How To Set up & Fish For Trout, EVERYTHING You Need To Know!

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what's up everybody out there welcome back to yet another addictive fishing tutorial my name is jordan kenighi and today we're going to take you guys out on the lake and show you absolutely everything you need to know on how to go out and catch trout so if you want to learn more about this fun sport stay tuned it's coming at you right now [Music] so to get today's video started off be sure to click that like button down below and be sure to interact with this video and comment below with any questions you guys have or any comments and be sure to let us know what you guys think of this video and what you want to learn after this video so what we're going to do today we're going to start all the way from setting the rod up all the way from the reel we're going to put line on and then we're going to take you on the lake and show you how to fish every method and hopefully catch a few fish for you as well so to get it started right away i'm going to take my c30 chimar i have this two to six pound okuma celilo ultralite rod any ultralight setup will work really good as you can see this is a two to six pound and it's seven and a half feet long anything under nine feet and in between that seven to nine foot range and you know one to eight pounds is going to be the right rod for any kind of trout fishing the reason for you can see how flimsy this rod is it has that nice action that makes it easy to cast lightweight and it makes it a lot of fun to fight smaller fish so anything in that ultra light range doesn't matter the brand will work great i love okuma and i love the okuma reels so the reel i'm gonna put on this rod is a c30 size the way they label these different reels for trout fishing or any kind of fishing is by that c30 range or a 3000 or 2000 or 4000 same with the the 30 40 50. but usually with trout fishing you want anywhere from a 10 a 10 series reel like a c10 all the way up to a c20 30 maybe a c40 c40 is a little bit big so i got a c30 here today and it pairs really nicely with this size of rod so i'm going to take that take that out of the package remove everything and i'm going to stick that real seat right here in that top groove i'm going to make sure that bottom groove is far enough down that allows that reel to lay flat right alongside the rod there and i'm going to twist that thing all the way till it's tight the worst thing you can do is leave this thing too loose you want to over tighten it almost don't strip out those threads but give it two or three really good wrenches down as you get it down to the bottom because what can happen is as you walk around as you cast as you move this around in the truck that thing can fall off and your reel can ultimately fall off and it might even be during fighting a fish which is never good so now we have this we have a very flimsy sometimes the handle doesn't even come on the actual reel so what you'll do here i'll start from the beginning here and just in case you guys buy a reel out there that doesn't have this you have this oops now you don't have it you have the real handle and you have the reel itself and whichever side you like to reel on i prefer my left side some people prefer the right side whichever one feels more natural is going to be the best for you guys so i'm going to take that thing i'm going to stick that little octagon shape right in that side i'm going to make sure this part of the reel handle is flat against this spindle so i'm going to hold that flat just like this with my thumb i'm going to stick this end in the other side and i'm going to turn clockwise all the way down until it makes contact and this reel handle is actually tight you don't want this thing to be loose if you're starting to reel one thing i see a lot of people do and a lot of my clients and stuff do when i'm guiding is they leave this thing loose and i can hear it hitting their spool as they start reeling like that so if that's happening to you and this thing is loose always go over here on the right hand side or left hand side and tighten up that bolt so that that reel handle stays right in place for you just like that next a lot of these things come where you can reel forward and backward this little lever here controls that that's actually a bail lock so you'll lock that and you can only reel forwards and not backwards so when you hook a fish that line doesn't come off and make a big mess out of your reel so next thing i'm going to do i'm going to take this wrapper off and i'm going to spool this thing up for you guys so the line i picked for us today is a hi-viz braided line this is actually an addictive enforcer line it's one of our custom lines it casts really really nice 20 pound might be a little bit overkill for the trout you're fishing for but what it's nice for is that it casts really smooth through your guides you can see that line out on the water and we're going to show you how to use a piece of line on the end of this so that you're not scaring those fish with that hi-vis line but this 20-pound addicted enforcer line works really really good for trout fishing so what i'm going to do here to make it easy on myself is i'm going to take my line and i'm only going to put it through my very first guide to start with that's going to allow me to hold that line and keep tension against it while i reel onto that reel i'm not going to put it through every one of my guides and then try to spool that up so the most important part of this process is making sure you flip the bail open before you tie the line to the spool like i'm about to show you a lot of times i'll even forget to flip that open i'll tie this on pull it tight go to start reeling and nothing happens so i'm going to open that veil make sure i can tie my line on there i'm going to hold that in my armpit here what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do three or four wraps around that spool just like so and i'm gonna do this pretty easy you guys i'm gonna make it simple for you i'm not gonna tiny fancy knots or do anything special i'm gonna do four passes around that and then i'm gonna take and just do a bunch of overhand knots so as you can see here i made a little loop i put it right through that loop that i made i'm gonna pull it tight make sure that things wrapped all the way around pull it tight i'm gonna make another one basically just doing a good old-fashioned loop knot just a square knot and then pull it tight we're gonna do this five or six or seven times until we get a good little knot going and a lot of times you can either put a piece of tape or any sort of of a fluorocarbon or or some sort of monofilament a lot of times i'll use as backing so that you don't have to use as much of your braided line you can spool multiple reels but if you're doing a c30 size spool or a two or three thousand a spool that enforcer braid won't take you much you'll be able to fill up two reels with one spool so so i've done probably about eight knots or so i'm gonna do one more i'm actually gonna do three wraps here and then i'll be ready to go cut my tag end doesn't have to be perfect it can be a little bit of a tag in there now what i'm gonna do i'm gonna close my line and i'm gonna hold with my right hand or left hand depending on which side you're reeling from all the way up by this first guide and what that's going to do for me it's going to keep that line tight and it's going to evenly disperse it up and down on my spool so once i've secured that line up here by this guide i'm going to hold it and i'm going to grab it with my left hand i'm going to tighten my spool a couple of clicks so that it doesn't take drag and i'm going to evenly just reel this stuff right up and onto the spool here now from this step getting the proper amount of line on the reel is what's going to be most important it's going to allow you to cast easier it's going to cause less tangles and it's going gonna cost less wind knots when you go to cast really hard so i'll show you exactly what this thing should look like and how much line we should be putting on this okay so i got this pool pretty much full i could go a little bit more on here but i'm trying to save some line for the other wheel but you can see there's a little bit of an edge on the edge of that spool right at the edge you'd make sure you want to make sure not to go past that but you also want it less than about two centimeters from the end of it that way you actually have enough bulk of line on your reel to let it go over that edge of that spool and fly out of your rod tip easier so i got that little bit of i actually had a bumper on my old reel that i was pulling this line off of i didn't use my spool actually use an old reel so i got this all the way down to the floor carbon backing and this is connected with a blood knot or a double uni knot and you guys want to see this more in detail than i can show you here so go check out the link in the description here on those not tying tutorials that we have at addictive fishing and learn yourself some good knots that'll work good for putting that braid to that fluorocarbon line with a blood knot double uni crazy alberto any of the three you can check them out on the bottom here in the link in the description so i'm gonna take this fluorocarbon now and i'm gonna run it right through my guide so i'm gonna open my bail back up a little trick for you guys and gals out there you see how i've actually folded this line in half with about two to three feet at the very end i fold that line in half to make myself a round little point there and that makes it easy for me because if i put this through and i drop it it doesn't just fall right back through all my guides and fall all the way out so my friends are sitting there laughing at me it falls down the rate where you just put it through and stops itself because that line expands all right there we go we have our ready to fish trout rod here let's get the setups going now i'm going to show you guys three different setups that i like to use and then we're going to start making a big circle around this lake and applying each of them and hopefully we can catch some fish for you all right so the first method i'm going to show you guys here today is probably the most basic and easier for a beginner and it's how to fish power bait on the bottom of the lake it's a very easy setup it's very easy to find the right things to use you don't have to pick out any certain bait you go to the tackle shop you find any sort of power nugget power bait or power egg that will get down on the bottom of the lake rise up above the weed bed or whatever sort of structure you're fishing and be right there in the strike zone for the fish so it's a very easy method again for any sort of beginner out there so the reason i like this setup so much and it's so good for any beginner is because it's so easy to set up i'm gonna start with a number four barrel swivel and you can find these at any gas station any tackle store anywhere basically in the world take that number four barrel swivel and tie it right to your 10 pound fluorocarbon here and the knot i'm going to use here is just your typical clinch knot it's going to be seven wraps or eight whatever you feel is fishier or luckier i'm gonna go seven wraps around the main line i'm gonna take the bitter end that tag end and i'm gonna put it through the hole that i've created above the metal on that swivel so you see that little eyelet there i'm gonna stick it right through there give myself about an inch inch and a half and then you can see how it's created that little loop add a little bit of moisture to it so that it doesn't burn your line and then i'm going to pull it tight just like so you see that little tag end you see that knot and i got my swivel tight on there next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to take another piece of fluorocarbon usually lighter than the line that's on your swivel so that you don't lose your whole setup if you do get snagged so i'm going to take another 10 pounds or an eight pound piece of fluorocarbon depending on how deep the water is in front of you where you're fishing and how much off the bottom you want that is the length that you want your your leader line which can vary if you guys are on a very mossy lake and you know there's a lot of weeds you can see weeds in front of you go longer sometimes you can cast up to a four to a five foot leader today i'm gonna do your typical three i'm going from my chest all the way out to my arm lock that in there and i'm going to cut this stuff lock that in there so i'm going to use the exact same knot that i just used to tie onto my barrel swivel to the other end of that barrel swivel just like so seven wraps back through the eye i created wet your knot and pull it tight and you can leave those tag ends sometimes if they're that short as long as they're not big three four inch tag ends i don't mind leaving them for this presentation because this is actually on the bottom of the lake it doesn't matter the fish aren't gonna see it your bait's gonna be floating up above this off the bottom and that those little tags won't really matter and that way you're not littering on the bank or wherever you're fishing so i got that now now the hook selection what i have here in my hand depending on how deep it is you're fishing again and what kind of fish you're fishing for how big they are here's the two different kinds of hooks you can use this is a bead hook this is a must add bead hook one of our addicted hooks that'll be soon coming out and this is a mustad trout bait hook right here you can see these little spurs on the back of that shank that actually keeps this power bait on or a worm on and for the other setups that we'll be showing you today this is the setup we'll be using but this is also an option if you can't find these hooks so i'm gonna take my number six bait hook here and i'm gonna use the exact same knot i used to tie my swivels together just like so and run that through there seven wraps so you guys can see i only needed two things for this whole setup three things once i add my weight but i added two i added a swivel and a hook so it's a very easy very good way to start actually going out and trying to trout fish and again you can see why i like this method so much i have a hook and i have a swivel and i'm about to add my weight and it's that easy to go out and catch these fish you put this stuff together you put this powerbait on you cast it out where you see fish jumping around and odds are you're gonna get them so let's go ahead and do that so what i'm gonna do here today because the wind's blowing pretty hard behind me i'm actually just gonna take three number two split shots these things are pretty big so that way i'm going to be sitting down on the bottom of the lake it's very imperative that your line isn't moving around out there even if the wind's blowing or whatever sort of whatever sort of variables that you have that day so what i'm going to do i'm going to take my split shot here i i have the round ones here the ones without the wings the ones with wings work just as well i'm going to take that split shot open it up and i'm going to apply it right to my main line just like so once again stick my fingernail in there pinch it down once again slide that in there pinch it down and sorry to every dentist and mom out there i forgot my pliers today there we have it there's our setup guys we got our weights we got our swivel we got our three foot leader and we got our bait hook let's get some bait on this thing and get fishing so i'm actually going to show you guys how to use each one of these i'm going to start with the power eggs with the garlic because i like that scent and that's something to be said about choosing your power bait try to find one with a shrimp scent try to find one with the garlic scent and then try to use ones with the original scents have that good variety don't break the bank going and buying this stuff but buy a few of each one so that you have that variety and you have different things to show those fish on a day when they're not biting so good so i'm going to show you how to put on the actual bait and the nuggets and the power eggs obviously are very self-explanatory on how you're going to use those what i'm going to do here i'm going to use my finger or there's a little bait there's little tools that that berkeley makes that you can actually ball this power bait up with but i like to use my finger pull a little chunk out of there usually about fingernail size depending on how big your hands are so that's about as big as my index finger nail i'm going to make myself a nice little ball with my fingers using that little little diamond shape just like that i'm going to take my hook and i'm going to hook it right through that ball just like so and once it's on that hook i'm going to do the same thing again i'm going to make that little triangle shape with my fingers and then i'm going to get this thing out there so the beauty of this power bait as we've been talking so far is how it floats so that's the best part you can put it out there in that area where those fish are at and it floats right off the bottom just like you see here it's sitting right on the surface because it's too shallow and it stays right in that strike zone it'll go up till it's max buoyancy and straighten that leader all the way out and sit right in that zone that those fish are swimming through the most important part of fishing the power bait is actually getting it out there casting too hard with this stuff will cause it to fly off every single time unless you're using the power eggs or the nuggets so what i'm going to do here to cast this i'm going to reel my my weights up about a foot to a foot and a half away from my rod tip just like so then i'm going to make sure this round roller on the reel is actually pointed straight at the reel seat as you can see here so what you don't want is to try to reach for the line when this is all the way on that other side try to open it and you see how it causes that bind i'm going to close that i'm going to go all the way to where it's facing me i have that index finger holding the line and i'm going to open that bail making sure it doesn't fly out yet i'm going to put my rod tip 45 degrees over the bank right behind me i'm going to turn around and identify where i want to cast i'm going to hold the rod butt with my other hand and as i go through this motion and start flying forward slow to fast i'm going to end my cast high in the air and i'm going to keep my eyes locked right where i want my stuff to go don't keep your eyes on your bait flying through the air keep it locked on the spot in the in the lake that you want it to be i'm gonna look out i want it somewhere in this area i'm gonna keep my eyes locked and high slow to fast nice and easy and there it is we're fishing next thing we're going to do is find ourselves either a rod holder or a spot in sand to stick our rod butt and we're going to leave this rod sitting at a 45 degree angle with his tip facing the lake just like so so i'm going to set this right here just because i'm not going far set that rod right in here like this so i got my rod sitting on my rod holder i'm going to take my line and i'm going to look out at the lake what i don't want is a ton of slack line laying on the top of the water and floating towards me i want to take my reel and reel up just enough to make that rod tip bend ever so slightly see how i have that very soft bend and i have a nice taut line going all the way into the middle of the lake and the beauty of that that braided line is because it's so sensitive and it has no stretch if anything out there touches my bait you're going to see it in the raw tip just like this so if it's sitting out there and a fish bites you're going to see that tip start to wiggle and it's going to start to jerk and there's going to be some life going on and you're going to see it start moving and going faster so we're going to leave this thing in there oh my god i just saw a giant roll we're going to leave our bait out there we're gonna be patient and we're gonna sit back enjoy a beverage relax in the sun and hopefully these fish will bite for us okay so this has been soaking for about 20 minutes or so i'm going to reel this back in i'm going to switch to a different kind of power bait a good way to be really effective while out here trout fishing on any sort of lake is use the gear that you bring i already tried my chartreuse power bait i've been using it for about 20 minutes it hasn't been working i have i've seen fish jump around my bait i know it's not actually catching the fish so i'm going to go and use something else that i brought that's why we go and buy a variety of stuff because some days different scents different styles different shapes work better than others so i'm going to take my power eggs here these have a really strong garlic scent to them so you're having a good a variety of normal power bait scent garlic and then also a shrimp scent works really really good i don't have any shrimp stuff with me today but i do have some pro cure shrimp scent which works just as good putting it on power bait or spinners or whatever else so i'm going to take these power eggs i don't need to go through both of them because these things are nice and tough totally different color sequence different smell different everything put it right there on my hook and we're ready to go i'll let that hit bottom reel it up tight [Music] so the next setup i'm going to show you is how to fish artificial and real live night crawlers under an addicted fix float system this is an addicted fix flow this is our steelhead version we have panfish and trout versions coming out very soon so be on the lookout for those and it's a really nice inline float that works very well for this adaption so i have my same rod setup that i showed you before what i'm going to do here is i'm going to take two of my rubber grommets it's like these little guys right here i'm going to first put one of them right on my main line just like so then i'm going to take my actual main line and run it through the hole in my bobber like this so that it lays flat right along the line once that line comes out the other side i'm going to put my other rubber grommet on that line wet my end of my bobber a little bit and slide that grommet right onto the end then i'm going to take my top one that i'd already put on my line slide that thing down and i'm going to add it right to the top end of the bobber the wetness again it'll just help that grommet go over and you can see how i have these two brass weights on here for trout i'm going to use both of those weights if i'm going to be fishing for salmon or a bigger trout like a stream or a creek you're going to want to take one of these off so that you don't have your bobber over weighted so i have this right on my main line and the nice part about this thing is it slides right up and down that fluorocarbon line that i've tied on to my my braided line so it goes right up and down and this is one again a very very very easy setup for you beginners out there so i'm gonna take that now i got my just my main line i got my number six mustad bait hook once again and i'm going to tie that main line that i ran through my bobber right to that hook just like so same clinch knot same everything basically the same setup just a different presentation this one's actually going from the surface and going down to the strike zone then sitting on the bottom and going up to those fish so i have my addicted inline fix float just like so i got my leader and i got that all the way down to my hook so if you're using any sort of artificial worm whether it be a mad river or like a berkeley powerbait worm you're not going to use any weight for that but if you're using some sort of actual night crawler or earthworm you're going to want to add a little split shot to that so first i'm going to show you the weightless one what i have here these comes in these come in all different sorts of colors and sizes these are the berkeley power worms they work really good they got a nice power bait smell to them plus a really cool presentation and i'm going to take this run it right through the top of the head there and right out the body slide it up just a little bit so that tail is kind of in line with that hook and there we are we're fishing so the most important part of this worm tutorial is using the power worms take a different presentation in a different style of fishing than fishing the actual worm so let's go to the lake really quick let's show you guys how to fish these and see if we can get a fish on it so the difference in between this and the power bait fishing obviously is that we have the float on the surface and our bait falling down to the fish the contrary to that actual power bait we're using these power worms they actually do sink as you watch i'll throw it in here and it slowly sinks to the bottom ever so slightly just like so so what i'm going to do is i'm going to throw that out there i'm going to let that thing slowly sink to the bottom just with basically the weight of the hook and slowly let that thing fall in about every 10 to 15 seconds i'm gonna lift that back towards me and reel it back in a little bit and so i'm covering water with this one i'm actually moving around the lake i'm casting and i'm going counter clockwise or clockwise on the bank wherever i can be walking and i'm casting this out there and fishing it back to myself each time so here we go i'm going to show you this method same thing keeping your rod tip a little bit higher off the ground because you don't want to be snagging that leader chucking that thing as far as you can out there the nice part about those addicted inline floats is that they have quite a bit of weight to them jesus christ ah blooper reel blooper reel everybody totally tangled oh and that's how it's done right there so total blooper first cast but that's okay let's try it again a little bit of a wind gust on that one i'm gonna throw that as far as i can out in the lake ooh that was a good cast and i'm gonna let that thing sit there and the best thing to do is especially even on a windy day when this thing's kind of just floating along and moving that worm along is just let that happen every 10 to 15 to 30 seconds i'm going to reel that thing in about 10 feet i'm going to just bring that thing to the surface and then i'm going to stop and i'm going to let it just slowly fall again and so i'm going to continue that on and on and on and after each cast that i make i'm going to change the direction i'm casting and or walk down the bank with my feet and start covering ground this is a hunting method a lot like the next method we're going to show you guys which is going to be hardware fishing so i'm going to start using this method working my way around the bank and see if we can catch them so it's been sitting there for about 20 seconds all i'm going to do here is i'm going to reel it tight you see that bobber pointing at me i'm going to bring it about 20 feet this way and then i'm going to drop it back down again so normally if you're going to fish this setup you're not going to use any weight with these power worms because it'll actually slowly sink but today we have a very windy day that bobber is going to be moving the whole time and kind of counteracting the presentation we're going to make so we're going to add just a very small split shot to this again i'm using this 8 to 10 pound fluorocarbon so what i'm going to do is i'm going to use one of my little minis here just enough to take that thing down that way i can get the correct presentation out there when i start casting this pinch out switch shot i tied a little loop knot in that so that that's that split shot doesn't move if you pinch that thing down tight enough it just won't move naturally so that'll work for me for now let's go fish this thing okay here we go this is a little bit harder to cast with this method because you have all that line out below that fixed float so make sure to keep that rod tip high about a foot above the bobber just like so holding that rod butt firing high and letting your rod tip end high in the air getting that thing as far out there as you can and because of that weight and because of that wind that thing's going to be slowly sinking as it goes through there so every about 10 to 15 seconds i'm going to close my bail i'm going to just reel that thing about 10 feet towards me and then i'm going to stop and let it sink again so the presentation you have here is this thing's going towards you it's going to the surface and then it falls back down slowly and then you pull it again and it goes towards you and it falls back down slowly and all as that thing falls it looks like a natural bait falling into that strike zone that fish something that they might be actually chasing in the lake so bringing that thing slowly towards you and letting it fall reeling it slowly towards you until it's all the way back into the bank then we'll repeat and recast all right now we're going to show you how to use the actual night crawler so the live bait version of this this is going to work for any sort of like mealworm or earthworm or nightcrawler or anything like that what i want to do first these are huge these are really big ones so i'm just going to use little chunks so i'm going to take that you can either use scissors or your fingers it's a little brutal on your fingers but then i'm going to take that end that i actually ripped off i'm going to put that hook right through that body all the way around and run it all the way up onto the base of my hook just like so there we go we got it perfect little chunk the thing about using too big of a night crawler is that these fish will come up and they'll bite the end of your worm off they'll short bite you and they'll steal your bait without ever touching your hook shorter the worm the better a lot of times if they're actually eating this stuff the only other different thing i'm going to do here with the same setup is add a little bit more weight because we want this a little bit more suspended straight down under the bobber unlike the plastic worm that we want going up and down and fluttering in the current we want this thing down and in that strike zone permanently so i'm going to add one more little split shot there i'm going to crimp that other split shot down i got two split shots on there let's go fish it so same ideas with the plastic worm keep your rod tip very high in the air identify your spot you want to cast to hand on the butt of the rod look to where you want to cast and fire that thing out there with those real night crawlers you're going to need to be a little bit more careful on how hard you cast that because they might fly off i like to think about how many things i have out there that should be splashing i have the bobber i have the weight and then i have my hook and so if i only see three splashes when i throw that out there i know i got the right amount of stuff on my line if i see four that means my bait came off so the best thing to do now you have that out there in the water you're gonna set this in the rod holder like we did the power bait and you're just gonna wait and watch that bobber so the way i'm gonna be able to tell i'm getting a bite with this bobber system is that it's just gonna shoot under it's the same with the plastic worm that we're fishing as we cast out we let it come towards us we let it go down and the key is to not set hook until that bobber is completely gone you want to wait until that thing submerges goes all the way under water then you're going to real tight and set the hook a lot of times you're going to have to jump for the rod and get it so it's going to have time to get down but you want that fish to swallow that bait and actually get it all the way into its mouth so that you can hook it properly if you get them on the edge of the lip you get them just on the side of the mouth a lot of times they'll come off during the fight so letting that bobber sink all the way down and actually be pulled away by that fish is very imperative so the last but not least method of all and what might be my favorite is fishing with some sort of hardware or artificial lure what i have here is my box full of those i have different sort of bell bodies i have rooster tails and i have panther martins i also have some of my favorites as the cast master so we're going to use the exact same rod setup the two to six pound the braided line the braided line is almost very imperative for this setup in particular because it'll allow you to cast these farther making a far cast a lot of times with trout on lakes like this is an advantage so some of my favorite lures here are the black and the gold panther martin this one seems to always be my go-to and one of my very favorites for catching these fish the other color i really like is the yellow body and the silver blade you see the difference in the contrast here two very different colors very same different presentation but offering a different look and a different color sequence to those fish in that leg depending on what mood they're in that day the other ones i have are the blue and the silver cast master arguably two of the best lures that you could possibly use for trout fishing i also have the different sequence of colors of the rooster tails rooster tail is nice because it has that little bit of a feather behind it that marabou and it allows a little bit extra action on the back end of that spinner and it's a different size blade these ones you need to reel a little bit quicker these ones a little bit slower and we'll show you that in just a second so i'm going to go and pick my very favorite one here i'm going to go with the black and the gold blade and i'm going to set this up on my rod the nice part about this one is it goes really nicely if you're only fishing one rod it goes nicely because you can use the exact same setup as you do with your power bait set up off the bottom so all i'm going to do here is i'm going to pull my hook off from that power bait and make sure i throw that on the bank i'm going to take it right where that hook was tied on i'm going to tie that spinner with my same seven twists back through the eye my clinch knot and we're ready to fish i had three leads on this to be to begin with here so i'm actually going to take these things off this thing i can fish just by itself but it's really imperative at times to have that barrel swivel in line like that because it's going to allow that spinner blade to spin and it's not going to twist up your main line and then so on and so forth twist down into your braided line and it'll make a mess it'll cause you to tangle it will cause your line to start making big knots in it so i got my favorite color on here let's start casting this thing and start working around the bank so the best way to be the most effective fishing any sort of hardware is to break it down into like a science try to break down the leg mathematically where you start from one side and you work your way to the other normally if i'm gonna be fishing any sort of hardware like this i'm gonna start on one end of the leg i'm gonna make a cast like a pie chart one here one ten feet to the right one ten feet to the right one 10 feet to the right one down the bank and then i'm gonna move out of my casting distance so i can cover more water so this is what i would call a hunting setup kind of like the worm or the the plastic worm where we're casting out and we're slowly reeling it back in and covering water this works really well for that it helps you locate those trout and you can actually use this to find them and then use your power bait setups and different things like that to sit on those fish and key in and catch a lot of them so i'm going to take this i'm going to start casting that circumference from left to right clockwise and moving my way all the way down the bank so the presentation you want with the spinner or with the cast master is a pretty steady reel what i want to identify i want is how deep it is this is a very clear lake that i'm on today so i can tell it's not much more than about eight feet deep out in front of me so what i'm going to do is i'm going to cast out it's going to hit the water and i'm going to immediately close my bale and start to reeling and what that's going to do is it's going to keep me out of the weeds and it's going to keep me fishing in the strike zone so i'm going to cast to the left there and i'm gonna cast one straight out in front of me reeling that back in keeping that nice consistent speed and waiting for that fish to bite the key is is to get that spinner in front of those fish and be able to allow that spinner to present itself in such a fashion that is trying to get away from those fish and that's going to key in on their natural feeding habits and make them want to chase it down and grab it it's not so much that this looks like some sort of natural food to them but it is that it's shiny it's flashy it's loud and it's in their face and they want to kill it because they're a predator now that i made that cast i'm going a little bit further right get it in the water get that thing moving and then i'm going to move down the bank about 30 yards okay now that i've made my three casts and that circumference let's move so now that i've moved down the bank about 30 yards out of my casting zone i'm going to cast that left side again and i'm gonna start reeling it back in and keeping a good consistent speed with your reeling is what's most important you want that spinner to stay off of the bottom and stay off of snags so a nice steady reel just enough to either see your blade spinning or feel that tension against your line just that slight tension and with this braided line with this addicted enforcer braid and that spinner and keeping this nice light rod straight at that spinner blade you can almost feel that ticking moving as it spins around the wire on that spinner like that so i made my first cast i'm gonna move a little bit further right get it out there and bring it back in [Music] so now that i've made quite a few presentations with the spinner i'm obviously not getting any bites now what i need to realize is that they might want something different so just like the power bait just like the style or scent of power bait you're going to change it out you brought multiple kinds of lures to the lakes you might as well try them so i'm going to take and switch completely different to a spoon here which is a cast master i'm going to grab my silver and blue cast master and i'm going to start using the same presentation sequence but fishing it a little bit different so why this might work so well and why you want to be changing up a lot is this is a completely different color it's a different presentation style it's moving faster through the water and it moves at a different speed so it's a completely different style of bite of which those fish might be reacting to that day okay here we go the other nice part about the cast master is how far you can cast it they're very heavy that way you don't need to really let them sink and you're gonna fish it with a little bit different technique what you see what i'm doing here is i'm giving this a little bit of a twitch or a jig as we would call it i'm reeling about five or six times and then lifting my rod tip about six feet in the air letting that thing rise and then fall down to the bottom of the lake and then rise again and flutter and then fall and flutter back down to the bottom of the lake and what that does is it almost acts like a dying prey again something wounded something something that a predator or a fish that's got to eat needs to go chase after in order to stay alive so i'm going to give it that jerk and that little fall and then i'm going to jig and then let it fall then i'm going to jig and as it's falling i'm reeling in a couple times so that that thing doesn't fall on the bottom and end up getting snagged cast a little bit further to the right well everybody there you have it three awesome methods and great ways to get out there and have fun catching trout it's great for kids it's great for adults it's great for anybody that wants to enjoy the great outdoors and we hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys want to see more awesome trout content and videos just like this one go up here and click this link to the next video go down here hit subscribe turn your bells on so you can see when they come out give us a thumbs up and comment below with what you guys thought of today's video or any questions you have and you could be the comment of the day just like this guy right here thank you so much for tuning in guys you stay fishy and we'll see you out there
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 331,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, addicted fishing, trout fishing, trout fishing for beginners, trout fishing tips, trout fishing setup, fishing for trout, trout fishing tips and techniques, trout fishing tips and tricks, stocked trout fishing, addicted fishing trout, how to catch trout, rainbow trout fishing, trout, how to trout fish, trout tips, beginner trout fishing, trout fishing how to, trout fishing tutorial, stocked trout, rainbow trout, how to fish for trout, fishing tips, trout fish
Id: PbtnYhptufI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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