TOP 3 RAT HOLES For SMALLER Tribes W/ FULL Base Designs | Scorched Earth | ARK: Survival Ascended

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when it comes to scorched Earth rat holes are hidden everywhere so we proudly present top three rat holes with full based designs for smaller [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tribes coming at number three this first rout hook can be found at 52.1 latitude and 28.9 longitude and then here it is on the map now these holes are all the exact same they're all inside of these little Spike pillars there are actually 11 of them on the map there's quite a bit of them however all three of them do have a different layout inside so just going to say that now so if you're looking to build in one of these go for it if not go ahead and skip this video and go check out a different rout hole anyways this first R hole as you can see it is a pretty decent sized one only issue with this rout hole is that it is very much angled in here so building in here is going to be a little bit trickier you don't have as much room back here to work with however it's leading all the way back and down meaning if you put a turret wall pretty far back in here it's going to be a pretty difficult raid now here is the full based design so as you can see with this x here I decided to go ahead and put a pretty good siiz uh turret tower on the top of this thing now this one I'm just going to say this now every other one of these has a turret tower on the outside it's the only way to defend these if you guys can find a different way go for it but at least to me this is the most powerful thing to do for a smaller tribe it's a good siiz turret turret Tower however it's not like insanely big so anyways coming inside of here we have a lot of turrets that are kind of just hanging out on the walls this is just going to stop any players from trying to drop in you do have a second entrance over there however you cannot squeeze all the way back into here so the only way to truly get over here is actually through the top so anyways coming over here I decided to go ahead and push the turret wall a little bit in and I will say this now I may have pushed it a little bit too close so if I were you I'd push it back slightly only because of like stuff like the cluster grenade and all that uh you do not want them accidentally slipping past and then getting caught and then it blows up part of the wall so again make sure to push this back slightly if you can or you can build it however um I build it just know now these R holes are nice and hidden however upon this video coming out I mean everyone's going to know that that these things are here now so they're pretty noticeable rat holes too so just can say that now however these things are very very overpowered if you do know uh like what you're doing here so as you can see coming inside here we have a nice little area to start with a here which is the Vault wall right on the right there are four vaults there along with a Indie grinder then over here you have your refrigerator some smithies chem just Fabricators you know all your good stuff for a full base to function you even got two Indie forges in here as well now I'm not going to lie there's not a ton of room in this first one however again this is for smaller tribes so you know two maybe up to four people I mean you guys can comfortably fit in here there's plenty of stuff in here I mean two Indie forges I think is perfect good amount of vaults you even have a little Hatchery area over here it's not too big but I don't think you're going to be raising too many dinos in here um anyways coming upstairs you just have an entire little Vault area along with some beds it's nothing too crazy so yeah if you're looking for a nice little hidden R hole to build in this is an okay one I just wanted to just show the difference between the three different types of these so this is the first one let's move on to number two coming at number two this next R hole can be found at 52.9 latitude and 26.7 longitude this one can actually be found literally right next to the opposite R hole that we just just did so this R hole is a little bit of a different kind of style so upon coming in here as you can see there's not a ton of room straight away on the front entrance this is the only one that that is like this on the map I believe and that's because of a Terrain issue however this terrain issue made a pretty crazy Rat Hole so defending the inside of this is going to be very very tricky I'm just going to say this now it's going to not be an easy task cuz you really can't fit a ter ball in here however this allowed it to for this pretty insane Crouch entrance back here so coming back into the left hand corner I don't know why I went down here I for some reason I just went into the wrong little spot but it is actually up in here this is big enough to fit a player in nothing else though and you have to crouch to get in here and even in some spaces it's so tight that you get caught on it so coming into here it opens up into this massive room now the room is not like insanely big I'll say this now it's a good siiz room going to have to build multiple layers in here for it to work I don't know if an IND Forge is going to work so this might require regular forges which if it does it's going to suck however I've built many bases that can function off of Regular forges just Indie forges just really speed things up quite a bit so I'm sure we'll figure out what to do here but again if there's no Indie forge on the inside you're going to unfortunately have to build it on the outside that's just the only way that this rout hole is going to work now here is the full base design so as you can see I decided to keep that same turret tower on the outside it's a good Tower I mean it'll really stop a lot of players from really even messing with you in the first place I mean whenever somebody sees that tur Tower it's going to kind of annoy a little bit so these turret Towers yes they're not built to like survive survive however it's going to keep people back for a good amount of time I mean it's got about 30 turrets around it and on it it doesn't look like it but it actually is um and then on the inside you have a couple turrets that are just kind of hanging out in here I put a little bit less cuz I wanted to put more turrets on the inside now this inside you guys can judge me all you want but in my opinion doing spam turrets is better than a turret wall or a turret tower on the inside of these like of the like super tight rat holes so all I did tons of spam I put a nice little double wall right here not double wall a double door frame wall my bad um to stop a lot of people from being able to throw out any dinos in here and overall I think it's pretty good I mean it's going to stop a lot of players it's going to really set some people back it's going to be a pretty difficult raid having all these turrets in here I mean you really can't go wrong with it and guess what it's simple B to build all you're doing is just spamming some turrets this is exactly 100 turrets including that turret tower on the top tons of bear traps as well cuz bear traps are annoying to deal with don't know why there's a bug there but what's up little bro and then anyways coming back in here you know I wasn't really able to fit anything I mean a heavy turret can't even fit in this little Crouch entrance now coming into here is your main base so upon entering yes you you can fit through here barely um first of all you have a dead body just chilling on the floor right there you got your your Fabricators Smithy your chem benches a bunch of vaults you know it's pretty tight so it's a little bit hard to work with I Tred to fit as much as I could in this tight little area does work decently now this again this is for a smaller tribe I'm thinking like maybe one to two players depending on the server rates and all that and then coming upstairs is all of your forges and your beds I just put some refining forges in here again this is meant to be upgraded so this is just kind of like a starter area but overall it does work out pretty well and I'm just I'm just going to say this now you will need an indie Forge so make sure to invest in one of those coming at number one this next rle can be found at 43.1 latitude and 44.2 longitude and then here it is on the map now this is definitely the best version of all of these little spikes again like I said there are 11 of them on the map at least from what I've counted they are all good rattles except for one but this is the best one because it is sitting horizontally which means you have a ton of room in here so defending this entrance is going to be a little bit easier CU you don't have to place things on an angle which is going to allow for a bigger turret tower now personally if I were you I'd build a massive skeleton tower on the outside but I wanted to leave a little bit of room for more turrets on the inside cuz I feel like that's stronger so having more turrets on the inside is just going to allow for a stronger um overall base cuz raiding inside of a place is much harder than raiding on the top because on the top I mean you can stego drop you can drop stuff pretty much anywhere and it's easy to honestly take it down so anyways coming inside of here you're opened up to this massive room and I mean this thing is absolutely enormous so putting turrets in here is not going to be an issue for us at all it's decently flat it's not fully flat so just keep that in mind it's not completely flat on the video it does look fully flat but it is slightly angled but you can see right here this is the angle of it so overall defending it going to be pretty simple I mean you can easily fit Indie forges in here so that's not going to be an issue either and overall I think that we're going to be able to fit a pretty good siiz base in here so yeah let's get on to that full Bas design now here is the full Bas design so on the outside I did another little turret Tower you know it's the exact same one as the past two so again you're going to want to upgrade this but again it's just for starter players so I put a bit of a smaller one for now but I'm telling you right now build a massive turret tower on the outside if you can coming on the inside I decided to go ahead and push the turret wall back a good amount of uh space to make sure that people can't Rocket run it you know doing anything crazy to it it's pushed back far enough where the turrets can barely shoot the second that somebody enters but they can reach it right there so that it's like the maximum distance back anyways you have a good siiz turret wall right there uh this consists of 100 turrets including that turret tower on top you got your entrance over here on the left it is a nice little double door frame entrance right there and then upon entering uh I put some ramps right here just to kind of make it a little bit easier to go in and out you have some vaults that are chilling up there more vaults on the left two chem benches you also have your Fabricators also don't ask me how to access that other chem bench I didn't realize that until now just get rid of one of the vaults anyways you have two Indie forges you got three more vaults you got two smithies that are chilling on the Indie forges a full cooking area over here along with your generator some refrigerators a preserving bin uh and a feeding trough right there you also have a full incubating area right here again I put the ramps here because of how the terrain is built so that we can add more stuff coming up here you have a massive Vault room so I mean that's pretty much all that you're really going to need but anyways that's it for today's video I hope you guys did enjoy don't forget to leave a like if you're new and hit that subscribe button and anyways thanks for watching
Channel: The Outcasts
Views: 2,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, survival, ascended, top 3, unseen, rat holes, smaller, tribes
Id: BZyHkWU2Gq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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