TOP 3 RAT HOLES W/ FULL Base Designs on Scorched Earth! | ARK: Survival Ascended

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when it comes to scorched Earth rat holes are hidden everywhere so we proudly present top three rat holes with full based designs on scorched Earth you're on my mind one taste you can't get enough one touch you [Applause] feel and coming at number three this first R hole can be found at 24.2 latitude and 25.7 longitude and then here it is on the map now this first one I did Showcase in my first Rat Hole video and this one is actually a pretty decent one so coming up here in this corner there's a rat hole that the only way to get in is with um either a crossbow or a zipline when whenever they come out with I believe aberration so yeah also a pelorus Works in here too but yeah very difficult to get in getting out it's pretty simple you just fall in it and then it'll just push you out so super nice anyways coming in here you have this first little room it's going to be a little bit tricky to figure out how to defend that cuz the ceilings are so low and turrets can really only fit in certain little places so I don't know how exactly we're going to do that yet but I'm sure I can come up with something so anyways coming back in here it opens up into this main room now yes this rout hole is not the biggest however it's got a decent size it's just very awkward to uh work with now there's a little water issue down there so we can't really mess with that otherwise you just have a pitch black screen um but yeah coming over here a decent amount of room we're just going to have to build on multiple layers to fit everything in here and fitting in Indie Forge is going to be a bit of a challenge but I'm sure maybe right in here I can possibly fit it I don't know yet but yeah this is pretty much the whole cave there's nothing else to it overall to good side so let's get on to that full Bas design now here is the full Bas design so as you can see on the outside I decided to just go ahead and place down a 2 x two uh turret Tower mainly because defending the inside is going to be a bit of a challenge and people are already going to know that you're here so hey might as well put some turrets so anyways I put it a little bit too close to the wall I will admit that now you're going to want to push it out just a little bit but not too close to the uh ledge otherwise then it can easily get taken down anyways coming up here you have a couple Heavies just to kind of help defend off the entrance make sure that nobody can really get in even though it's going to be a bit of a challenge and then in here put about 30 Heavies in here it doesn't look like it is about 30 to be honest there's a couple that are uh hidden behind here a couple in the wall too uh but yeah overall I'm just going to say this now I believe that this is pretty much UNR like unless somebody can get a cluster grenade in here it's pretty much unraidable I mean it is going to be a pretty difficult rate especially considering that there's zero cave damage but yeah coming in here so our first layer was was on top there's really nothing up there but here is our second layer second layer has our generator um our refrigerators our incubating area um and overall it's just mainly a nice little area for some dinos to get raised up you can't raise too many dinos in here but overall it's not terrible now the any Forge I could barely fit in here it span across two layers and yes it does still work even though it's going through the ceilings so yeah the IND Forge is a little bit weird but yes it does still work anyways coming down here this is our first layer you have four Fabricators two smithies two chem benches your Indie Forge which is right there which actually goes down one more layer which you will see that here in a second uh but yeah anyways you have your entire Vault area and that Indie Forge that little opening you can access it's just one layer down but yeah and then over here is your nice little logy area but yeah that's it for this fullbas design let's move on to number two coming at number two this next one can be found at 17.5 latitude and 30.9 longitude and then here it is on the map now this next one is actually a pretty decent one mainly because of this entrance the entrance is honestly a little bit longer than the last one meaning that turrets actually have an like a good amount of room to to uh shoot in here which means if someone's going to try to Rocket run you it is going to be a little bit tricky like especially through here cuz you can put a good amount of Heavies in here so I'm going to figure out what we're going to do for that but yeah coming inside here it opens up in this decent size area now your first room which is down here and then there's a second room up there but yeah the first room is probably going to be our main base um maybe an indie Forge in here I don't think we're going to be able to fit one but in that second room I'm going to definitely put one in there um I think it'll honestly fit much much better but yeah coming up into the second room there's two entrances one cannot be um accessed and then this other one is a little bit higher and you can barely get in so yeah Indie for is going to probably I have to go over here now the issue why I'm not building in here which you will see in a second is because of this which is the water which if you don't know this water is straight up Pitch Black until Arc fixes it so I don't know what's up with that but yeah so let's get on to the full base design this video is sponsored by Mitra 9 Mitra 9 is a Cava andrum Selzer company that quite literally makes you feel good my favorite flavor is tropical now Cava andrum give you a similar effect to alcohol just without the impairment it's more similar to a high Mitra 9 has really helped me get through long stressful days use my code Outcast for 20% off at mitr must be 18 or 21 in some states now here is the full base design so as you can see with this um exterior portion of it I decided to not do the entire outside maning cuz there is no Cliff platforms currently and without Cliff platforms I'll admit it is a little bit tricky to learn how to build but yeah coming in here an absolute crazy amount of turrets I mean this is going to stop anybody from getting in along with this room right here I mean you physically can't really Rocket run this cuz it is a Crouch entrance and you can only Crouch through here there's one little area where you can't Crouch however the majority of it you can Crouch which means it's going to be a very very difficult raid but yeah coming through here I decided to go ahead and put up a little bit of a wall just to kind of like deter some people out make sure that people can just easily get in after the turrets are down but yeah coming through here you have your electrical generator right there couple Heavies in here as well just in case they do get uh hop in here then you have your main base which is sitting on two different layers so you have F some Fabricators and then your Vault Storage up here now these are extra Fabricators just for some extra crafting for some um Advanced ammo or really for whatever you want to use it for but yeah coming down in here you have your egg incubator right here only for a couple dinos this is not meant to fit a ton of them you have your Indie cooker your grill right there some more vaults some refrigerators a bed and then you got a little chem bench over there you can put one or two there it's really up to you I only put one you have two smithies ones hidden next to that Vault three Fabricators and then again some more Vault Storage now the biggest reason why I put this here is because the second room has a bunch of water in it it's going to be a little bit tricky to work with and overw it's just going to be too much of a pain if you want to build in the second room you can absolutely do it it's much bigger it works better it's easier to to uh defend but yeah it's really up to you for what you want to do anyways I put the Indie Forge right here cuz it does work in water so it overall works pretty decent right there and then up top we have this extra Vault room you can do whatever you really want with it turn it into a personal room some dinosaur it's really up to you and finally coming at number one this can be found at 35.8 latitude and 73.8 longitude and then here it is on the map now this one is the honestly most insane Rat Hole on scorched Earth at least to the second cuz I haven't found anything any crazier but yeah this one's absolutely insane also sorry for the particle effects I don't know what was going on with my game I had to put the graphics down though uh just to show out this cave cuz the lighting in here is a bit awkward I'll just say that but yeah coming inside it opens up into this insanely massive room I mean you have a crazy amount of room to work with in here you can breed gigas in here I mean tell me another rat hole that you can breed pretty much anything that you want in yeah but yeah coming in here it just keeps opening up more and more and more it goes farther back tons of flat land um but yeah we're probably going to put our main base back in here cuz honestly it's a good size area I think it works pretty decent so yeah we'll have to figure out what to do but let's get on to the full base design now here is the full base design so again like I said with the last R hole until Cliff platforms come out it's just going to be a pain to really build anything on the sides so I decided to keep everything on the inside for this one now this one's going to be an absolute pain threade you have turrets just absolutely scattered everywhere I'm telling you right now you scatter turrets all along these walls it's going to really piss people off mainly because somebody can't run up and just C4 all the turrets they have to individually soak every single one of them not to mention this terrifying turret wall right here I don't know how I managed to do it it is double Vault layered though which you really can't do I don't know it might be glitched but that's up to you if if you want to do that now that turret wall is for the 100 turret limit that is exactly 100 turrets that you were seeing right there the entrance is up on the very top mainly just to kind of deter people from raiding the bottom but yeah so you can do that if you really want to it's up to you but you have to go up and down this long ladder over and over which I can see it could kind of suck anyways coming in here it opens up into this first little room now this room is kind of awkward so I just put a nice little staircase you can do whatever you want I recommend doing your stairs here though too and then then it opens up onto this first layer now the first layer contains all of your Indie forges and then your um XP Grinders you can put anything else in here that that you really want I just kind of filled up with some IND forges it works pretty well they're kind of out of the way and then yeah over here you also have a text Tech transmitter you have your Vault Storage right here along with that you have your um incubating area right here it's pretty big you can hatch a ton of stuff at one time you also have your chem benches over here fabricator smithies your full crafting station right here for your replicators and your ddy storages along with some extra vaults down here you have your full Vault Storage which is two layered uh you have some beds over there hidden in the corner your entire crafting station for food and storing some dinos and then up here you do have some more dino storage but yeah overall it's pretty decent so anyways that's it for today's video hope you guys did enjoy don't forget to leave a like if you're new and peace out
Channel: The Outcasts
Views: 12,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, survival, ascended, top 3, rat holes, full base, base designs, the outcasts, scorched earth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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