforgettable experience seconds this is that moment you realize you've flown into the wrong airspace need to trigger an avalanche for safety no problem there's nothing Aviation can handle you have to be more than just a professional to pull off these kinds of maneuvers you have to be the best of the best best check out these planes with 60 years of technological progress between them flying side by side at the Orlando air show this pilot is so good that plain old flying isn't enough for him anymore he has to wow the local fishermen you've heard about the F-117 Nighthawk stealth technology but I bet you've never seen it in action no numbers can convey the true power of a jet fighter but this video can this ch47 Chinook pilot knows how to make an air show Unforgettable don't worry no one started stuttering afterward not sure what's going on here but it looks like this plain dementor is sucking out someone's Soul this is the last thing you want to see out your airplane window Luckily everything turned out fine some people are afraid of flying in airplanes but now this driver is afraid of airplanes that fly think you've got rotten luck I'll check out the tricky situation this woman found herself in her ability to remain calm and incredible skill are what saved her here's proof that even combat helicopter Pilots have a sense of humor now it's time to enjoy this pilot turning the night sky into a Christmas tree can we agree that whoever came up with the idea to trim tall trees using a helicopter and a saw is a genius I swear when I see some Pilots Maneuvers it's like they've literally sold their soul to gravity try to name a better Trio in the comments this is a landing at St B's Airport Port look at the runways location and the angle Pilots have to take on the approach show this video to anyone who doesn't know that deviation can be true art if you didn't want to become a pilot before this video this breathtaking view will change your mind try not to Blink or you'll miss this Fighter Jet flying at ultra low altitude this firefighting helicopter flies so low over a traffic jam that it can literally see the faces of the drivers below these people came here to watch the largest airplane in the world the a225 Maria fly over them this pilot may not be great at takeoff but he is a genius in emergencies thanks to his quick thinking no one was hurt if you ever see this effect consider yourself lucky you just witnessed a plane breaking the sound barrier don't tell me you've never wanted to jump out of a helicopter like these military Pros I know you have how can every Aviation Lover's vacation be made even better like this that's right you're looking at the world's first flying Constructor set this plane is being refueled by a helicopter carrying another plane in midair the pilot of this helicopter definitely used to work for a delivery service and was the employee of the month every month nothing to see here just some neighbors redecorating their terrorist with a helicopter think you've seen it all when it comes to Landings well how about this one it's not every day you get to see the US Air Force's Tech demonstration and feel the power of turbo jet engines from an F-35 hovering just a 100 m from the beach the passengers on this flight took a dip in the sea before they even reached their hotel fortunately no one was hurt and Rescuers were on the scene it's hard to imagine anything cooler than a pro flying through a tunnel at over 150 km an hour still think parallel part is the hardest then check out how this Pro parked like this video if you didn't know Special Forces could evacuate like this outside of Call of Duty this may look like a video game but trust me not even Gamers can pull off what this Pro can do in real life pros of living near an airport you get to watch these Beauties every day cons you get to hear them every day too try to guess who in this video loves their job when it comes to fighting the toughest fires this 260 ton McDonald Douglas DC 10 steps in and gives them no chance I hope you have a strong stomach because you just got to see this skilled Pilot's tricks now is your chance to witness an incredible parallel takeoff of two airplanes where everything had to line up perfectly love roller coasters no then just become a Marine trust me you'll never want to joke around at Australian airports after seeing their security don't worry no one was hurt one of the controllers at this airport messed up the routing and almost had a heart attack because of it miraculously the first plane managed to take off it's hard to imagine worse conditions for landing than being surrounded by several water spouts oh hell no oh look the X-Men are on their way to save the world again most Pilots need a miracle to pull out of a spin but not this guy his skills are enough if you think emergencies only happen in Flight watch this plane surprise its passengers after landing thankfully nobody was hurt here's why electricians probably hate helicopters no one was hurt but everyone lost Wi-Fi landing on an aircraft carrier is challenging enough but here's what happens when it becomes an emergency landing this pilot overshot his landing on the approach fortunately luck was on his side that day messing up a landing in a single Cedar is one thing but doing it in an Airbus 350 with 400 passengers on board is a whole other level but don't worry he'll get another chance hear that sound that that's an engine failure and now Begins the most nerve-wracking 30 seconds of these Pilots lives what you're seeing now is the result of a technical failure that forced the pilot to literally drop onto the runway miraculously all passengers were unharmed sometimes airplanes aren't just fascinating but also frightening it doesn't matter why the plane Can't Stop on the runway the result is still a hard Landing thankfully in this case no one was harmed if you happen upon a scene like this rest assured that someone got five stars in a game and now you're going to be late for work if this Landing looks easy and you think you could do it trust me it only seems that way because a true professional is at the controls this guy got into trouble but was lucky enough to be rescued by a helicopter in just a few minutes look someone built a strange cargo plane that looks like a beluga whale I'm no expert on private jets but something seems off here imagine seeing this takeoff from your window while waiting for your flight luckily the plane is fine the Harrier might not be the first jet with vertical takeoff technology but it's definitely the most impressive clouds look stunning from the cockpit but forest fires look exponentially more frightening this hidden jungle Landing Strip must have belonged to Pablo why else would it be so short when a good pilot sees a bridge they can't resist doing this planes don't usually fly this low but they might when a pil this skill is at the controls imagine how confident you'd have to be to perform stunts like this in a homemade aircraft don't even think about trying this yourself not tired of Microsoft flight simulator jokes yet well that's probably where this pilot learned to land meet the Blue Angels the US Navy Elite flight demonstration Squadron who not only perform synchronized flights at air shows but also take off in perfect Unison oh wait there's one more thing about them they also land at the same time no this Boeing isn't using afterburners for takeoff the captains just wa for a football game that's not a miniature helicopter in front of a normal one it's a 17 M Mi 24 in front of a colossal 28 ton Mi 26 the desert is the last place you'd want to see a ch47 chinook land and here's why this pilot didn't slow down enough before landing on a wet Runway and here's how that turned out now there's a new Scarecrow in the field and yes everyone's okay if you stare at a propeller long enough it'll hypnotize you to like this video when you're a pilot at an air show there's no room for mistakes every millimeter counts you think a guy who can H bison with his Robinson helicopter deserves a like here's just one of the reasons Pilots love their job because even stunning views look better from the cockpit only a truly skilled pilot can remain fully in control of the situation when the plane becomes uncontrollable skills like these this guy could probably land in your backyard admit it joining the Marines would be worth it just for this experience now you might be saying but we're talking about planes not boats to which I would reply just wait a second I bet you've never seen a cargo plane take off like this no wonder because the prop driven C130 turns into a jet with rockets assistance to help it get off the ground with a heavy load this is one of those moments where even the spectator's palms are sweaty not just the pilots you've seen emergency Landings but now it's time for an emergency takeoff as these passengers push a 28 ton Tu 134 to help it start how do you make an already spectacular Air Show even more memorable well add some colors of course prepare to be amazed if you're driving down this road I bet you've never seen a more Dynamic air show these Pilots literally leave the audience breathless as you can see you don't need a squadron of Fighters to impress an audience just two Master Pilots these guys look like they're in combat straight out of a Battlefield game no wonder UFO sightings are so common people just don't realize that an F-111 has zoomed by For the Love of All That is Holy do not show this video to your friend who's afraid of flying but don't worry planes are built to withstand lightning strikes this is what a fighter jet refueling in midair looks like with fuel being transferred from one aircraft to the other would you still board this flight after seeing this let us know in the comments the next time you want a window seat think of these poor souls thankfully no one was blown away if you're dying to learn how to fly but terrified of Landing there's a new way that requires very little experience what's one advantage that a plane has over a car it can fly on the wrong side of the road it might be hard to believe but check out the world's largest plane weighing 285 tons crossing a car Bridge hey seriously is this this is the moment the people on board realized why their ticket was 50% off but don't worry they're okay this pilot is on the approach but can't land not due to a lack of experience it's because a colleague hasn't taken off yet this air race was over before it even began when an opponent's plane entered this Pilot's blind spot but thank goodness the planes were all that was damaged it looks like someone forgot to tell this pilot that only special forces are supposed to land on the ground not the entire helicopter not everyone can become a pilot and not every pilot becomes such a Master of Disguise these guys thought they had found the best spot to watch an airliner take off until it started accelerating but guess what no one even got chapped lips I'm sure that if a forest fire saw what this firefighting plane could do it would never show its face in the forest again imagine how confident you have to be to plan such a low pass and execute it perfectly respect to these professionals okay a board 107 you were cleared for takeoff I said board 107 not the entire hanger would you believe me if I told you that a helicopter can lift a car into the air while Landing I wouldn't but it's true no worries the car was empty when you sit by the window for the first time and see this we don't need that anyway right I mean we're already in the air if you had to choose who would win in a race a military helicopter or a sports car what would you say the correct answer enjoy the spectacle it's not every day you get to witness a World War II a plane in Flight it's even rarer to see one with such an inattentive pilot the important thing is that no one got hurt it's hard to imagine a scarier situation for pilots and passengers than a sketchy landing on a slippery runway luckily this time there were no injuries if you think you're having a bad day try being in the pilot who hit one Boeing worth about $400 million with another take a look at this demonstration of the full power of jet engines on the ground this pilot was forced to make an emergency see belly landing but even then he managed to save the plane and the lives of the passengers realize how strong the wind can be when it accelerates the air Bridge so hard that nothing can stop it from hitting the airliner not even this poor guy look at this amazing aircraft handling it's hard to imagine how many years of training it takes to perform with such ease if a helicopter is destined to break down better that it happens on the ground than in the air anyway the pilot is just fine the only thing passengers of a 70 ton A320 Airbus can do when the front landing gear fails is hope that the captain is skilled and they're lucky thankfully both were true this time you know you might want to think twice before inviting your millionaire friend to a pool party this Landing could have ended much worse if a less experienced pilot were at the controls thank God this one is literally a pro pilot ladies and gentlemen have you ever seen Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift passengers wait what no this isn't an airline company throwing a foam party it's two Boeing 787s getting covered in foam after the fire suppression system was accidentally triggered in the aviation hanger relax this isn't another unlucky pilot it's actually a ground residence check of a chinuk ch47 which caused the rear tandem rotor to break you're driving down the highway and see this what do you do probably book yourself a seat at up pants cleaning H now I get why flights can be delayed due to the slightest changes in weather This Is How They conduct crash tests on airliners to improve their safety during emergency Landings I know you came here to see Aviation Mastery and this clip is the Pinnacle cuz this plane isn't even designed for aquatic takeoffs you've gotten used to the F-35 being able to take off vertically but just imagine the audience's reaction when they saw it do this for the first time back in 2013 due to technical issues a pilot was forced to make an emergency belly landing take a look at how smoothly this Pro lands the aircraft with minimal damage and zero casualties it's fine when an F35 does a vertical takeoff but when it's a 280 ton A380 Airbus that's simply incredible this airport car has watched people fly off on vacations for years and today its nerves finally gave out luckily only some water bottles were [Music] hurt finally I can't understand why flying cars took so long to be a thing I came up with the idea when I was 5 years old if the braking system fails it's not a problem if your plane can break with its tail don't worry the pilot wasn't hurt I don't know how many years of flying experience this guy has but he definitely knows how to impress with his skill most Pilots need a miracle to recover from a spin but not this one his skill was enough this military C130 Hercules can transport 92 soldiers or 42,000 lb of cargo but today its landing gear couldn't even handle its own 150,000 lb weight luckily no one was harmed this medical helicopter had to land in a parking lot for an emergency heart transplant delivery and although things didn't go as planned no one was hurt and the patient got there hard it's not every day that someone manages to hydrolock an airplane motor but this guy nailed it and wasn't even heard we can only guess as to whether there were landing gear issues or if the pilot simply forgot to deploy it either way this Pro managed to land safely without them now try not to Blink or you'll miss the most ridiculous self-made aircraft ever created being tested a landing gear malfunction prevented this plane from reaching takeoff speed and only a miracle saved both the plane and everyone on board during the emergency breaking did you know that a plane can start taking off even during loading which is apparently being done super unevenly does anyone know if airliners have handbrakes why am I asking I I mean in this situation it would be nice to have prepare to be amazed by the skill of professional Air Force pilots if you've never understood how 200 tons of metal can take to the skies just watch what strong winds combined with the aerodynamic shape of a plane can do dear passengers today you'll be boarding your flight to directly from the bus uh somebody please show today's episode to some Aviation Engineers cuz we've gathered plenty of evidence that landing gears need urgent attention what could be cooler than flying upside down flying upside down under a bridge it's a good thing that this pilot is a professional and knows what he's doing show this video to a friend who thinks they have problems at work this is what I call real [Music] problems you're pretty lucky that you get to see three airliners fly so close through your screen but imagine for a second how their passengers must feel when your plane can only offer you one working wheel upon Landing you have to rely on skill luckily this pilot has plenty of it and no one was H this guy just realized that he almost experienced the most expensive drone flight of his life did you know that the f17 Nighthawk is so fast that it can't land on a standard Runway without a parachute and this is why Pilots should always check the landing strip before landing don't worry this guy's okay looks like we've found the strongest airport worker in in the world in case you were curious about the only effective way to evacuate someone from a raging River keep your eyes on the screen I'm sure you've seen the a225 Maria transport tanks trucks and even helicopters but I bet you haven't seen it transporting a train this is what a typical morning commute looks like with when you're in a hurry to get to an important meeting the driver of this truck decided that a $200 million airliner wasn't important enough to plan a new delivery Route Around for 39 years Air Berlin transported hundreds of thousands of passengers around the world and you are now witnessing the farewell ceremony for its final flight need to trigger an aval to keep people safe no problem there's no task Aviation can't handle now you know how they filmed most of the scenes in Dune 2 this is one of the reasons why Pilots love their jobs so much because even such a stunning view gets better from the cockpit heavy fog can reduce visibility to 50 m me now imagine how much of a pro you have to be to successfully land a 100 m Boe in such conditions name any movie promotion that's better than this I'll wait okay apparently this plane has lost its Wi-Fi connection to the world someone please turn off the router and plug it back in WoW airplanes are so Majestic and this video of a Boeing 777 going through early morning moisture proves it once again right now this r44 is at about 1 km altitude and look at how quickly it lands where that cone fell took less than 30 seconds don't look for a fire extinguisher but be ready to be amazed because this fog is created when there's high humidity outside the plane and cooler air inside the cabin just think this Beast can carry up to 20 tons of cargo at another excavator and it wouldn't even feel it there's nothing more important than a proper Landing luckily This Plane managed to go around and make a successful Landing here you can see how cargo is transported from a hard to- reach location that only a helicopter can get to as you can see not everyone is as enthusiastic about Aviation as you and me for example this activist delayed a flight for more than an hour to bring attention to the damage airplanes caus to the planet this is what happens when parade organizers come up with a spectacular idea involving a helicopter but forget one little detail these guys are clearly time management Fanatics how else do you explain this takeoff this incident served as a good reminder to aircraft owners that tie downs are useful if you thought it was impossible to land two aircraft on one Runway at the same time you're absolutely right and here's why I don't know what they ser airport workers for lunch but these guys are literally pushing a passenger airliner right now this hot air balloon UFO is why Pilots can't rely on autopilot 100% did you really think humans were the only ones who enjoy plane spotting any Landing that allows the pilot and passengers to walk out is a good landing and look luckily this is one of them I bet you've never wondered what they do with the remaining water after putting out a forest fire they give the runway a shower For Heaven's Sake do not show this video to your friend who's afraid of flying don't worry planes are protected from lightning strikes this guy's friend told him he'd be doing a cool low pass right over his plane but forgot to mention that it would be the coolest low pass in aviation history it's hard to believe but this is what heavy rains have done to Dubai International Airport no runways just an Endless Sea this is one of those situations where there's no point in asking how you should just ask how much the last thing you'd expect on a plane is to get hit by fireworks from a baseball game luckily the plane was high enough now is your chance to witness an incredible parallel Landing of two airliners too many factors and timings had to align for it to happen you don't know what bad luck is until your flight's landing gear malfunctions on a 70 M Boe luckily the only casualty was the passenger's desire to ever fly again spectators at this Air Show couldn't have imagined that one of the pilots would give them an air salute during the finale that's all for today thank you for flying with us don't forget to tell us about amazing Aviation moments you've seen in real life also hit that Bell so you don't miss our next video bye [Music]
Channel: MAD LAB
Views: 320,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caught on camera, aviation, pilots eject, incredible moments caught on camera, mad lab, aviation moments, unbelievable aviation moments, incredible moments, plane moments, Most Unbelievable Aviation Moments Ever Caught On Camera, airplane, helicopter, Best Aviation Moments Ever Caught On Camera, homemade helicopter, aircraft, pilot fails, emergency landing, worst takeoffs and landings, aviation compilation, fighter jet, air force, best of 2024, compilation, best moments, military
Id: atbPRqhKMdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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